#pretending to enjoy myself when the bride and groom come by to say hello
elliethefroggy · 11 months
When space tourism becomes an affordable thing, destination weddings are going to become that much more unbearable.
Why set off to Hawaii (leave Hawaii alone; it’s been through enough), when you can visit the Martian colonies.
The red planet a bit too mainstream for you? Looking for something a bit more grandiose? How about you hope a few planets further away and enjoy Saturn’s stormy light shows?
Scared that gigantic diamond ring on your finger will be outshone by Saturn’s diamond rains? Why not enjoy some champagne while witnessing the birth of a star in the Eagle Nebula? Who cares how upset your guests will be about having to travel 7,000 light years to attend. They should be grateful they got invited at all.
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fellulahh · 4 years
Only You - Lucifer x MC
Sitting beside each other, MC and Lucifer waited patiently for her cousin to arrive at the church. She’d managed to convince him to be her guest at the wedding after expecting the usual pressures from family members asking ‘so MC why don’t you have a boyfriend yet?’
Even though she had to bribe Lucifer by offering to take all of his dinner duties for a month, she still managed to convince the eldest brother to accompany her. Lucifer must have had a sweet spot for the human because he actually agreed to go to the ceremony which was being held in a church. None of the brothers could believe it when they heard!
MC was pleasantly surprised when she first saw Lucifer that morning. He’d stayed the night in her spare room. When she first glanced at him wearing his unbuttoned black shirt and red cuff links, her heart actually skipped a beat. She’d always thought he was undeniably attractive but he’d never made her feel that way before.
It was like somehow she knew what he’d be wearing, for MC was wearing a red elegant dress that coordinated perfectly with his accessories.
“MC.” He nodded when his eyes fell on her as she descended the staircase, “I must admit you look rather beautiful today.”
She smiled genuinely at his compliment. “Thank you again for this Lucifer, I really do appreciate it.” She spoke softly as she met him in the entranceway. “You look really handsome.”
“Well I couldn’t exactly be wearing scruffs the first time I meet your family, could I?” He chuckled.
MC furrowed her eyebrows. “I get the impression that your definition of scruffs and mine are probably very different.” She giggled.
“So how are you feeling?” MC asked Lucifer quietly amongst the whispers in the church
“Well let’s see, I’m in a church having to stare at pictures of my supposed Father.” Lucifer breathed, “I’m surrounded by humans who would probably hold a pitchfork to my throat if they were to find out what I am and Asmo keeps tormenting me for photos of us both...but I’m with you.” He spoke, turning to face MC, “so it could be worse.”
MC smiled sweetly at him before delicately holding his hand; catching Lucifer by surprise. “It’ll be over before you know it - I promise.”
Nodding at her words of encouragement, he turned his head to face the groom who was stood nervously at the alter awaiting his bride. A small smirk appeared on Lucifer’s face after realising that MC hadn’t moved her hand off his. Yes, he was pretending to be her date but nobody was watching them at that moment so why bother acting like a couple?
As the afternoon went on, the ceremony soon finished and the guests were all gathered outside the church to take various photos. MC and Lucifer were busy chuckling to each other by the gate when her parents approached them both.
“Hello sweetie!” Her mum cooed, catching her attention.
“Mum.” MC grinned as she pulled her into a hug. “You alright, Dad?” She asked as she pulled away.
“Not too bad thank you!” He smiled.
Standing stiff behind MC, Lucifer attempted to put on a welcoming face.
“I’d like to introduce you both to the guy I told you about. This is Lucius.” MC introduced sheepishly.
Her parents were shocked at just how tall this mysterious raven haired man was. MC’s mum was even a little flustered as she gazed at him.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Lucifer spoke smoothly, offering out his hand.
“As with you!” Her mum battered her eyelashes while her Dad gave a firm handshake. MC let out a sigh of relief after they began conversing. So far so good - they were convinced that Lucifer and her were a thing.
Time passed and soon it was time for the relatives to be photographed in front of the church. Once Lucifer realised what was about to happen he pulled a sour face. “You want me to pose in front of a church?” He asked MC quietly.
“Please Luci, just a couple of pictures!” She begged him, gripping his shirt, “I promise I will make it up to you.”
He was still incredibly hesitant but couldn’t say no to her pleading eyes. “Fine, but you owe me more than just taking my dinner duties.” He spoke while arching a brow.
As it came to MC and her family being photographed, she held Lucifer’s hand gently as they moved to where the photographer was. While posing, he wrapped his arm around MC’s waist and flashed a genuine smile. She could feel her stomach flutter after feeling his touch. It’s something she’d never experienced from Lucifer before but it was something she could get used to!
Hours passed and soon the reception was in full swing. Feeling worried that somebody would call them out on their fake relationship, both Lucifer and MC had drank flute after flute of champagne. In truth there was no reason why they should be nervous, everybody thought they were a delightful couple and didn’t question a thing.
As music boomed throughout the venue, various guests began dancing under the disco lights. Like most human weddings, everybody was pretty drunk at this point. MC’s parents were stumbling across the dance floor laughing at each other while the bride and groom were busy stuffing their faces with wedding cake.
Relaxing into the evening, MC nudged Lucifer as they remained at their seats by the table. “You wanna dance?” She asked with a cheesy grin.
“You want me to dance?” Lucifer chuckled, “forgive me for saying but in Devildom we don’t dance like that.” He spoke, pointing at MC’s parents.
“Hey! They’re just enjoying themselves.” MC giggled, playfully slapping his arm. “Come on! I bet you’re a good dancer. Please Luci?”
“I suppose one dance couldn’t hurt.” He smirked, accepting her pleads.
Standing up from the table, they walked toward the dance floor together with Lucifer supporting MC by the waist. The champagne was beginning to have an affect on them both as they found themselves stumbling slightly.
As soon they were under the disco lights, MC began flailing her arms about, dancing to the familiar beats. Lucifer couldn’t conceal his smile as he gazed at her adoringly. To anybody else she probably looked crazy but to him, she was that cute human that never failed to captivate his heart.
With alcohol seeping through his body, Lucifer actually began to bop along to the music much to MC’s delight. “See? I told you you’re a good dancer!” She grinned cheerily.
“Perhaps you know me better than myself!” Lucifer chuckled over the music. “Now are you going to continue dancing alone or are you going to come here?” He blushed, holding out his arms with a toothy smile.
Gladly accepting his offer, MC stepped forward so that he could hold her in an embrace while their bodies continued to dance. Lucifer had a really warm grin on his face as they gazed into each other’s eyes. They didn’t need to act like a couple at all.
“You know considering how hesitant I was when you first invited me to this wedding, I’ve really enjoyed it. Thank you for picking me to be your fake lover rather than one of my idiotic brothers.” He spoke sincerely.
“I was always going to pick you, Lucifer.” MC laughed as she returned his smile.
As the song drew to a close, the music had a change of pace. Suddenly a slow ballad filled the room rather than the 80’s disco anthem.
Only you can make all this world seem right
MC’s heart fluttered as Lucifer held her tight, slowly swaying their bodies with the music.
Only you can make the darkness bright
Unconsciously, both of them rested their foreheads on one another, getting lost in the moment. They’d both forgotten about everyone that surrounded them. You’d assume that their rosy cheeks and flustered mannerisms were from the alcohol but oh no...this was a long time coming.
Lucifer actually knew the song that played but he’d never really appreciated it until now. Feeling MC melting into his arms, a small smirk appeared on his lips as he began to drunkenly sing the words to her.
“When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do, you’re my dream come true my one and only you.”
Blushing uncontrollably, MC had to turn her gaze to the floor as she grinned. Nobody had ever had this affect on her. Lucifer made her completely weak - she’d never seen him be so charming toward anybody before! What happened to the serious Lucifer she knew?
“I’ve loved today.” He spoke softly to MC, catching her attention again.
“Me too.” She agreed, “it’s nice to spend some time alone with you.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Feeling their hearts beating rapidly, they both leant in. Lucifer’s lips grazed MC’s before he pressed them against hers. MC’s heart felt like it had burst as they kissed one another passionately while the music continued to play.
Nothing could ruin the moment.
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star-spangled-steve · 5 years
His New Partner
Chapter 24: The Last Night Of Freedom
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 3402
Warnings: Smut, vaginal sex, oral sex, fingering, nudity, Daddy!Kink, Dom!Steve, sub!Reader, dirty talk, cussing, alcohol, implications of female strippers.
A/N: Just so you know, Y/F/N means Your Friend’s Name and Y/C/N means Your Cousin’s Name; both female in this case. Though if you aren’t close with any cousins, you can just imagine another friend. Enjoy this chapter!
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“May your bachelorette party be filled with and fun, love, laughter, and most importantly, lots and lots of liquor.” Natasha spoke with a smirk before shouting “To Y/N!” as a closer to her Maid of Honour speech, or what was at least a shorter version. The real one would take place in exactly a week, but instead of being in front of five other ladies, it would be in front of about two hundred wedding guests.
The small circle of women all cheered and clinked their glasses together, repeating “To Y/N!” with huge smiles before tipping their drinks back.
A group of people from a table nearby started to clap, making the bride-to-be blush and give them a small wave after she finished her sip.
Y/F/N turned around to the look at the supportive Las Vegas bar patrons before facing back to Y/N with a smile. “Ooo, N/N. Looks like that one guy over there recognizes you.” She discretely nudged her head towards the handsome brunette who was sitting right across from them. “He’s cute, you should go for it.”
“Dude, I’m getting married in literally a week.” The actress stated, shaking her head at her friend’s silliness.
Maria smirked. “Still, it’s never too late to call it off.”
Y/C/N laughed at the comment, completely knowing that it was a joke. You’d have to be completely blind to not see the pure love between Steve and Y/N. “Ya, then that way I could have the Captain all for myself.”
“Oh please.” Y/N playfully shook her head. “We all know that Natasha would have next dibs.”
The assassin scoffed in response. “Says who?”
The woman of the hour raised her eyebrows. “You, ‘ya big fiancé kisser!”
The table erupted in gasps and giggles.
“Wait, wait, wait, what happened?” Pepper chimed in.
Maria chuckled. “Oh ya, I heard about that!”
“She kissed Steve when they were in Washington like a year ago.” Y/N explained, pretending to be mad when in reality she was completely over it. “He wasn’t technically my fiancé yet, but you still kissed my boyfriend.”
“It was for a mission! The guys could’ve killed us if we were recognized! I did what I had to do to hide our faces.” Natasha stated, throwing an arm up and down in exaggeration. “How did you even find out? Did Steve tell you?”
“Well, duh!” Y/N said with a laugh. “The man apologized to me like five times.”
“But you kiss a ton of actors all the time for your job.” Pepper pointed out with furrowed eyebrows and tilted her head. “Do you apologize?”
The girl in question nodded her head. “At first, for sure. It was pretty hard for him to deal with, and that’s why he felt so guilty doing the same back to me.” She took another sip of her drink, watching Natasha’s expression from over the rim of her glass. The redhead had an uncharacteristically ashamed look on her face. “Relax, Nat.” Y/N spoke after putting her empty glass down on the glossy wood table. “I’m not really upset, I was just kidding.”
Y/F/N grinned. “So... free dibs to kiss Mr. America then?”
“Absolutely not.”
“To Steve!” Sam cheered, urging the other four guests to repeat him, while the one man of the hour just stood there and beamed.
After taking a long sip of his beer, Clint slapped a hand on the Captain’s shoulder. “May your bachelor party be one to remember.”
“Your last night of freedom.” Rhodes added.
Steve shook his head with a smile. “Well, we can’t exactly call it my last night of freedom. The wedding is a whole seven days away.”
“Still,” Tony cocked his head to the side, “the last night where you’re not tied down to the responsibilities of becoming a husband.“
And it was exactly that. Y/N and the wedding planner had reserved the entire upcoming week to set things up for the ceremony, reception, and photoshoot in between.
“Come on,” Thor, who came back to Earth specifically for these festivities, let out a deep chuckle, “you can tell by the look in this man’s eyes that he truly loves all the weddingly duties.”
Sam nodded. “We all know that Cap would rather be snuggled under the covers with Y/N somewhere than be here with us.”
Steve gave them one of his half grins. “Regardless of what I’d rather or be doing right now,-”
“Or who you’d rather be doing.” Tony interrupted, making the circle of men laugh and the groom-to-be roll his eyes.
“Anyways, I really do appreciate you guys bringing me here.” Steve stated, glancing around their private room at one of Las Vegas’ fanciest bars. It was something that only the big names of the Avengers could book, and the big wallet of Tony Stark could afford.
“The evening’s only beginning though, right, Stark?” Clint waggled his eyebrows up and down with a cheesy smirk.
“Most definitely.” Tony snickered before checking the time on his very expensive watch, seeing that it was now 9:56 at night. “And in a little less than five minutes, the show will finally start.”
Steve furrowed his eyebrows. “What show? I thought we were just going to go back down and gamble some more.”
In order to avoid the man’s eyes, Sam and Tony glanced at their shoes as Clint took a sip of his drink in hopes to hide his smile. Rhodes started to chuckle a little bit, meanwhile Thor was just as confused as the super soldier.
“What did you guys plan?” Steve questioned, suddenly bringing out his special Captain America voice that was only reserved for missions; sometimes the bedroom.
Stark just shrugged mischievously.
“Tony, guys, I swear to Go-”
Roger’s words were interrupted by the sound of squealing women, high heels thumping down the hallway, and a big speaker that was playing some new sensual pop song that he had never heard before.
“You didn’t.” Steve ground his teeth in frustration, eyeing each of his friends. “Whose idea was this?”
Sam sheepishly raised his hand. “It’s my duty as Best Man to give you the best night ever!”
“I thought that we had discuss-”
The double doors suddenly burst open, revealing a large clan of attractive women wearing very, very little clothing. “Oh, Captain!” They called before skipping into the room and circling around the seemingly uncomfortable man.
Steve just sighed as he glanced around the approximately ten pretty faces surrounding him, eyes not daring to stray any lower than their chins. “Oh boy.”
The music of the bar club just seemed to get louder and louder, clouding all of her senses as she took another sip of what was probably her third drink of the evening. Y/N wasn’t exactly drunk yet, but tipsy enough to not really care that she’d been sitting alone for the last half an hour.
Las Vegas was pretty fancy, the girl would have to give it that. The bars were lined with more liquor bottles than she could count, not a finger smudge on any of them, and she was pretty sure that her hotel room was at least 50% marble.
But of course, that could’ve just been Tony’s miraculous planning skills; or Tony’s miraculous stack of money. Y/N couldn’t even imagine what it would cost to bring all twelve people in the wedding party to Las Vegas for the weekend, let alone stay in the two nicest casino hotels in the area.
Yes, two. One for the men, one for the women. Sam and Natasha took great responsibility in their Best Man and Maid of Honour roles, deciding to have the two groups bunk separately, almost ten blocks apart. It was Steve and Y/N’s bachelor and bachelorette parties after all, one of their last nights being two singles. Everyone wanted the pair to spend it to its full extent.
Vibrations coming from her clutch broke Y/N out of her slightly tipsy haze, making the girl take out her cellphone and instantly smile when she saw that it was Steve calling her. “Hello?” She spoke after answering it.
“Hey, sweetheart.” The man said from the other end.
“Honey.” She greeted as she sat up straighter on her barstool, becoming excited at the sound of his voice, “What’s up?”
“Just miss you, that’s all.”
Y/N beamed. They had only been apart for half of a day, and he had already wanted to see her. “I miss you too, Stevie. You having fun?”
“Uh,” the Captain puffed out a breath, “ya, ya, tons of fun. T-Tame fun, nothing too crazy.” He told her, trying to hide the fact that there had just been plenty of almost-naked women dancing around him. “What about you?”
“Well,” Y/N looked around the noisy bar that she was in, still seeing none of her friends around, “it’s been okay.”
“Only okay?”
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, it started out great.” She explained. “But, uh, everyone ‘sorta went off to do their own thing.”
“They ditched you?” Steve sternly asked, mad at the fact that Y/N was all by herself in the busy city of Las Vegas.
“No!” She shook her head back and forth, even though he couldn’t actually see her. “Pepper and Y/C/N we’re doing so well in the casino that I just let them keep going, last time I saw Nat and Maria they were playing pool, and Y/F/N went off somewhere to hook up with this random guy.”
“Awe, doll. I’m so sorry.” Steve comforted.
Y/N gloomily tapped her nails against the sleek wood bar top, her other hand still holding the phone to her ear. “It’s alright. You know that these clubs and all aren’t exactly my scene anyways.”
“Here,” the man spoke up, coming upon a realization, “I have an idea. Why don’t you go down to the lobby, and I’ll meet you there?”
“You ‘wanna come over here?”
Steve answered like it was obvious. “Of course.”
Y/N was confused. “But hon, it’s your bachelor party. The whole point of the night is to be away from each other. I don’t ‘wanna ruin your fun.”
He shook his head at her words, telling even from blocks away that there was a sheepish look painted on her face. “You honestly think that you’d be ruining my fun? Baby, you are my fun.” Steve looked around the room that he was in, making sure all of his friends seemed alright on their own. “Just meet me down there, N/N. Then we can go up to your room, and I’ll give you the best bachelorette party that you could ever ask for. That’s a promise.”
Y/N fumbled with her hotel room key card as she struggled to unlock her door, getting the red light instead of the green light every time. Though to her defence, there was a major distraction grinding up against her backside.
“Better hurry up, baby girl. I’m getting impatient here.” Steve whispered huskily into her ear, leaving her shivering.
The girl finally managed to unlock her door, and the moment she did, it was closed from the inside and she was shoved against it. Y/N’s legs around Steve’s waist, his lips against her neck. She let out a high-pitched moan.
“Oh, you like that, baby? You like it when your daddy’s rough with you?”
Another whine in response.
“I need an answer, baby.” The man added with a particularly harsh bite to her neck. Y/N instantly knew there’d be marks the next day, worrying that they’d still be there for the wedding, but was too turned on to say anything.
“Yes.” She managed to let slip past her lips.
“‘Yes’ who?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl.” Just as every time, the word ‘daddy’ went straight to Steve’s dick; the evidence was extremely prominent against Y/N’s thigh. 
He had-had enough by now. And so, he grabbed on to the neckline of her olive green dress and ripped it straight down. His plump lips instantly attacked her chest, which to both his surprise and delight, was not clad in a bra.
“I knew it.” Steve rasped. “Have you been braless all night, my naughty girl?”
“Yes, daddy.” Y/N said shakily. But who could blame her for not wearing one? It was a strapless dress and the top part was double-layered anyways.
“I bet you aren’t wearing any panties either.” He said in between sloppy kisses to her breasts. “I think I have to check.” And with that, he strongly pressed the fingers of his right hand against her clit, being correct about the lack of underwear. But once again, who could blame her? The bottom part of her bodycon dress was very thin, and she definitely couldn’t have panty lines.
“Daddy.” The girl whined.
His fingers then slipped inside her tight, aching hole, repeatedly thrusting in and out.
Y/N’s legs turned to jelly, instantly hanging against Steve’s sides. Luckily though, due to his brute strength and the sturdiness of the hotel’s door, she stayed upright as he continued fucking her with his fingers.
“Cum for me baby, cum for your daddy.” He ordered, his thumb and forefinger instantly pinching her clit.
So with that, Y/N let go of any last bit of control she had left, and came. Hard.
The room was filled with the sounds of whines, panting, and the squishing of Steve’s fingers inside of her wet opening.
“Shhh, shh.” He cooed as she came down from her high. “You did so great, my precious girl.” Right as Y/N felt brought back down to Earth, he started counting in a low voice “That’s one.”
Uh oh, she though to herself. It was one of those nights. Those nights were Steve repeatedly made her cum until she was so sensitive that she couldn’t even move. And it’s not that Y/N didn’t enjoy these nights, because she sure did, but she also knew that once he was getting started, there was no way of getting him to stop.
Steve brought his right hand up to his mouth, slowly and sensually licking the juices off each individual finger as if savouring the taste of her. The man adjusted his hands underneath Y/N’s thighs before he quickly walked them both to the bed, throwing her onto it.
Just as quickly, Steve took off his sport coat and crawled overtop of her with a low growl; this just added to her wetness. “Let’s see how many more you’ve got in you, little girl.” He said with quirked up lips. But that sly smirk was soon out of Y/N’s field of view, as his mouth descended to her dripping pussy.
“Oh, Jesus.” She said as she felt his tongue against her.
He peered up from between her legs. “That’s not my name, princess.” 
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
Steve went back down and continued his delicious assault on her core. With every stroke of his tongue, Y/N felt as if she was being pulled further and further away from her coherent thoughts. The only two things on her mind being the feel of his mouth on her vagina, and the slight brush of his nose against her clit every time he shifted his head.
“Daddy, I-I-I’m going to cum again.” Y/N stuttered.
The words “Do it, babydoll.” vibrated against her pussy, pushing the girl over the edge for a second time.
Steve lapped up every last drop that Y/N had to offer, and once he went up the bed so that they were eye to eye, licked his lips. The man looked every bit as much as a cat who just got his cream. “Two.” He proudly rumbled into her ear.
Y/N was still in her post-orgasm bliss as she heard the sound of Steve’s belt being undone and dropped to the floor. She turned her head just in time to see him finish unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his sculpted chest and abs. Next to go was his pants and boxer briefs, Steve’s large hands pulling them both down all at once. 
Y/N’s mouth watered at the sight of his delicious cock. No matter how many times that she had seen it and felt it before, the size continued to overwhelm her.
As if the man had read her mind, “You like what you see, my baby?” He took the handy condom out of his wallet, rolling it on and stroking himself in the process.
Too caught up in the sight of what was him, all that Y/N could do was nod her head.
Once again, Steve made his way to hover above her. One moment, the girl was staring up into his beautiful blue eyes, and the next, she was moaning out in surprise at the sudden impact of him inside of her. 
Just as suddenly, his dick started to thrust in and out of her at a slow, leisurely pace. Steve was doing it specifically to drive her insane. It had worked.
“Faster, daddy.” Y/N whimpered.
“Baby girl, is that how you ask daddy a question?” The Captain retaliated as he continued to move in and out of her wanting hole.
The girl was almost crying at this point, “Please, please daddy, can you go please faster?”
Steve, starting to get impatient himself, began to fuck her more quickly. He could see how easily she was falling apart underneath him by each squeeze of her walls around his member.
And with a gasp, Y/N was cumming again.
“Three.” Steve groaned out as he was slowing his thrusts. The man then pulled out of her, his dick still as hard as ever.
Without warning the girl was tossed onto her stomach, Steve’s big hands harshly grasping her hips and bringing them closer to his own. There would definitely be bruises the next day, matching the ones he already made on her neck and chest. But she decided she’d wear them all with pride, and maybe a bit of concealer if necessary.
Steve entered her a second time, his pace being even quicker than before; if possible. He could see Y/N’s hands strongly grasping the sheets from his place behind her, just loving how desperate she was for him.
Between the feeling of her tight pussy around him and the continual sounds she was making, the man figured that it wouldn’t be long before he finished. But, he knew he could give her one more first. Steve was the type who got off on getting her off. Y/N had no complaints.
As he started to rub circles on her clit, she loudly moaned out into the vast expanse of her hotel room.
“Come on little girl, give me one more,” Steve huffed. “Cum once more for daddy.”
With that last bit of encouragement, the girl came again; her biggest orgasm of the night triggering his own.
“Y/N, baby.” He groaned out as she collapsed on the bed from exhaustion. Steve swerved just in time to avoid crushing her, running a hand through his damp golden hair. “Best. Bachelor. Party. Ever.” He spoke in between pants of breath.
The girl turned onto her back and nodded her sweat-covered head. “Agreed.”
The man only stayed on the bed a minute before he was up and heading to the ensuite bathroom. He returned with a wet, warm washcloth and began to rub in between Y/N’s thighs, cleaning her up.
“Thank you.” She said hoarsely, her voice practically wrecked after the night’s activities.
“Of course.” Steve replied with a sincere smile. How in less than five minutes he went from a dominant sex god to a sweet and wholesome boyfriend would forever remain a mystery to Y/N.
He returned the cloth to the restroom before making his way back to the bed, turning off the room’s lights along the way.
“I love you so much.” The Captain stated as he tucked them both underneath the covers and pulled her into his arms.
The effect that this man had on her never failed, as Y/N was blushing at the simple phrase they’ve said over a thousand times. “I love you more.” She added cheekily.
“Not possible.” Steve contradicted, just as usual. And before she could counter back, he placed a loving kiss right on her lips.
“Goodnight, Stevie.” Y/N spoke as she turned in his arms, having him spoon her.
“Goodnight, my love.” But, it only took about three seconds before he was speaking up again. “Oh, and babydoll?”
“Mm-hmm?” Y/N replied, almost asleep.
Next Chapter
Feedback is always welcome!❤️
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rmbabydoll · 4 years
Matcha tea for Gentle/La Brava please!
A/N: I have actually thought about this one ever since the end of the School Festival Arc. Both proposals are NOT connected with each other. Also, I had to come up with an idea as to where does this criminal duo gets money. (Seriously, where does their money come from lol)
Matcha tea 🍵; how and when do they propose to their s/o?
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For La Brava, marrying her beloved Gentle Criminal would be a dream come true. It had been 3 years since she moved in with him and they had already established a routine of domestic bliss and brilliant criminal activities. Still, marriage would be the next best step in their relationship since it would be the ultimate way to say she was here for keeps.
The question was, how would she propose?
She hardly had any money and any steady income they made without having to be in public was though tutorials they made through SkillShare: Her creating computer programming tutorials and him creating videos about The History of Heroes and Villains. (A/N: Let’s pretend you don’t have to show your face on SkillShare lol)
So, it came down to budgeting and research. She tried finding at least a nice, titanium ring at every pawn shop around the area, but none she could get without arousing suspicion or putting a dent in their finances.
What she needed now was the right proposal. Something that encapsulated their unique personalities.
In between their official videos, she created a locked folder that she told Gentle was a just a series of old takes that she kept in case they became essential for future videos.
Finally the day came.
“Gentle, could you come in the room for a moment” she called out to him from their computer room
Gentle came into the room. “Yes, La Brava darling?”
“I, um. I put together a new video and I wanted to know what you thought of it” she said shakily.
“Of course, my dear.” He said as he sat down next to her to see what she created.
The video started. “Hello, dear viewers, tis I, La Brava, the camerawoman for the ingenious videos of Gentle Criminal”
Confusion fell over Gentle’s face. “La Brava, I thought we agreed you shouldn't be seen in front of the camera in case you become connected to-“
When he looked over to La Brava, he noticed how her entire face was red and that she was trembling, focused only on the computer screen.
“One of the biggest celebrations to occur in the last 10 years were the royal weddings of Prince William and Kate Middleton and Prince Harry and Megan Markle respectively.” She continued. “As such, tea companies decided to make special wedding tea blends to commemorate the occasion.”
“One example is Royal Wedding Tea by Harney & Sons“ she said holding up a tea tin. “It’s a delightful blend of Chinese Mutan White Tea buds with almond, coconut and vanilla- mixed with pink rosebuds and petals.”Truly, a regal tea to enjoy a momentous occasion!”
The video started to come to a close. “Yes, wedding tea became extremely popular during this time and much like the care put into this, I want to continue to put care in my relationship with the most wonderful person I know.”
Gentle looked to the side to see his girlfriend getting out of her seat and kneeling down on one knee with the box of tea from the video in her hand. “There are no guarantees of the future but I want a bright future that includes you. So, Danjuro Tobita, will you marry me?”
Gentle was flabbergasted for a moment before a smile broke over his face. “Yes.” He answered.
La Brava let out a sigh of relief she had been holding in for so long as Gentle picked her up by her hands and held her close.
“I most definitely will marry you!” He said
“I’m so happy.” She replied. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you something more expensive; I wanted to give you a ring but all I think of was giving you tea.”
Gentle gave a shrug and laugh. “I love tea.”
La Brava gave an exasperated laugh. “I know you do, but-“ Her sentence was cut off by a long, chaste kiss to the lips.
“And I love you” he finished.
La Brava couldn’t wait to see what their bright future held.
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Gentle knew he wanted to marry La Brava. He wanted her to be forever his.
One afternoon after uploading a video, a recommendation popped up on their screen.
“Oh Gentle!” La Brava exclaimed “Check out this video! It’s such a sweet proposal video”
She clicked on the video: a man had taken his girlfriend to her favorite restaurant and when the champagne glasses was brought to them, a ring was found in her flute. After taking the ring out of her glass, the man gave a romantic speech and got on one knee and proposed.
“Oh I used to love watching this video!”
La Brava gushed. “I always thought it was so sweet how he proposed and recorded it for everyone to see. As if he wanted everyone to know how he felt about his bride.”
Gentle looked at her and asked with slight hesitation. “La Brava, have you ever thought about getting married?”
La Brava looked back at him and replied. “Of course, I have. I would imagine myself in a beautiful white gown, walking down the aisle decorated in red roses petals and seeing my groom waiting for me in a white tuxedo.”
“Tuxedo?” He asked quizzically “You don’t prefer a traditional Japanese wedding?”
“Well, I did when I was little kid, but once it became apparent I was gonna stay short, the image just morphed into me looking a walking marshmallow” she laughed.
“A lovely marshmallow, I’m sure”. He said.
A sly smile crossed La Brava’s features as she looked at her boyfriend. “Why? Are you thinking about proposing to me?”she joked
Gentle was silent at her question and started leaning very close to La Brava’s face. La Brava had no idea what he was thinking, her heart hammering in her chest waiting to hear what he was gonna say.
Soon, his forehead touched hers and he replied “Not yet.”, kissing her nose.
La Brava let out an indignant huff at him for wracking her nerves like that.
“But you’ll know when I ask you” he said as he walked out of the room giving her a wink.
Gentle knew La Brava deserved the best so he made a plan. Actually, he already had a ring ready after dipping into an emergency fund he created when he first established his persona and it was a beauty: a heart-shaped diamond with two pink stones on each side on a silver band.
What he needed was the right moment. The perfect moment to encapsulate the success they had as a team.
Finally, the day came.
He felt nervous as he decided he would propose after a huge scheme they had been planning for a month now, making it a successful day and then a memorable evening.
He started twiddling with the box in his hand until he heard La Brava’s voice.
“Gentle, are you ready?” He turned around to see his darling dressed in a purple parka and large white hat.
“Of course, my dear” he said, placing the ring behind his back and into a nearby drawer.
It was then he walked out the door, pulling a white mask over his face.
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myforeverforlife · 5 years
wedding singer.
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For another anon! Jongdae + 2. “Baby, you’re not a bother.” - “I’m too needy, you don’t deserve it.”
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It’s always been widely-accepted that Jongdae looks good, no matter what he’s wearing. Even in his most questionable fashion choices, you’ve always begrudgingly admitted that he managed to make the clothes a bit more tolerable. But every time Jongdae wore a suit — it instantly took your breath away, without fail.
Jongdae stood in front of the bathroom mirror, buttoning up his shirt while his tie hung over his shoulder. You crept up behind him, making eye contact with his reflection in the mirror as you pressed a kiss to his neck.
“How are you doing, handsome?”
Your boyfriend chuckled as he got the last buttons fastened, leaving the top one unbuttoned. “Already trying to seduce me, beautiful? At least wait until the wedding’s over.”
“But it’s not even ours.” Your arms snaked around Jongdae’s waist, watching as he started to work on his tie. “Your mom is fussing over your brother’s outfit right now.”
Jongdae laughed even as his gaze hardened in concentration, fingers deftly managing the ends of his tie. “Well, he is the groom.” He gnawed on his bottom lip as he finished his tie, groaning in defeat. “It never comes out the way I want it to.”
“Here,” you offered. Jongdae turned around until he was facing you, letting you take over as you undid his work. He watched carefully as you took your time, going through each step until with a final pull, you were done. “How’s that?”
Jongdae looked at his reflection before turning his attention back to you, a grateful smile on his face. “It’s perfect. Thanks, beautiful.” He leaned closer to kiss you, much too quick and innocent for your liking.
You pulled him back by the lapels of his jacket, smirking when he gasped in surprise. Soon enough, he was kissing you back with just as much fervor, his hands wandering upwards as they searched for a place to stop, to revere and treasure you in his arms. His hands finally stopped at the nape of your neck, fingers tickling the baby hairs there.
“Dae,” you mumbled against his lips. “Don’t mess up my hair.”
Jongdae stopped to give you a once-over before swooping in for more kisses. “Your hair looks fine,” he breathed.
“You’re just saying that,” you quipped, leaving one final kiss before pulling away, hands coming up to smooth down your hair.
“It’s true,” Jongdae continued, moving so that now you were the one staring in the mirror while he hugged you from behind. “You always look beautiful — why do you think I gave you that nickname?”
“Hmm, and here I thought you were just always trying to stay on my good side.” You giggled as Jongdae started to pepper kisses on your neck, knowing how ticklish you were there. “Dae, stop! You’re going to make us late, and then your brother’s gonna be pissed.”
“So let him.” Jongdae was moving onto your shoulder, lips ghosting over the silky fabric of your dress.
“Dae, it’s his wedding. And you’re the best man.”
Jongdae sighed, a puff of air brushing against your arm. “You’re right. But,” he said as he straightened back up. “You look amazing in this dress, and it would be a waste not to continue things later.” He winked at you in the mirror, smoothing his hands over the skirt even as you rolled your eyes.
Turning around in his arms, you began pushing him towards the door. “Alright, Romeo. Save it for later, we have a wedding to attend.”
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Jongdae was a picture of perfection in his role, an angelic smile on his face as he watched his brother exchange vows. He braved through the best man’s speech, something he had labored over for many nights, eager to get it done perfectly. As much as he loved a good wedding, Jongdae was relieved to get his duties over and done with, and to enjoy the rest of the reception.
You were among one of the teary-eyed guests, watching proudly now as Jongdae’s brother and new sister-in-law shared their first dance. Jongdae sat beside you, phone out and recording everything with not so much as a single tear in his eye.
“I’m surprised he hasn’t stepped on her feet at least once,” Jongdae whispered playfully, gasping when you poked him in the side.
“Be nice. You know if it was us up there, you’d be just as nervous.” You wiped at your eyes with a napkin, being careful not to smudge your makeup.
Jongdae eyed you fondly, even as he continued to record. “I know,” he admitted, reaching out to place his hand on your knee. He smiled to himself when you covered his hand with yours, squeezing it in reassurance.
The bride and groom glided across the dance floor as a singer crooned to Paul Kim’s “Every Day, Every Moment”. Jongdae sang along, his voice weaving in and blending with the song.
You rested against his shoulder, and Jongdae paused from his singing to kiss the top of your head. “I love you,” he whispered into your hair.
“I love you too.” You voice held a hint of wobbliness to it, overcome with the emotion in the room and your boyfriend’s affection.
“Thank you for everything, for loving me even when I bother you.”
You sat up, one hand reaching out to cup Jongdae’s cheek so that you could look him straight in the eyes. “Baby, you’re not a bother. Not even in the slightest.”
Jongdae shook his head. “I’m too needy, you don’t deserve it.”
“Kim Jongdae, listen to me. I love you for everything that you are. I don’t want you to worry about being too much of something, or not enough of another because I love you regardless.” Your thumb ran over his cheek, a comforting caress as Jongdae let his eyes flutter shut. He turned to kiss your palm, mouth curving into the smile that you loved.
“Thank you,” he murmured against your skin, eyes shining with warmth.
The band played the closing notes to their song, the wedded couple sharing a kiss as the guests cheered. The lead singer bowed with the rest of the band before leaning closer to the microphone. “And now, I’d like to call the best man up for a special surprise!”
Your eyes widened as Jongdae stood up, giving you a quick wink before strolling over to the stage. He took the mic from the singer with a grin before facing the crowd. “Hello, everyone. Let’s have another round of applause for our happy couple!”
Jongdae laughed as his brother’s face turned pink, embarrassed by all of the attention. “I just wanted to say again how happy I am for both of you on this very, very special day. I’ve always been better at expressing myself through music, so I’ve prepared a little something as a gift.” He breathed in deeply, nodding towards the band before bringing the microphone back to his lips.
As the band started up, you immediately recognized the song. It was a favorite of both of yours, for you to listen to and for Jongdae to sing.
“Tonight, I’ll send the glow of a firefly,” he crooned, a hush falling over the room. “To somewhere near your window.”
You let your eyes close for the song, focusing on Jongdae’s voice only as your feet tapped along to the slow, delicate rhythm. Jongdae was just as immersed in the song, eyes closed as he let the music wash over him. In times like these, it was easy for Jongdae to forget everything around him — well, everything except you. He sang knowing that you were out there listening, pouring every extra bit, every ounce of tenderness in him into the song.
Only after he sang the last line, the music dying down and being replaced with applause, did he dare to open his eyes again. He bowed to the newlyweds before looking for you, beaming widely when he made eye contact.
He made his way back to you, a lone boat drifting through the seas back to his lighthouse, until he was safe by your side.
“You were amazing,” you whispered to him, your fingers twining with his as he basked in your praise. “I’m proud of you, Dae.”
“Thank you,” he mumbled shyly. No matter how many times he was complimented on his singing, none of them touched them as deeply as yours.
The tender moment was interrupted by one of the groomsmen calling everyone onto the dance floor, the band starting into a setlist of feel-good pop songs. You let Jongdae drag you out there with everyone else, spinning and dancing to the beat with a smile on your face. There were a couple of times where you switched partners, going to dance with Jongdae’s parents, his brother, even his sister-in-law. Jongdae pretended to be annoyed when you were whisked off by one of his cousin’s kids, the four-year-old enamored with you and begging for dance after dance.
“Dance with me one more time?” she asked.
“Hey,” Jongdae spoke up, hands on his hips even as he was struggling to hide his laughter. “She’s my dance partner.”
“No, she’s mine!” The preschooler held onto your leg, sticking her tongue out at Jongdae. This had both of you breaking into giggles, much to the child’s confusion.
“You heard her,” you told Jongdae, shooing him away. “I’ll come find you when we’re done.”
Jongdae crouched down until he was eye level with the girl. “Be careful, she likes to step on people’s feet,” he said in a fake-whisper.
“No she doesn’t! Y/N’s a princess, and princesses are the best dancers!” The girl’s face was set in a frown, as if deeply offended that Jongdae would even dare to attack your dancing skills.
You and Jongdae exchanged an amused glance before he stood back up, shrugging his shoulders. “You’re right, I can’t argue with that.”
Although Jongdae wasn’t the one dancing with you, he still having just as much fun as if he were. He watched in delight as you spun the tiny girl around, laughing when she giggled as you dipped her. Being the good sport that she was, Jongdae’s niece gave you up good naturedly before finding another family member to dance with.
“She’s adorable,” you told him as you both watched the girl waltz off.
“She is. And she’s right about you being a princess.”
“You’re darn right she is.” Both of you giggled over this, foreheads pressed together. Neither one of you cared that the two of you were sweaty and growing tired from the festivities, grateful instead for all of the memories being made that night.
“This has to be one of the best nights of my life, and it’s not even my own wedding,” you said with a giggle.
Jongdae hummed in agreement, holding you close to him as both of you swayed back and forth. “Not yet, at least.”
He couldn’t see your face from where you had your head on his shoulder, but Jongdae knew you too well to know that you were smiling contentedly. “Not yet,” you repeated, hope blossoming.
Jongdae looked down at where your hands were joined, his thumb tracing the outline of your engagement ring.
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A/N: trust jongdae to get me out of my writer’s block 🤣 after seeing all of those posts of him singing at his brother’s wedding, i just knew i had to write about (semi) wedding singer jongdae
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