k00288091 · 1 year
Video of Moving carousel (and the super strange music)
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k00288552 · 2 years
Progress Review points to remember
Learning to expand on ideas, not being tunnel visoned on one idea for too long
Understanding my own process of thinking and development of my thinking
Utilizing my environment
So in response I created this short video of other ideas I have not yet taken action on around the Temporaryness of food and good dining.
This is primary research that is available to me within my immediate environment.
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bellamancuso · 4 months
Research and target audience
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I visited M&S to help me plan out further what should be included on the sides of my packets. I made note of features on the packaging such as the expiry date, barcode, grams, FSC, recycling logo, nutritional label and instructions. I noticed that the instructions weren’t in English which isn’t good for someone who has no idea how to cook with these pulses and grains.
I would add instructions to my packaging, however, my target audience is people who are interested in complex flavours and like to look prestigious in the kitchen so the information I add will be minimal and look quite mature.
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tamaradoubraomonibeke · 4 months
MP - Content Overview
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After Valentine, I, Tamaradoubra Omonibeke went to represent the Ibani tribe of Opobo in Nigeria in the Russell-Cotes Museum for the Voices of Africa Night.
I will be mainly focusing on Opobo as stated before but I want to put out this research I did for that night. This was a ceremony my mum did when I was younger and aunt did last Christmas. Thus, that's when I declare I'm focusing on my experience, I will re-iterate again, I'm focusing on experiences AROUND me and plan to CONDUCT RESEARCH on it.
Okay now that's cleared, I'll type out the script I used for creating this presentation. My aunt Ibinye who experienced this wrote out HER EXPERIENCE but I just re-worded it a tad.
If I was doing this presentation for visual-communication, I'd make it longer as research is valued, even though the time isn't enough for me to make my case.
Slide 1 = Introduction
Slide 2 = Opobo’s backstory
Slide 3 = Intro to Iria ceremony and Ukwuta Stage
Slide 4 = Stages (Show pictures and video) (Display beads)
Slide 5 = Stages
Slide 6 = Thank you
Location: Opobo Kingdom is located in the creeks of the Niger Delta Area, of down the South-South geographical region of Nigeria, in Rivers state precisely.
Creation: It was founded in 1870 with King Jaja being it’s ruler. This is a prominent ruler as he was the first recognized rich man in Nigeria.
System of government: As ancient Kingdom, Opobo practices monarchical system of government which is made up of the king and Chiefs who are heads of war Canoe houses. Thus, Jaja ensured his kingdom expanded and conquered other communities as well as trade scope for Riverine people.
Language spoken: Ibani and Ijoid language.
Characteristics: Opobo people are popularly known as lovers of culture and traditions. This is a factor that has made Opobo a tourist attraction. Many travel from all over the world to visit the Kingdom especially at festive periods like end of year/new year celebrations. During these periods a lot of cultural festivals are displayed to mark significant cultural and traditional purposes. The culture loving people of Opobo, organize these events to show case their traditions, customs and cultural practices to the admiration pre of people all over the world. Some of the events include the Opobo International boat Regatta, the Nwaotam cultural festival, the Owuogbo new year masquerade display and the Iria ceremony also known as Egerebite/Bibite in Ibani Language etc.
The Iria ceremony:  is an age-long tradition celebrated in Opobo Kingdom. It is a ceremony that is associated with womanhood rites in Opobo. In Ibani clan, womanhood is the process of becoming a full-blown woman. There are activities and traditional rites associated with womanhood. Every girl child of Opobo is expected to go through certain ceremonial rites as the rites of passage to womanhood before she can be accepted as a complete woman in addition to her marriage ceremony. It is a process of preparing the girl for her future task and responsibility of a woman, a wife and a mother. Iria ceremony is done in two stages. namely, Egerebite and Bibite. Egerebite meaning rawlking Wrapper and Bibite Meaning English (foreign) wrapper.
Women in Opobo attach significant importance to the grooming of their daughters. As the girl grows, her mother makes sure she nurtures her specially by teaching her the right values and etiquette of her culture. This nurturing starts from infant to adulthood. Hence, the girl passes through four stages to get to maturity. The first stage is the Ukwuta stage, and the next Kalaegerebite stage, then the Opu Egerebite and to the Bibite stage.
The Ukwuta stage: starts from five to fourteen years. Earlier before civilization, girls at puberty are adorned with waist beeds, about two to three slings down their hips. It comes in different colors to shade their bodies. As the girl approaches sixteen, her parents especially mother starts arranging for her transition into womanhood which begins with a period of going into fattening room. She is expected to stay there for one or two years as she undergoes the process of initiation.
Kalaegerebite stage: however, modernity has also taken its turn in this process but the tradition is still maintained as Opobo daughters still go through this process. Presently today, the passage to womanhood rights kicks off with the Iriabo (celebrant) and her family notifying the Opobo Women Welfare Committee Chairman of their intentions. This is a committee that works directly under the office of her royal majesty, the Queen of Opobo Kingdom to ensure that women undergoing womanhood rites are organized systematically all over the community. They ensure that the requirements for the procedure are strictly adhered to.
My aunt’s story: It is in fufillment of this tradition that, the families of Athanasius Philip Adafe of the Sam Annie-pepple. House of Opobo town and Mr and Mrs Ibinye and Kumo Amgbaduba of the Peredumu (village) quaters of Okrika Delta State invited friends, family and well-wishers to celebrate the Egerebite and Bibite Iria (celebration of womanhood) ceremony of their daughter and wife at Cyprian Jaja's Compound of Opobo Town on the 30th and 31st of December, 2023.
On the 24th of December, the Iriabo was taken into the fattening room as it is done by women in the family that have previously undergone the process in collaboration with her mother who has presented them with with the required items such as body decorative items like palm oil, Indigo, Nchara, Nzu, Ezizi-awu, Edeala, odo and Uhie wrappers like Akuraku, Ikaki, popo, Suu, Velvet, Demask, Indian George, blouses, Coral beads, Gold and beaded crown  are also presented.
Entrance into fattening room starts when prayers are said for a successful passage and womanhood blessing for the Iriabo. All selected woman will anoint her with palm oil for the process Just like the Story of Esther in the Bible (Esther 2:12) “Before a girl's turn cames to go into King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the woman. six months with oil of myrr and six with perfumes and cosmetics���.
The fattening room period lasts for seven days. While in the fattening room, Iriabo does not receive visitors except approved. She is also given special care and attention like being served with special Opobo delicacies such as: fresh fish pepper soup, popo, yam, fulo ukazi etc. She is also given native beauty treats as somebody is assigned to give her body scrubs, massages, and bathing thrice a day. Women welfare delegates also come around periodically to give her lessons on self-care and home-keeping. She’s also taught how to dance to Opobo traditional native beats. Fattening room is indeed a preparatory moment for the Iriabo.
On the Saturday the 30th of December, the seventh day the Iriabo was ready for her first outing. As early as 5am the Iriabo takes her bath as usual but no palm-oil is rubbed on her. She is now allowed to apply her normal body cream and the first inner wrapper was tied on her, signifying the mother covering her privacy. After that, two Suu wrappers are tied on her. One covering from waist to her legs and the other covering from her chest to her legs and with two white hand-kerchiefs in her hands she sits on a chair decorated with wrapper and well-wishers come to see her, praise her and admire her beauty as she takes her seat. She is also given a gift of money that is placed in a flat breakable plate covered with white handkerchief.
More so, the women welfare committee goes round to visit all the Iriabo - on their visits they ask the Iriabo questions to find out her experiences in the fattening room and if questions answered correctly, Iriabo is then certified and allowed rest till evening when comes out fore out.
By four pm in the evening the Egerebite dance outing-proper commences. During this session, the Iriabo was taken to a dressing room called the wrapper house where a certified native dresser attends to her by dressing her up for the different dance outings for the evening. During the first outing Iriabo is dressed in Ikaki wrapper. Second outing is popo and third outing is Ikaki again. She is also adorned with native beads (Kilari) on her neck hands and the rings of her fingers. She also wears a magnificent beaded-crown on her head to project her beauty as she dances around the square of her father’s compound, dancing to tunes and drums of Opobo culture. She dances alongside family and friends (all female) and led by a dance leader who, previously has been teaching her how to dance in fattening room. Family members and other spectators shower the Iriabo with gifts of Money, wrappers, head-ties, etc. Her husband also takes a turn, with pride to appreciate his wife during the dance sessions. Her father goes ahead to honour his daughter. Apart from the dance, guests are also entertained with foods and drinks as the event progresses.
Sunday morning is for thanksgiving at St. Patricks Catholic Church Opobo Town. After the thanksgiving, Iriabo is carried shoulder high on an arm chair fully decorated with native wrappers by boys from the compound that were dressed in same colour t-shirt and plain george wrapper.
Back from church, Iriabo is ushered back into the wrapper house for another session of dance and wrapper displays. The first two outings is a continuation of Egerebite where the Iriabo is dressed in foreign wrappers such as: Damask and Velvet wrappers respectively which are embellished with accessories such as gold chains, bracelets, earrings, blouses to match.
Bibite stage: Subsequently, Iriabo graduates into Bibite where she takes three turns of dressing and outings of George wrappers with blouses to match, hair-ties to match and more coral beads and accessories. The first two sets of George wrappers worn were Intorica George (designed George). And the last outing is a plain-George wrapper which was the climax of the occasion.
At this point the Iriabo becomes a complete Opobo woman, fully-certified. Now, she may sit in the gathering of Opobo women and have a voice.
On Monday our latest Iriabo sets out to go into town in company of two young maidens to show the new Iriabo that has just been conscripted. One carrying an umbrella to shade the Iriabo’s delicate skin from the harsh sun and the other carrying a bag of snacks. She visits the market place and distributes gifts (the snacks) to the market women who in turn pray for her, praise her and give her gifts of money. She also visits important house-holds that are related to her like her uncles, close friends to acknowledge and appreciate them for celebrating with her. They too reciprocate with gifts and appreciate acknowledge her new status. This marks the grand finale of the Wrapper-tying ceremony.
Once more, a great tradition was fulfilled and both families were overjoyed with the success of the event. This is exactly what our beloved sister and daughter Mrs. Ibinye Kumo Amgbaduba has gone through, and we are happy she has successfully completed the process of womanhood according to her cultural practices. Today she has become a full-fledged Opobo Woman with bliss and grace.
Not only was I doing talking but observing myself. I noticed people were keen on the clothes I brought, who does it (the age) and why they are doing it before marriage. This ceremony is done after marriage but some confused it as a wedding ceremony (which is understandable, we have traditional weddings before the white wedding). There's also a video I played to explain this process and I explained the reason it's still being done is because Opobo people like to keep to their culture. Unfortunately, tribes like mine (Ijaw), aren't so conversant with their traditional roots due to Western influence so I find it important that I, continue to keep on the traditions alive even though it is my mother's own (from the tribe of Ibani).
Now, so who is my target audience? I don't want to make it a niche thing by putting an age restriction but for the sake of Visual Communication, this is ceremony is done after 40. Many of the female representing ladies at the African Voice Night were interested and one mother said to her little girl how traditions like this are something to look forward to. Thus, I aim to target interested women because not only is it a break from from life but something to look forward to. Obviously, some of there concerns were related to money (she did wear 9 outfits in one day, including golden ones) and I explained it is something to save up for.
The why to this is, from my experience as being Nigerian is that we are in a terrible political and economical state. However, we always like to celebrate and live our life because if we continue to always mull and be bitter, it's not going to change. Thus, the next thing to be is to be grateful in times of hardships. This is also why most of us are religious and spiritual because it grounds us to believe there is more to life than what we've been given.
Finally, I'll do more research on this obviously as I need to know the little intricacies and more.
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hollyoxleylevel6 · 7 months
Research trip - V&A
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Tile Sculpture - shows that narratives can be built up to create a full picture. However each part can also be it's own small story.
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Book foldout - I like how this foldout is hidden in the book until the reader reaches that page. They then get additional information. This could be used to explore my relationships more in depth
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Vase - shows how something can be a looping narrative yet still make sense. No matter the angle you start at, by following the images the full way round you can understand the story.
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philomathresearch · 1 year
The Ethics of Primary Market Research: Ensuring Participant Privacy and Confidentiality
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Primary market research serves as a vital tool for businesses to gain valuable insights into their target audience’s preferences, needs, and behaviors. This research can take various forms, including surveys, focus groups, and interviews. However, conducting primary market research must prioritize participant privacy and confidentiality to ensure ethical practices are followed. Philomath Research, as a leading research firm, recognizes the importance of upholding these principles and places utmost importance on protecting participant privacy and confidentiality. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the significance of privacy and confidentiality in primary market research, the reasons for their importance, and the measures taken by Philomath Research to safeguard these ethical considerations.
The Importance of Privacy and Confidentiality in Primary Market Research
Participant privacy and confidentiality are crucial aspects of ethical primary market research for several reasons. Firstly, ensuring privacy and confidentiality establishes trust between the researcher and the participant. When participants feel that their personal information and responses are safeguarded, they are more likely to provide honest and accurate information, leading to reliable and valuable research findings.
Secondly, privacy and confidentiality hold legal significance. Businesses are obliged to protect the personal information of their customers and research participants in accordance with laws and regulations. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal consequences, including fines and lawsuits.
Lastly, respecting privacy and confidentiality is an ethical responsibility. Participants have the right to be fully informed about how their personal information will be used and to have their responses treated with care and respect. Upholding ethical considerations is paramount in every primary market research project undertaken.
Philomath Research’s Approach to Protecting Participant Privacy and Confidentiality
Philomath Research understands the importance of participant privacy and confidentiality and has implemented rigorous measures to ensure their protection throughout the primary market research process. The following steps exemplify Philomath Research’s commitment to ethical practices:
1. Obtaining Informed Consent: Prior to conducting any research, participants are provided with clear and comprehensive information about the research purpose, the utilization of their information, and the measures in place to safeguard their privacy and confidentiality. Philomath Research ensures that participants have the opportunity to provide informed consent before participating in the research.
2. Secure Data Collection Methods: Philomath Research employs secure data collection methods to protect participant privacy and confidentiality. This includes utilizing encrypted online survey tools, secure file transfer methods, and password-protected databases. By leveraging advanced technological solutions, Philomath Research ensures that participant data remains secure throughout the data collection process.
3. Anonymizing Data: Whenever possible, Philomath Research anonymizes the data collected during research. This involves removing any identifying information, such as names, addresses, and contact details, from the dataset. Anonymization helps to protect participants’ identities and further enhances the confidentiality of their responses.
4. Limited Access to Data: Philomath Research strictly controls access to participant data. Only authorized individuals who require access for research-related purposes are granted permission to handle the data. This practice minimizes the risk of unauthorized access and potential data breaches.
5. Secure Data Storage: Philomath Research prioritizes secure data storage to safeguard participant information from unauthorized access or loss. Robust security measures, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and secure storage methods, are implemented to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data.
6. Non-Disclosure Agreements: Philomath Research utilizes non-disclosure agreements to legally bind individuals with access to participant data. These agreements emphasize the importance of protecting participant privacy and confidentiality, reinforcing the ethical responsibilities associated with handling sensitive information.
7. Responsible Dissemination of Research Findings: Philomath Research ensures responsible and ethical dissemination of research findings. This includes practices such as anonymizing data, presenting aggregate data instead of individual responses, and avoiding any language or imagery that could be discriminatory or stigmatizing. By disseminating research findings in a responsible manner, Philomath Research upholds participant privacy and confidentiality even beyond the data collection stage.
Philomath Research recognizes that participant privacy and confidentiality are integral components of ethical primary market research. By prioritizing these aspects, trust is established between researchers and participants, legal compliance is upheld, and ethical responsibilities are fulfilled. Through informed consent, secure data collection and storage methods, anonymization, limited data access, non-disclosure agreements, and responsible dissemination of research findings, Philomath Research ensures that participant privacy and confidentiality are protected throughout the research process. By adhering to these ethical practices, Philomath Research empowers businesses with reliable and actionable market insights while respecting and valuing the privacy of research participants.
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tartyfart · 1 year
Infinity: Primary research, exhibition ideas.
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hollyoxleylevel5 · 1 year
Looking at merchandise in stores
Although I have looked at the merchandise Penguin offers on their online store, I have decided to visit Waterstones and HMV as this will give me an idee on what types of Merchandise are currently offered by competitors.
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When entering Waterstones I noticed that the Merchandise had a specific section that was separated from the books. The way they display the merchandise is also quite cluttered which means that the Merchandise that stood out were ones who were unique or brightly coloured. When looking I noticed that a large percentage of the things they offer help enhance a reading experience: a tidy case that goes on a book cover, a magnifying glass, a light.
When I looked at the Penguin Merchandise that was sold at Waterstones I found that it did not draw a lot of attention. Whilst looking at the Merchandise I observed that most customers were looking at the bookmarks and unique ideas such as the notebook tidy, but ignoring the pencil cases and tote bags. From this I can see that my ideas for merchandise must be unique and have a purpose that helps when reading.
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Although the Merchandise sold at HMV was similar to Waterstones, they stayed away from traditional branded merchandise such as pencil cases, cups and glasses. I noticed that the Merchandise sold at HMV has a sense of humour and fun to them. One thing that stood out to me were the wool harry potter kits. I liked how this product involved the audience and made it something that they may cherish more because they made it. By giving the audience a chance to create the merchandise it gives it sentimental value. I would like to explore how I may be able to use this method of allowing the audience to create the merchandise.
I also liked how the Kenji Merchandise had characters that they used throughout the different products. This allows the audience to make a connection with a character which helps to build a relationship between the audience and brand.
Interview with Heather- HMV employee
What type of Merchandise is popular?
So, At the moment it's The tech: headphones, earphones, record players, Speakers And soft toys.
What's do you stock the most?
We're stocking mostly pop culture stuff. So like pop vinyls. We stock a brand called Kenji, which is a Japanese culture brand. You have mascots plush toys.
Do you see brands focusing on like one type of merchandise to advertise their brand?
So, For example, kenji. Has like loads of plush toys, but they also range into stationary. So they'll do like notebooks. They'll do pens and pencils. They'll do Pins and badges as well.
Gilchrist, H. (2023) Customer Assistant at HMV. 27 January.
From this research I can see that the Merchandise that stands out is the products that are unique and less generic. Therefore, I will need to make sure my idea allows the audience to interact with it so that they build a relationship with the brand. I could look at using a mascot or thinking of a way to allow the audience to have a say in what the Merchandise looks like.
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researchmine123 · 1 year
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bdbindiapvtltd · 2 years
Trends in Aerospace Sector
Indian aerospace manufacturing sector could become the sunshine sector for India and create thousands of high-end jobs if it is nurtured by the right policies and actions. It is at an inflection point, like the automotive and telecom sector three and two decades back respectively. It would require sustained support from government to develop critical mass, skill sets and research and development (R&D) capability.
There is a great potential for Indian Aerospace sector to grow in coming years. India has a unique advantage of being one of the biggest markets for Commercial Aviation as well as Defence. Major OEMs are now actively looking to develop supply chain in India and source Engineering services as well as components & assemblies. Driven by the Make in India initiative and powered by State Government support, potential for growth is foreseen.
The aerospace sector demands perhaps the highest degree of fail-proof quality standards. This combined with unpredictable demand, lumpy orders and extreme pressure on pricing makes the risk of aerospace business significantly high. Aerospace manufacturing for the defence sector is even tougher given that there’s only one ultimate client per country – the Ministry of Defence (MoD); the orders are even more unpredictable and lumpy; and the negotiations, approvals and payments can be really test one’s patience.
We are living in a globalized world where capital will flow to the most attractive destination in terms of sustained order-book, cost and ease of doing business. India therefore faces stiff competition from places like China, South East Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe in addition to the home countries of the global OEMs.
In June 2016, the Indian government eased foreign direct investment (FDI) norms for the Defence sector, permitting foreign companies to own 100% of domestic ventures with the approval of the government when access is provided to modern technology. The term “modern technology” is not specifically defined in the policy and could be subject to interpretation by various Indian regulatory agencies.
Coupled with progress that India has made in space technology and commercial aerospace manufacturing, incentives under the government’s Make in India initiative, as well as recent escalation in security concerns, are creating ripe conditions for significant progress in the aerospace sector in India.
Global Aerospace sector companies have been directing capital to India to benefit from strong long-term growth prospects. There have been various JV announcements in the sector during 2015–2016, prior to the relaxation of FDI norms. After the relaxation of FDI regulation, the Indian Aerospace sector is likely to record an increase in JVs, as well as a rise in foreign firms establishing manufacturing facilities in India.
Major Aerospace companies such as Airbus, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Safran already have a footprint in the Indian market, and some of them are planning further investments. For example, Airbus announced a JV with Mahindra Defence Systems last year to manufacture helicopters for the Indian military. Similarly, Boeing entered into a JV with Tata Advanced Systems in 2015 focused on manufacturing the fuselage of Apache Helicopters in India. In 2016, Lockheed Martin announced interest in moving its entire production of F-16 fighter jets to India to reap the benefits of lower cost of production, enabling them to lower the selling price and increase the global demand for F-16s. As the sector opens up further, there will likely be an increase in global A&D companies entering the Indian market, either through JVs or independently, with 100% FDI now allowed in the A&D sector.
Aerospace sector value chain
The aerospace value chain comprises activities ranging from design and assembly to, ultimately, MRO services (see below figure). As OEMs and tier-1 suppliers struggle to improve profitability, tier-2 and tier-3 products will likely shift to emerging markets such as India and China.
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The Indian aerospace supply base is fairly new. While Indian companies have a significant advantage in engineering and design, they do not yet have the capabilities to handle highend design and development. The government owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) operates across the value chain. However, no other Indian company boasts integrated capabilities.
Design : Several Indian information technology firms have been operating in the aerospace sector over the past few years, with HCL, Infosys, TCS, Honeywell and Wipro leading the pack. These firms have been providing design and integrated software for the aerospace sector. Development services to major aircraft companies. Indian IT firms, however, are expected to develop their capabilities to offer higher end complex design services in the near future. Companies such as Honeywell, L&T Infotech, Wipro etc are already gearing up to emerge as aircraft design and development houses.
Component manufacturing : Indian companies were primarily tier-3 suppliers till the entry of large organized players like Aequs Aerospace, Dynamatic technologies in the component manufacturing which have significant manufacturing capabilities along with in-house design and development capabilities.
However still majority of the manufacture parts as per specifications provided. Further, there are only a few companies’ large companies like Aques aerospace in this segment, as the component industry is still fairly new. With more business expected to flow into India due to offset agreements, tier-1 and tier-2 players will no doubt have a larger role in the global aerospace value chain.
The emergence of Indian suppliers with integrated tier-1 and tier-2 capabilities will allow global aerospace companies to leverage India as a low- cost option, thus increasing their ability to honor the offset agreements.
Indian aerospace component manufacturers are moving up the value chain from Tier 3 to tier 2/1 suppliers with the entry of players like Aequs, TATA and Mahindra Companies like TATA, Mahindra, Reliance, L&T, and Taneja Aerospace etc. are targeting the aero structures and sub-assemblies segment and have been well received by global OEMs
India’s skilled labor wage rates are up to 60% lower than the United States and Europe. Key to cost savings is the ability to develop manufacturing processes using automation and labor productivity improvements while ensuring quality standards. For example, tier-2 components suppliers offers a 15 to 30% cost advantage to supply product like landing gear components due to a labor intensive manufacturing process while delivering similar quality levels. In aircraft assembly, assessments indicates a potential cost advantage of 15 to 25%.
It is expected that manufacturing of small structural components, hard metal components – aerospace steel, titanium and Inconel, to be used in manufacturing single aisle, brackets and hinges, avionics racks , wiring harnesses, mountings, blades and vanes, to be the key growth area in this segment. This is similar to the evolution in the Chinese aerospace supply base, which leveraged joint ventures with Boeing and Airbus to supply $1 billion in components from 1995 to 2008.
Aircraft sub-assemblies : HAL is the only company with complete aircraft manufacturing capabilities, and companies like Mahindra Aerospace, Tata Group, Taneja Aerospace are ramping up to compete in the segment. To meet industry demands, several private firms plan to enter the market both organically and via mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, several automotive firms may enter aircraft component manufacturing. Reliance, Tata, Mahindra, MRF, Lumax and Minda have already announced plans to do so. Global aerospace majors have started focusing on India to source components for their Indian & Global requirements and Auto component manufacturers in India, with their proven manufacturing capabilities make ideal candidates as supply chain partners in Aerospace & Defence.
MRO services opportunity : INDIA, with its growing aircraft fleet size, strategic location, rich pool of engineering expertise and lower labor cost, has a huge potential to be the global Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) hub on a long-time horizon. The current market size of MRO is estimated at about $700-800 million which is expected to reach $1.2 billion by 2020. India has the potential to become the third largest aviation market by 2020 and the largest by 2030. The growth of the industry is being propelled by the development of airports, presence of several low-cost carriers, a liberalized FDI policy, increasing adoption of information technology and focus on improving regional connectivity.
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With over 1,000 aircraft on order, India is poised to become the third largest buyer of commercial passenger planes in the world, with only the US and China ahead of it. Having received huge orders from Indian carriers, aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus plan to build MRO facilities in India. In January 2017, Spice Jet finalised a deal worth $22 billion to buy 205 aircraft from Boeing and has tied up with Air India Engineering Services Limited (AIESL) for MRO facility at Nagpur. Key players in the Indian MRO market are Air India, Lufthansa, Boeing, Taneja, HAMCO, Eaton Aerospace, Air works, Max Aerospace, Thales International, Sabena Technics, Jupiter Aviation, Mas Aerospace etc. who operate independently or through a JV.
Key Private Players in the Indian Aerospace Manufacturing Sector :
Tata Advanced Systems (TASL), Hyderabad
Mahindra Aerospace, Mumbai
Reliance Naval and Engineering Limited, Mumbai
Tata Automation Limited, Pune
Other private participants in the aerospace manufacturing sector
Below are some of the key component manufacturing companies catering to the aerospace sector :
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Key clusters for aerospace manufacturing :
Bengaluru, Nagpur and Hyderabad are the key aerospace clusters in India primarily driven by the presence of established end users, talent pool and supportive policies. Karnataka is the key state which has given special attention to the aerospace sector including the aerospace policy and the aerospace park being set up in Devanahalli. Karnataka is the only state in the country which has formulated an aerospace policy and is home to several aerospace component manufacturing units.
Systems Controls, G.L. Polyurethane Company Private Limited, Micron Engineers, Priyaraj Electronics Limited and Pacific Natura Biotech Private Limited are ready to invest in aerospace component units in the aerospace SEZ at Devanahalli. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited’s (HAL) proposal to set up a ₹2,095 Crore unit in Devanahalli to manufacture aero-engines and provide MRO facilities.
Telangana boasts of the country’s first Aerospace and Precision Engineering SEZ at Adibatla in Ranga Reddy district near Hyderabad, and has also announced plans to set up two more similar aerospace parks to accommodate prospective companies.
Currently, several home-grown and multi-national companies such as Zen Technologies, Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL), Mahindra & Mahindra, Sikorsky, Pratt & Whitney and Lockheed Martin have operations at the Aerospace SEZ.
Currently, the aerospace SEZ is spread across 350 acres of which only 250 acres has been notified as SEZ. Besides TASL, the state had allotted 30 acres in the SEZ to Nova Integrated Systems, a Tata enterprise, 25 acres to Punj Lloyd, 20 acres to Mishra Dhatu Nigam (Midhani) and 96 acres to Samuha, a consortium of manufacturers including MTAR Technologies Pvt Limited.
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k00288091 · 1 year
Primary Research - Carousel
There's this old carousel decoration in my house that's been around since I was a baby. It plugs in and moves and plays this carnival music that has deteriorated over the last 20 or so years.
I remember spending a really long time just letting time pass and just staring at this thing move. So, naturally, when I started thinking about movement, this was the first thing that came to mind.
It's movement is in circles, and it's moved from house to house with me as I grew older, and its music still plays, albeit weird.
I guess that's got to stand for something. Even though I don't know exactly what yet.
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florasearle · 2 years
Winchester Contemplation Pods
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My boyfriend attended this university and told me of this space. As my boyfriend is autistic, this space benefitted him when he felt overwhelmed. It is silent and the low lighting is great in preventing sensory-overload. The pods also have calming sounds which are accessed via a control panel in the pod.
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bellamancuso · 4 months
Primary Research
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I asked my target audience of eager cooks to complete a survey based on cooking and what appeals to them. Lots of the participants made it clear that they wouldn’t know how to cook red lentils, cous cous and quinoa. It was made clear to me that people got their love for cooking for a variety of reasons, but the main one being family. I will use the research I collected and interpret this within my own work so that my target audience respond to the final design successfully.
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tamaradoubraomonibeke · 8 months
RSA Skin condition research pt. 2
I know this is viscom and not a medical course. However, I cannot approach this brief just as design. This is about people’s lives. If I don’t know their experiences medically, I’ll never be able to design for them.
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hollyoxleylevel6 · 9 months
Primary research - Walk to the beach
When brainstorming ideas for experiments I found that I had a block. I had trouble creating ideas and experiments. To try and resolve this block I decided to go for a walk to the beach. I thought this may help since the first hing that comes to mind when thinking of soar is a bird or kite flying through the sky.
However, When I arrived at the beach I found that there were vehicles moving metal gates into place for a 5k run happening later in the week. I found this make the journey less useful because the birds had moved down the beach. However, I did find that people were flying kites and surfing in the waves. This gave me the idea to create illustrations capturing these moments as I though this clearly showed how something can soar threw the air but still be controlled by our actions.
When leaving the beach I found the aviary located near the Bournemouth gardens. The aviary inspired my photograph experiments because I was fascinated by how the birds could soar through the air in a controlled environment.
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k00285815 · 1 year
Primary research
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Here I took a look at reflections of water and the water reflects on a plain white wall. I took a quick video to capture the reflections of the ripples as I feel the pictures didn’t capture the movement properly.
#water #movement #aquarium #art #primaryresearch
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