#press buttons turn dials to make sound rather than clicking a mouse
briarpatch-kids · 3 months
What music do you like?
Kind of a mix of stuff, I like genre mixes so it's hard to pin down exactly. I like stuff with added classical instruments or real synthesizer in it.
The most consistent group I've listened to since I was a teenager is world/inferno friendship society which can KINDA be defined as dark cabaret, but it's more of a loosely defined anarchist music collective. (Though they're probably done after Jack Terricloth passed away in 2021)
Otherwise there's some Ska (Aquabats and Reel Big Fish mostly) some Electronic music (fartbarf, look mum no computer) a little bit of rap in there (godforbid) and a lot of stuff that's harder to define (ludo, bear ghost, golgol bordello, Amanda palmer, mad caddies, electric six, Voltaire)
I kinda go for beat and vibes rather than genre. My two main playlists are kind of a train wreck genre-wise.
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hyung-line-wife · 7 years
Jungkook Scenario : You Find Him Cheating on You (Part 2)
Part 1, HERE
Click, click.
The mouse of your computer sounded over the voices of your kitchen’s tv. You sitted on your small table, with a hand supporting your cheek, while editing your last vlog, ... a painfull memory that you didn’t want to remember.
You had found your boyfriend cheating on you with a rookie idol three days ago. He had done one of the things that you were scared the most, betrayal.
That day, when you had returned to your apartment, the second that your door was closed, you became a sobbing mess. You didn’t even bother to take your shoes off, or drop your bags, you just cried your heart out, sliding through the wall miserably, with a hand in over your mouth.
Time had passed by as minutes, as you layed there, with the back pressed against the wall, with no longer had tears on your eyes, but a cold, lost stare. Life became somehow monotone, and without a sense to you. Everything that you did reminded you of him, not mattering as if it was a simple task. When you spaced out, you remembered all the adventures you had went through together with a sad smile on your face, missing him terribly.
It wasn’t as if he hadn’t contacted you. He had, and had done so terribly. You had over 200 text messages from him, and over 20 lost calls from him on the moment that you turned on your notifications that day, however, now you didn’t have any any idea of it, as you had blocked him from all of your social media that day. Jungkook had visited you yesterday to your surprise, as he was fully packed with his new song promotion, having crazy schedules, that had him not sleeping for days sometimes.
Ding, dong.
You had been woken up by the sound of your doorbell ringing, however, thinking that it was your crazy neighbor, praying pranks, you didn’t answer, and stayed rooted to your bed in plain misery. However, not mattering that you wanted to be left alone with your depression, the doorbell didn’t stopped ringing.
Ding, dong.
Ding, dong.
Ding, dong.
Finally you had decided to check who was it, and to your great surprise, it had been Jungkook behind the door lens, rather than your neighbor, standing there, with a handful of lupins, your favorite flowers. Jungkook looked extremely tired, with dark circles under his eyes, and a hunched body, covered by large clothes and sweat pants.
It pained you seeing him like that. All beated up, and tired from schedules and still visiting you in the middle of the night, when he was supposed to be sleeping with the limited hours that he had on promotion days to rest. But still, he had went to you.
“Baby, please open the door. I’m sorry.” His voice begged with and exhausted tone, through your wood door, muffling his voice.
The next thing that you had done were the most insensible one, nevertheless you thought at that moment that was the best, but now you regretted it. You had left him outside, without responding him.
Sitted there at the couch next to your door, you had stayed there for near half an hour, frozen, hearing him beg you to open the door, or just simply talk to him. But you did neither.
A part of you wanted to give him another chance, you knew he wasn’t a bad person, he didn’t play with other people’s feelings. Plus, he had really showed that he regretted, and you hadn’t heated him out.
You sighted, directing your eyes to the por of lupins next to you. Kook had left them over your door mat, after he left early in the morning. In the wrapping he had attached a note, that said:
‘How long do I have to wait, how many sleepless nights do I have to spend to see you, to meet you.’
If was the chorus of your favorite song of the boys, ‘Spring Day’. Once, he had confessed to you that when he helped Namjoon write that song, he imagined breaking up with you, and he took all of his inspiration from that feeling.-
“So we are here with the hot band of the year, JXK!” You heard the TV Mc of Show Champion say exitedly on the TV, catching your attention completely. JXK? Wasn’t there the guy that had-
“Hello, I am Dawon, the main vocalist of JXK” Said the same guy that helped you when you dropped your things on Mnet. You had to admit it, he was really good looking, even more than Jin, the main visual of the group of your boyfriend... ex boyfriend.
He had black hair, styled on a bowl cut, just as Kookie’s with a side parted sideways. His eyes had the shape of an almond, that reminded you of a deer’s eyes, and contrastingly at this soft feature, he had a really strong jawline.
“So can you tell us guys, who is your ideal type of girl?” The excited Mc asked, shoving the microphone, covered with the name of the program, in the way of Dawon.
“Ehh..” He mumbled flustered to the microphone, while his other members started teasing him. “Eh.. Well I really like foreign girls, that are really active in YouTube... and...-“
“Just say it already!” A member with grey hair teased him
“You are red Dawonie-hyung!”
“He really likes the youtuber Y/N.” The member that had remained silently in the back, mic dropped the revelation.
You stared with shock the TV. It couldn’t be possible. You?. How?. But how could he be-
“Dawon is the biggest fan boy of her. He stays late at night until she uploads her new videos.” He savage member revealed nonchalantly to the MC, while Dawon scratched his head with a half smile, pink tinted cheeks.
‘..He-he had a crush on you?. But, you weren’t that famous... or a national beauty. ‘ You thought wonderingly.
"Could you say some words for her if she is hearing this?" The MC pressed, as you imagined that went in her head, she should be thinking that she got a juicy piece of information.
"Well.. Y/N-ah, I am your biggest fan, and I wish we could met someday, I really admire you." He sais to the camera. He hadn't mentioned that both of you had actually met at Mnet, briefly, but met. Why should he do you a favour on not mentioning your heartbreak episode, that everyone in the building had learned about, thanks to the evident face of Jungkook during the rehearsal, and backstage, a fact that you had learned when Jin texted you if there had been some fight or whasoever between both of you.
Ofcourse you had told him the truth, Jin was your best friend. He had promised that he would talk to Jungkook, not that you had asked for it anyways. You had just wanted his moral support.
You pressed the remote control buttons, changing the channel as you looked for something to see, to be able to throw in the back of your head all of the theme concerning Kook.
‘Yolo, Yolo, Yolo.
 Where the party at
Jungkook apeared performing ‘Go, Go’ on the screen of your TV. The resolution was really good, as you could see in high definition his red, swollen eyes. Jin was talking the truth then. He indeed was depressed. 
Inmediatelly, you felt all of the feelings that had you had tried to repress in your mind lately, break down rapidly. The hole in your heart reopened again, accompanied with the pressing hole in the mouth of your stomach. Both of them hurted you, as if something was clenching them without mercy. 
You really wanted to talk to him, you couldn’t bear it anymore. You missed him. 
Quickly, you grabbed you phone that had been resting next to you in the table, and dialed the phone number of Jungkook. While it rang, you kept staring at his group performance showed at the TV. Gosh how you missed him.
“The phone number you have called is not available right now, leave a voice message after the beep”
“Hello Jungkook, we need to talk. I’ll meet you tomorrow night at 10pm, our usual spot.” It had to be late, as he still was in promotions, and at that time ussually they had ended their schedules. You sighted, pressing the red button to send the voice message.
You had left unnattended your Youtube channel for this past days, so you decided next to open the application, as you had started feeling better after sending the voice message. Just as you were to click on the application, your phone started ringing, an unkwon number appeared on your screen.
“Hello?, Who is this?” You inquired curiously, wishing it wasn’t any of your subscribers that had gotten your cellphone number, and now had started calling you.
“Miss Y/L/N, Good Morning, I am the manager of the group JXK, Kwak Eun Bin. The reason of this call is due to the proposition from our agency LUUN Entretainment, to pair you, Miss Y/L/N, and our Idol Dawon in the show We Got Married.” The man on the line told you, formally,
“I beg your pardon sir, I may have not heard it correctly. Are you asking me to partner up with one of your idols?” You asked dumbfolded.
“Exactly, Miss Y/L/N. Are you willing to accept this proposal?. Please have in mind that it would launch completely your media carrer, and earn you multiple work proposals of endorsement.” He added up cordially. “It is indeed a good offer to take”
“I.. well, I can´t really make a desition about it right now Mr. Kwak. As you mentioned is an important desition to make-”
“Well, we are not asking for an answer right now, but if you do feel willing totake up this offer, we would be waiting you at our main label centre, I will message you our location. Please let us know by the end of the week your answer. Thank you.” He hunged up.
You looked down to your laptop, sighting for the tenth time, however, this time it wasn’t because of sadness, but because you couldn’t believe what had just happened.
Why  had they chosen you to participate in the show with an idol qith such a popularity as Dawon? There were plenty other female idols that could have taken the role as his wife in the show. ‘Wife’ right now you had just considered the importance of the role that you would be taking with him if you could accepted the offer, you would be linked emotionally with him.
Wait, didn’t everyone knew that you and Jungkook were dating. Were.. it was complicated.
This new call had just added more thoughts to your already ocupied mind with the thoughts of your relationship with Jungkook.
It will continue...
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serenephenix · 7 years
Can’t Touch This - Day 4: Torture
This hurt me… this really, really hurt me….
That’s why there is silly banter and fluff at the end.
Note the AN at the end please….
Can’t Touch This
[Fandom]:Voltron: Legendary Defender
[Rating]: Teen Audience/ Gen
[Genre]: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Whump
[Warnings]:Graphic description of violence, violence against animals, torture, Galra OC
[Word count]: 1.800
[Status]: completed
Vrok brought down his foot and listened to the satisfying crunch of tiny bones breaking under the force of it.
It feels good to pay back these little bastards after having almost jeopardized his mission and he grounds his foot for good measure, the shriek of pain and terror delicious to listen to.
He grins at the other ones he has kept confined under a small portable net, their eyes filled with horror.
He lifts his foot, wiping at his boot and dusting it off, ignoring his most recent victim before spitting down on it.
His smirk turns into a sneer as he picks up the rodent by its tail, bent at a strange angle he supposes, and watching with satisfaction as the blue-furred thing squirms pathetically in his grasp, finds pleasure in seeing its companions becoming agitated and giving off loud screeches and squeaks.
Just because he feels like it, he jostles the thing, the mouse letting out noises so pathetic and pained it takes all of his very modest self-restraint to not just drop it to see what other sounds it might give.
“Thought you could outsmart me. Hng?”
He swears that animal is glaring at him with its red eyes but its uncontrolled twitching and silence contradict the defiance it obviously wanted to portray.
He’s somewhat intrigued, since he hadn’t expected to find such intelligent eyes on a creature so small and pitiful.
Then again, they did almost make him shoot his own leg, the damn critters, while two of them had tried to operate the knobs and dials on the console so that he would have become the one caught in a trap.
Still, he had been fast enough to stop them from shutting the doors to the room he had hijacked – the one he at least thought contained commander Sendak- and contained them in a net.
But he had a score to settle with the blue little one. His ear flicked, stinging from the bite that was still bleeding, blood dripping and spraying on the consoles.
Right now though, the mordacious little bugger presented no danger anyway. He was rather surprised how it was still alive to be honest… but well, he had not really put that much effort into squashing it. He had wanted to make an example of him for the others should they get any funny ideas.
He showed them his teeth in a smile, his hand unclasping the gadget attached to his hip-belt letting it expand in his palm.
It the space of a few ticks, it had turned into a small, spheric containment unit. He rolled it around in his hand, thinking about whether or not to make it air-permeable with the push of a button or to put his victim into it just because.
His ear stung.
“Hope you enjoy your stay.”, he mocked, shoving the squeaking rodent with as much force as the unit could stand.
The animal screeched in pain, while its friends let out noises of distress.
The unit closed, the animal hunkering and balling up as much as its broken leg and tail would allow, shaking and quivering.
Never once, did its eyes leave Vrok.
Feeling especially vindictive he tossed the sphere into the air a couple of times, catching it and throwing it into the air again.
“You see? This is what happens when you oppose someone stronger than you.”
He stopped, giving a disappointed hum when he looked inside to find the creature unmoving, its eyes closed, the only indication it was still alive its erratically moving chest.
He let his thumb jump from one side of the button to the other, missing it on purpose, watching as the animal tried to draw breath as the air inside the unit had to be almost depleted.
In the end, he decided it would be a waste to let it die now.
He pressed the button. There was a hissing sound as air rushed back inside the containment unit, the mouse making a small noise as it gulped in fresh air.
Satisfied, he hooked the unit back onto his belt, winking at the critters staring him down from under the net.
“Don’t get any ideas.” He said, patting his new plaything with a meaningful stare at the rest of them.
Nothing but their whiskers twitched and he decided he had gotten his point across perfectly.
Without further delay, he made his way deeper into the brig.
It wasn’t officially part of the mission, which was infiltrating the Castle of Lions while Voltron fought another of their Beasts, but it was where they had from commander Sendak last and as little as Vrok wanted to be punished for disobeying orders, he owed the man.
He also felt it better to have another Galra at his side, even if just as a decoy should things turn sour.
He pointed his blaster down the long rows of tubes, all of them empty. Upon reaching the last one, he had to accept that whatever had happened to the commander, he probably could no longer be found on this ship.
He clicked his tongue, pre paring to exit the area when something sharp dug into his back while energy crackled just beneath his chin.
Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a pair of blue and pink eyes, narrowed dangerously.
In the reflecting surface of the tube he was standing in front of, he saw the Altean princess in full armor, pressing a blade to his neck while another had to be ready to pierce through his middle.
Vrok had known fear before whenever he crossed Druids in the hall and when the Witch had taken him in for interrogation but now, as he caught sight of the Altean’s livid expression, he suddenly got a new understanding of the word.
Her voice was deep, low and terrible.
“You will not harm another creature ever again.”
They all stood around the pod, watching and waiting and twiddling their thumbs.
The ticker was indicating only minutes were left but all of them just wanted the doors to dematerialize right now.
When Lance could not take it anymore, he sat down next to Pidge and gently put a hand over hers when she wouldn’t stop tapping her index against her biceps restlessly.
The interruption was obviously not welcome at first but his expression seemed to dissuade her and she allowed for him to hold her hand.
Allura watched as Hunk came up behind those two, standing above them and putting one hand on each of his friends’ shoulders in silent support. It made them look up and smile at their friend.
Shiro and Keith, despite keeping their distance, with Keith leaning against the console and the Black Paladin standing still with his arms crossed, they both looked just as worried as everyone else.
Allura herself was holding onto Coran’s hand far harder than she would have expected but the man simply let his thumb run over her knuckles in silent comfort.
She squeezed back, smiling at him in thanks.
With a quick chime, a hiss, and a shower of sparkles, the protective glass vanished revealing her snoozing, little companions.
The mice were sprawled at the bottom of the pod, fast asleep and huddling around Plachu.
“Oh my gosh.” Pidge whispered, glancing up at Allura imploringly, her eyes huge behind her spectacles. “Do we really need to wake them up?”
They all smiled and chuckled. It seemed Coran had taken her query seriously, turning to the main console to read out the information.
“It seems the treatment was a success. All of our little friends seem to be bac in top shape, so there’s no need to worry your little head.”
He twirled the end of his moustache between his fingers as his eyes scanned over the rest of the screen but that announcement was enough to put all of their minds at ease.
Lance popped to his feet, linking his arms together and stretching with a drawn-out sound at the back of his throat.
“Ooookay. I should probably go and get a pillow or something.”
He was about turn and head towards the door when Keith piped up.
“No need to.”
They stared at him in surprise and the attention seemed to make him a bit uncomfortable as he started to fidget.
“Uh huuuuh.” Lance sounded unconvinced, his hands jammed in his pocket and one eyebrow raised. “And why’s that?”
He did not look at anyone, not even Shiro, mouth in a thin line and crossing his arms, his face gaining a light dusting of red.
“No reason.”
“What’s that?”
Nobody had noticed Hunk sauntering over to Keith’s side, staring at something that was on the ground. He bent down to grab it. Keith darted forward, his expression panicked when Hunk was faster, holding up his prize for all to see.
“Is that-“
“-a mouse bed?”
Allura had no idea how Hunk and Pidge had come to this conclusion. All she saw one of the kitchen’s larger bowls filled with a thick, soft looking piece of cloth.
She watched, with even greater confusion, as suddenly Shiro burst into laughter and Keith’s face finally took on a solid shade of red, his eyes wide and pleading.
“You really never change.” The words were hard to understand with Shiro wheezing, bent over and keeping himself from toppling over by bracing his hands on his knees.
A real smile was splitting his lips, the corners of his eyes crinkled with mirth. At their lost expressions, he went on, obviously delighting in sharing this information with them all while the Red Paladin looked like he wanted to vanish into fin air.
“He already pulled this kind of stuff at the Garrison. On every trip into Giddin, you know that town near the Garrison? Anyway, he’d always come back to the barracks with a suspiciously tight jacket and every time I’d have to find a way to get some cat or dog out of the facility without any of the other staff noticing.”
There was a very, very foreboding smirk stretching Lance’s lips.
“Is that so?”
Their resident tech expert on the other hand did not seem amused in any way.
“Hey! No fair!”
Beside her, Coran laughed, sauntering over to examine the Red Paladin’s construction.
Allura hid her own smile behind her hand. She gave a wink at her tiny friends when ears flickered traitorously even though the pile itself had not budged a millimeter.
“Let’s see how this will play out, shall we?”
Through their shared mental connection, Allura swore she could hear squeaks of agreement and pure amusement.
 (AN: Rest assured that no bone in Vrok’s body was in its intended place once the team was done with him.)
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