#precious bnuuy boys!!!
lightbarebunnies · 4 months
requesting nazuna with an s/o he met at university who always tried to do things with him despite his busy schedule!!! could be hcs or whatever u want :3
a/n: bnuuy!!!! Partially basing this off of my own experiences in college. Personally? Do not go to school if you're trying to do an art-related career and already know the basics. Spend your time networking instead of going into debt to learn color theory. Sincerely, - an Interactive Media Design major tags: fluff, gn!reader - you/your pronouns, reader is a student in university (age and major not specified)
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Nazuna wasn’t expecting to meet ‘someone’ at University… but lo and behold, he catches himself getting excited about going to the class he was blessed to share with you every week.
It all started when you ended up sitting next to him in one of his Gen Eds. A few weeks in, you noticed the mobile game he was playing, and it turned out you played too! Your friendship blossomed from there.
At first, you just chatted during class, discussing your favorite characters from the gacha game you both played.
You didn't seem to know too much about his idol career, or at least didn't make a big deal out of it, which was really refreshing. You started meeting up to get lunch before class, then walking in together.
As great as it was to spend more and more time with you... Nazuna wanted to see you more than just one time a week.
So he'd invite you over to his dorm under the excuse of 'studying', and eventually he got more comfortable just asking you to hang out whenever he was free.
He was the one to insist on getting your schedules for the future semesters figured out so that you’d share at least one class a week. Just so he can work on group projects with someone he knows is reliable- Y'know, since working with random people is a pain! That's all! Nothing more! (he is lying.)
The rest of Ra*bits were Nazuna’s cheerleaders when it came to him figuring out how to confess his feelings to you. He didn’t want to be too showy, or demanding… or just smother you with all of his feelings at once. He knows what it’s like to get out on a pedestal by the person who loves you.
He ended up waiting until after Valentine’s Day - Ra*bits had filmed a cooking show segment on making a few different chocolate flavored pastries, and he used those skills to prepare a little treat basket for you to give to you right before mid-terms.
In a note he included how appreciative he is on you and your constant support. He loves your company, is so grateful to have you as his friend, and wanted to let you know how he really feels. He’d accept your answer with no question.
To his delight, you felt similarly! After a quick talk about keeping your relationship secret from the media, you became a couple!
Of course, Nazuna’s lovely little rabbits all love you - once you were formally introduced. Some… more than others.
Hajime watches you like a hawk, and gave you the “If you make my Nii-chan upset, I’ll end you” look with a chilling smile on his face. You’re pretty sure he could crush you like a bug, but you don’t exactly plan on hurting the boy you love, anyways.
Oh, and Koppe… Nazuna melts watch you play and hold him. It’s two of his favorite things at the same time, and it really warms his heart to see that you get along so well with his precious baby. Koppe has started doing binkies when you come to visit him!
Study dates became a weekly occurrence, it gave the two of you private time to cuddle together while also being productive. Nazuna would apologize for not doing something more romantic, since he’s spread pretty think between his idol work and keeping up with homework.
You start getting snuck in to the green room whenever Ra*bits has a live performance, Nazuna always jumps right into your arms and gives you a kiss on the cheek when they’ve finished up. Seeing you there, knowing you saw him perform, and the fact that you’re such a big part of his life… it just excites him so much to have someone as supportive as you are, he doesn’t know what to do with himself sometimes.
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starfalldancer · 2 months
benchmark comparisons
1 - Auren or
imo miqos had the most drastic change, but i only have them, viera and hyurs to compare
h8 the lips, btw
it feels like im playing D2 again and if u don't know - it is not the best feeling.
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2 - A'dhar
h8ed it at first but now.. still far from how i actually see him/how he is in non-ffxiv AUs, but it's kinda okay? better than Ren anyway. kinda slaying. kinda more suitable for an (ex)Nunh
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3 - Shura
ACTUALLY digging it
he looks as de4d inside as he should. i probably won't even redo his texture much, only add more eye makeup
don't like his oily nose tho, but i can live with it
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bonus trailer ren
im so sorry baby, your fangs will be missed
(good for BJs, i guess. i'm sure Ian woudln't want piercing there)
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who are you
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yoshi-p yassified my boy....................
(ngl the longer i look at him the more h0rny he gets. and me too)
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i like bnuuy
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bloodredhands · 2 years
tender .   kiss  my  muse  on  the Nose (Hello I am here to bother you and Zeke <3)
A satin shawl was draped across bare shoulders, dipping down the sun kissed skin of his back. Tousles of light hair, pink in the right light, bounced with each step he took. A tight tank top was on his upper half, drawing your gaze to the flutter of toned muscles across his abdomen that dripped down to a pair of sarouels that were… very low cut. Each garment was graced with gold embellishments, and bracelets of the same hue hung loosely around slender wrists, pulled together with the sweeping ornaments that curled around long, Viera ears. The whole outfit was relatively Thavnarian in design, coupled with the chakras that twirled around his wrists and hands before coming to be caught between dexterous fingers.
How he moved. Arching back and arms spreading wide before coming in on himself as he twirled across the floor. Each note of the song was considered in his movements as he performed around the little arena, the band keeping a perfect tempo for the man to prance. Ezekiel really wasn’t much of a dancer, but he came to watch E’mal, just out of support. And to sometimes get roped into a dance; though thankfully today was no such day. Today he couldn’t help but find him almost intoxicating, the expressions of his body moving, speaking words he could never formulate - holding a rhythm to the flow of the world he could never get in tune with.
He stayed near the back of the hall. He always did. Large arms folded over a broad chest and his pale visage stayed firmly upon the Viera at the center of everyone's attention, including his own. In his constant feeling of uncertainty and woe, he lingered by the door all the same. As if he might leave at a moment's notice, just in case he had to.
He wasn’t sure if E’mal ever paid mind to that fact, or to him. His mind had wandered at some point, thinking of the situation he had found himself in, so he did not hear the song come to an end when it did. He just saw E’mal stop moving, and with it the thunderous applause and cheers from the crowd that made Ezekiel's ears ring out. His face scrunched up, eyes slammed shut, waiting for the noise to settle so he could regain his focus.
It slowed, hands stopped clapping and voices turned to soft hushes as they spoke of the performance and waited on the next. Once the intense throb of his head had subsided the pale Viera opened his eyes. He found himself met with a mismatched gaze, a soft violet orb accompanied by a pale blind eye. He straightened himself up a little too quickly, now bearing his looming form over the much shorter gentleman.
E’mal smiled wide, a twinkle of mischief to his gaze. He crooked a finger of his right hand, while his left came and rested upon one of the folded forearms of Ezekiel. Carefully the taller Viera would dip his head forward, assuming that E’mal wanted to tell him something without too many prying ears listening out.
Instead, E’mal leaned forward just enough that soft lips would come to kiss the pale Viera upon his nose. “I’m glad you came,” the words came out in a flurry of amusement, as the expression left upon Ezekiel's face was one of plain confusion, with a faint red hue to his cheeks.
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cute BUN INTERACTION OR WHAT anyways please continue to bother me and zeke we both enjoy it. E'mals a little flirt who knows exactly what he's doing!!! tysm for the ask Dizzi!!!!! @midnightmagicks
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