#pre gorillaz
brickbozo · 7 months
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angryplebianart · 9 months
Pre D-Day Stu‼️
Playing with the keyboards while it's slow ,,
Might clean this up and color this one later
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yamtheartist · 9 months
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A 2D from last April
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inner-visionz · 10 months
Sherbert (2d x autistic transboy reader)
Warning: drug use, drug addiction, blood, drug mention. Plz don't read if your under 16/17
Chapter 1
I must be the master of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I just moved here not that long ago and this is the second time I've seen a car crash right in front of me. I just want to see my dealer so I can get a few joints and go home, but I see a blue haired boy fly out of the wind shield and smack his head on the curb with a disturbing thud. I hear glass cracking underneath my boots as I run towards him. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I get to him, I'm not in the medical field but my body just instantly reacted. 
I kneel down by his head while trying to avoid shards of glass to study his injuries. It doesn't take me long to notice that he's the same boy I saw in the first crash when they put him in an ambulance. His face has bruises and cuts in a few spots and blood is flowing from his closed eyes. I hear a soft groan come from him so I put his head in my lap to give him a bit of comfort. I'm sure his head is splitting right now. I can't believe I've watched this man completely eat shit twice. He has his lips slightly parted so I can see that he's missing two front teeth. Poor man has been through hell. 
I gently put my hand on his cheek and rub his face with my thumb. He softly groans then slowly starts to open his eyes. My eyes widen in horror as I see two black voids staring up at me. 
"Wow", he mutters with a small smile.
"Dude, are you okay?" I ask in a panicked voice. 
He winces in pain as he wakes up more and starts to feel the effects of going face first into a curb. "Me head hurts..a lot, but your hands and thighs makes it feel better". 
I roll my eyes. "Maybe I should've just kept walking..anyway let's clean you up a bit yeah? Ya boats a mess". I don't know where the accent or slang came from. All I hear is the accent all day and I do tend to copy unintentionally. I take off my coffin shaped backpack and pull out some wet wipes then start to wipe the blood off his face. 
He tries to chuckle at my horrible accent. "Hey I was being sincere OUCH". He flinches in pain. 
"Sorry, I didn't mean to", I apologize. I finish up wiping his face and my hand that I had cupped on his cheek. "Can you stand up? You need to go to the hospital". 
He relaxes a bit and slowly nods. The black eyed man tries to find his feet and stands up slowly. I put everything back in my bag and put it on my back. I stand up and look over him again. I realize I come up to his forehead in my platform boots but without them I'd probably come up to his chin. He stumbles a bit so I hold onto him as support. 
"YOU TWO ARE PERFECT!" I hear an excited and raspy voice call out to us. I look in the direction it came from and see an excited green man jump out of the wrecked car. I immediately take notice of his messed up nose and the upside down cross necklace that bounces around his neck as he comes towards us. I recognize him as the other person involved in the first crash. "Two tall and edgy people as my lead singers? Not to mention a black eyed God, the girls are gonna go crazy for him, ah your name should be 2D because you've got two dents in your head, much better than Stuart". He continues to ramble. 
The busted up man starts to stumble more against me so I sit him back down and turn my attention towards the other one. "You fucking idiot, you put this man through two serious car accidents and look at his face! What the hell are you going on about a band? He needs to see a doctor!". 
He scoffs, "Oh he's fine, look at him!" He motions towards Stuart who's wobbling even though he's sitting down cradling his head in his hands. 
I grab the man by his shirt collar and pull him to me. "Listen here you blithering cunt, you're taking him to the hospital NOW!" I yell. 
"Oi are you single by chance?" He gives me a gross chuckle, but I ignore his question. 
He holds his hands up to surrender. "Fine, fine! Whatever you say". He rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone to call an ambulance. I let him go and let out an angry sigh as I walk over to Stuart. 
I kneel down in front of him and place my hand on his knee. "Hey we have an ambulance coming for you soon okay?" I say gently. 
He looks up at me with pain written all over his face. "Are..you coming with me?" He asks rather pathetically. In fact it's so pathetic I can't say no.
"Yeah, I'll come with you, my name is y/n by the way". 
"Mine is Stuart, but 2D sounds really cool too". 
At the hospital I found out the green man's name is Murdoc. He kept trying to convince me to join his band but I always protested. 
"Come on lass! Who doesn't want to be in a band?" He pleads.
"I'm not a lass", I inform him and cross my arms. 
Murdoc eyes me up and down with a questioning look, but he lets it go. "Whatever, who am I to judge, but that wasn't a no". 
I sigh in defeat. "Look I'll think about it, will that get you off my ass?" 
Murdoc beams with happiness. "I'll take it!" 
I scoff and go in to check on Stuart. The doctor said he looks okay but they wanted to keep him a bit longer to be sure. They said his eyes will stay that way forever and they gave him some pain meds for his head. Upon entering the room I notice a girl sitting beside him with choppy dark brown hair, thin eyebrows, and red lipstick on. I must have missed her when I was bickering with Murdoc. She notices me and gives me a 'what the hell are you doing here' look. I immediately know from this look that she's the girlfriend. Whatever, I'm not exactly interested in dating at the moment. 
I walk over to stand beside Stuart's bed.  "You feeling any better now?" I ask. 
"Yeah they gave me some painkillers so I'm feeling great now", he smiles at me. "Oh! Paula this is y/n she's the one that helped take care of me when we crashed". 
"He. I'm a boy", I say bluntly as I wait anxiously for their reaction. 
"Oh, you don't look like a-"
"I'm trans let's move on", I cut him off. 
He scratches his head in confusion. "Right, uh he's the one that took care of me". I'm pleasantly surprised at his quick fix to my pronouns. Both of the boys had a better reaction than I expected. They both get an extra 20 points for not being bigots in my book. 
Paula rolls her eyes. "Well whatever you call yourself, I'm his girlfriend so you can leave him to me now". 
I frown a bit in confusion at the sudden rudeness, but I'm not about to argue so I just step out and join Murdoc in the waiting room. He's the last person I want company with but I want to stick around until Stuart gets discharged. Although his girlfriend is here so I guess I could just leave him to grab my stuff and go home. I mentally sigh remembering that he asked me to come with him so no I can't just leave, but I could step out and come back. 
"Hey, I'm gonna step out for a bit. Can I see your phone so I can give you my number?" I ask Murdoc. 
"Of course I'd love to have your number", he winks at me then hands me his phone. I take his phone and put in my number then set my name as 'y/n (back up singer). I send myself a text so I'd have his number then toss his phone back. 
"Text me updates on Stuart and if he asks for me tell him I'll be back", I say as I turn my back to leave. 
"Hey wait does this mean you're in?!" He asks when he takes notice of my name in his phone. 
"Maybe" I say on my way out the door. 
I make it back to the hospital an hour and a half later after visiting my dealer. I always shove my joints or bag in a zipper pocket I made on the inside of my boots. It's a decent hiding place. 
I waltz back to the waiting room and sit beside Murdoc. "Hey, 'ow's Stuart doing?" Damn the accent came out again. Murdoc looks at me funny then gets really close to my face. Crap he knows and I can't keep a straight face when I'm buzzed. He stares intensely at me which makes me give a big goofy grin. 
He smirks. "Oh you're completely mullered aren't you?" He whispers. 
"Not completely just wee bit buzzed". 
"At least you know how to party, also your accent was terrible". He chuckles. 
"I know..it happens unintentionally, I swear I don't mean to". I ramble. 
Murdoc laughs and ruffles up my hair. "Don't get your knickers in a twist luv, it's alright". I flinch at his touch and move his hand off my head before I got used to the feeling. "Oh? Not a touchy person?" 
"No I am, it's just I'm not used to getting physical affection anymore". I look at the ground awkwardly. "Anyway, is Paula still here? I'd like to check on Stuart". 
"No, she left a bit before you came back", He answers. I nod then walk to Stuart's. I lean against the door frame as I watch him hold a hand held mirror to inspect his new facial features.
"Yeah, they're a bit off putting aren't they?" I state. 
He jumps so bad he almost drops the mirror then snaps his head towards me. "Oh, it's you," he chuckles nervously, "I think they're cool looking, and sorry about Paula earlier". 
I shrug. "It's fine, I don't care that much. She was probably just stressed because her boyfriend is in the hospital, I'd be snappy too", I reassure him with a smile. 
He smiles back at me slightly showing off his two missing teeth. It was cute in a dorky way. "Yeah probably, so Murdoc told me he convinced you to join the band?" 
"He was very convincing when it's all he'd talk about for an hour straight, besides I guess it could be fun". 
About an hour later Stuart got discharged and I invited them to my flat because it wasn't far from the hospital. Stuart looked exhausted and I didn't trust that Murdoc would have a decent place for him to sleep. 
I bring them both inside then show Stuart to my bedroom. I flick on my black light to illuminate my room so Stuart could see where he's walking. My posters and my neon worm on a string wall decorations light up immediately, giving more color to the room. He takes notice of my bed half full of stuffed animals. 
"Never thought you'd have so many cute things based on how dark you dress". He states. 
"Can't be a hard ass all the time", I say as I go over to the bed and move an old, but well taken care of, light multicolored bunny stuffy from the empty side of the bed. I put it on the other side with the rest of the stuffies while making sure it was in a comfortable position. Stuart sits on the other side of the bed once the bunny is moved. I see him give me a gentle smile from the corner of my eye. He reaches out to touch it but I stop him. 
"Please don't touch him", I mumble. 
"I wasn't gonna move..him..I just wanted to see how it felt"
"I get it but please don't, look I'm autistic and that's my comfort item which means nobody is allowed to touch it", I say. 
He gives me a very confused look. "Man you got a shit pick of the draw didn't you? With you being trans and autistic I'd imagine you don't have too many friends". 
My face drops and I look away from him as I awkwardly rub my arm. 
He notices my changed mood and quickly tries to explain himself. "Oh no I just meant that people around here can be dicks. I'm sorry. Um hey my hair grows out blue and now I have no eyeballs or two front teeth so I guess I also got the shit pick so maybe we could be friends?" He rambles. 
I chuckle at his awkward attempt at making me feel better. "Yeah I'd like to be friends...you can feel his ear if you want to". 
"Are you sure?" 
I nod. "You didn't bat an eye when I said I was trans or autistic and you listened when I said dont touch him, so I think I can trust you". 
He smiles then gently puts a long floppy ear between his fingers and rubs the fabric. "He's very soft. I can see why he's comforting, does he have a name?" He asks. The fact that he calls the bunny 'he' and not 'it' makes me a bit more fond of him.
"Sherbert", I mumble a bit embarrassed. 
Stuart chuckles, "That's cute, so you mentioned that I listened to you and that's why you trust me, did other people not listen?" 
"Yeah, I've had three people over and they all purposely picked him up and moved him or pushed him on the floor. They wanted to get a reaction out of me and well they did but it wasn't what they wanted. I busted their faces then dragged them out of my flat, THEN I cried". 
He half smiles at me,"I promise I'd never be mean to Sherbert", he says softly like he's trying to comfort me. 
"Stuart I can't tell if you're being genuine or if you're secretly making fun of me" I say bluntly. 
"I don't want to break your trust luv, it's genuine and if I break that promise you can make me eat a curb again". 
I can't help but laugh. "I'll hold you to it, well I should let you get some sleep, I'll turn off the light so it doesn’t mess with your head". 
He takes one last look around and smiles warmly. "Yeah, thank you for everything today," 
"No problem, goodnight Stuart", I turn off the light and close the door behind me. I go to the living room and find Murdoc examining all of my bat and coffin decor. I take off my boots and get the joints out then I stand on the arm of my couch so I can reach the top of my bookshelf. 
"Ah so you dabble a bit too huh?" I turn my head to see Murdoc talking about my altar that has crystals, candles, a couple crystal pendulums, my tarot deck and a Loki statue. 
"Oh yeah I do some witchcraft", I say as I grab my little metal tin and put all of the joints but one in then put it back. I take off my backpack to grab my red Nokia and cigarettes then place them with the joint on the bay window. 
"Who's the statue of?" He asks. 
"That's Loki he's the god I work with slash worship", I inform him as I open up the side window and sit on the bay window. I light a cigarette and blow the smoke out. "Speaking of which, can you light his candle for me? It's the red one right in front of the statue, there's a lighter right beside it too". 
Murdoc scans my altar real quick before he finds the lighter and tries to light it. He tries to light it a few times but all that comes out is sparks. 
He starts to get frustrated, "Oi I think your lighter is dead". He says. 
I take a drag of my cigarette and shake my head as I go to him. "No that's not the problem," I put the cigarette in my mouth then take the lighter from Murdoc and light it with ease. I light the candle then smirk. "I'm so sorry I dared have someone else light your candle you fussy thing". I watch the flame get bigger and wiggle around then smile. 
"Let me see that lighter again".
I hand it to him and he lights it on the first try. "This is shit".
I chuckle and go back to where I was sitting. "He didn't want you to light his candle, I bought that lighter yesterday so I knew what the issue was", I say as I grab my phone and add Murdoc to my contacts. 
He rolls his eyes. "I guess he is a fussy thing", he mumbles then comes to me and pulls out his own pack of cigarettes, "Care if I join you?". 
I shake my head as I take a drag. "Open the other corner window and take a seat, blow your smoke out the window though. I don't want my place smelling like smoke".  
He nods and opens the window then takes a seat opposite of me. He puts a cigarette in his mouth and tries to light it but his lighter won't light. "You gotta be fucking me UGH". 
I laugh. "I guess Loki didn't like it when you called him fussy". 
"YOU called him fussy!" 
"I'm allowed to, that's how we joke", I chuckle. "Here use mine". I slide my lighter to him.
"Thanks", he says in an aggravated tone and finally lights his cigarette. "You better not make freaky shit happen when I get the band all put together", he slides my lighter back to me and takes a hit. 
"Don't fuck with me and it shouldn't be a problem", I chuckle. 
"Right", he says. 
We sit there in silence as we finish our cigarettes. 
"I was going to offer you a smoke with me after I got done smoking but I'm tired", I say as I put my cigarette out in the ashtray. 
Murdoc does the same. "Yeah I'm pretty tired myself. I'm gonna grab 2D and we'll be out", he says as he stands up and closes the window. 
"He's okay you can leave him", I say as I close mine then put away the joint I left out with the others. 
"Are you sure you're comfortable with that?"
"Yeah I trust him". 
"But you don't trust me to spend the night?" Murdoc asks.
I narrow my eyebrows at him. "I want you to look at Stuart's non-existent eyes and ask me that again". 
He scoffs. "I'm never gonna hear the end of this". He says as he makes his way out the door. 
I sigh in relief to finally have some alone time. However, I decide to enjoy it by falling asleep on the couch. 
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the-uncanny-dag · 1 year
Hot take, apparently, but most 13th episodes are literally fine & normal & entertaining, and the characters are good, and the feels are felt, y'all are just mad that a show for tweens you fell in love with in the late 00s-early 10s isn't appeasing you the same way 10-15 years later
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vaulthunterlands · 11 months
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mudzol · 1 year
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No dialogue ehehgeh
I'm super excited for this comic bc writing it was a blast
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lighthouse-system · 2 years
Possession Island is very weirdly cinematic. That was definitely the track to end the album on.
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Wanted to do a little drawing based off of this
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thetimecrystal · 1 year
don't know whether you're a big blur fan but they're releasing a new album!!!
i am a big enough fan to buy day tickets to a festival (when i had concert tickets the day after), so i'd consider myself a fan! but this is exciting!! i am not super, super versed in their discography so i guess i got some work to do!
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ladyenglish · 2 years
Amelia when she found Paula and Murdoc in the bathrooms:
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sixosix · 2 months
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( MASTERLIST ) — inspired by the famous line from gorillaz’s on melancholy hill! friends to lovers, mistaking the wrong guy as the love of your life (a classic), oblivious reader, fluff; pining, bickering, and all that pre-relationship nonsense with hinata shoyo
( STATUS ) — might update every sunday. if not, the sunday after that.
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well, you can't get what you want, but you can get me
NOTES. hello, everyone!!!! wow, another series. am i crazy? i hope i can catch the attention of fellow shoyo kissers, because i think you'll like this one :D but this "series" will be very short. i'm assuming less than five chapters—maybe even three chapters or so. we'll see what happens!
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when you’re busy searching in every nook and cranny, you might fail to notice what's already in front of you.
You’ve watched plenty of romance dramas with your mama. Most of them are set in high school, but you have this gut feeling that you’d meet your soulmate in middle school. The universe is hinting at it: a perfect, sunny day, cherry blossoms floating around, and stray cats greeting you a good morning. It’s setting up the perfect first meeting, and you watched enough shows to know this is how it works. That is until you take a sharp right and almost get run over by a bike.
You breathe in the somber air, wondering if it was always meant to go like this the moment you met Izumi.
(coming soon!)
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taglist is open! send an ask or reply to this masterlist if you want to join <3
© SIXOSIX 2024. do not repost or reproduce any part of this work.
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angryplebianart · 9 months
I drew pre D-Day Stu❗❗
Bored at work
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slvthrs · 1 year
STARBOY | vinnie hacker
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your dealer is the only constant in your life but that doesn’t mean he’s the best
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, use of drugs, degradation n praise kink, pet names, unprotected sex (use birth control idiots), car sex, choking, mentions of anxiety if you squint bit of grinding
word count: 2.6k
authors note: this is inspired by the weeknd song ‘starboy’
The sound of me and my friends rushing around inside my friends house is deafening, Max and Chloe are clearly drunk from pre-game drinking and lip-syncing Weeknd songs with the majority of the lyrics coming out as slurring. Ellie and Ross are in a corner trying to smoke without someone interrupting them whilst Bowie is making out with some random guy he found on the bus who clearly is on some sorta substance. 
We are supposed to be ready to go to a party at my friend Venus’ house but at this pace the only one ready is Alex who is always ready an hour before we go anywhere. I’ve finished my makeup already but I’m currently deciding between 2 outfits- a black leather skirt and a waistcoat top that shows too much cleavage to be modest (but modesty is never my goal) or denim flare pants and a cropped corset top. In the end I end up wearing the skirt but with ripped panty hose and the cropped corset top along with my favorite pair of chunky black boots and a considerable amount of silver jewelry to match with my earrings.
When I’m done changing I fluff up my hair and smudge up my eye makeup a little and put on my black mask to walk out of my room to hear Chloe wolf whistle at me who's clearly drunk out of her mind. We quickly grab our phones and ID’s and head out to find a cab. 
As my friends wail for a cab I’m busy texting my dealer- the same dealer I’ve had for years and the only one person who's never abandoned me.
Are you fucking drunk already?
srop being such a bitch
r u coming to venus’ house party 
Yeah I’ll be where I always am, come find me okay?
yeah yeah see u in a b it loseer
I smile and put my phone in my corset and step into the cab my friends found. We give the driver the location of the house and I put my headphones in and shuffle to some Tupac hoping that the drive will be quicker. 
We get out of the car and I immediately pull out my joint and a lighter and light it. We walk into the house to be met with booming music and my friends being pulled away from me as I instinctually walk to the back of the house and into a small room that only a few people know where it’s located- including Vinnie.
I walk in and find Vinnie sitting on a couch, manspreading, with his phone in one hand and bottle of beer in another and I find myself sitting right next to him waiting for him to acknowledge me.
“Hi princess,” He says while putting his phone back in his pocket and bringing the bottle to his lip and taking a swig. I wait and watch the way his arms flex and his Adam apple bob as he swallows the drink.
I flop my head to the side letting it rest on the back of the couch and let myself take in his outfit. It's a black Gorillaz shirt with black boyfriend jeans and some shoes that I can’t really tell in the dark, but my eyes drop to the rings on his fingers- a skull one, a cross (ironic) and a heart on with an eye in it, all silver. I locate the final piece of his outfit: a simple silver chain. 
He notices me staring, “You gonna say hi or keep checking me out sweetheart?” He raises his eyebrow and meets my gaze- fuck i’m not slick when I’m high.
“God you're so cocky- I was not checking you out Vinnie” I retorted trying to look as truthful as possible.
He pulls the joint from my hand and rolls over so his back is on the couch rather than his side and he takes a puff while throwing his hands that are closest to me behind my back, “I’m not cocky I just know when someones checking me out- and don’t call me Vinnie”
“Okay ‘Hacker’”, I try to say in the most condescending tone I can muster, “Hacker is such a dumb name to go by Vinnie it’s cooler than ‘Hacker’”
He chuckles, “It’s not meant to be cool I just don’t want random druggies to know my real name” he scrunches his nose- it’s kinda cute.
“But like why did you pick your last name that’s so fucking stupid and it reminds me of dumb fraternity guys” I pout
He moves his face so it's right in front of mine and his hot air is fanning over my face, “Whatever baby, ‘Hacker’ ‘Vinnie’, your still gonna be screaming one name by the end of the night” He says flashing his canines
I push against his chest, “That’s so fucking corny oh my lord, your such a loser” I say while his lips remain inches from mine
He cocks his eyebrow, “Yeah, I’m such a loser”, he stretches, “Wait, why are you here did you want something” 
“Oh uh yeah like 5 grams of coke or something like that” I ask, I don’t know why but asking for drugs is kinda embarrassing.
“Yeah sure come with me” He says, pulling my hands from our little room oasis to where the actual party is and I can hear ‘Starboy’ playing so instead of following Vinnie I pull him to the dance floor.
“What the fuck, what are we-” I cut him off by throwing my hands over his shoulder
“Shut up Vinnie, just listen to the song, it’s basically your life verbatim” I sway us to the beat of the song while he listens intently. 
“Huh it kinda is like my life- you were right” His hands end up on my waist as he sways us around the dance floor and adds a spin here and there.
We nearly forget what we need to do when Vinnie snaps me out of my trance, “Wait we have stuff to do” and he pulls me outside to his car.
It's some sort of black 4 seater. It looks expensive but then again I don’t know shit about cars, it has a red interior- his dealer job definitely pays off it looks like a car those sugar daddies drive.
We end up sitting in the back with our knees touching, and Vinnie is rummaging through a black duffle bag and comes out with a tiny bag of white powder.
I lean over and grab the bag and plant a kiss on his cheek ignoring the way it almost immediately gets dusted in a layer of pink. 
“Vinnie have I told you how much I love you”, I express while rummaging through my corset to find money, before he places his hand on mine and stops mine from moving.
“It’s on the house as long as you do a line with me” He says with a smirk.
I scoff and pull out the middle cup holder and grab my ID and open the tiny bag to make sure I don’t tear it and pour 2 lines and fix them with my ID and finger.
He snorts the first line closing one of his nostrils and dragging his nose along the line and inhaling. When he's done he makes a sound of exasperation and leans his head on the car seat. I copy his actions by snorting the line and leaning my head on the car seat, I close my eyes and just sit in silence for a bit- a comfortable silence letting the buzz of the coke settle in my head giving me a burst of adrenaline.
When I open my eyes I’m met with Vinnie checking me out, he does it alot but this time it’s a lot less subtle. His eyes dragged over my skin and stopped at my face. 
I close the divider between us and shuffle into his personal space, “Hey big man whatcha lookin at?”
“Your really pretty”, He says it a lot but I don’t know why he never says it sober, “I know idiot, you say it a lot” and his face leans closer to mine
I bite the inside of my cheek, he’s so close to kissing me but I’m so conflicted. If I kiss him, what if he hates it, what if I ruin our friendship, what if? But my stronger, reckless, impulsive side wins and I lean into kissing his lips with a haste peck.
And he doesn’t do anything.
Why isn’t he doing anything?
What's wrong?
Did I read the situation wrong?
Oh no I fucked up?
What if-
All my thoughts come to a halt when his hand lands under my chin grabbing it and pulling me to kiss him. I lean further into the kiss when he grabs my legs and throws them over his so I’m straddling his lap now. We keep making out as I grind onto his lap, but when I make a particular motion he throws his head back with a low groan.
This gives me the perfect moment to latch onto his neck and start sucking hickies while his hands flip up my skirt and start grabbing my ass. 
“Oh fuck that feels so good keep going” I keep sucking and roll my hips on his lap
With one last hickey I pull back and try to catch my breath, panting in heavy breaths. 
His hands return to waistband of my skirt and they start toying with the edge whilst he moves his head right next to my ear, “You sure you want this, tell me when to stop”
I just nod and he flips me onto the car seat while pulling my skirt down and he pulls his pants down so he’s just left in his boxer- thank the lord his windows are tinted.
“Wait Vinnie one sec” I sit up and I undo my corset letting it fall off me along with my phone, airpods, and lighter which were held in my corset. 
“Jesus how do you not end up so uncomfortable when having your entire purse in your shirt?”, He chuckles while I just laugh and shake my head
I pull him in for a kiss while pawing at his shirt, “Mmph Vinnieee take your shirt off” I pout
“You're so bossy” He rolls his eyes but pulls his shirt off so I can move my hand across his chest and let it run along his toned body.
His head dips down to my tits and he starts leaving love bites all over them whilst I play with his hair but I’m getting really impatient
“Vinnie” I whisper, 
“Yeah doll” He replies
“You can be rough if you want” And as I finish that breathy sentence it’s like a spark ignites in him
He takes his cock out of his boxers and he pumps it up a bit and lines it up with my hole,“Oh can I now” and as soon as he finishes his taunt he slams his cock into me and sets an unrelenting pace.
Every thrust hits my deepest spots and makes my entire body loosen up. He hovers over me and presses chaste kisses all along my body and he focuses on my collarbones and shoulders biting and licking them, it's bound to leave marks for days.
His fingers finally find my clit and a pool of heat starts to form in my belly, his hands move in synchronicity with his dick, they go in circles and they press on my clit causing me to moan loud enough for people outside to hear me.
And that’s when I remember that we’re outside and if anyone walked past the car they would hear me moaning and the car shaking. 
I quickly use my hand to cover my mouth to prevent me from any form of embarrassment. But I’m quickly met with a sound of disapproval from Vinnie.
“Nuh-uh I want everyone to hear how much of a whore you are for me, my little slut” That almost sends me over the edge, the words turning me into putty, smooth enough for him to mold however he wants me. I’ve given up full control of my body at this point, his pinning my hands above my head and I’m not going to do anything to stop him.
He keeps rucking into me, while one of his hands is pinning my hands, the other one is leaving feather touches all along my body making me feel like I’m on fire- I really hope he doesn’t notice I’m burning up.
As he keeps pounding into me I arch into him trying to chase my own release. I’m starting to squeeze around him more and I know he can tell because he’s let go of my hands and places both of them on my hips putting enough pressure on there so we both know it's going to leave bruises.
The mixture of pure ecstasy of sex and the high of cocaine sends a rush od addrenaline into me. I’ve had sex high before but never with Vinnie and never with someone as good as Vinnie.
One of his hands leaves my hip and ends up next to my head caging me in. I’ve always loved his hands, they’re bigger than mine and when they flex over his steering wheel and how they almost cover my entire face,
I wonder what it's like to have them on my neck…
I want them on my neck
I need them on my neck
So I tilt my head back and bat my eyelashes up at him hoping he’ll figure out what I want, but luck is never in my favor and he doesn’t realize what I want, so I grab his hand and place it on my neck looking back up at him,
“Are you sure baby?” He whispers
“Please” I try to come off as reassuring but it just comes out breathy
That’s all the reassuring he needs and he quickly squeezes my throat. It feels so fucking good, I roll my eyes to the back of my head and arch into his chest, I don’t see stars all I see is him hovering over me with a dumb smile and I think that if I were to die right now I wouldn’t be opposed to it.
After what seems like an eternity of no air he lets go and oxygen floods into my body as I tip my head back.
I can see him chuckling, “You're such a slut oh my lord”, while he keeps thrusting into me.
I don’t know why but he picks up my legs and throws them over my shoulder so when he thrusts into me he’s hitting deeper into me and he hit the back of my cervix
I stumble out a collection of swears and moans and I’m so close to reaching my peak and Vinnie knows it it because he’s picking up his pace and circling my clit like his life depends on it,
“C’mon doll cum for me scream out my name” and that’s what tips me over the edge my entire body comes undone and I cum screaming out his name for everyone in the parking lot to hear letting my head rest.
He come not far after with a few more thrusts, he doesn’t slip out we both the lay there on top of each other just letting the moment sink in
His weight is on top of me while I brush through his hair. I relax a bit if I were to spend my whole life with Vinnie, would that be so bad?
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inner-visionz · 8 months
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Twas the night Paula got kicked put of the band 🖤 Crow invited 2D to hang out with him on the roof while the whole thing went down
I love the difference between their thoughts
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ch0mpi3 · 6 days
Gorillaz Murdoc Niccals & 2D Plush doll
order page Open
*There is no margin for making and selling this. I'm just doing it because I'm a gorilla.
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doll + necklace + clothes  -> 40 USD 
shipping costs - 15usd 5~10  business day
Production period: 1 month (I make it when i gets an order.)
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When I receive a doll from a factory, I sew and set the hair by hand before sending it to you. he passes through China and Korea before reaching you
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 2Ddoll -> 30 USD shipping costs - 15 usd  5~10  business day Production period: 1 month (I make it when i gets an order.) *Production begins early October
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