#predatory cis straight white boy billionaire
dragonbugsuperior · 3 years
Adrien's Manipulation and How He Manipulates
As you can see, I have spoken about the things the ml writers have done and attempted to get away with however I never dug deep into how manipulative Adrien is and how he has manipulated people. I have provided real transcripts from the episodes. You can look it up yourself they're there for everyone to see.
In Malediktator (season 2, episode 24) Chloe threatens to leave Paris, Mr. Bourgeois gets akumatized into Maledikator; invested with absolute power, he wants to make his daughter's dreams come true so that she stays with him. In the episode, Chloe announces that she's leaving Paris to the entire school and the students are thrilled. They were celebrating the fact that their school bully was leaving Paris. Including Marinette, who was also relieved to know her bully/tormentor was leaving Paris. The same girl who's been bullying Marinette for years.
Here's some real transcripts from the actual episodes
Chloé: (from the helicopter, through megaphone) Hey there, losers! I'm headed to New York with my mom. (throws flyers) I'm leaving you all behind in your pathetic little school and your pathetic little city. Adieu!
(Marinette picks up a flyer showing Chloé in front of the Statue of Liberty.)
Nino: Chloé's leaving?
Nathaniel: Forever?
Marinette: Looks like it.
Alya: Yeah.
(Everyone jumps in the air out of happiness; confetti appears out of thin air and there are fireworks for no reason at all. Everyone, including Mr. Damocles, dances and parties.)
Marinette: Without Chloé around, Paris will be filled with a lot less negative emotion!
Tikki: And less akumatizations.
(Adrien walks up to Marinette from behind.)
Adrien: Hey, what’s going on here? What are we celebrating?
Marinette: Chloé’s gone! She’s moving to New York!
Adrien: Chloé left…? For good?
Marinette: (still excited, not realizing that Adrien is not sharing everyone else’s enthusiasm) Yeah! Isn’t it great?
Adrien: Uh… no. I think it’s terrible! How can you celebrate a thing like that?
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There's the manipulation. Adrien guilts Marinette for being happy that her tormentor is gone. He guilts her for being relieved to know that her school bully is leaving Paris. Not only did he make Marinette feel guilty for feeling the way that she did. But the episode also deems Marinette as if she's selfish for feeling glad that Chloe is gone. While Adrien completely invalidates Marinette's feelings, and does not take into consideration that Chloe has bullied and made Marinette's life a living hell for years. Adrien knows Chloe has been bullying Marinette for years and instead of letting her feel happy that her bully is gone he guilts her and shames her saying that she shouldn't be celebrating something like that. Not contemplating the fact that Marinette has been bullied, shamed, taunted, and tormented for years. All because Chloe's his childhood friend and she was his only friend. He continues to support Chloe, and guit-trips Marinette for being happy that her life-long bully is finally leaving, because he doesn’t care about how Chloe torments everyone in the class or how she’s literally abusing Sabrina, all he cares about is how her leaving affects him.
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In Glaciator Chat Noir imposes a date with Ladybug.
Cat Noir: So, uh, Ladybug? What would you say if you and I met up tonight for a little dinner? Rooftop style?
Ladybug: For dinner? As superheroes?
Cat Noir: Well, uh, yeah. That's right. We're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean, wouldn't you actually like to get to know one another?
Ladybug: I... That's so thoughtful of you, but I can't. I have to, uh, I already have plans with some friends.
Bus driver: (steps out of the bus and shakes hands with Cat Noir) Thank you. (shakes Ladybug's hand) Thank you, Ladybug.
Cat Noir: Well, if your plans end early, come and join me.
Ladybug: We'll see.
Cat Noir: I'll be waiting, my lady.
(Ladybug uses her yo-yo and leaves. Cat Noir smiles at her for a moment before he leaves too)
Ladybug tells Chat Noir that she has plans with friends, Chat Noir still insists that she comes if her plans end early. Ladybug never says yes to him nor does she confirm she will show up while he says he'll be waiting.
Alya, Nino, Marinette, and Adrien were planning on having a date together, Adrien lies to his friends and tells them that his father said he couldn't go. Actively upsetting them and ruining their date, because 'Oh! Poor Adrien couldn't make it!. The thing is-
Adrien could have made it.
He himself, chose not to.
He didn't even inform his father about going out with friends.
Adrien never mentions going out with friends to Gabriel. He never tells Nathalie nor the Gorilla anything just so he could prepare a date with Ladybug, who also never confirmed she was going on the date.
[Next transcript is very important to read]
(Adrien sighs before he takes out his phone to text Nino. He then checks the time)
Nathalie: There's no point in waiting for your father, Adrien. He'll be eating in his office.
Adrien: (stands up from his chair, quietly angry) Then what's the point of keeping me here if he's never gonna show up, Nathalie? (walks away to go to his room)
Nathalie: Don't forget to practice your piano before you go to bed.
He doesn't tell Nathalie or Gabriel. He tells Nino that he won't be able to make it because his father wouldn't allow him to, yet Adrien didn't even see Gabriel because he was in his office the entire time.
Scene: Adrien's room.
Plagg: You could've at least grabbed the piece of Camembert on that platter!
Adrien: (tosses a piece of Camembert to Plagg and he catches it) Fuel up, Plagg. (He turns on some piano music from his phone. He then places the phone on top of the real piano) Adrien may not be allowed out of the house, but Cat Noir is!
Adrien's off to his date with Ladybug, which she never agreed that she would come, lying to his friends and telling them that his father wouldn't let him go out with them.
Plagg: You seem in a hurry to get stood up.
Adrien: She didn't say she wasn't coming.
Plagg: But she didn't say she was either!
This is also important to take in mind, it doesn't matter if she didn't say wasn't coming, she also didn't say she was coming like Plagg said. She told him she had plans with her friends.
Scene: Trocadéro. Marinette meets up with her friends
Marinette: Hey, Alya!
Alya: Hey, Marinette! (Both she and Marinette kisses each other's cheeks)
Marinette: Where's Adrien?
Alya: Don't get upset, okay? But Nino just got a text. Adrien's dad isn't letting him go out.
Again, Adrien tells Nino his dad won't let him go out. Lying and upsetting his friends, which automatically makes them feel bad because they're poor friend can't come out with them.
Marinette: Once again...
Nino: Yo, Marinette!
Ivan: What's up, M?
Mylène: How are you, Marinette?
Marinette: I'm fine. Thanks. Hehe. So, do you know where André is today?
Later in the episode, they have patrol
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And this is what Chat Noir says to Ladybug
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Ladybug: Hello, Kitty. Did the bad guys leave you cold?
Cat Noir: (harsh and enraged) How was your amazing evening with your "friends"?
(Ladybug looks confused at Cat Noir, shocked by her partner's harsh words. But she gasps when she hears Glaciator's voice.)
He gets passive aggressive and sarcastic with her. He's angry because she didn't show up to a date she never agreed to going on.
Ladybug: Are you mad at me because I didn't show up?
Cat Noir: (furious) What do you think?
Ladybug: I didn't mean to hurt you.
(Glaciator jumps over them and continues walking. Ladybug and Cat Noir take shelter behind a car)
Cat Noir: And I also had a surprise for you, too!
Ladybug: I really am sorry.
Cat Noir: No... I'm the one who's sorry. Maybe another time.
Ladybug feels bad for not showing up. Ladybug shouldn't have to apologize for not showing up. She never agreed to going on the date and Chat Noir knows that. He knows she had plans with her friends and guilts her because apparently she didn't show up to a date she never intended on going on. While he was the one who gave her the cold shoulder the entire time they were fighting off Glaciator and acted like a 5 year old child.
The blatant manipulation
Chat Noir guilts Ladybug because she didn't show up to a date she never agreed that she would go on. Resulting in her feeling bad and apologizing to him as if she said she'll go. She never confirms she'll make it. She tells him she has plans with friends and they'll see. That doesn't equate to yes. Adrien lies to his friends and tells them he won't be able to make it because his father wouldn't let him go out, meanwhile Adrien never tells Gabriel anything about going out with friends.
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In Syren
Adrien gets tired of all the secrets Ladybug had to keep from him and threatens to quit. Blackmailing Plagg threatening to quit as a superhero if Plagg doesn't tell him what secret Ladybug's been hiding from him.
Adrien: (imitating Ladybug) Hey, Cat Noir, do you trust me? (as himself) Sure, Ladybug; do you trust me, too? (as Ladybug) Are you kidding? I will never trust you! Ha ha ha ha! (normally, to Plagg) You must know what Ladybug's hiding from me, Plagg.
Plagg: I'm just a kwami, Adrien, and we kwamis have a right to remain silent.
Adrien: Pity. (gets out his phone) Just when I was about to order you some very tasty cheese. Have you ever sampled La Trappe d'Échourgnac? It says here it tastes like walnuts.
Plagg: (swallows some Camembert) I can't be swayed, sorry.
He bribes Plagg with cheese to get information out of him about Ladybug
Cat Noir: Wait! Where're you going?
Ladybug: (hesitantly) I can't.
Cat Noir: (disappointedly) Say anything. Yeah, I know. But we are a team, aren't we? (turns away from Ladybug) I'm tired of all these secrets.
Ladybug: I'm sorry. It's not exactly easy for me either, trust me. (she leaps away while Cat Noir turns to see her leaving him)
(Cat Noir sits down on the roof to wait for Ladybug to return.)
He himself admits that he knows she can't tell him anything. He knows she's under restrictions and he pulls this.
Cat Noir: This is so dumb! (stands up) Claws in. (detransforms)
Plagg: (groans) What's taking her so long? (Adrien holds up his hands to Plagg, and starts to pull off his ring a little bit) Whoa, easy! W-What are you doing?!
Adrien: (grimly) If you don't tell me what Ladybug is hiding from me, I'm done!
Plagg: You can't do that!
Adrien: (bitterly) Why not? No one'll know if I quit. No one'll care!
Plagg: I will!
He blackmails Plagg, and threatens to let millions of people drown just because he wants to know a secret he isn't worthy of knowing.
[Transcript for Frozer]
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In Frozer he gets rejected for the hundredth time
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Ladyice: Cat Noir. We need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city into a giant ice rink. (throws yo-yo)
Icecat: (bitterly) My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack. You go your way, I'll go mine.
Ladyice: Please don't tell me you're mad at me about the rose.
Icecat: There may be a certain chill now between us.
Ladyice: I get it, but we should really focus on saving Paris
Icecat: We don't always have to do everything together, after all. It's not like we're a couple. (skates away)
Ladyice: Cat Noir, don't get all pouty on me! (groans and takes off on her yo-yo)
(Ladyice and Icecat separately search for Frozer)
Icecat: (notices Frozer's skate marks on the ice) This way.
Ladyice: I need to set a trap, but what could I use as bait? (while Ladyice thinks, Frozer prepares to sneak up behind her, but Icecat spots him attempting to do so and pulls Ladyice out of harm's way)
Ladyice: Thanks, Kitty.
(Icecat winks)
Once again, he makes her feel guilty for turning him down for the millionth time in a row as if he doesn't know she's in love with someone else. Acting like an asshole the entire time they fight off Frozer.
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In Copyat, Chat Noir arrives at a ceremony.
Scene: The Place des Vosges. The ceremony has just ended.
Cat Noir: These statues are amazing. One thing's slightly off though— I'm actually taller than Ladybug.
Théo: Ladybug didn't show up. I just wanted to express my adoration for her. Let her know that everything I had went into her statue. I'm sure if she took a little time to get to know me, she would see how much we have in common. Our devotion to the things we love.
Cat Noir: Hey, don't mean to burst your bubble, but you know, Ladybug and me, we're a thing, you know?
Théo: Really?
Cat Noir: Yeah, we're like this. (crosses his fingers)
Théo: (growls; walks away angrily) What does Ladybug see in him?
He lies to Theo about the relationship he has with Ladybug leaving Theo angry causing him to become akumatized.
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Cat Noir: Better help the fellow out. His crush just got crushed. (under his breath, as he leaves) That makes two of us.
Théo: Ugh... What am I doing here? Ladybug?
Ladybug: I'm sorry I couldn't make it this morning, Théo.
Théo: Can you autograph it for me?
Ladybug: Of course I can! You've got some real artistry here. You've really captured my essence.
Théo: Thank you, Ladybug. And don't worry. I know about you and Cat Noir. It's okay.
Ladybug: Huh?
Ladybug is left to apologize to Theo and deal with the rest. Theo tells her not to worry, he knows about her and Chat Noir to which she reacts with utter confusion. Chat Noir lied to Theo, causing his akumatization not even facing consequences at the end nor apologizing to Theo, instead Marinette does all the work while being left confused.
Adrien is a lying, manipulative, and conniving person. He has manipulated his friends, Plagg, and Marinette. This is not okay
And the writers portray it to be while making Marinette look bad
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rjalker · 3 years
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[ID: A gif from Miraculous Ladybug, showing Marinette as Ladybug saying angrily to the camera, “Gross! You’re not Adrien! He would never be so pushy!”
“That’s Felix, Adrien’s cousin!” Adrien as Chat Noir says from offscreen. Marinette turns to look, surprised, and Adrien is shown standing on a railing as Chat Noir.
Above Marinette’s head, large text reads, “Marinette: The real Adrien would never violate my boundaries!”
Above Adrien’s head, the text reads, “The real Adrien who does that exact thing in every single episode: *appears*”.
End ID.]
The writers saw all of us criticizing Adrien sexually harassing Marinette at least once every single episode and created this scene specifically to ‘’debunk’’ it......while giving us the most fucking ironic scene in the entire show.
The only episode I can think of off the top of my head where Adrien doesn’t sexually harass or assault Marinette one way or another is Gamer, and I might be forgetting something. This show has three full seasons and the fourth is still airing. And I can only think of one episode where he doesn’t sexually harass her.
The writers want us to think he respects her, but they don’t actually want to have him treat her with respect. Because they’re 45 year old cis straight white men who think sexually harassing women is funny and romantic, so they are never going to have Adrien’s behavior change, they’ll just keep pretending that he respects her, without ever once ever having him actually treat her with genuine respect.
For fuck’s sake, they literally have him admit out loud to her face just to upset her that the only reason he shows up to fights is to harass her and upset her because he thinks upsetting her is funny.
These writers are such fucking misogynyists they think having the victim say her abuser respects her makes the abuse magically disappear.
Adrien stans do not interact with this post. Block me. If I have to hear any of your victim blaming misogynistic bullshit on this post, not only are you getting blocked, you’re getting reported. You think that what Felix did was obviously wrong because it’s shown as wrong, but you think there’s absolutely nothing wrong when Adrien does it, because the writers portray it as okay. You have no ability to think for yourselves, or worse, you choose not to think for yourself, because you care more about your fav fictional billionaire predatory white boy than you do the actual real people this romanticization harms.
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rjalker · 3 years
Adrien stans have to convince themselves that reverse racism is real and that billionaire cis straight white boys are oppressed because otherwise they’d actually have to deal with the fact that their favorite fictional predatory cis straight white boy billionaire is, in fact, part of every single one of the ruling classes that oppresses our society and that the way he is written is literally propaganda for those ruling classes, and they can’t handle thinking anything negative about their favorite fictional predatory billionaire white boy, so they instead have to pretend that all of us who criticize him are racist against white people and are oppressing the rich.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How many Adrien stans have you seen that pretend the people who criticize him are being racist by calling him what he is: A spoiled, misogynisic, billionaire cis allo straight white boy?
Because at this point I’ve lost count.
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rjalker · 3 years
When will Adrien stans stop pretending it’s racist to call Adrien what he is?
He’s literally a cis allo straight white boy who’s a billionaire who treats women like shit and sexually harasses them the first chance he gets.
Reverse racism does not exist. You guys are literally just racists who worship predatory white boys. 
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rjalker · 4 years
not a prompt
Geez, I don’t get Adrien stans (and Marinette bashers) at all.
They say that Adrien is abused to justify his horrible attitude, and keep hating on Marinette because she doesn’t like his advances and she is creepy stalker and has pictures of him in her room (which is for them somehow more offensive than Adrien sexually harrassing her for three seasons straight and him doing more messed up things) but, uhh…
If you use that very logic on Marinette (I am just trolling so sorry if I offend you somehow), then she has every right to act horrible and even worse seeing that she is tormented by Chloe and many times has to sacrifice what she wants even when she doesn’t want to.
If they want to say that Adrien being abused means he is justified in acting that awfully, they should also apply that logic on every other character as well.
So using this logic, the entire cast is full of nothing more than a bunch of misguided characters who were never actually wrong at any point at all.
But, that’s what double standards and misogyny are for in their minds.
To justify their own flawed and horrible perspective.
By Adrien stans’ own logic, they’re victim-blaming me for being upset about me hating Adrien!
By their own damn logic, since I was abused, that means that everything I do is a coping mechanism that is above reproach!
And they throw fits when Chloe and Lila harass Adrien (a grand total of, like, what? Ten times? At max?) but then make excuse after excuse after excuse for why there’s nothing wrong with Adrien’s behavior in every single episode and a movie across three whole seasons now.
They’re literally just misogynists. They literally just hate women, and would rather demonize victims of abuse in an attempt to protect a PREDATORY FICTIONAL CHARACTER from criticism than they would actually supporting victims of abuse.
Adrien stans are horrible people. They’re misogynists, they victim blame, and they demonize victims of abuse, all in the name of defending a fiction cis straight white boy billionaire who sexually harasses women for fun and punishes them when they don’t go out with him. 
Literally the next time one of them tells me I’m victimg blaming Adrien by calling out his misogyny, I’m 100% gonna tell them that they’re victim blaming me for telling me not to be upset with Adrien’s behavior, since, by their own logic, I’m abused, so I can’t be held accountable for anything I do wrong, and if you have a problem with me you’re victim blaming :) :) :) :) see how they fucking like it when their idiotic argument is turned against them.
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rjalker · 4 years
me seeing Adrien’s misogynistic attitude in the first few episodes: Hmm, maybe he is like Sokka and Zuko? Starting as flawed and having a growth arc where his childish pettines and sexism is beat out of him and he learns to be respectful and how to make a healthy relationships?
the rest of the series: Nope, he is not flawed, he is perfect, he is gentleman. The world around him is [the problem], and no we are not being sarcastic at all!
me after all this: Oh god, this is a self-insert fanfic that got it’s own show!
See, you get it. There’s nothing wrong with having characters who are bad people...as long as the point is that they are bad people, and if they ever want to be considered good people they have to change.
That’s why Adrien has never been, is not, and never will be a good person. He will never change. Because for him to change would require that his creators acknowledge that he needs to change. That would require his creators to be making him this way with purpose.
But Adrien is not supposed to be a bad person. The writers didn’t write him as a predatory misogynistc and an abuse apologist because they want you to be mad at him.
You’re supposed to like him. Because the writers agree with him. He does nothing except reflect the writers’ own views, because the writers are misogynists and abuse apologists.
Adrien will never be a good person because that would require the writers to be good people, and they are not. They are middle aged white men who think sexual harassment and assault is funny, and the height of romance. They are misogynists who hate women and see them as objects to be won like trophies.
Every time they attempt to shove some “girl power!!!” into the show it, backfires completely, because they hate women and it shows.
Sokka started out with zero respect for women. And then he changed. Because his misogyny was never supposed to be a good thing and no one was supposed to think it was. The entire point of Sokka being sexist was that it was bad and he needed to stop.
Adrien is not a predatory white boy incel because we’re supposed to be mad at him and creeped out by him. We’re not supposed to be afraid for Marinette’s safety when he’s around her.
We’re supposed to be cheering him on. We’re supposed to laugh right along with him when he invades her personal space and assaults her and genuinely pisses her off and upsets her.
We’re supposed to berate her for rejecting him over and over again. We’re supposed to shake our heads at her stupidity every time she tells him, “stop calling us a couple!”
We’re supposed to be on Adrien’s side.
We’re supposed to agree that him sexually harassing and assaulting Marinette is good, and funny, and romantic, and that she’s an idiot for refusing to admit she’s in love with him.
Adrien Agreste is a predatory cis straight white boy billionaire who preys on a woman of color whenever he gets the chance. He violates every single boundary she sets, even after he acknowledges the existence of the boundary out loud, just to make it clear to the audience that he knows exactly what he’s doing. He lies to other people about their relationship, and lies to her about it, and lets her take the blame when that goes horribly wrong. He punishes her for not going out with him, and at this point has literally chosen over twenty five thousand times that he would rather see her dead than not dating him.
And we’re supposed to be on his side.
Adrien Agreste is a horrible person. He is a misogynist. He is an abuse apologist. He is an incel. He literally doesn’t care whether anyone around him lives or dies.
And we’re supposed to be on his side.
Adrien will never change, because that would require the writers to be good people. And they’re not. And they never will be.
And the more you learn about the kind of shit the writers have done? The more you understand why Adrien is the way he is.
You don’t want to know.
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rjalker · 4 years
Adrien stans would rather demonize victims of abuse so that they can defend a misogynistic predatory white boy and victim blame the woman of color he’s been harassing for over three gods damned seasons now than admit that maybe, just maybe, the cis straight white boy billionaire who treats being a superhero like it’s a game and has now literally killed a Black girl on screen because of his refusal to take being a superhero seriously isn’t a good person.
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rjalker · 4 years
Imagine your comprehension skills are so bad, that you thought the COVID fic was all about Adrien.
It’s because Adrien stans don’t care about anyone but their abusive and predatory straight cis billionaire white boy.
The entire point of the post ist hat you need to take Covid19 seriously and do everything you can to prevent further tragedy from happening.
The entire point of the post is that YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DO SOMETHING.
But no. Sure. pretend the entire thing is all about how you should hate Adrien.
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