demonicintegrity · 4 years
I need more dad!Jamack! I think it would be hilarious if Harris got to meet little Harris.
I believe @pretentiousendeavour touched on that scenario a lil bit because it is a funny thought. (this is xyr AU) but I adore this au and this prompt too much to not drabble something for it. Assuming Harris is alive for this lmao.
Froglet Harris is different from Mod Frog Harris in a few ways. The most glaringly obvious being lil Harris has little sense of self-preservation and love adventure. She doesn’t even need arms, she’s gotten into plenty of trouble with just two legs.
If Jamack had hair it’d start getting gray. The amount of times he’s had to run after this child is far too many. And that’s exactly what he’s doing right now. The child had run into the forest, swearing she saw a small mute they could make into food. Good intention, he’ll give her that, but most mutes don’t take kindly into being made into lunch and she’s not the best at her combat training.
So Jamack is on the chase, calling after her and praying she isn’t gonna walk into a mega bunny den again. It’s easy to find her no matter how quickly ahead she goes, her eyes always give her away. She doesn’t respond to his calls but he sees a flash of red out of the corner of his eyes.
He leaps towards it, aiming to grab her shirt and shake some sense into her but is interrupted—
“Jamack!? What the hell!”
He’s shoved off. It’s not froglet Harris, it’s old asshole colleague Harris.
“Wha- Harris!?”
“Don’t you “what” me, you’re the one who grabbed me!”
“Yea well I didn’t think it was you.” He says with a huff. “They hell are you doing here anyways? Mod Frogs don’t need to be in these parts.”
“Why I’m here is none of your business! I should be asking you that!” Harris makes a point to jab his chest with that remark.
“What’s it matter to you why I’m here? This isn’t Mod Frog territory, I can be here if I wanna be!”
“Doesn’t matter! Why are you here? You know damn well we come through these parts!” Harris has his hands on Jamack now, both hands grabbing his collar in threat.
“Harris you ass-“
“Hey, why ya callin me an ass I didn’t do nothing!” The froglet enters the scene, kicking off a stick that got snagged on her pants before turning to the two older frogs.
Harris stares at the froglet, than back at Jamack, than at the froglet again, processing the fact that this child responded to his name. Said child is staring at the scene in front of her, not only amazed by another frog that looks like her, but reeling at that fact that he’s grabbing her dad. Jamack on the other hand, starts to sweat, realizing his situation just got like three extra layers of shit added onto it.
(Honestly just imagine that tiktok audio going DUN dun DUN dun DUN dun DUNN as the three look at each other, it’s all I can see in this scene, ending in a close up of Jamack sweating in distress. It’s hilarious.)
The froglet is the first to move, shouting a war cry of “GETOFFMYDAD” before charging forward to headbutt the lanky frog. Jamack, taking advantage of the fact that Harris Sr is off guard, breaks free of his grasp and grabs the child. In a smooth, rehearsed all-too-often move, he’s got the child under one arm like she’s a piece of luggage. No amount of her kicking his getting her free.
Harris is in shock. There’s another frog with red eyes like him- she’s a froglet but sure- and she’s kicking and whining in Jamack’s grasp and he’s handling her like it’s nothing.
“Welp. Better get going.” Jamack wants this scenario to end now.
“Wha- now hold on just a minute! What the fuck!?”
“Don’t you swear at him! I’ll bite you!”
“Harris no you won’t-“
“HARRIS!?” So he wasn’t mishearing things, the froglet is named Harris. “Her name is Harris!?”
“And what about it punk!?”
“Oh lord.”
Poor Jamack does not ever get a break. He sets the child down, sighs, and rubs his face.
“Harris, this is Harris. No, I didn’t pick out her name intentionally-“
“But didn’t you-“ She speaks up.
“No. She’s a froglet and we’re just staying in the area for a bit until she gets her arms.”
“Hold up- what- you’re taking care of her!?”
“No- well- ah-“ He stammers. It’s not like he has a good response to this, nor is it common for frogs to actually take care of their young.
“Yea so what! What about you!? You got eyes like me, we related or something? I’ve never seen another frog like me!”
“Uh no. We’re not related.” Harris tells her, ignoring how Jamack tries to tell her to be quiet. Under his breath Harris half-mentions not seeing a frog like himself either. “Where are you from?”
“Jamack found me in an old human store. What about you?”
“I was born back at the Pond- er, with the Mod Frogs.”
Her eyes turn into stars as she gasp. “Are there more of us there!?” She’s excited at the prospect.
“Uh, no.” He says a little too flatly. “No. Just frogs more like Jamack.”
“Oh.” She pretends she didn’t deflate as much as she did.
There’s an awkward pause. The trio of frogs processing what’s going on, Jamack resisting the urge to bite his knuckles in nervous habit. He did not plan for these two meeting each other, hell, ever since he started raising lil Harris his old colleagues completely escaped his mind.
“So uh...” Harris tries to speak back up again. “Your name is Harris?”
“Harris-“ Jamack tries to warn the child, a dumb attempt and he knows.
“Yea! It’s the first thing he said to me I think! Soooo it’s my name.” She says cheerily.
Harris looks at Jamack, who’s face is flushed and is currently trying to keep a nervous ribbit from coming up. He fails. Harris laughs.
“You- you named a child after me!” He points at him, laughing at the absurdity of it. His old disgraced coworker, someone he used to spend almost all his work time with, named a child after him!?
“It wasn’t intentional-!”
“Bullshit! How do you accidentally name a child!?”
“Trust me Harris-“ Jamack stammers. He’s never been so out of his element before.
The two frogs bicker again, Jamack desperately trying to salvage what remains of his pride and reputation and Harris just laughing at the absurdity of it all.
Lil Harris is just watching with awe. She’s just happy she’s meeting another frog. He’s even wearing a suit like her dad! Clearly, this must mean only cool and fun things are going to come from this.
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
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In between classes I wanted to doodle something for @pretentiousendeavour’s dadmack/ baby Harris au.
I like to think they met when Harris was at the awkward froglet stage where she grew her legs, but doesn’t have her arms yet.
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