#pregnant dani
lovvedaggers · 2 months
Eddie Diaz has the worst case of comphet to ever be put in a tv show I need this man to be free from the shackles of heterosexuality
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ride-thedragon · 2 months
"Hotd costume design was fine, you can't still be angry."
This is how they had Laena and Her daughters dressed in ESSOS?!
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It's not the worst thing in the world, and thankfully, face cards carry house Velartarg, but the language of Essos isn't communicated. You can make the arguement that Laena wants them to feel like Westeros girls but that doesn't make sense because Daemon says their home is in Pentos sho to communicate that, them looking Pentoshi or calling back to Daenerys fashion in Essos would make the most sense for this disconnect and establish Essos at this point in history.
Rip Dany and Missandei. Mothers didn't live and die by the cloth to be represented in this light.
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visenyaism · 10 months
thinking about. rhaella
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thaliajoy-blog · 10 months
Daenerys and Jon ❤️ my Snowstorm
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rainhadaenerys · 1 year
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Daenerys' storyline by Onirio - Part 1:
1) The Doom (Daenerys I AGOT);
2) Reception for Drogo (Daenerys I AGOT);
3) Dothraki wedding (Daenerys II AGOT);
4) The Dothraki sea (Daenerys III AGOT);
5) The horse gate (Daenerys IV AGOT);
6) The womb of the world (Daenerys V AGOT);
7) You taste it first (Daenerys VI AGOT);
8) My sun and stars is wounded (Daenerys VII AGOT);
9) The dead will dance here this night (Daenerys VIII AGOT);
10) What life is worth when the rest is gone (Daenerys IX AGOT).
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13taylorswifts · 2 years
Daenerys was supposed to be pregnant in season 8. And now there's picture confirmation.
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They really did Dany dirty and I'm upset again.
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sunny12th · 1 year
it just feels so significant that dany is a mother, even though her biological children died. she is the mother of dragons, mhysa, and the enslaved and oppressed are her children. she is caring and protective and maternal. she is a mother.
personally, I think her coming to terms with this is more impactful than her suddenly getting pregnant in the last book. she'll never have a son or a daughter and the pain of her miscarriages will always be there but she is still a mother. even though that pain will never completely heal, the love she had for rhaego is still there and the love she has for her people will never go away.
also, there's a question there: are you still a mother even when your children died? would catelyn still be a mother even if all the stark kids died? is dany still a mother, after losing rhaego before ever getting to hold him in her arms? I think, yes because the love is still there. the love will always be there.
I understand that her story moves in three's, and after two pregnancies, logically we can assume the third one will be successful and she'll have a living child. I just would find it so beautiful if dany realized, during a war against death, that she is and has been a mother for a long time now. even though she feels hopeless when she remembers she's barren, she can still find love and hope. she can find a romantic partner who will love her regardless of any potential children they could have. she will find, save, love, and protect so many children in her lifetime. even in the Long Night, she can know the sun will rise again.
and wouldn't it be bittersweet for her to never have a living child but to save countless children in her lifetime? for children all over the world to call her mhysa and mother? for her to love them so much she would fly to the ends of the earth and fight death itself for them? yet, none of them are rhaego or her little girl.
That's what the Long Night is all about really. Hope, love, and knowing the sun will rise again. fighting death itself for life, for the chance to live, for children you'll never meet and a sunrise you'll never see.
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caitlynmeow · 3 months
i can’t remember if you’ve said anything about this yet but i’m picturing ur cass going into labour and. how is girl surviving this once let alone THREE times when she reacted to PUBERTY like THAT 😭 just from the sheer panic alone
omg anon i haven't talked about this but it's Cassandra okay girlies is a MESS during all three times 😭😭😭
From way before giving birth, like soon after Alcina knew that Cass was pregnant she had a private meeting with wife and was very clear about making sure Cassandra goes for an epidural and there shouldn't be any of the no drugs option. Wife looked at Alcina and said seriously "What makes you believe your daughter is going to brave this one out?" Because she's known Cass for a few years and can tell that this will never be something to think about. Alcina has no reason to assume that Cassandra is going to do this because she's the kind of person who would cry over a paper cut. So giving birth without medication is not on the table.
And yes, wife is there to keep things under control to the best of her ability. Because as dramatic and out of control Cassandra can be, her wife can maintain calm and be the voice of reason during many situations. She’s not complaining at all, the dramatics are part of Cassandra’s charm that she fell for and she won’t have her any other way. As long as she knows Cass is okay and not in any real pain, she can take whatever comes her way.
Cassandra on her end was doing just okay until about 25 weeks into her pregnancy, then it downed on her and she started to actually panic every time she thought about it. She’d constantly tell herself: “People give birth every day, literally I WAS BORN!” And still get a tight chest because of all the anxiety.
She also was convinced that she was going to die, so it felt more like a countdown to that instead of having her baby because is she going to survive a human coming out of her? Not likely. She was ready with a speech to her wife, mom, and sisters.
When she was at the hospital, Cassandra was in full panic mode because she simply wasn't ready. But since it's time to give birth, the matter is out of her hands but she isn't known for giving up quickly. She was in no pain, physically. Her wife did ask her if she was in any physical pain, to rate it from 0 to 10 which Cass answered truthfully and said that it was at a zero. "Emotional pain?" Wife knows she needs to check on that because this is what's making Cass so anxious and distressed. "200" Cassandra answered as she burst into tears.
That wasn't the end of it. Since she couldn't feel anything, Cassandra's brain convinced her that she could keep this up for probably another day or two. And since she is absolutely not ready to give birth just yet, she decided that wants to leave and come back the next day when she's better prepared. But of course, there is no way she can leave while in active labor and contractions being so close to one another. But then again, she was feeling very panicky and overwhelmed and she wanted her mother because she wasn't going to do this and no one could make her do it.
There is no way wife is going to leave Cassandra's side and go get Alcina, so a nurse has to be sent out for the task. When Alcina saw the nurse approaching, she panicked thinking that something bad had happened. But the nurse told her that everything was okay but her daughter needed her.
When Alcina got into the delivery room, Cassandra thought she finally had an ally and that her mother was surely going to stop this madness and make her go home (she's persistent like that and also very delulu) but Alcina wasn't on her side, and told her that it's too late for that now. She will go home in two days anyway.
"I can't do this! I don't know how," Cassandra confessed, she was openly crying by that point and it broke Alcina's heart to see her like this. She always hated seeing her daughters in pain, and she knows that Cassandra is not in any pain but she is scared and getting very emotional because of it. Alcina hoped for a way to help ease her daughter's distress, but unfortunately, this was one of those things that her daughter had to do alone. "You don't need to do anything, draga. Your body knows what to do, and it's already pushing your baby out on its own," Because at that point, the baby's head was already out and this entire thing will be over very soon.
Sure enough, a few minutes later the room was filled with the baby's cries. And just like that, it was over.
Alcina did get to see her granddaughter as soon as she was born because she was right there providing all kinds of support to her daughter who was finally registering what had happened. Though she was pouting and tearful still, she did complain that no one listened to her, especially her mom and wife because they were supposed to be on her side. But she was soon distracted by her baby and forgot all about labor a few hours later.
Even Miranda wasn't mad that they only called her after Aurelia was born because she knew that Alcina was definitely going to be busy with Cassandra. Miranda called it first and suggested they have an OR on standby just in case this one granddaughter refused to give birth for whatever reason.
Donna was also frantic, knowing how near impossible it was and for once she sided with her mother. But Donna was in favor of them forgoing the whole delivery and going straight to c-section because 'there is no reason to torture the little doe,' as she put it.
It took a lot of coaxing, a very long process, and lots of tears (for no reason, really) but Cassandra did it eventually (with the support of both her mother and her wife and a very patient medical team).
#cassandra dimitrescu#resident evil village#bela dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#donna beneviento#mother miranda#house dimitrescu#resident evil 8#alcina and wife were stressed tf out okay#Alcina could have sworn it almost felt like she was the one giving birth not Cassandra with how worried she was#Alcina had 3 daughters with no problems or complications so she knows how easy it is. all three and she was reading one time#on a conference call another time (this one was with cass because she was there for a WHILE since cass was taking her time in coming out so#mama did some work while baby decided whether to come out or not#nothing for dani because when alcina's water broke dani was born literally only two hours later her youngest has no patience in her at all#yet despite that being in the room with cassandra while she was giving birth was the most stressful#she was just worried because cassandra is not built for this#she's like a wet noodle when it comes to these things she has the whole family worried about her because 'how is SHE going to go thru this'#like everyone KNOWS#then there is cass waltzing home 10-11 months later announcing she is pregnant again#like woman can u NOT#and yes she was also dramatic the next time and the third time#she just does it differently every time because girlie really does overthink a lot and gets herself worked up#plus she's actually a delicate baby princess and def not made for this kind of thing#but she wants kids so ://#wife and mama will have to suffer with her#second time at the hospital alcina joked 'do u need me this time too?' and cass nodded tearfully 'yes i can't do this omg'#so it was round two of the same thing#like alcina was more stressed during those times than she was during her own time giving birth#she's too old for this but cassandra insists on putting her mama through it#cass can do it but she needs someone to hold her hand throughout the entire process
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vis3rys · 2 months
all my homies hate d.rogo here. - viserys.
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frostbeees · 11 months
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realmadridfamily · 1 year
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“Dubai 🤍 33 weeks.” - Daphne
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gendrie · 2 years
dany iii
"i dont want to think about everything dying" :( 
dany crying herself to sleep and wanting to kill herself is so depressing
beautiful landscape descriptions tho i love how immersed dany is in the natural world. reminds me of arya exploring the neck
dany is too gracious for sparing viserys here he’s insufferable
let everyone see him as he is!!!!!!
jorah is being very insightful and dany is open to his perspective despite the fact it challenges everything she has been raised to believe
home as a theme again
and shes pregnant already. plot points come at ya fast in this book (affc/adwd cannot relate) 
bran iv
brans fall is already so traumatic but waking up from a coma to find most of your family gone? brutal
old nan is such a great character i love her 
i do worry that the long night will be anticlimactic 
bran being placed in the high seat where the kings of winter sat......dude we get it
tyrion meets more direwolves (4/5) 
summer smelled lannister blood and said lets go!
its always stuck out to me how bran takes control here, calls off his direwolf first and gets rickon to do so
yoren actually gave credence to bran cotf remark these wall dudes aint that dumb
robb and bran planning to visit jon together "it will be an adventure" all the WF boys crying in this one
eddard v
pycelle’s been around since aegon v??? time for the urn
ned cloak, which we all know is a symbol of protection, is the only one arya’s ever been covered with 
all arya wants is agency lol
neds really bad at playing the game r.i.p. but i can sense gendrys intro on the horizon!
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i hope d&d burn in hell for making jon snow stans act as if that bastard is the legitimate heir to the iron throne
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Carvajal family
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
Okay so just because it happened today, a friendly tip/reminder/hint:
If your friend has a horse or multiple horses, please don't ask if you can come over and ride it or get a lesson on it.
For one, your friend probably isn't qualified to give lessons and as someone who's been riding for almost 20 years and has ridden a decent variety of horses, not every horse is qualifed to give lessons. You could get seriously hurt, or hurt the horse.
Secondly, it's kind of rude and assumptive. Are you going to ask your friend "when are you going to invite me to your house to play in your pool?" or "when do I get to come over and pet your dog?" before they invite you? Are you going to ask them when they're going to make you dinner?
Thirdly, you probably don't know the horse. You don't know the training on it. You don't know how old it is. You don't know if it's got traumatic history. Does your friend even ride their horse, or is it a companion animal? Maybe it's had an injury that keeps it from being ridden. Maybe their horse is old. Maybe it's young. Maybe it has training in it's youth but has been sitting for a few years. Maybe it's got quirks, like you need to leave it's mouth alone or if you put your feet in the wrong place it rears. I've known horses who went backwards because someone who didn't know what they were doing got on them.
If you're invited out to ride or pet or interact, that's fine. I've invited a different friend out, purely because she's been around horses before but not taught the proper way to interact and she wants to learn how to handle them on the ground before riding. But don't invite yourself out, or ask when you get to come ride. You don't know the horse, and you don't know the circumstances.
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morningstarinwinter · 2 years
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I got The Sims from my friend as a gift 2 days ago and create this loving fam🤣
Toddler moments are so cute, but kid her is prettier🥺
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