#adoptive dadmack
ravlykpavlyk · 1 year
10 year old kevin: hi dad!
wymack, opening the front door: uh kevin? who is it?
neil behind kevin, covered in bruises and cuts: I'm neil
kevin: he's neil. he likes exy! I'm gonna keep him
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wraith-demjin · 1 year
I just started rereading The Foxhole Court and it's so comforting I can feel myself relaxing and my anxiety decreasing I can't believe it took me this long to reread it
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deklo · 1 month
maybe i will draw adoptive!bee with both twins and also dadmack with kevin and perhaps. also neil.
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smileysportslover · 1 year
Hey! I’m looking for a fic and was wondering if anybody could maybe point me in the right direction or even just send a link?
Neil basically is put on medication for what i believe is his paranoia and anxiety or something like that. One basically he forgets to take his pills, and goes into a downward spiral but still insisting that he is okay. This is placed in his fifth year with Andrew away. Featuring DadMack, he takes care of Neil. Also Abby and Wymack live together and Neil is like basically their adoptive son, staying the night there and making and having dinner with them like the happy family Neil deserves ofc 😌.
I read this like a bit ago and last I checked it had one more chapter left before it was over. There isn’t over 10 chapters i don’t think. I just really love the Wymack and Neil dynamic that was going on in it, and it left me on somewhat of a cliff hanger and i need to know if it ever got finished or i don’t think my life will ever feel complete 💀. Also it was in Ao3 btw. Thank you!
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
Guess who did more dadmack doodles
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Iconic quote + someone teach this girl survival skills
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Anxiety™️ also known as: this child is taking years off his life
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And finally, something wholesome.
In conclusion? @pretentiousendeavour’s AU lives in my heart rent-free
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mossiestpiglet · 4 years
Thinking about baby Harris/adoptive dadmack au again and how the way jamack treats and raises Harris would be different from how he himself grew up?
Like the mod frog way to raise kids is basically to force them to survive for themselves and compete with each other- both for survival and for status within mod frog society. There’s likely very little if any affection between parents/childcare frogs and offspring, and froglets are probably made to be on their own as much as possible, while also being forced to learn and rigidly follow all the rules of the group.
But jamack isn’t a mod frog anymore, he’s been exiled. And in a general sense he’s also just alone and the way that the mod frogs raise their froglets requires having peers to compete against. So if it’s just him and Harris, it wouldn’t work. He also doesn’t have some of the things that are crucial to the mod frog culture, like the uniforms. So there are practical reasons why jamack wouldn’t be able to give Harris the same childhood he had.
But I think it’s much more interesting if jamack is choosing to raise Harris differently. Maybe he thinks that it just won’t suit Harris because she’s so wild and he can’t really change that. Maybe it’s just that he thinks he can’t be a parent in the way mod frogs are supposed to because he doesn’t think he’s a “good enough” mod frog (look the man actually has no self esteem he just covers it by pretending to have WAY TOO MUCH self esteem).
Or maybe jamack has realized that the way he was raised hurt. That it left him wanting. That he’s never felt able to be himself. That hes never been able to fully trust that anyone will have his back. That he spent his childhood waiting desperately for someone to care about him and that he’s still waiting for that.
So he doesn’t really know what to do, he doesn’t have a reference for how to raise a child in a way that won’t hurt them, but he wants to do it right. And Harris doesn’t know what it’s like to have an adult looking after her because she’s never had an adult in her life before. She’s never had anyone in her life before. So for both of them this is all entirely strange and new and confusing. But they care about each other so they keep trying to do it right.
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Hey! Do y'all have any fics where all the foxes are in foster care???
(2) Anonymous said to aftgficrec:
Do you know any fics where the foxes are all foster kids??? Idk if I asked this already but do you??
(3) Anonymous said to aftgficrec:
Idk whether I asked for this already but are there any fics with all the foxes as foster kids? Like as teenagers or something? With maybe Wymack as their foster dad? Thank you!
Hi!  We’ve put some fics together here where all or at least some of the foxes are in foster care together.  In previous posts you can find fics where Neil and/or Andrew or the twins are being fostered and adopted. - S
Bee adopts Andrew here
Twinyards adoption here
Andrew in foster care here
‘The Kids Are Alright (Now)’ here
ten children, one acquarium by jemejem [Rated T, 8735 words, complete, 2019]
wymack loves his kids: even the ones that aren't his.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/non-con, tw: canon-typical violence, 
sickeningly sweet - the kid au series by broship_addict [Rated M, 32826 words, incomplete, last updated Dec 2017]
Sometimes shit happens and you end up with three times as many kids as you had planned. Wymack loves them all anyways.
Part 1: sickeningly sweet (like honey) (M, 30351 words)
Andrew Doe is twelve years old when he walks into Fox's Sweets Shop. Somehow, he leaves with three friends and all of them are Exy-obsessed losers.
tw: implied/referenced csa 
Wymack and his kids pt. 1 by @neil-jortson [tumblr, 2020]
This is a headcannon in which the foxes are actual children that wymack and Abby foster/ adopt. 
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: blood
Wymack and his kids pt. 2 by @neil-jortson [tumblr, 2020]
- Wymack looked down at the kid on his doorstep and asked “Nathaniel are you hurt?”
tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced violence
I was homeward bound by thatsabitgay [Rated G, 1472 words, incomplete, last updated June 2020]
The Foxhole Home was one of the good ones. A place for discarded children to have that extra chance at a good life. Wymack was willing to give food, shelter, and best of all - a family.
Or- Andrew is given the chance to attend the same foster home as his cousin, Adam goes along too, Ronan is suddenly very aware of how gay he is and Neil is being a secretive little shit.
tw: implied/referenced violence, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
For little monsters with fragile hearts by A_Nobelmonster [Not Rated, 2907 words, incomplete, last updated Aug 2016]
David Wymack runs Palmetto’s states home for the young, with the aid of Abbey Winfield on site Nurse and Betsey Dobson , famed child psychologist for troubled youth. Though the home is for problem children and tough cases you will find nothing but an overwhelming abundance of love in this house.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced csa
Dadmack and baby foxes by @llheji [tumblr, 2019]
Kid Foxes with ice cream art by @broresteia
Kid Foxes Pile art by @broresteia
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writingpuddle · 5 years
hi for the prompt maybe mini andreil? as in they are childhood friends. neil has uncle stuart and andrew has bee and they are like 11&12 and fooling around with each other :D
Yess!!! I subbed in Wymack for stuart because there will never be enough Dadmack in this world for me. thanks anon!
I would…be open to writing more oneshots in this universe. Warningsfor (very) vague references to child abuse vis-a-vis Neil’s dad and Andrew’s time in foster care.
“It’s so unfaaaair,” Neil whined, ripping a chunk of grass out of the ground. “Kevin gets to go.”
“Kevin is twelve,” Andrew said. “You’re not.”
“I’m way better than any of the other twelve-year-old’s on Kevin’s team.”
Andrew rolled his eyes. Kevin had been away at Exy summer camp for a day and a half, and Neil would not shut up about it. “You’re too short to play with the bigger kids.”
Neil scowled, ripping up some more grass and dumping it on Andrew’s legs. “I’m not that short. I’m almost as tall as you.”
“Are not.”
“Are so!”
“Are not.”
Neil flopped on his back, heaving a big sigh. “I hate summer.”
“You’re a loser.”
Neil chucked another handful of grass at him. The wind caught it and blew half of it into Andrew’s face. He spluttered, spitting grass out of his mouth while Neil laughed. His reddish-brown hair fell into his eyes and Andrew’s chest did a weird squeezy thing, his face going warm.  
Andrew kicked him in the leg. “I hate you.”
Neil grinned up at him. “Do you think Coach would let us borrow a couple racquets?”
“So we can go play at the park.”
“What if I don’t want to play Exy?”
“I’m bored.”
“That’s your problem.”
“You’re such a jerk,” Neil muttered, rolling onto his stomach. “Do you want to go swimming? We could go up to the lake. You could borrow Kevin’s bike.”
“You don’t even like swimming.”
“I don’t like swimming with my class. They always stare at me.”
Neil shredded grass between his fingers, shrugging. “Because I’m messed up.”
“You’re not messed up.”
Neil kept ripping up grass, not looking at Andrew. “My dad used to…hurt me. When I was bad, or too loud, or he was angry. It’s really ugly.”
The warmth in Andrew’s chest went out as if he’d plunged into icy water. He grabbed Neil’s chin, pulling his face up until he had to meet Andrew’s gaze. His blue eyes went wide, staring up at Andrew.
“Neil. Is he—” He couldn’t finish the sentence. Phantom hands tugged at his hair and a wave of fierce protectiveness washed over him. He’d never let anyone hurt Neil like that. Never. “We could tell Bee. You don’t have to stay here.”
“What?” Neil’s expression cleared. “Not Coach. No, Andrew, it’s okay. I’m adopted.”
“Oh,” Andrew said, sitting back on his heels. He dropped his hand a second later, the sudden fear blowing out of him like a candle in the breeze. 
A smile peeked out of Neil’s eyes as he leaned forward, poking Andrew in the stomach. “It’s okay. I forgot I didn’t tell you.”
Andrew hunched his shoulders, embarrassment creeping up the back of his neck. “You don’t even call him dad. I should have guessed.”
“It’s fine,” Neil said, rolling over and sprawling in the grass. 
The breeze washed the smell of budding flowers and freshly cut grass over them. The meadow behind Coach’s house was a riot of colours, a tiny creek burbling just out of sight. Andrew couldn’t think of anything to say to cover up his bungle. He should’ve known that Neil was like him. It was why they’d become friends in the first place.
“My dad was a really bad person,” Neil said, breaking the silence. “My mom took me away when I was seven. She and Kevin’s mom were friends, so she left me with Coach. She said she’d come back for me when it was safe.”
Andrew waited for a long second, but there was nothing more forthcoming. “She never came back.”
Neil stared upwards, eyes distant. “No.”
Andrew lay down beside Neil,staring up at the sky. Lines of clouds streaked the sky, like the knitted sweaters Bee was always making. Neil shifted until their arms were touching and Andrew found he didn’t mind.
“I’m adopted too,” he said. “I was in foster care before Bee found me.”
“Oh,” Neil said, rolling onto his side to study Andrew with his too-blue eyes. “What was foster care like?”
Andrew closed his eyes against the memories pressing against the inside of his skin. He took a deep breath, leaning into Neil’s warmth, grounding himself with the breeze, the tickle of grass against the back of his neck. “Bad,” he said.
Neil made a quiet, understanding sort of noise. Andrew sat up abruptly, grabbing Neil’s arm and hauling him to his feet.
“What are you doing?” Neil asked, scrambling to get his feet under him.
“Going to get some racquets,” Andrew said, pulling Neil towards the house. “The lake sucks, anyway.”
Neil’s face lit up and he ranahead, pushing the sliding door open and skidding into the living room. “Coooooach!” he shouted, his voice echoing. 
Andrew stepped over the doorway into Neil’s living room. There were dozens of pictures up on the wall of Neil’s family. The biggest one hung over the fireplace, an image of Coach with Kevin and Neil on either side of him, wearing their little league uniforms. Beside it was a slightly smaller frame with a little black ribbon in the corner, holding an image of Kevin and a woman with matching bright green eyes.
Coffee rings and empty mugs covered all available surfaces, and stacks of books and files littered the floor. It would drive Bee mad, Andrew thought.
Coach Wymack emerged from his study, rubbing his eyes. “What do you want?”
Neil was completely unperturbed by his adopted-dad’s gruff tone. “Can Andrew and I borrow racquets?”
Wymack blinked down at him. “School ended three days ago and you want to play Exy already?”
Coach huffed, ruffling Neil’s hair. “Go ahead. Take your phone with you.”
“Yes! Thank you!” He grabbed Coach around the middle, squeezing quickly before dashing off into the hallway.
Andrew felt a familiar turn in his stomach at being alone in a room with an adult man, but he took a deep breath, counting like Bee had taught him. Wymack was safe; if Neil trusted him, Andrew would too.
“Do you have a phone?” Wymack asked.
Andrew nodded.
“Good. Neil always forgets to charge his. Call me if you need anything.”
Neil appeared in the doorway, arms full of gear. “Are you coming?”
Andrew gave Wymack a nod and followed Neil into the hallway. Exy was kind of annoying, especially with Kevin getting super competitive at practice all the time.
With Neil, though, it was kind of fun. Not that he’d ever tell Neil that.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King: A Summary – The Plot Twist King
Shocks and revelations! Sassfests! Backstory awesomeness! Team spirit! The Josten Glow Up™! Me losing my shit! But most importantly – plot.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to sum up The Raven King.
In 2013, now-renowned author Nora Sakavic blessed us with The Raven King, book two of the All For The Game trilogy. In this second installment of orange gay sporty murder shit, ex-runaway, part-time sassmaster, and all-time Exy nerd Neil Josten meets the Edgar Allan Ravens, a team that is exactly as dark and fucked-up as their completely unsubtle name suggests.
Especially Neil has reason to fear them: Star player Riko Moriyama, also known as That Fucker™, and his father Tetsuji are Neil's crime lord father's crime lord bosses and are exactly 0% fooled by his runaway act. However, as Neil is a 100% impulsive savage sassmaster, he consistently picks fights with them anyways, which Riko repays by revealing his true identity to Kevin.
But that's not all there is. Just when the Foxes' start to form some actual team spirit and real friendships, our heroes experience the shock of the century: At the Hemmick's family Thanksgiving, goalie, snarkmaster and court-approved maniac Andrew Minyard is raped by his long-time childhood abuser Drake. In his brother’s defense, Aaron rushes in and kills Drake - a ruse set up by Riko Moriyama.
In order to free his boyfriend teammate from the Moriyama-bribed doctors Andrew was sent to for rehab, Neil agrees to spend Christmas with the Ravens, which is exactly Not A Fun Time. There, he is tortured, abused, cut, burnt, tattooed against his will and generally made to look as if he had a fun encounter with a meat chopper. Bruised and beaten, Neil returns home to his Fox family and swears everlasting vengeance on The Raven Fuckers.
And that’s The Raven King for you.
Did I like it? Hell fucking yes.
Did I prefer it to the first book? Hell fucking yes.
Seriously, The Foxhole Court was wonderful, all good things in there, all the exposition a girl could want, but The Raven King was where shit finally, finally started going down.
There was PLOT. There were brain-mushing twists and jaw-dropping revelations, breath-stopping shocks and heart-clenching emotional moments galore.
This, as predicted last time, was the book where the arc of suspense picks up speed. It’s a basic - but effective - trilogy setup: The first book sets the scene, introduces the theme and the characters and gets the reader invested in the story. The second book dishes out the truly gripping plot points, keeping the reader at it and paving the way for the big finale. Finally, the third book is where shit truly goes down: Here, the last big twists are revealed and everything culminates in an epic finale.
It is Every Trilogy Ever, and it works like a fucking charm.
Personal highlights of this book include, but are not limited to:
THE FALL BANQUET SASSFEST. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. I will probably never shut up about this ever. "Dan, I said please" honestly ICONIC. 
"I don't think Riko likes me very much"
The second banquet, but for entirely different reasons - reasons being Neil's newfound guard dog attitude and my newfound tears
Renee’s backstory can I get a hell yeah
Nicky teaching Neil how to cellphone uhmmm sign me the eff up
Thanksgiving. We don't talk about Thanksgiving but. Honestly that chapter.
The very last two chapters scared the crap out of me but honestly, they were so well-written and so amazing so suck it I'm including them here seriously they were so good
Same as last time, but updated: Opinions on characters!
Neil is still my son, but wow, introducing Son 2.0 in the Updated Version: Now featuring Facing Your Problems, Dealing With Shit and Actual Responsibility! With a guaranteed 20% less emo and 100% more awesome! Buy now, get one punch in the Raven jaw for free. No, seriously, Fearless Neil Josten is my favourite Neil Josten. He is right on the same level as Sassmaster McSavage Neil Josten, followed by Responsible Neil Josten, with Angsty Dramatic Runaway Neil Josten coming in last. (Sorry, book 1.)
Andrew has risen through the ranks of my favourites faster than mentos in a coke bottle. I LOVE HIM. Thanksgiving has cemented this. He is my small gay angry knife murder son and I will protect him five-fucking-ever. He is the main reason I am hella excited for TKM because Andrew!! Off!! His!! Meds!!! Imma pass out I'm so excited.
Kevin has definitely improved as well – the awesome 'I Have Adopted This Team And I Will Make Them Great, Suck My Dick Riko' scene, anyone?
Nicky has won back my heart for good by now - the Teaching Neil How To Phone Incident has definitely rid him of any and all past mistakes in my book. Also, he is the fuck precious and continues to bring sunshine into all our bleak lives. 
Aaron has gained mad, mad sympathy points in this book. He suddenly has a PERSONALITY, you guys. Also, the Thanksgiving incident. THE THANKSGIVING INCIDENT. Anyone hating on Aaron from this point on can fight me. Also Katelyn is an a+ cutiepie.
My opinions on Renee, Matt and Dan are pretty much the same as before, if heightened by the reveal of all of their awesome backstories. An ex-street gangster, an ex-junkie and an ex-stripper all loving and supporting each other and being their own family?? Sign me the fuck up.
The only one I'm still kind of 'meh' about is Allison. Where's her backstory. Pls. I want it.
Wymack, Abby and Betsy are the Fox Parent Triumvirate, my opinion on them hasn't changed either. Also Dadmack!
And my opinion on Riko and his bastard posse should be clear. Kind of split on Jean (he's a victim etc etc, still doesn't excuse him imo, but maybe he’ll become more likeable later), but that's about it.
Let's take a look at some predictions I made last time, shall we?
They’ll deal with Seth’s death – some better, some worse pretty much exactly sums it up, go me
The banquet thing will happen and it will be hella awkward and hilarious and something Super Dramatic And Important will happen OH MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD OH MY OH MY
Neil will master the Raven drills Kevin is making him do and it will be EPIC so he did pass them apparently, but I actually had to read back on this to be sure, sooo - no epicness. instead: heavier racquets! when will Kevin chill, the answer is never
Andreil will continue having Important Gay Moments™ uhmmm hECK YES lotsa andreil in this book, ya girl is happy
The “Kevin and Riko know Neil” situation will not be addressed (!) (I’m expecting that to be in the last book, near the final epic smackdown) GIRL YOU WERE EXPECTING WRONG BAHAHAHA
Neither will we meet Neil’s father (again, last book) ok I'm sticking with this tbh
However, we will meet Tetsuji and shit will go down oh hon
Also, we’ll meet some Ravens I suppose, since it is the Raven King after all "WE WILL MEET SOME RAVENS, I SUPPOSE" oh HON OH HON
We will find out Renee’s backstory y e e e s
We will find out something – if maybe not everything – about the Minyard-Hemmick backstory Y E E E E E E E E S oh dear
Some more kisses will happen. I don’t care who kisses whom. Probably not Andreil (yet). Let it be Abby and Wymack. Aaron and his irrelevant girlfriend. I don’t care. Give me kisses. excuse you, "irrelevant" psshh, but yeah that's the only kisses in this book :(
And because I don't learn from my mistakes, let's do this one last time - Shit I Think Will Happen In The Kings Men:
HANDS UP FOR CANON ANDREIL I'm sorry, I know this is happening, tumblr told me :/
Will they kiss tho?? Will they have actual love declarations?? Sexy times maybe even????? WHO KNOOOOOOWS
I will love the USC Trojans 1000% if they are huffy puffs I will love them
Someone's gotta die who are we kidding
Hopefully no one of our guys
We will finally get that sweet Allison backstory (come on girl don't let me down)
We will meet Neil's dad. This cannot not happen.
Some championship shit will happen in which the Foxes either a) win or b) don't win but The Real Prize Was The Friendships We Made Along The Way
Nicky's bullshit dad will get the court case he deserves (if this doesn't happen I'm the fuck quitting)
Cats are probably important somewhere
Phew. That's it for this book, then. As always, thank you guys are so much for sticking with me through this. You are the backbone, the spirit, the motivation of this blog. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
See you soon with the third - and final - book. I am not ready.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing (still working on that laptop), please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <33
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
I need more dad!Jamack! I think it would be hilarious if Harris got to meet little Harris.
I believe @pretentiousendeavour touched on that scenario a lil bit because it is a funny thought. (this is xyr AU) but I adore this au and this prompt too much to not drabble something for it. Assuming Harris is alive for this lmao.
Froglet Harris is different from Mod Frog Harris in a few ways. The most glaringly obvious being lil Harris has little sense of self-preservation and love adventure. She doesn’t even need arms, she’s gotten into plenty of trouble with just two legs.
If Jamack had hair it’d start getting gray. The amount of times he’s had to run after this child is far too many. And that’s exactly what he’s doing right now. The child had run into the forest, swearing she saw a small mute they could make into food. Good intention, he’ll give her that, but most mutes don’t take kindly into being made into lunch and she’s not the best at her combat training.
So Jamack is on the chase, calling after her and praying she isn’t gonna walk into a mega bunny den again. It’s easy to find her no matter how quickly ahead she goes, her eyes always give her away. She doesn’t respond to his calls but he sees a flash of red out of the corner of his eyes.
He leaps towards it, aiming to grab her shirt and shake some sense into her but is interrupted—
“Jamack!? What the hell!”
He’s shoved off. It’s not froglet Harris, it’s old asshole colleague Harris.
“Wha- Harris!?”
“Don’t you “what” me, you’re the one who grabbed me!”
“Yea well I didn’t think it was you.” He says with a huff. “They hell are you doing here anyways? Mod Frogs don’t need to be in these parts.”
“Why I’m here is none of your business! I should be asking you that!” Harris makes a point to jab his chest with that remark.
“What’s it matter to you why I’m here? This isn’t Mod Frog territory, I can be here if I wanna be!”
“Doesn’t matter! Why are you here? You know damn well we come through these parts!” Harris has his hands on Jamack now, both hands grabbing his collar in threat.
“Harris you ass-“
“Hey, why ya callin me an ass I didn’t do nothing!” The froglet enters the scene, kicking off a stick that got snagged on her pants before turning to the two older frogs.
Harris stares at the froglet, than back at Jamack, than at the froglet again, processing the fact that this child responded to his name. Said child is staring at the scene in front of her, not only amazed by another frog that looks like her, but reeling at that fact that he’s grabbing her dad. Jamack on the other hand, starts to sweat, realizing his situation just got like three extra layers of shit added onto it.
(Honestly just imagine that tiktok audio going DUN dun DUN dun DUN dun DUNN as the three look at each other, it’s all I can see in this scene, ending in a close up of Jamack sweating in distress. It’s hilarious.)
The froglet is the first to move, shouting a war cry of “GETOFFMYDAD” before charging forward to headbutt the lanky frog. Jamack, taking advantage of the fact that Harris Sr is off guard, breaks free of his grasp and grabs the child. In a smooth, rehearsed all-too-often move, he’s got the child under one arm like she’s a piece of luggage. No amount of her kicking his getting her free.
Harris is in shock. There’s another frog with red eyes like him- she’s a froglet but sure- and she’s kicking and whining in Jamack’s grasp and he’s handling her like it’s nothing.
“Welp. Better get going.” Jamack wants this scenario to end now.
“Wha- now hold on just a minute! What the fuck!?”
“Don’t you swear at him! I’ll bite you!”
“Harris no you won’t-“
“HARRIS!?” So he wasn’t mishearing things, the froglet is named Harris. “Her name is Harris!?”
“And what about it punk!?”
“Oh lord.”
Poor Jamack does not ever get a break. He sets the child down, sighs, and rubs his face.
“Harris, this is Harris. No, I didn’t pick out her name intentionally-“
“But didn’t you-“ She speaks up.
“No. She’s a froglet and we’re just staying in the area for a bit until she gets her arms.”
“Hold up- what- you’re taking care of her!?”
“No- well- ah-“ He stammers. It’s not like he has a good response to this, nor is it common for frogs to actually take care of their young.
“Yea so what! What about you!? You got eyes like me, we related or something? I’ve never seen another frog like me!”
“Uh no. We’re not related.” Harris tells her, ignoring how Jamack tries to tell her to be quiet. Under his breath Harris half-mentions not seeing a frog like himself either. “Where are you from?”
“Jamack found me in an old human store. What about you?”
“I was born back at the Pond- er, with the Mod Frogs.”
Her eyes turn into stars as she gasp. “Are there more of us there!?” She’s excited at the prospect.
“Uh, no.” He says a little too flatly. “No. Just frogs more like Jamack.”
“Oh.” She pretends she didn’t deflate as much as she did.
There’s an awkward pause. The trio of frogs processing what’s going on, Jamack resisting the urge to bite his knuckles in nervous habit. He did not plan for these two meeting each other, hell, ever since he started raising lil Harris his old colleagues completely escaped his mind.
“So uh...” Harris tries to speak back up again. “Your name is Harris?”
“Harris-“ Jamack tries to warn the child, a dumb attempt and he knows.
“Yea! It’s the first thing he said to me I think! Soooo it’s my name.” She says cheerily.
Harris looks at Jamack, who’s face is flushed and is currently trying to keep a nervous ribbit from coming up. He fails. Harris laughs.
“You- you named a child after me!” He points at him, laughing at the absurdity of it. His old disgraced coworker, someone he used to spend almost all his work time with, named a child after him!?
“It wasn’t intentional-!”
“Bullshit! How do you accidentally name a child!?”
“Trust me Harris-“ Jamack stammers. He’s never been so out of his element before.
The two frogs bicker again, Jamack desperately trying to salvage what remains of his pride and reputation and Harris just laughing at the absurdity of it all.
Lil Harris is just watching with awe. She’s just happy she’s meeting another frog. He’s even wearing a suit like her dad! Clearly, this must mean only cool and fun things are going to come from this.
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mossiestpiglet · 4 years
How I feel about this character
Stunning, excellent, 10/10 sad bastard crime frog. Traded all his brain cells for ambition and it DID NOT work out. He’s just so incredibly repressed by his culture, he’s always been an outcast, he’s incredibly insecure about everything. Doesn’t think anyone would ever like him but hides it by being an absolute self-absorbed turnip. Deserves the world and a good kick in the shin.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Only romantic relationships and not counting my degenerate frog thirst ideas, Lio, Harris, and Scarlemagne are the big ones! He and Harris have always been around each other and have a fraught past with trying to form a relationship. Liomack because Lio will help him love himself and be more confident and Jamack will help Lio to accept that sometimes you try your best and still lose.
AND SCARLEMACK GOD im so weak for all iterations of scarlemack. Where they’re both evil, where they’re both reformed, where scarl is evil and jamack comes to his senses, it’s all so good. I’m a sucker for a happy ending though so reformed villains scarlemack is my favorite!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I will gush about Jamack and Kwat forever. I will also just gush about Kwat forever. but like seriously they have also been partnered up since they were froglets, and kwat is so much more confident and secure than jamack is and he is so envious because he wants that so much. And Kwat knows how much Jamack cares about promotions and stuff so she cares about that for him, but not actually for herself, and she likes Jamack because he treats her like a person and not just like a big body to be thrown at problems.
That’s not even getting into my “Jamack adopts a red eyed tree froglet” thing where I’m ALSO obsessed with him as a dad and how it would make him face the shittiest parts of mod frog culture
My unpopular opinion about this character
He’s not perfect! He comes from a pretty terrible culture which has affected him horribly and he is certainly not at the end of his journey! He’s also fully not yet in a position where he is going to take care of anyone else as evidenced by the fact that he specifically chose to go with Kipo and co. in season 2. He saw kids who needed help and who could have really used his knowledge and skills and he decided to send them off into danger without him. He’s got a lot of ways to go before he’s actually dadmack material.
Also this is and has always been a Puck hate blog, fuck puck and his theater ilk, Jamack and Puck is not and never will be a thing because Jamack is only there for the dough
(im a theater kid im allowed to hate other theater kids)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Obviously he better show up in S3 but if he is there and doesn’t mourn Harris and Kwat i’m gonna cry.
thank you for letting me shout about the dramatic frog man!
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