#computer generated if that makes sense
briarpatch-kids · 3 months
What music do you like?
Kind of a mix of stuff, I like genre mixes so it's hard to pin down exactly. I like stuff with added classical instruments or real synthesizer in it.
The most consistent group I've listened to since I was a teenager is world/inferno friendship society which can KINDA be defined as dark cabaret, but it's more of a loosely defined anarchist music collective. (Though they're probably done after Jack Terricloth passed away in 2021)
Otherwise there's some Ska (Aquabats and Reel Big Fish mostly) some Electronic music (fartbarf, look mum no computer) a little bit of rap in there (godforbid) and a lot of stuff that's harder to define (ludo, bear ghost, golgol bordello, Amanda palmer, mad caddies, electric six, Voltaire)
I kinda go for beat and vibes rather than genre. My two main playlists are kind of a train wreck genre-wise.
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cringefaecompilation · 8 months
the age differences in the critical role cast are funny because you have matthew mercer (b. 1982) and marisha ray (b. 1989), both of which are young (comparatively) enough to lived through the fourth and fifth console generations and are fully locked into how how early 2000s and 2010s gaming worked, what the latest consoles are now, and matt even used to be a QA tester on video games.
and then we've got sam riegel (b. 1976), who probably last touched an arcade cabinet in 1993, trying to play super smash brothers ultimate:
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meamiiikiii · 9 days
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[reverse entry AU]
so glad the work week is over!
no more meetings!
what do you mean its only tuesday.
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doodlebloo · 1 year
I'm always gonna be pissed off about Sapnap and George being so blatantly uncaring of the time and work their fellow ccs put into their lore and stories that they literally broke into a house neither of their characters should know existed and made a big deal about killing a plot important NPC for "content" even though Ranboo and Tubbo had previously requested that Michael be left alone and one of the server's literal rules was to not do anything that would seriously upset anyone.
First of all, they both know damn well they could sit and stare at a wall onstream and get tens of thousands of viewers. Threatening to kill that piglin was not necessary for them to get content, it was just mean spirited, and the onslaught of people complaining about people getting nervous or upset was so exhausting. It felt like being punished for caring about the characters and story, and Sapnap and George just kept doing shit like this over and over (didn't they release Shroud?) The DSMP's story was cool and needed to be taken seriously when THEY we're a part of it, but if it was anyone else's story, it was lame and stupid and everyone was dumb for caring about a video game mob that much. God it still makes me so mad
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shmreduplication · 2 months
i think if you plan on revolutionizing an industry you shouldn't be surprised that you attract people who want to work for you who also revolutionize other things like team structure. And then if you do hire them to revolutionize the team structure you should, you know, let them do the thing you hired them to do
and if you work at a science company then you should be swayed by data
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bonebrokebuddy · 2 years
You ever think about how in DC, it wouldn’t make much sense to have super developed CGI for movies and practical effects would be more widely used?
Like, most shots that would need to be done via CGI in our universe could be done practically in the dcu. Especially when we began developing early CGI it would be important because there would not have been as big a push or even as big a need to advance CGI to the point where it is today for us. Especially with the comic book tech that people can make & superpowers.
Not to mention people with specific meta abilities would be highly sought out in the film industry.
For example:
In the beginning of CGI being used for fluid dynamics, large realistic CGI water scenes took an absolute shit ton of mathematics, rendering time, and a ridiculous amount of money. They were complicated to do, took a long time and again, it was expensive. Really, really expensive. So, big shots of digital water were done only for big monumental scenes that the director wanted a big impact in or had a lot of significance. Otherwise, unless there was an absolute need for a large digital water shot and they had a massive budget, scenes like that wouldn’t even come across directors minds as at the time, it simply wasn’t feasible. 
So, what would a good solution to doing a massive water scene in, let’s say, the 70s in the DCU? The answer: Do it practically. It’d not only be cheaper but would take far less time and effort. Honestly, the hardest thing would be finding metas with the specific abilities needed.
So, for that water scene hire 50 metas (my headcannon is that most metas don’t have very strong or flashy abilities. so you’d need a Lot of people for something like this.) that together can choreograph & move the water in the way needed for the shot.
But because hiring someone to make a device or via using metas can achieve the effects wanted, the film industry would continue to rely on doing effects that would, in our world, need to be done with CGI but to them can be done with gadgets and superpowers. And while our CGI programs progressed and made breakthroughs, in DC there would be less stress on developing such tech as it wasn’t needed nearly as often. As a result, it would become semi-standard to hire metas for certain types of practical effects. Hell, it would probably become more expensive to hire metas for these effects as time went on as big blockbuster movies would go on to make these insane, before impossible to make scenes using metas’ abilities. The practice would fall in & out of use as metas would fall in and out of public opinion as politics and history continued in the DCU but it would definitely remain a cemented practice in filmmaking.
Anyways, it would mean that metas with specific abilities that favor certain practical effects would be sought after in the film industry.
For example of abilities sought and why:
- minor weather control: for… weather control. Also, who needs to spray a set full of asbestos snow when a guy can come over & make it snow over your set to have it be more natural. Or even better, just have a snow gun in the prop department you can use for winter scenes.
- telekinesis: imagine the camera techniques that would be developed due to being able to hold and move a camera via telekinesis, that’s actually sick
- element control based abilities: so much shit. Especially earth based because they would be able to rearrange a landscape. Water: who needs to cgi blood & gore when you have a meta that’s bursting blood packets with chunks of meat in them?
- guns, gadgets, and gizmos: I like to imagine that there is this almost monopoly over props and tech that have advanced tech for people to rent out for filmmaking. Like, as mentioned before, a snow gun for winter scenes. Or, an intangibility ring so an actor can get “stabbed” but not actually get hurt. Etc.
- pyrotechnics/demolition: it’s Hollywood, they love that shit. people with the ability to explode things without having to pay for explosives plus a meta with telekinesis to direct the blast of the explosion safely would be amazing. People with pyrotechnic or demolition abilities would probably need a license to practice safely.
- shapeshifting: body doubles, great for comedies, stunt acting, injury scenes (need an actor to have their hand blown off? No need for prosthetics when there’s a guy that can suddenly have no hand. They could be an extra in every scene and nobody would notice that they’re the same person. 
Also there’d probably eventually be an incident in film where a shapeshifter changed their face to look like a famous actor or a political figure or smth & thought it would be fine but it made a massive uproar and resulted in laws that shapeshifters cannot impersonate real people in media without credit to the person being imitated & their consent with a lot of paperwork necessary.
- acrobatic abilities, fighting, strength, speed: stunt actor.
- control or speak to animals or plants: would help a Lot in skipping some of the effort to train animals for a role.
I just thought it would be cool to consider that due to the metagene and comic book tech existing, certain technology, like CGI & visual effects would develop at a different rate due to most effects being able to be made practically in live-action films. 
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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A bunch of Mario Family headcanons:
Because I think a very normal amount about the larger Mario family and very very very much want The Super Mario Brothers Super Show Reboot all about them
G-Poppy and his wife moved to American from Italy in their 20′s, making Mario and Luigi third generation immigrants
G-Poppy’s dream was to own and run an authentic Italian a Restaurant in America, but after the birth of his oldest son, Pio, the need for quick cash to pay rent was more pressing, thus why he got into Boxing
Papa Mario’s full name is Pio Mario Jr, he’s named after G-Poppy
Pio is a good 5-6 years older than his younger brothers, Arthur and Tony, who are only a year apart at most
Sense bills were tight, Pio spent a lot of his childhood being another income to the house hold, working hard labor work like construction to keep the family afloat while his brothers were young
Eventually G-Poppy got too old for wrestling and finally realized his dream of opening a Restaurant; Punch-Out Pizza. This put the family in more financial struggle, forcing Pio to take up more work while Arthur and Tony helped in the Restaurant
Now that G-Poppy is retired Arthur and Tony run the business together. Arthur’s the finance guy, where Tony runs deliveries and hands on manages other employees
It was actually their Grandmother who made Mario and Luigi’s caps for them, she’s also made G-Poppy’s. She passed before Louisiana was born, thus why she couldn’t make her a cap as well
Tony’s a huge horror movie buff, he loves old classics and has a huge VHS collection. Part of the reason Luigi is so scared of the paranormal is from catching glimpses or watching whole movies with Uncle Tony growing up
Another big part of Luigi’s fear though may just come from Uncle Tony loving to scare him. A big pass time for Tony was waiting around corners in Halloween masks to jump scare Luigi, or telling him ghost stories any change he got
Mario also got a bad fear from Uncle Tony’s movies; Pianos. He’d just happened to catch a pretty nasty scene of the lid of a Grand Piano crushing someone when he was younger and it stuck with him pretty hard
Louisiana is about 11-12 years younger than Mario and Luigi, so despite being cousins the three have a hard time relating to one another from the large age gap
Louisiana prefers to go by Louise, though only Mario and Luigi call her that. She was also the first one in the family to use the “Lou” nickname for Luigi, which Mario quickly also picked up
Arthur loves baseball, the Mets especially, but really he’ll watch any team play. He regrets not being on his school’s baseball team when he was younger, due to having to help at the restaurant, thus why he signed his daughter Louisiana up as soon as she was old enough. She’s stuck with it to keep her dad happy
Mia makes 90% of the meals in the Mario household, with the occasional help from Arthur. She learned most her dishes from her own mom, and a good deal more from Pio’s mother after marrying into the family
Marie is absolute rubbish in the kitchen. Mia’s given her multiple lessons and had her help with dinner many times around when she was expecting Louisiana, but she rarely made anything edible. The only one who ate her meals was Arthur, who just wanted to support his wife with all he had, even if it made him ill (which it did. Many times. Tony made fun of him for it)
Tony loves to work on machinery, mostly motorcycles, and has bounced around working part time as a mechanic here and there before his duties at the restaurant drag him back
Pio, Tony, and Mario are the only ones in the Mario family with a drivers license, though Tony was the only one who drove regularly until Mario bought the van
The Mario family owns 4 gaming devices; The Brother’s NES that they bought with their saved up chore money in Middle School, a Wii Marie and Mia do Wii Fit on in the living room, Uncle Tony’s PS2 that’s mostly collecting dust, and the Home Computer that Louise plays Roblox and Minecraft on
The Mario family apartment has 3 bedrooms; Pio and Mia’s, Arthur Marie and Louise’s, and Mario and Luigi’s. G-Poppy sleeps on a chair in the living room, and Tony sleeps on the couch
Louise has already called dibs on Mario and Luigi’s room when they move out, Tony says he prefers the couch anyway so he doesn’t mind
Pio pushes a lot of his own raising onto Mario, as the oldest he thinks Mario should be responsible, a support for the family, not chasing his own crazy dream that could crash down onto them into debt
On the flip side, Arthur puts a lot of what he wanted for himself onto Louisiana, pushing her to do new things and plays sports and do after school activities like he never got to do having to work in the Restaurant growing up
Tony’s the only one he sees this happening, and thus has stayed the fun uncle who’ll get you out of that thing you don’t want to do if asked. He’s listened to a lot of vents from the kids as he drives them from one activity to the next, and tries to remind them their parents are doing their best, and love them a lot. For everyone but Luigi that reminder fell on deaf ears
#Mario Movie#The Super Mario Brothers Movie#SMB Movie#Headcanon post#Long post#? Maybe?#It's a little long but not like. too long I don't think#I dunno I was contemplating putting it under a Read More but#Eeeeeeeeeeh#It's not thaat long#Behold my big buncha Mario Family Dyanamic headcanoning#All typed while my computer was having a melt down and lagging for no particular reason#It's just having a fit at 4 in the morning#Apologies so much of this is about the Generational Trauma of Papa Pio Mario I feel a very specific way about him#I love them all soooooo much I am making them so complicated for no reason#Other than I feel it in my bones they are SO 3D#I went with the name Louisiana for the 'niece' btw because Marianna is the name of one of the Mario Cousins in the Super Show#(which is where Arthur and Tony both come from)#But there was already 3 Ma names in the family so I decided to give us another Lou instead#A better name though probably would have been Marilyn sense she's their canon niece from the Super Show#And if I'm gonna pull from the Super Show it might as well be the name of the actual niece#but also she's NOT their niece#She is VERY CLEARLY Auntie Marie's daughter they just call her Niece because she's like 12#While Mario and Luigi are 23-25 canonically#And this is a hill I'm going to die on it seems#I love you Uncle Tony Mwah Mwah Uncle Tony top tier character#Just here to be mean to his Nephews and make his brother laugh#Best Uncle I love him#Why is this on the self ship blog?#Because my S/I is Tony's son and I want to talk about my Familials sometimes. Duh.
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thevagueambition · 1 month
re Linux, I still often think about the CGPgrey quote "Linux is only free if you don't value your time"
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i3utterflyeffect · 2 months
Idea: Dark then starts working on the human-to-stick machine in secret and then Chosen discovers it just as it's being activated. Second happens to secretly be on the PC at the time and sees the effect.
ngl????? i have no idea how the effect would be like bc i barely even know how it works KGLKSDLJGLSD
all i know is like. virus on computer -> virus uses secret function -> ???????? -> stick!alan
so the reason i can't really say anything on what would happen if someone else sees it is because my logic is 'i don't fucking know but the outcome is fun!'
i do like the idea of chosen finding out what dark is planning just a little too late though,,, that's always fun <3
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kenzan-kiwami · 14 days
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saw this going around and thought it might be interesting to do
* i put them on the "slowest burn you can possibly imagine" end of the axis because - at least, in the way i see it - they've known each other for over 20 years before they got together, but i don't think the actual getting together part would have been a slow burn. it mostly comes about as a way for them to work through shared grief and frustration. this is a relationship which depends entirely on circumstance to become intimate, and i don't see it happening outside of this scenario
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fish-bowl-2 · 1 year
Thoughts on Ed Edd n Eddy being a Millennium era (1999 - 2000) period piece?
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crystalis · 9 months
i still wish sylvando's stats were distributed differently in dq11 or that he learned some fire spells .. he has like 330 magical might at level 99 or sometjing which is pointless becuase the strongest spell he learns is Swoosh and the output for that caps at like 200 magical might..
itd have made more sense for him to have less magical might and to put more into his hp, so it'd at least be closer to Jade's or something rather tham having the same hp as Erik at lvl 99. oorrrr he coulddve had some fire spells like frizz/frizzle/kafrizz which would make sense because he can breathe fire..
#i feel like frizz line would make more sense than the sizz line because he already learns woosh/swoosh so sizz line would be redundant#i wish i was like savvy with computers and game modding so i could mod dq11 just for fun and do random things u___u#that would scratch an itch in my brain#i would love to make jasper a party member and give him all the moves i think he would have.....#and rework rab's skill tree so that claws arent so weak .. or just buff claws in general#bc why the heck do they have the same attack as like wands#oh yeah another move that would love to change is Party Pooper. the useless spear skill that serena and jade get#it costs 16 skill points to learn and its weaker than Helichopter because it deals 90% damage okay#first of all serena learns swoosh/kaswoosh so like its already useless for her and thennn jade learns vacuum smash and like 20 other moves#that also hit groups of enemies so like. it would make sense if Party Pooper was a very early game skill so you learn it immediately but it#like takes a while to learn it before you have enough skill points.. i feel like that couldve just been handled differently#like either buff Party Pooper to be stronger or make it like the very first spear skill you can learn or something so it has some purpose#not that every attack needs an optimal purpose but you know.. its fun to think about#oh i would also let Serena learn Crushed Ice in Act 2. u____u spears are so freakin useless on serena in Act 2 and it would at least give#them some use vs Tatsunaga because it's weak to ice and that'd be cool#instead of Be Like Water#or does she have Counter Wait in Act 2 i dont remember#why must her strongest spear move be Thunder Thrust until Act 3
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dinitride-art · 1 year
I’ve got a required class that I don’t particularly feel happy doing, but at the end I’ll have the ability to make edits so. The promise of being able to cause myself psychic damage at the end of this will get me through the psychic damage I’ll sustain while doing it.
#I am not the best at technology because the way people have explained stuff to me in my life#usually makes me feel stupid#because it’s like why don’t you know how to click this thing! it’s literally this button right here!#and how would I know that#like yeah I know logically how this should happen but none of these symbols make any sense#and when I hover on some of them they don’t give me the helpful little description#and it’s terrible#there’s always the comments about how your generation was raised on this! why don’t you know how to make a file folder#sorry I was like 14 and had literally no need to before this ma’am#anyways this class isn’t like that but my prior experience with being taught this stuff is bad#not a great place to start learning how to use photoshop#I don’t care that it can do literally everything#that means nothing if it fails to convey how to do anything at all#if you want me to learn a language you have to give me people speaking it first#throwing grammar and verb conjugations just isn’t enough#I’m just going to cry about it for a while and then I’ll be okay again#actually what I really think could fix this is if they taught a theory of computer science course#without any math or stupid shit in it#so I personally could figure out how it goes from a circuit board to YouTube#I don’t need to know how to make a computer or a website#I just need to know how it works#like I can’t do scientific experiments but I know how the immune system operates well enough to be okay with it#better yet explain it to me using Minecraft red stone#and old pixelated video games#can’t promise that this will be the end of me comparing about this#because I’ve got stuff due tomorrow and I need to make myself do it#sorry in advance for the person I may or may not become tonight
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komeeder · 11 months
assigning albums to danganronpa characters but i have only 3, open to suggestions i <3 music
junko enoshima - electra heart by marina
mondo oowada - wish you were here by pink floyd
nagito komaeda - ok computer by radiohead, from under the cork tree by fall out boy
#danganronpa#junko enoshima#mondo owada#mondo oowada#nagito komaeda#btw everyone listen to wish you were here pink floyd rn or else#and my criteria is that basically all/most of the songs match the characters vibe/story and such.#to go into depth. electra hearts goal of being satire and the alternating between multiple characters#and being about teenage agony and self destruction. along with just generally being more pop music with cynical themes#is very junko to me in that sense. also the general fashion and reputation of the album as a bitchy teenage girl angst album#for wish you were here. 'shine on you crazy diamond' is so ??? LIKE COME ON.#sooo many lyrics just match and the . aura of. maybe a sense of responsibility? that was forced onto you. it really makes me think of#his feelings to do with his feelings of responsibility for his brothers death and having to now take care of so many people#and his personal code of honor that puts a lot of pressure on him#for ok computer. just listen to lucky its like so on the nose like actually#'pull me out of the air crash pull me out of the lake i feel my luck could change' LIKE HELLOOOO#you can laugh.... a spineless laugh.... we hope that you choke . makes me think of him and also his murder suicide#and the way the album seems kind of surreal and abstract makes me think of his disconnect from reality and obsessive beliefs and behaviors#and the bizarre and unreal events......#hysterical and useless crushed like a bug in the ground........#fitter happier......#i wonder if id find any more. i need to listen to 8 trillion more albums#edit: just looked at the fandomwiki trivia for mondo. lmao oops. but its still right. SHGSAHGSAGHH#i didnt even know and i came to this conclusion 😭#UPDATE: added futct fob . reasoning is that the bitterness and vengefulness and mix of superiority and inferiority reminds me of#simulation era after he found out abt everyone after the . final dead room or whatever that was called#also just the . tbhhhhh to me he dresses exactly like the warped tour bands in 2005 or whatever. genuinely. so that fits as well#my post
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why is this a Thing people keep saying
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