pbcnita · 5 years
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The hustle includes the weekend. #ifyoucantbemotivatedbedisciplined #prayerplusworkisrequired #howbaddoyouwantit #youarethesource #yougetbackwhatyouputout #workisrequired #dedication #callyourpowerbacktoyou #changeyourthoughtprocess #cantstopwontstop #awakenspiritually #callyourpowerbacktoyou #theancestorsways #intuitiveguidance #ancestralwisdom #yourguidesareheretohelp https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XuK44HRt7/?igshid=yfnyi1r2wma9
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pbcnita · 5 years
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Spending time at your bovada or altar space is necessary for your spiritual growth and connection with your guides. This is a prayer you can use at your sacred space. Add some more to it ask for strength, clarity etc. Ive had a few conversations with some of you regarding your spiritual court. I found these two articles which give a good basic explanation of what a spiritual court is. You need to know your team. #armyourself #spiritualcourt #ancestralwisdom #eggunguided #yourfirstlineofdefense #ourwaysgivesolutions #dontskipsteps #prayerplusworkisrequired #energyexchange #itstimetocomehome #godputyourhelpcloserthanyouthink #spiritualityoverreligion #foundation #spirituallyconscious #vibratehigher #ancestorprotected #africanspirituality  #blackconsciousness #knowyourhistory https://www.instagram.com/p/B06ZRIDn-oS/?igshid=u8202gnd2he2
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