#pray for moblit
violet-fluff · 9 months
💙 Levi x !Pregnant Reader
Late Arrival
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Thanks @roseofdarknessblog for the suggestion! I want to make a Dadvi series now. Hope you all enjoy!
You look out the window and gloomily stare around at the empty training field.
The Survey Corp had set out on an emergency mission to patch up a wall within Wall Maria. Levi was forced to go as well, leaving you, his pregnant wife, behind for a week.
You weren’t left completely alone though. Hanji ordered Moblit to stay behind as well to watch over you. Your baby isn’t due for another two weeks, so Moblit was here to help you get around as your giant belly made it difficult.
Heavens help him if you were to go into labor because this man wouldn’t know what to do.
“Are you ok, Y/N?” Moblit asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“They’re half a week late.” You remind him anxiously as you sit on your bed.
He gives you a sympathetic smile. “And I doubt they will be any later. Especially with Levi wanting to be here with you. I bet they’ll be here when you wake up in the morning.”
You laugh softly as you took notice of how your nervous friend was trying to tip-toe around your pregnancy hormones. “Thanks, Moblit. You’ve been nothing but helpful for me. I guess I’ll go to bed now. I’m really tired.”
He nods and walks back out to Levi’s office. He’s been sleeping on Levi’s couch so he can be close by if you need anything. Levi’s orders.
Throughout the night, you could only toss and turn as it seems your baby wants to roll around and kick you every minute. Groaning in annoyance, you sit up and rub your stomach.
“Can you calm down for me please?” You beg.
Your baby replies with another hard kick, so you shake your head in defeat as you stand up to grab a book to read. Except when you stand up, a sharp cramp ripples in your stomach and a heavy flow of liquid falls from under your dress.
You stand in shock as you pray that it’s not what you think it is, until another sharp cramp makes you sit back down onto the bed and hold your stomach in pain.
“Moblit!!” You scream for your friend and you cry in pain.
A few moments go by and the door swings open. “What’s wrong?!” Moblit asks while trying to rub sleep from his eyes.
“I’m-I’m in labor!”
“Oh shit!” He runs up to you. “What do we do?!”
You hold your stomach and cry. “I don’t know! But I think they’re coming out!”
“Ok ok! Um… let’s lay you down!?” Moblit helps you swing your legs back onto the bed and props you up with another pillow.
You instinctively bend your legs up as you feel the baby push down.
“Wait wait! I’m not ready for you to push!” Moblit says in desperation.
“I am!!” You scream and lean forward as you push.
Moblit gives his own little yell of panic and goes to the foot of the bed. “I’m sorry but I have to look!” He tells you as he lifts up your sleep dress. He nearly faints as he sees the head of the baby start to crown out.
“Is the baby coming out?!” You ask breathlessly.
“Y-yes! Just keep pushing! And remember to breathe please!” He orders.
You nod and keep pushing.
After what seems like another thirty minutes of pushing and nervous encouragement from Moblit, you feel all the pain and pressure release from you.
A piercing cry fills the room and you lay back on the pillows to try and control your breathing. You feel a light weight on your chest and you look down to see a reddish dirty baby moving their arms and legs around while crying.
“You have a daughter.” Moblit announces while trying not to cry.
Suddenly reality hits as you look down and hug the baby closer to you…your baby. You cry as you gently rock her, trying to calm her down.
A snipping sound hits your ears and you look down to see Moblit cutting the umbilical cord.
“I’m not sure if I cut the right spot, I just know I have to cut it.” He says.
You smile at him. “Thank you for everything, Moblit.”
A few more days pass and you are sitting in bed reading, looking over every once in a while to make sure your baby girl was sleeping ok.
Suddenly the bedroom door opens and you look up expecting to see Moblit, but instead see Levi.
You both look at each other with wide eyes and he hurries over to you, pulling you forward into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t here.” He whispers in your ear.
You pull away and look at his face, tears threaten to leave his eyes.
“It’s ok, Levi. I’m just glad you’re back.” You smile shyly at him and grab his face . “We have a daughter now. Go see her.”
Levi looks back at you with furrowed brows. “I’m…I’m scared.”
A small cooing came from the basinet and you giggle. “But I think she wants to meet you.”
You watch as Levi walks over to the basinet and peers inside. A tiny baby girl who mirrors his own looks stares back at him with wide, grey eyes as she chews on her hand.
“Crazy how the mother carries the child, but they always come out looking like father.” You joke, trying to lighten the tension.
Levi gives a small smile as he touches his daughter’s smooth hair. It’s so black that light itself may have trouble penetrating it.
He carefully picks up the baby girl and lifts her closer to his face. She coos and reaches out to grab his nose. You watch from the bed and quickly wipe the tears flowing from your eyes as you take in the sight of the love of your life holding your child.
“I’m so sorry, my baby. I should have been here.” He says while kissing her cheek.
“Levi, we still need to name her.”
Levi looks at his baby for a moment before turning to you . “Isabel.”
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roseofdarknessblog · 10 months
Birthday tea (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 2 217
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
A/N: Thank you so much for the sweet request @violet-fluff I hope you'll like what I came up with! ❤️❤️❤️
Summary: On the day of Levi's birthday, you decide to get him a little gift.
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Birthday tea
It almost seemed that the whole town was turned upside down thanks to all the planning for the end-of-the-year festival. People of Trost forgot about the man-eating threat looming outside the Walls, as they were all decorating their homes and the streets as well. Wherever you walked, you saw some kind of decorations – homemade wreaths or garlands decorated in many different ways, or colorful lanterns hanging in the streets above your head. Some of them held specific wishes the people wrote on them with black paint.
The weather truly didn't fail to remind you, that it was winter. The harsh wind was blowing big chunks of snow right into your face, as you were making your way back to the Survey Corps HQ on the back of your horse. People around you truly seemed happy. Liberated, that there was something nice to celebrate. Kids were running outside and playing in the snow, all bundled up in their warmest clothes.
The sky was getting darker by the minute, as another cold evening was fast approaching. You truly didn't envy the soldier who would be out on night patrol in the streets or on top of the Walls. You were more than happy when you finally left your horse in the stable with a delicious treat and walked into the warm HQ building.
„Hey, where have you been in this horrible weather?“ Hange asked you as soon as you arrived and took off your hood, shaking the snow from it.
„Needed to take care of something important,“ you said with a smile, your nose and cheeks red from the cold. It really was way too cold to just wander around. „Did you see Captain Levi?“
They shook their head. „Not since morning. He, Erwin, and Miche went out to take care of something. I'm not sure if they came back yet, probably not.“
„Why? Did you need something from him?“ Hange asked while they were flipping through a notebook in their hand. From the other end of the hall, you could see Moblit approaching, carrying big rolls of paper. Probably plans for another experiment.
„No, no. Nothing important,“ you said and looked to the ground for a second. „Guess I'll go warm up in the shower a little, my whole body feels like a block of ice.“ You shoved your hands into your pockets, shivering slightly even despite the warm air in the hallway. Right there, in your right pocket, was the item you needed to retreat even in this weather – a tin box filled with the finest tea you were able to find.
Back when you were a child, you grew up in the countryside near Wall Sina. One of your neighbors was a very successful farmer, whose specialty was planting and growing different kinds of tea leaves. The man with his wife were very friendly and since they weren't blessed with their own kids, they loved it when you or other kids from the village came over to visit them. Even now, you sometimes rode out to visit them, when you went to see your own parents.
After you exchanged a couple more words with Hange and Moblit as well, you headed into your room, right into the hot shower. In there, you took your sweet time, enjoying the tingling sensation on your skin as the water was warming it up.
Since there were no expeditions planned in this weather, the overall atmosphere amongst the Scouts was much more relaxed. During dinner, you had a nice chat and laughed with your friends. At moments like this, you were truly happy that you joined the Scouts. You found many amazing people here and could only pray, that they will stay alive as long as you, or even longer.
The rest of your evening was spent in your little room, cuddled up under the warmest blanket with a good book in your hands. Slowly, your eyes were starting to close, but you were determined to stay awake. Since you didn't see Captain Levi during dinner and didn't have the chance to talk to him, you wanted to wait and see, if you could find him in his office a little later on.
The tin box with tea was lying on your nightstand, decorated with a dark green ribbon, you got on your way back to the HQ as well. It was almost midnight, when you gathered the courage and the rest of your energy, to walk down the dark halls, that led you to Captain Levi's office. 
It was still the 25th of December, so you were on time.
When you knocked for the first time, nobody answered. It seemed, that the Captain still wasn't back. But when you tried for the second time, just to be sure, you heard a quiet voice from the other side of the door.„What the hell do you want this time of the day?“ he asked even before you opened the door.
„Good evening, Captain. I know it's late but I have something that couldn't wait until the morning,“ you said, stopping at the open door. Only when Levi looked up at you from his desk and nodded ever so slightly, you dared to come inside. „I was trying to reach you earlier, but couldn't find you. Guess you had something important to take care of.“
„None of your business where I was,“ he stated in a cold and somewhat tired tone. „Why were you looking for me?“
„Yes, right...“ Feeling a little hesitant, you walked up to his desk, which was completely full of paperwork. Taking one last deep breath, you put the tin box with the green ribbon right in front of him. „Happy Birthday.“
Levi looked up at you, then back to the gift you just gave him. It was more than obvious, that he wasn't sure what to say or do.
„I got it right, didn't I? It is your birthday today... right?“ you asked a little worried. Seeing his expression, you suddenly thought you made an absolute fool out of yourself in front of a man you were crushing on for the past year.
„Yes, you got it right,“ Levi said way too quietly.
You smiled and sat down on one of the two chairs in front of his desk. That probably surprised him even more than your gift. He probably didn't have other cadets over for a late-night visit often.
„My former neighbors by Wall Sina always used to grow different kinds of tea. So I paid them a quick visit and got you a little gift.“ You smiled at him warmly, watching the tips of his fingers play with the edge of the ribbon.
A heavy silence fell over the Captain's office because none of you knew what to say next. While you were waiting for his reaction, Levi kept staring at the tin box. The longer he stayed quiet, the more uneasy you were starting to feel.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Maybe you crossed a line by trying to do something you considered nice and thoughtful.
„How do you know it's my birthday?“ Levi finally spoke, looking up at you again. The dim light in his office made the dark circles under his eyes stand out. But that didn't make him look any less handsome, not in your eyes at least.
„You see, I'm not sure. I heard someone mention it a while back,“ you uttered with a little teasing grin.
One of your best friends worked as a nurse in the infirmary and since she was the type of person, who knows everything about everyone, she had no trouble finding out for you.
Knowing such a thing felt exciting. At least until now. But as you were sitting here at that moment, it suddenly didn't seem like a good idea at all. Maybe you really did cross a line and made him angry. Knowing Levi, he didn't seem like the type of person, who would like to celebrate anything, let alone his birthday.
„I'm really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, Captain. All I wanted, was to... do something nice for you.“ A shy smile appeared on your face, as you stood up once again, determined not to give up. „Would you like to try it? I can make you a cup, it seems like you have a long and busy night ahead of you.“
Before Levi said anything, you grabbed the box of tea and hurried down the hall to the kitchen, to make a cup for you both. In a couple of minutes, you came back with two steaming hot cups of incredibly smelling tea.
„Here you go, Captain. Hope you'll like it,“ you said and put down the cup in front of him with a smile. „This kind of tea is very rare and unique. It's called yellow tea,“ you explained, while you sat back down and looked into your cup. „It's so rare, that some people try to sell green tea on the market for a lot of money, pretending it's true yellow tea.“
When you looked back up, you found Levi listening to you intently, his features seemingly more relaxed now. „I've heard of it before, but never got the chance to try it,“ he finally said, taking the cup in his hands to smell the soft fruity and floral scent. „The making process is supposed to be pretty difficult.“
„Yeah, it's pretty labor-intensive, time-consuming, and overally a very delicate process. Or at least that's what my neighbor told me. If you'd like, I can take you to their house and you can talk to them about everything that's tea-related,“ you chuckled, happily observing him while he took the first sip. The rich yellow liquid had a pretty vibrant taste – sweet and nutty, a truly delicious combination. „What do you think? Do you like it?“
He nodded without a word, taking another sip almost immediately. Seeing him like this, you smiled with satisfaction. Taking the warm mug into your hands, you rested your back on the wooden chair.
„It's different from the kinds I've tried so far.“
„In a good way?“
„Mhm.“ He took another sip, his furrowed eyebrows finally relaxing. „Where did your neighbors learn how to grow such high-quality tea?“
You shrugged, taking a sip yourself. As you looked out the window behind Levi, you could see a lot of tiny little snowflakes drift through the air in the darkness of the night.
„They've been experimenting with different kinds of teas since I can remember. And even before I was born, actually.“ Seeing him so interested in a topic was quite strange. On the other hand, it made you happy. In the end, you probably managed to make his birthday at least a little bit interesting. Even if it was just a couple of minutes before his special day would come to an end. „Like I said, if you'd like, I can introduce you to them, Captain. I think they would be honored to have such a special visitor. Not to mention someone, who shares the same passion for tea as they do.“
Levi nodded, resting his back on his chair and visibly relaxing his tensed-up shoulders. Seeing him in a state like this was so rare, you couldn't even believe your own eyes for a second. Did you really achieve this? Was he feeling so at ease thanks to you and your crazy little idea?
Dreaming about being something more to him than just a subordinate was probably pointless. In a world like this and mainly in the Survey Corps love never really had its place. It wasn't a priority.
But a little daydreaming never hurt anyone, right?
„Thank you,“ Levi said after a moment, loud enough for you to hear him and take note of the calm tone of his voice. „What do I owe you?“
You furrowed your brows in confusion. „Nothing, it's a gift. I don't expect anything in return.“
„You did pay them for the tea, right?“ You nodded. Even if your neighbors tried to give it to you for free, you refused and insisted on paying them the full price for all their hard work.
„I did, but I don't want anything for it. I got it for you because... I simply wanted to.“
„I'm not used to things like that. Getting gifts or even celebrating in any way,“ he said, looking away for a couple of seconds before his eyes wandered back to your face. You weren't sure, but it almost seemed like the corners of his mouth were curved upwards ever so slightly.
„Well, it's never too late to start.“
Levi's light blue-grey eyes were watching you carefully, while he kept sipping the tea. You gave him a warm smile, that only supported your words. Getting him this present wasn't because you wanted or expected anything in return. All you wanted, was to make his special day a little better. Brighter and happier.
And by the looks on his face, you achieved just that. During the next hour or so, you and Captain Levi talked about the tea your neighbors were growing, and just before you wished him goodnight and went to bed, he agreed to go visit them with you during spring.
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fran-in-the-deep · 1 year
Improvise, adapt, Aquarium date Part 1/5
Hange x gn!Reader / Collage AU
~600 Words | fluff
Improvise, adapt, improvise some more because prototypes never work properly anyways. It always took a lot of testing, failing, kicking it and praying to the spirit of science itself that they didn’t break it. Sometimes they did, but that was a crucial step of Prototype 2.0, rinse and repeat, watch the numbers go up, but Hange always made it work in the end.
Relationships not adhering to those principles was something that made their life so much harder than it had to be. Not for a lack of trying, but even adjusting the formula had never brought in satisfying results. And right now Hange faced the fact that they couldn’t screw this up.
They had a date, with you of all people.
How they had managed to ask you out in a way that made you agree, even seeming flustered when they asked you, was beyond them. Hange didn’t believe in miracles, everything was chance based after all, but if the person they had a crush on actually liked them back, what else could it be?
A chance of 0.00285% with the parameters they used, actually. That included how well received their fish facts were by you during the last three months and other obviously quantifiable occurrences. No, it wasn’t something Hange had just made up last night because they were too nervous for anyone's good and Levi was running out of common sense to pack in a five word message and send it to them.
They would never.
Then Moblit had been the best wingman and roommate when dragging Hange out of bed in time for them to go through their four different sets of outfits for the occasion. The dark blue, button up shirt with brine shrimp on it made the run, along with their favourite pair of black shorts. The emotional support hair tie that you had told Hange to keep after they borrowed it when forgetting theirs for lab work. A look in the mirror, two thumbs up from Moblit. Okay, alright, they got this.
Fifteen minutes to the date. Hange had been half an hour early, killing the time memorizing the new floor plan of the Aquarium. They had to show you the nearly ten year old sea cucumber they named Sonney, occupying a tank further in the back since the renovation. Also not to forget Bean, the giant catfish.
Those two had been neighbours for years, different tanks, but both favourite subjects of Hanges freetime studies. They had told you everything about the marine animals, but you’ve never had the chance to meet them. Therefore the date.
While you saying something along the lines of You really have to introduce me soon and them going “Like on an Aquarium date?” hadn’t been how any of you had anticipated this conversation to go, it had worked out in the end. Remembering this, what were they even nervous about?
This was about the worst they got and you had still said yes. And you were making your way over to Hange right now from the opposite site of the street, just looking incredible. It was you after all, the person Hange could talk about their interests to for hours who still came up with questions they hadn’t thought of, who had so much to say of your own and Hange loved listening to.
So, Aquarium date. So many fish to point at. Sonney, Bean. The objective was clear. It would be a good day, especially when you greeted them with a smile like that.
Part 2/5 ->
A/N: I saw @lovendermist `s Date Ideas with Hange on my Dash again and took it as a sign to finally start writing it. Still no idea what I'm doing, so I'll just keep improvising.
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sparkywrites25 · 1 year
Mobuhan Modern au pls 🫶🏼
I am so so sorry for how late this is. So much for aiming to get things done in a few weeks. Work and life just took me away.
Summary: Moblit gets a call he never likes to receive.
Pairing: Mobuhan
Taglist: @youre-ackermine @lunar-rainclouds @4melo-dy @captain-natey
Trigger Warnings: heavy depiction of anxiety, mentions of injury and brief mention of transphobia
Notes: If you like my work and want to see more then please join my taglist. Form is pinned on my blog.
Mobilit’s attention jumped from pan to pan, brows furrowing in concentration as he examined the progress of each one. The cooked bolognese mince was sitting comfortably on a low, steady heat waiting for the rest to catch up. Next to it, the pan of spaghetti was bubbling nicely. Mobilit swiftly turned down the heat on it and addressed the final pot with the cooking broccoli in it. That too was almost finished. With a satisfied smile, he began to unload the food into large bowls ready for their placement on the dining table. 
He checked the clock. 6pm. 
Hange would be arriving home any minute. They’d assured him that they would not be pulling a late one tonight. It had been too many weeks since they’d enjoyed a meal like this together. Takeaways and ready meals had become too much of the norm for them over the last month so Mobilit had insisted on using his day off to catch up on some errands at home and cook them a meal himself. The red wine was chilling in the fridge and some hot bread sat in the air fryer nearby. 
Mobilit grinned to himself as he remembered how excitable Hange had been over the air fryer, and how much electricity they had promised they would save by using it. The actual oven had been removed from the kitchen and placed in Hange’s home lab. They had insisted that it could still form some kind of purpose for scientific advancements in their experiments. Which meant that the electricity saved wasn’t actually going to be saved, ultimately, but at least the appliance would find another use. 
Once everything was in their bowls and plates, ready to be carried to the table, Mobilit switched the appliances off and wiped up the surfaces. He was just getting the wine out of the fridge ready to pour when his phone rang. Mobilit tensed up as he placed the bottle down at once. 
Oh for god’s sakes, not again, he mentally prayed as he answered the call. It took him half a second to realize that the number wasn’t Hange’s and he exhaled in relief. 
“Hello?” he asked in a fairly cheery voice. 
“Is this Mobilit Berner?” a male voice spoke. 
“Yeah. Who is this?”
“This is Mitras General Hospital. I’m calling about your partner Hange Zoe.”
Mobilit’s stomach and appetite dropped out of him at the same time. The air was punched from his lungs and for a moment, he couldn’t breathe. His vision blurred in front of him and suddenly he wasn’t sure that his legs would hold him up. His free hand scrambled for the counter and clutched onto it. 
“W-what about them? What’s happened?” he fired the questions out in a stumbling mess. His brain was already contemplating some scenarios and creating painful visuals along with it. Hange having picked an argument with the wrong person. Hange being cornered on a quiet street. Hange having experimented with too many chemicals and having an allergic reaction in their skin or something. Hange stepping out into the road at the wrong time because they were too busy thinking of ideas around whatever stumbling block they’d hit at work. Hange just simply tripping and falling into a moving bus or something. 
“Hange’s been injured in a laboratory accident at their workplace,” the receptionist - Mobilit assumed anyway - answered. “There was an explosion and-”
“Oh god!” Mobilit cried out, slumping against the counter. More images flew through his head one by one; violent images of Hange blistered, bleeding and screaming or Hange lying in hospital with missing limbs. His chest constricted and he grit his teeth to force back the cry that threatened to rip out of him. 
A vicious, violent accident had put Hange in danger and it had happened at work. Worse, this was a line of work where that sort of thing could happen. That reminder stabbed through Mobilit’s insides. This could happen again and again. This could be something he’d have to live with. What if next time Hange didn’t just get injured? What it it killed them?
“How bad is it?” he managed to get out finally. 
“They’ve suffered some superficial burns on the face and arms but those are very shallow and will heal in a week or so.” 
Mobilit bent his head, offering gratitude to whatever deity might be out there that had given Hange superficial injuries. He forced himself to focus on the receptionist once again as the man began to speak once more.
“From what we understand, they weren’t standing directly next to the chemicals when the explosion happened.” 
A small bubble of relief began to grow in Mobilit’s chest. Another mercy was granted to him, at least. Although, his brain offered in its wicked voice, the mercy wouldn’t have been down to Hange being particularly careful. They were just lucky. In another scenario, it could have gone very differently. The relief was instantly swallowed up in a wave of horror-struck imagination. 
“But still, the force of it threw them across the lab and they broke their arm.” The receptionist continued after another pause.
 Mobilit appreciated that he was delivering the news in processable chunks. Of course he probably has to do this, and worse, every day, Mobilit thought abstractedly. That must be one of the worst parts of that job; having to tell people that their loved one is dead or dying or seriously injured or ill. He tried to snatch some gratitude that at least he wasn’t being told any news that was worse. Even so, anxiety gnawed away at him and he could barely find it in him to refocus on the conversation.
“They have hit their head, though, as a result. So we’ll be monitoring that injury for a few days. However all the tests so far have come back clear.”
Mobilit tried to take the rest of this in but, primarily, he felt himself sagging closer to the floor in another wave of relief. “They’re going to be okay?” he sounded breathless and his stomach flipped over and over itself uneasily. 
“They will make a full recovery, yes. We’re keeping them in for observation and monitoring the healing process of the burns more than anything else.”
“Okay, I understand,” Mobilit scrambled to say as he ran a hand over his face. “Thanks for letting me know. Where are they?”
“They’ve been assigned a private room, number 14 on the second floor. They’re still being treated right now so you might have to wait outside,” he was advised. 
Mobilit’s mind switched off and autopilot took over. He made the remaining pleasantries with the receptionist and ended the call. He wasn’t fully aware of packing the food away into containers, making sure the appliances were switched off and giving the surfaces a last wipe. Perhaps other people might not have prioritized such things in the wake of such a call but the act of cleaning up helped to get him moving and it felt good to be doing something for now. 
Once it was all taken care of, he grabbed his phone and car keys and hurried towards the door. 
— — — — — — —
The clinical smell of the hospital made Mobilit’s throat close up. He took no comfort from the clean scents or the smiling, reassuring faces of the staff that he passed. It was all a charade to cover up the fact that people were ill here, that some of them were dying. That bones had been broken and lives had been changed, maybe forever, in this place. He walked through it all with an increasing detachment, turning his head away from the worried loved ones, sitting around in the same position that he was about to be in. He ignored the tears in some eyes and the despair that poured from their faces as they clung to their friends and family members, mourning the state of things and cursing the events that had brought them here when they could have been doing something else. When they could have been happy. 
And yet it was all imprinting on his mind, so clearly that he could have painted the scene with very little concentration on his memory. Imagining people’s pain forever painted onto canvas somewhere. But then it was there, in so many works of art. Artists didn’t shy away from such things but right now Mobilit wished that he could. 
They’re going to be fine. It’s not like they’re ill or dying. They’re gonna walk out of here in a couple of days. He had to repeat this mantra in his head as he rode the elevator to the second floor. He continued with it all the way down the hall towards the waiting area near room 14. 
Nifa, Erwin and Levi were waiting outside the room when Mobilit finally reached them. Erwin and Nifa were perched on two seats on a string of colourful plastic chairs. Levi leaned against the wall, arms folded and brow furrowed in an expression that many would mistake for anger but Mobilit knew well enough to recognize as concern. The door to the room was closed and the blinds were drawn for now. Mobilit felt his anxiety surge upward as he stared at the covered window intently. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Erwin and Nifa straighten up. He turned to them and saw that Nifa’s left arm was in a cast. One side of her face was still quite red although the lack of bandages told Mobilt that at least her face wasn’t considered to be all that injured. 
She swallowed, her eyes wide and anxious as she stared into Mobilit’s face. 
“You called them,” Mobilit remarked as he approached her. 
“Yeah,” Nifa confirmed. “I’m sorry. I was nervous about calling you so the receptionist said that they would do it.”
“It’s okay, Nifa,” Mobilit placed a hand gently on her uninjured elbow. “Are you okay? You look like you took a nasty hit.” Looking over his friend was hard but it gave him something to do other than stare at the door and wait to be allowed to see Hange. 
“I’m fine,” Nifa assured him. “I was further away from the explosion. I just fell badly.”
Mobilit nodded. Anxiety continued to grow inside his stomach like one of those elastic band balls that people built when they were bored and it, ultimately, grew to be quite weighty. It brought an increasing feeling of nausea with it too. “What happened exactly, Nifa? Hange said that they weren’t staying late today.”
The subject chased some of the anxiety out of Nifa’s expression and her brow furrowed in instant focus. 
“It was just after four,” Nifa recalled, “and Hange said they were gonna finish early so we didn’t start any new testing after 3pm. We were just waiting on this last concoction to finish boiling so we could test its effectiveness after being heated. But something must have gone wrong with the glass. The liquid must have spilled somehow. Maybe it splashed out of the glass. It’s hard to know for sure because the explosion took a lot of equipment out when it happened.” She tucked some hair behind her ear and stared down at the ground. 
Erwin stepped forward, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Take your time. The CCTV will determine what happened soon enough.”
“Yeah,” Nifa agreed, a miserable expression filling her face now. “I just wish I could have seen it. I could have stopped it.”
“If Hange had seen it, they would have removed it from the danger area,” Erwin comforted her. “It sounds like it was just one of those things. You can’t always predict them.”
“I’m sure this wasn’t your fault, Nifa,” Mobilit gently took her uninjured elbow in his hands. “They said Hange has some facial burns,” he said after a pause. “Did they notice something before it happened? Were they going to check on it?”
“No, I don’t think so.” Nifa answered. “They weren’t expecting it to be ready yet. They were just cleaning up another table while they were waiting.”
“Huh. Hange was cleaning.” Levi scoffed from behind Erwin. 
Nifa smiled. “They were bored. Normally we’d have another testing on the go at the same time. They had some time to kill.”
“And some germs, apparently,” Levi quipped. 
“So Hange wasn’t trying to go near it,” Mobilit sought out confirmation, gazing intently at Nifa who nodded. But it was Erwin who spoke next. 
“Perhaps you could leave any further questions until later, Mobilit. There’s not much more to learn about how this happened.”
Mobilit nodded and squeezed Nifa’s arm gently. “Yeah, of course. I’m sorry. Nifa,” he said in a quiet but sincerely apologetic murmur. “I really am. I just… I guess I just want to try and picture what happened. I just keep imagining-” he cut off his sentence and pulled back. 
“Don’t go there,” Erwin recommended in a gentler tone. “Hange will be fine. They were lucky.”
“Yeah,” Nifa said encouragingly. “The lab will look at the CCTV and see what exactly started it. Once they tell us, we can take even more precautions.” She smiled into Mobilit’s worried eyes. “I know Hange’s really passionate about their work but we both know that they do take precautions too. We just need to do a few more next time we look at that test. We’ll figure it out and, at least for now, Hange will have to take things easier.”
“You both should,” Levi had moved over to join them. “You and Shitty Glasses are always working too hard. I’m surprised Rico isn’t here already.”
Suddenly Nifa’s eyes ballooned and Mobilit stared into the redhead’s guilty face. A chuckle rose out of his throat despite the circumstances. “You haven’t told Rico,”  he said.
“No… I was too preoccupied with calling people about Hange,” Nifa said biting her lip. She sighed and squared her shoulders. “I’m gonna do it now. Hopefully she won’t freak,” she added as she pulled out her phone and went to take a seat. Mobilit watched her type in a number and then hold the phone to her ears. 
“If Hange’s missed any safety precautions and Rico gets wind of that,” Levi mused, folding his arms, “then Hange’s gonna be in the right place.”
“Levi,” Erwin chided. 
He returned to his seat, beckoning for Mobilit to join him but the shorter man shook his head, running a hand through his hair agitatedly. The nerves and the knowledge that Hange was behind the door receiving treatment, that they were so injured, had bubbled up again during his conversation with the others. Now there was that sinking, overwhelming feeling again, like not being able to tread water. He took a few deep breaths and turned away from the door. 
Levi took his arm. It wasn’t a terribly firm hold but the way Levi’s fingers dug in suggested that he might press harder if Mobilit were to try and throw him off. “Hey,” he told Mobilit. “Breathe. They’re going to be fine.” 
Mobilit tilted his head back to look at the ceiling. “I know,” he mused. “It’s just that… I forget how dangerous this job can be for them.”
“That’s true but it’s also what Hange is good at,” Levi reasoned. “They got unlucky today but they have made significant advancements in medication thanks to their experiments,” he reminded Mobilit. “You’ve been a part of them all so you know. Those tablets that cut Covid down by a few days? The syrup that takes care of the flu within 48 hours? These all came from your partner’s brain and skill.”
“Levi’s right,” Erwin added. “It’s dangerous work but in Hange’s hands it’s also successful work.”
Mobilit nodded, slumping a little as he began to slowly pace in front of Hange’s room. “Yeah… I do understand that,” he said quietly. He understood it very well. He worked with them on this. He knew how passionate they felt about their work and how valuable they were. He didn’t want to be that guy that demanded Hange chose between him and their work. If he was 100% honest with himself, he wasn’t sure Hange would be able to turn their back on something that was such a huge aspect of their life. Asking them to do that would only end up breeding resentment anyway even if they did do it. 
Besides, he loved their passion and their ideas and that completely chaotic drive to do some good in the world. As he considered this, a slight smile played on his lips. Hange wouldn’t be Hange without their love of experiments and seeking out knowledge. They were born to do this sort of thing, to be bold enough to chase down those possibilities. 
It just meant that he had to keep reminding himself that Hange was walking - no, let’s be honest, they were skipping - down a dangerous road. He had always known this from the moment they had chosen to become more than friends. No one could say that he didn’t know the risks. Ugh, just get it together, Mobilit kicked himself mentally. They’re gonna be fine. The receptionist told you that. It’s nothing too serious. Yet, even while he tried to remind himself of that, another voice, one far nastier, began to speak up. 
What if it happens again? What if next time you’re not so lucky? What if next time, they’re not giving you a list of whatever meds they’ll need but a death certificate. 
Mobilit stopped pacing at once. The idea was so horrific and yet so painfully plausible. The thought made him feel viciously sick and he pursed his lips, convinced that he might actually throw up with the bubbling fear that was shooting up his throat right now. He looked up and along the corridor, quickly spotting the doorway to a bathroom. He broke into a fast walk, making a beeline for it.
“Mobilit!” He heard Erwin call after him but he was too occupied to pay him much attention.
— — — — — — —
When he emerged from the toilet stall, Erwin was waiting by the sink. Mobilit washed his face and the cool water helped to ground his uneasy levels of anxiety. He threw more water over his skin, chasing the comforting sensation. 
After a moment, he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. He flinched instantly.
“Just breathe,” Erwin told him.
Mobilit stared up at him. He hadn’t even seen that the man was in here with him. The fact that he hadn’t even noticed Erwin was somewhat surprising considering the man’s size. However, it didn’t entirely surprise him that the man could keep himself out of anyone’s focus if he so pleased. It was kind of a terrifying skill to have but not one Mobilit wanted to dwell on right now. 
 “Just one breath at a time. Don’t think. Just breathe.” Erwin advised. He inhaled deeply himself, gesturing for Mobilit to mimic him. 
Mobilit did so, taking in a deep breath of air and held it in for a moment before copying Erwin’s exhale. They did that together a few more times before Mobilit began to feel the overwhelming feeling begin to settle. Clarity returned to him gradually as well.
“Feeling calmer?” Erwin asked and Mobilit nodded. 
“No worries,” Erwin said. “I figured you’d want to calm yourself down before you go in and see Hange.”
Mobilit straightened up. “Can I go in now?”
“Yes, a doctor came out just as you left. Levi is speaking to him now. I’m sure he’s asking about the cleanliness of the room and the quality of the supplies in relation to whatever budget the hospital has,” Erwin answered. He spoke the last part with a smile that eased Mobilit a little. 
“I guess the doctor won’t be hanging around then,” he managed to joke feebly. 
“No, I shouldn’t think so,” Erwin smiled. “But Levi can tell us what he said anyway.”
“Yeah. I just really need to see Hange right now.” Mobilit said.
“Of course,” Erwin gestured for him to exit the bathroom ahead of him, “just try and stay calm. Remember, they weren’t too badly hurt. They’re going to be okay.”
Mobilit tried to focus on that as he left the bathroom and stepped out into the corridor again. He began the walk towards Hange’s door, a walk that felt so long the more he thought about it. He was about to see Hange and see for himself that they were okay. Why wasn’t he excited about it? Why did his stomach feel like it was going to empty itself? Why did his legs feel this wobbly? It wasn’t the first time Hange had been hurt and - while he hated to think it - it probably wouldn’t be the last. He just needed to get used to it. 
Levi was waiting outside the door, noticeably alone, leaning against the wall. Nifa was sat near him, still on the phone to Rico. Levi eyed Mobilit thoughtfully as he approached. “I hope you cleaned up in there,” he muttered although the words had none of their usual harshness. 
It was enough for Mobilit to crack a smile. “Of course I did.” 
Levi nodded to the door. “We’ll wait out here,” he said. He then looked to Nifa. “Or we can take her for some tea. It sounds like Rico isn’t too happy,” he mused. 
Mobilit glanced over to Nifa who was grimacing and speaking her quickly and lovingly down the phone. “Can’t say I blame her,” he remarked. “Nifa could have been a lot worse as well.” 
At last, he returned his attention to the door of Hange’s room and pushed at it, stepping inside. 
— — — — — — —
Well, this bites, Hange huffed to themself as they stared out of the window with their uncovered eye. 
Not that the other eye was missing much outside of the glass. It wasn’t even a good view. All they could see were constant columns of grey corporate building, their windows plastered with colourful posters promoting the usual lies and propaganda of billion dollar companies that were destroying the planet one office at a time. Hange’s fists clenched in the bedsheets for a moment as they gritted their teeth. Instantly half of their facial muscles twinged and they eased up on the expression instantly. 
That’s going to be a pain. Hange acknowledged. Being an emotionally expressive person and having half of their face being sore and tender for a week or so were not going to be friendly bedfellows. They looked down at the menu list for dinner soon and sighed. 
I was supposed to be having dinner with Moblit tonight. He was making his spaghetti bolognese. I love his spaghetti. That man is an artist in the kitchen too. Instead, I’m gonna be stuck here eating whatever processed crap they serve up. With a heavy sigh, they leaned back against the pillows and ran a hand down the uninjured side of their face. They’ll have called him by now. He’s gonna freak. I promised him I wouldn’t be late. It’s his day off too. Who wants to spend that in here?
They’d been careful today. So fucking careful. It had been too long since they had had a date night and almost as long since they’d last eaten Mobilit’s cooking. It was the nature of Hange’s job that things tended to get intense and all-consuming very quickly. Anything else tended to take a back seat. But they and Mobilit had recognized that. They’d made plans to take time for themselves. All through the day Hange had kept her mind on how long things would take to finish and what they could do instead to fill up the hours before leaving early that wouldn’t involve starting a new test. It was all supposed to be straight forward and that stupid explosion had fucked things up for them. 
I’m amazed that he doesn’t lose patience with me. Hange reflected as they tapped their fingers on the table hovering over their legs. But then that was Mobilit. He’d been by their side, putting up with a lot of shit for years now. 
The door opened again and Hange’s attention whipped towards it just as Mobilit stepped inside and closed the door. They beamed at him and waved with one hand. That was another thing that would be hell to get used to. Managing with a broken arm. They already missed their double wave. 
“Mobilit,” they greeted softly with a smile that disappeared as soon as Hange saw their boyfriend’s eyes. 
They were glassy and filled with so much pain and fear that any confident, quirky quip that Hange might have conjured instantly died in their mouth. Their own face tightened with immediate guilt. I did this to him. Worrying about me again has done this. 
His shoulders were trembling, not a great deal but enough for them to notice. They watched as Mobilit’s eyes roamed over their injuries, lingering briefly on their face before dropping to take in the sling that currently held Hange’s left arm. With every second, the anxiety seemed to bloom more across his features. Hange saw his fists clench and his jaw tighten. They recognised those signs instantly. 
“This isn’t something you could have prevented,” Hange told him in as calm a voice as they could manage. “It was just an accident, Mobilit. I’m gonna be fine.”
“Just an accident?” Mobilit repeated, his voice cracking. “Are you being serious?”
It had been the wrong thing to say and Hange grimaced. “I’m not playing it down.”
“Yes you are,” the retort that came back so quickly was angry and it surprised Hange. Mobilit’s chest was starting to heave. “Yes, you are,” he repeated. “It happened and it’s a big deal, Hange.” Their boyfriend stepped forward, grabbing the nearest plastic blue seat and pulling it towards the side of their bed. The left side, Hange noted, closest to their heart. It was sweet and they wanted to smile but right now, faced with Mobilit’s anger, Hange forced that smile back for the time being. “You’re about to tell me that it could have been worse, right?” he asked and the pain in his voice was evident. 
“Yeah,” Hange admitted. “I’d rather focus on the fact that it wasn’t. I was lucky.”
“Do you hear yourself?” Another crack in Mobilit’s voice. “I have to think that we’re lucky because you only ended up here with a broken arm and some burns? That’s not lucky, Hange. That’s you being hurt!” he snapped. Tears shone in his eyes. “You being hurt is never lucky.”
Hange itched to reach out to him but he was sitting on their injured side. “Okay that was a bad choice of words-”
“Hange!” Mobilit’s voice came out as a dry sob. “Just stop! Stop trying to make this okay! It’s not okay!” He bowed his head and clasped his hands over his face. “God, this is not okay, Hange. It’s not.” His shoulders shook and Hange’s heart broke a little for him. 
Hange couldn’t remember ever having seen Mobilit this anxious before. He always worried so much about their welfare and their safety. Things that, admittedly, were not high on Hange’s list of priorities and they never really had been. Such things took up too much room in their head that could be better filled with ideas and possibilities and combinations. 
Hange had been that kid experimenting with dangerous stunts or homemade scientific concoctions as a child. They had had their fair share of hospital visits back then too. Even then, they hadn’t been terribly afraid of the pain or the healing although it had certainly been inconvenient for their relentless curiosity and determination to explore and investigate. It was just normal for them to handle things this way. Their parents had been worried about it at the time, back when they had been someone her parents could approve of. Back when they had accepted them as their child. They had supported Hange’s curiosities and strong scientific mind and forgave the occasional hospital visits. 
It was just their gender identity, that they couldn’t forgive. Their so-called “decision” to be different. Their ultimate rejection had been a lesson in being careful who to trust, after that. Hange was lucky in that they had accepting friends to help them through it. They had moved in with Erwin and Levi for a while as soon as they left home at 17. A year later, Erwin had introduced them to Mobilit. Life had transformed for the better since leaving that house. 
Mobilit had shown concern about the risks of Hange’s experiments and their tendency to overlook the risks right from the beginning. Hange liked to call him their worrier. He worried so they didn’t have to. But seeing him now, guilt churned away inside their stomach. How much of that worrying had stayed inside Mobilit eating away at him?
“I’m sorry,” Hange reached out their uninjured hand and smiled when Mobilit slid his into it. “I’m sorry,” they said again. “I know this isn’t okay. How much you worry.” They stroked the backs of his fingers with their thumb gently. “I’m just trying to focus on the positives. It could have been a lot worse and I’m grateful that it wasn’t.”
“Me too,” Mobilit mumbled. “I am. It’s just that it could have gone the other way so easily, Hange.” 
“Mobilit,” Hange kept their voice gentle as they squeezed his hand. “Thoughts like that don’t help. If we worry about what could happen, we’d never live our lives. You could go to the store tomorrow and get hit by a bus,” they explain. “We could take a vacation and get scammed out of all our money. We could get sick. Our house could burn down.” They exhaled gently. “It’s a rabbit hole but you can’t go down it. Look at what it’s doing to you.”
Hange lifted Mobilit’s hand to kiss it. “How long have you been holding back your worries, Mobilit?” they questioned. 
Mobilit lifted his face to theirs with a confused frown. “Since I got that call this afternoon.” His brows furrowed deeper. “How did you expect me to react? Am I just supposed to shrug it off now? To be used to you getting hurt?”
His partner shook their head. “No. I’m not saying that. But Mobilit, this feels like it’s been going on longer. You sound like you’ve been carrying this for a while.” 
Mobilit’s eyes shifted away from theirs and his frown deepened. “I… I always have to worry because you don’t,” he mumbled. “Someone has to.” One of his hands lifted to run through his hair, his eyes squeezing shut with obvious frustration. His shoulders sagged even lower and Hange’s heart went out to him. This was the worst they had ever seen him react to one of their accidents at work. Some of it had to be build up from previous concerns. They had been injured worse than this before. 
“Do they?” Hange asked. They kissed his fingers again. “Caring and concern are one thing but this… Mobilit, this is anxiety and it’s not healthy for you.”
Their boyfriend stared at them for a moment or two, blinking slowly. “Really?” he asked. “Really?! You’re lecturing me on what’s not healthy from a hospital bed? Because it’s so healthy to disregard your own safety.” Mobilit’s sheer disbelief seemed to chase a great deal of the anxiety from his face for the moment. Hange welcomed that distraction for however long it lasted. Seeing some of the pain leaving his face was a very good thing. 
Hange’s lips twitched into a smile. 
Mobilit stared at them like that for a moment before a small smile began to take over. “You’re unbelievable,” he mused softly. “You’re really something else, you know?” He lifted his hand and brought theirs to his lips softly. He exhaled again, this time releasing a weak laugh with it. “You’re such a pain,” he joked. 
Hange smiled wider this time. “Yes but I’m your pain.” 
“Yes you are,” Mobilit’s smile was growing as well. “Although I could very much live without these trips to hospital, you know?” He pointed out, cupping their hand in both of his. “And we both have much better ways of spending our time, don’t you think?” He sighed, his features relaxing more although some of the anxiety still lingered in his eyes. “So, if you could very kindly spare just a little of that massive brain of yours into taking more care,” he suggested and heaved a dramatic sigh, “I’d really appreciate it very much.”
Hange nodded emphatically. “I’ll try and be more careful, Mobilit,” they assured him. “I promise.”
“Good.” Mobilit leaned forward, resting his elbows on the bed. He eyed the bandages over half of Hange’s face and lifted their hand for another kiss. “I really wanna kiss you but I guess your hand will have to do for now,” he remarked. 
“I wish you could,” Hange complained quietly. “My face is stupid sensitive right now.”
“At least the burns aren’t too bad, so the doctors say,” Mobilit answered. 
“Yeah they’re just enough to be a pain but they won’t leave lasting damage,” Hange told him. “Not gonna lie. A few burns might have given me more of a badass edge in the science department but ah well, I can live without it.”
Mobilit bowed his head, releasing a laugh of mingled amusement and exasperation. “You’re a freaking maniac.”
Hange grinned and then winced at the pain in their cheek at the movement of their mouth. “Yeah well, you still love me right?”
“Of course I love you,” Mobilit stroked their hand in his. “I’m never gonna stop loving you.”
“And I love you,” Hange’s smile softened, easing the pain in their cheek. “I promise to be more careful. And at least we can take some positives from this.”
“I’m gonna be home for a little while now thanks to this stupid thing.” Hange gestured to their sling. “So I hope you’re prepared for me to drive you a little crazy.” 
“Hange,” Mobilit laughed a truly happy sound, “you already drive me a LOT crazy. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
17 notes · View notes
freya-fallen · 2 years
Beastly 14/17
CWs: consequences of war, death, pregnancy, incestuous relationships (nothing other than a kiss and a word, no smut)
Word count: 2454
Part 1 Part 13 Part 15
“You stay right here, got it?” Zeke kneels in front of you, cupping your cheek and boring through you with those knife-silver eyes. “Do not move until you hear the knock. Not to look out the window, not to do anything.”
You cover his large hand as best you can with one of your own. He’s reiterated the plan to you multiple times. “I know, Zeke. I won’t. I promise.”
His pulse races beneath your palm. He stares a moment longer, leans forward, and kisses your forehead. “I love you, babygirl. I promise I’ll explain everything when I can. Just sit tight.”
“I know.” Your smile is tight, but loving. “I love you, too.”
“We’ll all be together soon. All three of us.” You squeeze hands before he’s out the door.
Whatever is happening, tonight’s the night.
You vaguely recall an invite from Willy Tybur Zeke insisted you decline— something to do with Eldia and with Marleyan and foreign dignitaries. Willy had sent multiple messages urging you to attend, but you know when to fight Zeke and when to accept his rulings. This is not a time to argue.
Stillness is impossible in this little room on the edge of the internment zone. You’re taken far from the docks, your location the subject of much stress for Zeke (Eren, too, if you overheard some of the blond’s mutterings correctly). Whatever’s happening is big. You suspect titan forms will come into play.
As you try immersing yourself in a narrative (written in Marleyan; you became decent fluent in your first year here), your suspicion is confirmed by thunderous explosions that shake the building even from a distance. 
Is it one of your brothers? Porco? Pieck? Considering this event coincides with whatever Willy’s doing, it could even be the War Hammer.
You try to count them, but they jumble together with the rushing blood through your ears and the thudding drum of your heart.
You promised Zeke you wouldn’t move. You wouldn’t look out the windows. The curtains are shut and the shutters drawn, but your fingers itch to open them wide and take a peek.
But you promised.
You can only pray for your brothers until someone comes for you.
When the sharp knocks sound in the pattern Zeke imparted, you jump from the chair and throw yourself to the door, opening it wide.
“Section Commander Hange?” 
They grin widely at you, a familiar expression made alien from years of not seeing it, and the loss of one eye if judging by the patch beneath their spectacles.
“C’mon, little Yeager. We gotta get you outta here.” They prod you along with assurances that Zeke is fine, you’ll see him soon. “Levi’s got it all handled.”
Captain Levi? That’s not comforting. Zeke is terrified of Captain Levi. You’re also pretty sure that he and the entire Survey Corps must hate your older brother, and for good reason. If you didn’t love him, need him, you might hate him, too.
“Moblit,” Hange cries. The harried man rushes forward to sweep you into a bridal carry. 
“Hey, wait,” you try to protestas you cling to him. He uses the freedom to propel you through the air, navigating the urban terrain with suspicious accuracy. From over his shoulder, you see chaos below. There are multiple titan, collapsed buildings, bodies everywhere— you have to work not to retch. 
You reach the airship in minutes. Moblit guides you on board, where you’re awkward amidst all the scouts in their sleek black gear. Fingers grip your skirt as you wonder what you’re supposed to do now.
“Oi!” The shout thrums through a part of you that’s been sleeping these last few years. “Get the hell over here, Yeager.”
“Sir!” you respond without thinking, hustling toward the small man. Fury radiates from him so strongly you can almost see it coming out in waves. 
He grabs you by the collar and hauls you through a door and into a storage area. There’s Zeke, wrists bound and a little worse for wear, lines around his eyes indicating he was recently in his titan form, but overall whole and hale. You reach for him, but Captain Levi shoves you into a wall.
“Hey!” your brother protests.
You’d forgotten how strong the captain is. Your feet barely touch the ground, and he isn’t even trying. 
“Tell me something, Yeager. Why aren’t you being held as a prisoner of war?”
You blank, blinking at the man as your mind reels to catch up with everything. “Ze-Zeke keeps me with him all the time.”
“Oh yeah?” He leans closer, and the nearness of your heights make it more intimate than any time another guy has done this, but it’s not at all titilating; it’s chilling. “So you went with big brother willingly?”
Your eyes widen. “No, sir! He— he didn’t give me a choice. Him and Reiner and—”
“I already told you this, shorty,” Zeke decries. “Didn’t your little blond boy confirm it?”
Levi’s grey slate eyes narrow. “You were taken against your will?”
“I’d never leave Eren,” you stress. You return his stare, willing him to read the truth.
“You know what he’s done?” the Captain nods to indicate your older brother.
You nod. “Yeah. I know.” 
The captain scoffs and tosses you to the floor. 
“Watch it.” Zeke crawls to comfort you, a sereing glance tossed at the smaller man. “She shouldn’t be thrown around in her condition.”
“She’s a trained scout. She can handle it,” Levi growled back.
“Three years ago, maybe.” You huddle against Zeke, uncertain what to do, what to say, what to think.
Where is Eren?
“And certainly not when she’s pregnant.”
Everything stops.
Grey-blue eyes dart to you. You can feel them taking in the shape of your body. You haven’t put on weight from pregnancy yet, but there are subtle changes you and Zeke can tell, with the knowledge you both have of your form.
“You’re pregnant?”
Your vision heats and shimmers as you nod your confirmation.
Captain Levi scoffs again and runs a hand through his ink dark hair. “Who’s the father? Braun? He always had a thing for you.”
Zeke sneers. “He wishes.”
“Then who—”
“It doesn’t matter,” you mutter, sniffling to withhold your tears. “Can someone just please tell me what’s going on?”
Zeke rolls his head on your shoulder. “We’re going to Paradis, honey.”
You frown.
“You brothers,” the captain spits, “have taken it upon themselves to initiate war with Marley. They say they have some kind of plan.”
You turn to Zeke in shock. “But your Warriors—”
“This is for the best. I promise.”
There’s a ruckus outside this small area and Levi grumbles, eyes you both, and leaves you there. 
A few minutes later, Levi returns, dragging in your twin with Hange. Not that Eren is fighting.
“Eren!” You throw yourself into his arms, unbothered by the heat of his still-cooling body.
“Hi there, stringbean.” He nuzzles you as his body steams and heals, and you’re careful to avoid those areas. 
You sit between the two of them as they begin to speak. There’s a shout of Zeke’s name outside the room, and all of you look up in confusion. A minute later, a shaggy haired young scout tugs in two familiar youths. You’re about to question the Warrior candidates, but you freeze as you catch the scout’s face.
He stares at you with equally awed eyes. “Little Yeager?”
“Jean?” You never call him horse-face. You stand and amble past the children to greet your old comrade. One hand reaches for the scruff across his jaw, but you don’t touch him. “You got even taller.”
The pinched anger of his features softens as he skims over you. “Well, you’ve gotten less stringy.”
You laugh. “So I hear.” 
Behind you, Gabi and Falco are talking to Zeke. You half turn, and a long hand grabs your forearm. “They killed Sasha.”
You teeter on uneasy feet. “What?” 
“Yeah, climbed aboard, and the girl shot her.” Your head flicks back and forth between the kids and your former squadmate. 
“They— no. There’s no way.” Not Sasha, you needed to tell her about all the food you’ve had, about how many different ways you’ve been served meat, and—
A tug draws your gaze back to the taller boy. “Well, they did.”
Two figures appear behind him, only to shove him aside when they make out your face. You’re surrounded by familiar embraces as Armin and Mikasa talk over one another.
“Hold on, hold on.” It’s too much. You back away and wipe tears from your eyes. “I’m getting a little overwhelmed.”
Mikasa’s dark eyes read with subdued sympathy, while Armin’s blues are bright with emotion. “Come on, we’ll talk in private.” Mikasa reaches for you, but you step back again, shaking your head. 
“I want to stay here with Eren and Zeke.”
Your friends’ eyes harden. “You can see them later,” Mikasa urges, but you continue backwards until you can sit between them again, and both boys offer you a hand.
“I’m not leaving them.”
“Their little friend killed Sasha,” Jean reiterates, as though this should pull you from your brothers. That gets Armon and Mikasa’s attention, and they run out to check on your newly dead friend. 
There’s too much going on. Strangers who know your brothers and your former leaders, but not you, come in and reveal that this was all Zeke’s plan. 
“You must’ve really wanted to kill me,” Zeke muses with a little smirk at Captain Levi.
You’re distracted from the response by Eren squeezing your hand. “You should nap, bean.” 
“I’m not tired,” you protest.
He huffs. “You are. Zeke told me how tired you’ve been lately.”
The rare softness in your twin’s eyes tells you he knows— or at least suspects— why, too. So you nod and lay with your head in his lap. Zeke insists you lay your feet on his lap never willing to be without you, and you fade in and out while the airship travels.
You’re jostled awake as the airship lands, rolling off your makeshift pillows and stretching your aching body. Your brothers do the same, framing you as they’re prone to do.
“Come on.” Levi leads the way off. There’s much heaviness and sorrow as Sasha’s body is carried to land. You aren’t sure it’s hit you, what with everything that’s happened.
Hange nudges you and tells you to follow them, but you cling to your brothers— at least until Eren murmurs that he’ll see you soon and kisses your forehead.
“Ren—” you call, but he’s already walking away.
“Come oooon, kid,” Hange orders. “Let’s get you to medical, eh?”
“I don’t need to see a medic,” you insist. “I want to stay with Zeke.”
Levi shakes his head. “You’ll see him later. Go with the Commander.”
You stare pleadingly at your older brother, who shakes his head. “I’m sorry, honey. I’ll be with you as soon as I can, okay?”
You wish you were alone with him, so you could beg, or at least kiss him properly goodbye. Your eyes fill with tears and you swallow hard, rising on your toes to place your lips near his ear and whisper, “Love you, daddy,” so he knows you aren’t just afraid of being by yourself, but specifically without him. And then you plant your lips on his cheeks.
“I love you, too, babygirl. Be good for me.”
You nod and let the Commander lead you away.
You only look back twice, and both times he’s doing the same.
“So.” Hange steers you into medical whether you want it or not.
It’s strange. There is a feeling of modernity you’d never expect from your old home, no doubt from them being connected to the rest of the world now. It’s no Marley, but Paradis is changed. “Any injuries to report.”
You let them take you to an empty bed, and a medic soon joins. “I’m fine. I really don’t need an exam.”
“It’s standard procedure,” they respond. “Besides, you’ve had a stressful night. We should check on your condition.”
The delicate phrasing makes you grimace. Who else knows by now? “I feel fine.”
“How far along are you?” Hange blurts, and a new gleam of understanding appears in the medic’s eyes.
You shrug. “Uh, maybe ten weeks?”
The Commander nods. “And the father—”
“I already told Captain Levi that doesn’t matter,” you interrupt. 
They nod understandingly. “Sure, sure. But, ah, we should still know. Medical reasons and stuff. If the father’s a titan shifter—”
“It doesn’t matter.” Your voice is low and hard.
“Was it forced?” the medic murmurs gently.
You shake in refusal, then pause and sigh. “Not— not forced. We didn’t mean for it to happen. It was an accident.” Uncertain hands settle over your stomach to indicate just what part was the accident.
“But the sex—” Hange began.
“No. He’d never.” He loves me, you add silently.
“Kid, I know the last few years must’ve been hard on you.” The Commander sits beside you on the cot. 
You know what they’re doing. “It wasn’t bad. They didn’t shove me in prison or torture me or anything.”
They smile, emanating some relief. “That’s great. But— why? You were an enemy soldier after all.”
“Zeke convinced them I wasn’t a threat.” You twiddle your thumbs where they meet against your shirt. “And Reiner and Bertholdt— and then Porco— all confirmed it.”
“Still, they took a big risk,” they pressed.
“Zeke just kept me in his barracks.” You roll your eyes. “Or with him all the time. Can’t be a danger if I’m with Marley’s Wonderboy.”
“So you were never away from him?” 
You freeze, then scowl. You won’t be manipulated like this. You’re not an idiot, nor are you a child. “I wasn’t with him twenty-four-seven. I attended an event with their general and some other babysitters a week or so ago. And then I stayed with Lord Tybur for a little while when Zeke was on a mission.”
A keen dark eye bores into you. “Tybur. Is he the one—”
“No,” you say. “Can we please stop talking about this? I’m telling you it doesn’t matter.”
“We might be able to abort this early,” the medic considers.
Ah, yes. That option. You’ve never spoken to Zeke about it, choosing to think on your own. 
Hange shakes their head. “No can do. Zeke said something about the baby being important. Royal blood, apparently.”
“But I thought Historia was having children.” Your mouth dries hearing that they’ve discussed this with your brother. When? Was it while you slept? What did Zeke say? 
“She is, but it’s always good to have a backup.”
It reminds you of something Zeke told you long ago.
“The Tyburs are like that, always popping out children so they have replacements waiting in the wings.”
The blood in your veins runs cold. Fingertips curl into your stomach. 
Zeke’s of royal blood. 
You try to shake off the thought. He wouldn’t. Zeke wouldn’t do that to you. He loves you, more than anything. He loves you.
“He loves me.” You’re crying again, damned hormones. 
You shake your head again, laughing bitterly. Your throat is filled with glass. 
But you’re still not going to answer.
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commander-hanji-zoe · 2 years
Hey Hunn I’m in the christmas spirit so I was wondering if you could write about what the vets perfect Christmas would look like? Also, imagine Levi not celebrating his birthday nor Christmas, but suddenly he gets all kinds of gifts for his birthday AND Christmas!
Hey, here you go! I didn't write a lot about Levi's birthday but wanted to ensure I posted this before Christmas Day. So Merry Christmas to all my lovely followers, hope you all have a lovely, safe and peaceful holiday.
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Relaxation before the Big day wasn’t something Erwin, Levi, Hanji, Mike, Nanaba nor Moblit had the luxury of. Their preparations for Christmas and New Year were rushed, crammed into evenings and early mornings with an occasional few hours in an afternoon. The work though, it paid off and for a few days they were able to relax and celebrate together, secretly all praying they’d be no emergencies to tear them away from
Their Christmases tended to be similar year to year, but to the tight knit group of friends they were always perfect, especially those where things didn’t go to plan.
I’ll say that the vets perfect Christmas is one where they’re together. It doesn’t have to be big and fancy, they don’t have to spend a fortune on it and doesn’t have to be ‘perfect’. Considering everything they’ve seen, their ideal Christmas is just when they can have the time off to spend quality time as a group, to really relax and recharge their batteries and for once a year to overindulge.
The six of them meet up on Christmas Eve for a walk, no matter the weather – even in rain or wind. They like to walk around town admiring Christmas lights, trees, candles in windows. Sometimes they talk a lot and other times they don’t, quite content in one another’s company.
Afterwards they take it in turns to host, though Hanji loves doing it most. So if one year the person whose turn it is, really isn’t feeling it or is unable to do it – Hanji will happily oblige.  The evening includes a feast for them to share complete with home made mulled wine, cider and eggnog.
They tell ghost stories by the fireplace late in the evening, every year Mike’s get more and more unbelievable (and to Moblit, more frightening). Nanaba finds it adorable and loves hearing the way he spins tales. Erwin too is very good at story-telling, acting out scenarios and putting on silly voices – though as Levi comments, they’re all rather serious.
They have a tradition where every Christmas eve they make one decoration each, whether it’s a wreath, paper chains, paper snowflakes or something else.
Each of them opens one gift on Christmas eve, rather like ‘secret santa’ they each draw one name out of a hat and that is person they have to buy a book for. It’s their Christmas eve read and they try to find a perfect festive book – perhaps Victorian or Gothic mid-winter ghost stories, something traditional or a festive romance novel. When they return to their rooms/homes they each curl up in bed and start to read the book that was bought for them.
They don’t go carol singing and rarely open the door to others – rather they leave mince pies and other sweet treats and a large cauldron of hot mulled wine out with a sign to say ‘help yourself’. They enjoy listening to others sing, but prefer to keep the rest of the world out.
No one mentions Levi’s birthday on Christmas Eve – they know he isn’t big on his birthday and doesn’t like to celebrate. Partly because he hates attention and partly because there are some difficult emotions to process surrounding that date – his friends respect this.
They retreat to their own homes/rooms shortly after midnight, preferring to be alone on Christmas morning. There’s two bonuses, firstly the sleep means they’ll be better company the following day and secondly, it’s time to reflect which they all, in their own way, find incredibly helpful.
Christmas is perfect when they ALL get to have a lie in on Christmas morning and don’t have to worry about a thing.
They don’t meet up again until 10-11am, when they make a toast by the Christmas tree with Bucks Fizz or Orange Juice.
Generally Moblit cooks with Levi’s assistance. Hanji makes baked goods beforehand and there’s always too much food left at the end. Whatever will keep and they know they won’t eat over the next couple of days, they’ll take to a food bank.
Christmas tends to be held at Erwin’s place. He has a little more room, his place is always clean. They each have a stocking on Erwin’s fireplace, every year without prompting he buys small and thoughtful gifts for each of them and includes a satsuma and a few chocolates.
There’s always a fire going – even if it’s a milder Christmas. Mike says it just isn’t Christmas without one, the others are inclined to agree.
Christmas is a time of abundance amongst other things, but for the vets they find less is more. There’s plenty of food and drinks, they have beautiful decorations and thoughtful gifts for one another but it’s never too much, it’s always just right – which Nanaba will comment on every year.
They take it in turns to open presents so they can watch the reaction and joy – all apart from Levi who tries to open his discreetly while others are occupied – it tends not to work, but Erwin won’t draw too much attention to it and will let him open presents on his own later if he needs the space.
But over dinner there will be a toast to Levi and his birthday – they’ll clink glasses round the table and Levi will give a very short 5 word speech.
At the Dinner table there are Christmas Crackers, Levi rolls his eyes at the same old cheesy jokes but secretly he loves them. They all wear their hats.
Erwin carves the turkey.
Mike pours brandy on the Christmas pudding and sets it on fire.
They curl up late afternoon on the sofas and armchair, just listening to music quietly, lots of festive scented candles and lights twinkling on the tree. Hanji, Moblit and Nanaba love to play a game, occasionally the others will join in. Mike prefers to read a book, Erwin too will read – but not the newspaper or local reports, he’ll pick something very light which always brings a smile to the others faces.
If it snows they’ll be snow ball fights and building snow men, possibly ice skating if the chance arises.
But if not they will all play one game together, each year they take it in turns to pick what game they’ll play. Mike likes Cluedo, Erwin enjoys Risk, Hanji loves Charades.
They avoid Monopoly, there was an incident where Levi and Erwin fell out over it and the board/all the pieces ended up on the floor. It was not a perfect Christmas that year.
To the vets there is no, ‘next year it’ll be better or bigger or more perfect’. They happy and content for what they have, grateful for their friendships and that they are lucky enough to still be here. They gave thanks with heartful gratitude and to them there is nothing more cosy or joyful.
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miekasa · 3 years
artist oc and levi who works a job in neurosciences but also does modeling and posing for art class/artists on the side (nude 😌) because academia and health science fields pay piss poor for the insane amount of work they ask us to do 🙃 i have no hc’s for this, it just popped into my damn head last night while i was cramming and now i have brain rot once again -💉
Wait omfg first of all anon why didn’t it ever occur to me that you worked in health sciences yourself bye you’ve been writing whole fics around shitty health work environments and I never thought to put it together omgomg I love you for that and I salute you for all the bs you must have to put up with 😭😭
Second.... yeah 😌😌 I like the idea of Levi modeling anything reluctantly because, like, he’s handsome but I don’t think he thinks he’s picturesque or anything, so have someone draw him and he looks at it and is like “you’re... very talented” and oc is like “thanks, but it helps that you’re very pretty” 😌😌 a lovely little concept to me
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propertyofushiwaka · 3 years
AOT Characters and the Modern Luxuries I'd Introduce Them To
Characters: Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hange, Bertholdt, Sasha
A/N: The way I excluded my fave should be a crime (and lmk if there should be a part two)
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Definitely a hot shower
Man could use one
I feel like he'd have a hard time adjusting to the different temperatures and showerhead settings
But once he has it, he'll probably become really high maintenance and use up all the hot water
Then I'd introduce him to soaps, body washes, and deodorant for the good of humanity
Fabric softener
I hate bacteria laden things and her scarf is definitely one
I'll demonstrate using one of my scarves and letting her see the process of a washer and dryer
She can even sit in the laundry room the whole time until it's done
But there's no way I'm gonna let scarf disease spread (see A Slap on Titan for more details)
A Kindle
He doesn't need anything fancy initially so I'd start him off with a Kindle
No more lugging around heavy books Blondie boy
After that I'd upgrade him to an iPad and an audible subscription
He'd probably ascend
Because now he can do other things while listening to his books
Win-win situation
This actually came to me as I was taking mine out today
They'd definitely love them but they'd probably poke themselves in the eye while trying to figure out how to put them in
Pray for Moblit
Also doesn't realize you're not supposed to sleep with them in and gets an infection
A chiropractic pillow
The way he sleeps is a threat to society and I'm gonna fix it
I just know his back hurts from having to carry the weight of being Reiner's friend, therapist, and handler
Have a solid pillow in return
Also a weighted blanket because they feel nice
Air fryer
Need I say more?
Now she can cook all her meats in record speed
She'd probably drag Connie over to show him dish after dish after dish
Might shed a tear it two when it eventually burns out from over use
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byallmeans1 · 4 years
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Pray for Moblit
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
Hello would you mind writing vets as a music band? And that fans suspect the “normal” relationship of head vocal Levi and bassist Hange? Sorry if my english isn’t writing properly at all.
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Mikasa invites him to a No Name concert.
And it's like- whatever, right? Who cares? Jean certainly doesn't.
So what if the girl of his dreams asks him out on a date? It's not like he has been daydreaming about it for the past two years. So what if she offers to see his favorite band in the whole world? He doesn't even like them much. Sure, he knows all their songs by heart but- he doesn't listen to them that often. Only twice or thrice each day. And it's not like his closet hides an insane amount of their merchandise. That is between Jean, his closet and his mother.
He isn't nervous, he doesn't care about the upcoming date. At all. Most certainly, he doesn't spend literal days, obsessing over his outfit. And he obviously doesn't pester Sasha and Connie with questions on how to style his hair.
Most importantly, he doesn't imagine how it would feel to hold Mikasa's hand or maybe even go for a hug or a kiss-
Jean tries not to think about it, his heart starts to beat to fast, when he does, but when he doesn't think about Mikasa, he starts thinking about No Name and the little, tinie tiny fact that he's going to see them in person. That he's going to meet them and maybe even shake their hand, because Mikasa being the gorgeous goddess she is, got them tickets with access to a backstage. It didn't require any kind of effort from her side, since the famed, spectacularly, dreamy Levi Ackerman is Mikasa's cousin, but- Jean doesn't remember sharing his No Name obsession with Mikasa, for obvious reasons - he doesn't want to think that he likes her just because she's Levi Ackerman's cousin, Mikasa is great not because she's an Ackerman, but because she's Mikasa, but- but Jean is so, so grateful that he'll have the chance to see No Name in all their glory.
Of course, he is not at all nervous about meeting his favorite band in person. No, no, he doesn't lose sleep over it, his palms don't turn clammy. Sometimes he feels like he'll combust from anticipation, but he's fine, completely fine.
He just can't wait until that fated day will come.
When that day rolls around at last, Jean is cool. He's cool, calm, serene.
His hand is greasy from all the times he touched his slicked back hair, and he can't stop tugging at the sleeves of his leather jacket, but- but he's cool.
The band that is currently playing isn't that bad - not nearly as talented and awesome, and hot as No Name, but still good. The crowd is bigger than Jean is comfortable with, but today it works in his favor because it prompts Mikasa to hold his hand. Maybe, he'll get that kiss after all. If he continues keeping his cool.
That proves to be just a little harder task when Mikasa announces that they reached the backstage.
Jean can't help it - he gawks around helplessly.
This is it, this is a place where miracles happen, where stars lounge and rest.
This is the place where he'll meet No Name.
Jean can't imagine how this meeting will transpire. Will they like him? Will they agree to make a photo? Will they give him an autograph? Will they think that he's a weirdo who is too obsessed with their music?
All of the above? None of the above?
Jean doesn't know.
There are so many things he wants to say. There are so many things he wants to ask - how can they play with those bandages on? How do they never trip during performances? What is their favorite song to play? What do they do in their free time? What is their favorite food? Are the rumors about Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoe-
Okay, no, he probably shouldn't ask that last question, no matter how much he wants to know the answer. And he wants to, so, so much.
The thing is- there are many rumors about No Name. It's not surprising, they are young, famous and extremely hot. These rumors usually exclude the drummer, Mike Zacharias, who is already engaged with a very pretty blonde lady, their stylist. Although, there are some fans who speculate that the engagement is not true, and Mike actually dates their producer, one Erwin Smith, but- Jean usually ignores that type of fans, branding them as freaks.
Now, as far as everyone is aware, nor Levi Ackerman, neither Hange Zoe are involved in any kind of romantic relationships, and that's- that's where the juicy stuff begins.
There aren't many rumors about Hange - some say she's involved with Pieck, the band's make-up artist. Or their manager, Moblit Berner. Or an indie artist, Onyakopon. But that's where the list ends.
Levi Ackerman, however, oh he has a far longer list of lovers. Petra Ral, for example, a rising pop-star - young, talented and so pretty that it hurts. Or Erwin, although on that subject rumors wary - some say that Erwin is the one who got Levi in showbiz, some say that Erwin is his sugar daddy, some say that they're already engaged and even married. The rumors are as varied as they're wrong, in Jean's opinion. Most rumors about Levi are like that. There are even talks about his involvement with Yeager brothers - with the front man of the rival band, Zeke, and Jean's and Mikasa's classmate, Eren. Jean doesn't understand where these rumors even come from, as far as he's aware, Levi hates them both. But- but rumors still exist.
As stupid as they are.
Now, Jean has a different opinion, one that he spends nights defending in chats and forums. Yes, Levi Ackerman has a lover. And no, it's not Petra Ral, Erwin Smith or any of the Yeager brothers. It's Hange Zoe, No Name's bassist.
There are many reasons why he thinks so. Firstly, they are always together. And by always, Jean means always. In photoshoots they stand side by side, during performances they lean against each other, on all kinds of photos - from after-parties to official events, they always touch each other in some way. And that's not all. They spend their vacations together, they hang out at movies, restaurants, museums, their respective instagrams are full of the other's candid photos. And it's a known fact that they share an apartment. Honestly, how much more obvious it can get? Also Jean is pretty sure that one of the songs written by Levi is about Hange, and he has an entire essay, explaining why he's right. He prays to every saint known that Mikasa will never find it. He doesn't want his almost girlfriend to find out just how invested he is in the romantic life of her famous cousin.
As they walk further and further into the magical territory of the backstage, Jean tries to think of something cool to say, something laid-back and easy like 'hey, what's up, guys? I've listened to the couple of your songs, you're not that bad...'
Yes, he decides. That's a good way to start. A cool way to start.
And Jean is cool. And calm.
And- oh my god, there they are, the three of them, already in their costumes, just without the signature bandages. They look even cooler in person. They look even hotter and-
Mikasa squeezes his hand.
"If my asshole cousin says something awful, I'll punch him in the face for you."
God, that is so sweet. So Mikasa. He wouldn't be opposed to anyone getting a punch from her except- her gorgeous cousin. His pretty face should be protected at all costs.
However, as they approach, the face that charmed millions transforms, turning into a quite nasty scowl.
"So that's him?" Levi Ackerman asks (Jean's sick brain, even in that moment, can't help but note that Hange Zoe is standing right behind her band member, a hand laying on his shoulder). "That's the guy you're going crazy about?"
"Yes," Mikasa answers, and suddenly the air grows stiff. "Do you have a problem with that?"
The lines around Levi's mouth harden, and Jean tries to focus on Hange Zoe, while his mind prepares for something not at all pretty, but- Hange is smiling - not smirking, smiling. That is a good sign, right?
"Don't mind the Ackermans," she stage whispers to Jean. "Levi was actually very excited about meeting you."
Right now it's hard to imagine that dark (and still so handsome) face in the expression of excitement, but. Hange knows him a lot more, right?
"Oh and by the way," she giggles, and at the back of his mind Jean wonders if that's how angels sound like. "I'm Hange."
He almost blurts out 'I know' but- that'd be creepy? Or not? He can't decide so settles on a simple nod.
"Jean," he says, taking the offered hand in his. With his hand that isn't holding Mikasa's (they're holding hands, wow!), he shakes Hange's. It's unexpectedly calloused. But still warm and gentle. Not as nice as Mikasa's but... somewhere very close.
"And that is the one and only Levi Ackerman," Hange continues, gesturing to the man in question. "He only looks so scary. But actually," she winks and lowers her voice. "He's the biggest softie you'll ever meet."
The biggest softie Jean has ever met, practically snarls, baring his teeth. But the hand on his shoulder tightens and he instantly relaxes, scoffing in annoyance. Oh, so that's who Hange Zoe is? The one who tames the beast?
"You're not as revolting as her other dates," Levi says. Jean is pretty sure that it was meant as a compliment. "But if you dare to-"
"Oi," Mikasa's face becomes as stormy as her cousin's. "He won't."
"And even if he does," Hange smiles, so handsome and a little scary. "Mikasa knows what to do."
Jean gulps. He has seen Mikasa train that one time. He was very impressed, and a little bit scared. Also a lot aroused.
He knows with ironclad certainty that should Mikasa kick him... his face may not survive it.
"Hange, Levi," a gruff voice behind them calls. Jean lifts his eyes, mouth opening in shock as he sees him in the flash - the third member of Non Name, Mike Zacharius himself. In person... he is even more enormous than on photos. His shoulders are twice as wide as Jean's, and next to Hange and Levi, he looks almost like a giant. "We're starting in five."
"Oh!" Hange covers her mouth with a palm. "I haven't checked my guitar yet. Let's hurry, shorty!"
Hange dashes away instantly, Levi sighs and trudges after her. Mikasa tugs at Jean's hand as well, whispering that they need to go to their places.
Jean nods, absentmindedly, because right in that moment, at the other side of the room he sees Hange and Levi exchange a playful, quick but undeniably a kiss.
Triumph courses through him, firing him up. He knew that he was right, those fuckers from twitter can eat his shit.
Hange Zoe and Levi Ackerman are truly dating.
He wants to know more, wants to ask Mikasa to spare the juicy details, but for now-
For now, Jean has to take care of his date as well.
He interlaces their fingers, and, keeping Hange's words in mind - Ackermans are not as scary as they look - he leans in to press a kiss to Mikasa's cheek and whispers,
"You look fantastic."
Ever so slightly, but Mikasa blushes. It's the best moment of the evening so far.
And, hopefully, there will be more of that.
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mindninjax · 3 years
Iron and Wine (3)
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Chapter 3- Lovely Bitter Water
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Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
Erwin Smith x fem!reader (Royalty AU)
Warnings: Erwin can't keep his fucking hands to himself, sexual tension, some dirty talk, nightmares,
WC: 3.5K
a/n: Be wary of the warnings on this one just in case anyone is uncomfortable with it. But This chapter contains humor and sexual tension and by far was my favorite chapter to write so far.
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The high stone ceiling peels away above you to show the sky. It is clear and dark, save for a thousand twinkling lights, the souls of those you’ve lost shining down upon you. You blink, once, twice, as the wind tickles your skin and dances merrily through your hair. There is a warm pale glow above you and your mind is wandering into the cosmos as you feel a pair of cool lips on your forehead. A glowing ball of white light beckons to you as you sit up and gaze around the swaying tall grass around you.
This is a dream.
You stand, the dress you’re wearing swaying with the wind like a synchronized dance. The air smells clean and fresh, like the trees back home. You take a step forward, smiling to yourself and basking in the white light shining down on you. The moon sits large on the horizon across the field you’re in and fills you with joy as you skip freely toward it. You laugh and it rings out into the field like a carol of bells.
You’re stopped in your tracks as a large white hoof stomps in front of you. The ground shakes from the impact and you can see it start to crumble. You look up and there is a beast with the face of a goat and the body of a man sitting atop the saddle. It’s eyes are blacker than an abyss, staring at you blankly. They’re cold, sucking the very life from you.
Suddenly the wind stops and it is deathly silent. The air no longer smells fresh and clean but reeks of rotten flesh. You whip your head around fear creeping up the back of your neck as the clear night sky forms dark stormy clouds above your head. The sky bursts open with an ear splitting crack and wailing misery from above can be heard. It is earth shattering, rumbling the world and making your ears bleed.
Horrific images flash before your eyes in quick succession. Animals' skin and bone disintegrate in his presence. When he dismounts from his horse the land dies beneath his feet and when he takes a step blood stains the earth.
You scream but the sound is stolen and swallowed by the darkness he brings. The last thing you see before it takes over you completely, is the beast opening his mouth, a sinister crooked smile on his lips as he utters the words “I have come and with me I bring death.”
You awake with a gasp and shoot up in the large bed. Your vision is blurred as the remnants of the dream fade away and the bright morning light breaks through the haze. It takes you a few minutes to recognize your surroundings, but it comes flying back to you when you see Historia lying peacefully next to you in bed.
You are in the wolf king’s castle, acting as what he refers to as a “guest” when really you are his prisoner. Historia helped you take a bath last night, washed your hair and dressed you in a light but extravagant sleeping gown. When it was time to retire for the night, she’d bowed to you and asked to be excused. Remembering how fond she was of the room, you’d suggested she stay here with you and sleep. It might’ve been a bit selfish on your part, her presence was calming and her soft breath next to your ear was the only thing that lulled you into slumber.
But that dream almost certainly was a warning. You’d prayed for clarity before you went to sleep and the Mother provided. However, you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t woken up more confused than before. What was she trying to tell you? If Erwin Smith was in fact the enemy, the bringer of destruction and death, why did Her whispers stay your blade?
You shut your eyes tightly, put your index finger and thumb together while intertwining your other fingers and kiss the tip before bowing your head. “Forgive me Mother. I do not understand what it is I’m supposed to do. Erwin Smith is the enemy, so how do I stop him and save your children?” You whisper quietly under your breath.
A bubbling warmth pools in your gut when you think about the Wolf King and you don’t like the way it makes your heart thrum in your chest like a caged bird. You don’t understand what part he’s to play, whether you should trust him or not. But one thing is for certain, The Mother does not want him dead. You roll your eyes before getting off the bed and walking to the window to open the heavy curtains and let in the sun’s warmth.
Historia still sleeps peacefully on the bed, her even breathing occasionally interrupted by soft snores. You smile as you watch her, curled up on the bed, innocent and lovely. Perhaps you were wrong to think you couldn’t trust any of the people in the castle. As you watch the bustling people below from the window, you take a deep breath and make your decision. The only people who have actually shown you their true selves are Erwin and the little dog he keeps next to him. Which means, the only ones you have to distrust right now are those two. It would make for an easier time if you were being forced to stay here.
Then it’s settled, you’ll be cordial to the others and keep your guard up around Erwin and his knight. He may think you’ll agree to his plan, but you won’t. The fact that you can’t kill him is bothersome but you can definitely take this time to learn more about how he rules and bring that viable information back to your people.
Two quick knocks on the door draw your eyes away from the people below and your body instantly crouches into defense. You shake your head, trying to break the automatic defensive edge that is built into your character. Cordial and pleasant. That’s what you need to be. A nervous voice on the other side of the door calls out.
“Good Morning my lady, King Erwin demands your presence in the council room.”
You squint your eyes in frustration. Demands?
You wrench the door open to see the tall farm pup man standing before you. He jumps a bit at the sudden swing of the door and his eyes drift down your body before he turns red and looks away nervously. You don’t realize how thin the garment you’re wearing is. Your nipples bead in the cool air in the chamber and a breeze flows through your legs making it cling to your curves. You smile a little to yourself at his obvious embarrassment.
“You’re one of the knights he sent to stand outside my door, yes? To make sure I don’t run off?” you say, raising an eyebrow.
He still doesn’t look at you, but nods his head and says “Yes my lady.”
“I see, and you are Ser…?”
“Moblit my lady. Umm if you don’t mind me saying, maybe you would feel more comfortable in more appropriate attire? The King is demanding I escort you to the council chamber at once,” he says again.
You study him for a bit. He’s cute with warm trusting eyes. You can tell he’s not faking how nervous he seems to be around you but if you were to guess why Erwin would keep someone like him around, he’s probably levelheaded on the battlefield. You do raise your eyebrow in frustration at his use of the word “demands” again but you clear your throat and look at him.
“Well, thank you for guarding the door Ser Moblit,” you say bowing to him.
You smile brightly at him as he’s caught off guard by your pleasant attitude. He blushes again when you complete the bow and gaze back into his large brown eyes. You can hear Historia yawning and waking up behind you. You hear her little gasp as she jumps out of bed and runs to the door, mortified at the way you’re dressed in front of Moblit.
“You can’t just answer the door dressed like that! It’s indecent!” she squeaks, trying to cover you as you laugh warm heartedly at her. The last thing you say to him before Historia pulls you back into the room and shuts the door is “Please tell the King to get fucked in the ass by his horse before he demands anything of me again.”
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Erwin lifts his clear eyes from the scroll of parchment at the sound of the heavy doors opening. The sound echoes loudly around the room creating a grand entrance. He stops scribbling and peaks an eyebrow when he sees only one person entering the council room. Moblit clears his throat uncomfortably as he approaches. All eyes are on him as he bows respectfully avoiding the King’s gaze.
Erwin speaks calmly, no hint of frustration in his voice. “Moblit, why is my guest not with you?”
Moblit bows again before responding, “My apologies sire, she...refused to come.”
“Really now? Did she give a reason why?” He asks as if he’s unbothered with the disobedience.
“N..no sire.”
Erwin smiles to himself, thumping his long fingers on the large wooden table. Of course you wouldn’t come. This is exactly what he expected. If you had shown up, that would’ve been too easy and not your style. “Not giving a reason certainly doesn’t sound like something the silver tongued little lioness would do. Come, tell me her words.”
“S..she requested that your majesty… ahem… be fucked in the ass by your horse,” Moblit stutters and shifts his eyes and it looks like it physically pains him to say this to his King. The room goes silent, Hange tries to keep a snicker in, Levi growls underneath his breath, and the others watch Erwin carefully.
He looks back down to his parchment and continues scribbling. “Nifa.” He says not looking up as he continues to write. Nifa jumps at the sound of her name. She sits in the corner of the room, large rolls of parchment are draped over the side of the small table she sits at. “Yes, Your Grace?”
“Is there anything on the roster after sunset?”
Nifa shuffles through the parchment as her eyes scan over the schedule. “No, Your Grace.”
“Excellent. Please add ‘fuck my horse’ to the roster for just after nightfall. Thank you.”
Hange’s snicker erupts into laughter as Nifa scribbles in the addition and Erwin smirks to himself.
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You sit in front of the large vanity mirror, the candles dripping wax down the candle holder. You stare into the fire, daydreaming of leaving this place as the last remnants of sunlight become swallowed by the horizon. You’ve been cooped up in this room all day, refusing all who came to the door with food and gifts of clothes from the King.
“I still can’t believe you told Ser Moblit to tell the King that. I’ve never heard anyone speak like that about His Highness,” Historia says nervously as she brushes your hair. You’re holding a silver goblet full of wine that was brought up to your room, a peace offering, the woman who’d given it to you said. It wouldn’t be here if not for Historia asking to sample it. It’s true you’ve taken a very intense liking to Historia. She truly feels like your only friend here.
You sniff the wine and wrinkle your nose in disgust. It smells processed and fake, not at all like the wine Carla makes back home. Erwin must think you a fool. As if you’d drink something he’d present to you as a gift. It could be poisoned.
You set the cup down as Historia moves to braid intricate little braids at the crown of your head and let the rest flow freely down your back.
“Well, you’ve never left this castle. Outside these walls, the people don’t speak fondly of your king,” you scold her.
“Why not? King Erwin has done nothing but help me since he found me in my village,” she says seriously.
“What do you mean?” You turn around to gaze at her in confusion. It has occurred to you that you haven’t asked her anything about herself and it saddens you. Your gaze softens as you look at her and she smiles her bright smile at you before a firm knock on your door makes the both of you jump.
“Don’t,” she says, putting a hand in front of you to stop you from moving. “We don’t need a repeat of this morning. You probably almost killed Moblit. Put this on I’ll get the door for you,” she says handing you a silk robe to cover the thin nightgown you wear.
You chuckle as she walks to the door and opens it warily. You hear her squeak in surprise and turn to see her bowing lowly and Erwin pushing the door open and stepping into the room. You stand quickly, pulling the robe up over your arms and glaring as he enters.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he says warmly to Historia. She blushes and shakes her head quickly, her blonde locks hitting her cheeks.
“No, Your Grace. My lady was just getting ready to sleep for the night,” she replies, still holding the door, face full of shock.
Erwin’s eyes rake up and down your figure and he smiles that cocksure smile he’s famous for. “Yes, I can see that. Historia, would you mind giving me and the Lioness a moment of privacy?” he asks, bending down to take her hand into both of his.
You’re steaming, grinding your teeth as you watch Historia’s face grow pink and she nods wordlessly to him. “No! Historia stays with me. Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of her.” You step between her and the door and she looks nervously between you and him. He gives her a knowing look and she scurries past you, whispering in your ear quickly. “I’ll be back when he leaves.”
When she closes the door quietly behind her, you glare up at Erwin who continues smiling warmly at you. “I see you’re not a fan of the wine I had sent up for your pleasure,” he says walking to the vanity and picking up the goblet. He takes a sip, then closes his eyes and relishes in the sweet taste. “This is the best wine in the entire kingdom, made specifically for the King.” You curl your lip up in disgust.
“It tastes that way. Like it was only meant to please you. It lacks the care, the love for the vine and fruit that you would be able to taste in each sip,” you explain, rolling your eyes. Not like he would understand anyway. A spoiled king with servants to do his every bidding would never understand the time and care it takes to produce good wine.
“Hmm I suppose it does,” he says, eyeing you curiously. You can tell he’s enjoying this, the way his sneaky sapphire eyes move slowly up your body, lingering on the spread of your hips and the curve of your breast. You turn away from him in disgust.
“Why are you here?”
He feigns shock, eyes growing wide and he puts a hand to his chest. “Why, my lady, I thought you summoned me here. Surely I didn’t misinterpret Moblit’s message.”
Confusion floods your face as you squint and question his sanity. “Are you mad? I told Ser Moblit no such thing,” you say, shaking your head.
“Hmm, I thought for sure being fucked by my own horse was some kind of coded message. It is quite sudden I will admit but I have had many who crave me and I will not tell a lie, I am fascinated by what is beneath your lovely gown,” he says casually walking over to stand in front of you and smile down smugly.
You can feel your face heating at the insinuation. As if you’d ever invite him to your room, least of all for that. You sputter a bit before quickly retorting, “Is that what you tell all the women you try to seduce into a pact with you? I am not that weak and I have met many who were worth craving.”
You see the shock flash across his face and return his smug smile. His expression turns dark then and he lowers his voice and moves so close to you that you can smell the lingering scent of the wine he sipped.
“Do not continue to insult me. Your snide comments are only as entertaining as I continue to allow them to be. You would’ve been dead a long time ago were it not for the way I enjoy your tongue sliding over your lips while you say them,” he breathes and the warmth envelops you and makes your head a bit dizzy.
You keep your composure though, opting to continue to tease and make him as uncomfortable as he made you. You’re determined to expose his weakness and walk out of this castle vowing to destroy him and everything he holds dear.
“A shame that even the great Wolf King can be brought to his knees by a woman,” you reply sarcastically.
“Forgive me, but you are mistaking a fleeting lust-filled gaze for something more. I shall not kill you until we’ve come to an agreement, that or...I have at least tasted you upon my lips. And once I have—and I will one day—the fascination will cease. But until then, enjoy your stay in my castle and please read over the document I’ve provided. I am sure it will help with your decision.”
Your hand is itching to slap him across his chiseled jaw. You crane your hand back quickly but he catches it and throws you against the nearest wall. He pins you against it with his large body looming over you, the hand you were about to use to slap him pinned above your head and the other at your side. He tightens his grip on your wrists, a thick muscular thigh wedged between yours, partaking in the warmth radiating from your cunt.
“You’d dare to strike your king?” He grunts in a husky voice as you struggle in his grasp. His breath washes over you again as he cranes his neck down to drink in your scent.
“You are not my king,” you hiss through your teeth.
“Ahh there is the fierceness that makes my cock weep. A true lioness. Breaking you will be the greatest victory I’ve ever tasted. ”
You’re ashamed at how his words affect you. He pushes his thigh ever so slightly up against your folds and you gasp as his cock twitches against your thigh. He stares into your eyes, half lidded as his breathing increases.
His musk strangely reminds you of home, it’s woody and spicy like roasted chestnuts during the Celestial Ides festival. Hints of rose linger around the edges and you try very hard not to be drawn in by it. Your face burns as his eyes shift down to your lips and he leans in to brush his against your neck.
His lips are surprisingly soft and he’s very skilled at swiping them against your collarbone and up your jaw in such a way that would have you pleading for more if it were not him. You shudder and hold in the moan that desperately craves to be released before wriggling in his grasp to try and free yourself. Your hand moves to the tiny hidden slit you made in the robe when Historia wasn’t looking.
He moves gently up to your jaw, dragging his lips over your soft skin. He only stops when he feels a cool sharp prick right beneath his rib cage.
“Let. Me. Go. Or I’ll carve out your heart and feed it to your dogs,” you say between clenched teeth and heavy sensual breaths. You push the dagger harder into his side and it pricks through the fabric of his shirt, drawing blood.
He chuckles and releases his hold on you, stepping back with his hands raised in surrender. He pulls a rolled up piece of parchment from the inside of his loose sleeves and places it onto the vanity before saying, “I should’ve known you’d have a weapon hidden on your person. I guess you’ve become a bigger distraction to me than I previously assumed.”
You wipe your neck and face where his lips were in disgust, holding the dagger and crouching ready to spring should he come closer to you.
“Get out. And do not ever touch me again.”
He only smiles a warm hearted smile, as if nothing has happened and walks to the door to open it.
“Until next time, my lady,” and shuts the door quietly behind him.
taglist: @lazyezstudy @jeanbeaux @ixwrites @melyannathemaia @forlancasterrr @starstruckkittensweets @charlotteplsdosth @mythical-goth @casspea @saturnalya @neptvnia @mrs-kuroojinguji
Strikethrough means tumblr won’t let me tag! I’m sorry
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nelapanela94 · 3 years
Levi x Fem!Y/N
Levi and Y/N choosing a name for the new member of their family.
Kids had never been a topic of conversation between Levi and Y/N, and much less were they part of the plans. Now they were both in her room, listening in disbelief to the doctor announcing the big news to the soon to be parents.
"We appreciate your discretion, Doc" Y/N said while putting her shirt on.
"My lips are sealed" He swiped his thumb and index fingers across his lips, pretending to zip and lock his mouth. "Everything seems alright so far. I'll set an appointment within two weeks" Y/N nodded and he finished packing the instruments before taking his leave.
Levi was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest and eyes closed. Y/N chewed her lower lip waiting for him to say something. "You said you'd timed it"
"I'm sorry I miscalculated" she walked towards the black-haired man and stopped in front of him. "Are you angry? It's only seven weeks, we still can..."
"Don't even think about it" We warned opening one eye. The steel gray orb landed on her face. "We're having the brat together Y/N" He reassured. "And I'm not angry, I'm just surprised" He let out a sigh. With both eyes opened, he scanned her face looking for a reaction. She looked at him with her mouth agape as tears of joy were forming in her eyes. Then, the sweetest smile drew on her lips. "You don't know how lucky I am to have you by my side, Levi" She whispered before pressing her lips on his.
Levi and Y/N had kept their relationship a secret for over a year, and only Erwin, Hange, Mike and Moblit knew about it. The ravenette had threatened the energetic Hange with killing the precious titans they used for research if they let it slip off their mouth. However, they let the secret escaped when Moblit was around, and that's how he learned. Fortunately, no one else heard, and Moblit was good at keeping secrets.
Y/N and her boyfriend entered the commander's office.
"Levi, Y/N, what brings you here? Today is your day off"
"There's something you need to know" Levi bluntly said.
"Erwin" the young woman took a deep breath. It was now or never "I'm pregnant" She averted the eyes, biting her inner cheek. Erwin's eyebrows rose at the news. "But it wasn't my fault, it was Levi's" She gabbled and hid behind the ravenette, who was standing next to her.
"Congratulations" A corner of his mouth lifted. Y/N poke her head from behind Levi's shoulder. "Thanks!"
"It also means you'll be out of the field for a while" The commander was happy for them; but concerned at the same time. Y/N was a skillful soldier and a great asset on expeditions. Her absence would be noticeable. Levi, on the other hand, was glad and relieved Y/N wasn't taking part on any upcoming mission, meaning one less concern for him.
As months passed by, Y/N's belly began to stick out, making it impossible to hide her pregnancy any longer and rumors about the father's identity spread among the scouts. "I'll tell you when the baby is born" She'd firmly stated. They tried to guess and even make their bets, but they were not even close. No one would believe that the ever stoic, ill-mannered captain was soon to become a dad.
"Don't mind them" Y/N told Levi once.
"I hate when they insinuate you're a..."
"You and I know the truth, it's all that matters. I can't care less about their comments" she placed a kiss on his cheek. "Now, I want some rice with cheese and strawberry jam on top"
"That sounds disgusting"
"it's not, you gotta try it"
And obviously he'd go downtown to get the damn cheese she liked.
When Levi was hectic with work, Hange and Moblit looked after Y/N. The brunette researcher was too excited and impatient to meet their nephew or niece. Since the future mother didn't want to be a burden, she volunteered to take notes and help with the transcription of the investigation reports, even though Moblit insisted she didn't have to.
The night before the 57th expedition, Y/N and Levi were lying on his bed, his calloused hands caressing her belly. "Please, come back home to me safe and sound" she placed a peck on his lips. "To us" and her hand found his. "I want a boy" she said with a smile. "With your hair, your nose and your eyes"
"The brat will have your looks"
"Listen Y/N, I promise I'll come back to you" he kissed the back of her hand. "The doctor said you'll deliver anytime soon. I'll be there for you"
The 57th expedition beyond the walls ended up in an utter mess. Countless lives lost, including Levi's squad. Injured soldiers with missing limbs and on the verge of death. Y/N waited for Levi in the SC headquarters. The doctor had advised her not to travel to Karaness since she could go into labor any moment. When Levi opened the door, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. She would not let go, as if her life depended on it. He cupped her face and passionately kissed her. The expedition didn't even last a day, but it felt like a century.
Levi was impatiently waiting outside the delivery room, nervously walking back and forth and cussing under his breath. "Take a seat Levi" Hange worriedly said. "Your leg is still healing"
"Shut up, shitty eyes"
In truth, he didn't mind the damn leg.
"Captain Levi" he heard the nurse's voice. "You can come in now"
"Congratulations to you and Y/N!" Hange squealed in excitement. "Take your time, I'll be waiting downstairs."
Levi opened the door and found Y/N sitting on the bed, with her back resting on the headboard and the newborn in her arms. He dragged a chair and took a seat next to the bed, placing a hand on Y/N’s. “Are you ok?”
“I am” She assured. “I’m just exhausted”
“Did you give your mom a hard time, brat?” He said rubbing the baby’s head with his thumb, careful enough to not wake him up.
“Isn’t he cute?”
“Yeah, we did a good job” He proudly said. A smirk showed on his face. “We did have fun” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head.
“I haven’t thought in a name yet”
“Me neither” He sweetly placed a kiss on the side of her head.
“I guess we’ll have the time to come up with a good one” She looked down at the new bundle of joy and smiled. “Daddy and I will protect you at all cost little one” She whispered.
Levi couldn’t keep his eyes off of the new member of their family. The new life they had created, half him, half Y/N; he now had another reason to fight for.
After the battle against the colossus and the armored titans to bring back Eren and Historia, the Survey Corps were left on the brink of dissolution. Dimo Reeves and two of his employees were found death in the middle of Trost. Commander Erwin was to blame for the murders and all the remaining members of the Scout Legion were to ceased their activities and turn in to the Military Police. Erwin had previously made an arrangement to hide Y/N and the baby in a brothel room in Trost. The sole idea made Levi uneasy, but he was aware Y/N was not in the condition to escape along with the rest of the scouts while protecting Eren and Historia.
Nonetheless, her hideout was discovered by the M.P.
A tall man broke into the establishment looking for Y/N; and out of fear, the owner gave her away. The man didn't bother to knock and kicked the door open to her room. The place was dark, the smell of recently blown out candles still lingered in the air. Y/N had managed to take the baby in her arms and hide under the kitchenette counter. Tears were running down her cheeks, and cold sweat bathed her entire body. She was quivering in panic, and covered her mouth with one hand to drown her crying. She was praying to all the known gods for the little one not to start crying anytime soon. Surprisingly, he was staring up at her with a cute toothless smile and bright steel gray eyes.
"Well, well, you can't hide from me for too long" the man laughed as he searched around. "Gotcha!" Y/N jolted and cried harder when she saw the gun aiming at her. "Let's end this nice and smooth"
"Who are you?" She asked between sobs. "Why...?"
"Shhh, I'm afraid I'm not here to answer your questions, young lady"
"Please" She pleaded. "Kill me, but don't hurt my baby"
The man's expression turned into a scowl. "Baby? They never mention anything about a baby" He muttered. The infant's cry filled the room, and the coated man grunted.
"Can I... put him to bed?"
"Make it fast"
She stood up slowly, her knees almost giving in. She walked to the bed rocking the baby, feeling the gun on her back. The cry finally came to a halt. Y/N placed a kiss on the baby's forehead and whispered "I love you" before tucking him between two pillows. Then, she turned around with her hands up. The man put the pistol in the case and was about to take his knife out, when a glinting, flower shaped object hanging around her neck caught his attention. His forehead furrowed and walked towards her with a menacing look on his face. "Where did you get this?" he growled, grabbing the pendant in his hand.
"The baby's father gave it to me" She replied, her eyes shut, waiting for the knife to slice her throat.
"May I know his name?"
"Levi, Captain Levi from the Scout Legion"
"I see" His scowl turned into a smirk. "The midget managed to get himself a pretty lady and make her a child. I guess he did learn something after all"
"Uh?" Y/N snapped her eyes open, confused at his sudden reaction.
"What's the baby's name?"
"We haven't had the time to think about it yet. I just call him baby, and Levi opted for brat"
The mysterious man took his knife out and with the free hand, he grabbed a fist full of her hair. With a swift movement, Y/N long strands of hair fell on the floor. It was too fast she didn't even have the time to shriek. "Change your clothes and grab the little runt." He ordered. "I'm getting you out of here" Y/N nodded in understanding and changed into a big shirt, loose pants and her boots. She then wrapped the baby in an improvised baby carrier she made out of a blanket.
"I'm ready" She gulped and everything went black.
Y/N woke up in a small cabin in the middle of the woods. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. The man with the hat was sitting at a chair across the room, while the baby laid peacefully next to her on the bed. The headache make her wince in pain.
"Sorry, but they had to believe you were dead" He bluntly said as he stood up. He put his coat on and fix his hat before leaving.
"Wait. I have plenty of questions sir. Who are you? What is this place? Why did you save us? What about the necklace..."
"You really are a pain in the ass" He complained. "The necklace was a present for my sister. I had it crafted for her when we were young" He turned around. "Ackerman. Levi Ackerman is his full name. Take good care of the little brat" He continued his way to the exit.
"Wait" She got off the bed and followed him. "Who are you to Levi?"
Without turning around, he replied. "An old acquaintance"
Y/N didn't ask anything else. She stared at the man's back as he walked away. When the man was out of sight, Y/N finally relaxed, letting out all the tension contained in her body. While the baby was still asleep, she did a little house tour. There was not much to see, honestly, but the place was cozy enough. There was food for at least three days in the kitchen, as well as barrels of clean water and firewood. She went back to the bedroom, laid next to the sleeping bundle and caressed his black strands of hair. "It seems you're an Ackerman after all" She chuckled. "Your father..." Her eyes saddened. "I wish I could go and find him, but I'm still recovering and taking you with me would be a high risk." She heavily sighed and closed her eyes. "I do hope he's doing well."
A couple of days later, a heavy knock on the door startled Y/N. She swallowed hard and tucked the baby in the bed "Shhh" She put her index finger on her lips, "I need you to be quiet. Do it for mommy" She said in a whispered, then headed to the kitchen. She grabbed a pan and slowly walked towards the door; her hand landed on the knob as cold drops of sweat traveled down her temples. "Oi! Y/N, it's me. I know you're in there, open up" Without a second thought, she twisted the doorknob and found her Levi standing there, with stains of blood on his face and clothes. Y/N glomped the ravenette.
"Levi!" She squealed; her eyes already glistened. "Oi" He fought to keep his balance and embraced her tightly. "Don't leave me alone again" She sniffed.
"I promise I won't" He muttered. "And can you get rid of that damn pan? It's making me nervous"
"Sorry" She threw it away. "I can't believe you're finally here. Please tell me this is not a dream?"
"This is all real" He pulled apart and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Are you alright? did he hurt you?"
"I'm fine, Levi. That tall man with the cool hat was sent to kill me, but he changed his mind when I mentioned your name and hid me in this place instead. Are we even near the city? and how did you find me?"
"He told me where to find you" He pressed a kiss on her forehead.
"Come on in, somebody wants to see you" she took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. Levi sat at the edge of the bed and a small warm smile drew on his face. The giggling baby wrapped his little hand around Levi's index finger. "Y/N" he called her name.
"Have you thought of a name already?"
"Not really"
"What about Kenny?"
"Kenny? I actually like it" She smiled and rested a hand on Levi's shoulder. "Kenny Ackerman will be, then"
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vogelimkafiiig · 3 years
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Summary: You're almost glad Erwin didn't live to see what happened after Shiganshina.
A/N: Very much inspired by Cody Fry's rendition of Eleanor Rigby. Angst with a side order of angst. And another side order of apologies.
Warnings: HUGE SEASON 4 PART 2 MANGA SPOILERS - DO NOT READ IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILED!!! Angst and descriptions of violence/death/blood.
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Ah, look at all the lonely people Ah, look at all the lonely people
You hadn’t been permitted to attend his funeral. It had been more of a proceeding than an honouring. A military affair- high-ranking officers only. A cold, looming gravestone with no body resting beneath it.
But as you kneeled before where his name was carved harshly into the marbled stone, lay a pristine white lily down somewhere he would never see it, you took what little comfort you could.
Erwin had always been fond of flowers. He knew their names, their significance. You’d often return to find a bunch sweetly wrapped at the door to your quarters. Red roses to represent passion. Peonies for beauty and elegance. Edelweiss for devotion. Hydrangeas for the gratitude of being truly understood by someone for the first time in his life.
Eleanor Rigby Picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been Lives in a dream
Erwin had been smart. So smart. Devoted to his dying breath. Kind, gentle, tender. He had sought solace in you, holding you near and soaking up every sweet word you’d sighed into his ears. He’d find himself hunting you like the predator hunts the gentle fawn, craving the feeling of your lips at every hour of the day.
His corpse had never been recovered from Shiganshina- they’d deemed it too much of a risk. Levi had told you that he’d laid him down in a house, on a bed, the wings of freedom on his cloak spread over his unmoving chest. Peaceful, he had described it. Back then you weren’t so sure.
Waits at the window Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door Who is it for?
And now, as the whole world and its inhabitants were being slowly crushed to dust and bone, you found yourself agreeing with him. At least your beloved Erwin, for all the horrors he had witnessed, did not have to live to see this. You watched, helpless, every muscle in your body screaming in agony, as men, children, women were reduced to nothing under the feet of the giant titans, far bigger than the colossal had ever been- a culmination of walking terror.
Lovers clutched their partners, praying in vain for a chance to live. Mothers consoled wailing children, nestling them beneath their chins to hide their own acceptance of their fates. The smell of blood ran thick through the air, something familiar to every scout but never like this. Never this rancid.
All the lonely people Where do they all come from? All the lonely people Where do they all belong?
Erwin had washed the blood from your hands once, knelt by your side in front of a stream. He’d been so careful, so delicate, had taken his time rubbing each crease and corner with his thumbs until the crimson had leaked from your palms to stain the flowing water beneath. He’d cupped them after that, stilling the trembling and bowing down to press his lips to them. ‘I’m here’ he’d said. ‘I’ve got you.’ ‘You’re safe with me.’
He wasn’t here to do it now. Your hands would remain bloodstained and shaking. The blood of your friends, of the people you’d devoted your life to protect. Once upon a time Eren Yeager had been one of those people too. You’d admired the unwavering bravery in the boy’s eyes. You’d be lying if it didn’t remind you of the same look that had frequented Erwin’s. But now as he unleashed hell upon thousands and thousands of innocents? Slaughtered without second thought? You couldn’t see that any more.
Like Erwin, none of these people would have funerals. There soon wouldn’t be anybody left to mourn them. You’d be there too soon, staring up with wide eyes at the sole of a titan’s foot about to rain down on you. Back with Erwin. With Hange. Levi squad, Moblit, Sasha, Miche, Nanaba. Everybody you’d loved and cherished.
Father McKenzie Writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear No one comes near Look at him working Darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there What does he care?
Erwin. The titans must have trampled his grave when they spread out from the wall. Must have taken those white lilies with them. Wiped clean the engraving of a name. The only record of him ever having existed.
Before they’d become a marker of his grave, Erwin had suggested white lilies at your wedding. Beautiful unstained flowers, representative of commitment. They would have matched the pure white diamond sitting on the fourth finger of your left hand.
All the lonely people Where do they all come from? All the lonely people Where do they all belong?
You vividly remembered the day he’d slid it onto your finger, the way he’d called it a promise to always come back to you. A promise now broken, you realised, as you picked the dried flakes of blood from the ridges of the diamond with trembling hands.
Ah, look at all the lonely people Ah, look at all the lonely people
The morning of the day Erwin fell he’d kissed the stone on your finger, repeated his promise to you. Looking back on it now you should have noticed how he lingered longer than he normally did before an expedition, how his mouth spent a fraction too long skimming your skin. He’d always had excellent intuition. Sometimes to an irritating extent. He had pulled you up against his chest, cooed reassurances that all would be well into your hairline between passing kisses. Liar. Erwin had most definitely known what he would lose that day. What you would too. Erwin had a way of knowing everything. Except what was in that damn basement. That forbidden treasure that had led him to his death.
Would this have been what his father wanted for him? For his own son to die a cruel death in an attempt to repent for one fatal mistake?
No matter. What’s done is done. You had your own duty to fulfil. Dedicate your heart in turn, follow after all your fallen comrades - heart and soul to the cause.
That was the very last thing he had whispered against your lips mid-kiss. A reminder that duty always came first, nothing above the scouts. Bittersweet. The unspoken truth. Erwin would die to avenge his father.
Eleanor Rigby Died in the church and was buried along with her name Nobody came Father McKenzie Wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave No one was saved
And Levi? Levi had always given his heart and soul to the cause, even when that meant sending the man he cared for above all riding to his death. Choosing the Arlert boy over his Commander. He had lost everyone now. Yet he still powered through, still managed to drive his blade right through Zeke Yeager’s neck, to stop the rumbling and the slaughter that came with it. To erase every last trace of titans on the planet.
Erwin would be proud, you thought. You didn’t have to spend long imagining what he might say, however. All of your fallen comrades, there in a fog, side by side, hands to hearts. You turned, looked to Levi to reassure yourself that you weren’t losing it, that you hadn’t died and entered the afterlife. The wide eyes and ghostly pale complexion that shone through from under the blood confirmed what you were seeing.
All the lonely people Where do they all come from? All the lonely people Where do they all belong?
Erwin turned from Levi to you, a welcoming and longing smile on his face but despair and heartbreak in his eyes. An apology, you realised. Also a confession of love. Erwin had always been skilled with words but he’d never needed to use them.
The breath felt stolen from your lungs. Your eyes pricked with burning tears. Erwin was proud. He’d seen all your efforts. Been there by your side even when he wasn’t there to see or touch. He’d watched you visit his grave countless times, spend hours conversing with the marble of his headstone, lay lilies at its foot. He’d never left your side once.
Ah, look at all the lonely people Ah, look at all the lonely people
And one day, after you’d lived out a long life in a world without titans, you’d be able to walk back home into his arms once more.
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Brave Heart: Chapter Thirty
Attack on Titan
Rating: Mature
Warnings: sexual themes, death, gore, mature themes, extreme violence, body horror, blood, weapons, major character death, age-gap relationship
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Eyes glued to the passing scenery of trees and bushes as she sat in the back of the moving wagon, Vera shifted her gaze to look over at Jean, who was guiding the wagon on horseback with a torch in his hand along with most of the Levi squad and Moblit. The remaining members of the squad—Mikasa and Vera—were in the back of the wagon with Hange and Levi while Armin sat up front steering.
The group had been travelling for hours, but without the sun in the sky to aid in the passing of time, it was hard to tell just how much farther Rod Reiss' estate was. The only certain thing was that, when they arrived at their destination, they all had to be ready to fight for Eren and Historia—and this time it was known ahead of time that they would be fighting other humans instead of the flesh-eating monsters that they had grown accustomed to hating.
"Hange." Mikasa's voice drew Vera out of her spiralling thoughts. "You said you might know where they are."
"Oh, yeah. Guess I should explain how," Hange's response got the attention of everyone within earshot. Pulling out the same journal from before, Hange explained. "Erwin gave me this scout report from an investigation on Lord Reiss' land. It details a certain incident that occurred five years ago on the Reiss estate."
"Five years?" Armin turned to look over his shoulder.
"That's right," Hange confirmed. "It was the day wall Maria was breached. I'll summarize the most important parts from the beginning. So, as far as regional lords went, Lord Reiss was fair and well-respected by the people. He had five children—the most well-known of them was his eldest daughter, Frieda; she was a down-to-earth girl who even the peasants adored. But five years ago, on that night, disaster struck. With the fall of wall Maria having plunged the world into chaos, bandits raided and set fire to the only chapel around. Unfortunately for them, the entire Reiss family had gathered there to pray. And so, the entire family was massacred by bandits that night, save one; only Rod Reiss managed to escape with his life. To top it all off, this incident occurred just a few days before Historia's mother was killed by the Interior Police. So we know that in the immediate wake of losing his family, Rod Reiss sought out Historia, and something tells me that it wasn't out of a newfound paternal affection."
Levi, whose arms were crossed over his chest, looked completely disinterested in the story. Nevertheless, he decided to speak up. "Well, she is of royal blood," he said. "Or do you think that bloodline has some other secrets?"
"It's possible, but I'm not sure yet," Hange answered. "What really stood out to me, at least, was the fact that large parts of the chapel were destroyed. The chapel was built from stone—it would take a lot of time and effort to destroy it. If it was bandits, they'd have taken what they could and made a quick escape. Also, Lord Reiss was the only witness, no one confirmed his story. Then Lord Reiss rebuilt the chapel with his personal fortune almost immediately. What was his rush? When you think about it, the story could only make sense if it involved a Titan attack. It may turn out that I'm jumping to conclusions, but it's suspicious enough to merit investigation and it's the only lead we have."
Feeling the chilly night air nip at her exposed flesh, Vera tucked her chin down into her jacket and tried to calm her mind and focus on one thing at a time. Like always, the new information Hange had dropped on her about her parents was swirling in her subconscious, dangerously close to transforming into a storm in her head.
"Before the night is over, Reiss' land will be crawling with our soldiers." Hange's voice helped to ground Vera as she closed her eyes and attempted to block out the intrusive thoughts. "Unfortunately, we can't expect him to wait that long. We have to get there as soon as possible . . . before Eren ends up in someone's stomach."
When Vera felt the wagon begin to pick up speed, she re-opened her eyes. When she did, she noticed that Levi and Mikasa had switched places in the back of the wagon, the former now sitting next to her. The change in pace indicated that they were nearing their destination, but Vera still had no idea how much longer she had to collect herself.
Looking to her side, Vera locked eyes with Levi and his expression of indifference seemed to waver slightly. Vera could have fooled herself into believing that he had done it on purpose to assure her she wasn't the only person struggling with coming to terms with what was to come, but when he spoke seconds later it was proven that he was thinking about something completely different.
"You should understand, this is Kenny the Ripper." Levi eyed Mikasa and Hange when he spoke since they hadn't had as much one-on-one experience with Kenny as Very unfortunately did. "If he's there, he's our biggest obstacle. In terms of his threat level, it's like you'll be fighting me . . . or wait, with those weapons of his, he'll be stronger."
"Then he's unbeatable," Sasha said from the back of her horse, her grip tightening around the torch in her hand. "At least for us."
"Maybe we should wait and meet up with other soldiers," Connie suggested.
"No chance in hell." Mikasa shot down that idea before anyone even had the chance to consider it.
Connie hung his head. "Right! Course not!" He instantly went back on his own words. "If we wait for reinforcements then Eren might get eaten."
"You know, based on what the Captain just told us, the odds won't be entirely in Kenny's favour." Armin took his eyes off of the uneven road before him for a split second as he addressed the squad.
"You really think so?" Jean asked.
Armin nodded. "Yeah. His squad is well trained but we have way more combat experience."
Elbows resting on her knees, Hange glanced across at Levi. "Have to ask—how is it that you lived with Kenny the Ripper but know next to nothing about him? Did the two of you never talk?"
"Not much," Levi replied. "I only just learned the man's last name. Don't know if you heard, but it's Ackerman." His gaze shifted to Mikasa. "Might be a relative of yours."
Mikasa's eyes widened slightly as she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. "I remember my parents saying that my dad's side, the Ackermans, were persecuted when they lived in the cities. My mom said her ancestors were Eastern; her appearance made it difficult for them to fit in. Both groups were chased deep in the mountains, near the edge of the walls. That's how my parents met. But my father never told me why the Ackermans were persecuted. He looked the same as all of you, so I don't think he was of a different race."
"Tell me this," Levi prodded for more information, "have you ever suddenly felt a power awaken inside you?"
Something seemed to trigger inside of Mikasa and she let out a faint gasp. "I have."
With that, the clouds parted to reveal the large, blue moon that bathed the open plains in a blueish tint. The back of the wagon fell quiet for a few beats before Levi spoke again.
"This has happened for Kenny Ackerman as well," he informed Mikasa. "Suddenly, out of nowhere, he felt an absurd amount of strength surging through him. And in that moment, he knew just what he needed to do. And it's happened to me too. Makes me wonder . . ."
Levi trailed off, and before he could finish his sentence, the silhouette of a single, solitary building in the distance caught the attention of Jean and Moblit, who were riding in front.
After Hange confirmed that the brick building was, indeed, the rebuilt Reiss chapel they had been looking for, the squad was given their final minutes to prepare for whatever was to come beyond the large, double wooden doors on the front of the chapel.
After making their way inside the rather unassuming structure, they got to work. While half of the squad split up to search for anything that would indicate that the chapel was more than it seemed upon first glances, the other half began preparations for the plan that had been concocted by Hange and Armin during the ride over. As expected, it didn't take long for Hange to locate the metal door they had been looking for, which was hidden on the floor underneath a precariously placed rug.
"Found it," Hange announced. "A hidden door. Reiss and Eren should be inside. Hopefully the layout's close to what I predicted."
Glancing over his shoulder at the barrels that Armin was rigging, as per the plan, Levi sighed. "These presents better pay off, considering the time we spent prepping them."
"The plan is good," Vera spoke aloud, more to convince herself than anything else. "It will work. It has to."
"Speaking of the plan, can we go over it one last time?" Connie inquired. "You know . . . just so everyone knows what they're doing."
"The anti-personnel ODM gear has a big weakness. The anchor points in the same direction as the gun, so once it's deployed, the gun can't be aimed again," Armin reminded everyone, his hands still working while he spoke. "Which means that while the user's moving, they're vulnerable to an attack from behind. But their greatest weakness is that once they fire twice, they need a few seconds to reload their weapons."
"So that's the general idea." Vera clenched her hands into fists as she stared down at the metal hatch on the floor. "Use their weakness against them. Attack from behind and wait until after the second shot."
"Exactly," Levi confirmed.
After finishing the final touches on the final barrel, Armin stood to his feet. "Okay, we should be good to go now."
"All right, then." Levi's eyes darted between each and every one of his squad members. "Is everyone here ready? 'Cause you're all about to dirty your hands." When no one dared speak, for fear their voices may give away just how nervous they really were, Levi nodded. "Guess that's a yes."
With that, Hange opened the hatch and the squad worked at lowering the charged barrels down into the space below. From there, a single wooden door guided their only path through the chamber underneath Rod Reiss' chapel.
Looking over his shoulder, Levi gave everyone one last chance to steel their nerves before he kicked the door open. On the other side, a vast room made of pure crystal waited for them, and directly before the squad, a staircase that proved to work perfectly in their favour.
With the barrels already laid on their sides in a row, Levi kicked them down the stairs one at a time, the wheels that Armin had secured to either side helping them roll effortlessly down and into the room below. As soon as the barrels had made it to the bottom of the staircase and slowed to a stop, Levi gave the order and everyone rushed out. Pulling her pairing blades out, Vera advanced with the initial attack squad while Sasha took cover, lit her arrows with the single torch she had brought with her, and fired at the barrels.
As soon as Sasha's flaming arrow pierced the side of the first barrel, the entire thing exploded, cloaking the crystal chamber in a cloud of thick smoke. One after another, the barrels exploded as Sasha shot at them and before long, the entire chamber was filled with black smoke, making it impossible for Kenny's men—who had been shouting to one another since the first barrel had combusted—to see, let alone shoot at Levi and his squad.
As Vera took to the air, using the many crystal pillars throughout the room to sink the hooks of her anchoring lines into, those who had hung back and were not part of the initial attack squad—Connie, Jean, Hange, Moblit, Armin, and Sasha—began firing green signal flares into the air, making visibility even worse.
"35 total!" Levi's voice echoed throughout the chamber. "In the upper parts of the pillars. Continue the plan! We'll take them all out right here!"
"Everyone scatter!" A female voice followed Levi's, and Vera knew it must have been the second-in-command of Kenny's group. "Let them spread out, then surround them!"
With that, Connie, Jean, and Hange joined the aerial battle as well and Sasha continued firing at the remaining barrels.
Hearing the strained coughing of someone nearby, likely one of Kenny's men that had inhaled a little too much smoke, Vera followed the noise and tightened her grip on her blades, ready to strike. As soon as she emerged from the cloud of smoke and confirmed that the coughing was not coming from one of her comrades, she thought back to Levi's words about dirtying her hands and knew that this was something she had to do whether she liked it or not.
Letting out a quick shout, Vera released her anchoring lines from the pillars and pushed her body into a spin to propel herself forward. Just as the man before her glanced back and their eyes met, her blades were cutting through his skin and bright red blood was soaking through his clothes.
In a scream of agony, the man released his own anchoring line and fell downward, his body disappearing into the smoke before Vera heard the distinct sound of a body colliding with the hard ground.
Seconds after Vera anchored herself to the side of yet another crystal pillar, she heard the sound of a gunshot and jumped out of the way just in time to avoid being hit by another damn bullet. The pain in Vera's arm from the previous bullet graze had subsided almost completely by then, but the mark was still there to remind her that Kenny's goons wouldn't hesitate to make sure the next bullet fired in her direction went straight through her skull.
From the sidelines, Armin kept firing signal flares and Sasha kept shooting arrows, watching the squad's back and protecting them in areas that the smoke couldn't.
Glaring at the woman who had just fired at her, Vera clenched her teeth and planted her feet firmly against the pillar, ready to dodge one last time. The woman had already fired once, so if she tried to shoot at Vera and missed again, Vera had a golden opportunity to lunge and strike.
"Come on! I'm right here!" Vera taunted, recognizing the woman as one of the many that had been there the day Kenny had first attacked Levi and her in the streets. "What good are those guns if you can't hit anyone with them?"
Taking the bait, the woman aimed her gun at Vera once more and pulled the trigger. As soon as Vera spotted the slight jerk of her enemy's finger, she pushed off from the pillar, narrowly avoiding the second bullet, and attacked. Unable to reload in time, the woman tried to flee into the smoke but didn't quite make it in time before Vera's blade was slicing open the back of her neck just like a Titan.
Just as Vera was about to jump back into the smoke for cover until she located her next target, Levi's body zipped by in front of her, followed by the familiar drawl of the man of the hour, Kenny Ackerman.
"Woohoo!" Kenny cheered as he fired at Levi, the bullet missing him altogether and hitting the pillar just above Vera's head and shattering a good chunk of the crystal. "Hey, Levi . . . and Levi's little shadow," Kenny smirked as he perched on a pillar across from the one Vera and Levi were clinging to. "I don't exactly have time to waste on you but I just can't have you getting any further." Eyes peering at the two from behind the brim of his cowboy hat, Kenny reloaded his weapon, making it abundantly clear that he was planning on killing the man and woman across from himself. "So be it. I'll just have to play. Catch me in you can, boy!"
As Kenny leapt into the air, ready to play a good old-fashioned game of cat and mouse with Levi, Levi turned to tell Vera to stand down and avoid Kenny at all costs. Before he had the chance, however, Vera had already sprung into action and tailed the man.
When Kenny spun mid-air to fire at Vera, Levi swooped down from above and intercepted the two by swinging his blades at Kenny, hoping to end it all on the spot.
"You're a lively one." Kenny grimaced as he blocked Levi's blade with the large barrel of his gun. "Damn!"
Firing again, this time at Levi, Kenny missed once more and before he could take another shot, Levi had ushered Vera into the smoke and away from the deranged maniac in the cowboy hat.
"Go find someone else to chop up!" Levi told Vera. "You have no business facing off with Kenny!"
"I agree with you wholeheartedly." Vera used a nearby pillar to propel off of with her feet and change her trajectory. "However, considering he already tried to kill me more than once and the fact that he takes every opportunity to talk to me like I'm some pathetic little girl who can't hold her own, he's made it personal. So, with all due respect, Captain, I'm going to keep fighting until he's dead."
Levi furrowed his brows. "Kline," he warned.
"If we make it out of this alive, you can scold me after, Sir."
Emerging from the mixture of black and green smoke ahead, Kenny looked back at Levi and Vera and scoffed. "Ain't you tired of this game yet?" he quipped, his body disappearing before his voice reappeared seconds later from behind. "I taught you this one. When you're chasing your enemy, you shouldn't just stare straight ahead!"
Before Vera could figure out where, exactly, Kenny was, a gunshot rang out and a wooden platform secured to a pillar above her exploded into a hundred pieces of splintered wood. By the time she and Levi had managed to dodge the falling debris, Kenny was flying toward them at full speed with a knife in his left hand.
With Kenny swinging at them, both Vera and Levi darted out of the way, but not before the blade managed to nick Levi's cheek, giving him a shallow cut just below his left eye.
Grunting, Levi decided it was finally time to pull out his trump card. Once he was sure Vera was out of the blast radius, he pulled a bag of oil out of his pocket—the same oil that had been used to charge the barrels—and tossed it toward Kenny. As Kenny fired once more at Levi, his bullet hit the bag instead, causing an explosion. Using the flames as cover, Levi charged Kenny once more, the two of them now engaged in a mid-air battle of the blades.
Spotting her opening, Vera circled around from behind and waited until Kenny was completely distracted by Levi. Then, she struck. Kenny let out a yelp when Vera's blade pierced his leg.
"You bitch!" Kenny snapped as he retreated. "That really hurt!"
Before Vera had the chance to celebrate her small victory against Kenny, the sound of Hange's pained cry echoed through the crystal chamber and froze her in place. Following the sound of the commotion, and with the smoke now thinner than it had been, Vera was able to make out the sight of Hange's body lying flat on the ground at the base of a pillar, a trail of blood coating the crystal.
"Hange!" Jean shouted.
"Now!" The same woman from before, whom Vera had still yet to lay eyes on, called to the remaining members of Kenny's group. "We'll reform our defence at the fallback point! Time to regroup!"
Hearing the hydraulic hiss of the anti-personnel ODM gear as Kenny and his goons retreated, Vera stared down at Hange's body and felt her blood begin to boil. She wasn't sure why, but in that moment, she thought back to what Armin and she had discussed when the topic of fighting other humans had come up—about how the world was neither black nor white. However, in this instance, Vera didn't find herself struggling to navigate the waters of any grey area. Instead, her feelings were easy to decipher. Kenny's people had tried time and time again to kill Vera and her squad, and now, for all Vera knew, they had succeeded—it was possible they had killed Hange.
Nothing was grey about this situation. Kenny and his followers couldn't be allowed to escape after what they had done. It was as Vera had said before . . . it was simple.
While everyone else stayed still, too busy watching Hange for any signs of life to bother pursuing the enemy as they retreated, Vera decided she needed to take action. Body acting on its own, Vera chased down Kenny.
"Kline!" Levi called after her, but she was too focused on catching up to hear him.
Following the hydraulic hissing through the remaining clouds of smoke, Vera swung from pillar to pillar. She had no idea where she was going or what she was going to do when she got there, but as she broke through the final haze and spotted a large tunnel with two large wooden structures on either side and a net hanging above it, she knew that was the right direction.
As the last of Kenny's men disappeared into the tunnel, the net began to drop over the entrance, effectively blocking the way and preventing Levi and the others from following. Sinking the hooks of her anchoring gear into the wooden structures on either side of the opening, Vera flung herself forward and catapulted into the tunnel just before the weighted net prevented her from entering.
By the time Vera hit the crystal ground hard and skidded to a halt, Kenny and his followers had already disbanded. Dusting herself off and noting that she would no doubt be covered in bruises the next day, Vera pushed herself to her feet and followed the tunnel.
As her surroundings got darker and darker, Vera came upon a door. The tunnel continued further down, but when a muffled scream rang out from the other side of the door, Vera felt it in her bones that this was where she needed to be.
Blades at the ready, Vera slowly and quietly pushed the door open. Peeking her head in, the first thing she noticed was that it was yet another crystal chamber. This one was much smaller than the one she had just come from, and it had a lot fewer pillars, but she quickly realized that that was the least important part about what was behind the door.
Another muffled cry could be heard and when Vera looked up, she spotted Eren atop a ledge, shirtless, gagged, on his knees, and chained by his arms and legs.
"What's the matter? Why are you glaring like that?" A female voice spoke up, and when Vera's gaze fell to the bottom of the ledge, she spotted Historia and Rod Reiss standing and staring up at Eren.
"Because he's realized what it is that we have to do," Rod told Historia. "The power his father stole for him must be returned to its rightful place. Historia, that place is with you."
Straining against the chains, Eren screamed out yet again. Crouching down, Vera continued to watch from afar, ready to step in if Eren seemed to be in any immediate danger.
"The cavern we're in now was built around a century ago using the Titan power of our ancestor," Rod continued, completely ignoring Eren's desperate cries. "The very same power was employed to build the three walls, and it's thanks to those enormous walls that humanity has survived. The voice of this Founding Titan reached out to touch the people's hearts and altered their memories forever. Understand that, although a few bloodlines were exempt, even their knowledge was lost over time. Today humanity knows nothing of the world before the walls.
"The only exception is your sister, Frieda Reiss. Frieda possessed far more than the power to become a Titan; she knew what this world was once like and she knew what brought it to its current state. She was only 15 years old when she took the burden of that knowledge upon herself. It was eight years ago that she performed the ritual. In this very chamber, she ate her uncle, my younger brother. In doing so, Frieda inherited the Founding Titan and the memories of this world, as her uncle had before her . . . as our ancestors have for a hundred years."
"Does that mean . . ." Historia's voice was quiet and uncertain.
Rod sighed. "It's true. Had she survived, Frieda could have used her tremendous powers to eliminate humanity's woes with ease. In time, she could have wiped the Titan scourge from the face of the world." He then looked up at Eren. "But then his father came and stole that power away. Now that power resides within Eren, but it's wasted with him. The Founding Titan's might can only be wielded by a member of our bloodline. As long as he remains the vessel for that power, this hell will never end."
Historia drew in a shaky breath as she switched her gaze from Rod to Eren. "Then-"
Before she could finish, a familiar voice called out, interrupting. "Hey, hey, hey! Just a damn minute!" Kenny descended from above. "Sounds like you said that if someone who isn't a Reiss eats Eren, they won't get the powers of the king."
"Yes, that's right." Rod nodded.
"So then, what?!" Kenny seemed confused and upset. "Even if I do turn into a Titan and eat Eren, it ain't gonna do me any good?!"
Rod narrowed his eyes at Kenny. "What are you saying?"
Lunging forward, Kenny grabbed Rod by the front of his shirt and lifted him up, gun pointed at his face.
"Let him go!" Historia shouted, and when Vera glanced up to see how Eren was doing and if she could possibly use this diversion to free him, she spotted him staring straight back at her.
Eyes wide, Vera pressed her finger to her lips and sunk down even lower, silently instructing Eren to pretend she wasn't there and avoid blowing her cover.
"What's gotten into you?" Rod choked out. "Do you think I'm lying?"
"No, I don't," Kenny seethed. "I waited a long time for this day because I knew if there was one thing you weren't lying about, it was the succession ritual. Damn, you prick! You knew what I was after this whole time and you knew I didn't have a chance in hell of getting it, but you went ahead and used me, huh?!"
Looking past the gun shoved in his face and at Kenny, Rod remained calm. "I'm very grateful," he said. "When my brother first brought you into his service, I thought it was just one of his foolish whims, but-"
"You keep on talking shit about Uri and you can kiss this half of your head goodbye!" Kenny snapped as he pressed the barrel of his gun up against Rod's right eye.
"Stop it!" Historia decided to interfere and pulled the gun away from Rod's face. "Get away from my father!"
Kenny rolled his eyes. "Come on! This is pitiful. Don't you get it yet, Historia? Your daddy doesn't give a damn!" He yanked his gun back, shaking Historia free in the process and sending her stumbling backward and falling down. "He brought you here so he can turn you into a monster, and after that, he's gonna make you eat your buddy, Eren."
Hardening her soft expression, Historia pushed herself back up again and glared at Kenny. "If that's my duty, then that's what I'll do."
"Yeah." Historia straightened up. "I've decided . . . I'll eat Eren and bring my sister back! I'll inherit the world's history and exterminate every last Titan! If that's my duty then I'll do it!"
Vera felt her breath catch in her throat. All this time, she had been expecting to rescue Eren and Historia from Rod Reiss. Never once did she possibly imagine that Historia would switch sides and turn against her friends.
"Damnit, Historia. Think about this." Kenny let go of Rod and let the man drop to his knees. "What the hell has this old bastard ever done for you?"
Historia gasped when Kenny pulled a knife on her father next and held it inches away from Rod's face.
"Only reason he picked you up is because of that royal blood of yours," Kenny continued, his eyes focusing on the glint of his blade instead of the glint of hurt in Historia's eyes. "This piece of trash is too scared to turn into a Titan himself. That's why he forced his brother and daughter to do it for him. That's the kind of man your daddy is!"
Reaching up, Rod wrapped his hand around Kenny's blade, cutting his own hand in the process as he pushed the knife away. "He's wrong, Historia. That isn't the truth." Rod's voice was quiet and barely audible for Vera. "It's essential that I do not become a Titan myself. You mustn't believe him. I'm the only man alive you can trust."
"Is that so?" Kenny finally let go of Rod completely and let his tired body flop over.
"Father!" Historia rushed to Rod's aid.
Coughing, Rod looked up at the man before him. "Kenny, you served me well up to this moment. You're free now. Go find another purpose for your life and live out your years."
Kenny was silent for a few moments before replying. "That'd bore me to death," he huffed, and instead of leaving, he began to climb the crystal staircase up to the ledge Eren was chained upon.
"Kenny!" Rod called after him. "Just what are you planning to do?"
"If she wants to turn into a Titan, well then that's her choice to make." Kenny walked over to Eren before grabbing him by his hair and lifting his head. Then, he released the gag from Eren's mouth. "But I say, the boy should get a fair shot. They can both turn Titan and fight it out. If Historia wins, well then you'll have your peace. But if Eren takes her down, the situation stays the same."
With that, Kenny pulled his blade and sliced open Eren's forehead. Eren didn't even flinch as the blood poured down his face and into his eyes.
"Go on living for the sake of drawing breath," Kenny scoffed. "That doesn't sound like any kind of life to me."
Jumping to his feet, Rod pulled a syringe from his pocket and shoved it into Historia's hands. "Historia, take this injection and you'll become a powerful Titan!" His desperation was evident in the way his eyes stared down at his daughter, unblinking and unwavering. "If you can remember, it's not enough just to bite him anywhere. To take his powers, you have to consume his spinal fluid!"
Staring down at the syringe in her small hands, Historia was too stunned to speak. Mouth agape, she just stood there, unmoving.
"Reckon I'd better step back." Kenny used his ODM gear to perch high upon one of the pillars, where he would be safe from the incoming danger.
"Go on! You have to hurry!" Rod encouraged as Historia slowly grasped the syringe with one hand and held the needle inches away from her opposite forearm. Although she was going through the motions, it was clear to see that she didn't want to do this based on how much her hands were shaking.
Sensing that her time to act was drawing near, Vera pushed the door open a bit more and began to carefully move toward the staircase that led up to Eren.
Suddenly, Historia let out a gasp, as if she had realized something. "Eren, why?" She looked up at his defeated form, hunched over and motionless. "Why aren't you transforming? You're gonna fight back, aren't you? You can't just let me . . . defend yourself!"
Lifting his head, Eren looked down at Historia, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"Historia, this is your chance!" Rod continued to egg his daughter on.
Historia, however, didn't move a muscle. Instead, she waited for Eren to say or do something—anything that indicated he was willing to fight for his own life.
"It didn't have to be like this," Eren breathed out. "All that death could have been avoided. Five years ago, if Dad hadn't done what he did, your sister . . . she would have been able to do something to stop all this. But because my dad chose to steal your family's power from its rightful owner, countless people ended up getting killed. Armin's grandpa, Vera's dad, Thomas, Nack, Mina, Millius, Marco, everyone on Levi's squad, the people of Stohess, the soldiers who came to save me, and Hannis. I can never atone for all of their pain. That never should have happened. Those days I spent in training, that stupid dream that I could see the world. And me too! I shouldn't have happened. If nothing else, at least let it end at your hand. Take your power back and use it to save humanity. It's all up to you."
By the time Eren had finished saying what he had to say, tears were streaming down his face and mixing with the fresh blood. He seemed completely and utterly defeated, and Vera began to wonder if it was even her place to step in at all. Was this for the best after all?
"Eren, I remember when you said I was a normal girl," Historia recalled the conversation she, Eren, and Vera had had in the kitchen of the cabin. "I was so happy."
Looking down at the syringe once more, Historia tensed up. "What's wrong, Historia?" Rod asked. "Are you scared? All you have to do is inject the liquid into your body."
"Wait . . . Father . . ." Historia kept her eyes glued to the syringe as if she would plunge the needle into her skin at any moment. "For a hundred years, we had the power . . . but we didn't use it. Why didn't our family do something? If we could control the Titans, then why didn't we liberate humanity?"
"That's because the same King who built this world within the walls for humanity wanted us to live in fear of the Titans for all of time. The first King believed this to be the only path to lasting peace. But I can't tell you why." Rod grabbed Historia by the wrists. "Because only those who've seen the world's memories can know. Many years ago, my brother and I pleaded with our father to free humanity from the Titans. We asked him time and time again. However, he would not fulfill our wish.
"Eventually, the time came for one of us to succeed him. After my brother completed the ritual, when I looked into his eyes, I understood. My brother wasn't there. He had become something greater; an omniscient being exempt from death who built and rules over the world we live in. Do you know what such a being is called? God. There is no other word aside from God. So now it's my sacred duty to bring God back to this world and then to offer up my prayers. I'm praying right now, Historia. For God to return and lead mankind once again!"
As Rod guided Historia's hand tighter around the syringe and the tip began to press against her skin, it seemed as though Historia was going to believe her father's words and let him turn her into a Titan. At the last second, however, something inside of her snapped and she jerked her hand away, throwing the syringe to the ground and letting it shatter, spilling the serum inside all over the crystal floor.
Rod let out a distraught scream as he grabbed Historia hard by the shoulders. "What have you done?!"
Eyes narrowing, Historia grabbed her father by the front of his shirt, the same way Kenny had, and used her cadet training to throw him over her shoulder. Something in Rod's body cracked upon collision with the hard ground and he began to screech and wriggle in pain.
"God, my ass!" Historia shouted down at him. "If it's such an honour to become him, then why didn't you do it yourself?! I'm done with your shit! And I'm not gonna let you murder me!"
Breaking out into a sprint, Historia grabbed a bag from the ground and began to rush up the steps toward Eren. Sensing this as her cue, Vera began to ascend the steps on the other side, meeting Historia at the top.
A cackle erupted from Kenny as he watched the scene before himself unfold. "That's the spirit! This is getting good!"
Reaching into the bag, Historia pulled out a set of keys before tossing the bag to the side, dropping to her knees behind Eren, and beginning to unlock the cuffs around his wrists and ankles. As Vera helped, the two girls made eye contact, neither one bothering to ask or explain the series of events that had led them to this very moment.
"What the hell are you doing, Historia?" Eren asked, his voice still shaky from crying.
"Setting you free."
"No, stop!" Eren tried to convince her otherwise. "You can't! If you don't kill me, then everyone else will keep suffering! Just eat me already, damn it! I can't live like this so end it!"
Before Vera could attempt to say something encouraging to calm Eren down from his hysterical episode, Historia hit him in the back of the head with her first. "Shut up, dumbass!" She snapped as she cycled through the keys, trying to find the right one. "Stop your crying! I don't care! I don't care about killing all the Titans and I don't care about freeing mankind either! I'm starting to get sick of humanity. I say let 'em get wiped out by Titans! And if that makes me an enemy of humanity, so be it! I don't care if I'm the worst girl who's ever lived!" She managed to unlock one of the cuffs around Eren's ankles and tossed the chain aside haphazardly. "You get the hell out of here with Vera. I'll deal with the rest."
Before Vera had the chance to grab the next cuff and hold Eren's struggling limb still for Historia, a familiar explosion echoed throughout the chamber before them. In the blink of an eye and a bright, blinding flash of light, the skeleton of a huge forming Titan loomed over the trio.
While hot steam forced Vera and Historia away from Eren, the two girls gripped the remaining chains tightly and tried to ignore the searing pain from the heat.
"Stupid bastard!" Kenny could be heard shouting as he made a quick getaway. "What are you doing?"
"Just leave me, Historia!" Eren pleaded with his friends. "That Titan from your family, let him eat me and everything will be all right! Get out of here!"
Historia, however, continued to search for the matching key to the next lock. "Not a chance!"
"Why won't you listen?!"
"I might be an enemy of humanity now, but I'm still your ally." Historia stuck a key into the keyhole and tried to unlock the cuff on Eren's right leg. "I can't be selfless, and I don't want to be a God but . . . but I see someone crying, saying that no one needs them . . . I have to go and show them that it isn't true. You're feeling like how I felt for my entire life. That's why I need you to be okay!"
As Historia finally unchained Eren's other leg, the steam billowing out of the Titan pushed him backwards slightly, knocking Vera and Historia off balance and sending them flying backwards. Before either of them smacked into the crystal wall, however, Mikasa appeared behind them and cushioned them.
Seconds later, Levi dropped down from above, his grey eyes that were usually filled with indifference actually brightening for a split second when he confirmed for himself that Vera hadn't charged herself into her own death.
"Give me the keys," Levi demanded.
"Captain, all of you!" Eren whimpered as the rest of the squad landed on the ledge and worked together to unchain the remainder of Eren's limbs. "Just leave me here!" Eren insisted once more, like a damn broken record. "Forget it! Hurry up and escape!"
Channelling some of Historia's energy, Vera gritted her teeth. "Will you just shut up already?" she snapped. "We didn't come this far to let you die!"
"Stop whining, you half-naked weirdo!" Jean scolded him as well. "We've got gunmen and a Titan coming at us, so pipe down!"
Eyes averting to look up at the forming Titan, Vera felt her heart drop into her stomach at the size of it. "Whoa!" Sasha gawked, proving that Vera wasn't the only one distracted by the giant monster before them. "It's even bigger than the Colossal Titan. Crazy."
As the Titan's skeleton continued to grow and form, it quickly became too big for the chamber it was confined in and began to break through the ceiling, sending chunks of broken crystal falling from above like a rockslide.
"The ceiling!" Mikasa warned. "Look out!"
"Get back!" Levi ordered, and at the last second, Jean unlocked Eren's last chain and yanked him backward and out of the way of a falling crystal boulder.
Shard by shard, the ledge began to break away due to the impact, forcing Vera and the others up against the wall with what little foothold they had left.
"Damnit! We'll be buried alive," Jean said as the Titan's skin began to take shape over the large skeleton.
Tears welling in his eyes once more, Eren slid down the wall and dropped to the ground. "Sorry," he wept. "I can't. I've been dead weight every damn step of the way. This power never should have been given to me. I can't be humanity's hope; I'm just too weak."
"Come on! Stop playing the tragic hero," Jean scoffed. "Of course, you're too weak to accomplish jack by yourself, but no one expects you to."
"Yeah, calm it down," Connie agreed. "We've been through a whole lot worse than this, man."
Sasha grimaced. "Not that I really want to get used to it."
"Still, it's gonna suck trying to fly through that mess." Connie gestured to the only way out, which the Titan and its gusts of hot steam were blocking.
"I'll take Eren," Mikasa volunteered.
"It's gonna take all that we have to not get hit, so hold on for your life." Jean turned to Historia, the only other person who wasn't equipped with ODM gear.
Historia nodded. "Right."
"It's useless." Eren insisted on only seeing the many ways they could possibly die. "You know we won't make it."
"So we should do nothing?" Historia retorted. "Want to sit here and hold hands until we're crushed? Or until we burn to death? You know dying here won't make anything better!"
"Listen," Levi interveined to put a stop to the bickering. "I really hate that I do this to you all the time, but you've got to make a choice here." He looked down at Eren.
Instead of answering with his words, Eren grabbed a vial of serum from the ground that had fallen out of the bag Historia had discarded and charged forward. Seconds before leaping off the edge of the ledge and transforming, Eren placed the glass vial into his mouth and bit down, spilling shards of glass and the serum into his mouth. Then, just like he had countless times before, he transformed into his Titan form.
Following another explosion and flash of light, Eren's Titan stood before the squad, except this time strands of crystal were shooting out all around his body, growing toward the ceiling like tree branches growing over the passing seasons.
Sensing the plan almost immediately, Levi ushered the squad underneath Eren for protection as the crystal pillars providing support for the chamber began to break under the pressure of the expanding Titan.
As the underground maze of crystal caverns beneath the Reiss estate began to crumble, Eren's newfound power—presumably from the serum he ingested—formed a spiderweb-like crystal barrier around himself and the squad to protect them from the collapsing chamber.
While chaos unfolded all around her, Vera was only focused on the thing—the giant Titan that was now pulling itself along the ground, making its way back toward the wall.
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
𖨆. 06 / all for us
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summary: you wake up in your room, and you can’t help but try again. even if you might meet a strange doctor and their assistant.
note: another dark chapter. please read the warnings.
taglist: @voltairelesecond @baelo80 @the-sun-baby @stupid-stinky @uniquepickle @ascybous @messyhairday-me @saturnalya @megumitodoroki @kouyume
word count: +2.5k
warnings/notes: cursing, mentions of self harm, mentions of suicide attempt, blood, suicidal thoughts, panic attack, suicide attempt, medical inaccuracies, a little graphic detail of glass being pulled from skin
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YOU'RE disappointed whenever you awaken from your temporary slumber. you were sure that you were close to death with that blade on your vein, but it turns out you were wrong. well, that's what you think until you look at your arm.
each one of the cuts is stitched up neatly while the bandages trying to wrap around them are loose. you sit up while inspecting some of the bloodied bandages on your hand, must've been from whenever you broke the mirror.
you sigh sleepily, staring at the bedroom door in hopes that someone will come entertain you even just for a moment. luckily, your wish is granted whenever you watch erwin slip into the door silently.
he's trying to be silent, that much is obvious by how he's not wearing any shoes and instead socks along with him shutting the door gently. he turns to you, flinching at how your eyes bore into his head even as you lay down.
"you're awake it seems," he smiles and sits on the edge of the bed, large hand caressing your pale cheeks.
you start to sit up only to be fussed at by erwin, who softly shoves you back against the bed.
"how am i still alive," you stare into the ceiling.
"when you passed out, we managed to get ahold of our friend that's a doctor," of fucking course. of course they'd have a doctor friend, how the fuck else would they get roofies?!
"when can i get out of bed," you lay your hands on the collar around your neck.
"tomorrow, we didn't expect you to wake up today."
"how long have i been dead for?"
"an incorrect term to describe you, however you've been out for a day. our friend told us with your mental struggles it might take longer for you to wake up," he sighs and rolls his head while a gentle smile forms on his face.
"can you turn on a show for me? don't care what," you look to the ceiling fan.
"of course," erwin says in slight concern. he'd expected you to, at the least, shed some tears, whether it be from happiness or sadness. but you weren't reacting at all.
"you know.... when i was younger people didn't like me," you sigh, "but i was okay with it. as long as i didn't get hurt, i didn't care all that much."
"why are you telling me this?"
ignoring him, you let out a small and bitter chuckle, "when i got into high school, i made friends with a boy who had a twin brother. his name was marcel, he was so sweet and kind.
"he's dead now. it tore his brother apart, i'd never seen porco in that much pain before."
mistakenly, erwin ponders, "how did he pass?"
it's the first time you turn your head to stare at him with those dead fish eyes of your's. you looked almost sinister as you burned holes into erwin's head.
erwin left your room with stiff shoulders that night.
two days later, you're standing to look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. you're surprised they didn't take the glass away from you, but you're sure it's for brushing your teeth or something.
as you stare at yourself, you allow your shoulders to shake as they hold up your arms leaning on the sink.
you wonder what your friends would say at seeing you like this. so desperate to get out that you're willing throw away everything you have just to get it.
there's an itch at the back of your mind, festering up against the walls over your brain.
'they'd think you look pathetic,' the itch, now a voice, whispers.
"porco wouldn't," you whimper. porco's been through this process before, he gets it, he understands. right?
'marcel died by his own hands in order to cleanse himself from his sadness. he'd look down upon you for comparing this to his case,' you squeeze your eyes shut and put your hands over your ears.
"pieck wouldn't. she's by my side forever," you sob.
'pieck fought with you before your disappearance. she called you a fuck-up. look at yourself, you'll find that she's right,' and with bated breath you look up.
you sob, shooting your arm back that's clenched into a fist. you punch the glass, which flies all onto your arm and hand. you storm out of your bathroom in fear, stumbling as you look at the stool used for your vanity.
you take it hastily, setting it up the ceiling fan and standing on it. with rushed movements, you wrap the chain connecting with the metal collar around the base of the fan. you step off of the stool, kicking it away with your foot while you choke.
you're starting to black out when you see levi run in with erwin, and you pray to the heavens that you'll wake up in hell.
once again, you're disappointed. you whimper weakly while crying, you just wanted to die. you don't want to be trapped in here anymore, you just want to escape.
your throat burns. and before you can try to test your voice, someone's unlocking the door while letting out an almost wicked laugh.
the door swings open to reveal a person, who's long brown hair is pulled into a messy ponytail and wearing circled glasses on their face along with an eyepatch. behind them follows a much meeker man, one that's reprimanding their actions as they shout loudly in excitement at the realization that you're awake.
"moblit!! she's already awake," the person hoots to the man behind them, who you're going to assume is moblit.
"i can see that hanji! now, quiet down! you're probably scaring her," moblit scolds the person named hanji, who ignores the warnings.
"hello, my darling~! i'm your doctor, hanji zoë but feel free to call me hanji! do you have any recollection of what happened," they sing excitedly, shoving their face close to you.
you nod nervously, who the fuck was this person.
"i apologize for their behavior, they act almost as a dog," moblit emphasizes while pulling hanji away by their shoulder.
"we came to see if you sustained anymore damage onto your body besides your neck," he looks you over.
you hold up your hand, smeared with your dry blood. hanji gently takes it into their hands, frowning deeply at what they see.
"get my tweezers for me, moblit. she's still got some tiny pieces of glass in the wounds. i'm sure that's why you were hurting so bad before we came in, huh," hanji attaches a magnifying glass to their glasses while slipping on medical gloves. you'd just woken up, but you weren't gonna tell them that.
moblit hands them a tray along with tweezers, not to mention hydrogen peroxide.
"tisk tisk! that shorty and eyebrows really don't know how to put hydrogen peroxide in! losers," they cackle at the end, which has moblit slapping a hand down onto their shoulder.
"alright alright!" they smack it away, taking your hand—palm faced down—gently while adjusting their magnifying glass.
you scream as they start to pull out a piece of glass, not exactly expecting them to be either big or long. you sit up on your elbow to look, you don't exactly trust this person.
your scream has levi and erwin bursting in the door just as hanji pulls out a smaller piece of glass, that they had to dig a bit for and it made you cry.
"what'd you do?! what are you doing?!" levi bombards while erwin rushes to your side.
"well, i'm trying to concentrate on getting some of this glass out of her skin. unless you want it to get infected, i'm going to continue. it just hurts," hanji says in frustration, bringing your hand closer to their face.
"oh, thank god," erwin sighs in relief but immediately jumps at the sound of your teary shout.
"it's okay, you'll be okay," he reassures, wiping a tear away with his thumb.
bursting with slight anger and immense pain, you snap at him, "don't you think i know that?! it just hurts!!"
both erwin and levi look shocked at your outburst just as you hiss in pain again.
sighing, hanji looks at you, "okay, i saved this one for last since it'll be the most painful to get out."
"just get it over with," you sob, squeezing your free and bandaged hand into a fist.
you knew it was going to hurt, they'd just told you. however, you didn't realize that somehow a piece of glass managed to get stuck in the wound with one side of it being lunged under unharmed skin. it was like trying to get out one paper out of a stack.
you scream again, letting yourself fall onto your back again and swinging your arm over your eyes. biting your lip, you breathe heavy with shaky sobs.
"this is worse than giving birth," you cry.
"it's definitely comparable," hanji humors you while they poke at the glass.
it makes you chuckle a little, considering they're the one putting you through this.
whenever they pull the piece of glass out, it feels like an immense weight has been taken off you as you relax your body. you hiss at the hydrogen peroxide, but it's much better than the pulling of the glass. you reach up to your collar, only to realize that they've detached the chain connecting to it.
you're frustrated, even more so whenever hanji pulls away from you and acts like this is a totally normal occurrence. you're kidnapped for god's sake, shouldn't they be calling the police?
you let your eyes wander around the room, and when they set on levi, you tense. you scoot away from erwin, since he's on the same side of the bed as him, and place yourself at the edge of the bed.
"alright, we need to talk to you about some things," erwin brushes some of your hair behind your ear, completely ignoring your fear of levi.
"first things first, you can't be trusted alone," levi grunts and leans against the wall with his arms crossed.
"which means, you'll be spending time with levi during the day until i get home or if i request to see you," erwin cautiously and slowly says.
your eyes widen while they shoot between levi and erwin, absolute fear swarming your body.
"i only hit you whenever you disobey," he scoffs, "i believe pain is the best way to teach someone a lesson."
"he won't hurt you unless you give him a reason to," erwin tells you reassuringly. it doesn't work well.
"please, don't hurt me. i'll be good, just don't hurt me," you croak while looking to levi, who softens a bit at the statement.
"don't worry then," he nods, "now go back to sleep. i'm sure you're tired after all that screaming. you'll be with me at eight in the morning."
you nod, shakily grabbing ahold of the remote on your bed and turning your tv on. levi slips out of the room without a word while erwin stays back.
"good night, my love. get some rest," he whispers, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
you hum in response, scrolling through the selection of movies on the netflix account levi and erwin provided for you. you choose a rom-com movie, seeing as you don't actually plan on staying up just to watch it.
you turn onto your side and close your eyes.
and for the first time, you rest easy.
the next morning, levi leads you through the home by hooking his pinky with your's. you were slightly thankful at the gesture. he knew that you were nowhere ready to be fully touched by him and that you weren't allowed to leave his side.
you sit on the love seat in his office, shyly taking the tv remote from his hands when he offers.
"watch anything, just don't turn it up too loud," he sits at his chair with a sigh as you scroll through movies on hulu.
you choose the movie footloose while you get comfortable on the couch. you try to ignore the small shivers running up and down your body as you're not covered up with a blanket.
you glance over to one of the bookshelves levi has up against the wall, trying to find if levi had any good reads. but before you could read the titles printed on the spines, a certain book that poked out from behind the others caught your eye.
'memories' the fraying writing was a messy cursive on the spine, something you assume levi wrote.
you get yourself lost in thought while staring at the bookshelf. if the book was in levi's office and in levi's handwriting, that means it has to be a scrapbook. and that it's levi's.
your eyes shine at the realization, but you try not to let it show. you'll wait for levi to get the two of you lunch before you'll look at it.
and so, you wait with patience. it seems so grueling as the time passes and you switch from movie to movie, but you hope it'll be worth it in the end. you hope that it explains why levi is the way he is.
"i'm going to make our lunch. the door's lock behind me since it's a keypad. stay put," levi says with slight annoyance, walking out of the room grumpily.
at the sound of the door locking, you jump to your feet and race to the bookshelf. you carefully pull the book out of its place, immediately flipping it open to the first page.
and there levi was, in all of his glory. levi was a baby in the photo, closed eyes and a peaceful look on his face as he curled into himself.
turning the page, you almost gasp at the image you see. levi's being fed by a gorgeous woman, who you can only assume is his mother. the next picture on the page shows levi wearing raggedy clothes with greasy hair shining in the sun as he crouched to hold stare disgustedly at a bug on his finger.
it made you giggle, but the next photo made you frown. levi, who looked to be at the age of five, was standing next to an older man with a casket behind them. you look at the note written under it.
'mom's funeral,' it reads, and you feel an immense amount of pity.
the next picture is a picture of levi at the age of seven standing in front of a beat up school with dirty and ripped clothing. his hair is long enough to be a mullet in this and his body looks so frail compared to now. levi's face shows not a hint of emotion, instead his eyes stare right through the camera and back at your's.
you jump whenever a book on the shelf falls onto its side. you hiss while rushing to put it back up, and as soon as you do, one from the top shelf falls onto the ground somehow. you hurriedly grab it and reach up to it on your tip toes, but you're barely able to reach.
you curse while you use the bottom of the bookshelf as a stool, not even realizing just how old this thing seemed and how much you weighed.
you sigh in relief whenever it doesn't fall down, it only wobbles a little as you step back onto the ground. you go to put the scrapbook away, but you notice that the stand hasn't stopped wobbling. it wobbles almost hauntingly back and forth, and that's when you realize it's going to fall on top of you.
you gasp while dashing to the floor while you slide out of the way, not even realizing that the scrapbook was being bricked by your arms holding it to your chest.
you cringe at the loud bang it makes as it falls, but the cringe turns to fear whenever you hear the pounding footsteps of levi.
you can't get up on your feet quick enough as he bursts through the door. his eyes dart to you on the floor and then back to the fallen bookshelf.
"what did you fucking do?! are you that stupid?!!" this has to be the loudest you've ever heard levi speak, and it makes you nervous.
tears well up in your eyes as you stare at him, completely petrified at how you might be beaten once more.
you hope levi spares you, just this once.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Helloooo just finished my first week's of partial exams and I came to Tumblr to relax a bit and saw that your requests are open, im so happy!!! Would it be okay for me to request a litle scenario where out in a expedition Eren gets to tired out and cant transform anymore and while they get surrounded by titans, Erwins S/o transforms into her titan form and just wipes out all the titans and everyone is just :000000 and they get back to safety
i hope you did well on your exams! :) i really like this request. it would for sure be a shocker ngl, i hope you enjoy love! <3
Erwin x Fem!Reader: Protecting Us
Warnings: None
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(for sure his face when he saw titan lightning^)
Chaos rained over the land as the expedition was currently being played out. The expedition was going fine at first, nobody got hurt, no deaths, until somehow titans in large groups had appeared out of no where.
Many soldiers were deployed to take care of the titans surrounding, but most began to get eaten, or got crushed into the hands of the monsters. This prompted Commander Erwin to give the signal for Eren to transform into his titan form. It was the last and final option, and unfortunately he had to come to it.
"We have twice as many as before Commander! Eren won't be able to take them all out on his own!" Levi yelled as he stood in the tree.
(Y/N) watched as her comrades were eaten alive. She couldn't bare to watch this scene unfold in front of her. Erwin didn't know what to do. Why the hell were so many titans coming out of no where?
"Eren will be able to do it. I know he will" Erwin replied and watched as Eren threw titans around.
Thing was, these titans were going after Eren. They were trying to get at his nape, which was odd considering they were mindless titans. He couldn't hold them off forever, and it was beginning to show.
"He doesn't look good Erwin" (Y/N) said with worry in her voice.
He looked towards his lover. "He'll be fine (Y/N)... if we have to, we will retreat" he said.
She wasn't so sure if retreating was a good option. The amount of titans were insane, and everyone was starting to get tired from taking so many out. Even (Y/N) was tired, she had killed more than she could count.
All she could do was watch as Eren threw titans around. Erwin ordered everyone to not engage, and to leave it all to Eren. (Y/N) wasn't so sure about the idea.
"Sir! He's going to go down" Levi yelled and looked towards Eren.
His titan looked weak, and if he didn't get out of there he would be eaten. "Shit.." Erwin said and looked down.
Everyone watched from afar as Eren fell over. Most of the titans were now putting their attention back on the people, now they were truly fucked in this situation.
"Your orders?" (Y/N) asked and looked towards Erwin with concern.
He sighed. "I need to think, go find Hanji and the others" he replied and leaned against the tree.
She looked at him with concern. "Pardon me Erwin, but we don't have time to think! If we don't have a plan soon, we're gonna end up with more casualties" she said.
Erwin turned towards her. "Do what I said (Y/N)" he said and looked back at Eren.
She shot away along the trees. She noticed Hanji standing with Moblit in the tree. "Any word from Erwin?" Hanji asked and nodded.
(Y/N) shook her head. "No.. he's thinking of a plan, but we don't have much time" she replied and looked down at Eren's titan form.
Hanji stood up. "I'll need to go check on Eren" she said and shot down to his titan.
She stood there helplessly as the titans began to form around the trees, this made it impossible for them to move, or even retreat like Erwin said they could. At this point, the scouts had no options. It's not like they could wait for the monsters to wander off, they would have to travel during the night, but day light was far from ending.
That's until the last option popped into (Y/N)'s head.
She could potentially transform, she hadn't told anyone, but she was secretly a titan shifter. Nobody knew, not even Erwin. The girl kept it quiet, because she didn't want the government to have more reasons to try and disband the scouts.
It might be the only way they could get out of there alive, but she wasn't sure what the others would say.
"(Y/N), do you have any ideas?" Moblit asked and nodded at her.
She sighed. "No I don't... but hey Moblit, do you have a knife?" she asked.
He furrowed his brows. "Uh.. yeah. Why? It's not like a knife will do anything" he replied and reached for it in his pocket.
(Y/N) took the knife from him. "I think what is going to happen might be the only way we get out of this alive" she said and looked down.
He nodded. "What do you mean?" he asked and seemed concerned.
She fiddled with the knife. "Just trust me" she replied and jumped off the tree.
"What the hell... (Y/N)!" he yelled and watched as she fell towards the ground.
(Y/N) sliced her hand open, and titan lightning shot across the sky. This caused everyone to turn in the direction of the commotion.
"What the hell was that?!" Erwin yelled and looked in the direction of the smoke.
Levi came over. "Did Eren transform again? He had no orders to do so!" he replied and looked around.
Hanji looked over and saw another titan standing before her. She instantly recognized the titan to be (Y/N). Her eyes widened at her form, the titan had her (h/c) hair and her (e/c) eyes. How long had she been hiding this?
(Y/N) began to tear the titans before her apart. She threw them along the sky, and ran around trying to get them away from everyone.
Erwin looked over and his icy blue eyes went wide. "Who the hell is that?" Levi asked and furrowed his brows.
"It's (Y/N).." he replied and looked around at the titans below him.
He watched as she got the titans to come towards her. "What the hell..." Mike said and watched her.
''Shit... why are there so many?!" (Y/N) said and looked around as the titans came towards her.
She needed to tell Erwin to get the hell out of there with everyone else. She made her way towards him. He noticed how frantic she seemed.
"(Y/N)! What's going on?" Erwin asked and lookef at her titan form.
She moved her head side to side. "Hey brat! Can you explain!?" Levi yelled.
"Should we go?" Erwin asked and furrowed his brows.
She shook her head up and down. "Alright... let's go!" he said and turned around towards everyone else.
"This may be our only opportunity to get out! Everyone get to your horses!" Levi yelled and shot down to his horse.
(Y/N) began to tear more titans apart. Her goal was to get everyone to safety, this would only happen if they all got out of there.
Erwin looked back as his lover took out more titans, he wanted to go back and help her, but he had to push forward. He knew she was strong, and she could do it by herself. He prayed silently that she would make it back just fine.
Within hours, the scouts had gotten to a safe point. The adrenaline running through everyone began to slow a bit, the sight of titans weren't feared anymore. It was quiet. They got back with no casualties.
"Any sign of her?" Levi asked and came over to Hanji.
She nodded. "No, not yet. I hope none of those titans ate her. My fear is that she got tired and her body gave out" she replied and looked at him.
Levi looked back at Erwin, who seemed very worried. "So, did you have any idea your girlfriend was a titan?" he asked.
Erwin looked up. "No, not at all. I had no idea until I saw her in that titan" he replied and looked around.
"Scared the brats shitless being honest..." Levi said and crossed his arms.
Hanji came over. "Well she did help us escape. I'll give her gratitude for that one" she said and smiled a bit.
"Section Commander! A titan is approaching!" Moblit yelled and pointed.
Everyone looked over to see (Y/N) in the distance coming towards them. "Do not engage!" Erwin yelled and looked at everyone.
Everyone stood tensely as the titan grew closer to them. Erwin knew it was (Y/N), but she seemed really weak. She most likely had been battling those titans, and had difficulty doing so. Who knows how long it had been since she transformed.
Her titan dropped to the ground, and steam started to arise from it. "She's coming out" Hanji said and looked at Erwin.
He nodded. "I'll take care of it. The rest of you saddle your horses and get ready to go back to the wall" he replied and headed towards her titan.
Erwin shot over on top of her titan. Her nape fully exposed her body which was still in the muscle. He used his blades to cut her out, being careful to not accidentally cut her arms off. She was hot. The steam surrounding her body kept her warm. Erwin had trouble even touching her.
"Is she alright?" Levi asked and nodded.
Erwin noticed she was unconscious. "She's not awake but she's weak. We must return at once" he replied and headed towards one of the wagons.
"Make sure she's comfortable" Erwin said and placed her on the wagon.
There were many questions that needed to be answered once she woke up.
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