#primordial chaos
monstrifex-art · 4 months
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Primordial Chaos - Hades II fanart
We love a gender non-conforming deity around here. They're looking STUNNING in the new game. (Uncensored version on my other socials.)
Prints available here!
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fedezzzsigart · 6 days
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Primordial Parent
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alemja-art · 3 months
In the name of Hades! This was my pandemic project, fanart of Primordial Chaos from Hades by Supergiant Games! Here is the idle animation, rendered in Unreal 5 You can see even more renders on my Artstation
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amaryllis-sagitta · 4 months
I might be reading way too much into this, but after the first look at the new Chaos design I think there might be some kind of a dialectic going on within themself.
The original design is more amorphous and neutral in its presentation, sure. It emphasizes two things to me:
that Chaos is constantly churning on the inside, and
that they birthed the chtonic entities (or at least Nyx and Erebus, which is interesting since in Hades games, Nyx is personified and Erebus is a whole ass biome) and they constantly spawn new potential entities or incarnations of themself, as represented by fetuses and faces protruding from the different parts of their gnarly body.
The new design shows us a well put together androgynous figure in a sparkly suit (though leaning a little more towards femme presentation), holding a skull with a piece of a spine still attached.
As a matter of fact, I believe that the skull is one of the Hades 1 Chaos themself. It has the familiar Chaos sigil on its forehead, and there's a fetus coming out of its mouth. Which to me hints that between the events of Hades 1 and Hades 2, the Primordial Originator's avatar reached some breaking point and had to be reborn. Perhaps Kronos/ Chronos (???) breaking out sowed so much turmoil in the world that Primordial Chaos has inadvertently spread themself thin, and their own realm had to be reformed. In that condition, it would make sense for them to hold themself tighter whenever they need to speak to someone.
The new look feels so very... corporate and luminous, aside from being more anthropomorphic. The look reminds us of the Furies from the first game. To me, it represents form over substance, which would add an interesting dialectical beat to Chaos: even within themself, they can fluctuate between having more or less Form; the Form, too, is already anticipated to come out of Chaos. This new design is controversial because it brings Chaos closer to Form and Light, something that feels paradoxical. They have what looks like a pocket watch in their lapel - they are related to Time!
Which would push the understanding of Chaos towards the Aristotelian concept of change, making them something like Prime Potentiality - the domain where things "wait" for the right timing or the right circumstances to become. This interpretation seems to go well with how H1 Chaos could never be fully present in the world, could never visit their children; the world is where possibilities get actualized into, and Chaos is the conceptualized "point" where everything actualizes from.
And isn't this paradoxical feel about Chaos's new design consistent with their previous presentation as a force in flux that holds multiple internal voices and pairs of logical contradictions, and loves all that's unpredictable?
(Disclaimer: I'm not a classicist, I'm a philosopher, so I appreciate extra on insight on that. I love Chaos's design from H1 and I want to understand the new one.)
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this is basically how that minor prophecy goes, right
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fairyblue-alchemist · 5 months
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beyondthepeople · 5 months
I'm so intrigued by Chaos! The new design has characteristics of Nyx, Than and Meg so maybe they trying to bond with the family (?) Also, the little baby attached to their old form, aaaargh so many questions
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Chaos design symbolism!!!!
Okay so I have so many thoughts about the change in Chaos's design and if don't share them I might just implode. Basically I think about the change in their design denotes a cycle of rebirth and death/ decomposition. In their Hades 1 design they look like this:
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I view the amorphous faces as an embodiment of their experiences throughout a long phase in their existence. I would also like to point out in this design they are growing a baby.
This is very similar to the new design, where what I believe the head of Chaos's Hades 1 designs head is growing another baby.
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So from this I think that Chaos is a constant state of change and rebirth as a microcosm of the universe under the big crunch theory.
Which basically states that the universe is always expanding until it implodes, creates a subsequent big bang, and continues as such. Based on that the design from Hades 1 would be placed on this timeline towards the end before the implosion, and the Hades 2 design right after the big bang.
Another thing that I find very interesting is that Chaos seems to be materialist in nature as they have elements of their past in both their designs, denoting that creation does not exist in a vacuum. This is done with the faces incorporated into their body, and holding the skull of their previous form respectively.
Gah! I love symbolism!! Of course the deity of creation is a perpetual state of change that reflects a theory of the timeline of the universe while at the same time internally representing their previous selves as an embodiment of the materialist nature of existence!!!!
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theunknowninside · 4 months
Things I found out in my last play session.
Spoilers below!
(1) Bathing with these old bones is not possible. Bro needs a break too
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(2) Narcissus is mean king, even worse than Theseus
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(3) No matter what you say, this shade will always be annoyed after you beat Scylla
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Honestly, I would also feel disgruntled if someone assassinated the group I paid to see.
(4) Hestia and Zeus' conversation
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He definitely isn't marriage material.
(5) Chaos YOU WHAT?
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toushindai · 2 months
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Chaos observes with interest.
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redbacklight · 4 months
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thedemigodsguide · 4 months
Hey theoretically if I was a child of chaos would I still be allowed in Camp Half Blood?
- Call me 🌌 /Space anon :)
Hi, Space Anon😉!
I’ve never heard of a child of Chaos! While technically possible, it’s unprecedented!
To answer your question, however, yes. You would be allowed at camp. The only beings that are unwelcome are those who truly intend to harm its occupants. That means monsters, mostly. And some demigods/legacies that are Octavian a danger to our people (*cough*the anemic loser*cough*).
Same goes for New Rome. There rules are a little different, though, so you’d probably need to spend a little more time talking with them if you want to stay there instead.
Anyways, hope to see you soon!
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alemja-art · 3 months
In the name of Hades! This was my pandemic project, fanart of Primordial Chaos from Hades by Supergiant Games!
My ultimate goal was to create a 3D model of my favorite Chthonic God, Chaos, animate them and composite them into footage of the game to see what it would look like.
I have even more renders on my Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1xKBxZ
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peaceinthestorm · 1 year
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Hilma af Klint (1862-1944, Swedish) ~ Group I, Primordial Chaos, No. 16 (Grupp 1, Urkaos, nr 16), from The WU-Rose Series (Serie WU-Rosen), 1906-7
[Source: artvee.com]
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lytorika · 5 months
Chaos Hades 2 you're the hottest bitch I've ever seen
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galarfiend · 2 years
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okay but what if volo in a primordial chaos cosplay. might make this a series
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