#prince wicky au
transwicky · 9 months
aight I've got a HILARIOUS au idea.
everything is the same except Wicky is a prince and nobody has any idea.
He's not first in line, and when asked, he says he's the "throwaway sibling". He's pretty well known in his home country as the second born prince, and he's kind, loves hockey, and pretty smart, even if he's not as smart as his older sibling.
The only people at Samwell who know the truth are the dean, the coaches, Ollie, Nursey, and Shitty (Ollie was voluntarily told during Year 1 after Ollie asked Wicky out, and the other two straight up knew from their parents, and knew his name and face before even meeting him).
SMH finds out in 1 of 2 ways:
Option 1: Graduation comes, and Jack's mom recognizes Wicky's grandmother or parents (whoever the monarch is), and is flabbergasted they're there, and they're just like "Yeah, we came to see our little boy graduate!" and the rest of SMH stares as Wicky jumps on his brother in excitement.
Option 2: the Newsletter literally says it, and Foxtrot goes "Wait, Wicky's a prince??" and Nursey goes "Yep" while the rest of SMH stare at her and then him like "what the fuck are you talking about?"
In Option 2: Bitty specifically finds out because he has Ollie and Wicky on the channel before they leave on their honeymoon, and MULTIPLE people send messages asking how he knows a prince and his new husband and Bitty is entirely baffled, and then horrified.
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years
OMG! YES! Thx for the tag buddy ol’ pal @novafire-is-thinking
Rules are rules so: WIP names please and thank you. Asks about said WIPs are absolutely appreciated. Maybe a couple of words to set the scene if you know what I mean. A somewhat vague but telling description of your work. Even if you’re nowhere close to finishing it, or you haven’t even started on it and you only have a name and an idea, I want to hear it regardless. Literally anything counts! From art sketches to writing and maybe some small headcannons or stories you have.
Oh god, my notes are so disorganized. But hey, I’ll work with what I got. If you guys ask any questions I will happily answer them, just not right away, cause I can be surprisingly busy sometimes.
Storytelling Stuff:
Recruit Vigilantes(RBA)
Recruiting Rescue Interns(RBA)
Wedge’s Family Reunion(RBA)
Wedge Speaks City(RBA)
How To Parent A Whirl(RBA)
Hotshot In The Middle(RBA)
Hoist Goes Green(RBA)
A Medix Of Many Talents(RBA)
Brushfire’s Outback(RBA)
Scorch Knows No Bounds(RBA)
Prince Of The Academy(RBA)
Rescue Animated(RB/RBA/TFA)
Lost and Found(RBA/LL/MTMTE)
Wit-Wicky’s New Recruit(RBA/TFE)
Night at the Mall(TFBB/RBA)
Lost Bots of Lost Light(TFBB/LL/MTMTE)
Art Stuff:
Thorns & Thrones DTIYS
Represent Zine Page
Baby Bots
Hotshot and his bros
Meet The Artist
Extra Random Stuff:
Lost Bots of Lost Light duo headcannons
RBA in other continuities(TFA/TFE/LL/MTMTE/TFBB) incorrect quotes and one shots
Stories of other creators’ AUs and OCs
Check this out! @geluatekurama @fishbugg @sonia-aquamarineson @jessenitrogen-blog @thegirlwhoflies26 @shapeshiftingcloud @autistic-fool-with-ideas
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transwicky · 5 months
Tumblr media
So... I commissioned a new icon by @virgoscringe !!! I'm crying. I love it. Did we have a hilarious goof of miscommunication because this fandom can never figure out which boy is who?? Yes. Worth the money and the laugh over the fact this fandom is a mess with these two boys?? Also yes. Is it a Prince Wicky au icon? Now did yall expect anything else from me??? Of course it is.
It is also becoming my phone Home Screen, and replacing my dog as it but he's still my Lock Screen so it's ok.
Thank you again, G!!! I am absolutely in love with this!!
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transwicky · 9 months
Ollie: so I'm dating a prince
Wicky: yes.
Ollie: do people know who you are over here?
Wicky: ... Pretty sure Shitty and Nursey know, and then also Jack's mom does, at least, but idk if Bad Bob does, he was talking to my great uncle about hockey the whole time.
Ollie: does Jack?
Wicky: I mean, they all went to my sibling's 18th birthday party that I was specifically attending because it's my sibling, so I'd be shocked if he doesn't??
Narrator: Wicks is, in fact, shocked when Jack finds out he is the younger brother to the heir.
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transwicky · 9 months
Every new years Wicky's family posts a photo of a family member kissing their SO at midnight. Wicky has never been in this photo because he's never had a boyfriend to last long enough to get to more than 1 new years celebration.
Jr year, when it's clear he and Ollie are gonna get married, the photo is of them kissing at midnight.
It's the 1 and only time Ollie is shown to the media before their engagement is announced (that summer), and his face isn't even seen in the photo because Wicky is specifically using his hands to obscure his face because he knows his sibling is taking a photo of them.
The media goes nuts over it and is trying to ID the Prince's mystery "girlfriend".
Shitty and Nursey are both cackling and having the time of their lives. The chirps they give Ollie are endless.
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transwicky · 8 months
Chapter 4
Year 1: Spring Semester (Prince Wicky AU)
Charlie quietly came out to their parents over winter break. It wasn’t as a girl, but the fact that he wasn’t sure what he was, and he was admittedly terrified because he was the heir, because Junior has more freedom, because he- he isn’t expected to take over, and- and not a lot of people know him and-
And their parents hugged the heir tightly, and promised that whatever Charlie wanted, they would support him. Whether he was nonbinary (a word Pacer taught them while in the academy), or a trans girl, or a cis boy who just liked wearing dresses, they supported him.
The rest of winter break, Charlie explored his gender more in terms of being in the public eye rather than wearing dresses in his house in Boston and never anywhere else.
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transwicky · 8 months
Prince Wicky AU Chapter 5
Moving back into the house after a summer away was both exciting and nerve wracking, for two reasons. One reason was that because he was away from his parents again. He knew he still had Charlie in Boston for the year, and that he’d be there for another two years after that for experience working in a law firm or something, or another two for schooling? Pacer wasn’t sure, but either way, he had Charlie nearby for another three years. The second reason was because, this year, Ollie was moving in with him. It had been a discussion, a major one, over the summer, between him and his parents, and then with Ollie and his aunt, and then with his parents and Ollie’s aunt making the final decision.
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transwicky · 8 months
If I MUST be known for ONE thing in this fandom, let it be the Prince Wicky AU.
I regret nothing about this
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transwicky · 8 months
More prince Wicky au thoughts that might actually go in the fic.
You know how Hops and his Mom saw Bitty's blog and all??
I've decided that Hops' mom knows about Wicky. Maybe she volunteered in Zerenia at some point or did business there or something but bc of that, Hops knows about Wicky.
So before going to Samwell, he devours like, all information about Zerenia and all that he can because his mother said he needs to be respectful!! So he does that.
He refuses to upset a prince, dammit.
Except when he finally meets Wicky, he's screaming "WILL YOU TWO MOTHERFUCKERS SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" at Nursey and Dex because he's fed up with their fighting and it's barely been a goddamn day since they moved into the Haus.
Hops is suddenly very, very confused, and when Dex shouts FUCK YOU TOO WICKS, he is in fact, a little terrified and might be having a small panic attack.
He finds out from Raptor that "Bro, whatever you expected about Bittle, throw it out the window."
"... Um. Not bitty."
"Oh, Nursey and Dex? You get-"
Raptor slams his hand on the Waffle's mouth immediately.
"There's no prince here." Raptor said.
Hops is confused, but the amused look on Raptor's face was rather threatening, as if it said he should listen, or else.
He may end up with a crush on Raptor.
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transwicky · 8 months
I gave Wicky's home country a queer hockey league. I regret nothing of it.
Now please consider.
Someone from the NHL being traded to that league.
Imagine the Culture Shock.
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transwicky · 9 months
Fall Semester (Part 1)
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transwicky · 9 months
Pacer Wicks had named himself after his father. The man was firm, but fair, but if you truly crossed him, the man was like the devil incarnate, and when he was growing up, his mother said he was just like his father. So, Pacer named himself after the man, and when he was five years old, he told his parents his name wasn’t Abigail anymore – it was Pacer. His mother had been startled, but his father had simply laughed. Considering Pacer had run into the Parliament meeting, despite his nanny trying to stop him, he wasn’t entirely shocked that his father found it hilarious. or: Wicky is a prince, and maybe only 3 people on SMH actually know that.
Happy New Year, the fic is up
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transwicky · 8 months
Holster and Ransom visit Zerenia one summer and run into Ollie and Wicky and are SHOCKED!! And they greet each other and chat and hang out for the day.
It's the first time since college that both Ollie and Wicky are treated normal (unless Ollie's aunt and cousin visit).
Holster and Ransom have no idea why people were whispering about them the entire day, or why someone was watching them with a frown and sunglasses on their face.
Not until when they're out of the capital in another city and see headlines about "Prince Pacer and Prince Oliver spend day with American Foreigners" or some shit and Holster screams
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transwicky · 4 months
Prince Wicky AU Chapter 7
Read on AO3
Wicky didn’t say anything when Nursey, Dex, and Chowder came over the first week of being back on campus. They had knocked, and Henry had narrowed his eyes, but let the three in, and when Wicky looked up from eating lunch, he’d been expecting Ollie. Instead, he got the frogs. “Oh, hey guys.” He said, blinking. “Hey. Ollie here yet?” Nursey asked, and Wicky shook his head. “Nah.” He said, “I haven’t heard from him in a bit, actually. I’m kind of worried.” “I’m sure he’s fine, Wicks.” Dex said, rolling his eyes, and Chowder looked confused. “They’re dating, C.” Nursey said, amused, and Chowder’s eyes widened. “Wh- you never said!” Chowder cried, and Wicky snorted. “Because our relationship is nobody’s business.” He said, as Dex and Nursey sat down, and Nursey tugged Chowder to sit. “Lardo fines the shit outta us anyways.” “Good thing you can afford it.” Jacob said, walking in – on his phone –and Wicky huffed. “Please tell me you’re talking to Raptor.” He begged. “Nope.” The man said, and Wicky groaned. “Bro… Please just ask Raptor out.” Dex said, and Wicky flung his arm out, motioning to Dex. “He is saying- Do you know how- ASK HIM OUT!” Wicky cried, and Chowder blinked. “Wait, he’s the guy Raptor’s got a thing for?” Chowder asked. “Yes.” Henry said, walking in with the newspaper. “Frankie called; their flight was canceled and the second one was delayed.” The prince groaned.
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transwicky · 8 months
Wicky: so you're wheeling my teammate?
Jacob: I am definitely not
Wicky: well WHY THE FUCK NOT?!
Jacob: I think I need a new job
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transwicky · 7 months
Prince Wicky AU Chapter 6
Wicky knew it was coming. He really did; the first game he and Ollie played as a d-pair, and Nursey and Dex both noticed when the two were put on second line, and not them. He and Ollie did pretty good, too. It was a lot more harder though, if he were honest. He checked a lot more people than he was used to doing, and sometimes those players dropped their gloves, and he got punched. He had thought the school league in Zerenia had treated him like every other player, but the first punch in the face he got as a d-man had told him that was definitely not true. They may have said he was treated the same, but everyone had definitely gone out of their way to not hurt him when checking him, or when fights broke out. He was sitting in the back with a paramedic and Coach Murray, and the medic confirmed he was definitely getting a black eye. “Aw man. Henry’s gonna kill me.” Wicky complained, and Coach Murray sighed. “I think he’s going to be killing Coach Hall and I before he kills you, kiddo.” The assistant coach said, before looking at the medic. “Concussion?”
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