#pray for kevin y'all he has a demon after him because Megs NEEDS to destroy all evidence of it
witchofthesouls · 4 months
I think I found the embodiment of Cat!Megatron high off his aft on expired catnip but don't know who's the victim for this spectacle. Definitely not the victorious ceiling fan.
I do hear the horrified scream of 'MAXIPAD!' from the pincushion to this alien warlord turned cat.
There are two victims here.
Megatron's dignity because he crashed into the wall and Optimus/Cinnamon/Cinnabuns was laughing so hard that Prime fell off the couch and still wheezing for air.
And Kevin's safety because he has a talent of taking perfectly timed photos and videos, and Megatron will never forgive him.
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