#prayer circles that the bat is still gonna be included
thatgirl4815 · 1 year
Wild theory time! I thought you would appreciate this one.
Linking a chain of events together: so I know the prevailing theory is that Ray gets popped in the mouth by Boston this week, probably because Boston is still butthurt over Top psychologically demolishing him in that elevator, and Ray apparently not falling in line to make a play for Mew like he was supposed to.
So what if Boston goes for Ray, and Sand goes for the baseball bat?!!
And that's why Nick is all "You hurt my feelings!" (ie. you hurt my feelings when you chased my hookup out with a baseball bat)
and Sand is all "Well he's an asshole." (ie. then he probably shouldn't have punched *my* hookup in the face in my own house) Probably not what'll happen, but I think it would be glorious if it did.
You’re right, that would be glorious! When I tell you there is nothing I would like more than to see Sand chasing Boston with a baseball bat…I’m a connoisseur of the Sand “batshit crazy” agenda, and seeing him protecting Ray would just be *chef’s kiss*
I can totally see Nick whining to Sand about his treatment of Boston despite Boston being a complete asshole and totally deserving a bat waving around in his face (I don’t necessarily think Sand should use it, because that might be a little…extreme…but the threat would be good enough for me).
I got the impression from the pilot trailer that Sand was going to hunt somebody down with the bat, and of course that could’ve completely changed by now, but I like the thought of Sand going out for blood. Honestly, since Sand and Mew seem the most put-together out of the group, I think either one of them lashing out would be excellent.
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sageblogsthings · 3 years
find the word tag
i’m still on hiatus i swear?? 
tagged by the wonderful @svpphicwrites with the words grab, brush, and skin!
i’ll tag @x-writes, @svpphicwrites, @goblingraveyard, @florraisons, @dallonswords, and anyone else who wants to do it! :) your words are calls, lies, and change.
i’m gonna include quotes from the four wips i’ve been (attempting) to work on during camp nano!
from a short story in progress called “the revered & the riversong”
Memory is an ephemeral thing, there and gone in a flash of lightning. You long to reach out and grab it, demand answers from it, even if doing so burns everything around you, and you along with it.
Spires adorn the church like a crown: you want to grab them and push them into the blue until they disappear, sink into oblivion — far beyond the reach of the gods, and far beyond the cries of the damned.
from “nharonere nights”
They grabbed the corner of night and pulled it against themself, becoming insensate in its embrace.
from “the crimson moon” (arnora’s new name!)
Dorian grabbed him by the collar, halting him in his tracks. 
putting a readmore here so mobile users don’t cancel me <3
from “the persistence effect”
When he said your name, it used to brush against the back of your skull, feather-light fingertips caressing your mind.
Birdsong brushes past your ears. “I know you must be terrified right now.” The song stops, pauses, and begins again.
from a completed short story called “the holy & the hellfire”
My breath stilled in my lungs, butterfly-brushing the lines of my throat.
buckle up i use this word way too much lol
from “the revered & the riversong”
Something in your mind calls out to it, hoping that it will notice you and embrace you — that it will drag its tendrils of charcoal along your skin and mark you as its own.
Sweat pricks at your skin, and for a moment you think that your skin might peel away, revealing some fresh and beautiful form.
Pulling a cardigan across your shoulders, you try to focus on the feeling of the wool against your skin — you let the knots of your stomach unwind as the knitted loops drag along your arms.
The lines of cerulean circle and pool into them, disappearing beneath the confines of his skin.
You press your palms above his, the riverwater kissing your skin, trying to wash away the pain seared into it.
The air greets your skin like teeth, peeling and pulling and ripping and threatening to tear you from yourself. You think that might be better, to shed this skin and start anew, let the old one lie beneath the weight of the river.
from “nharonere nights”
The silver of the font reflected in the umber of their skin, the bright-white sunlight illuminating their sharp features, and Kearne supposed to anyone else they would have been beautiful.
The dagger etched along their skin, tracing the fine lines of the veins prominent in their hand.
With ash in their lungs and ink on their skin, they heaved in shuttering breaths, lids heavy against their eyes.
Sunlight batted against their eyelids, dragging its lucent fingers across their skin.
from “the persistence effect”
Bitter chirps and broken cries greeting the sanguine sun, and you long to scream with them. To turn your face towards the clouds and shriek til your lungs and the sky become one and you forget your name and your face and your skin and the fact that you exist at all.
New-knit skin strains against your aching bones, pulls over fragile tendons.
from “the holy & the hellfire”
The moonlight pricked at my peeling skin, the air too cold for my furious form.
A hand pierced through the marine mist, claws outstretched and reaching towards me — its fingertips ablaze. Skin split and smoke-chapped and shedding. A metamorphosis I knew well.
My skin was peeled around me, a chrysalis of my own making.
Daylight greeted me, a pale imitation of my immolitous prayer. My skin welcomed its touch, sunlight whispering across my cheeks.
My skin ablaze, heat tracing every bone and fiber of muscle, I smiled.
Sapphire second-skin pooled around our feet.
from “the crimson moon”
The air nipped at her skin and the wind at her face, but it wasn’t painful — the feeling of feeling something had a strange sort of solace to it, at least.
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survenante · 5 years
A List of Confirmed and Probable Reasons Why Ian Loves Mickey
Prior to season ten, we didn’t really get to see Ian make big declarations of love for Mickey. Ian had heart eyes for him right from the beginning, but teenage infatuations don’t last forever, and Ian is a man now.
Add to that how superficially the show depicted the resolution of Ian’s internal struggle with marrying Mickey, and it’s been easy to forget that the connection between these two is founded on so much more than force of habit.
Here are the reasons why MICKEY IS IT FOR IAN…
1-      Ian likes how Mickey smells, and the sex is “fucking fantastic” (duh!)
2-      Mickey is definitely not an ugly motherfucker: his impeccable hair, his soulful eyes, his full lips, his toned arms, his round ass… Even with the occasional bruises, he’s not far from being a good old Trophy Husband
3-      Mickey’s had “that look in his eye” for years, and it never went away despite having had his heart broken by Ian a few times along the way. Depending on the situation, the lookTM will include: love, tenderness, concern, lust, awe and pride
4-      Mickey is selfless and fiercely loyal when it comes to Ian (Sorry I’m late [5x8]). When he heard he was about to be incarcerated, Mickey threw away the new life he’d made for himself in Mexico and came back to face the rest of his sentence by his side
5-      Mickey’s a rough motherfucker, and you don’t want to mess with him (Oh, look at that… We must shop at the same gun show. [10x11]). That’s appealing to Ian who, like all Gallaghers, is not averse to chaos and danger. Mickey has no qualms fighting dirty to stay on top, and he can easily drop a guy bigger than him with one punch, a great asset to have in any South Sider’s toolkit. Sure, Mickey’s got quite a temper, but Ian knows how to read and manage him by now (You gonna make me hit you again? [10x12])
6-      Mickey is indeed South Side, through and through: he’s tough, gritty and resourceful. Despite Ian’s past forays into more cultivated social circles, there’s no doubt he intends to settle down in the neighbourhood, so it’s good that Mickey doesn’t bat an eye at the messiness of life there. Also, Mickey fits right in in the Gallagher household (his home life was so much more fucked up than Ian’s, so apart from the water pressure, Mickey’s got no complaint…). Bonus point: Mickey gets along okay with Ian’s brothers and sisters and has banded with them in the past when Ian’s health required it
7-      Mickey shows up – really shows up – whenever Ian needs to be comforted or appeased. He’s been there for Ian ever since Monica made a reappearance in his life in season one
8-      Mickey is protective (Even if you're propositioned, it's probably just a setup. Guys want to find out if you're gay and pound the shit out of you. And not in a good way [3x6]). That being said, he appreciates that Ian’s a tough guy who doesn’t need a motherfucking defender, mental health aside
9-      Speaking of which, Mickey repeatedly protected Ian against himself in season five, and that required a lot of strength, quick-thinking and flexibility on his part. If anyone can deal with future bouts of paranoia and mania, it’s Mickey
10-   Because Mickey really gets the Bipolar diagnostic (he did after all have a front-row seat when it all started, and he’s been to the clinic with Ian, so he knows what it means long-term) and is prepared to deal, because he wants to be with Ian
11-    Mickey is a romantic at heart and has a way with words, sometimes (Ian, what you and I have makes me free not what these assholes know [4x11])
12-   More often than not though, Mickey is inappropriate, sarcastic (Must really clear your mind watching a sunrise after a long night of gargling old man balls [4x11]) and just really entertaining. You never know what’s going to come out of his filthy mouth (and though half the time Ian probably wants to hide his face after Mickey drops his bombs on unsuspecting people, it sure is not boring…)
13-   Mickey came out for him, in a spectacular way
14-   On a related note, Mickey’s now out and proud (Guess what we've been doing, daddy! [4x11]; -So you're h-homosexuals? -No, well, he is. I just like having another man's dick in my ass [10x11]). He has zero issue telling anyone how he feels about Ian (-You must really love cock. -I definitely love one [10x11])
15-   Mickey is an uncomplicated person who has no appetite for bullshit (-Yeah, you got beer? -I've got some Craft Brews, a Stout, IPA, Winter Wheat. -How about beer? [4x8]). Also, he is an open book and often quite vocal about what he wants (You want to chitchat more, or you want to get on me? [2x2]). Chiavari chairs aside, it doesn’t take much for Mickey to be happy (Motherfucker needs to be able to rock Livin' on a Prayer, acoustic, hard [10x11])
16-   Mickey really gets Ian and pays attention when he opens up (He isn't afraid to kiss me [3x5]; When you get over this whole "I'm not worthy of love" bullshit, why don't you give me a call? [10x9])
17-   Ian and Mickey have known each other since they were kids, but even after all these years Mickey still manages to surprise him (We're having a wedding wedding? [10x11])
18-   They like some of the same shit, including 90s’ action movies, manhandling each other, and Pat Benatar
19-   Mickey takes care of Ian: he feeds and hydrates the hell out of Ian (About time, man. Your Panda Express is getting cold [10x7]), buys him vitamins, holds doors open for him, etc.
20-   Mickey comes from an abusive household, but he was able to grow into a man who can be caring and tender when it matters. Speaking of which, Mickey gives the best goddamn hugs in probably all of Chicago
21-   Ian wants a family of his own and, for many of the reasons listed above, Mickey is great father material (he already has the dad dance moves, as seen during the wedding!). Even if Mickey says he doesn’t want kids, Ian’s got him wrapped around his finger, so he’ll have him change his mind in no time
Okay, am I forgetting anything??
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