pbcnita · 4 years
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Prayer without works is dead. Sooo... Here's a prayer, you've got work to do. 🙏🏾 #goodcharacterisamust #yougetbackwhatyouputout #ifyoucantbemotivatedbedisciplined #focusyourenergyonpositivity #prayforyourselftobebetter #thenactaccordingly #prayerwithoutworkisdead #everythingearnednothinggiven #workisrequired #energyisthecurrencyoftheuniverse #thankyouthoseofmyspirituallineage #MAFEREFUNEGGUN #yourancestorshavebeensavingyou #wearespirifirst #weareallextensionsofthecreator #freeyourminds #godputyourhelpcloserthanyouthink #intuitiveguidance #thepowerlieswithinyou #wearemultifacitedbeings #spiritiseternal #reprogramyourmind https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fdf-UHeeC/?igshid=cyev8sd30yfg
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empressempathidi · 7 years
www.iRocDis.com #AYE!! My #SickleCell just got out the joint on parole (the hospital) sick ass is over here boppin in bed FEELING IT!! September is #SickleCellAwarenessMonth #POCs #whitepeople #WEAREONE #WEALLWEGOT #prayfortheworld #melanin #natural #disasters #hurricaine #prayerwithoutworkisdead #boycottnfl #takeaknee #buildyourown #FuckTrump #thecatalyst #itisnotagame #racismwhitesupremacy #alldayeveryday #wakeup #blackpeople #itstime #FLINT STILL HAS NO #CLEAN #WATER, #Trump #Nazi! #forthepeoplechallenge ✊🏼
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lowrettaduhvyne · 9 years
#Truth #prayerwithoutworkisdead The old saying goes.... "If you ALLOW the wolf to take your sheep, he'll come back for your cows later." No, I don't have all the answers but based on the history of racist Caucasians and people of color, praying isn't working.... marching isn't working... singing hymns isn't working...
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iamuzo-blog · 9 years
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#prayer #prepare #doyourpart #prayerwithoutworkisdead
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pbcnita · 4 years
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That's because #prayerwithoutworkisdead #everythingearnednothinggiven #youdontgetsomethingfornothing #youareinchargeofyou #yourancestorshavebeensavingyou #wearespirifirst #weareallextensionsofthecreator
#freeyourminds #unlearnandrelearn #falsedoctrine #iknowafakewheniseeone #jesusistheveiltokeepyoufromyourpower #godputyourhelpcloserthanyouthink #intuitiveguidance #thepowerlieswithinyou #wearemultifacitedbeings #spiritiseternal #spiritualityoverreligion #reprogramyourmind #thereisnohell #thedevilisntreal #jesusaintreal #thebiblewaswrittenbyman #mentalslavery #toolstocontrolthemasses #goodcharacter #sundayspecial #sundayservice #religionwasneverourway
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pbcnita · 4 years
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Prayers, for those who need. #changeyourapproach
#eachoneteachone #themoreyouknow #spiritualdevelopment #altar #boveda #communicationhub #consistencyiskey #connectwithyourguides #awakenspiritually #callyourpowerbacktoyou #workisrequired #energyexchange #prayerwithoutworkisdead #everythingisenergy #yourvoicehaspower #highervibrations #espiritita #spiritualliving #spiritualityiswhereourpowerlies #eggunwoman #palera #brujalife
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pbcnita · 5 years
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I will help supply you with some of the tools you need to get a proper, safe footing in this spiritual journey. The rest is up to you.
#youaskedforprayers #thiswalkishard #strapup #workisrequired #prayerwithoutworkisdead #knowledgeneverends #forevergrowing #reprogramyourmind #awakenyourmagic #decalcifyyourpinealgland #openyourthirdeye #knowledgeunderstandingandwisdom #knowledgeiskey #studyyourcraft #yourguidesareheretohelp #venerateyourancestors #intuitiveguidance #readingisfundamental #busyyourself #timetogrow #wearemorethanthesesuitswewear #multifacitedbeings
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