splendentmoon · 2 years
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For those who do not understand the drawing.
In my AU, Spindrax is the one who is possessed by LBD. 
The rest of the group is just his minions who only go hunting down the good guys.
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splendentmoon · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes /1/
small ando random moments of the chaotic team!✨
Yup, I stayed up again and I don't regret it!
I really like Spindrax and Mei's ship, don't ask why, I just like it.
MK: Why does everyone think that Red Son is in love with me!?
Jin: It is
Yin: It is
Spindrax: It is.
Red Son: I am
MK: Should we tell him...? 
Spindrax: Nah, let him figure it out on his own.
Jin: –pushing a door that says "pull"-
Mei: oh, Spindrax is so beautiful.
Bai He: come on Mei, don't be jealous, you are still the best! And-
Mei: am I jealous? I'm not, I'm being gay.
Spindrax: What's the matter, officer?
Police: Get out of my fucking car.
Red Son: Love is only for stupid.
MK: Hello Red Son!
Red Son: ... and I'm stupid.
MK: Leave this to me, I'm an expert at picking locks!
MK: -Take a brick and throw it against the window-
Red Son: -Drowning-
Spindrax: I would save him, but...! Who am I to interfere in God's plans!?
Yin: I really regret buying you that blender
Jin: -drinking her pizza- why?
xxx: hello straights!
Spindrax: -hits table offended-
MK: You pushed him...
Yin: I didn't.
MK: You lie, I saw how you pushed Red Son down the stairs! 
Yin: I just gave him a high five with the body.
MK: Hello Spindrax! Hello Red Son! 
Spindrax: ....
Red Son: .... 
MK: .... I know you're wondering "MK, what are you doing stuck to the ceiling?
Spindrax/Red Son: MK-
MK: It was Jin's idea and he's in the dump hiding.
-The telephone rings-
Spindrax: -answers- hi? Who is it?
Mei: the love of your life
Spindrax: what? But if my motorcycle does not speak.
since I did not find the name of the ship
I will call it:
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splendentmoon · 2 years
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Bai He's Token!!!
I was finally able to finish the file of the little girl!! 
Hope you like!
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splendentmoon · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes/2/
I was surprised that many liked the randomness of the squad.
So here's more on the chaotic squad.
Jin: Red Son's relationship with his two supposed best friends is on the one hand...
MK: I really care about your feelings!
Red Son: I really care about YOUR feelings!
Yin, turning his head: ...and on the other side...
Jin: What does "take out" mean?
MK: Food.
Yin: Dating.
Spindrax: Murder.
Red Son: and can be all three if you're brave enough
Red Son: -visiting the squad- Hello, I just came to-
Red Son: -sees Jin pushing Yin into the washing machine while Spindrax records and MK just watches-
Red Son: -walking away- Something suddenly came up.
Red Son: Huh, Yin? Spindrax is in the pool and I don't think they're waterproof.
Yin: what?
MK: I think they meant, Spindrax is drowning.
Yin: WHAT?!
-In the meantime-
Spindrax: -chokes-
Sprindrax: I can't swim, idiot— -sinks-
-Chaotic Squad's thoughts on the stabbing-
MK: I would never stab anyone.
Yin: I would stab someone in retaliation.
Spindrax: Scream "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Jin: I would stab without warning.
Red Son: I would stab as a warning.
Yin: Alright everyone! Let's take a vote!
Jin: A secret vote. Everyone close your eyes.
-the squad closes their eyes-
Spindrax: We don't see the result!
Jin: Well, say your vote out loud.
Red Son: Won't we recognize each other's voices?
MK: Yin is right.
Yin: How would you like your pancakes?
Red Son: Flat.
MK: With sparks!
Spindrax: chocolate chips.
Jin: Potatoes.
-Red Son, MK and Spindrax look at Jin-
Jin: what? Together they are good.
Jin: Hey, can we stay in your bedroom tonight?
Yin: why?
MK: Spindrax fiddled with a ouija board and cursed ours.
Jin: and neither she nor Red Son know how to banish the spirits, so they just throw salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
Red Son: Did you bring MK?
Yin -gesturing to Jin-: No, but I brought the next best thing.
Red Son: Jin? The next best thing would be Spindrax.
Jin: I'd be offended, but Spindrax is freakishly strong.
Yin: If you had a drink every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Jin: maybe a little drunk?
Spindrax: Drunk.
Red Son: Wasted.
MK: Dead.
Yin: What makes you all smile?
MK: Friends and Family.
Jin: Snacks.
Spindrax: Victory and success.
Red Son: Muscles of the face.
Jin: You lying piece of shit!
Yin: Oh yeah? You're the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!
Spindrax: I'm going and taking MK with me!
Red Son -collecting cards-: and that's enough Monopoly for today.
Jin: Look guys, I need help.
Yin: Love help?
Red Son: Financial help?
MK: Emotional help?
Spindrax: Help move a body?
-Everyone looks at Spindrax-
Spindrax: What?
Spindrax: Are oranges called oranges because oranges are oranges or are oranges called oranges because oranges are oranges?
Yin: Which came first, the orange or the orange?
Red Son: Orange was first used to refer to the fruit 1,280 years ago, but it wasn't used as a color until 1,000 years ago.
Jin: What was the color called before then?
MK: There was no color, duh! Everything was black and white!
-In a group chat-
Red Son: A pegan just flew into my window.
Jin: Do they hit?
Yin: what?
MK: Oh yeah, my favorite bird, Pegan.
Spindrax: I thought you said penguin for a second, LMAO!
MK: Just a normal day with flying penguins crashing through my window.
Yin: Do you have pigeons flying towards your window? I can't relate, I have penguins flying up to my window.
Red Son: I literally made a typo.
MK: Do plants have feelings too?! What is this? Now I can't eat!
Yin: You can eat a stone.
Jin: Air.
Red Son: The fabric of time and space.
Spindrax: Drinking a bottle of bleach can solve all your problems.
MK: You guys are not useful.
Yin: What's the worst thing you've ever done?
MK: I rickrolled my teacher in 4th grade.
Jin: I kicked Yin in the shin.
Yin: -So I kicked Jin between the legs.
Red Son: I burned down a city.
MK: What?!
Spindrax: What the hell is wrong with you?!?
Red Son: Many things.
Jin: No shit.
I hope you enjoyed it!
thanks for the support!
See ya!✨
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splendentmoon · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes /3/
Third part!!!
-Reactions of the team when they say 'I love you'-
MK: Thank you family!
Spindrax: oh no
Yin: Feels fake but okay
Jin: -A nervous mess-
Red Son: Can I get a refund?
Jin: Plan G time.
Spindrax: You don't mean plan B?
Jin: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip plan C due to technical problems.
Yin: What about plan D?
Jin: Plan D was that desperate attempt to disguise himself half an hour ago.
MK: What about plan E?
Jin: Red Son dies in plan E.
Red Son: what?!
Spindrax: I like plan E.
Red Son: excuse me, WHAT?!
-Everyone is standing around the broken coffee pot-
Yin: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just want to know.
MK: ...I did. I broke it.
Yin: No. No, you didn't. Jin?
Jin: Don't look at me. Look at Red.
Red Son: What?! I didn't break it.
Jin: Hey, that's weird. How did you know it was broken?
Red Son: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Jin: Suspicious.
Red Son: No, it's not!
Jin: I don't know if it matters, probably not, but Spindrax was the last to use it.
Spindrax: Liar! I don't even drink that shit!
Jin: seriously? So what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Spindrax: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everybody knows it, Red Son!
MK: Okay, let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Yin.
Yin: No! Who broke it?
Red Son: Yin... Jin has been blaming everyone, it's obvious who it was.
-everyone starts arguing-
MK, being interviewed: I tore it up. I burned my hand, so I punched him.
MK: I predict that within 10 minutes they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig's head on a stick.
MK: .........the good thing is that they are not going to blame me......on the other hand..........they will destroy the house.....
DBK, entering his house: Hello, people who do not live here.
MK: Hello.
Yin: Hello.
Jin: Hello.
Spindrax: Hello.
Red Son: I gave them the key to my house just for emergencies!
Spindrax: We're out of candy.
Red Son: *Posts a very low quality image in the group chat*
Spindrax: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I would have 15 cents.
Red Son: If I had a dollar for every ounce of anger I felt in my body after reading this, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to shoot you
Yin: Actually I did the math, Spindrax would have $225, not $0.15.
Spindrax: oh
Jin: If I had a dollar, I would buy a can of soda :)
MK: while you're there, could you buy me an orange juice please?
Jin: sorry, I only have one dollar
MK: :(
Yin: Hey, I just realized my friend is right, Spindrax would have $22,500 because it's a dollar per pixel, not a penny
Jin: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and a juice
Yin: You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Red Son: Yes, and they want soda and juice
Yin: Apply juice to what
Red Son: Directly in the forehead
Spindrax : Great talk everyone.
MK: The dumbest scar stories, come on!
Spindrax: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Yin: I once dropped a hair dryer on my leg and burned it.
Jin: I have a piece of graphite in my leg from accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in first grade.
Red Son: I was getting a cup of noodles out of the microwave and my hand fell off and I got burned really bad.
MK: ....
MK: I have so many scars both physical and emotional...
MK: We have to distract these guys.
Spindrax: Leave it to me.
Spindrax: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. discuss!
Yin, Jin and Red Son: -Immediately start arguing-
MK, looking in horror: Oh, this. I don't like this I don't like this at all.
-The squad is at Red Son's house-
Spindrax: Ohhhh, everyone has their own oven?
Red Son: ...N-No...
Red Son (laughing): How many ovens do you think I have?
Spindrax (pointing to his kitchen): Three, I thought!
Yin: I see a-
Red Son (pointing at a device): This is a microwave.
Spindrax: Oh, well, I-
Red Son: Hey, wait, wait, actually- wait- -plays with the microwave buttons-
Red Son (Amazed): It Has a Bake Setting!
Jin: Ohoho, you learn something new every day!
MK: Shall we do "rock, paper, scissors" to see who picks first?
Red Son: Now I just found out I have more ovens than I thought, we don't have to "rock, paper, scissors" anything!
Red Son: I'm someone who has four ovens...
Red Son (stronger and too happy): I'm someone... who has FOUR OVENS...
Red Son: I didn't know it was so rich in ovens...
Jin (pointing to another appliance): Also the toaster oven!
Red Son:
Spindrax: Ohhh, toasty boy! Four-Five ovens!
Red Son:
Yin: Red Son can't see well without wearing his glasses!
Red Son: Yin, look, I wore the glasses for many years. My eyes are much better now. Look.
Red Son: *points to MK* MK.
Red Son: *points to Jin* Jin.
Red Son: *points to Spindrax* Sasquatch.
Red Son: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a brain cell.
Yin, MK, Spindrax and Jin: ALL HAIL to the guardian of the sacred brain cell!
-the squad is at a dinner in a restaurant, but someone has been murdered-
Red Son: You're acting pretty nonchalant about someone whose life is on the line. Who's to say you're not the killer?
Spindrax: It's a murder, not a tax audit. I'll be fine.
Yin: What about MK? Nobody ever suspects MK!
MK: Well, what about Jin? They have a weapon!
Jin: Red Son has a knife.
Red Son: Yeah, for fun, not for murder! -stabs Yin in the arm-
Yin: Who the hell broke the toaster?
Spindrax: It was Red Son.
MK: It was Red Son.
Jin: Red Son broke it.
Red Son:
-When MK disappears for an hour-
MK: Did you forget that I only went to buy juice? Did they really drop everything and come here for me? How did they get here so fast?
Jin: Various traffic violations.
Yin: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Red Son: Approximately thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Spindrax: Also, that's not our car.
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