#pray for hua cheng y'all
pichirobi · 2 years
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words are futile devices
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This is horrifying. They are plotting something.
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ta-bajna-cerna-okybaca · 11 months
Crying screaming throwing up etc because of the heaven official's blessing audio drama s1 finale
XL going "hey San Lang, you know way too much about me, have we met before?" and then the IMMEDIATE cut to the god-pleasing festival agsdgfjfkdakajttjss
And then!!! The montage of all their best quotes from the past!!! If you don’t know how to live on anymore, then live for me! I have a beloved who's still in this world! I pray to never rest in peace! Forget me. - Taizi dianxia, I will never forget you!!!
And then back to the festival and Xie Lian finishes catching little baby Hong-er AND THEN??? IT JUST ENDS????? HOW DARE????????
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not-joan-of-arc · 2 years
heaven official's blessing (pt. 2)
(finished reading on April 1 2022)
my unedited annotations for books four and five (SPOILERS AHEAD):
been too busy to read for the past few days but I'm super excited to dive back into this - that being said, I'm still scared of this book ending
and so we return to the past!!
okay so Xie Lian's already been banished? ngl I was kind of hoping to see the actual banishment because I'm still confused as to why exactly he was banished??
also it's weird because the Xie Lian of the past is vastly different from present him but you can also very clearly see how he became the way he is today
ah yes now we know exactly where Xie Lian's poison-cooking-specialty originates from lol
okay Mu Qing is being kind of a dick in leaving Xie Lian but also he's got a valid point, and I kinda sympathise with him?
oh fuck me it's Hua Cheng?? I knew he would be in this book somehow!!
“I want to protect them.” - no but this is his unfulfilled wish that ties him to the mortal realm?? like he just wants to protect Xie Lian, that's so pure and wow I'm actually going to start crying now
I hope one day to find someone who loves me as much as Hua Cheng loves Xie Lian, even if its just in a platonic way
‘“If you remain forcibly, you won’t be able to rest in peace,” Xie Lian said.
The nameless ghost didn’t seem to care. “I pray to never rest in peace.”’
no but this whole scene with Xie Lian and little ghost Hua Cheng is like the foundation of their current relationship - Hua Cheng protecting Xie Lian without ever speaking a word to him of it, suffering to keep his heart to himself
so Hua Cheng died in the war, that makes sense
wait what?? Xie Lian actually cooked something edible?? maybe his cooking skills are a plot device after all
oh so this is when Feng Xin gets all wifed up
no but you really feel the second-hand embarassment when Xie Lian is caught trying to rob someone, like he's really fallen from that gracious and honorable Crown Prince of the past
yo someone help this boy, he is literally having multiple panic attacks and has very severe PTSD and also probably depression, like boy needs some therapy stat
but tbf, that's all characters in every mxtx adaptation rip
okay but ghost fire Hua Cheng is genuinely adorable
oh so these are the thirty-three heavenly officials Hua Cheng becomes famous for killing - of course his reason for doing so was Xie Lian! I should have realised that sooner considering everything Hua Cheng does is for Xie Lian
“But, this hand had reached out too late.”
I think White No-Face's obsession with Xie Lian is because he is the Crown Prince of Wuyong who suffered a terrible fate and he wants Xie Lian to suffer likewise and join him so he won't be alone anymore
the one instance where Feng Xin and Mu Qing are actually getting along and it's Xie Lian who drives them apart, how ironic - I keep trying to make myself like Mu Qing and like, I understand why he does what he does but I still don't like him - Feng Xin though is my boi
I'm beginning to understand why book four is the most tragic and hardest-to-read section in the whole book
no but it makes sense?? killing makes you immune to the human face disease
oh fuck no I think I know what's about to happen
Xie Lian...what are they doing to you
fuck me but he is without a doubt the character with the most tragic backstory ever to exist
how painful this must be for Hua Cheng too seeing the love of his life bear so much pain and be unable to do anything about it
Xie Lian you need to tell Feng Xin what happened to you or you're going to lose him too
“It’s not like I’m a god, can’t I be angry? Can’t I hate?”
I understand why Feng Xin leaves but also fuck you Feng Xin! can't you see how much torment your best friend is in? can't you see that he's too broken to be left alone
wait the King and Queen have actually hanged themselves?
no okay this is too fucking much don't y'all leave Xie Lian alone like this, he doesn't deserve to be tormented like thus, he doesn't deserve any of this
Ruoye!! and now I understand what Xie Lian meant when he talked about forging his spiritual device with Pei Ming - I knew it would be tragic but never this tragic
he's on the verge of becoming the white-faced calamity isn't he?
Hua Cheng to the rescue!! and now I understand all the fan art of Hua Cheng in a smiling face mask
or maybe not Hua Cheng to the rescue? curiouser and curiouser
Xie Lian has definitely got something up his sleeve as always but it still hurts to watch him be so broken and in pain
and now we have the story behind the bamboo hat
Hua Cheng!!
ahh why do they both go through so much pain?? and because they're soulmates they feel each other's pain too - my heart -
I read a post that said all that happens to Xie Lian makes him “desensitised” to everything and that's exactly what it is - he bears so much pain and suffering and humiliation in such a short span of time that eight hundred years later present day Xie Lian just does not give a fuck about anything anymore, like he's reached the lowest it is posible to ever go and can go no lower and like my heart is in pieces for him but at the same time he's such a fucking icon
the truth behind his second banishment
and thus we have present day Xie Lian in all his adorableness, except now we know his full story
the only big mystery left now is his third ascension I think
now onto book five as we return to Mount Tongl'u
I don't this even needs to be said but I loathe White No-Face with every inch of my being okay
no but its actually hilarious that Hua Cheng carved a inhumanly big statue of Xie Lian out of a literal mountain, like my man is whipped
the real question is why is Hua Cheng a ghost king and not a world-famous artist and sculptor?? like he should have his own museum and not be running the ghost version of las vegas lol
it's also hilarious how though all the gods supposedly find Xie Lian strange they're all still willing to do whatever he says, like Quan Yizhen and even Pei Ming
haha I knew Pei Ming totally ships it
its only been like a few hours since Hua Cheng and Xie Lian properly kissed with no pretensions (and they haven't even properly confessed their love yet - though they don't really need to to be honest lol) but I'm absolutely living for these casual displays of love, like Hua Cheng giving Xie Lian a forehead kiss makes me feel so warm and happy
I was wondering when Shi Quingxan would show up again - ngl, was not expecting this reunion though
absolutely love the fact that Xie Lian can quite easily kiss Hua Cheng in front of everyone when it's a high-stakes situation but gets flustered by kissing his cheek when they're completely alone, Xie Lian is just too adorable
Jun Wu is White No-Face?? what the fuck....
I thought Jun Wu was kind of sus but not to this extent
no I don't want Yin Yu to die, he's genuinely one of my faves and deserves so much better than he got
yasss we stan Lord Rain Master!!
hmm I wonder if Mu Qing's interrogation has anything to do with what Hua Cheng heard him and Feng Xin arguing about on Mount Tongl'u
I mean Hua Cheng isn't wrong, the two of them really have zero self-preservation instincts lol
yes finally, we're going to get the full story!
so Jun Wu/White No-Face has basically been manipulating everything from the very beginning? damn - and I thought Mengyao in mdzs was a psychopath, this is just on a whole other level
Guoshi ships it!! he's definitely confused about where all the gay came from though lol
I'm screaming Guoshi is definitely trying (and failing) to give Xie Lian some sex ed
this whole battle seems like some sort of crack dream
okay but Guoshi is actually the best
Guoshi referring to Quan Yizhen as a ‘fluffy child’ is the peak of hilarity
not Guzi!
this Hua Cheng is He Xuan isn't it
not gonna lie, I kinda ship General Pei and the Rain Master
Hua Cheng already imagining having a child with Xie Lian - I can't, that's too adorable
final battle approaches
Hua Cheng wanting to make a good impression on his boyf's ‘dad’
come on Xie Lian, you're so good at sussing out every other gods mysteries but you can't even figure out all Hua Cheng has done for you? you're so fucking obtuse at times
Hua Cheng thinking that Xie Lian was going to stab himself again - my heart - and then being reminded of when Xie Lian was stabbed by a hundred swords but Xie Lian just laughing it off - ahhh why did they have to go through so much pain
I think Feng Xin is slowly coming to the understand the depth of trust and love and mutual respect that is Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's relationship - he's definitely not against it now at the very least
also glad we're finally getting some character growth from Mu Qing, after 800 years
so this is the truth of Mu Qing and honestly, I can't really say I dislike him so much anymore, like I understand where he's coming from
he's still a dumbass for not realising that Xie Lian genuinely did want to be friends all this time though, but then again, if I met someone as good as Xie Lian I would be a little skeptical too lol
this whole scene is low-key hilarious, they're both dumbasses
scratch that, all three of them - Xie Lian, Mu Qing and Feng Xin - they're all dumbasses
okay now I'm starting to understand where all the shipping of Feng Xin and Mu Qing comes from, this whole bit with Feng Xin carrying Mu Qing and them bickering is kind of adorable
Mu Qing and Feng Xin definitely give the vibe of Xie Lian's brothers who don't really approve of Xie Lian's boyf in the first place but still don't want him to be harmed for the sake of Xie Lian - I actually love their friendship okay, however much history they have between them all
and now we get the rest of Hua Cheng's story!! I'm so ready for this
no fucking way - so Hua Cheng could have been a god??
he definitely chose the ghost life for the aesthetic lol
I love the trope when couples fight together as a team, like all the wordless communication and synchronisation
‘Because he wasn’t as good as Hua Cheng thought him to be.’
that's the thing though, Hua Cheng has seen every bit of Xie Lian and knows that he's imperfect, he understands him and sees him for who he is - Xie Lian, don't you understand? Hua Cheng cares about none of it, all he cares about is you, its all he's ever cared about
‘“Your Highness, don’t be afraid. Remember? The one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is ‘you’, and not the state of you. No matter what’s happened in the past, I will never leave you. You can tell me anything.”’
nooo not ruoye!! :(
‘He couldn’t help but wonder—perhaps, to be defeated by someone, to end these relentless days of brokeness and madness, was possibly Jun Wu’s wish deep down.’
Xie Lian you are truly one of a kind - “shattering boulders on chest” lmao
‘All of a sudden, thousands of emotions, millions of words swarmed into his head. There was gratefulness, there was shame, there was heartache, there was wild joy, but above all else, there was incurable love.’
fucking finally!! it's taken Xie Lian way too long to realise the truth lol
‘Hua Cheng said quietly, “Your Highness, I understand your everything. Your courage, your despair; your kindness, your pain; your resentment, your hate; your intelligence, your foolishness. If I could, I would have you use me as your stepping stone, the bridge you take apart after crossing, the corpse bones you need to trample to climb up, the sinner who deserved the butchering of a million knives. But, I know you wouldn’t allow it.”
He said all this as the maple red of his robes slowly faded away.’
fuck me they better have a happy ending after all that or I'm going to scream
Jian Lan and Feng Xin deserved better, they all deserved so much better
I love how every little story arc is getting some sort of resolution as we near the end
‘Hua Cheng waited for him for over eight hundred years, so what did it matter if he waited for Hua Cheng for another eight hundred more? It could be a thousand years, ten thousand years, and he would still wait, and continue to wait.’
‘A smile hung on Xie Lian’s face, thinking, he wasn’t the only one who had fallen.’ - but I'm also bawling
‘Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.’
final chapter let's go!! but also I don't want this to end
love that they've returned to Puqi shrine it's so wholesome
I'm screaming - this definitely means Hua Cheng and Xie Lian have already slept together lol - and Feng Xin and Mu Qing are just there like ‘we really didn't need to know that’
the elusive He Xuan??
I am living for domestic HuaLian
“I am forever your most devoted believer.”
after finishing the book:
screaming crying laughing I can't believe its over
this was a genuine masterpiece
also reading the post-script I think MXTX is legitimately a genius like wow, I aspire to be as talented as she is
(rated 5 stars)
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