#preddsworld eduardo
new-preddsworld · 1 year
What are the preferred swallowing method for the boys (feet first or headfirst) (prey on there back or belly) ,dose it change depending the situation and size of prey? Why do they prefer this way?
Preddsworld headcannons
✨BONUS✨ - 2
Im glad I received this because I have a lot of unfinished drafts I need to finish, and this reminded me 🤩
Edd - feet first, usually. This is because he likes to see the facial expressions of the person he's swallowing, and since he normally only eats willing people, if he sees that they’re worried or having second thoughts, he won’t hesitate to stop swallowing and throw the rest of them up. However, on the off-chance that he knows that the prey will be unwilling, he'll do it headfirst instead, so that he doesn’t regret it too much later.
Tord - headfirst. His logic is that if his prey's head is already inside his mouth or throat, they won’t be able to see, meaning that if they want to attempt to attack him, it’ll be more difficult for them to see where they should be hitting. They’d kinda just have to flail their limbs around in the early stages of being swallowed and hope for the best. Another reason is simply because it’d be near impossible for his prey to pull themselves out that way. You can tell Tord gave this a lot of thought.
Tom - feet first. Same reason as Edd: he wants to see the facial expressions, but for a slightly different purpose. He’s cruel. He wants to watch his prey cry, and he wants to hear every plea to be released, spared, properly, rather than through the stomach walls. Even if it be the case that the prey is willing, he'll still do feet first, mainly because he is a creature of routine and can’t be bothered to put more effort into eating people than he has to.
Matt - headfirst. Although, it is a very rare occasion that he eats anyone. The reason is simply because it’s just easier for him. Grabbing the prey and stuffing them in headfirst is so much quicker and easier than going through all of that effort just to pick the prey up, and gradually lower them in as they writhe.
Eduardo - feet first. You guessed it, exact same reason as Tom. Cruel bastard.
Mark - either way. He just doesn’t really mind. If he wants a quick meal, then it’s headfirst, but otherwise feet first.
Jon - neither. Does not eat people.
Paul - either way. Just like Mark, he really just doesn’t care, but he has the sorta mentality of 'food is food, so why does it matter so much? It doesn’t need that much thought, really.'
Patryck - headfirst. He likes things efficient and quick, and feet first doesn’t do that for him.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Headcannons First time the characters vored someone and got vore, who where they
Preddsworld headcannons
✨BONUS✨ - 1
OOOOO! I hadn’t thought about that before, but I’ve been thinking about it all day…
First time voring: Tom. He wanted to try it out, and Tom was too tired to object.
First time being vored: Tord. They were in a situation where zombeh!Tord had to store Edd very abruptly to get them both out of a dangerous situation… very stress inducing for both of them.
First time voring: Tom. It’s to do with the second part of temptations, which I’m working on…
First time being vored: also Tom! He was kinda hungry in his monster form, and Matt happened to be the closest. Fair enough I suppose.
First time voring: some random guy that wanted to fight him after a few drinks.
First time being vored: Tord. Unsurprisingly.
First time voring: Edd. Same situation I mentioned in the first time Edd was vored. :)
First time being vored: Edd again. :) he was under a lot of stress, so he reluctantly let him.
First time voring: Jon. He got on his nerves more than usual.
First time being vored: Tord. It was a warning to stop threatening Edd. It actually did work for a while.
First time voring: Eduardo, as a punishment for being especially nasty to Jon.
First time being vored: also Eduardo. He just felt like it. He’s a prick like that.
First time voring: never! He’s very uninterested in it.
First time being vored: Eduardo, same as explained before.
First time voring: Patryck, he’s very fond of storing him. ^^
First time being vored: Tord. Punishment for crashing the plane. And he wasn’t let out for a good while…
First time voring: some random guy that recognised him as a red army soldier. He found it quite difficult, but he managed.
First time being vored: Tord. He accidentally disobeyed orders.
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new-preddsworld · 10 months
Has ringo ben vored or vored someone if so who was it and why?
good question…
i suppose if one of main four has been hungry enough (happens to the best of us, and has probably happened to them all individually), then they definitely would’ve tried to eat her… but that’s not to say any of them have ever succeeded.
but yk how many posts ago i said that Eduardo and Edd get into like… pred battles essentially n shit? yeah, i can imagine Eduardo voring Ringo for that cause. poor ringo 🥲
however, the question of if Ringo herself has vored someone? …we may never know.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Hey new to your blog and I love it and your headcannons
Also I hot a question
What would the boys do even they all suddenly got different pred forms? (Like part dragon, naga etc) just something I always wondered
First of all, welcome to my blog!! I’m glad you like the predcannons!
Not sure whether you meant what species they’d turn into or what their reactions would be, so I did both :)
Tord - deffo a naga. No doubt about it. I reckon he’d be pretty annoyed about it since it would take a lot of practice for him to travel around with no legs, but he’d get used to it after a long while.
Edd - a centaur. He just gives off centaur vibes to me. He’d be absolutely horrified at first but he’d find it more fun to walk once he got used to it!
Matt - a mer. Again, he just gives off that vibe. His reaction would be the funniest though, since he’d start off the land. Probably cry and flop around all over the place while the others try not to cackle. He’d be the real reason they have a swimming pool inside the house.
Tom - a humanoid dragon, but one that's wings don’t properly function… probably because he wouldn’t be born with them and had no time to grow into them. So they’re mostly for show. He’d be surprised about it but not that bothered. Plus, as a bonus he could easily whack Tord around the head with them.
Eduardo - this one kinda stumped me… but I eventually decided on a werewolf. Just seemed fitting, though I doubt he’d ever be too happy about it, even with his superiority complex.
Mark - a fae/faerie? I think it’s spelt like that. But he’s one that can naturally sizeshift! He likes doing it mainly because it entertains Jon. And this may come as a surprise, but he got used to his wings pretty quickly.
Jon - a selkie. I’ll be honest, I wanted to make at least one of them a selkie, but I wasn’t sure who. So I decided Jon. He wouldn’t mind too much, as he'd think his seal form is cute! He likes his half-transformed form most. I need to draw this tbh.
Paul - a Mapinguari. I did some research on types of cryptids and found this, and it reminded me of Paul. Only specific references though that I may share. He’d be quite scared of himself for a while, and understandably so.
Patryck - a siren. He would adjust to his new life in the water quite nicely, though sometimes he'd miss the feeling of having legs.
I may actually draw some of these… I will reblog this post and show them if i do. Just bear in mind I haven’t drawn Matt or the neighbours since 2017.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Preddsworld headcannons
Jon - 1
I haven’t included Jon in any of my Eddsworld writings/fanfics since 2016.
He’s mostly either pred or observer.
Jon doesn’t find being pred very appealing.
What he DOES find appealing however is falling asleep safely in a stomach. 99.9% of the time Eduardo's stomach.
He literally has to beg Eduardo to store him, because Eduardo isn’t much of a storer.
Jon struggles to sleep unless he’s in a stomach. He finds it comforting.
He absolutely does NOT like being toyed with. Mouthplay? Drinkplay? Fearplay? Doesn’t matter! He hates the lot of it! Fearplay especially!
Eduardo once did fearplay with Jon. Jon cried for hours. He was absolutely terrified.
Jon was once eaten by Tord during an argument between Tord, Edd and Tom vs Eduardo and Mark. He was only let out because Edd pointed out that Jon hadn’t done anything wrong, and shouldn’t be punished for his housemate's actions.
That time was the first time Jon put up a fight after being nommed/eaten. He struggled a lot, gave a few weak kicks here and there.
Other than that, he’s not much of a struggler, and is quite willing.
Eduardo developed a mindset since that argument that only he’s allowed to nom/eat Jon. Jon still isn’t sure how to feel about this.
Never thought about what it’s like to be a pred, and doesn’t want to.
He tastes like a bounty bar. (For the people who for some reason don’t know what those are, they’re small chocolate bars with a coconut filling. I’m the only one I know who likes them. Most people hate them.)
Jon probably spends more time in Eduardo's stomach than not.
Eduardo's stomach is like a second home to him at this point.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Can I request Eduardo preddcanons? :D
Preddsworld headcannons
Eduardo - 1
You’re lucky you asked me this when you did, I was just about to do him :D (plus I do love Eduardo sisjjsjsjssk)
Eduardo? More like Preduardo! Under no circumstances is he to be a prey!
…despite the fact he’s been Edd's prey before.
He likes being pred so much and makes a huge point and deal about it because he is the "numero uno pred" and likes being in control of people.
When Jon annoys him too much? Nomf. Which is very often.
Eduardo and Edd have a whole damn pred war or something to see who's the better pred.
So they spend a lot of time plotting how they’re going to eat each other.
He’s presented these plots to Mark and Jon before, but honestly they could not care less.
He enjoys fearplay and mouthplay a lot. Occasionally even drinkplay.
He likes to take his time with his prey and non-stop taunts them. Really rub it in. Especially if the prey in question is Edd.
Eduardo has on multiple occasions has eaten Matt, purely to get Edd's attention and to irritate him. It’s part of the war.
He doesn’t attempt to do this with Tord or Tom anymore, as he is secretly intimidated by them both.
The times he did try resulted in the roles being reversed.
Buuuut he’s a cruel pred yippee
Prey will be made fun of non-stop all the way from about-to-be-swallowed to digestion. There’s no winning with this guy as your pred.
And if you were to ask him if he’s a pred, prey or observer? He’d completely flip out.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
If the boys had a crush on a girl or got a new roommate would they fight over them of who gets to eat them first and then having edd be the voice of reason and just saying we will all get a chance to but keep them away from Eduardo
My headcannon is if any of the boys get a girlfriend and are preds they are sweethearts to her especially tom and tord both are extremely overprotective *cough* mostly tord cause he'll eat a guy who flirts with her *cough*
Just wondering how your headcannon of the boys as preds would react
If they were to get a new roommate, for whatever reason, Tord and Tom would absolutely murder each other over who’d be the first to eat them. Matt wouldn’t be too bothered, he’d just warn said roommate to stay away from his mirrors. Edd would probably end up being the first to eat the roommate, as he’d be the most… reasonable. They do all end up agreeing to keep the roommate away from Eduardo though, that’s a definite.
Tbh though, Tord and Tom may or may not have only agreed with Edd so that they could get in his good books and maybe, just maybe, have a better chance of being able to eat the new roommate. Edd doesn’t think about it so it doesn’t really work, but they do get their chances eventually. And Eduardo would be kept veeeeery far away from them… for obvious reasons.
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Mark predcannons?
Preddsworld headcannons
Mark - 1
Ask and you shall receive! :D (I’m glad you asked, because tbh, I forgot he existed-)
He does not like being a prey. Won’t allow it.
But he’s fine with being a pred… under certain conditions.
The prey has to be small. Shrunken down.
THEN BOOM! Foodplay. Nobody can convince me he wouldn’t.
The prey in question ABSOLUTELY has to taste.. fancy. I can’t think of any other word. Sophisticated? Point is, if they taste disgusting, he’s not having em.
I can imagine him swirling a tiny Eduardo around in a glass of wine because Eduardo became just a tad bit nastier to Jon than usual.
Mark's fear of being prey and ‘irrational fear of rabbits' comes from him once almost being eaten by a rabbit. He was accidentally shrunk down once.
He is quite patronising to his prey, but he uses such fancy language about it. Ugh, British people. (I say, as if I am not also British)
He hates watching other preds eat prey though. It’s not jealousy or anything like that. It just gives him the ick. Not sure why.
Unfortunately, safe vore isn’t possible with Mark :(
He has no storage :(
He's trying to look into ways to get one though, as he’d like to try storing Jon when Eduardo’s being meaner than usual.
Given the chance, he’d probably try to store Eduardo himself. Not for comfort or anything. Just to take the piss.
Mark wears a concerning amount of pearl jewellery at all times, as he’s learned from experience than it makes preds choke on him.
Thank you for requesting! ^^
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new-preddsworld · 1 year
Preddsworld headcannons
Tord - 2
Eats Tom so often that Edd literally had to beg Tord to stop doing it so much, or to store him rather than just eat him at the very least.
Tord managed to get in Edd's good books again by eating Eduardo.
Trying to get Matt into the habit of eating people, just because he’s bored and clearly wants to doom the household.
Once he ate a random prey on the street that had picked a fight with him. His stomach ended up getting sliced open from the inside. He’s told nobody about it, not even Edd.
This did at one point temporarily drive Tord away from eating people for a few months, or listening to any of his instincts at all. He kinda just isolated himself as much as possible until the wound healed and became one large scar, and even then refused to eat anyone.
Even Tom was a tad bit worried. Edd tried coaxing Tord into storing him, and when that failed, Edd literally just told Tom to shove him down Tord's throat. That worked very effectively, but scared the living hell out of Tord himself.
Absolutely loves feeling the squirms of his prey.
You know what he loves more, though? Belly rubs, especially (and mainly) from the inside. He completely melts when given belly rubs, and becomes and absolute purring mess. The cruel, fearsome predator façade disappears quicker than Paul can crash another plane.
Tord drools a lot. It makes it really obvious when he’s keeping up an act of niceness but suddenly the hunger and instincts hit hella hard.
Speaking of instincts, Tord has quite intense predatory instincts sometimes. Actually, a lot of the time.
If he suddenly becomes intensely hungry out of nowhere, he has visual images of swallowing the prey down. Next thing he knows, he’s actually doing it.
He's tried to have Matt, Tom and Edd inside his stomach at the same time on multiple occasions. Many occasions. He’s only ever succeeded once.
Will sometimes poke and prod prey if he feels like he’s not getting a good enough reaction out of them.
Finds it a lot easier to focus on work when full.
He likes to eat soldiers that have been slacking. He takes great pleasure in doing so, and even turned it into a monthly thing.
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new-preddsworld · 2 years
Preddsworld headcannons
Edd - 1
It’s cola boy time >:)
Sometimes pred, sometimes prey. Depends on the situation or mood.
Safe vore only.
He's had to nom Tom a few times to keep Tom from injuring himself or others while drunk. Edd claims it was only for safety reasons, but deep down he was enjoying this. He certainly understood why Tord eats Tom so much.
He likes squirming. Not out of fear like Tord, though. It just lets him know the prey is alive. He worries.
And he probably worries too much. Whenever nomming Matt or on the rare occasion Tord, he doesn’t even go to relax first, he immediately makes sure they’re okay and comfortable before doing anything else. Edd stopped fussing over Tom when he told him to shut up after nomming him.
The reason Edd's so afraid of unsafe vore and worries so much is that he once ate Tom without even realising it until he regenerated, pissed off.
Drinkplay? Absolutely. If you’ve been nommed by Edd, you would shortly have some cola joining you.
Sometimes Edd asks Tord to shrink him down so that he can swim in a cup of cola. He usually ends up getting nommed by one of the others, though.
Has absolutely nommed Eduardo more than once.
Has absolutely been nommed by Eduardo more than once.
Edd finds it difficult to sleep with anyone inside him unless it’s Tom, and that’s because Tom will literally punch Edd's stomach to tell him off for worrying about him.
The only times that Edd has slept with someone in his stomach is when Edd has to nom the other three. Probably to force them to get along, but it never works, because then he falls asleep and then Tord takes the chance to nom the other two (or just one of them). Edd gets an A for effort though.
He may purr a little~ 👀
Hates fearplay and foodplay, on both ends. He hates fearplay for obvious reasons, and he hates foodplay because he doesn’t want to accidentally bite down on the person, but also finds the idea of being put into foods gross. He prefers the natural flavour of people anyway.
He claims he doesn’t have a favourite person to nom, but it’s quite obvious that it’s Tom.
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