#preddsworld patryck
new-preddsworld · 1 year
What are the preferred swallowing method for the boys (feet first or headfirst) (prey on there back or belly) ,dose it change depending the situation and size of prey? Why do they prefer this way?
Preddsworld headcannons
✨BONUS✨ - 2
Im glad I received this because I have a lot of unfinished drafts I need to finish, and this reminded me 🤩
Edd - feet first, usually. This is because he likes to see the facial expressions of the person he's swallowing, and since he normally only eats willing people, if he sees that they’re worried or having second thoughts, he won’t hesitate to stop swallowing and throw the rest of them up. However, on the off-chance that he knows that the prey will be unwilling, he'll do it headfirst instead, so that he doesn’t regret it too much later.
Tord - headfirst. His logic is that if his prey's head is already inside his mouth or throat, they won’t be able to see, meaning that if they want to attempt to attack him, it’ll be more difficult for them to see where they should be hitting. They’d kinda just have to flail their limbs around in the early stages of being swallowed and hope for the best. Another reason is simply because it’d be near impossible for his prey to pull themselves out that way. You can tell Tord gave this a lot of thought.
Tom - feet first. Same reason as Edd: he wants to see the facial expressions, but for a slightly different purpose. He’s cruel. He wants to watch his prey cry, and he wants to hear every plea to be released, spared, properly, rather than through the stomach walls. Even if it be the case that the prey is willing, he'll still do feet first, mainly because he is a creature of routine and can’t be bothered to put more effort into eating people than he has to.
Matt - headfirst. Although, it is a very rare occasion that he eats anyone. The reason is simply because it’s just easier for him. Grabbing the prey and stuffing them in headfirst is so much quicker and easier than going through all of that effort just to pick the prey up, and gradually lower them in as they writhe.
Eduardo - feet first. You guessed it, exact same reason as Tom. Cruel bastard.
Mark - either way. He just doesn’t really mind. If he wants a quick meal, then it’s headfirst, but otherwise feet first.
Jon - neither. Does not eat people.
Paul - either way. Just like Mark, he really just doesn’t care, but he has the sorta mentality of 'food is food, so why does it matter so much? It doesn’t need that much thought, really.'
Patryck - headfirst. He likes things efficient and quick, and feet first doesn’t do that for him.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Headcannons First time the characters vored someone and got vore, who where they
Preddsworld headcannons
✨BONUS✨ - 1
OOOOO! I hadn’t thought about that before, but I’ve been thinking about it all day…
First time voring: Tom. He wanted to try it out, and Tom was too tired to object.
First time being vored: Tord. They were in a situation where zombeh!Tord had to store Edd very abruptly to get them both out of a dangerous situation… very stress inducing for both of them.
First time voring: Tom. It’s to do with the second part of temptations, which I’m working on…
First time being vored: also Tom! He was kinda hungry in his monster form, and Matt happened to be the closest. Fair enough I suppose.
First time voring: some random guy that wanted to fight him after a few drinks.
First time being vored: Tord. Unsurprisingly.
First time voring: Edd. Same situation I mentioned in the first time Edd was vored. :)
First time being vored: Edd again. :) he was under a lot of stress, so he reluctantly let him.
First time voring: Jon. He got on his nerves more than usual.
First time being vored: Tord. It was a warning to stop threatening Edd. It actually did work for a while.
First time voring: Eduardo, as a punishment for being especially nasty to Jon.
First time being vored: also Eduardo. He just felt like it. He’s a prick like that.
First time voring: never! He’s very uninterested in it.
First time being vored: Eduardo, same as explained before.
First time voring: Patryck, he’s very fond of storing him. ^^
First time being vored: Tord. Punishment for crashing the plane. And he wasn’t let out for a good while…
First time voring: some random guy that recognised him as a red army soldier. He found it quite difficult, but he managed.
First time being vored: Tord. He accidentally disobeyed orders.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Hey new to your blog and I love it and your headcannons
Also I hot a question
What would the boys do even they all suddenly got different pred forms? (Like part dragon, naga etc) just something I always wondered
First of all, welcome to my blog!! I’m glad you like the predcannons!
Not sure whether you meant what species they’d turn into or what their reactions would be, so I did both :)
Tord - deffo a naga. No doubt about it. I reckon he’d be pretty annoyed about it since it would take a lot of practice for him to travel around with no legs, but he’d get used to it after a long while.
Edd - a centaur. He just gives off centaur vibes to me. He’d be absolutely horrified at first but he’d find it more fun to walk once he got used to it!
Matt - a mer. Again, he just gives off that vibe. His reaction would be the funniest though, since he’d start off the land. Probably cry and flop around all over the place while the others try not to cackle. He’d be the real reason they have a swimming pool inside the house.
Tom - a humanoid dragon, but one that's wings don’t properly function… probably because he wouldn’t be born with them and had no time to grow into them. So they’re mostly for show. He’d be surprised about it but not that bothered. Plus, as a bonus he could easily whack Tord around the head with them.
Eduardo - this one kinda stumped me… but I eventually decided on a werewolf. Just seemed fitting, though I doubt he’d ever be too happy about it, even with his superiority complex.
Mark - a fae/faerie? I think it’s spelt like that. But he’s one that can naturally sizeshift! He likes doing it mainly because it entertains Jon. And this may come as a surprise, but he got used to his wings pretty quickly.
Jon - a selkie. I’ll be honest, I wanted to make at least one of them a selkie, but I wasn’t sure who. So I decided Jon. He wouldn’t mind too much, as he'd think his seal form is cute! He likes his half-transformed form most. I need to draw this tbh.
Paul - a Mapinguari. I did some research on types of cryptids and found this, and it reminded me of Paul. Only specific references though that I may share. He’d be quite scared of himself for a while, and understandably so.
Patryck - a siren. He would adjust to his new life in the water quite nicely, though sometimes he'd miss the feeling of having legs.
I may actually draw some of these… I will reblog this post and show them if i do. Just bear in mind I haven’t drawn Matt or the neighbours since 2017.
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new-preddsworld · 2 years
Preddsworld headcannons
Paul - 1
Oof.. I do love Paul.
He's not exactly cruel… just not the most responsive of preds, shall we say.
Under no circumstances is he a prey. He will not allow it.
Because of his pink fluffy monster form (which I have doodled, if anyone’s interested) GUESS WHAT! HE PURRS! AND HE HAS A STORAGE >:D
He usually only stores Patryck. He enjoys the taste of him.
Is very embarrassed of purring as much as he does, and it doesn’t help that Patryck knows his weakness: tummy rubs.
Doesn’t like same-size all that much. He prefers g/t, simply because he finds it more comfortable.
Mainly noms people when he’s sleepy. This is inconvenient, as Tord has ended up in his coffee before.
Can be gentle or careless, depending on just how grumpy he is that day. He could never bring himself to be fully careless with Patryck, however.
He’s quite a controlled guy. As in, he doesn’t scarf people down just for the sake of it, or purely out of hunger.
Gives gentle licks occasionally. This could mean one of two things. One, he’s quite hungry, enjoys the taste, but really doesn’t feel like eating anyone, OR, he's doing his best to be comforting.
He's quite like a big dog. He certainly acts like one, anyway.
Extremely protective over Patryck. Once Tord nommed Patryck as a punishment, and Paul absolutely lost it. He had Tord fully pinned down to the floor, snarling, etc, and was literally about to eat him until Tord told him to stop being dramatic, and that he would let Patryck out. Paul kept Patryck much closer that day, and was noticeably a lot grumpier.
Just because he’s well controlled in some aspects and isn’t really cruel does not mean he hasn’t had intrusive thoughts about eating those close to him. This usually happens when Paul has had a bad day, and the last thing he needs is Tord's bs.
He once had a booth thingy where people paid him to eat them. God knows why.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
This is something I think I posted about as one of my Tord Preddcanons, but I decided to elaborate MORE on it anyway.
So one time Tord decided to go out for a couple drinks with Paul and Patryck. A couple drinks quickly became a few, and a few then progressed into a lot. Things were going great until a random guy challenged Tord to a drink-off, and the guy got really angry when he lost. So angry that he started a physical fight with Tord then and there in the pub. Both were kicked out of the pub, Paul and Patryck following.
Paul and Patryck went ahead to find the car (Patryck had decided beforehand that he would drive and therefore didn’t drink), cue Paul throwing up onto the pavement. While Patryck was trying to help him, the random guy then tried to eat Patryck while his back was turned. Tord was not happy about that at all, so just ate him. Now it was the random guy's turn to not be happy. He started punching and kicking, but when that got him nowhere, he took a dagger out of his pocket and started slicing at Tord's stomach until the wound was big enough to force himself out of. He stumbled off afterwards.
Patryck was beyond hysterical by this point. He told Paul to carry Tord to the car, and bandage him up while Patryck drove. Paul also gave Tord a lot more bandages, as a change of bandages would be necessary at some point. It was a very stressful drive to say the least.
Tord was dropped off at Edd's house, and refused to answer any questions about what happened, even after being sober again.
(I’m not planning on making this into a fic or anything, but I’m in desperate need of ideas so if anyone wants me to, then just ask and I will)
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Preddsworld headcanonns
Patryck - 1
For the first time, I have no idea what to put here.
He switches between pred, prey and observer.
However, he is mostly prey.
He enjoys being stored by Paul. Not too much by anyone else, but he'll accept it if it’s Tord.
Sometimes he gets recognised in public as a red army soldier. That’s where also sometimes being a pred comes in handy. Eat the witnesses, nothing to worry about.
Patryck only ever eats people who he doesn’t need interfering, nobody else, as he doesn’t have a storage.
When either Tord or Paul are especially stressed/overworked and not eating properly, the first resort to store is always Patryck. Nobody's really sure why.
As much as he likes/doesn't mind being stored, he doesn't like being stored for long periods of time.
He has them long lanky legs. And them long lanky legs get cramped easily. Especially being cooped up in a confined slimy space for hours on end.
He hasn’t experienced foodplay or drinkplay, but he doesn’t like the sound of either.
Tord makes sure he experiences mouthplay very often. Patryck's never too pleased about it.
Tord also occasionally makes sure Patryck experiences fearplay. Patryck isn’t the biggest fan of this, either.
Patryck enjoys being stored by Paul and Paul only, because he’s quick and gentle about it.
Once Patryck's arm got broken because Tord was very lightly nibbling on him to help him focus on his work, and accidentally bit down too hard on his arm.
He refused to let Tord nibble on him again.
This also gave Patryck trust issues with being near anyone’s mouth at a small height.
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