#pre nuptial agreement
leonardomongillo · 1 year
Leonardo Mongillo Law Provisioning for the Nuptials: Importance of a Family Law Expert in Pre-Marital Preparations
Getting married is one of the most significant decisions in a person's life. It's a joyous occasion that brings two families together. But beyond the romance and celebration, marriage is a legal contract with implications that can affect your life for years to come. Hence, it becomes crucial to understand the legal aspects of marriage. This is where the expertise of a family law expert comes into play.
As it is seen that experts like Leonardo Mongillo Law play a Critical Role of Family Law Experts in Domestic Abuse Cases, it is also seen that they hold great importance in events of a new marriage. Here’s how they contribute to a happy married life for a newly married couple:
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Understanding the Legal Aspects of Marriage: From property rights to financial responsibilities, marriage intertwines your legal status with your partner's. A family law expert can help you understand these implications and guide you to make informed decisions. They can explain how laws vary by state and how these laws may affect your rights and obligations as a married individual. Prenuptial Agreements - A Prudent Step: While the concept of a prenuptial agreement may seem unromantic, it is a prudent step in safeguarding individual interests. A family law expert can explain the benefits of a prenuptial agreement, such as protection of assets, provision for children from previous marriages, and clarity in financial responsibilities. They can help draft an agreement that is fair and enforceable, protecting both parties in the event of a divorce. Child Custody and Support: If you're planning to have children, it is important to understand the laws surrounding child custody and support. A family law expert can provide insights into child custody rights, visitation schedules, and financial obligations toward children's upbringing. Having this knowledge beforehand can help in making informed decisions and planning for the future. Conflict Resolution and Mediation: Marriage comes with its set of challenges and conflicts. A family law expert can provide guidance on conflict resolution and mediation techniques. They can help couples establish a healthy communication pattern, enabling them to resolve conflicts amicably and reduce the chances of future legal disputes. You may find it worth noting that experts like Leonardo Mongillo play The Pivotal Role of Your Family Lawyer and Their Team in Cruising Through Your Domestic Issues. While this may never be necessarily needed, you need to be sure about having the right help by your side if the time does come. The help of a family law expert can help avoid a lot of different issues at later stages in a marriage. Marriage is a wonderful journey of love, companionship, and mutual growth. While it's important to plan for the happy times, it's equally important to be prepared for the challenges. An experienced family law expert can guide you through the legal intricacies of marriage, ensuring that you embark on this journey fully informed and protected. It's not about anticipating the worst, but about securing the best possible future for both partners.
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rms-mathematic · 5 months
100% accurate & serious season 2 prediction: Lucifer and Vox meet, bond over their mutual hatred of Alastor, and decided to get married. Within the span of like, three days.
Alastor does the best man speech. It's literally "I fucking hate you both so much and hope you die horribly." He then gets wasted and proceeds to make a huge ass out of himself. Rosie has to drag him home and tuck him into bed.
Charlie is trying so hard to be supportive while talking her dad out of this idea. Every time she tries, Lucifer hits her with the "but Char-Char don't I deserve to be happy after your mother left me????" and she can't bring herself to argue with that.
The other sins all watch in varying levels of concern and horror. At some point, Ozzie and Bee both attempt to talk to Lucifer about it, but he brushes them off. Mammon is actually pretty impressed with Vox's gold-digging and congratulates him after the ceremony.
The rest of the hotel is forced to be there. Husk is having the time of his life, everyone else is just trying extremely hard to be nice about it. Nifty writes a dozen weird-ass fanfictions and forces Alastor to beta read them.
The other Vees are losing their shit and livestreaming the entire thing. Val's not even mad about Vox marrying someone else because it’s just so fucking funny. He forces Angel to be his plus-one, but he's in such a good mood that he lets Angel hang out with Husk the whole time so he actually enjoys himself. At one point Velvette tracks Alastor down and forcibly grills him on camera about how this is all making him feel. He goes and hides in the bathroom sobbing for 20 minutes afterwards.
They get divorced a week later. Lucifer has never heard of a pre-nuptial agreement in his life and Vox absolutely drains him for every penny he's worth.
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royal-confessions · 6 months
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“I was curious if there is a pre-nuptial agreement between CP Hussein and Princess Rajwa that states the duration of their marriage, in case it doesn't work out. I like the couple they make and started following them after their wedding but I read that the Princess has been living with her family all this time, which is not ideal for a newlywed couple, particularly one under pressure to produce an heir.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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thailandlawyerss · 1 month
Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand
Prenuptial agreements, or prenups, have become increasingly common in Thailand as couples seek to protect their assets and define their financial futures. While the concept might seem foreign to some, in Thailand, it’s a legally recognized and enforceable contract that can provide significant benefits for both Thai and foreign spouses.
The Legal Framework
Thailand’s Civil and Commercial Code governs prenuptial agreements. Key provisions include:
Written Contract: The prenup must be in writing and signed by both parties in the presence of at least two witnesses.
Separate Legal Counsel: Each party is strongly advised to have independent legal counsel to ensure their rights are protected.
Pre-Marital Agreement: The agreement must be made before the marriage. Post-nuptial agreements are not recognized in Thailand.
Registration: The prenup must be registered at the same time as the marriage.
Limitations: While prenups offer flexibility, they cannot completely override statutory property rights. They can modify management of common property but cannot eliminate the statutory system.
What Can Be Included in a Prenuptial Agreement?
Asset Division: A clear delineation of each spouse’s assets and liabilities.
Property Management: How shared property will be managed during the marriage.
Spousal Support: Provisions for spousal support in case of divorce.
Child Custody and Support: While not typically included due to potential legal challenges, it’s possible to outline preferences.
Estate Planning: How assets will be distributed upon the death of one spouse.
The Importance of Clear and Comprehensive Agreements
A well-drafted prenup is essential to avoid misunderstandings and potential disputes. Key considerations include:
Full Disclosure: Both parties must fully disclose their financial situation, including assets, debts, and income.
Fairness: The agreement should be fair to both parties, considering their respective contributions to the relationship and financial standing.
Clarity: The language used should be clear and unambiguous to prevent future disputes.
Flexibility: While specific provisions are important, the agreement should also allow for flexibility in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Challenges and Considerations
Cultural Differences: For mixed-nationality couples, cultural differences in attitudes towards money and property can complicate negotiations.
Enforcement: While Thai law generally upholds prenuptial agreements, there may be challenges in enforcing certain provisions, especially related to child custody and support.
Changing Circumstances: Life circumstances can change over time, and a prenup may need to be revisited and updated.
Seeking Professional Advice
Given the complexities of Thai law and the potential implications of a prenuptial agreement, it is highly recommended to consult with an experienced Thai family law attorney. They can help ensure that the agreement is legally sound, protects your interests, and complies with all relevant laws.
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lonely-soul-02 · 1 year
Do you think Sara signed a pre nuptial agreement before marrying noel?
Ahh, now that is the question isn't it. Well, I don't know. I don't think anyone does.
If there is a prenup? A while back when this was being discussed I recall reading that in the UK, a judge can over-rule a prenup if the circumstances have changed significantly since it was drawn up i.e. there are children or if the divorce would leave one party unfairly disadvantaged financially. I think this would apply to Sara, but hey, I'm no judge so take with grain of salt.
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steelbluehome · 4 months
"Stan . . . is at his greatest whenever he taps into this marriage between a swollen superiority complex and paralyzing insecurity that make up the fabric of the reality TV star turned unlikely President of the United States"
The Playlist
The Apprentice’ Review: Sebastian Stan as Donald Trump? It Works! (click for article)
Rafa Sales Ross
May 20, 2024 3:22 pm
Five years ago, Iranian-Danish filmmaker Ali Abbasi broke out internationally with the Oscar-nominated “Border,” a thorny little beast of a fable about love, complicity, and guilt. His latest prods at some of the same themes, although the thorny little beast at the center of “The Apprentice” is far from a fictional creature of fables.
Abbasi’s newest chronicles the rise of former American president Donald Trump (Sebastian Stan) through his relationship with lawyer and political fixer Roy Cohn (Jeremy Strong). Before diving into the fatidical first meeting between the two men, the director makes an important disclaimer about the film that is to come: the people you will see on-screen are real; their stories might have been fictionalized. Then, he cuts into a very factual piece of footage: Nixon’s infamous 1973 speech at the height of Watergate. The grainy tape shows the soon-to-be-fallen president sternly claiming: “I’m not a crook!”
This on-the-nose initial parallel brilliantly sets the tone for the two hours ahead, a ride that does away with subtlety without leaning into overexposition. Said ride begins in a swanky members-only club in New York, where the overconfident Cohn gravitates towards a meek, unsure Trump. He brings him under his wing, first offering to help get him out of a discrimination lawsuit filed against his family’s property development business and later stepping into a much more fatherly position. His advice ranged from Bribery 101 to the clauses that should be added to his pre-nuptial agreement.
The crucial decade separating that initial meeting and the tragic demise of the relationship between the two men encompasses many of the main tidbits we associate with the Trump of today, from his unstoppable quest to build a phallic-shaped empire at the heart of the Big Apple with his Trump Tower to his troubled marriage with Czech-American model turned socialite Ivana Trump (Maria Bakalova). The cinematography follows this transition, going from the lush, grainy texture of ’70s film to the washed-out hues of ’80s camcorders.
When the project was first announced, many were skeptical of the idea of a biopic about one of the most contentious public figures of modern times starring a hunky Marvel alum and eyeing a big premiere at a glitzy film festival. While all these concerns remain true, especially given this is an election year in the US, Abbasi manages to thread the lines between tabloid fodder and veiled endorsement with great skill. There’s a running comic vein throughout the film that flirts with mockery while bypassing the pastiche, like when the camera catches a glimpse of an empty-brained Donald as he sits alone at the big boys’ table, with no big boys to play with or when the broad man bumps into the slim, cool Andy Warhol at a party he has no business being in, his ineptitude making him feel smaller and smaller while his ego begins showing the first signs of inflation.
Stan finds in Strong a great match. Abbasi’s latest sees the “Succession” actor play a Roy once more, although this time he is not as much the plagued victim of daddy issues as his benefiting perpetrator. The big, boisterous Roy of the early ’70s is much, much fun to watch, and when the larger-than-life scammer disguised as a prosecutor begins suffering the consequences of AIDS, Strong plays him with a pained reticence that is at once greatly moving and deeply effective in its understanding of how the illness affects the dynamics between the duo. Cohn was a closeted gay man for all professional intents but led a very open life with his younger partner, who also died from the complications of AIDS.
With “The Apprentice,” Stan continues his run of lining up weird, big-swing projects of the likes of “Fresh” and “A Different Man” to shake off the ghost of Bucky Barnes. The bet pays off. Stan plays Trump without an overreliance on the frazzled blonde wig and increasingly pronounced prosthetics. The actor is at his greatest whenever he taps into this marriage between a swollen superiority complex and paralyzing insecurity that make up the fabric of the reality TV star turned unlikely President of the United States.
Trump’s reaction to Cohn’s lifestyle is one of the most interesting (and formative) aspects of the evolution of the central relationship. While at first young Donald emulates Cohn in all major aspects of his life — from copying the prosecutor’s number plate to leaning more and more into the orange-hued pleasures of fake tan — Cohn’s frailing health nags at the mogul, not necessarily because it is a physical reminder of his mentor’s sexuality, but because it makes him look weak.
Weakness, of course, has no space in the life of Donald Trump. No longer the whining mentee of his much savvier friend and pumped to the nines with diet pills filled with amphetamines, Trump morphs into a delusional broken radio, one stuck on the audiobook for his best-selling business bible “The Art of the Deal.” There is, of course, a fear that a film like “The Apprentice” might pose a dangerous chance to endear this buffoon to audiences. Alas, the Trump at the center of Abbasi’s sleek satire is the same Trump already etched in the cultural consciousness — an incompetent, disloyal, criminal fool. That, one hopes, will only cater only to those already indoctrinated. [B+]
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
ooo ritzy actors?! such as who? why are your social connections so vast and interesting 😂
Some dude who was the ambassador for Denmark I think? Some Swedish country, and an actress who was on gossip girl! The family she’s marrying into owns like half the commercial real estate in Manhattan 😬 she’s getting slapped with one hell of a pre-Nuptial agreement from what my aunt says.
I have a BIG family, like 80~ immediate relatives. Between my sister being a part time photographer for Patagonia and my cousin being a legit professional tennis player I’m actually really surprised my identity has only been revealed once on here. I promise it’s just cuz we’re near the city it’s like la- they say everyone knows someone fancy here, just like they say everyone in la has done some sort of commercial before!
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wedesignyouny · 7 months
Contested Divorce in New York| Beckerman & Granados, PLLC
Divorce never comes easily. Even if you and your spouse get along well and approve of the procedure, there may still be issues. Divorces where the pair has genuine hostility toward one another are even worse. These divorces are rarely straightforward and can give rise to a lot of issues for months or even years before they are ultimately resolved.
There is a good possibility that the divorce you are getting will be contested. Let’s explore what this implies and how it differs from uncontested divorces to get a better understanding. We’ll then go over a few points that can help you have a better result in these situations.
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What is the Difference Between Contested and Uncontested Divorces?
Simply stated, a contested divorce occurs when the couple is unable to reach an agreement or settlement on one or more of the key issues involved in the divorce, such as child custody, child support, alimony (known as “maintenance” in New York), or property division. In these situations, the couple will require a Judge who can resolve their disputes.
On the other hand, an uncontested divorce occurs when both spouses agree to the divorce and all the aforementioned key issues have been settled between the parties. These divorces don’t necessarily need to take place in a courtroom and are frequently easier and quicker.
Contested divorces typically cost more money, take longer, and have a greater emotional impact on all parties due to their complexity. Contested divorces can have a large emotion on children as well. Children of spouses involved in contested divorces often struggle to comprehend this kind of divorce because they witness their parents’ intense animosity toward one another. This is not always the case, however it is common with these types of divorces.
Hiring a Lawyer
The first thing you should do when divorce is looming over you, whether you started the divorce or just got the documents from your spouse, is get in touch with a lawyer. Even if your spouse claims they won’t hire an advocate, you should still obtain legal counsel. When going through a divorce, a lot is on the line, so you need to make sure that you are safeguarded.
Consult a lawyer as soon as you realize you’re having a divorce. Give them a full explanation of the divorce and pay attention as they suggest any additional details that you should pay attention to. It is best to work with a lawyer as quickly as possible. If you want a favorable result from your contested divorce, hiring an attorney is unquestionably the most important thing you can do.
You might be concerned about the expense of employing a divorce lawyer. Divorce lawyers can be expensive, but consider how much you stand to lose if you do not have legal representation. Divorce proceedings can become complicated, and it is better that you have someone who fully understands the process so that you receive everything you are entitled to and do not have to give up more than you should. Your lawyer should be knowledgeable about such divorces and have expertise with them, and will always act in your best interests. Change your divorce counsel if they don’t, or for any other reason you don’t feel completely at ease with them.
Remove Emotion From The Discussion
Working with a lawyer has its benefits, one of which is that they can absorb the majority of the stress of the divorce proceedings. Although it will still be a difficult and emotionally draining time, a lawyer can help guide you through it. Instead of dwelling on any potential emotions of resentment, you can start to concentrate on what matters – getting through this difficult time ensuring that you do not have to give up anything you are entitled to.
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Could Pre- or Post-Nuptial Agreements Be Beneficial?
A prenuptial or postnuptial arrangement that is already in place can frequently assist with some of the crucial issues that arise during the divorce. The judge will typically abide by the terms of that agreement, but the other side may contest it. Furthermore, not all of the problems in the divorce may be covered by these agreements. However, establishing an arrangement in advance can lessen some of the difficulties associated with divorce. Of course, not everyone has already established these arrangements.
It's Still Possible To Negotiate
Another thing to bear in mind is that there may still be room for negotiation even if your divorce is contested. You and your spouse may discover that it is simpler to concur on some issues and to make compromises so that everyone is content as the divorce process moves forward. Even though it doesn’t always work, if you and your lawyer believe it might be feasible, it is always worth trying.
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Beckerman & Granados PLLC
118-35 Queens Blvd. Suite 1240 Forest Hills, N.Y. 11375
(718) 374-5642
(718) 732-2099
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lila-rae · 1 year
Your husband money is YOUR money. They way anons have tried multiple times to make you feel bad for being a stay at home mom is just disheartening. It just really unfortunate and part me thinks this is older woman sending you these spiteful ask
I mean legally you’re not wrong. It’s even spelled out very clearly in both a pre and again in a post nuptial when we made some changes.
And I don’t recommend a lot here (because do what you want I don’t care) but I do recommend any couple that’s legally tying their life together especially ones considering kids have some sort of financial agreement drawn up. Financial abuse does happen so you want to be protected.
I mean even if you’re serious and not married I’d recommend some form of legal protection. I’ve been my husband’s power of attorney and life insurance beneficiary since 2012.
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blahblahnezz · 8 months
Review: THE FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES Title 4: Property Relations Between Husband and Wife
What Constitute Community Property
Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter or in the marriage settlements, the community property shall consist of all the property owned by the spouses at the time of the celebration of the marriage or acquired thereafter.
The law provides for two (2) kinds of properties that shall form part of the absolute community of properties namely;
All properties owned by the spouses at the time of the celebration of the marriage;
All properties acquired after the celebration of the marriage.
The law provides however, that even if the parties are governed by the absolute community, they may agree that some properties be exempted from it's coverage.
If that so, then, the ante nuptial (or pre-nuptial) agreement embodied in their law further provides that there are properties that exclusively belong to them as found in Art.92 of the Family Code.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Are the melco pair monogamous or do they still side-dishes? Are they open about it or do they TRY to hide it for appearance sake? does either care or is it more 'variety keeps the stagnation at bay.'
Mel is accustomed to a certain level of debauchery among Noxus' upper-echelons (evidence: her mother's love of indulging in the, er, local cuisine wherever she travels). That said, she's putting quite a bit on the line by entering this marriage, so she expects some measure of fidelity. Or if Silco can't be faithful, she'd it least appreciate it if he not rub his dalliances in her face.
Likewise, Silco is fine with Mel diversifying her palate now and then. This marriage business is tricky work; sometimes one needs a breather. Sometimes a whole month of breathers. He is also wary, however, because she's got a soft heart and a scant few scruples left. People with scruples are unreliable - whereas someone jaded can always be relied upon to serve their own interests and compartmentalize.
He has realistic concerns that at some point she'll be so jarred by something ruthless he says or does that she'll fly straight back to Talis' arms.
I imagine they'd hash out terms re: fidelity when negotiating the marriage contract/pre-nuptial agreement. I also imagine they'd keep hashing and rehashing the issue the longer they stay married, and as the matter of trust either strengthens or erodes over time.
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jagzii · 2 years
“She doesn't stop there, Olympe De Gouges also introduces a concept most of us would associate with modern-day pre-nuptial agreements. In her eyes, marriage as an institution was unfavourable for women. The only way for women to ensure their protection and financial well-being post-marriage was to enter into a contract beforehand. So she essentially proposed an alternative social contract a la Rousseau, between man and woman to replace the existing marriage contract. In many ways, her ideas were too revolutionary, even for the revolution itself.”
Read the rest here: https://open.substack.com/pub/ananyajagoorie/p/you-made-a-declaration-and-forgot?r=7dcr2&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
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lewertlaw · 2 years
Business Name: Lewert Law, LLC
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Description: Board Certified Family Lawyer and Divorce Attorney in Marital and Family Law Be confident you have a legal expert on your side. At Lewert Law, LLC, our Boca Raton family law practice provides clients with sound legal advice and trustworthy representation in a wide range of family law matters including divorce, child custody and timesharing, child support, equitable distribution of assets and debts, alimony, post-judgment modifications, enforcement and contempt actions, paternity actions, and pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreements. If you need a Boca Raton divorce lawyer or family law attorney call us today. Our experienced family law attorneys and divorce lawyers can help you and your family get through even the most difficult of times.
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Services: Restraining Orders ,Parental Relocation & Moving ,Division of Assets ,Supportive Relationships and Cohabitation ,Prenuptial Agreements ,Mediation ,Child Support ,Post-Judgement Modifications ,Paternity ,Domestic Violence ,Child Custody ,Contempt & Enforcement ,Alimony ,Parental Responsibility ,Divorce ,Father's rights litigation ,Settlement Negotiations ,Adoption legal services ,Child support litigation ,Contested divorce litigation ,Custody & visitation rights litigation ,Divorce litigation ,Mediation ,Modification of court orders ,Parent timesharing litigation ,Paternity establishment litigation ,Prenups & marital agreements writing ,Probate legal services ,Property division litigation ,Restraining order litigation ,Spousal support & alimony litigation ,Uncontested divorce legal services ,Aggravated Assault ,Alimony Attorneys ,Alimony Disputes ,Alimony Lawyer ,Boca Raton Family Law Attorney ,Child Custody Arrangements ,Child Custody Attorneys ,Child Custody Laws ,Child Custody Lawyer ,Child Relocation Laws ,Child Support Agreement ,Child Support Contempt ,Child Support Enforcement Attorney ,Child Support Lawyer ,Child Support Order Modified ,Collaborative Divorce ,Custody Agreements ,Custody Cases ,Disputed Divorce ,Division Of Assets ,Divorce Agreement ,Divorce Attorney ,Divorce Cases ,Divorce Decree ,Divorce Law Services ,Divorce Lawyers ,Divorce Matters ,Divorce Mediation ,Divorce Negotiations ,Divorce Proceedings ,Divorce Process ,Divorce Representation ,Domestic Violence Accusations ,Domestic Violence Attorney ,Domestic Violence Family Law ,Domestic Violence Lawyer ,Family Law Cases ,Family Law Disputes ,Family Law Matters ,Family Law Mediation Lawyer ,Free Consultation ,Legal Counsel ,Legal Custody ,Legal Representation ,Mediation Process ,Modification Attorney ,Modification Of Child Support ,No-Fault Divorce ,Nuptial Agreements ,Parental Relocation Cases ,Parental Relocation Lawyer ,Parental Responsibility Lawyer ,Parenting Plans ,Paternity Cases ,Paternity Disputes ,Paternity Issues ,Paternity Laws ,Paternity Lawyer ,Paternity Proceeding ,Post-Divorce Issues ,Post-Judgment Modifications ,Postnuptial Agreements ,Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer ,Property Division ,Same Sex Divorces ,Spousal Support Attorneys ,Uncontested Divorce ,Alimony Laws ,Cohabitation Agreement ,Dissolution Of Marriage ,Domestic Violence Laws ,Family Law Issues ,Judgement Modifications ,Modification Of Alimony ,Negotiated Settlement ,Parental Relocation ,Premarital Agreement ,Parental Relocation ,Same Sex Family Law ,Support Modification Attorney ,Boca Raton Divorce Lawyer ,Complicated Family Law ,Family Court ,Family Law Practice ,Post-Nuptial Agreements ,Pre-Marital Agreement ,Spouse's Support ,Trial Lawyer ,Divorce service ,Divorce lawyer ,Mediation
Keywords: boca raton family lawyers ,alimony lawyer ,family lawyer ,paternity lawyer ,prenup ,divorce attorney in boca raton ,divorce attorney ,child custody ,domestic violence attorney ,restraining order ,family lawyer near me ,family attorney near me ,divorce lawyer near me ,divorce attorney near me ,Boca Raton divorce lawyer ,family law attorney ,family law ,divorce lawyers boca raton ,family mediation ,divorce lawyer
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Number of Employees: 02-10
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Tina Lewert, mailto:[email protected], (561) 544-6861
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
After her divorce from Elvis, Priscilla Presley began a relationship with male model Michael Edwards, who had a daughter the same age as Lisa Marie, according to Interview Magazine. In 1978, Edwards told People Magazine that although Lisa Marie had warmed up to him, no one could eclipse Elvis - who had recently died - as her father figure.
The three of them lived together in a home in Los Angeles, and Lisa Marie attended a nearby private school. Although Priscilla painted a picture of a peaceful and quiet domestic life, a more disturbing dynamic was growing underneath. After Edwards and Priscilla split up, he wrote a tell-all called "Priscilla, Elvis, and Me." In it, he described an emerging attraction to Lisa Marie, who was a minor. He abruptly ended a swimming session with Lisa Marie after realizing he was sexually attracted to her during an innocent hug.
In an interview with Playboy, Lisa Marie called Edwards "sick." She remembered him trying to enter her bedroom and acting inappropriately while he was drunk, between the ages of 12 and 15. Priscilla revealed that her relationship with Edwards wasn't what she thought it was. Receiving a book deal, his revelations of their private lives amounted to a betrayal.
Lisa Marie has revealed that she was sexually molested at a very young age by one of her dad Elvis Presley's closest celebrity friends.
After her marriage to Michael Jackson ended, she battled a serious cocaine and prescription pain pill addiction. She also revealed during this time that she believed Jackson only married her in hopes of bettering his career and reputation.
In 2017, The Beverly Hills Police and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation investigated claims of sexual misconduct made by Lisa Marie against then estranged husband Michael Lockwood, with their twins sent to live with their grandmother under the supervision of the California Department of Children and Family Services. In documents filed in Los Angeles Superior Court as part of the couple's ongoing divorce, Lisa Marie claims to have found inapproriate pictures and disturbing video footage on Lockwood's computer.
Lisa Marie said in a court filing at the time, "I was shocked and horrified and sick to my stomach. I have no idea what else may be on those devices and fear that there are more and worse images and evidence in these un-analyzed devices."
Although Beverly Hills Police Department did find Lockwood's devices during a raid on his home, no criminal charges were ever filed in regard to her allegations. The agency's public information officer said at the time that they had not been able to determine that a crime occurred in Tennessee.
*Note: nude photos of children may not necessarily constitute the legal definition of 'child pornography' in some jurisdictions. This was evidenced in Michael Jackson's trial.*
Fellow accused pedophile, Michael Jackson, had been the stepfather to Lisa Marie's son Ben when he was a young boy. Around the time of her tumultuous divorce from Lockwood, Ben, then 27, ended up committing suicide. Ben also struggled with drug addiction.
During their divorce, Lockwood was demanding $40,000 a month in child support, despite their pre-nuptial agreement. Lisa Marie, though, testified in a Los Angeles court that Lockwood knew he was foregoing spousal support when he signed their prenuptial agreement, but was only now claiming "ignorance" even when he had a chance to negotiate the agreement before having signed it. Lisa also stated that Lockwood had run up "millions of dollars" in credit card bills, charges that she had only found out about in November of 2015.
The filing said, "Respondent [Lockwood] was discovered to have hundreds of inappropriate photos of children and is facing allegation of sexual abuse and neglect. While Respondent has yet to be convicted of crimes related to his possession of these photos, that he possessed them is documented evidence of conduct that has destroyed the mental and emotional calm of Petitioner [Presley]. Respondent's request for spousal support must be denied by reason of his conduct alone."
Lockwood was denied spousal support, but Lisa Marie was ordered to pay child support.
Just hours after Lisa Marie's shocking death, Lockwood took custody of the now 14 year old twin girls. Danny Keough, Lisa Marie's ex-husband and father of her two oldest children, had been living with Lisa Marie and the twins in their Calabasas home before her death, and Lisa Marie had had 60% custody of the twins.
Her friends say in the days following up to her death, they had been worried about her well-being. Lisa Marie - having a history of substance abuse issues - was spotted at the Golden Globes two days before her death, where she appeared to slur her words and be unsteady on her feet.
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thntonstoatolawns · 23 days
Thornton Storgato Law
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Address: Suite 1, Level 1 | 558 Pennant Hills Road West, Pennant Hills, NSW 2125
Phone: (02) 9481 4649
Website: https://www.tslaw.com.au/
Thornton Storgato Law are family law specialists, located in Pennant Hills, North Sydney where the principal, Martina, has been exclusively practicing family law for well over 20 years. As a member of The Law Society of New South Wales and a nationally accredited Mediator and Collaborative Lawyer, Martina and her team have brought their professional and sensitive approach to all aspects of family law, resulting in positive outcomes in cases of divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, child support, contested wills and more.
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kandksolicitors · 24 days
Pre-nuptial agreements (Prenups) - Hatfield, Hertfordshire
Planning your dream wedding is about more than organising the venue, the decor, and a show-stopping reception.  It is also about ensuring the long-term peace of mind you need to enjoy a happy and content marriage.  Protecting your wealth and assets when entering into a marriage can safeguard you from major financial losses and extensive legal battles at a later date. While talk of pre-nuptial agreements may seem like the ultimate romance-killer, they can actually be in the best interests of both parties. Area cover Hatfield, Hertfordshire.
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