#princess hilja
viscountessevie · 7 years
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The Twins Week 2017 Day 3: Ahren & Eadlyn & Family
The Schreaves de Koskinens
 We all know about Kerttu canonically and we know Hilja fanonically (thank you so much to @maxericaruleillea for creating her and to @smart-beautiful-strong for running with the idea). Since these two amazing ladies did a bang up job of creating Hilja and bringing her to life, I won’t go much into detail about her, I’m focusing on Eadrik during their married life and Kerttu as she gets older and trains to be Queen.
- Everybody loves them. Of course everyone looks them, they are the Royal Family - Because the advisors in Illéa are so rigid, Eikko and Eady didn’t get much time alone together. Within less than a year Eady was with child. - 9 months later, the little ray of sunshine named Kerttu is born. The second female heir to the Illéan throne is born. - She has unruly red hair like her grandmother, America but she inherited her mother’s (and grandfather Maxon’s) brown eyes - Eikko and Eady love her so much that they were content with sharing their lives with her for as long as possible. -Until she starts bugging them for a sibling. 
- A year later, Hilja is born. (Refer to @maxericaruleillea’s headcanon list for all things Hilja) - The sisters get along very well, Hilja’s softeness complementing Kerttu’s headstrong personality. - The pressure of being Queen really motivates her, Kerttu is always trying outshine her mother which drives Eady up the wall. - Sometimes they try to outdo each other to spite the other. - Kerttu is 16 when she realises she is pansexual. At first she’s scared and really confused. Even though the LGBTQ community is more or less accepted, there are still traces of wariness with the citizens. - She has seen her Uncle Hale and Ean. While they were beloved, they have also received negative press. What would the kingdom say when they found out that their future Queen wasn’t the straightest ruler around. (Did you catch the pun?) - At first she suppresses this little fact which was hard for her because she was always proud of who she was. She was always open with everyone. - Until 2 years later, she meets Claudia Montrose, the daughter of the English ambassador. The moment Claudia and Kerttu’s eyes met, the latter knew she was in trouble. She knew she was doomed when they mingled later on and hit it off extremely well. 
- A month later, Claudia called Kerttu to inform that she would be transferring to an Illéan college for her studies. - It was an understatment to say that Kerttu was happy about that news. - No one except Hilja who covers for them occasionally suspects anything the more Claudia visits because everyone simply thinks they are friends but when Hale and Ean come to visit, they see right through the girlfriends.  - Kerttu sensed that they knew and after Claudia left for campus, she had a heart to heart with her Uncles who told her she needed to be honest with her parents about her relationship with Claudia and they would help her figure out how to tell the nation.  - The three of them hatched a sensible plan to have a dinner, inviting Claudia over to meet her parents. While Hale and Ean thought she should do this on her own, she begged them to come for moral support. They obliged and the plan was sealed. - Only problem was that they weren’t able to execute the plan because the next day, Eady announced that Kerttu would need to have a Selection to boost the morale of the citizens and it would also help her find her soulmate. It has after all worked for 3 generations (not counting Damon and Justin cos Damon was a manslut and Justin’s wife murdered him) 
- This announcement gets Kerttu incredibly riled up and she does the stupidest thing. On the particular episode of The Report where she was required to announce her own Selection, she wore a skin tight rainbow dress  that came up to mid thigh. When the time came for her to announce the Selection, she pulled Claudia onto the podium and kissed her. She heard her mother yell “CUT” angrily in the background.  - Eady was ready to pop a nerve with the stunt her daughter pulled. Her first thought was why didn’t she do that for her own Selection announcement but then the anger of her daughter’s recklessness came quick. - She dismissed the whole room except for their family. Kerttu protests, asking Claudia to stay.  - Whatever you want to say to me, you can say to her as well. - Eady had to suppress the urge to scream bloody murder. She exhales loudly before scolding her.  - You deliberately did this for attention, Kerttu! I know that you have this deep sedated need to be better than me but this uncalled for! - ATTENTION?? ARE YOU F—ING KIDDING ME? I LOVE HER, MOTHER AND I DON’T NEED A GODDAMN SELECTION.
- She ran off to her room with Claudia. Claudia who knew her girlfriend had to figure this out with her family first.  - Sort this out, talk to your parents. Really talk to them and then call me when everything’s settled. And I love you too. - With a simple kiss to the forehead, Claudia disappeared out of the window, leaving Kerttu to sulk on her bed.  - A little while later, Eady and Eikko came into their daughter’s room to talk out the incident that had unfolded earlier. 
- Sötsi, we are sorry that we didn’t notice that you and Claudia were more than friends.  - I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.  - You shouldn’t have to, we are your parents. I’m sorry for yelling earlier. Your sexuality is completely valid and you are allowed to love whomever you wish to love. - They all embrace and Kerttu felt like a huge burden had been lifted from her shoulders. She thanks her parents for being so supportive and apologises for her stunt. They acknowledge it and leave their eldest daughter be.  - But the moment Eady left the room, she yelps “GET OFF MY DAUGHTER, GUARD!”  - Kerttu giggled, knowing now it was her sister’s turn to be harassed by their parents about her boyfriend. 
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Princess Hilja Masterpost
Okay so as requested by @theheirofillea, here is the masterpost with all of the parts/installments of my Princess Hilja fanfic that I have written thus far. As I write more, I will update this post. If you don’t know who Princess Hilja is, check out this post.
Ok so major update for everyone who follows this fic: I probably won’t be posting individual parts on this blog anymore, mostly because I’ve switched to a new blog ( @veer-hee-nee-uh ), but also because I’ve been really busy with school and just life in general. I’ve edited and updated all of parts 1-6 and the updated chapter one and chapter two are on ff.net (my username is smart-beautiful-strong). If I do post individual parts, they will be on my new blog. I am currently writing again for this fic and have plans for probably two or three more long chapters before I finish it. But no promises on how long that’ll take me.
Last Updated: January 14, 2018
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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maxericaruleillea · 7 years
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The Selection Advent Calendar [18/24]
December 18th : Hilja Koskinen (headcanon)
(Do you like it @smart-beautiful-strong ? 😉)
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arewesafe-blog · 8 years
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I just wanted to make a draw of Kerttu and Hilja because I love them, really. So... here it is (:
Since I was little, people have focused on my older sister, usually forgetting about me, not that I mind. I’m practically the exact opposite of her; she’s charming, I’m awkward; she’s sociable, I’m shy. But that’s all right. Being the second female heir to the throne, she has to upstage our mother somehow, and she always manages to. 
                                      -Princess Hilja by @smart-beautiful-strong
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viscountessevie · 7 years
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The Twins Week 2017 Day 3: Eadlyn & Ahren & Family 
The Sauveterre de Schreaves
- The family of perfect blonde beauties - Much like Eikko’s parents, Ahren and Camille decide to enjoy some downtime together before they can even think of having kids. They wanted complete peace with other each. - During this time, Camille is allowed to be free for once in her life. Ahren and her go backpacking through Europe. - That was essentially their honeymoon - They also spent a good part of a year helping countries in need. They did a lot of charity work over that year. - They were happy, unadulterated joy. - A little while after Hilja (I religiously believe she is Eady’s second child thanks @smart-strong-beautiful) is born, Camille gets pregnant. - Both Illéa and France rejoice. Parties are thrown all over. -More hardcore parties are thrown when the little princess is born. The little cutie is christened Clarisse Sauveterre de Schreave
- This little bugger inherited her french grandmother’s deep blue eyes and who knows whose blonde hair she got. - While Ahren and Camille are soft people (like vibe and personality wise), Clarisse takes on from her Grandmother Daphne than anyone else. - She is devious but also has a soft side that was instill by her parents - She is best friends with her cousin Hilja whereas Kerttu is an older sister to both of them. - She always knew she was meant to be Queen even if her heart was somewhere else - She wanted to be a writer like her Daddy even though he never had the time seeing that he was too busy running France with her mother. She never wanted to be like him, to allow the monarchy to control her. - Despite it all, she knew being Queen came first and nothing was about to stop her - Until she falls in love with Erik Jaakoppi, Uncle Henri’s son who is a little bit of a bad boy. - Of course their parents forbid it - The thing their parents don’t understand is that Clarisse softens Erik and makes him want to be more than just Henri Jaakoppi’s troubled son while Erik encourages her to pursue her dreams of being a writer. - While all this is happening, Camille and Ahren are in a pickle. They have been trying to conceive for years, so as to have a safety net of Clarisse ever wanted to abdicate which seems highly likely now, but have failed miserably. - This caused martial problems between them. The tension rose high and Clarisse was so caught up in the drama of Erik and their forbidden love that she barely noticed that her parents were having troubles.
- She finally notices when the Illean Schreaves come to visit and Ahren blows up. She had never seen her father so angry. - Camille was trying to keep it together while Clarisse ran after her father. - The Queen Mother was sick and tired of her daughter always siding with her father. - Camille finally came up with a way to win her daughter’s favour. She allowed her to marry Erik. She even sweetened the deal by helping them elope like Daphne had once done with her Ahren. - Ahren found out two days later and went into shock before having a heart attack. 
- What comes around goes around.
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Heyy! I was just wondering if you had a masterpost of all your princess Hilja fics? I just wanted to reread them lolol they we're so good! Thanks!
Sorry this took me so long to answer! I've been really busy with school lately. I don't have a master post but I can make one (hopefully today) for you!
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Guess who’s on ff.net? Me! So I won’t be updating my fic nearly as often on fanfiction.net because I usually put four “parts” in a chapter, but I will update. If you want to see each part of the chapter as soon as I finish and edit it, keep checking on here, but if you want to wait to see the finished chapter, check ff.net.  I will also post a link to the finished chapter as soon as I put it up. The next part will be on tumblr soon (hopefully today or tomorrow)!
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Princess Hilja
[Part 5/?]
I'd decided to take some of Kerttu’s advice, despite the fact that it was foolish and stupid. 
It was early Tuesday morning, and I was going to do it. I was sneaking out of the palace in a pair of jeans and a blouse, trying to hide my identity. I grabbed Sadie and my favorite pair of sunglasses and dashed out of my window, climbing down the trellis. Reaching under a bush I found the bag I’d stashed the previous day and placed Sadie inside. Luckily, she was a very small and sweet cat (yes-sweet cats exist) so she curled up, content to sleep for the time being. Bag in hand, I walked out the side gates as inconspicuously as possible, and I felt a rush of satisfaction knowing I timed this perfectly, because there were no guards at them. Being the princess did have its perks, including access to the guard schedules and rotations. I hurried out and climbed onto one of the public bicycles, riding into town with an enormous grin on my face.
Once I left the palace grounds, I let out a puff of air, relieved to be stress-free for the day. Deciding to go shop for a few hours before I ate lunch, I entered a small boutique that caught my eye the last time I was in town with Kerttu. I kept my sunglasses on, for fear that someone would recognize me and alert the media---and my parents. A swatch of fabric caught my eye and I took out the dress, then frowned. The sundresses that I wanted to wear were never considered “appropriate” for a princess, because of whatever reason some advisor made up. So even though I would never get the chance to wear it, I tried it on, which made me feel even worse, because the dress was gorgeous. It fit me perfectly, a small miracle considering manufactured clothes were usually designed for a different body shape from mine. Not daring to dream any longer, I yanked the dress off and put my own clothes back on, putting it back on the rack where I found it when I heard someone say,
“Oh! That one is one of my favorites!” I startled at the older woman who appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
“Thank you,” I started. “But I-”
“Oh! How silly of me to sneak up on you like that, I’m terribly sorry. My name is Mrs. Hadden, I run the store. It’s so nice to meet you-” She trailed off, looking for my name.
“Lia.” I answered, giving her my nickname instead of my actual one, that would’ve be an obvious giveaway as to who I was.
“Lia, I’m so glad you came in, that dress suits you very much. Would you like to purchase it? Or do you want to keep shopping?”
“Umm, I’ll buy it. Thank you.” Energized by my anonymity, I decided to have a physical reminder of my mini adventure. She rung up the dress and I paid her, wished her well, and exited the store. Feeling bold, I found a bathroom and changed into the dress, grateful that it was a warm day with little wind. I explored the many other shops lining the street until I came across a bakery that seemed familiar, heading inside. As soon as I opened the door I was hit with the warm scent of cinnamon and cloves. I heard a muffled meow and found Sadie peeking out at the sight, sniffing the air. Before I could stop her, she jumped out and ran behind the counter. Apparently the tile back there was too interesting to resist.
“Sadie, come back,” I called, but I knew it was useless. That cat would pretend to be deaf until I offered her food, which I unfortunately had none of. Instead of coming toward me, she scurried farther away, into the kitchen. A surprised noise punctuated the atmosphere and a woman peered out into the bakery with Sadie in her arms.
“Excuse me, is this your cat?” She asked me.
“Sorry about her, she just ran off-”
“It's fine, I love animals, she just surprised me, that's all. What's her name?”
“Sadie,” I smiled.
“What a pretty name! Can I get you anything?” She said handing Sadie back to me.
“Yes, please. I’d like a brownie and a cinnamon roll.” The woman put the pastries in a bag and gave it to me, squinting a bit as she looked at my face. I tried not to squirm or flinch, but I was worried that she recognized-
“Your eyes match your cat’s, how extraordinary!” Another small miracle that she didn’t recognize me.
“Yeah, it was fate I guess. Thank you so much for the pastries!” I called.
As I went out the door, I bumped into someone. “Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't…see-” I stuttered in horror, seeing the face of the man I ran into. Jake Underwood.
I stood still for a minute before I actually processed everything. My hands flew to my face, and I silently cursed myself for taking off those sunglasses, because there was no hiding my identity now. Then I felt my face warm, feeling exposed in my sundress.
“Your Highness, you-”
“Why are you here? Did you...did you follow me?” I questioned, noticing his uniform. I had my answer when he glanced away. He didn't look ashamed, though.
“Your Highness, you shouldn’t be out without your guard detail, especially in an unsecure area like this. We need to get you back to the palace before anyone recognizes you.”
“I was doing just fine until you showed up,” I mumbled. Knowing my fleeting moments of freedom were over, I huffed and stepped onto the sidewalk. I began the walk back to the bike I rode, Jake only a few paces behind me.
Yay! Part 5! Finally! So thanks to @eadlyn-ahren-kaden-osten for helping me edit (and come up with some dialogue ideas) and @maxericaruleillea here is more Jake xD. I might start like a once a week kind of updating, that might give me more time, but it’ll most likely stay sporadic. Enjoy!
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4   (Chapter 1 = Parts 1-4)
Based on this
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maxericaruleillea · 8 years
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Princess Hilja Koskinen
Second child of Queen Eadlyn and Prince Consort Erik, second in minds.
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Princess Hilja
[Part 4/?]
To escape Jake’s piercing gaze, I ran into my room and quickly grabbed my sketchbook, turning to a fresh page to begin my sketch.
A couple of hours later, I stared at my finished drawing, mesmerized by it. Me in Jake’s arms, how I imagined I looked after he pulled me out from the pool. My dark brown hair tangled and soaked and my eyes, one blue and the other brown, half open. My pale skin covered goosebumps and my frame limp in his arms, like a rag doll. Jake’s short, cropped hair glistening with water droplets and his eyes with wild desperation to them, betraying his fear.
I decided to tear out the drawing and put it on my wall by the balcony doors, against my better judgement. What if Mom or Dad walked in and saw it? Or worse, Kerttu? I knew that if they saw it, they’d ask questions, but I couldn’t bring myself to take it down.
Looking at the clock, I realized that dinner would be served in fewer than ten minutes, so I sighed and get up. As I walked down the hallway, I tried to think of ways to talk to Jake when my shoe caught on something, probably the carpet, and I fell on my face right in front of who else but Jake.
Humiliated, my face burned as I start getting up, and then I startled at the sight of a hand being offered to me.
“Your Highness,” Jake said. “Are you all right? Do you need me to escort you to the hospital wing?” I was so tempted to lie and say yes, but instead I stuck with the truth.
“No, but thank you. I’m such a klutz, I always trip on things and end up hurting myself, I mean, you would know, I almost drowned a couple of months ago because I was so clumsy.” I gushed, then almost smacked myself. Why didn’t I stop talking? Now he was going to think I’m even more awkward because of my rambling! I’m hopeless. “Thank you anyway, Officer Underwood.” I knew my face was still red as I rushed down the hall, this time trying not to trip.
My dress was horribly wrinkled now, and I was positive my hair was a mess, but there was no way I was walking past Jake again to fix anything, so I’d have to show up to dinner the way I was. I got to the dining hall and sat down next to Kerttu, who was complaining so loudly I could hear her from a mile away.
“I’m soooo hungry! What’s a girl got to do to get some food in this place? Gosh! I’m so hungry, I could eat…Lia! I will eat my baby sister if I do not get fed within the minute!” Kerttu declared.
“Well you’re in luck, Kerttu,” Mom laughed. “Because look what just showed up.”
“Food! Finally!”
“Grandpa is right, Kerttu; your appetite rivals Grandma’s.” I teased.
I smiled as I put some food on my plate and started eating, content to just listen to the conversations. I almost choked when I heard Kerttu say,
“You know what I need to take with me on my trip? A cat. Cats make everything better. Mom?”
“No Kerttu, we’ve discussed this before, you are not getting a cat.”
“Dad?” She tried.
“You heard your mother.”
“No one understands my longing for an animal companion! I’m so lonely! This isn't fair, Lia has a cat!”
“Yes but Lia’s not going around the world for a year,” Mom smirked.
“Speaking of which, where is Sadie? I haven't seen her all day,” I trailed off, looking at Kerttu accusingly.
“See! I need my own cat so that I don't have to commandeer Lia’s!”
I chuckled and tuned her out as I thought about how quiet meals were going to be in a few short months, once Kerttu was gone and it was just the three of us. I shook away the thought and focused instead on our family in the present. Crazy as our family was, I felt happy and safe with my sister and parents, knowing that home was wherever they are.
“-but think of how cute it would be! I just want a fluffy cat who can cuddle with me!Hey! What if I put a camera on the cat’s collar so I could spy on people? That’s a great idea! Spy cat, coming your way. Maybe I should try that with Sadie…”
Thanks to @eadlyn-ahren-kaden-osten for editing this with me!
@maxericaruleillea More Jake! And also a cat!
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Princess Hilja
[Part 3/?]
When I closed the door to her study, I let my tears fall, and Kerttu looked up from her desk, seeing me. 
"Lia?" My sister began. "What's wrong?"
"Kerttu they want me to be you and I can't," I gasped. "They want me to write long detailed plans and laws and proposals and I just can't, and they don't get it."
Kerttu hugged me tightly before speaking. "So they want you to take over some of my chores while I'm gone, huh?"
I nodded.
"Aww Lia, it's going to be fine. You know how I know that?" She asked. "Because you are the most hardworking person I know. Yeah it's going to be a struggle at first, but nothing you can't handle. Plus Mom and Dad and everyone else will be there to help you along the way. You aren't the actual heir, so you don't have to do this forever, and you don't have to do everything either. Mom and Dad are only asking you to do some stuff, just to get a feel of what I do. It's only temporary, and if you really need to you can pick up the phone and call me. Got it? Plus, not everything I do is boring. I plan parties and fun things too, you know. You're going to be okay, Lia." Kerttu comforted.
"Thanks, Kerttu."
"Anything for my sister.”
“You know, I'm going to miss this when you leave. Us hanging out.” I said.
“It won't be that bad, I'm only going to be gone for a year. 12 months, 365 days. You can handle that. It isn't going to be as hard as you think.”
“It'll be quieter around here, that's for sure.”
“You know, with me gone this could be your chance to branch out a bit more, make some new friends, see new places, that sort of thing.”
“Are you saying I'm boring?” I joked.
“Only a little,” Kerttu replied, shoving my shoulder.
“You're right, though. I do have a tendency to stay in my room all day.”
“Exactly. Try throwing a party or go out into town incognito. Whatever you have to do to meet some new faces.”
“Are you giving any of this advice from personal experience, Kerttu?” I smirked.
“I only went out once! Or twice. A month. For a  year.” She laughs. “All right! Stop harassing me and get! I have a competition to prepare for!" She gently shoved me out of her room and into the hall, where a familiar face was waiting.
"Hilja, we didn't mean to upset you, we just-"
"I know Dad, I'm sorry, I overreacted."
"It's okay tytär, I understand."
"You do, Mom never does."
"Yes but she tries Hilja, and sometimes you are too different for her to figure out. But she still loves you, even when she can't understand you."
"I love her too, I just get frustrated sometimes."
"We all do, it’s part of being human.”
“But we've never misunderstood each other,” I said.
“You and I are almost too alike, Hilja.” He sighed.
“What do you m-” Glancing behind Dad’s shoulder, I stopped in the middle of my sentence and felt my face start to blush. Why did Jake always appear at the worst times? How could something as simple as seeing Jake make me feel so...I didn’t even know the word for it. All I knew is that when I saw Jake or heard his voice thoughts were no longer coherent and I was left with nothing in my brain.
“Hilja, what is it?” Dad asked, jolting me from my thoughts. He started to turn around and I panicked.
“Nothing!” I shouted. Surprised at my outburst, he turned back to face me, a puzzled expression on his face. “Um, I mean, I’m fine now. Why don’t you go find Mom and uh, tell her I’m not mad anymore?” I offered, trying to divert his attention from Jake.
“Are you sure tytär?” He asked skeptically.
“Yes, shoo!” I waved him away and watched him go down the hall shaking his head and murmuring to himself. As soon as he was out of sight, I turned around and my eyes met Jake’s steel gray ones.
Again, thanks to @eadlyns-asparagus and @eadlyn-ahren-kaden-osten for editing this with me!
@maxericaruleillea the next part has a lot more Jake in it, I promise! (I wanted a sister moment in this part first) @eadlynmydear
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Princess Hilja
[Part 1/?] 
 Since I was little, people have focused on my older sister, usually forgetting about me, not that I mind. I'm practically the exact opposite of her; she's charming, I'm awkward; she's sociable, I'm shy. But that's all right. Being the second female heir to the throne, she has to upstage our mother somehow, and she always manages to. 
"Liaaaaaaa!!" I heard my sister shout as she stormed into my room. Giggling, I asked, "What happened this time Kerttu?"
"Ugh, everything is all wrong! How am I supposed to compete tomorrow if Mom is insisting that I finish my stupid proposal for Parliament? Who does she think she is?" Kerttu ranted.
"The queen," I reminded her.
"Thankfully not for long, soon I will rule the world!" She declared dramatically, bunching her long red hair into a mustache. "Mwahahaha!"
"What is the proposal for?"
"Who even knows? All I care about is prepping for my competition tomorrow! I can't let the Angeles Angels down now! I've-"
"-I know, I know, you've been a fierce mathlete with your team for seven years, blah blah blah." I finished for her.
"Exactly! You know me so well, Lia."
"Go, you have to whine to Mom about postponing that proposal until after your competition."
"You're absolutely right Lia, what a great idea I came up with! Away I go!" And she left just as quickly as she came.
Sighing, I took my sketchbook and went out to my balcony. Oh Kerttu, my wild sister. Thank goodness she was the heir and not me. At 19, Kerttu was planning on ascending soon, but not before she took a year to travel. Mom and Dad seemed to realize that if Kerttu were forced into a marriage, things would end poorly for everyone. I didn’t doubt that she would eventually settle down, but maybe a little later on.
Looking down at my sketch, I sighed seeing the subject. It was him again. I couldn't seem to draw anything but him. After the incident which involved my falling into the pool and almost drowning (did I mention I'm a complete klutz?), I'd been infatuated with the guard that saved me, Jake Underwood. I couldn't help it, Jake was everything I wasn’t, which made me so drawn to him. He was just as wild as Kerttu, maybe more, but without her bubbly disposition, and his fierceness was something to admire.
"Hilja?" A voice startled me out of my daydream. I instinctively cover my sketchbook as the figure approaches, and smiled as I saw his face.
"Hi Dad,"
"Hello tytär," He smiled at me. "Mitä puuhailet?"
"I'm just drawing, what have you been doing?"
"Looking for you,"
"Your mother and I need to talk to you, Hilja."
@maxericaruleillea @ladyanj @eadlynmydear here ya go, it's probably terrible but hey, why not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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