#&& but thank you for the ask!!
resident-rats · 28 days
idk if you read a lot of fanfics or just write them, but if you do read them, do you have any rec’s?? i’m really struggling to find good ones that i haven’t read lmao. (if you don’t do this/just don’t wanna answer that’s totally chill!!)
I do!! But I’ve not read as much as I’d like to recently </33 I kinda fell off a bit. Trying to get back into it though
Here are some recs 🫡, I’ll do the main three ships I guess I’m associated with?? Though I have read fics for other pairings too!!
• Take a Shot (For the Cowboys, Lovers, and Drinkers) by Obvious_Anonymous
• When We Were Young by dracoqueen22
• binary stars by MajimasMadness
• All Chained Up by que-serra-serra (dweetwise)
• who am i after tasting you? By chthonicheart
• you find your way back down (and i’ll keep the area clear) by quasikool
• you don't fare well without me by realpoutydadsurvives (brainwitchletty)
•do you know what you got into? By residentkennedy
• Study Buddies by Xx_CHR1S_R3DP1LL3D_xX
• Detective/Defective by SocialDeception
•Something About Us by Hammocker
• Yes, Major by fishfucker6969
• you break me (then I break my rules) by wakeupyoursaints
(These really do range from multiple chapter fics to porn with plot one shots btw hdfjjfjd)
Thank you for asking though :D properly wading through my bookmarks was pretty fun hdhdhdh
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
hi! I've been going through your blog and I love all your analyses, we may not agree on everything but it's definitely fun to read and eye-opening and I'm grateful to see someone looking into bsd with such depth and whipping out whole essays <3
On that note. There was a fan theory I read when dead apple came out (for the life of me I cannot remember the source, if anyone knows please tell me) that Atsushi's healing ability applies only to the injuries caused by other abilities, and he can't heal from non-ability things like guns etc. The op cited the scene in ch18 where Atsushi is caught in a shooting, and healed by Yosano in the next chapter.
This theory came about because 1) in dead apple, Shibusawa says that the tiger is "the antithesis to all abilities" and "the ability everyone desires." Then we never get the reason why Shibusawa was so obsessed with Atsushi. And 2) in ch7 after sskk's first encounter where Atsushi's leg is severed, Yosano takes a look and thinks "there's no scar, it's more of a restoration than a regeneration."
The gist of this is that I like the idea of Atsushi not being 100% invulnerable. And, if his is indeed the antithesis to all abilities then I'm excited to see what that entails; it implies that in the face of a time travel ability, he would be able to turn back time (if he knew how to use it ofc, cough Fukuchi fight cough). If the book is tied to an ability, Atsushi may be able to undo changes done by the book? he may also nullify Dazai's nullification? idk this opens many doors. Anyway! this is my fave bsd theory. I think, with how Akutagwa's ability sort of completes Atsushi's, and with the whole Rashomon being able to eat space, maybe with this development it will also "eat" a portion of the timeline, as in, undoing the events that occurred? is this making any sense? sorry for the rant I'd love to hear what u think, thanks <3
Hi!! Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot!!! Could this be the post you were looking for? Funny enough, it was at the very top of my reblogs queue. Indeed, it's an extremely insightful theory!!!
So, there's a lot to unpack here. Ever since I've read that theory, I've found Yosano's thoughts regarding Atsushi's healing from chapter 7 extremely interesting. It's curious, because the nuance gets completely lost in the official English translation:
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(Raws → fantranslation → official Yen Press English translation). As you can see, the meaning gets totally lost in the last one. It almost makes me wonder if it was an intentional change due to the fact that the plot point won't be brought up in the manga in ten years (much like opting out of adapting the Steinbeck Guild uprising in the anime, since that plot point has been apparently discarded), but I hope it's not the case.
All taken into account, I don't think it's a stretch to say Atsushi's ability, due to his quality of denying other abilities, can only quickly regenerate as far as other abilities wounds go. When I was reading the manga I thought it was only plot conveniency and suspension of disbelief, but taking a closer look perhaps the pattern of wounds not caused by abilities taking longer to heal isn't concidential: it already happened with the wounds he suffered from in the orphanage, which ended up leaving scars (chapter 28), with the Guild's attack, which was of unknown nature but required Yosano's help to heal (chapter 18-19), with Twain's sniper attacks, which as the theory's Op point don't seem to have healed immediately (chapter 29). But in my opinion it's still too little instances to be able to affirm with certainty that it's not just coincidences dictated by plot convenience.
I do have a feeling there must be Something to Atsushi's ability. it can't just be tiger transformation and wounds regeneration. He's the protagonist, and leaving it at that, that's about the lamest ability of them all (sorry!! I love him still!!). I like the idea of Atsushi's ability being truly special, carrying qualities that have yet to be unfolded that make it different and somehow above the other abilities. I really think it'd be the most satisfying progression narrative wise, because so far Atsushi has gotten really little to claim for his protagonist role, being constantly overshadowed by Dazai; but he's the main character still, and it's like the story itself is waiting to reveal what makes him special. And there being something special to his ability has been, though subtly, consistently underlined: the extraordinary bounty on his head that nothing about what we know seems to explain, the fact that the Guild wanted to capture him specifically, the no further elaborated on fact that he's the key to finding the Book, Shibusawa's concern with him and, most importantly, the ability's quality of tearing through other abilities. Like, that feels very relevant; it's different from Dazai's nullification ability in the way it doesn't just temporarily nullify the other ability, but straight up denies it. I feel like in a manga that is so littered with meta commentery on literature, it'd be fitting to have an ability that denies other abilities' very existence, like moving a rubber through the page. It's certainly interesting to think about. And I like the concept of Atsushi's ability as an alternative to Dazai's nullification ability. Dazai has been feeling invulnerable so long, it would be gratifying to contemplate the existence of something that's outside of his sphere of influence, and potentially even more powerful and destructive than he is.
Again, there's already so many elements that make it impossible to ignore the uniqueness of Atsushi's ability; but even then, they're still so sparse and obscure it's really hard to take a guess on what it could really be about, or what is the reason why it's special. There's so much space for soeculations - a connection with the book, a singularity, a God-like ability just to name a few -, but in my opinion none of them have any concrete enough canon basis to leave space for theories. I think I'd rather limit myself to say it would make a lot of sense for it to be an ability superior to other abilities, since it's something that has the power to tear through abilities themselves, and I believe that such quality is also coherent with its link to the Book as another ability-originated, extremely powerful object. The ability's power to rewrite reality, if only to a smaller extent compared to the Book, may further hint to its connection to the Book / being originated from the Book / sharing origins with the Book. When the ability immediately helps Atsushi regenerate from ability induced wounds he is lowkey rewriting the story to portray a reality where Atsushi wasn't hurt, and when he tears abilities apart it is lowkey rewriting a story where the ability didn't exist. In that, I believe it wouldn't be too far-fetched to draw similarities with the way the Book works. This also made me realize that where it's confirmed that the Book's altered reality to the point of changing the ada's memories so they remembered committing the terrorism crimes, I'm pretty sure that we never got the confirmation the same happened to Atsushi. Then, what if the book can't have effect on Atsushi due to his ability, but only on the reality surrounding him.
So yeah. I'm curious to see how this will unwrap, although I have my doubts I'll still be around when it does (man, the manga is going to take another six months just to catch up with the last anime episode, so you know). I really really like the concept of Atsushi's ability developing in a way that will make it more functional in a rematch against Fukuchi. I've been advocating for a sskk vs. Fukuchi rematch for years at this point, and it seems like we will indeed be getting it; and sskk BETTER win it this time, it wouldn't make any narrative sense to be otherwise. But to do that they'll have to overcome their biggest disadvantage that is Shintou Amenogozen's time manipulation, so you know!! Looking forward to see a sskk that is now mature and experienced unveil new skills to their abilities.
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disco-archetypes · 1 month
✨💖Positivity chain! List 5 to 10 things that make you smile and explain why! Send to others who also make you smile✨💖
disco elysium (obvious answer, but true nonetheless) it hits that sweet spot of funny yet incredible heartfelt and serious media
my dumbass dog. he's big and not the brightest but absolutely the sweetest
my friends :] once again a super obvious answer
dnd! i play in two campaigns and im working on my own as well, which is super exciting
recently i started reading haikyuu again (volleyball manga) and i forgot how much i love it :] hinata shoyou from the concrete my beloved <3
people sharing their thoughts in the tags/reblogs/comments of my posts!!
creating things. this is closely related to dnd as most of the recent things that i've made are for my campaign (calendar booklets, communist zine inspired by la fumée, small recreation of a brief look at infra-materialism, character art, etc) but aside from that i love making things and being creative
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clockworkfairy · 3 months
what are some of your favorite classic rock/prog rock blogs?
@fancycolours @frootyrooties @bilbao-song @heartlandrock @sweetgreenthings @freezerfreys
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bielbunny · 8 months
I saw in a reblog you mention how you don't even got a tablet to do digital art?? I was under the impression it was (still very good!!!) digital art :0
FIRST OFF aww... you flatter this rabbit like this... But to answer the question properly uh, kind of? The real answer is that it's just mixed media I suppose, but I'mma explain how I draw and try to be a lil' concise about it Here's what an early-ish sketch vs. finished lineart looks
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It IS true that I ain't got a tablet, but that just means I sketch my stuff on pencil and paper, then do my line with ink pens. Been using these for a whiiile
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BIG fan of them honestly. I got recommended these back when I was doing some watercoloring a couple years back and they're really really really good, I try to get my grubby lil' paws on 'em whenever I can AT ANY RATE, whenever I am done with sketching + lining that's when I get a nice clean image and start coloring on digital, keyboard and mouse style really
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So the answer is that it's mixed media really haha I had these sketches lying around on my phone so I might as well show my process. Plus I suppose it's another excuse to post this piece which I really like still..... Thank you for being interested in how I draw tho!!! It's fun to answer art questions like these and it's kind of a big confidence boost haha
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cardi-c · 1 year
Favorite headcanon for every ghoul! Go!
Oh boy!! I’m not a writer by any means and i’m not that creative i just daydream about the ghouls for my own comfort hhh but I tried to think of some things (I'm a bit embarrassed about it so under the cut dkjsasa)
Aether: so in my imagination, the ghouls have a more demonic form when they take off their masks/helmets. Aeth is a bit insecure about his form because he’s very big and has been told he looks scary. So he often makes himself smaller to appear less intimidating and talks with a softer voice. He just wants the siblings of sin to know that he's no threat :(
Dew: I imagine dew to have a poetic side. He writes poems in his diary that he hides under his bed. He’s somehow very embarrassed about them. Aether once found it while cleaning up and he had to swear to not tell the others about it. Edit, adding this because i just talked about it: even though the writing is embarrassing for him it's sometimes much easier than talking! He has trouble voicing his emotions, i imagine he would actually like to be able to simply project his thoughts into people hhhh like he once tried with intense staring to telepathically tell his fellow ghouls he loves them
Rain: I visualize Rain’s demonic form somehow how very amphibian. I wrote this down somewhere I can see his eyes blinking sideways like here x. I also think he gets overwhelmed easily and likes to submerge himself underwater when everything gets too much.
Mountain: I think a common thought to imagine mountain as a stoic person? I agree but id like to think he has a very deadpan sense of humor? He loves fucking with people and when they can't tell whether he's serious or not. He also moves almost silently, sometimes he just likes to sneak up on unsuspecting siblings just to stare at them ominously.
Swiss: Swiss is well flirty but he just genuinely loves complimenting people. He WILL notice the tiniest things and he WILL tell you did a great job! On the other hand if you compliment him on something other than his appearance (He knows he's hot!) like his musical skills he will blush and be bashful.
Phantom: When Phantom was summoned he almost imprinted on dew kjsadj he followed him around like a lost puppy (Dew acted like he hated it but was secretly pleased). At first, Phantom tried to copy Dew’s moves, he felt very awkward about it and was very hard on himself after every show. But then he realized that the fans loved him being himself and now he's super comfortable on stage, in fact he's the ghoul that’s most excited for the rituals, he's practically vibrating before every show. (I had a very vivid daydream about this)
Cumulus: I think Cumulus just absolutely adores humans. She gets suuuper excited about human traditions and habits. Sometimes she leaves packaged snacks lying in front of the door of siblings. You know like cats bring us mice they caught because they think were dummies who can't hunt for themselves djkasjdas. Other than that I think you can't get a hug that doesn’t last at least 30 seconds from her damn I want a cumulus hug
Cirrus: Cirrus has a lot of craftbased hobbies. I imagine her to have her own little room for everything she creates. She likes making little metal trinkets and gifts them to the other ghouls to decorate their horns and tails with. She has made special friendship bracelets for the ghoulettes!
Sunshine: In my head sunny is like a huuuge nerd and she gets very invested in human popculture. Sometimes she speaks in movie quotes. She also loves boardgames and forces the other ghouls to join in. As soon as they play shes ruthless tho djsajdas Her and Dew have butted heads over monopoly and didn’t talk for a day afterwards
Aurora: I think we have agreed that aurora is a princess. I think she loves twirling and dancing around in huge flowy dresses and because of that, I think she likes dressing up? Like maybe historically accurate costumes or something like cosplay (I think sunny would recommend her characters and would fall in love with her even more)
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ladykyrin · 1 month
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
Oh my god, I just realized this ask is almost two years old. I am so sorry. I checked my inbox for the first time in ages and I'm finding all these things I never answered and I feel so bad.
Thank you for sending! I just did another one of these so I'll try to think of new answers haha
Though I graduated with a degree in writing, literature, and publishing and now freelance within the publishing field, I actually started college as a theater major with the intent of becoming a stage actor. Though I loved acting more than almost anything else, I realized about midway through my freshman year that I didn't want to move to NYC (the cost of living is so high there) or spend my life chasing auditions and getting rejected over and over again. I'm hoping to eventually audition for productions at local theaters, though. I just don't want to make a career out of it.
Speaking of theater, I spent the summer of 2021 working as a scenic designer at a performing arts camp in New York, which was a wild experience since I'd only ever built sets, not designed them. We were just so short-staffed that builders needed to become designers as well. Despite it being way outside my comfort zone, I had an absolutely fantastic time.
Here's a simple one: I don't know how to ride a bike. 😅
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sendmyresignation · 10 months
omg nastia 🧡🧡🧡 always love sharing music with you :)
Leigh And Me (It's Always You)- Honeychild Coleman
Do You Want to Die Together?- Stars
S'il vous plait- Otoboke Beaver
Weary- Cerce
The Riot of Your Time- Scorpions
| Send me a 🎸for a playlist! |
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transdunbar · 5 months
⚠️🖍️♻️ ❤️
⚠️Which wip you're most likely to finish or update next?
honestly this is a tough one. out of all of my wips, i think selkie au is the closest one to being done, but i don't know if i have the motivation to finish it right now, so it's really anyone's guess
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
for you, some more thisiam smut:
“He loves it,” Isaac chimed in. “Always looking to be used and abused in some way, and always looking so pretty doing it.”
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
for i don't really l ike me anymore, my original idea was having a friend breakup between theo and scott/stiles, so theo would have ended up as a "villain" like the rest of the hale pack in s2, so we would have had badass leather-jacket-wearing theo antagonizing scott and stiles and murdering people until someone kicked his ass hard enough to knock his morals back into place. i decided not to use that plotline, though, and instead i kinda use theo as a way to bring the hale pack and the early version of the mccall pack together.
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
thank you so much!! <33
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awkwardtickleetoo · 1 year
Ooooo what's snf tickle style swap
from this post here
snf tickle style swap!! i’m actually really excited about this one omg omg yay
okay so it’s inspired by/based on these two posts here and here that include stuff from @wishitweresummer, @mushiewrites, and @spook-lee-glitch !! this idea isn’t 100% true to form of the posts exactly, like not every detail will be the same of course, but it was heavily inspired by those posts so major shoutout to everyone included in the discussion :D
the general concept is this: sapnap favors and is more reactive to softer tickles, george favors and is more reactive to rougher tickles. neither minds the opposite, but most people tend to default to being soft with sap and rough with george, and everyone loves it that way!! but one day, dream decides to test out a theory, and forces them to endure the opposite type just to, as mush said in the tags if the second post, “give ‘‘em the ol switcherooney” which is now my favorite phrase ever
this one wasn’t as much of a brainrot unfortunately so i don’t have much to show for it, but i can share one small part of when me and mush talked very briefly about the concept a while ago <3
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ask-swap-updike · 10 months
I've decided I want to put in an ask for Gabe.(You can ignore this part if you want, it doesn't really matter as much as the actual ask)
So: Gabe, what made you decide to leave TGG? I'm curious. Was it regret? Guilt? The realization that certain targets were actually quite good people(such as Whitty)? A combination of those? Or was it something else entirely?
Gabe sits quietly for a moment, finding the right way to explain it.
"I suppose it's because of all of those reasons. The company tended to... 'start us out young', persay. At least, that was my case. You never interact with these so called "monsters" until you stray from your duties. I hesitated one time with Whitty, and... well, I suppose he noticed that and took the chance to talk me down. It wasn't until weeks of talking to him that I realized just how corrupted that company is."
He adjusts his glasses for a moment, them smiles. "Either way, I will never regret choosing to abandon that company. If that makes me one of their targeted 'monsters', then so be it."
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resident-rats · 23 days
For the assumptions game… hmm, I think you’re a homebody but don’t mind the occasional travel (less so the actual traveling, more so the destination). I think you’re generally a very helpful person and you have a telekinetic ability to speak to rats (you currently have 20 rat minions that do your dirty work) :3
This is too on the nose 😭😭 hdhdh
But yeah I only really go out when I need to 🫡 Usually my idea of fun is not going outside or at least not being in largely populated areas lol. I like going on walks when strangers don’t talk me <33 (usually I dress mostly in black and people leave me alone✨)
Also true about travelling!! I often wish I could just teleport to places. Travelling is so stressful, and wipes me out for at least a day afterwards
I can neither confirm nor deny the rat powers though 👀👀
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
for your spotify ask: 3 & 10
thanks for the ask!
3: how many liked songs do you have?
10: shuffle your daily mix 2 and tell us what some comes up and your favorite lyric!
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Forget what we're told Before we get too old Show me a garden that's bursting into life
(but specifically the second time it's sung. I don't know if theres a specific term for that lol.)
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elliewiltarwyn · 1 year
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
Ellie puts on a good show of being a buff Roegadyn and definitely walks the walk, especially with how long her tanking career lasts... but she hates exercise. She knows it's good for her, she knows it's materially beneficial, and she does appreciate how good she feels after, but she still hates actually doing the work, whether it's a light jog or crunches on her bedroom floor in the morning or even training her actual combat abilities. She still keeps up with it, especially with Mia's help, it just suuucks for her in the moment and she's grumbling the entire time. After some of the stuff she's been through, she might have difficulty perceiving which body pains are in the "good and normal and will help you become stronger" category and which are the "something is actually wrong and you should seek medical attention" category.
Mia was a bloodsands gladiator for some time, and... she doesn't hate violence, but she's definitely not the kind of bloodthirsty lives-for-the-feel-of-victory always-seeking-a-new-challenger type that frequents the Gladiators' guild. She was good at it, but it was just a job for her; she clocked in, beat people up, clocked out and hit the showers afterwards, and just tried to keep her head down.
...I got nothing for Lily, I might come up with something later, but I don't think she's the type to get into hobbies without fully immersing and enjoying every bit of it, which is a bit of a copout lol
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kuroheishi · 1 year
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
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// About me? CRAP I didn't expect to receive this kind of question so I can't think of anything relevant right now sorry haha.......
Just know that I enjoy writing as Yu the most, I vibe with him in a spiritual level for many aspects and analysing his character helps me lots of times to understand myself too! So I'm grateful I get to write with so many cool people and explore different sides of him every time!
Also apparently I got told many times that I tend to apologise too often so if you see me do that you're more than welcome to drop kick me away haha!
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appalamutte · 2 years
since i'm from the state with the most lighthouses and they're near and dear to my heart, i think i gotta ask about the lighthouse keeper au 👀❤️
haha, I've somewhat outlined this idea but it's still mainly just that, an idea. However, it's basically an expansion of this ficlet I posted back in November!
Essentially, Bitty's family flees the south at the onset of the Civil War and settles in New Haven, CT. Here, Bitty runs into Bob Zimmermann and, after some talking, gets a job as a lighthouse keeper at one of the Zimmermanns' lighthouses just north of Boston, and the only human contact Bitty ends up getting outside of his bi-monthly weekends off is Jack Zimmermann delivering his supplies.
And Bitty hates Jack Zimmermann.
Mostly because Jack just didn't respect him at all they first met, but also because this is the 1890s and Bitty is a closeted gay man. He sees how all of the women in Boston chase after Jack, how Jack is able to just seamlessly be with them in public, and it makes Bitty jealous, makes him hate the fact he can't be like that.
So he projects.
During one of his weekends off, Bitty visits one of the very few brothels in the "Combat Zone," Boston's red light district (that wasn't technically established until the 1970s but I'm moving it up to the 1890s here), that offers male prostitutes for other men.
And wouldn't you know who Bitty runs into as he's leaving the place?
I actually don't have much else thought out yet past that lol, so I'll just leave it at that. However! I do have a very rough working title that's probably an insult to the French language, which I apologize for, but I used every translator besides Google Translate to come up with it: l’intimité d’être compris (roughly: the intimacy of being understood)
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