#preg 178
akookminsupporter · 2 months
Whenever i see things like this, i am reminded why i decided to leave shipping spaces. Jk is a sorry excuse for a boyfriend because he left a concert without telling Jimin he was leaving yet everyone and their mama wants Jungkook to do for other people the things he has done for Jimin for years. Everyone wants a GCF, everyone wants Jungkook taking their someone else to Japan, everyone wants Jungkook to make big pancakes for them because they have penalties. Everyone wants Jungkook to go over to someone else’s house and cook for them everyone was praying on bended knee that Jk did for others what he did for Jimin during FACE era. It’s funny because deep down, everyone sees and knows that Jungkook doesn’t make the same effort for others as he makes for Jimin and that is why for years, we have heard endlessly how everything Jungkook does for Jimin is Fanservice and him not doing all those things for others is because their relationship is not for the camera.
We should accept that two people who had the chance to finally completely escape from each other for 18 months since they don’t like each other, instead choose to enlist together where they would have to see each other’s faces every single day for 18months? What does leaving a damn concert without someone else knowing have to do with how Jungkook and Jimin feel about each other? They were just leaving a concert back to their homes, it’s not like they were traveling never to see each other again and since some of you like to analyze things so damn much, i will like for you to analyze for me why on god’s green earth Jungkook will hate Jimin so much yet on their last OT4 Live that boy couldn’t keep his hands to himself? I will like for you to explain to me in plain English why this boy sat down for hours watching and supporting Jimin as much as he did during Face era?
It’s always the same damn thing with little minded people. In 2021 at Harry Styles concert, we had people yapping about how Jungkook didn’t like Jimin because he spent the whole time at the concert being glued to Taehyung but what did we find out later? Wasn’t that the same period when we found out that Jungkook and Jimin were basically spending their entire days together? Going and coming back from concerts together, eating together, working out everyday together and to add to that, Jk was in Jimin’s room so much that even Tae thought Jimin’s room was Jk’s. Wasn’t that the same time we found out that Jk would go knock on Jimin’s door at 1am, stay there for about 4 hours at a time and then rinse and repeat? If we are to judge how much people like each other by how glued they are at certain points then why on earth was Jk singing and swaying with another member at a concert yet he wasn’t going to spend all his downtime in that member’s hotel room? He hated Jimin so much that he decided to go spend all or most of his time alone in the room of the member he hates so much?
Same damn thing happened at Hobi’s album release party in 2022. Before we got the Bangtan bomb, everyone was yapping about how Jk and Jimin were never seen together at the party and that meant they hated each other only for us to see them in the bangtan bomb “hiding” in a dark corner with hands touching and clearly separating from each other when they noticed they cameras.
Should i also bring back their rookie days when everyone was so damn sure Jk hated Jimin’s guts because he always “pushed” him infront of the camera or ranked him last in looks only for us to find out from many sources that Jk infact would pile clothes on his bed and go sleep in Jimin’s bed and he himself later mentioned that Jimin is the member he spends most of his nights with. Jk hated Jimin so much that he chose to spend his only resting time hanging out with Jimin. I’m sure he used to strangle Jimin all those nights they were together alone.
Tae and Jk are the bestest of besties coming and leaving together to and from Yoongi’s concert yet that didn’t stop Tae from leaving Jk alone at a ski resort and journeying back home with his friends while Jk stayed there all alone. Jk and Tae are clearly besties by that didn’t stop Jk from not saying a single thing during Layover while he couldn’t shut up during FACE and mind you, he hates Jimin. Do u see how stupid you sound anon? So according to your logic, Jk and Tae must hate each other too because imagine leaving your bestie all alone at a ski resort and choosing to go back home with friends or imagine being silent during your bestie’s album release and not saying or doing a damn thing in support of it even though you were literally keeping up with everything some other member put out.
Some of you continue to prove everyday how small your minds are. With the wake of every new content, we have people loosing faith in a ship or believing more in it. Tomorrow we will get some other form of content and Jungkook will go back to being the greenest flag, and then the next moment he is back to being an ass. It is kinda like these boys aren’t human being with layers and complicated feelings. It is like relationships in this life are supposed to be perfect on camera else people are jerks. It is like Jimin is and has always been the most pitiable person who continues to speak about how much he relies on Jungkook even though Jungkook is a sorry excuse for a boyfriend. I guess Jimin was a fool to keep saying Jk will protect him because only a fool will keep saying someone does things for them that they actually don’t.
The earlier some of you realize that Jungkook as a boyfriend or friend only has to make sense to Jimin and no one else, the better for you. The way Jungkook shows his love and affection and if he hates or loves Jimin is something Jimin knows and only he should really care about.
For over a decade we have had Jimin wholeheartedly loving and caring about the same man the same way yet some people just can’t take a hint. These guys have been consistent for over a decade. Consistent in every single way. People thinking they cannot stand each other only to find out they are sneaking into each other’s hotel rooms, traveling together, or making plans to enlist together. Are you people not tired of being proven wrong every single time? Are u not tired of being punched in the face every damn time? Y’all keep raising ur BPs and giving yourself whiplash trying to figure Jimin and Jungkook. One moment you are seeing Jungkook moving the earth for Jimin and the next moment you are hearing that he left a concert without telling Jimin and instead of you to do the normal thing which is to tell yourself that you do not know them more than they know themselves, you come here declaring that they hate each other and then tomorrow when Jungkook wakes up and does another one of his grand gestures that shakes the fandom, you are back to scratching your head. Calling Jk a sorry excuse for a boyfriend like your partner (if at all you have any) doesn’t literally treat you like a piece of shit. Jimin can openly say he enlisted with Jk so he can rely on him. He can openly tell Jk to grow stronger and continue to protect him, he can openly tell Jk to cook for him, can you say any of these about your partner? Yet Jk is the one who is a sorry excuse for a boyfriend? If Jk is a sorry excuse for a boyfriend, i hope i get such a sorry excuse for a boyfriend. Someone whose love for me will continuousy make people to call our relationship fanservice because it looks too good to he true.
yet everyone and their mama wants Jungkook to do for other people the things he has done for Jimin for years.
It’s funny because deep down, everyone sees and knows that Jungkook doesn’t make the same effort for others as he makes for Jimin
It is kinda like these boys aren’t human being with layers and complicated feelings. It is like relationships in this life are supposed to be perfect on camera else people are jerks.
Anon, I love you. Thanks for telling the truth and nothing but the truth and asking the right questions.
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