#prince!park jimin
vminsos · 1 year
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I'm so in love (cr. qdeoks)
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jkvjimin · 1 year
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the "Jimin effect" ♡
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kth1 · 2 years
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the one prince of everyone's dreams ♡ for @kimtaegis 
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bratzkoo · 23 days
intro. second lead’s girlfriend
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Author: bratzkoo | Credits to: @jintherapper​ for the banner Pairing: prince! jimin x duchess! reader Genre: angst, fluff, isekai Rating: 18+ Word count: 2.6k Warnings/note: it’s a product of my friends and i’s obsession with isekai-ng. isekai is basically being reincarnated but make it posh. 
summary: waking up to a different place. you began to realize you’re Prince Jimin’s betrothed that will die in the hands of a maid sent by an anonymous villain, this event will lead to him falling in love with the female lead and ultimately have his first real heartbreak. you will do your best to keep the both of you alive. you just need to break up with him, try to be the best wingman to him and the female lead, then live a happily ever after. so why would he always choose you?  taglist (hit me up if you wanna be added): @aretha170 , @jinniegenie , @mooniyooni  .@we8joon​ , @njrwifey​
requests are open, but you can just say hi! | masterlist
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A sharp intake of breath escaped my lips as my eyes fluttered open, my surroundings slowly coming into focus. This was not the familiar sight of my bedroom ceiling, but rather an ornate canopy adorned with intricate embroidery. Panic began to set in as I took in the lavish furnishings that filled the room - the plush bedding, the ornate vanity, the heavy curtains that seemed to block out the world beyond.
Where was I? How had I ended up in this unfamiliar place? Am I dead? I'm dead, aren't I? God, if you can hear me... Tell my best friend to delete my search history or just make her hide my phone. My head started to hurt as the fog of sleep began to clear, fragments of memories started to surface. Recollections of a life that was not my own - a life of privilege, of duty, and that hot guy! This is not... I'm not... I hurriedly looked at myself in the mirror. I was not myself. I stared at the reflection of a young lady, supposed to be me, her flawless skin, her long hair, and her pretty face. Thank fuck, I'm gorgeous! Now, I'm pretty sure this is a dream and I know who this person is. I've read this book before. The person in the mirror is Lady Y/N, daughter of Duke Hansol and betrothed to Prince Jimin. Why this dream? Why this person? I'm pretty sure Lady Y/N died before the setting of the book started. I should've dreamt that I'm Lady Hana- the female lead. I tried to slightly tap my face to wake myself up, but to no avail I was still in this body. Ok, my dream is definitely fucking with me. I pinched myself REALLY hard in my forearm. "Holy f--!" That hurts. I started to panic a little bit at the thought that maybe I'm not dreaming. Is this one of those isekai shits, cause if it was, you got to be kidding me! I was never hit by a truck! Take me back! Take me back! Lady Y/N's character is the role I had never sought and one that now seemed to threaten my very existence. Lady Y/N is supposed to die, I don't want to die! Do I even have control of what's happening? Because my supposed death is the event that would be the catalyst leading to Prince Jimin's second heartbreak.
My breath caught in my throat as the gravity of the situation sank in. I was trapped in the pages of a story that I don't know if I have control over. If I don't find a way to survive and change my course of fate. Then my life is doomed. I got to do what I got to do. I have to do whatever it takes to myself alive, maybe do some wingwoman stuff and guide Prince Jimin to Lady Hana. I've always wanted him to get the girl.
I'm sorry, Author! I have to change the future a bit.
I don't want to die!
As I was still trying to process my new reality, a gentle knock on the door startled me out of my frantic thoughts.
"My lady? Are you awake? His Highness Prince Jimin requests your presence in the garden for breakfast," a soft voice called from the other side.
My heart raced. Prince Jimin? Already? I wasn't prepared for this! But I knew I had to face him sooner or later if I wanted to change the course of this story and since when did I live with him in one castle?
"Y-yes, I'll be right there," I called back, wincing at how shaky my voice sounded. Based on the memories inside my head, it's an arranged marriage and I'm pretty sure we're not in love.
I mindlessly rang the bell to call the maids to help me get ready. Thankfully, muscle memory seemed to kick in. My hands moved almost on their own as the maids dressed me in a beautiful pale blue gown that complemented my complexion perfectly. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come.
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As I made my way to the garden, my mind raced with possibilities. How should I act? What should I say? I needed to start distancing myself from him, but I couldn't be too abrupt or suspicious.
The moment I stepped into the sunlit garden, I saw him. Prince Jimin stood near a beautifully set table, his back to me as he admired some flowers. Even from behind, he was breathtaking - back view for days, perfectly styled hair, and an aura of regality that seemed to make the very air around him shimmer.
Then he turned, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. The book hadn't done him justice. His eyes, warm and kind, lit up as they landed on me. A smile, gentle and inviting, spread across his face. His lips, fuck, he's prettier than me.
"Y/N," he said, his voice rich and melodious. "Good morning. I hope you slept well?"
For a moment, I forgot all about my plans to distance myself. I forgot about the danger I was in. I forgot everything except the way he was looking at me. Oh God, his face card.
"G-good morning, Your Highness," I managed to stammer out, dropping into what I hoped was a passable curtsy. "I... yes, I slept well, thank you."
He chuckled, the sound warming me from the inside out. "Please, Y/N. How many times must I ask you to call me Jimin when we're alone? We are to be married, after all."
The reminder of our engagement snapped me back to reality. Right. I had a mission. I couldn't let his charms distract me from staying alive and steering this story back on its proper course (without my death- of course!).
"Of course... Jimin," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Shall we have breakfast?"
As we sat down to eat, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. How was I supposed to push this man away? As we settled into our seats, Prince Jimin's eyes never left me. He reached for the teapot, his movements graceful and deliberate.
“Allow me to pour your tea, Y/N," he offered, his voice warm and inviting.
Ding! Ding! Ding! I swear this man graduated in the University of Green Flag Men. I started to hesitate, my mind racing. This may be the only chance to start creating some distance. "Oh, that's not necessary, Your High— I mean, Jimin. I can manage," I said, trying to keep my tone light but firm. A flicker of confusion passed over his face, but he recovered quickly, flashing me that heart-stopping smile. "Nonsense, I insist," he said, already filling my cup. "I enjoy taking care of you."
My heart skipped a beat at his words, but I reminded myself of my mission. I couldn't let his charm sway me.
"Thank you," I murmured, deliberately avoiding his gaze as I reached for a pastry. I took a bite of a chocolate macarons that instantly melted in my mouth. Author, I promise I won’t change the plot that much, I’ll even live my life just eating this macarons! "I thought we could spend the day together," Jimin suggested, his tone hopeful. "The royal gardens are particularly beautiful this time of year. Perhaps a picnic by the lake?" I nearly choked on my tea. A whole day alone with him? That was the opposite of what I needed. "Oh, I… I'm afraid I can't today," I stammered, my mind scrambling for an excuse. "I promised Lady Jihyun I would help her with… with her embroidery." Jimin's brow furrowed slightly. "Embroidery? I didn't realize you enjoyed such pursuits." "It's a… recent interest," I lied, inwardly cringing at how unconvincing I sounded. "I see," he said, a note of disappointment in his voice. He reached across the table, his hand covering mine. The touch sent a jolt through me, and I had to resist the urge to pull away too abruptly. "Y/N, is everything alright? You seem… distant this morning." I forced a smile, gently sliding my hand from beneath his. "Everything's fine, Jimin. I'm just… preoccupied with thoughts of my duties." "Your duties?" he echoed, looking perplexed. "Y/N, your only duty is to be yourself. That's all I've ever asked of you." His sincerity made my chest ache. Author, I might need him to not be so perfect. I begged of you if I need to push him away, I need every fiber of my body not want to jump this man.
“I appreciate that, truly," I said, trying to infuse my voice with a conviction I didn't feel. "But as your future… wife, I have responsibilities to consider. To the kingdom, to your family." Jimin leaned back, studying me with those intense eyes. "You've never spoken like this before, Y/N. What's changed?" I bit my lip, avoiding his gaze. "Nothing's changed. I'm just… growing into my role, I suppose." A tense silence fell between us. I could feel Jimin's eyes on me, searching for answers I couldn't give. Finally, he spoke, his voice soft but determined. "Y/N, look at me," he requested. Oh? Look at me, baby. This isn’t you.
Reluctantly, I met his gaze. "Whatever's troubling you, whatever doubts you're having, please know that you can talk to me. Our marriage may have been arranged, but I want us to have a good relationship. I want us to face everything together." His words were like a dagger to my heart. How could I explain that I wasn't really his Y/N? That I was an imposter trying to save my own life? "I… I need time, Jimin," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "To adjust, to… to be worthy of the role I'm to play." Jimin's expression softened. He reached for my hand again, and this time, I let him take it. "You are already worthy, Y/N. More than worthy. But if time is what you need, then time you shall have. Just promise me you won't shut me out completely." I nodded, not trusting myself to speak, as we finished our breakfast in silence.
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As the days passed, I found myself caught in an intricate dance of avoidance and duty. Every shared meal, every stolen glance from Jimin, felt like a step closer to my impending doom. It didn't help that I don't know who or what killed me. I had to find a way to push him away, to make him see that our arranged marriage was a mistake.
I really can’t take the direct approach and ask him to cancel our engagement, as Y/N’s father… well my father now, he’s not going to like this.
I need to figure out another way that will end this engagement and not bring embarrassment to myself or my family, get this over amicably.
As I see Prince Jimin, approach me with a smile on his face and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. It took all of my self control not to face palm right there and there.
This fucking simp! Does he have feelings for Y/N? How will I live peacefully? Let me break the engagement pls pls pls!
As the days turned into weeks, I found myself growing increasingly desperate. No matter how hard I tried to distance myself from Jimin, he remained unfailingly kind and attentive. It was maddening, and I was running out of ideas. Then the King announced that there’s going to be a royal ball, a grand affair with nobles from all corners of the kingdom and in special attendance, my father. I wasn’t so hang up on the not embarrassing myself anyway, since the start of the book is almost coming to a close meaning my death sentence is right at the corner. I saw this as my chance to finally push Prince Jimin away for good and onto the arms of the female lead.
On the night of the ball, I put my plan into action. I arrived late, my hair in disarray and my gown deliberately wrinkled. Gasps and whispers filled the ballroom as I made my entrance, stumbling slightly for effect.
Jimin's eyes widened as he saw me, but to my frustration, his expression quickly softened into one of concern. He hurried to my side, gently taking my arm.
"Y/N, are you alright?" he murmured, his voice low enough that only I could hear. "You seem... unwell."
I forced a laugh, too loud and sharp. "Unwell? Nonsense! I'm having a wonderful time already!"
I pulled away from him, making my way to the refreshment table. With deliberate clumsiness, I knocked over a tray of glasses, sending crystal and champagne scattering across the floor.
"Oops!" I exclaimed, not bothering to hide my lack of remorse. Surely now, Prince Jimin would be furious, embarrassed by my behavior because even I was. Pls, God let this be over.
But when I turned to gauge his reaction, I found him already at my side, a gentle smile on his face as he addressed the shocked onlookers.
"No harm done," he said smoothly. "Accidents happen. Please, everyone, continue enjoying the ball." Fuck you, Prince Jimin! I really can’t with his kindness, I don’t need your understanding right now!
He turned to me, his eyes full of nothing but warmth. "Are you hurt, Y/N? Let's step outside for a moment, get some fresh air."
Frustration bubbled up inside me. Why wouldn't he just get angry? I allowed him to lead me to a secluded balcony, my mind racing for my next move.
"You must be feeling overwhelmed," Jimin said softly, once we were alone. "The pressures of court life can be daunting, I know. But please remember, you're not alone in this. I'm here for you, always."
His sincerity was like a physical ache in my chest. I turned away, unable to bear the kindness in his eyes.
"You don't understand," I muttered. "I'm not... I'm not who you think I am."
Jimin's hand on my shoulder was gentle but firm. "You're Y/N," he said simply. "The woman who is going to be my wife and I care for your well being. Nothing else matters."
I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting back tears. This was all wrong. He wasn't supposed to care. He was supposed to fall for Lady Hana, not waste his affection on someone who wasn't even the real Y/N.
"Let's return to the ball," Jimin suggested after a moment. "We'll face it together. And if you want to leave early, just say the word."
As we reentered the ballroom, I caught sight of our reflection in a gilded mirror. Jimin, ever regal and composed, and me, a disheveled mess beside him. Yet the way he looked at me, you'd think I was the most precious thing in the world.
I realized then that my plan had backfired spectacularly. Instead of pushing Jimin away, I'd only drawn him closer. And worse, I was beginning to understand why the real Y/N wanted to get married to him.
As we moved through the crowd, Jimin's hand a steady presence at the small of my back, I knew I needed a new strategy. Because with every passing moment, every kind word and gentle touch, I was falling deeper into a trap of my own making.
And I had no idea how to escape.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
I want Jimin to debut as Baby J in Chapter 3.
I didn't get it before, but I see the vision now.
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btsstaysgold · 6 months
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This Yoonmin from Blood, Sweat and Tears needs to be talked about more often cause my gosh are they pretty...
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thejiminiepark · 11 months
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Behind the scenes of the shooting of Jimin's Dior Spring 2024 campaign advertisement video .
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minieggukie · 2 years
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never forget who was born in busan first
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naneun-no · 2 months
I don’t know exactly why but the more I listen to Who, the more it sounds like something that should be a sung by a Disney Prince in one of those newfangled animated musicals where every song sounds like a pop anthem 😂 there’s just something about the phrasing (“wanna give her the world and so much moooore”), the concept (a lonely rich boy pining for the one true love he’s never met), the cheesy wordplay (I can’t with the 1,2,3,4,5 STOB IT 🤣).
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Now I need a new animated fairytale where Jimin voices the romantic but loveless prince who is great at dancing and martial arts but is too softhearted (he’s even sweet to bugs 🥺) to see the treachery happening within his own court! Enter the plucky new heroine hired on as an assassin by his power hungry uncle! Only… she falls for the Prince instead of killing him! And helps him rid his kingdom of the schemers! And, and, and… he also teaches her to ballroom dance!
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His Royal Highness prince kim taehyung 👑❤️‍🔥
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lokisasylum · 10 days
Korea's IT Boy 👑🔥💪✨
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loveroftime · 6 months
So this is love?
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chappysuey · 1 year
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Shalalalalala... Kiss the boy The Little Mermaid Jikook AU 
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lovelminie · 5 months
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#details from my prince 🩷
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jiminicus · 5 months
Whispers of Desire
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ 🐨, ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱʏ 🔮
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴊɪᴍɪɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴏʀᴅᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.4ᴋ
ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ: ᴘɢ
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜɪᴇᴛ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇʀ ᴘᴀʟᴀᴄᴇ'ꜱ ʙᴀᴛʜʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ, ᴀ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇꜱꜱ ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇꜱ ᴀɴ ᴜɴᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴊɪᴍɪɴ, ʜᴇʀ ꜱᴇʀᴠᴀɴᴛ.
Servant Jimin gives is princess a nice bath.
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In a realm where power and duty intertwined like the thorny vines of its roses, the Princess held dominion not only over her people but also over the walls that confined her. Her days, governed by the rigid schedules of royalty, allowed for few personal indulgences. However, once a week, she took an extended break, retreating to the privacy of the royal bathhouse, a secluded haven designed not just for cleanliness but as a sanctuary from the expectations of her crown.
Today, as she approached the secluded bathhouse nestled within the private gardens of the palace, a surprising figure awaited her. The door swung open to reveal Jimin, a servant who had often caught her attention on the castle grounds. Though his usual duties included enchanting the court as a singer during festivities, today he took on the more humble role of a servant, an unexpected yet not unwelcome shift. His slim frame was outlined by the soft light filtering through the stained glass, his black wavy hair framing a face marked by beautiful, deep brown eyes. A blush crept over her cheeks as their eyes met, an unspoken acknowledgment of the change in their usual roles.
"Good afternoon, Your Highness," Jimin greeted, his voice steady, betraying none of the nervousness that flickered in his dark eyes. His wavy black hair, was slightly damp from preparing the bath. fell over his forehead and eyes, lending him a boyish look that contrasted sharply with his usual composed appearance.
"Jimin," the Princess acknowledged with a nod, her voice a mixture of curiosity and delight. "I wasn't expecting you to be here."
"I offered to assist today," he replied, his gaze momentarily holding hers before respectfully dropping to the floor. "If that is agreeable to you."
"It is," she assured him, her heart fluttering inexplicably at the thought of such a private interaction with the servant she had been quietly observing for a while. As they walked towards the changing area, tension hung between them.
Reaching the changing screen in the room, Jimin spoke again, his back turned to afford her privacy but his tone warm. "I have prepared your bath with lavender and chamomile, Your Highness, to soothe and relax."
"Thank you, Jimin. That sounds perfect," she responded, feeling the weight of her garments as if for the first time that day. With a grace that belied her nervousness, she began to undo the clasps of her gown, the rustle of fabric filling the air. When a stubborn lace caught, she hesitated.
"May I assist, Your Highness?" Jimin's voice was close, and she realized he had turned at her pause nearing the edge of the screen separating them, his hands ready to help.
"Yes, please," she breathed out, and his fingers smoothly untied the lace, his touch sending a warmth through her that had little to do with the bath waiting nearby. Once the gown fell away, she quickly wrapped herself in the bathing robe, resembling a towel snugly wrapped around her form. It was a simple yet functional garment designed to preserve modesty while allowing ease of movement.
As she stepped out from behind the screen, Jimin's eyes briefly met hers, a flicker of something more than servitude in their depths. He led her to the bathing area, where a large, steaming basin awaited, surrounded by small vials of oils and fragrant petals.
"Shall we begin?" he asked, his voice soft, as he gestured toward the prepared bath.
The Princess nodded, and with careful touches, Jimin helped her sit by the basin, after which he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, exposing his arms. He then picked up a soft cloth, dipping it into the warm, scented water before beginning to cleanse her arms with slow, measured strokes.
"Does the temperature suit you, Your Highness?" he asked as he moved to wash her legs, revealed from under the robe as she extended them along the wooden bath seat.
"It's perfect, thank you," she murmured, closing her eyes to better savor the warmth that enveloped her body and the quiet caring of Jimin’s hands. He washed her shoulders next, the movement of his hands firm yet gentle, evoking a sense of peace and a thrill of something more forbidden.
Once the initial washing was complete, Jimin helped her into the basin, supporting her as she stepped down into the warm water. The heat enveloped her, seeping into her muscles with a deep, soothing intensity. He began to wash her hair, his fingers skillfully massaging her scalp with oil infused with rose. The aroma filled the air, a heady mix that made her head spin slightly with its potency.
"Is the pressure alright?" Jimin's voice pulled her from her reverie.
"Yes, it's very relaxing," she replied, her voice low, almost a whisper. "You have a skilled touch, Jimin."
"I am glad to hear it pleases you," he said, a note of pride in his voice. His hands continued their work, now rinsing her hair with a silver pitcher that caught the light, glinting in the soft candlelight of the room.
When the bath was done, he stepped away, giving her time to soak alone in the aromatic water. "I will wait outside. Take all the time you need, Your Highness."
Emerging later, softened and soothed by the luxurious warmth, the Princess found Jimin ready with a plush towel. He held it open for her, his eyes carefully averted to maintain correctness as she stepped from the bath. The air, cooler now, made her skin prickle with the sudden change, and the warmth of the towel as he draped it around her was a welcome comfort.
Jimin’s hands were careful as they patted her skin dry, his touches light yet thorough, ensuring she was comfortable and cared for. As he dried her hair, he managed to keep the intimacy of the moment shrouded under the guise of his duties. “Your hair holds the fragrance well, Your Highness. It suits you,” he remarked, a smile playing on his lips, his tone a little teasing.
The Princess couldn’t help but return his smile, touched by his gentle charm. “Thank you, Jimin. Rose is my favorite scent, I am glad you chose it.”
They moved back toward her chambers, the silence between them filled with a soft, unspoken tension. Jimin walked just a step behind her, the proper distance for a servant, yet every now and then, she felt his gaze on her.
Once they reached her dressing room, he spoke again. “I have laid out your evening attire, Your Highness. The maids will assist you further. If there is nothing more you require of me?”
His question hung in the air, a polite formality, yet laden with an undercurrent of something else—a reluctance to part, perhaps, that mirrored her own.
“There is nothing more, Jimin. Thank you,” she said, her voice steadier than she felt. “You have been most… helpful today.”
As he bowed and turned to leave, she felt a sudden loss, the warmth of his hands still lingering on her skin, the scent of rose a reminder of the closeness they had shared. She watched him go, his figure retreating yet imprinted firmly in her mind.
With other maids arriving to help her dress, the Princess was brought back to the reality of her station, the regal garments replacing the simple robe, the crown waiting to settle back upon her head. Yet, beneath the layers of silk and jewels, her skin still tingled where Jimin had touched, her heart fluttering against the confines of her royal duties.
That night, as she lay in her grand bed surrounded by the silken curtains that did little to block out the moonlight across her room, the Princess found herself enveloped in the memory of Jimin. His care, the warmth of his gaze, and the gentle strength of his hands not only haunted her thoughts but stirred a deep, unfamiliar longing within her. It was a dangerous path to tread, her mind warned her, yet her heart yearned to explore the connection that had blossomed so unexpectedly. Alone with her thoughts, she found solace in the pleasure of her own touch, guided by the memory of his. As she recalled his touch, her fingers moved deliberately, tracing over her skin where his had lingered, igniting a slow burn of pleasure.
im too soft for jimin help me 😭😭
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bratzkoo · 22 days
doré | minjoon | part two
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Author: bratzkoo  | Credits to: @jintherapper​​ for the banner Pairing: crown prince! namjoon x pirate! jimin Genre: fluff, angst, more angst Rating: 18+ Word count: 2.1k Warnings/note: cursing, mentions of death and killing, revenge, no proper pov TT, homophobic piece of shit king, bisexual jimin x bisexual namjoon... just saying, idiots to lovers?, jin being the best brother out there, jungkook is an impulsive boy and stupidly brilliant, yoongi had enough haha, it’s my first time writing a pirate! au and i do not know what i’m doing. to @written-in-flowers for @thebtswritersclub​ . part one here.
summary: jimin’s quest on clearing his name after he was framed for murder consists of making the crown prince fall in love with him. 
taglist: TT i can’t find my taglist, pls hit me up if you wanna be added.
The gentle rocking of the ship lulled Namjoon into a false sense of security. He found himself surprisingly at ease, considering his current predicament. The Crown Prince of the Empire, kidnapped by pirates and now willingly agreeing to help clear the name of their leader—it was absurd, really. Yet here he was, sitting across from Park Jimin in the captain's quarters, discussing their plan as if they were old friends conspiring over tea.
"So, let me get this straight," Namjoon said, leaning back in his chair. "You want me to vouch for your innocence when we return to the palace, but you're leaving the details entirely up to me?"
Jimin's lips curved into a mischievous smile. "I have faith in your creativity, Your Highness. Surely the Crown Prince can concoct a believable tale?"
Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle. "You're putting an awful lot of trust in someone you've kidnapped."
"Technically, Jungkook kidnapped you," Jimin corrected, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'm merely... benefiting from the situation."
"Ah, yes. How could I forget?" Namjoon rolled his eyes, but there was no real annoyance behind the gesture. Despite himself, he was finding Jimin's company oddly enjoyable. "And speaking of Jungkook, where is your impulsive first mate?"
Jimin waved a hand dismissively. "Probably trying to figure out how to sail the ship he stole. Don't worry, I've made it clear that you're not to be harmed."
"How reassuring," Namjoon deadpanned. He stood up, stretching his long limbs. "Well, if I'm to be your guest for the next three days, I might as well get acquainted with my temporary home. Care to give me a tour, Captain?"
Jimin raised an eyebrow. "You're taking this remarkably well, Your Highness. I half expected you to be demanding your immediate return."
Namjoon shrugged. "What would be the point? We're already at sea, and I've given my word to help you. Besides," he added with a wry smile, "this is the most excitement I've had in years. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts."
Jimin laughed, a sound that was surprisingly melodic. "Very well, then. Allow me to show you around our humble vessel."
As they made their way out of the captain's quarters and onto the main deck, Namjoon was struck by the organized chaos of ship life. Crew members scurried about, adjusting sails and checking ropes. The salty sea air whipped around them, carrying with it the cries of seagulls and the distant rumble of waves against the hull.
"It's... not what I expected," Namjoon admitted, taking in the sight.
Jimin glanced at him curiously. "And what did you expect, Your Highness? Bloodthirsty pirates swinging from the rigging with knives between their teeth?"
Namjoon had the grace to look sheepish. "Well, when you put it like that..."
Their tour took them from bow to stern, with Jimin pointing out various parts of the ship and introducing Namjoon to key crew members. The prince was surprised by the camaraderie he witnessed, the easy banter and shared laughter among the pirates. It was a far cry from the stuffy formality of palace life.
As they reached the ship's galley, a boisterous voice called out, "Oi, Cap'n! Who's the fancy gentleman?"
Namjoon turned to see a burly man with a wild beard and an even wilder grin. Jimin chuckled, clapping the man on the shoulder.
"Namjoon, meet our cook, Seokjin. Seokjin, this is... well, I suppose you could call him our guest of honor."
Seokjin's eyes widened comically. "Blimey, it's true then? We've got the Crown Prince aboard?"
Namjoon nodded, offering a polite smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Seokjin."
The cook let out a bark of laughter. "Well, I'll be damned. Never thought I'd be cookin' for royalty. You got any fancy tastes, Your Highness? 'Fraid we're a bit short on caviar and champagne."
"Whatever you normally serve will be fine," Namjoon assured him. "I'm not one for extravagance, despite what you might think."
Seokjin nodded approvingly. "A man after me own heart. Well, don't you worry, Your Highness. I'll whip up a feast fit for a king—or a prince, in this case."
As they continued their tour, Namjoon found himself genuinely enjoying the experience. The crew, while initially wary, seemed to warm up to him quickly. He listened intently as Jimin explained the intricacies of sailing, asked questions about life at sea, and even tried his hand at tying a few knots under the guidance of a patient deckhand.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow across the waves, Jimin led Namjoon to the ship's bow. They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, watching the sky turn from gold to pink to deep purple.
"It's beautiful," Namjoon murmured, almost to himself.
Jimin nodded, his expression softening. "It is. No matter how many times I see it, the sunset at sea never fails to take my breath away."
Namjoon turned to study Jimin's profile, illuminated by the fading light. "How did you end up here, Jimin? Last I heard, you were the Archduke's son, set for a life of luxury and political influence. What happened?"
Jimin's jaw tightened almost imperceptibly. "It's... a long story, Your Highness. One I'm not sure you're ready to hear."
"We have three days," Namjoon pointed out gently. "And if I'm to help clear your name, don't you think I should know the truth?"
Jimin sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You're right, of course. But perhaps we should save that conversation for tomorrow. It's not exactly a pleasant bedtime story."
Namjoon nodded, respecting Jimin's reluctance. "Very well. But I hope you'll trust me enough to share it soon."
As if on cue, Seokjin's voice boomed across the deck. "Dinner's ready, you landlubbers! Come and get it while it's hot!"
The galley was a cramped but cozy space, filled with the mouthwatering aroma of Seokjin's cooking. Namjoon found himself seated between Jimin and Jungkook, the latter eyeing him warily.
"So, Your Highness," Jungkook began, his tone cautious. "No hard feelings about the whole kidnapping thing, right?"
Namjoon couldn't help but laugh. "Well, considering I'm enjoying a delicious meal instead of languishing in some dank cell, I suppose I can find it in my heart to forgive you."
Jungkook visibly relaxed, a grin spreading across his face. "See, Cap? I told you he was a good sport."
Dinner was a lively affair, with conversation and laughter flowing as freely as the rum. Namjoon found himself regaling the crew with tales from the palace, carefully omitting any sensitive information. In return, he was treated to outrageous stories of their adventures at sea, each tale more unbelievable than the last.
As the night wore on and the crew began to disperse, Jimin led Namjoon back to the captain's quarters. "You'll be staying here," he explained. "I'll bunk with Jungkook for the duration of your stay."
Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "That's very generous of you, but I don't want to put you out. I'm perfectly capable of sharing a room."
Jimin shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Nonsense. You're our guest, after all. Besides, I doubt you'd enjoy Jungkook's snoring."
"Fair enough," Namjoon conceded. He hesitated for a moment before adding, "Thank you, Jimin. For everything. This isn't at all how I imagined a kidnapping would go."
Jimin's smile widened. "Well, we aim to exceed expectations, Your Highness. Sleep well. We have a lot to discuss tomorrow."
As Namjoon settled into the surprisingly comfortable bed, his mind raced with the events of the day. He knew he should be more concerned about his situation, about the potential consequences of his absence from the palace. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling that this unexpected adventure might be exactly what he needed.
With the gentle rocking of the ship lulling him to sleep, Namjoon's last thought before drifting off was of Jimin's enigmatic smile and the mysteries that lay behind it.
The next morning dawned bright and clear, the sun's rays filtering through the porthole to rouse Namjoon from his slumber. For a moment, he was disoriented, the unfamiliar surroundings causing a brief panic. Then the events of the previous day came rushing back, and he let out a small chuckle at the absurdity of it all.
A knock at the door interrupted his musings. "Your Highness? Are you awake?" Jimin's voice called from the other side.
"Come in," Namjoon replied, sitting up and running a hand through his disheveled hair.
Jimin entered, carrying a tray laden with what appeared to be breakfast. "I thought you might appreciate a private meal this morning," he explained, setting the tray on the small table by the window. "We have much to discuss."
Namjoon nodded, climbing out of bed and joining Jimin at the table. The spread was simple but appetizing—fresh bread, cheese, some fruit, and a steaming mug of what smelled like coffee. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "I admit, I'm curious to hear your story."
Jimin took a deep breath, his fingers idly tracing patterns on the wooden tabletop. "It's not a tale I enjoy telling, Your Highness. But you're right—if you're to help me, you need to know the truth."
And so, as they shared their breakfast, Jimin began to recount the events that had led him to this life of piracy. He spoke of his father, the Archduke, a man consumed by ambition and greed. Of the pressure to be the perfect heir, to follow in his father's corrupt footsteps. Of the moment he discovered just how deep that corruption ran.
"I found documents," Jimin said, his voice low and intense. "Proof that my father had been embezzling funds meant for the people, collaborating with foreign powers to undermine the Empire's stability. I... I couldn't stand by and let it happen."
Namjoon listened intently, his breakfast forgotten. "What did you do?"
"I tried to expose him," Jimin replied, a bitter smile twisting his lips. "I thought if I brought the evidence to the proper authorities, justice would be served. But I underestimated my father's influence. Somehow, he managed to turn it all around on me. Suddenly, I was the traitor, the corrupt son trying to frame his innocent father."
"That's why you were exiled," Namjoon realized, the pieces falling into place.
Jimin nodded. "Exile was a kindness, really. My father wanted me executed for treason. It was only through the intervention of... a friend at court that I was allowed to leave with my life."
"And you turned to piracy?"
"Not immediately," Jimin admitted. "At first, I just wandered, trying to figure out what to do with my life. But then I met Jungkook, and well... the rest, as they say, is history."
Namjoon sat back, processing everything he'd heard. It was a lot to take in, and it painted a very different picture of the man before him than the one he'd previously held. "Jimin, I... I'm so sorry. What was done to you was unjust."
Jimin shrugged, though Namjoon could see the tension in his shoulders. "It is what it is, Your Highness. I've made peace with my lot in life. But now, with your help, perhaps I can finally clear my name and return home."
"Of course," Namjoon said without hesitation. "I'll do everything in my power to help you. But Jimin... why didn't you come to me before? As Crown Prince, I could have—"
"With all due respect, Your Highness," Jimin interrupted gently, "you were barely more than a boy when this happened. And my father's influence runs deep. I couldn't risk involving you then."
Namjoon nodded, understanding but not liking it. "And now?"
Jimin's lips quirked into a small smile. "Now, you're the Crown Prince in more than just title. You have real power, real influence. And, if I may be so bold, I believe you to be a man of integrity. Someone who will listen to the truth and act on it, regardless of the consequences."
Namjoon felt a warmth spread through his chest at Jimin's words. It was a heavy responsibility, but one he was determined to live up to. "I won't let you down, Jimin. We'll find a way to clear your name and bring your father to justice."
"Thank you, Your Highness," Jimin said softly, his eyes shining with gratitude and something else Namjoon couldn't quite identify.
As they finished their breakfast and began to plan their next steps, Namjoon found himself studying Jimin more closely. The man before him was not the carefree pirate captain he'd first appeared to be, nor was he the traitorous son Namjoon had once believed him to be. He was complex, layered, a man shaped by hardship and injustice but not broken by it.
And as the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm light over the two men deep in conversation, Namjoon realized that his adventure at sea was becoming something far more significant than he could have ever imagined.
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