#prim is super support so might have trouble damaging
fulgurbugs · 5 months
Oh hey I hope you don’t mind me asking, this is purely out of curiosity but if you had to picture other duopath runs which characters would you pick and why? :)
Therion & Tressa are such a good combo I’m curious about which other traveler combinations would work well
hm thinking about which ones would be fun…. i think i can think of some that’d be fun
ship ones obvi would be funny, so alfyn/therion Primrose/Haanit, Olberic/Cyrus etc, also i think all of those combos are pretty good and can cover each other, i think Alfyn/Therion probably has the easiest time of it (due to access to steal for equipment and then concoct is just really good) and olberic/cyrus probably has the hardest time of it? i think thats purely because cyrus is frail and might take some investment to make sure he’s not dying every 2 seconds. then again, olberic as a duo is pretty good since he always has incite access. basically cyrus needs saving grace asap i think
Prim/haanit i think mayyybe more middle of the road? you do always get sealticge but its more of a whole thing with just two party members instead of 4, but haanit can hit the big damage and having dancer prim she’s probably easier to minmax damage potential on since you can lion dance her etc… if you run one of them as thief you can probably do some kind of armor corrosive lion dance setup and let haanit just hit the double digit thousands
i think one of the things that would be difficult about both haanit/prim and olberic/cyrus is definitely the lack of path action to acquire npc items, you get literally soooooo much shit out of it it’s super helpful lol.
other ones i think would be fun
Alfyn/Ophilia: healerpath run. while you won’t have to rely on item healing (like i did for the majority of duopath), i think this one would be a fun like, find your damage method one. plus, these two are the ones who usually sit back as supports (at least in their base class roles), but push when push comes to shove- sorry you guys gotta do all the hard work of killing these guys on top of the healing. also the stretch between their ch3s and ch4s would be miserable for them sorry you two
Therion/Primrose: the two traumatized ones with loner streaks, that’s right we’re putting bff bracelets on you and forcing you to work together. i think these two have a kind of kinship friendship that they don’t quite share with any of the others, so they get along quite well, even though i think i’d find it hard to stick them together permanently without the glue of the rest of the party. but as a duopath, i think they could still be pretty fun, and i want primrose to have some help stabbing those guys. gameplay wise, having therion would be a huge benefit for path action reasons, plus thief is like. imo one of the best subclasses paired with anything so i think any duopath he’s in gets some added benefit.
Olberic/Tressa: i always liked their dynamic, as the oldest member and the youngest member they might have an almost parental kind of relationship, and something abt tressa’s plucky enthusiasm and Olberics more stoic, seasoned nature is always fun to me. Tressa is another items-getter path action (though slightly less good than steal, you’ll likely rack up enough money grinding that prices are trivial) which is a help, and merchant is extremely good in duopath due to hired help being one of the best damage options for any character who might not be able to set up huge numbers. olberic however, can set up huge numbers, which means that i think this duo would be super duper set in the damage department.
ophilia/cyrus: i think this is the one i’d do if i really wanted pain, because these two have no hp and will die. this is like, the challenge mode option, because one of the things about duopath is you’re going to be taking a lot of damage on your two characters where you would have that spread across your party. so this duo would require some interesting strategizing to raise those hp stats, figure out how to tank, and then, on top of that, how to dish out the big numbers. while magic is *good* ive always found that when you’re trying to hit big on breaks, you’re better off going for brand or aeber big hits. as well, you get no items path action to work with for them. as for the dynamic, they’re both friendly and agreeable so i think there’d be not much conflict between them, but i think you could have some fun especially by the end if they start to draw the galdera connections between them…
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the-dj-is-asleep · 7 years
One Night: Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Eventually, the cool night air forces them to start moving again. Southern California may be warm at this time of year but at 3am, even the warmest climates can feel cold. The light breeze cuts right through their thin shirts and pants (resembling hospital scrubs more than anything else). Kara doesn’t reach out to hold Lena’s hand again though she desperately wants to. She doesn’t want to live through the moment where Lena flinches away and glares at her like she hates her.
“Do you have any idea of where we’re heading?” Lena asks, irritation creeping into her voice.
“Northwest,” Kara says. “I’m from space remember? I know my stars. I think the compound we were at was south-east of National City so we should hit civilization at some point.”
“At what point exactly?” Lena asks. “Because you don’t have super endurance right now and I certainly do not. Also, we’re in the middle of the forest. We could get attacked by bears or something.”
Kara rolls her eyes.
“Bears are docile unless provoked. And either way,” Kara says turning to face Lena, who looks entirely unimpressed, “I’ll protect you.”
The DEO is too loud right now. Cadmus released another video, this one without any sort of narrative and instead just including clips of destruction wreaked on Metropolis and National City by Supergirl and Superman. There’s some of when Kara was affected by red kryptonite but most of them are from when she’s still herself and she gets thrown into a building, or one of her punches runs a little off course. Somehow every shot manages to miss the alien that Supergirl or Superman is fighting and it frames them destroying public property just because a whim strikes. It’s a PR nightmare.
There’s not much Supergirl can do to fight this. There’s no one to punch, no one to interrogate, no one to fight at all. So instead, Kara has to watch helplessly as Winn furiously types away at his keyboard doing his best to limit exposure, though the damage is already done. J’onn is having a conference call with the President. James had disappeared the moment the video appeared on their screens saying that he needed to get back to CatCo so that they could at least try and control the story in the Tribune release tomorrow. And Alex is calling Maggie to make sure the police department has people on hand for the inevitable uptick in human on alien violence (and human on human violence as well).
And Kara, for all her powers and strength, feels completely useless. Alex had warned her about going out as Supergirl right now because it was sure to increase tensions on both sides of the argument and that was the last thing the city needed. So Kara has been quarantined to the base and it’s too loud. It’s rare that she gets sensory overload these days. She’s mostly figured out how to control her hearing but every so often there are some stressors that can make her slip. (Her superhero alter-ego’s name being dragged through the mud by the people who had kidnapped her and made her bleed did the trick.)
She gets up shakily from the desk she’d been sitting at and gestures at Alex that she’s going to leave. Alex has the presence of mind to look concerned but when Kara waves her off, she turns back to her phone. Kara flies quickly to her apartment, taking advantage of the low-hanging clouds to cover her. As soon as she touches down, she grabs the lead-lined ear plugs Jeremiah made for her way back when she was young and stuffs them into her ears.
The world instantly goes quiet and Kara feels like the fist that was clenching around her lungs loosens somewhat. She lies back on her bed and relishes for a moment in how quiet the world has become. She gives herself half an hour until her heart rate has evened out and until she’s processed (as much as she can in such little time) that Cadmus is back at it again and they’re after her. She waits until the roiling anger and fear calm into something more solid, something she can handle. Then she pulls the ear plugs out. The sounds of the city come rushing back to her enough too quickly and too loudly and Kara has to press her hands over her ears for a second to acclimate.
Carefully, she pulls her hearing back until she can only hear what’s inside of her apartment: the quiet rush of water in the walls, the light hum of electricity from her laptop, all those strange noises her fridge makes that maybe she should get checked out. When she’s got a handle on it she stands up and glances out the window. The sun is starting to fade and Kara looks out over the city she loves so much and wonders how many of the people there wish she were dead.
Her phone on her nightstand buzzes and Kara reaches over to check who it is.
u alright?
Kara smiles softly at her phone. Alex always knows when she’s not doing so well.
Fine, just overwhelmed. How are things?
It takes Alex three minutes to answer and Kara can feel her hesitation through the phone. It means that things are bad and Alex wouldn’t lie to Kara but she is trying to figure exactly how much she should tell her.
Not great. People are unhappy. Aliens are scared. But I think things will calm down soon, like they did after the last video. people will forget.
Kara can tell that Alex is trying to make her feel better and, honestly, it works.
u sure ur good tho? because technically I’m supposed to stay but i have some sway with the boss and i can come over if you need me.
I’m sure
Alright sis. i love you.
love you too.
The truth is, Kara would love it if Alex came over. She still feels shaky. Every time Cadmus rears its head, releases a new video, and stirs up all of the anti-alien feelings in National City, Kara is forced to remember that she doesn’t belong here. She isn’t human and this isn’t her home as much as she wishes it were. She’s different. And there are always people who will hate her for it, regardless of what good she may do.  
When she’d become Supergirl she had thought that people would like her, almost without exception. And the few that would hate her, the Lex Luthors of the world, she thought she could easily place in a box labelled evil. But it’s not that easy. Cadmus is evil. Lillian Luthor is evil. But the guy at the grocery store who thinks aliens shouldn’t have the same rights as humans. He’s not evil. He has a wife and a kid who love him and he’s always nice to Kara when he bags her groceries. He doesn’t fit into that pretty little box that Kara had built for him.
Kara glances down at the phone that is still resting in her hand and she finds herself very suddenly wanting to see Lena. She must have seen the video by now. Must know that Cadmus and, by extension, her mother are up to their old tricks. Kara still wonders exactly where Lena stands on all of this. The alien detection device had been ambiguous. It was clear that Lena’s intentions hadn’t been malicious but the undertones of prejudice were hard for Kara to ignore.
Still, Kara needs a friend and she has a feeling that Lena might need one too right now. After all, any reminder of her mother usually sends Lena into a small spiral of self-doubt and unhappiness.
hey… can i see you?
Lena’s reply is immediate.
Of course. i’m at the office if you want to swing by.
i’m nearby actually, i’ll be there in five.
It’s a lie, of course, but Kara doesn’t want to have to wait around for too long before flying there. She grabs a change of Kara clothes before hopping out of her window and into the night sky. Normally she’ll scan the city for signs of trouble, but tonight she’s afraid of what she’ll hear. So she flies straight to L-Corp and changes in an alley around the corner (she’d found it the third time going there and loves it because it’s mostly blocked off so no one can see her and it doesn’t ever smell like pee like most of the dingy alleys she finds herself changing in).
Jess is not at her desk, but that’s unsurprising because its past seven and Lena really should have gone home by now. So Kara just sweeps up into the elevator and knocks gently on Lena’s office door. When she hears the quiet ‘come in’ in response, she pushes the door open.
Lena’s sitting at her desk looking prim and poised and lovely and if Kara didn’t know her as well as she does, she wouldn’t have noticed that anything is wrong. But there’s a shadow in Lena’s smile as she greets Kara that she wishes she could wipe away.
“So, what does CatCo want to know?” Lena says, her tone a little tight. “No, I do not know anything about Cadmus. Yes, I do condemn my mother’s actions. No, I do not think aliens should be killed. Yes, I do support Alien Amnesty.” Lena pauses and raises an eyebrow. “You’re not writing anything down?”
Kara gapes and flounders for a seconds. She hadn’t even considered an interview (though now that Lena mentions it, she’s sure that Snapper would be impressed with her initiative.)
“I… I wasn’t going to… I mean, I didn’t come here for an interview.”
Lena’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise but the defensiveness in her posture settles a little and her eyes get softer.
“You’re not?”
“No… I just… I don’t know. Wanted to see you? I saw the video and I just… I don’t know…”
She wants to know what Lena thinks. She wants Lena to tell her that she doesn’t fear aliens like she was raised to. She wants Lena to tell her that if she knew Kara was an alien they would still be friends. Kara had gotten used to the ambiguity, to Lena’s slight but very present discomfort around aliens. But today, with the city roiling beneath them, she needs to know that her best friend would still be there if she knew the truth. But there’s no way to ask her without putting herself in the cross hairs.
“Kara, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I just really don’t like Cadmus.”
Something about what Kara just said, or maybe her expression, makes Lena smile in that soft, warm way that Kara selfishly hopes is reserved for her. Lena stands up from her seat and walks around her desk inclining her head towards the couch in the corner of her office in invitation. Kara follows and plops down next to her.
“Tell me what’s bothering you, Kara,” Lena says and while her words are a command, it sounds more like a question, a request.
“I…” Kara pauses because she needs to be careful with her words. When she starts again it’s with a little more confidence. “Whenever Cadmus releases a new video, people start to talk and I hear horrible things. And I have… friends who are aliens and they don’t… they’re good and they don’t deserve this.”
Kara is talking mostly about J’onn, who had almost lost his job, his life, his dignity when he came out the year before. He had done so much for the DEO, so much for humans overall, and he had revealed himself to save Kara’s life. But she’s also talking about M’gann who has struggled through so much to get here and who deserves to be safe. And all the other aliens at the bar just trying to live their lives: Lyra, Mon-El, Brian. And of course, she’s talking about herself. But honestly, she’s the least of her own worries because Supergirl seems to get a free pass from many people because she’s a hero, because she looks human, because they don’t have to worry about bumping into her on the street.
“Friends?” Lena says. “Like Supergirl?”
“I-I mean, she’s one of them,” Kara stutters.
Lena chuckles lightly.
“You’re right. The stuff that people say about aliens are awful. Supergirl, and your other friends, don’t deserve it. But I can understand where people are coming from,” Lena says. “I mean, there are bad aliens out there. You admitted that yourself.”
Lena’s words cut like a knife, though Kara is sure they won’t supposed to. Lena doesn’t know that right now Kara needs unwavering support. Lena doesn’t even know what she’s supposed to be supporting. Still, in her current state, it’s enough to get Kara a little defensive.  
“But they’re not all bad. There are so many aliens that are just trying to live their lives. People just don’t know about them because the media only reports on the horrible things. An alien attacked this, alien weapons did that. No one ever talks about the alien family that went to the grocery store today to be ingredients to make lasagna because it reminds them of a food from their home planet. Or the alien guy who does accounting for a non-profit. There are so many aliens who are not exceptional at all. They act like humans, talk like humans, are humans in everything but biology.”
Lena blinks and, while the knowledge that aliens live on earth is pretty wide-spread, seems surprised.
“How many of them do you think there are though? I mean, compared to the ones that are violent?”
“So many,” Kara says. “The violent aliens are not representative. Every race is going to have people who are bad. Humans kill humans all the time. In fact, more humans have died at human hands than at alien hands in the last three years. Most aliens are trying to keep their heads down and just survive because no one abandons the planet they grew up in to come to one where they are hated just for fun. The idea that aliens are coming to earth to invade is a myth and it’s preposterous.”
“What about those aliens last year? The ones that enslaved all of National City?” Lena asks.
Kara feels a familiar twist in her gut. Non is still locked up in the DEO in a cell so secure he could never hope to escape and Winn had figured out a code that would incapacitate Indigo entirely. But they are still an itching worry in the back of her mind. A reminder that though she was supposed to be a safe-keeper of Kryptonian knowledge and culture, she had also locked up one of the last of her people.
“Not representative. And anyway, they didn’t come to earth to enslave us. They crash landed here.”
“And decided to mind-control everyone.”
“They thought they were doing the right thing,” Kara says. “And it’s not like humans haven’t done similar things just without the technology. Censorship, laws, and propaganda all serve similar purposes. They’re just less high tech.”
Lena pauses and seems to consider Kara’s words.
“Still, it’s frightening to some people to consider that there are aliens out there who could kill them in a second if they wanted to.”
“Are you one of those people?” Kara asks.
“I… I don’t know. I’ve never met an alien. I trust Supergirl because she’s saved my life more than once but… I admit that there are few aliens I would feel safe around. I guess I’m not afraid of aliens so much as I’m afraid of what they may think of me and want to do to me because of my family. It wouldn’t be the first time an alien tried to hurt me because of what Lex has done.”
Kara blinks in surprise because she… had not thought about that. She supposes that if anyone on the planet had a right to fear aliens it would be Lex Luthor’s little sister. Of course Lena has a target painted on her back and of course it must be hard for her to trust aliens if she has been attacked by one before.
“But you trust Supergirl?”
“Of course, Kara,” Lena says with a slight laugh. “How could I not? She’s Supergirl. Strong and kind and righteous. She’s better than many humans I’ve met.”
That, at least, is enough to put some of Kara’s fears at ease. She hopes that maybe with time she’ll be able to convince Lena that she can trust aliens and that they aren’t to be feared.
“You’ll protect me, Supergirl?” Lena spits out, and her voice is ice and fire. “Like you protected him? I didn’t see you doing much when he was screaming out my name. You left him there to die.”
“It was you or him,” Kara says back, her voice dreadfully calm. “I don’t have powers right now, I can’t save everyone even when I do. And between you and him, there was never a choice.”
Lena clenches her jaw and turns away from her. Even in the moonlight, Kara can see the tears glistening as they roll down her cheeks. She remembers, before all this, holding Lena in her arms as she cried and swearing to herself that she would do everything she could to make sure she never looked like that again. She wishes she could fold Lena in her arms again and not let go until her tears were dry and her breathing settled. But this time it’s her fault that Lena is crying and Kara wishes, not for the first time, that she could turn back time and start all over.
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