#pre-algebra tutorial
The second moronic compulsion on my handwritten list of "50 Things To Do Before I'm 50" is to solve a Rubik's cube, whatever the fuck that even means. But today - and I'm certainly not making this up for fiction's sake - I finally did it. Suck on that, Mrs. X.
Wait, back up. Let's start from the absolute beginning, shall we?
In first grade, they taught us what numbers were, presumably because some optimistic educators still believed we were babies who didn't comprehend the concept of quantification. In second grade, they drilled addition into our mushy, pre-pubescent skulls for one endless year. The next year was the same, but with subtraction (because simply removing numerical values from each other is exponentially more complex than adding them together). Third grade was spent on multiplication tables, assigning our little brains the daunting task of memorizing an algorithm better suited for software coding. Fourth grade was "long division," which remains the most useless mathematic application this side of trigonometry - I still can't divide anything without dragging a calculator into the process, nor do I care. Fifth grade was merely a re-hashing of all four operations, so the concepts would become "locked in," whatever that meant.
From sixth through eighth, we explored the world's dullest numbers game - statistics. "If women make up 47% of the workforce, and men make up the remaining percentage, which is bigger?" This is when I started checking out mentally. Math had become insufferable. My only hope was that high school would reinvigorate my interest in quantitative reasoning.
That didn't happen. I signed up for an elective called "pre-algebra" because (A) it sounded like it might preview some legit algebraic principles, and (B) I had already endured three unrelenting years of statistics, which was plenty. But pre-algebra was shockingly difficult - I had grown accustomed to performing uncomplicated operations, and anything more complicated than chunking single-digit numbers together fried my mathed-out cerebellum. I couldn't grasp ANY of the coursework. After a few weeks of failing miserably, my teacher realized her skills were being wasted on me. She shipped me off to the guidance counselor and essentially said, "Get this dolt out of my classroom - algebra is not for her, nor will she need it in the real world." And that's when my educational trajectory took a hard left.
The counselor recommended I take... Sudoku. Seriously, those little puzzle grids from the Times - nothing more than a friendly numbers challenge for bored grandparents trying to stay sharp. I don't know why she pushed me in that direction. Maybe there was a coding glitch in the system. But I had no choice. That fall, I found myself in Mrs. X's "Sudoku Mastery" class, learning the mythological history of these numerical chessboards while gradually conquering the easier grids. Within two months, I was a Sudoku assassin, confidently shading boxes and systematically elimating possibilities until only one digit remained per square. My Sudoku scores were impeccable. I'm still the only student who ever earned a 100% in Mrs. X's nerdly little millennium cult elective.
But Mrs. X had a problem - I was progressing too fast. At that rate, I'd grow bored before January. So she handed me a Rubik's cube and commanded me to solve it (this was 2004, when mastering anything required self-education without YouTube tutorials). I stared at that garish, multi-colored cube and had absolutely no idea what to do. The patterns and algorithms were inscrutable. Nothing I learned in Sudoku class prepared me for twisting and flipping those rigid squares until each side settled into uniform hues. I got frustrated and gave up. I hated feeling "stumped" infinitely more than being sad or angry - bafflement was the cruelest emotional state. Mrs. X "failed me" on that assignment and downgraded my Sudoku grade, but I didn't particularly care.
Fast forward to that handwritten list, circa 2023. One of the dumb-as-hell challenges I scribbled was to finally solve a Rubik's cube once and for all, if only to prove I wasn't entirely useless. I initially considered buying a cube online for like £12 (or whatever), but fuck that - I have boundaries when it comes to financing my gradual self-actualization. A few months later, a coworker uncovered an unwanted cube in some drawer and offered it to me gratis. The Rubik's Crusade had begun.
Now, six months later, I have mastered that absurd, multi-colored obelisk of impossibility. The final side clicked into uniform yellow while sitting in upstate traffic, surrounded by nature's splendiferous rebirth. Solving that geometric bastard somehow felt more rewarding than my first sexual experience. I wanted to honk the horn in triumph, but I resisted. Maybe my final challenge should involve punching an idiot in their dumb face.
Either way, I have officially bested you, Mrs. X. Suck it.
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k12academics · 2 months
Scholars Online was founded to promote rigorous classical Christian education for college-bound students and life-long learners.  Most students are in grades 6-12, but adults are welcome to take courses as well, and some teachers offer individual tutorials to accommodate different learning rates or scheduling issues.  For parents, this is a great opportunity to really learn Latin, Greek, chemistry, or pre-calculus for yourself, to be better prepared to help or teach your own students!
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Academic year classes meet up to three times weekly with teachers in live chat sessions — the technology used varies by teacher and subject and may include text chat, audio chat, or whiteboards, and most courses rely on open-source Moodle technology to provide homework assignments, quizzes, and student feedback. Chat sessions are usually scheduled during the US day from 9am to 6pm Eastern.   Course tuition depends on the number of meetings per week, but generally runs from $350/year for courses meeting once a week for an hour to $600/year for courses meeting multiple times a week with extensive student feedback.  
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Course tracks include World History (two years),  Latin (up to seven years), Greek (up to seven years),  French (up to three years), Mathematics (Algebra through calculus), Philosophy (Logic and Reasoning),  Literature (up to five years), and Science (up to six years), with unique courses in listerautre (Western Literature to Dante), history of science, Old English, and Spanish for Adults, and programming.  Check the complete academic year course offerings at Scholars Online.
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gramesmith · 8 months
Online Geometry Homework Help: Mastering Shapes and Formulas with Ease
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Geometry, the branch of mathematics that explores the properties and relationships of shapes and figures, can be a daunting subject for many students. From the angles of triangles to the volumes of three-dimensional solids, the concepts in geometry can be intricate and challenging to grasp. This is where online geometry homework help comes to the rescue, offering a lifeline to students seeking clarity and confidence in their geometry studies.
The Complexity of Geometry:
Geometry is a diverse field, encompassing a wide range of topics, including:
Euclidean Geometry: The study of basic geometric shapes, lines, angles, and their properties.
Coordinate Geometry: Examining geometric concepts using algebraic methods.
Trigonometry: Exploring the relationships between angles and sides in triangles.
Solid Geometry: Analyzing three-dimensional shapes and calculating volumes and surface areas.
Geometric Proofs: Constructing logical arguments to prove geometric theorems. Tophomeworkhelper.com gives you proper help in Geometry
Common Challenges in Geometry:
Abstract Concepts: Many geometry concepts are abstract and can be challenging to visualize.
Logical Reasoning: Geometry often requires logical reasoning and step-by-step proofs, which can be intimidating.
Visual Spatial Skills: Some students struggle with visualizing and manipulating geometric shapes.
Time Constraints: Balancing geometry homework with other subjects and activities can be demanding.
The Advantages of Online Geometry Homework Help:
Access to Expert Tutors: Online platforms connect students with experienced geometry tutors who can provide personalized guidance. Tutors adapt to different learning styles and paces, ensuring students get the help they need.
Flexible Scheduling: Online geometry homework help is available 24/7, accommodating students' busy schedules. Whether it's late at night or on a weekend, assistance is just a click away.
Interactive Learning Tools: Many online resources incorporate interactive tools and visual aids to make learning geometry engaging and effective. These tools help students grasp abstract concepts and visualize geometric relationships.
Practice Problems: Online platforms offer a wealth of practice problems and exercises. These resources allow students to reinforce their understanding and sharpen their problem-solving skills.
Where to Find Online Geometry Homework Help:
Tutoring Websites: Platforms like Khan Academy, Chegg, and Wyzant offer access to experienced geometry tutors who provide guidance through live sessions or pre-recorded lessons.Click to read more
Educational YouTube Channels: Several YouTube channels specialize in mathematics, including geometry. These channels offer free video tutorials on various geometry topics, making learning accessible to all.
Geometry Apps: Mobile apps like "GeoGebra" and "Photomath" provide interactive lessons and tools for students to practice geometry on the go.
Educational Websites: Websites such as Purplemath, MathisFun, and GeometryHelp.com offer comprehensive explanations, examples, and practice problems for geometry learners.
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syscyber · 11 months
Systems & Cybernetics Site Map & Web Stuff
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Diego Azeta blogs:
» Sys•Cyber ✴️🔆✴️ The real cybernetics
» Diego•Azeta 🌐 Azeta Azota
» La•Colonia 🇵🇷 World's oldest colony*
*World's most experienced colony (®Pan Am™)
Sys•Cyber ✴️🔆✴️ blog:
American Society for Cybernetics
Cognitive Science Society
International Society for Systems Sciences
Fractal self-similarity
Principia Cybernetica
Simulation Modeling Software Analyze • Visualize • Optimize
AnyLogic - agent-based modeling (ABM), discrete event simulation (DES), system dynamics (SD) modeling
NetLogo - ABM development environment
Mesa - Python ABM
AgentPy - Python ABM library
Simantics System Dynamics - open source SD modeling & simulation software
Insight Maker - ABM & SD online simulation
Systems Dynamics Society - core software
Systems Dynamics Society - web-based tools
Capterra - best free simulation software
Online Resources
Computer Modeling and Simulation by Ángel A. Juan Pérez, Open University of Catalonia. A brief overview of DES. (PDF)
Gentle Intro Discrete Event Simulation
Intro Discrete Event Simulation (PDF)
Intro to Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems by Hiroki Sayama, SUNY Binghamton
Complexity - Wikipedia
Complex System - Wikipedia
Principles of Systems Science - U Wash PDF
Systems Theory - Wikipedia
Cybernetics and Systems (open journal)
International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics 2e
The Limits to Growth - The classic world sim, now more relevant than ever. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
System Dynamics - Wikipedia
What Is System Dynamics - SD Society
Intro System Dynamics - MIT OCW
The Beginnings of SD - Jay W. Forrester
Mathematics of SD - Worcester Polytechnic
Descriptive Statistics - Bhandari @ Scribbr
Inferential Statistics - Bhandari @ Scribbr
Descriptive vs inferential Statistics - by Zach @ Statology
Bayesian Statistics - Wikipedia
Bayesian Statistics & Modeling - Gelman
Open Access Textbooks 📚
OAT Resource Directory - U Buffalo
Directory of Open Access Books
Math Open Textbooks - AI Math
• LibreTexts Systems Engineering
Open Textbook Library
OER Commons Open Textbooks
Milne Open Textbooks - SUNY
IntechOpen Books
Merlot Materials
Saylor Academy Open Textbooks
Find e-Books/Books in general:
Guide to e-Books - UC Berkeley
18 Free e-Book Sites - Lifewire
Index of Books - Google Books
Open Library - Internet Archive
Lifelong Learning - Free
Carnegie-Mellon Open Learning
MIT Open Learning
Open Michigan
Open Yale
Stanford Online
Systems Pre/Co-reqs
Recommended for learners of systems science, cyber systems analysis, and cyber systems engineering. Work at your own pace.
Probability & Statistics
Probability & Statistics - Carnegie-Mellon OLI
Intro Probability & Statistics - MIT OCW
• Introductory Statistics with Randomization and Simulation (Open Textbook Library)
• Intro Bayesian Statistics - Rice, U Wash
Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra - Strang, MIT OCW
• Linear Algebra (text) - Pinkham, Columbia
• Understanding Linear Algebra - Austin
Python Programming
🌟 PythonAnywhere - Online IDE
• Getting Started Python - Michigan Online
• Think Python 2e - Downey
• Intro Computer Science Python - MIT OCW
• Python online tutorial - Google
• Core Python Tutorials - Real Python.com
Linear Programming
Linear Programming (basic ideas) - OU
• LP (basic ideas) mini-text (PDF) - OU
Microeconomics - Gruber, MIT OCW
• Intermediate Microeconomics - Emerson
Game Theory
• Game Theory - Open Yale Courses
• Game Theory - Stanford Online
• Game Theory 101 video course - Spaniel
• Logic & Proofs - Carnegie-Mellon OLI
• Logic I - MIT OCW
• Intro Logic and Critical Thinking (text) - Van Cleave, OTL
Systems Thinking
• Systems Thinking Books - Goodreads
• Intro Systems Thinking - UN ESCAP (PDF)
• Introduction to Industrial Engineering by Bonnie Boardman, U Texas at Arlington
Calculus & Differential Equations
Calculus Made Easy - An elegant introduction
Coursera Calculus courses
edX Calculus courses
MIT Calculus courses - MIT OCW
Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers - Jiří Lebl (textbook)
Differential Equations: An Introduction for Engineers - Matthew Charley (textbook)
Differential Equations - U Toronto (PDF)
You need not be an expert at solving DEs to work productively in cyber systems analysis. SD simulation software do that automatically with built-in numerical algorithms. But you should know what the DE means and does in the model. The same holds true for other technical details, such as random number generation and statistical measures, in different modeling and simulation paradigms. The conceptual ideas must be well understood; the computational aspects are best delegated to the modeling platform.
Thought of the day: Investing your time in becoming conversant with cybernetic system analysis methods is far superior to wasting it watching TV.
Cyber systems analysts think much better than non-analysts and are excellent at multi-factor problem solving, enterprise or institutional policy design, and strategic decision making. They are skilled in transforming conceptual insights into effective operational solutions.
Cyberneticians were key to the rise of cognitive science as a modern scientific discipline. They were pivotal in overcoming resistance to new ideas in psychiatry and psychology, especially in doctrinaire behaviorism.
Traditional fields of inquiry are often biased by conceiving problems and proposed solutions solely from their disciplinary perspective. This can turn out to be a hindrance. Cyber systems analysis is trans-disciplinary and eclectic. As such it tends to be more open in recognizing issues and ascertaining workable solutions to complex real-world problems.
If you want to change the world without waiting forever for change to happen, consider using cybernetic systems analysis. Effective results. Efficient and functional. Less prone to risk yet significantly more cost effective than traditional organizational reform approaches.
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testprepchicago · 1 year
Online Pre Algebra Courses for All Ages
Online pre algebra courses are a great way to get help with math. They can be taken by any age and they can be taken at any time. Students who take online pre algebra courses are able to work through the material at their own pace. This is great for those who need more time to work on something or for those who may not have as much time as others.
The best part about online pre algebra courses is that they are available from anywhere you have an internet connection. You don't have to worry about finding a tutor, or driving around town looking for one. You can just log in and get started, no matter where you are!
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Online Algebra Tutoring Services Advantages
Online Algebra Tutoring  Services Advantages:
-It is a cost-effective way to learn algebra.
-You can get assistance with your homework and projects.
-It is more flexible than attending a traditional school.
-You can get help from the comfort of your own home.
-It is an interactive process that allows you to work at your own pace and learn at your own time.
Online algebra tutoring services are quite popular these days because it has many advantages over traditional methods of learning algebra, such as attending a traditional school or getting help from one’s parents or friends who might not know that much about math.
How can Online Algebra Tutors Help You in the Classroom?
Online Algebra Tutors is a mobile app that provides math tutoring for students in grades 6-12. It helps students learn math by solving problems and providing answers to questions that the student has.
The app uses a step-by-step approach to solving algebra problems and is interactive, which makes it more fun for the student. The app also provides a video tutorial for each question to teach the student how to solve it.
Online Algebra Tutors is an effective app that can help you in the classroom by providing answers, tips, and tutorials on algebra problems.
Pros and Cons of Using an Online Math Tutor from Home or School
With the use of online tutoring, students can work on their math skills at any time and from any place. This is a great way to make sure that they are not missing out on schoolwork while they are at home or on vacation.
Online tutoring is a great way for students to get help with their math skills from anywhere in the world. However, it does have its disadvantages as well. For example, some parents might not be comfortable with their child using an online tutor and prefer them to go to school for help instead of working on math skills from home.
Why Should You Consider an Online Math Course for Your Child?
Online math courses are a great way for parents to make sure that their children are getting the help they need. They can be used as a supplement to other math learning methods and can be used in many different ways.
Online math courses are a great way for parents to make sure that their children are getting the help they need. They can be used as a supplement to other math learning methods and can be used in many different ways.
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awesomeblog-92 · 2 years
Online resources include user guides
TI Nspire CX CAS vs TI Nspire CX II CAS The Nspire CX CAS is something I would buy. The student will complete all of the algebraic operations needed for Algebra II and college algebra. There will also be the solution of several calculus procedures and differential equations. It functions more like a computer than other TI calculators and takes more practice to learn. I've used the TI 83, 84, 85, 86, and 89 Titanium as well as the Nspire CX CAS. I currently utilize the 89 Titanium with the CX CAS. Although I thought the 89 was easier to use, the CX CAS is more reliable and flexible. Online resources include user guides, videos, and tutorials. I would research which calculators are allowed in your classroom before making a decision. The one at the top is used to connect to the TI-Nspire CX Navigator System. With the use of technology, teachers may instantly interact with every one of their students and complete duties like concept monitoring, file sharing, and real-time assessment. Using the "big slide-out" port on the bottom, the calculator is slid into the TI-NspireTM Docking Station. There are several ways to dock a class set of up to 10 TI-NspireTM graphing calculators: Maintain rechargeable batteries at 100% capacity, Upload files, tasks, and other materials with the TI-NspireTM Teacher Software. Update the operating system with the help of the TI-NspireTM Teacher Software. Up to six docking stations can run simultaneously on one computer. The TI-Nspire Docking Station is compatible with the graphing calculators TI-NspireTM CX, TI-NspireTM CX CAS, TI-NspireTM with Touchpad, and TI-NspireTM CAS with Touchpad. The screen is full color and excellent resolution, making it easy to view every exponent, variable, and line. It also boasts the brightest display. Graph and rotate 3D functions using 3D graphing (manually and automatically). You can alter the surface or wire color of your 3D graph. TI-Nspire CX, a portable math and science calculator. accuracy in algebra. Totally portable. The TI-Nspire CX CAS is a competent hands-learning instrument that is compatible with middle school through college math and science programs. It has algebraic ability to factor and extend variable expressions, complete the square, find antiderivatives, compute limits, and find exact solutions in irrational forms, among other algebraic operations. By viewing several representations of the expressions in a problem at once, students may understand how the algebraic, graphical, geometric, numerical, and written forms of the expressions relate to one another. The courses that these subjects are most suited for are Pre-algebra, Algebra 1 & 2, Trigonometry, Geometry, Pre-calculus, Statistics, Business & Finance, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Physics, and AP Calculus. a screen that is fully colored and lighted. The TI-Nspire CX portable computer now includes all of its functionality, including an integrated Computer Algebra System (CAS) Eleven interactive zoom features. matched points: Use sliders, expressions, or coordinates to quickly define dynamic points. includes a battery that can be charged. can run for as long as two weeks on a single charge television in color. The screen is 3.5 inches diagonally, employs 16-bit color, and has a 125 DPI resolution. rapid alpha keys TI-Basic programming enhancements: Create computer code to graphically illustrate key math and STEM concepts. Less difficult to read graphics: The user experience is improved by new app icons and colored screen tabs.
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dritaartists · 2 years
Basic math practice
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Basic math practice how to#
Basic math practice free#
Basic math practice how to#
Testing windows for the GACE Mathematics Assessment are offered year-round, with test results usually available approximately 2 weeks after specific test dates.Īre you wondering how to prepare for the GACE Mathematics Assessment? No problem! There are several types of study materials available to help you prepare for the test, such as interactive practice tests, tests at a glance (which give a quick overview of the tests), tutorials, videos, webinars and other strategies and tips. From the Multiplication Grand Prix to the Knight and the Princess, students can practice their basic math skills in a fun and engaging way on this math site. Every worksheet has thousands of variations, so you need never run out of practice.
Probability and Statistics, which is also worth 30% of the total test score You can view them on-screen, and then print them, with or without answers.
Chapter 4 gives you plenty of practice in solving arithmetic problems using the order of. View Answers as You Go View 1 Question at a Time.
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Whether you are studying for a school math test or looking to test your math skills, this free practice test will challenge your knowledge of algebra. Geometry, which is worth 30% of the total test score This book includes 1,001 basic math and pre-algebra problems. Test your knowledge of introductory Algebra with this Algebra practice exam.Functions, which is worth 40% of the total score.K-12 tests, GED math test, basic math tests. These reproducible pages are perfect for homework too. Discreet Mathematics and Calculus, also worth 30% of the total score Algebra review practice test Basic mathematics store Basic Mathematics Search Member Login Free math solver. In Basic Math Skills, Grade 4 you’ll find just what you need to provide extra skill practice for individual students, small groups, or the whole class.Algebra, which is worth 40% of the total score.Each question in the Mathematics Section of the practice test is a. Number and Quantity, which is worth 30% of the total score California Basic Educational Skills Test, CBEST, and the CBEST logo are trademarks.Proven GACE Mathematics test flashcards raise your score on the GACE Mathematics test.
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charleswesley01 · 2 years
Las Vegas math tutor
Private Las Vegas Tutors is a group of accredited and experienced instructors who provide World Class education for your child through individualized tutorial programs in Las Vegas. Our tutors specialize in a wide range of subjects, including Basic Mathematics, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I & II, Geometry, Trigonometry, (Pre)Calculus, Statistics, Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, English Language Arts, and many more. We also offer Test Preparation courses for the SAT, ACT, GED, GRE, High School Proficiency Exam (Writing, Science and Math), MCAT, and LSAT. Compared to other programs, we keep your convenience in mind and work around your schedule. To make your life easier, we bring our services to the comfort of your home at the time and date of your choosing. Our tutors are available everyday (Monday through Sunday) 9AM to 7PM!
Las Vegas math tutor
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freecourselabsnew · 2 years
College Algebra & Trigonometry Explained
College Algebra & Trigonometry Explained
Master College Level Algebra with our Step by Step Video Tutorials. Over 3500 Practice Questions! Ace your Algebra Exam! Requirements Basic Arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)Pre-Algebra (Must Have)Basic Algebra (Algebra 1) (Highly Suggested)Intermediate Algebra (Algebra 2) (Highly Suggested) Description Become a Master of College Algebra & Trigonometry and Ace your…
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View On WordPress
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rowankmrf947 · 3 years
High 30 Greatest Python Classes And Certifications Obtainable On-line
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It covers following subjects in detail – Python Basics, Python Data Structures, Python Programming Fundamentals, Working with Data in Python. Below is our rigorously curated record of 10 Best Python Certifications, Classes, Tutorials, Courses and coaching packages for 2021. These sources embrace free and paid courses which might be suitable for newbie, intermediate and expert level learners and have benefited 1000's of them.
What job can I get with a Python certification?
6 Jobs You Can Land If You Learn PythonPython Developer. Becoming a Python developer is the most direct job out there for someone who knows the Python programming language.
Product Manager.
Data Analyst.
Financial Advisors.
Data Journalist.
However, many companies and online instructors have stepped up with their own Python certifications. Today we're going to focus on the top Python certifications that you could go forward with to improve your probability to land a better paying job. Learn to code like a professional by following along the tips and advice of the trainer. As this path begins from a beginner stage program, due to this fact, no stipulations are required to get began with it.
About Python Certification Coaching
This is a newbie level Python training program, hence there aren't any pre-requisites, anybody with primary or no programming abilities can take it up. In reality the primary 2 programs are focussed at learners with no programming experience at all. Once you may be done with the fundamental education of python, it is time to get serious. Python past the fundamentals is likely one of the best professional python programming programs available online.
Is Python 3 a Cpython?
CPython is the original implementation, written in C. (The "C" part in "CPython" refers to the language that was used to write Python interpreter itself.) Jython is the same language (Python), but implemented using Java.
Actually compiling to C.ImplementationExecution Time (seconds)Speed UpPyPy0.5716x2 more rows•Jun 16, 2013
It is a powerful, simple and intuitive language that is appropriate for automation, integration and large knowledge analytics. This is a quick introductory level Python course where you begin studying from the very basics. No earlier programming language knowledge is crucial for this course. The fundamental skill of using a pc of any working system normally and algebra will be important to learn successfully. Of course, the course does teach information science through Python, so it is a stable follow-up course for anybody who is excited about learning information science and who already has a fundamental understanding of Python. Obtaining aPython certificationis value contemplating if you’re trying to take your profession to the following stage in terms of higher job positions and a higher salary.
Who Ought To Take This Python Certification Course?
You can also be excited about having a look at Machine Learning Certifications. Our next Python course on the line is specifically designed to teach about Python in information evaluation and machine studying. And specially developed for professionals who wish to make the most of python for data science and machine studying.
According to a Stack Overflow survey, Python has turn out to be the fastest growing programming language than different programming languages like Java, C, C++. For added convenience, our private groups can attend their course Live at SLU or just about. Private lessons who opt for Live at SLU will obtain the identical advantages as different live lessons as seen beneath.
Proficiency in Python opens doorways to newer profession alternatives and helps programmers in pursuit of professional profession success.
Yes, there are a quantity of acknowledged Python certifications to ace & glorify your final potential within the coding world.
The first block carries a weightage of 25% and relies on advanced notion on Python lessons and OOPs.
Opponents of programmer certs would level out that there are better methods to achieve expertise and validate expertise, and so they do have some extent.
And you can ask programming questions and get suggestions in your initiatives on the freeCodeCamp discussion board.
It is proven that project primarily based studying is the simplest approach to study any ability, esp. programming. This course is project-based and teaches you Python programming by building eleven Python 3 tasks during the course. So even if you're a complete newbie, you will acquire proficiency in Python by working on the projects quite than simply going via the individual concepts.
When And How Will I Receive My Certificates As Quickly As I Pass This Exam?
We perceive the worth of high quality training and strives to provide the same to our candidates. Get a chance to study from certified professionals in the Python world. Our training gives actual time publicity to the work environments and prepares you nicely for the interviews. Python is the preferred programming language amongst the builders & programmers as it's simpler to code in it. This object-oriented language is finest recognized for its quick processing, clear syntax, & cross-platform compatibility.
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penguin-ghost · 3 years
Week 1 - Uni Begins
So I’ve made it through week 1 of uni 🥳! Here is the weekly update:
Everything has been revision so far, and I guess that’s not a bad way of starting. We reviewed kinematics, dynamics and Newton’s laws.
Also, my lab tutor is a 2nd year PhD student in astronomy (which is a field of my interest), so that made lab very exciting despite the fact that our first experiment involved measuring the height of my desk (for illustrative purposes and commenting on the nature of doing experiments obviously).
Reality, Ethics and Beauty
The professor is extremely engaging, and the class is almost entirely based on discussions. We closely examined the first two arguments for the existence of God by Aquinas, whilst clarifying concepts such as validity, soundness and lemma (which I thought sounds rather cute). Besides the lectures, we also have weekly workshops, and our first session was just a really open space in which we could discuss philosophical concepts relevant (or sometimes slightly tangential) to the course material.
Linear Algebra
Vectors and vectors and vectors. Nothing was new until I watched the pre-lecture videos for next week where we are introduced to cross products. My high school physics teacher brought it up multiple times regarding its relevance to Electromagnetism (more specifically Maxwell’s Equations if I recall correctly), so it was fairly exciting to find out what it actually involves. I’m also starting to get used to the formal notations. And although I haven’t had a tutorial, the first worksheet looks pretty manageable.
Calculus of One Variable
Complex numbers! We basically had an introduction to complex numbers which I was already confident with. However, I was able to gauge the pace of the class, and I’m pretty sure once the introduction is over, things are gonna go pretty fast.
Introduction to Programming
The lectures were... pretty bad. But thank god it’s programming, and you learn by coding, not listening to the professor. The 2-hour lab was very fruitful for my learning, and I felt an immense sense of accomplishment when I was able to finally (after so many failed attempts at learning how to code) code something! I also managed to complete the Weekly challenge without much trouble.
Other comments
I participated in an online welcome event where I was able to chat to a Physics professor for an entire hour. He told me about his journey in STEM, his research in nanotechnology and what it’s like to be an academic. It was a really insightful and inspirational hour for me.
I met with my mentor group, and the biggest advice I received was to stay on top of things: try not to miss any lectures, and always catch up as soon as possible.
Uni offers so much freedom, and that is precisely what makes it so hard. I am still getting used to managing pre-studying, homework, after-class reviews and deadlines for all sorts of tasks. Things can quickly get out of control without a system.
I am really looking forward to week 2 where I might be able to learn some new concepts in Physics and Maths. Overall, week 1 was a nice start 🎓
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whiteantcrawls · 4 years
Resources for Home Schooling
✅The San Diego Zoo has a website just for kids with amazing videos, activities, and games. Enjoy the tour! https://kids.sandiegozoo.org/
✅Tour Yellowstone National Park! https://www.nps.gov/…/lea…/photosmultimedia/virtualtours.htm
✅Explore the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover. https://accessmars.withgoogle.com/
✅This Canadian site FarmFood 360 offers 11 Virtual Tours of farms from minks, pigs, and cows, to apples and eggs.  https://www.farmfood360.ca/
✅Indoor Activities for busy toddlers https://busytoddler.com/2020/03/indoor-activities/…
✅Play games and learn all about animals https://switchzoo.com/
✅Play with fave show characters and learn too https://pbskids.org/
✅Travel to Paris, France to see amazing works of art at The Louvre with this virtual field trip.   https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne
✅This Virtual Tour of the Great Wall of China is beautiful and makes history come to life. https://www.thechinaguide.com/destinati…/great-wall-of-china
✅Math and Reading games  https://www.funbrain.com/
✅Phonics skills https://www.starfall.com/h/
✅This iconic museum located in the heart of London allows virtual visitors to tour the Great Court and discover the ancient Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies. https://britishmuseum.withgoogle.com/
✅ Read, play games, and hang out with Dr. Seuss https://www.seussville.com/
✅300,000+ FREE printable worksheets from toddlers to teens https://www.123homeschool4me.com/home-school-free-printabl…/
✅Geography and animals https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/
✅Math practice from counting to algebra and geometry http://www.mathscore.com/
✅Fave kids books read by famous people https://www.storylineonline.net/
✅Crafts, activities, mazes, dot to dot, etc, https://www.allkidsnetwork.com/
✅High school chemistry topics https://www.acs.org/…/hi…/chemmatters/articles-by-topic.html
✅Math and reading games https://www.abcya.com/
✅Math and language games https://www.arcademics.com/
✅Hands on Elem science videos https://www.backpacksciences.com/science-simplified
✅Voice based learning... learn through Alexa https://bamboolearning.com/resources
✅Fun games, recipes, crafts, activities  https://www.highlightskids.com/
✅ClickSchooling brings you daily recommendations by email for entertaining websites that help your kids learn. https://clickschooling.com/
✅Math as a fun part of your daily family routine http://bedtimemath.org/
✅Games to get "into the book" https://reading.ecb.org/
✅Online history classes for all ages preteen through adults https://school.bighistoryproject.com/bhplive
✅Biology  https://www.biologysimulations.com/
✅ Elem Math through 6th grade  https://boddlelearning.com/
✅Educational games K-12  https://www.breakoutedu.com/funathome
✅Digital archive of history  https://www.bunkhistory.org/
✅Test Prep for SAT, ACT, etc. https://www.bwseducationconsulting.com/handouts.php
✅Geometry https://www.canfigureit.com/
✅Resources for Spanish practice https://www.difusion.com/campus/
✅Chinese learning activities  https://chalkacademy.com/
✅Music is for everyone https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Experiments
✅Science, Math, Social Studies https://www.ck12.org/student/
✅Grammar practice for middle grades  https://www.classroomcereal.com/
✅Daily free science or cooking experiment to do at home.http://www.clubscikidzmd.com/blog/
✅Chemistry  https://www.playmadagames.com/
✅Reading passages for grades 3-12, with reading comprehension and discussion questions. https://www.commonlit.org/
✅Vocabulary, grammar, listening activities and games in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, and Latin.  https://conjuguemos.com/
✅35,000 pages of online content on the cultures and countries of the world. https://www.countryreports.org/
✅K-5th Science lessons  https://mysteryscience.com/
✅Tons of free classes from leading universities and companies https://www.coursera.org/
✅Free printable K-8 Reading and Math activity packs (available in English and Spanish) https://www.curriculumassociates.com/supporting-students-aw…
✅Digital learning content for preschool through high school https://www.curriki.org/
✅A wide range of math content from middle school through AP Calculus. https://deltamath.com/overview
✅Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing. https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/…/learnathome.html
✅3 Free Weeks of Maker Stations to keep your children creating at home! Each challenge includes simple instructions using materials around the house, QR code video resources, and a student recording sheet. bit.ly/freemakerstations
✅Classes for older teens or adults https://www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/lp/t1/freemo…
✅Online homeschool platform & curriculum for Pre-K to 12th grade. All main subjects are covered, plus extra curriculum courses.  http://discoveryk12.com/dk12/
✅Printable board games, activities and more for phonics and reading all using evidence-based methods. Can be customized to any student's needs including creating flashcards for other subjects. https://dogonalogbooks.com/printables/
✅K-8 online math program that looks at how a student is solving problems to adjust accordingly and build a unique learning path for them. https://www.dreambox.com/at-home
✅Engaging reading game for grades 2-8 that combines strategy, engagement, and imaginative reading passages to create a fun, curriculum-aligned literacy game. https://www.squigglepark.com/dreamscape/
✅Higher level math series... online video series with detailed solutions to more than a thousand publicly-released College Board SAT Math, Subject Test Math Level 1, and Subject Test Math Level 2 problems.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQoCpvYRYRkRRvsObOPHaA…
✅Foreign languages  https://www.duolingo.com/
✅Interactive video earth science based curriculum supplement. https://www.everyday-earth.com/
✅A safe research site for elementary-level readers. They are offering -- free 24/7 access USERNAME: read (case sensitive) PASSWORD: read (case sensitive) https://www.facts4me.com/
✅Resources for AP students including live reviews, live trivia, and study guides! https://app.fiveable.me/
✅Educational brain breaks to help students review essential literacy and math skills, while getting in some exercise. Find over 900 videos to help your child keep learning at home and burn off some extra energy. Our site is best used for ages 4-8. https://fluencyandfitness.com/register/school-closures/
✅Movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts. https://www.gonoodle.com/
✅7,000 free videos in 13 subject areas  https://hippocampus.org/
✅Carmen Sandiego videos, stories, and lessons for all subject areas https://www.carmensandiego.com/resources/
✅Math Videos with lessons, real life uses of math, famous actors https://www.hmhco.com/math-at-work
✅Entertaining & educational videos for all levels and subjects https://www.izzit.org/index.php
✅Online education program for toddler through high school... https://www.khanacademy.org/
✅Free Printables for PreK-2nd Grade https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/…/Lite…/Price-Range/Free
✅Free printables library with activities for children 0-6 https://www.littlesparkcompany.com/printables-library
✅Free at-home kids yoga lesson plans  https://littletwistersyoga.com/online-store/
✅Magic Spell is a carefully crafted spelling adventure.  https://brainbox.games/
✅Resources for AP students https://marcolearning.com/
✅Enter your math problem or search term, press the button, and they show you the step-by-step work and answer instantly. 2nd grade through college. https://www.mathcelebrity.com/online-math-tutor.php
✅Elem Math games, logic puzzles and educational resources https://www.mathplayground.com/
✅Poetry and music  https://www.thewell.world/mindful-mu…/mindful-poetry-moments
✅3D printing projects and Coding projects, involving math and other K-12 subjects https://www.instructables.com/…/EdgertonCent…/instructables/
✅Introductory and intermediate music theory lessons, exercises, ear trainers, and calculators.  https://www.musictheory.net/
✅Scads of free resources, games, learning resources, and lesson plans for teaching personal finance  https://www.ngpf.org/
✅Improve your typing skills while competing in fast-paced races with up to 5 typers from around the world. https://www.nitrotype.com/
✅Illustrated recipes designed to help kids age 2-12 cook with their grown-ups. Recipes encourage culinary skills, literacy, math, and science. https://www.nomsterchef.com/nomster-recipe-library
✅Online curriculum that builds better writers.  https://www.noredink.com/
✅80+ do at home science activities https://elementalscience.com/…/n…/80-free-science-activities
✅Daily lessons and educational activities that kids can do on their own https://www.superchargedschool.com/
✅Adaptive curriculum in Math and ELA for Grades K-8 https://www.scootpad.com/
✅Novel Effect makes storytime a little more fun for kids (and grown-ups too!) As you read out loud from print books (or ebooks!) music, sound effects, and character voices play at just the right moment, adjusting and responding to your voice. https://noveleffect.com/
✅Quick & easy at home projects curated for kids 2 and up https://www.kiwico.com/kids-at-home
✅Teaches students how to write a paragraph through interactive online tutorial http://www.paragraphpunch.com/
✅PreK-12 digital media service with more than 30,000 learning materials https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/
✅Curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. https://pebblego.com/free-pebblego-capstone-interactive-acc…
✅Science and math labs and simulations  https://phet.colorado.edu/
✅An online physics problem and video bank designed for conceptual, standard, honors or AP1 physics.  https://www.positivephysics.org/home
✅Prodigies is a colorful music curriculum for kids 1-12 that will teach your kids how to play their first instrument, how to sing in tune & how to understand the language of music! 21 for free  https://prodigiesmusic.com/
✅Free videos from around the world from grade 3-12 https://www.projectexplorer.org/
✅QuaverMusic is offering free access to general music activities to all impacted schools, including free student access at-home https://www.quavermusic.com/info/at-home-resources/
✅For students to practice and master whatever they are learning. https://quizlet.com/
✅ReadWorks is an online resource of reading passages and lesson plans for students of all levels K-12.  https://www.readworks.org/
✅Critical Thinking resources for K-6 students https://marketplace.mythinkscape.com/store/redtkids
✅Music Based Spanish Learning  https://rockalingua.com/
✅Science simulations, scientist profiles, and other digital resources for middle school science and high school biology https://sepuplhs.org/
✅The Shurley English program for grades K-8 provides a clear, logical, and concrete approach to language arts.  https://www.shurley.com/
✅Sight reading and sight singing practice exercises. https://www.sightreadingfactory.com/
✅Music practice transformed  https://www.smartmusic.com/
✅Spellingcity is free right now with code VSCFree90 https://www.spellingcity.com/
✅Kid-friendly workouts — choose from Strength for Kids, Agility for Kids, Flexibility and Balance for Kids, Warm-Up for Kids, Cooldown for Kids, Stand Up and Move for Kids, OR create your own custom kid workout. https://app.sworkit.com/collections/kids-workouts
✅A collection of hundreds of free K-12 STEM resources, from standalone models and simulations to short activities and week long sequences of curriculum materials. https://learn.concord.org/
✅Course sets (Levels 1–5) that combine and thoroughly cover phonics, reading, writing, spelling, literature, grammar, punctuation, art, and geography—all in one easy-to-use, beautiful course.  https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/
✅At home OT, PT, and ST resources designed to build skills in children through movement and play. https://www.theottoolbox.com/
✅Science projects that can be completed with or without Internet access https://sciencespot.net/Pages/classhome.html
✅Keyboarding practice  https://www.typingclub.com/ or https://www.typing.com/
✅Next Generation Science video game focused on middle school where students directly engage in science phenomena as they solve problems. https://www.tytoonline.com/
✅Short videos and readings that answer various burning questions for students. There are vocabulary challenges and comprehension questions. http://wonderopolis.org/
✅Math practice  https://xtramath.org/#/home/index
✅K-5 curriculum that builds deep understanding and a love of learning math for all students  https://www.zearn.org/
✅A quick start resource to help families pull together a plan for surviving the next 1-2 months at home with their kids, but it can also be a time of slowing down and enjoying kids as they learn. Preschool through 8th grade  https://abetterwaytohomeschool.com/learning-at-home-everyth…
✅450 Ivy League courses that you can take https://www.freecodecamp.org/…/ivy-league-free-online-cou…/…
✅Spelling 1-4 grade https://www.spellingtraining.com/
✅2,500+ online courses from top institutions  https://www.edx.org/
✅22 languages to learn  https://www.memrise.com/
✅Learn to code https://www.codecademy.com/
✅Miscellaneous games for all subjects k-8  https://www.funbrain.com/
✅Phonics and learning to read https://readingeggs.com/
✅PreK - 5 games for all subjects  https://www.turtlediary.com/
✅Online digital coloring pages  https://www.thecolor.com/
✅Every course you could possibly want to homeschool preschool - 8 https://allinonehomeschool.com/
✅Every course you could possibly want to homeschool for high school https://allinonehighschool.com/
✅Phonics worksheets for kids  https://www.funfonix.com/
✅Free stories online ages 3-12  https://www.freechildrenstories.com/
✅National Geographic Young Explorers is a magazine designed specifically for kindergarten and first grade students. Children can listen to the magazine being read to them as they follow along with the highlighted text. https://ngexplorer.cengage.com/ngyoungexplorer/index.html
✅Learn all about earthquakes https://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/kids/
✅Learn all about the periodic table  https://www.chemicool.com/
✅Farmer's almanac for kids... Date, weather, moon phase, etc. https://www.almanac.com/kids
✅Guide to gardening for kids  https://web.extension.illinois.edu/firstgarden/
✅Website allows students to play basic games to reinforce math skills and compete against the computer or others  https://www.mangahigh.com/en-us/
✅Space science for kiddos  https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html
✅Math Games, Logic Puzzles and Brain Builders https://www.mathplayground.com/
✅Games, quizzes and fact sheets take kids on a journey through time. https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/forkids/
✅NGAkids interactives offer an entertaining and informative introduction to art and art history. https://www.nga.gov/education/kids.html
✅News and more for kids  https://www.youngzine.org/
✅Randomly generates 356,300,262,144 story starters https://thestorystarter.com/
✅Immerse yourself in cryptography  https://www.cryptoclub.org/
✅Math games galore  https://gridclub.com/
✅Tons of science experiments that you can do at home https://www.stevespanglerscience.com/lab/experiments/
✅An interactive way to learn history   https://www.mission-us.org/
✅Just explore, have fun, and learn some science along the way. https://thehappyscientist.com/
✅Interactive games based on the book series https://www.magictreehouse.com/
✅Work on the 8 parts of speech  https://www.grammaropolis.com/
✅Learn all about cells  https://www.cellsalive.com/
✅All sorts of learning here if you dig in https://www.google.com/earth/
✅Scratch draws students of all types into coding and lays a foundation for future learning.  https://scratch.mit.edu/
✅A wonderful, endlessly detailed way to get kids engaged in the world of art. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/online-features/metkids/
✅Tests kids’ geography skills. Using images from Google’s Street View, it plops players down in the middle of the street and asks them to figure out where they are. https://www.geoguessr.com/
✅Allows students to type in any city, state, or country to view an archive of historical photographs and other documents. It’s a unique way to help them learn about history.   http://www.whatwasthere.com//
✅Short videos about numbers that help kids explore complex math topics and make math more fun.  https://www.numberphile.com/
✅A human visualization platform that allows students to explore the human body in really cool ways. https://human.biodigital.com/login?returnUrl=/dashboard
✅Helps kids learn to appreciate the arts by providing them with the opportunity to play games, conduct investigations, and explore different forms of art. https://artsology.com/
✅Lets kids play instruments online. Instruments include the guitar, piano, pan flute, drums, and bongos. https://www.virtualmusicalinstruments.com/
✅Crafts, activities, bulletin board designs, and finger plays for early education teachers and parents to use with kids. http://www.preschoolexpress.com/
✅A large selection of fun songs to help teach preschool and kindergarten students https://www.songsforteaching.com/preschoolkindergarten.htm
✅Resource section includes free flashcards, coloring pages, worksheets, and other resources for children, teachers, and parents.  https://supersimple.com/
✅Life skills curriculum for students in grades K-12. Their resources include strategies for teaching social and emotional skills. https://www.overcomingobstacles.org/
✅Coding for ages 4-10  https://www.kodable.com/
✅No need to travel to one of the Smithsonian’s zoos or museums — this website brings your child everything from live video of the National Zoo to the Smithsonian Learning Lab right to their screen https://www.si.edu/kids
✅Cool Kid Facts gives your child access to educational videos, pictures, quizzes, downloadable worksheets, and infographics. They can use these to learn about geography, history, science, animals, and even the human body.   https://www.coolkidfacts.com/
✅This interactive website, hosted by the U.S. Government Publishing Office, allows your child to see the ins and outs of the U.S. government by taking a series of learning adventures with none other than Benjamin Franklin. https://bensguide.gpo.gov/
✅This NASA initiative covers a wide range of topics including weather, climate, atmosphere, water, energy, plants, and animals.  https://climatekids.nasa.gov/
✅Ask Dr. Universe is a science-education project from Washington State University. Kids can send Dr. Universe any question they may have about history, geography, plants, animals, technology, engineering, math, culture, and more. https://askdruniverse.wsu.edu/
✅Your child can play games, learn fun facts, and find out how to turn coin collecting into a hobby.  https://www.usmint.gov/learn/kids
✅From rainbows to tornadoes and winter storms to tsunamis, meteorologist Crystal Wicker breaks down the fascinating world of weather. http://www.weatherwizkids.com/
✅Kids Think Design explores careers in fashion design, graphic design, interior design, book design, product design, film and theatre, architecture, animation, and environmental design. http://www.kidsthinkdesign.org/
✅This educational website hosted by the Smithsonian Museum takes a deep dive into ocean life. https://ocean.si.edu/
✅Brainscape offers over a million flashcard decks for every subject, entrance exam, and certification imaginable.  https://www.brainscape.com/
✅The Theta Music Trainer offers a series of online courses and games for ear training and music theory. https://trainer.thetamusic.com/en
✅Banzai exposes students to real-world financial dilemmas to teach them the importance of smart money management. https://www.teachbanzai.com/
✅Innerbody explores the 11 bodily systems in depth. With interactive models and detailed explanations, this website will help them learn more about the internal mechanics of the amazing human body.https://www.innerbody.com/htm/body.html
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the-cupcakerie · 4 years
Latest update!
Hey everyone! I haven't been posting for a while... I've actually graduated high school and college since then!
I wanted to tell you guys about my latest project - a YOUTUBE CHANNEL for MATH TUTORIALS called Flex Credit Math
So - if you, a friend, neighbor, or your kids are taking middle school - high school math (Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Pre-Calc, etc), I'd love it if you could check out and share my channel.
It's still super new so let me know what you guys think :)
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awesomeblog-92 · 2 years
Online resources include user guides, videos, and tutorials
TI Nspire CX CAS vs TI Nspire CX II CAS The Nspire CX CAS is something I would buy. The student will complete all of the algebraic operations needed for Algebra II and college algebra. There will also be the solution of several calculus procedures and differential equations. It functions more like a computer than other TI calculators and takes more practice to learn. I've used the TI 83, 84, 85, 86, and 89 Titanium as well as the Nspire CX CAS. I currently utilize the 89 Titanium with the CX CAS. Although I thought the 89 was easier to use, the CX CAS is more reliable and flexible. Online resources include user guides, videos, and tutorials. I would research which calculators are allowed in your classroom before making a decision. The one at the top is used to connect to the TI-Nspire CX Navigator System. With the use of technology, teachers may instantly interact with every one of their students and complete duties like concept monitoring, file sharing, and real-time assessment. Using the "big slide-out" port on the bottom, the calculator is slid into the TI-NspireTM Docking Station. There are several ways to dock a class set of up to 10 TI-NspireTM graphing calculators: Maintain rechargeable batteries at 100% capacity, Upload files, tasks, and other materials with the TI-NspireTM Teacher Software. Update the operating system with the help of the TI-NspireTM Teacher Software. Up to six docking stations can run simultaneously on one computer. The TI-Nspire Docking Station is compatible with the graphing calculators TI-NspireTM CX, TI-NspireTM CX CAS, TI-NspireTM with Touchpad, and TI-NspireTM CAS with Touchpad. The screen is full color and excellent resolution, making it easy to view every exponent, variable, and line. It also boasts the brightest display. Graph and rotate 3D functions using 3D graphing (manually and automatically). You can alter the surface or wire color of your 3D graph. TI-Nspire CX, a portable math and science calculator. accuracy in algebra. Totally portable. The TI-Nspire CX CAS is a competent hands-learning instrument that is compatible with middle school through college math and science programs. It has algebraic ability to factor and extend variable expressions, complete the square, find antiderivatives, compute limits, and find exact solutions in irrational forms, among other algebraic operations. By viewing several representations of the expressions in a problem at once, students may understand how the algebraic, graphical, geometric, numerical, and written forms of the expressions relate to one another. The courses that these subjects are most suited for are Pre-algebra, Algebra 1 & 2, Trigonometry, Geometry, Pre-calculus, Statistics, Business & Finance, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Physics, and AP Calculus. a screen that is fully colored and lighted. The TI-Nspire CX portable computer now includes all of its functionality, including an integrated Computer Algebra System (CAS) Eleven interactive zoom features. matched points: Use sliders, expressions, or coordinates to quickly define dynamic points. includes a battery that can be charged. can run for as long as two weeks on a single charge television in color. The screen is 3.5 inches diagonally, employs 16-bit color, and has a 125 DPI resolution. rapid alpha keys TI-Basic programming enhancements: Create computer code to graphically illustrate key math and STEM concepts. Less difficult to read graphics: The user experience is improved by new app icons and colored screen tabs.
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privatelvtutors01 · 2 years
Private tutor las vegas
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Our tutors are available Monday to Sunday at the private lv tutors website. We create an individual program that works around your children's schedule at home. We deal here with a world-class Private Tutor Las Vegas at the private lv tutor website. We will help your child in designing an individualized tutorial program at this website. Have you faced any type of problem related to tutoring? So, Don’t worry because our tutors are professional in their work with many subjects, such as basic mathematics, pre-algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, life science, earth science, physical science, physics, chemistry, biology, anatomy, English language, arts, reading, writing, etc subjects.
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brazilnews · 2 years
6 useful CUET 2022 preparation tips on how to study for common university entrance test
CUET 2022: Here is how you can start preparing for Common University Entrance Test (CUET) 2022. Know the study plan, timetable and other details
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Here are some steps and suggestions for you that will surely help you prepare well in a short period of time.
A syllabus is the most indispensable part of any examination system. It is more like a roadmap that provides you with the right direction not only to get started but also to reach your desired destination. Students must be aware of the syllabus pattern of this year’s CUET 2022 examination.
There are four sections, and each section comprises different pre-requisites.
For section 1A and 1B, Reading Comprehension (based on different types of passages — Factual, Literary and Narrative — Literary Aptitude & Vocabulary)
For section II, as per the NCERT model syllabus as applicable to Class XII only, and for section III, General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathematical concepts, arithmetic/algebra geometry/mensuration/stat taught till Grade 8, Logical and Analytical Reasoning, will be the curriculum.
Select the universities/colleges and courses that you wish to apply for. Make a list of the requirements that each college will have for your choice of courses. Consolidate all the requirements from ‘applying for admission’ into one document.
Check which subjects from which section of the CUET you need to prepare for ( university criteria). Prepare the list of languages and domain subjects that you need to prepare for. Make your choice of materials and go ahead.
Setting your target is important to achieving your goal. Knowing the right answer is useless if you are not working on it at the right time. Thus, making a timetable to utilise the time in hand that is the right time management skills, not only during preparation but also while attempting your examination, is imperative.
Some of the hacks you must understand are which subject you want to devote the most time to and which you need to revise quickly. The timetable should be realistic as well as exhaustive for students preparing for the CUET-2022 examination.
Though the examination is around the corner, it doesn’t matter if your syllabus hasn’t been completed yet; all you need is the right study materials. This examination gives more weightage to the NCERT books’ content and than the other reference books, especially when preparing for quantitative reasoning.
Keeping you updated with the latest happenings around the globe is also one of the prerequisites for scoring high in this examination. If you think you are not getting enough time and resources to study well, it is also suggested that online tutorials for coaching can work wonders.
You can visit Extramarks’ official website, follow the Extramarks YouTube tutorials, and attend live classes by Extramarks experts. They will help you clear your doubts, and they can be lifelong friends.
A mock test helps you understand the question paper scheme. This will give you an idea of how much time you require to solve each question. Practicing mock tests increases the efficiency of the students and increases their confidence.
Students must practice as much as possible after completing the syllabus. This will shed light on the clarity of the most frequently asked topics and make them aware of the structure of this entrance exam.
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