#pretty much the most of the account that we've pieced together so far
sonia-kate · 11 months
Timeline in King-Ohger (part 1)
So, I've watched Zeo Agito's review of recent King-Ohger episodes and he pointed out how Jerami's mom killing Daigorg kinda messes up the timeline, so I decided to try to piece it back together, especially that King-Ohger has been pretty consistent so far
What do we know?
Jerami's mum - Nephilia - died after she defeated Daigorg. Jerami was just a kid then
Daigorg was a general that lead Dethnarak's faction to victory during Bugnarok's civil war
Dethnarak doesn't know the reason why the war between humans and Bugnarok started 2000 years ago
Jerami considers himself to be an elder in relation to Dethnarak
Jerami's dad came to Earth together with the colonists who came to Chikyuu from Earth
Human and Bugnarok war took place when first kings, like Jerami's dad and Rainol Hastie were still around
Bugnarok's civil war took place 1000 or 100 years ago, according to Jerami
Dethnarak genuinely believed Jerami's prophecy
Murals that Jerami made were inspired by his father's work, and the latter made a similar mural back on Earth
According to Himeno's research when she was treating Gerojim, Bugnarok DNA is very similar to human DNA and this very same episode implies that Bugnarok people evolved from humans because they were eating Shugod souls
Jerami is approximately 2000 years old, as confirmed by N'kosopa's lie detector
Trying to put it together
First thing that catches the attention would be the Bugnarok's civil war. According to Jerami, it took place 1000 or 100 years ago, but from recent flashback we learn he was a small kid back then
We also know that Jerami was born around the time of the human-Bugnarok war because not only he mentioned his parents meeting then, but his father was also one of the first colonists and one of the would-be first kings and humans can't live for ages (unlike Bugnarok). On top of it, Jerami confirms his age to be approximately 2000 years during the lie detector test
So, during civil war, Jerami would have to be around 1000-1900 years old, if we take into the account time-stamps given by him. Of course, he could be one of those slow-aging species, like Baby Yoda* who was still a baby despite being 50 years old
But, we also know that Dethnarak is younger than Jerami, since he doesn't know the reason behind the human-Bugnarok war and he genuinely believed Jerami's prophecy. It suggests that the mural and the prophecy were created before Dethnarak came to life, or else he would have known it was Jerami's work making it less credible as a prophecy of the future
Also, if Bugnarok people live so long because they age slowly and if that feat comes from Jerami's mum side of genepool (because the humans age and live as long as we do), and if on top of that we'd take into account that Dethnarak is younger than Jerami, then we'd need to conclude with Dethnarak waging wars within the kingdom as a little kid. If so, no wonder that Daigorg was the star there and not the Dethnarak himself but I don't really think that would be the case here
But as we've learned before, Jerami isn't a very reliable narrator. In fact, not much of what he says can be taken at face value, as he'd rather hide the true meaning between the lines. For example, in fairytales, there's often a phrase "beyond seven mountain, beyond seven forests" used. Of course, this phrase doesn't mean literally 7 mountains and 7 forests, it's only used to picture a very long distance. I believe that very similarly is with this 100 or 1000 years. Jerami doesn't remember the exact time, but he's letting us know that it was very long ago, that exact date doesn't matter in this story (as his primary intention was to warn Racules about Daigorg, so getting into too much detail wouldn't be very helpful)
Though, we can note that 100-1000 years points to a certain period of time. Earlier than 100 years suggests that most likely no human who lived during that time is alive anymore. 1000 years makes it certain that the Bugnarok civil war took place after the Bugnarok were banished under the ground in the human-Bugnarok war
Another part is that he mentioned that Dethnarak's faction was led to victory thanks to Daigorg. But given that Dethnarak is supposed to be younger than Jerami, it's rather doubtful a child would lead a faction. This leads me to consider that this part was just another one of Jerami's mental shortcuts. The faction that won, is definitely the faction associated with Dethnarak, but it's very likely that it wasn't Dethnarak who led it during the civil war but one of his ancestors. Then, said ancestor would win the right to rule the Bugnarok, and Dethnarak would inherit it from them. After all, it's Dethnarak VIII, so if we skip the part that "8th" in Japanese sounds suspiciously similar to "Hastie" and we assume it's just a regular ordinal number, it would mean that there used to be 7 other Dethnaraks in the linage and that's not counting the possibility of the family members with different names
One could say that the previous Dethnaraks could have ruled long before the human-Bugnarok war, let alone Bugnarok civil war, but so far, we had it implied that Bugnarok evolved from humans who ate shugod souls. And humans themselves came from Earth in a spaceship. I don't know how would so many people evolve so quickly, though. My guess would be that there was an accident that mutated many people at once. That would also explain why would others frown upon Jerami's dad relationship with a Bugnarok woman, despite Bugnarok being human not so long ago - they were most likely avoided as if they were contaminated or leprous
Speaking of, we've learned that Jerami and Dethnarak are related. If we assume that Dethanarak the VIII we saw in the show was not around during the Bugnarok civil war and rather was his ancestor, said ancestor would most likely be a sibling or a cousin of Nephilia - Jerami's mum. Unless the families got connected later down the bloodline, of course, because that's also a possibility
It's quite a long stuff and I don't know when will I finish it, because there are still things I didn't touch in here, but I don't really feel like finishing it rght now so I decided to just post what I had.
*I know it's not real Yoda!
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chqnified · 2 years
Tw/ sa & stlking
Second vent of the month. I'm on absolute fire getting triggered atm.
Starting right from the beginning. A friend who I'll call R, has been my friend since day one at college. We met on induction day and pretty much got on ever since. He told me about a guy that I'll call T, that he was a creep, the things he had done to R's friend/girlfriend, the stuff he used to do in secondary school. R would always take me out of whatever area he saw T in, to keep me safe. He said that T had a record of trying to guilt trip people into being friends with him and make people pity him, as if he was a victim. However, never had i met T nor did i know his name, i didn't know what he looked like. I had no way of truly knowing if i ever had met or was going to meet him.
Fast forward to a day where i was sat in a learning zone with friends, T comes up to our table, despite not knowing any of us. He start conversation, asking if anyone took biology. He said that he had lost all of his documents for this weeks homework. Taking biology myself, i had my homework sheets, i felt bad for him, i know the feeling of loosing all your work. So he asked me for my Instagram, so i could send him over the pictures of the work. I gave him my @ . We talked.
He seemed nice, maybe a bit unusual in terms of behaviour, but who was i to judge? Me, with mental health issues of my own. Maybe he was just a bit anxious, even if he claimed he was the most out going friendly person ever (that should've been a red flag if anything but alas).
We bump into one another in the canteen, he asks me if i wanted to go to the co-op, about 10-15mins walk from college. I agreed to. It was the end of the lesson day and i wasn't going to be picked up for about an hour. As we walk, he tells me about R, how R hates him, i ask why, he says that once he invited R's girlfriend round and she made advances of him, they kissed and stuff. He said he didn't know that it was R's girlfriend until R confronted him. It didn't add up. Especially, when at that point, I figure this was who R had been talking about. R had said that he invited a girl round his place and sa her, then went through her underwear drawer whilst she was having a panic attack. That was why R fought T. R's story in my mind, was far more credible. T had been leaving parts of his story side out, i could tell by the look of horror when I'd asked him why they fought, the look of panic when he had to come up with the reason. It stank of a lie.
We bought cakes from the co-op, went to sit on the park bench opposite the shop. Considering we weren't very familiar, he sat too close to me on the bench. How is one meant to have a conversation with another when you're both touching leg to leg. It was that close. We talked again, a bit awkward being that close in proximity, if that makes sense, you can't really turn your face to look at someone or whatever. Out of the blue, he asks for a hug, i let him, at this point i begin to feel uncomfortable. The timing was not really appropriate? You don't hug someone after you've finished eating? I don't know.
Mum calls to say dad is 20mins away, that he'll pick me up from X road. I'd only been to X road once, so i wasn't overly familiar with it. College from mine is around an hour, so places around there are not familiar to me. He tells me his house is 5 mins from there, we should go to his for a bit, meet his turtle and dog. I asked him where he lived, he said on the right from college. I was sure road X was left from college, i told him this. He got out a map and started pointing to places, again telling me he lived 3 roads away from it. I, being unsure and not wanting to be late, said i would another day. He started to get defensive, asking again, i decline and he asks again. He attempts all he can to persuade him. Eventually i give in. How bad can it be? He must know.
We walk towards his place, 10mins later, we still aren't there, i say I'd like to go back, it was too far, I'd come another day. He refuses. So we carry on. About 15mins later, we arrive at his place, i feed the turtle, pat the dog. He tries to invite me up to his bedroom, but i refused. Luckily i did. Dad rings up to say he was waiting for me. So i say to T, i had to leave. Despite his attempts at getting me to stay, i leave. Dad's lectures are bad, and i didn't want one of those. T says he knows a short cut back, i follow. He takes me up paths, to a golf club, past there and all around the houses. It felt like I'd spent more time this route than the other, i tell him that, he claims "we can always go back", what 20mins on? Dad calls again, asks where the fuck i am, i say around 5, i was sorry. I repeat to T that we had to hurry, i was going to be in trouble, the extent it would be, he tells me 'it won't be that bad' 'it'll be fine' 'don't be so dramatic' repeatedly. He lets slip that he had in fact, never used this short cut before, as he lead me into a foresty patch. He 'turns his ankle' and falls over, asking for my hand, asking for me to help him. The look on his face did not look like one who had been injured. It was a smirk. I ran. As fast as i could. He ran after me, surprising for someone who had sprained their ankle. He yelled after me that i was cold hearted, how could i not help him being in so much pain. I ignored him and continued. I must've ran for about 7mins, him still at my tail. I recognised that the field was now the one on the college grounds. Dad rang again, told me he was sick of waiting, i was stupid and he'd pick me up from the college doors, if i wasn't there in 5 he'd leave. T catches up with me as i stop and am now outside the college. He tells me he had fun and hugs me without consent, holds me for a little too long, a little too tight... And most of all, context being weird, why hug someone after that? As soon as my dad turns up, he leaves quickly. Probably scared of the tradesman in a "suspicious" looking 13 year old blacked out windows, black van.
Safe to say. My dad wasn't happy. But he seemed a bit worried as to what happened, i said it was an accident and didn't know he lived that far away.
The day after T comes up to me... After i see him skateboarding, and tries to guilt trip me, how hurt his ankle was etc etc. I said i had to go, my mum was calling me, i was already stressed with a teacher marking me absent for 70% of lessons when i wasn't. I told him it was a private phone call, to leave me alone. When i pick up, he comes back, he stands and listens to everything, smiling at me like some creep. He attempts to hold my hand when i get off the phone call, I don't take his hand though. He makes me go up to collect his books from floor 1 with him, so i do, not knowing how to reject successfully. As he goes to sit down at the table with his roadmen gang and as soon as i notice that his back is turned, i quickly slip away. Later that day i receive texts, not just one or 2 either. ‘Where did you go?’ and when i didn’t reply he sent ‘?’ and continued. i just eventually replied with ‘wdym’, claiming ignorance.
I was shaken. As time moved on, i convinced myself i was being dramatic, i hadn't seen the smirk right?
I spoke to another friend of mine, M, about it, he asked who i was talking about. So i told him. He showed me messages one of his friends had received from T, after she’d posted an instagram story of her outfit. He’d replied along the lines of ‘you’re hot’ she had replied to him she was uncomfortable and she had a boyfriend. He continued, the typical ‘where is your boyfriend because i don’t see him’ comment was made, he asked to date her, said he couldn’t care less about her boyfriend. I saw the texts from the boyfriend that got involved and confronted him. He said it was all ‘just a joke calm down’. There were more incidences like this, more and more people i brought him up to, the more accounts were told. I wasn’t the only one. He would follow me in the corridors, interrupt conversations when i was talking with friends. For someone who i had barely spoken to, the ‘familiarity’ he was trying to portray was too weird. As time went on, i hung out with people in the art learning zone, that was where my group of friends hung out amongst other groups, i came to learn that he was notorious for being a creep, i had just never know. I suppose i hadn’t known anyone before college, i hadn’t gone to the same schools as everyone else.
I make a rule. I wasn’t going to acknowledge or talk to him, i would avoid him at all cost. I would avoid places i knew he would be in... namely the chemistry zone. Bit of a pain because that had been my corner. 
Whilst i was waiting for class, he passed me, tried to start a conversation again. Echo, who was fronting at the time, had no idea who he was, we’d split a lot around that time, lots of things had been going on. He told T that he didn’t know who he was, T got angry, asked how we didn’t know him, receipted what had happened that day where ‘we got lost’. Echo told him we had amnesia. Not entirely wrong. we do. DID does that. But at that point something had clicked and we recognised him, we weren’t going to say that though, we were scared. He leaves when we go in to the classroom. Later when i leave college, i see him waiting by the college entrance. I run through the doors in hope he wouldn’t either see me or couldn’t catch me and i ran to X road where i was being picked up. 
He calls me, twice, at 10pm. I ignore. He sends more texts, i restrict him. Meaning i could see his messages, but he would never see that i saw them. He had also at that point been removed from following us, but you know, the follow request has been declined at least 6 times up to now. I report him. I go in with a friend called C, who i had told the accounts to, she offers to go in to support me. I agree to let her, i was anxious, i didn’t think i could go in alone. I tell my student tutor (the teacher you’re meant to report things to) and she notes it all down, C tells accounts she has heard from other victims, telling N (student tutor) that i wasn’t alone in this. She also tells N that even when i was with her, T would follow us both, mainly to follow me. N says she will see about reporting him. However, nothing ever happened. No matter how much information i gave and offered to give.  I continue avoiding T like my life depends on it, my friends understood and mad excuses for us to be able to leave his presence. It was appreciated, M and R in particular always made special efforts to do so.  a few weeks pass? He adds me to a group chat. His birthday group chat, full of roadmen and his brother (and assuming older brother friends). Bearing in mind, his brother is in his 20s, starts talking about 16 year old girls along with T, how they are going to get laid on T’s birthday. How they’re going to get them drunk and stuff. Drugs were there, it was said, as long as it didn’t smell (which isn’t very logical, as far as i know most of THOSE sorts of drugs smell). I left the chat in my restricted messages, i wanted to know what was going on without anyone in the chat knowing I had read the messages. I didn’t go to the party. I’d have been dumb to after having seen the gc. 
 I’m in walking up the path, across the carpark that leads to one of the college doors. T sees me. He is around 10 metres? away from me. Close enough to recognise someone, far too far to catch up with them without looking weird and stuff. He yells after me, repeating my name. I ignore and walk on. He runs after me whilst yelling my name so i too start running. When he catches up he asks me what was wrong, why i was being weird. Why was i mad at him. Xera triggered glares at him and lists off exactly why, only referring to the disgusting attitude he had, how he treated girls, how that was unacceptable etc etc. How we knew he had sa girls. He apologised profusely, again and again, he claimed he knew he ‘fucked up’ but he’d ‘change’. Xera told him he could apologise all he wanted, but he wanted nothing to do with him anymore, and that it was no use saying sorry after the event.  T left us alone after that, he seemed to leave everyone alone for some time. last week of college he tried to slip back into contact when he saw us talking with friend S in the chemistry zone. He said he had failed chemistry and biology so was being kicked off the courses (great news as i was fearing we’d end up in the same class this coming school year). We didn’t engage with him whatsoever. silence.
We didn’t see him after that. Everything went silent for 5 months. That was until today. He asked to follow us once again. Asked to have M’s instagram @ ... just because they ‘sat next to each other in history class’ when Erin asked if they ‘were friends or smthn’. Erin gave a fake @ , turned one of our old accounts into a believable regular account. M wouldn’t have wanted his contacts to be given to T, he hated T as much as everyone else. M was informed by the way, he saw every single message we sent T. Erin tried to gaslight T into thinking that us and him had never ever met etc, forgot old messages were still there, so he called our bluff. T started to turn, getting more and more aggressive each message he sent, then claimed we had a crush on him and we were just mad that he ‘got a gf’. Erin told him he was delulu for thinking we would like a stalker and creep (great advice from friend A). It has ended so far with us telling him if he doesn’t leave us alone, there will be consequences. Your most cliché threat ever, but alas. There’s more than that. His roadmen associates. They are who scare me the most. T isn’t the most intimidating of people, despite being like 6ft, but the guys he hangs around are horrible. and i’ve had bad encounters twice with 1 particular one. Not something i particularly want to talk about though. It scares me, what if something did happen? It’s not something i want to trust my college with again, not with how they dealt with it the first time. And what if it gets more serious, police could get involved at this point. I can’t go through that?? But at the same time, what am i supposed to do? Go into college fearing that i might get st*bbed or r*ped?? If i’d been taken out of college when i wanted to last year, none of this would’ve happened. But again, same story of people not listening to me.
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