#printers and computer accessories
savemoneydk · 1 year
Save Big on Computers at Save-Money.dk!
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Looking for the best ways to save money on computer purchases? Look no further! At Save-Money.dk, we've curated a collection of money-saving tips, deals, and insights to help you make smart choices and maximize your savings. Explore our comprehensive range of affordable computer options, including refurbished models, discounted components, and budget-friendly alternatives.
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eplugit · 2 months
Buy the Best Toner Cartridge Under Rs.499/-
Eplugit offers a wide range of Toner Cartridges to cater to diverse printing needs. Whether you're a business professional requiring high-volume printing or a student with occasional printing tasks, Eplugit has you covered. Our extensive selection ensures compatibility with various printer models, brands, and printing requirements. From standard Black Toner Cartridges for everyday printing to specialty cartridges for vibrant colour reproduction, Eplugit provides options to suit every preference and budget. With Eplugit, you can expect reliability, quality, and versatility in every cartridge, empowering you to achieve professional-grade results with ease.
Get More Information About Products: https://in.eplugit.com/
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amazeinfosystems · 1 year
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qmoniqs · 1 year
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Qmoniqs Software is a fastest growing IT Consulting and Services, IT hardware Providers in Gurugram, serving entire India, we at Qmoniqs Software, managed by experienced industry professionals also has emerged as one of the best IT organization in the field of IT Hardware/Software Products & IT solutions.
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cryptotian · 2 years
Come shop over 700 products at our online store & save 15% off your order at check out from now till January 1st 🫡
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techfoogle · 2 years
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dmmamunur · 2 years
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HP DeskJet 2755e Wireless Color All-in-One Printer with bonus 6 months Instant Ink with HP+ (26K67A), white Brand HP Printing Technology Inkjet Connectivity Technology Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, USB Operating System MacOS 10.14 Mojave, Chrome OS, MacOS 11 Big Sur, Windows 10, MacOS 10.15 Catalina Wattage 2.5 watts Item Dimensions LxWxH 11.97 x 16.7 x 6.06 inches Item Weight 7.55 Pounds
Visit Us>>
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 11
Read Chapter Ten here.
The Little Registration Agent smiled as she saw Alyssa and Sammy return. “How can I help you today?”
Alyssa and Sammy sat in the chairs in front of her. “I’d like to register as her Caregiver. She was just classified as a Level Two Little.”
“No problem,” the agent responds, “can I see both of your IDs? Thank you.”
The agent starts typing in the information into the computer. “Okay, yes, I have her file here. Samantha is listed as an L2. And you said you’d like to register as her Caregiver, not Guardian, correct.
“Yes, Caregiver,” Alyssa responds.
“No problem,” the agent responds, “you have read and understand all the obligations and responsibilities that registering as a Caregiver entails, have you not?”
“Yes, I have,” Alyssa responds.
“Okay,” the agent says as the printer whirls to life, “I’ll need both of you to sign here…great. And I will notarize it now. Done. Okay, as soon as I scan that in the system, you will officially be registered as Samantha’s Caregiver.”
Tears well in Alyssa’s eyes as the notarized paper is scanned. She looks over at Sammy. Sammy timidly smiles back, grabbing Alyssa’s hand as she notices Alyssa’s tears.
“Thank you, Allie. I love you so much. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
“I love you, too, Sammy. Always.”
“Great, now that that is finished, you are officially a Caregiver, Alyssa! Now, just a few more things and you’ll both be done. First, we need new pictures of you both for your updated ID cards.”
With the pictures taken, the agent leaves to collect the new cards. When he comes back, she hands one to Alyssa.
“Your ID is essentially identical to your last, Alyssa. Same basic driver’s license, but with your Caregiver status listed there along with Samantha’s information.”
The agent hands the second one to Alyssa. “Here is Samantha’s Little Identification Card. It is important you carry it with you. Or whoever is caring for Samantha. Obviously, Samantha’s previous driver’s license has been rescinded. This new ID reflects her Level Two Little status, your information as Caregiver, and can be used as a bank card to cover any expenses if necessary. You may connect it to your bank later.”
Sammy looks at the card, more tears welling in her eyes. She didn’t even think about driving. But now it’s just another privilege she lost. She tries her best to not cry again.
“And finally,” the agent says, “here is your government stipend card for all new littles. The government covers most of the initial expenses for new Littles. It should cover the cost of one month of diapers, a new bed or crib, a changing table, the government mandated Little’s car seat and installation, as well as a head start on a new wardrobe and any accessories.”
“Thank you, understood,” Alyssa says.
“Now, you have 72 hours to schedule your car seat installation. If you fail to do so, you will receive a daily fine. And if your Little is not riding in it after that time, you will receive a hefty fine and ticket. You can arrange installation at Littles’R’Us, the government’s preferred Little’s retailer.”
“Understood,” Allie says.
“Now, unless you have any other questions, you are all set!”
“Nope, none from us. Thank you for your assistance!”
As they walk out of the Littles Registration Office, Alyssa stops and gives Sammy a massive hug and a kiss on the forehead. “I know that was all so much to handle all at once, Sammy. I’m so proud of you! You were so mature about all of it.”
Sammy just sighs. The whiplash for the last hour and a half clearly overwhelming her.
“How about this, Sammy. We don’t need to worry about any of this for the rest of the day. We can handle everything later. How about we go back home, you take a nap and forget about everything. I’ll call my parents and Lindsay and we can have a movie night. We can go shopping for you later if you want. How does that sound?”
“W-will I have to wear my diapers there, Allie?” Sammy whines.
“Let’s see how you do for the rest of your day. But if you do, I promise I won’t tell my parents or Lindsay you’re in diapers. It will be our little secret.”
“Okay, Allie. A movie does sound fun!”
Twenty minutes later, Sammy is fast asleep. Alyssa calls her parents.
“Hey Mom, it’s official, I’m a Caregiver!” Alyssa rejoiced.
“Oh my gosh, honey, I’m so proud of you! I’ve always known you’d make the best Caregiver when the time came! Sammy doesn’t know how lucky she is!”
“I’m the lucky one, Mom! But listen, today has already been extremely difficult on Sammy. I think I made a mistake by bringing her to the Littles Registration office so soon. Sammy got one look at all the Littles and had a very messy accident right in the waiting area.”
“Oh, the poor thing. How did she handle it?”
“Not very well, not that I blame her. I never wanted her first time in diapers to happen so publicly. But I think it’s safe to say she’ll be in diapers full time from now on.”
“I’m so sorry sweetie, I know you’d hoped for a bit longer before that happened. But it was inevitable.”
“I know, but it’s here now. And listen, to calm her down after, I told her I’d see if we can do a movie night as a family—and that I wouldn’t tell any of you about her diapers. So can you let Dad and Linds know so they can pretend Sammy’s not in diapers, at least for tonight?”
“That’s very sweet of you, Alyssa. I’ll let them know. What kinds of movies should I pick out? Do you only want movies appropriate for Littles tonight?”
“I think she deserves one last night of normalcy, Mom. We can worry about Little stuff in a day or two.”
“Sounds good, she is your Little after all! I’m still so proud! I’ll see you both tonight!”
Go to Chapter Twelve.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
All libraries rent actual, physical books. But lots of them rent other things too! Some of them are pretty straightforward, like pieces of expensive cutting-edge technology. (I mean, that is what books used to be.)
Computers, tablets, and e-readers
3-D printers
Digital and video cameras
Green screens
Computer software
Video game consoles
But also, there’s way weirder things! Kitty’s small suburban library has a pretty astonishing collection of “things” for rent. It’s a pretty wild assortment of things like…
Camping gear, like tents
Outdoor gear, like fishing poles and snow shoes
Crafting supplies, like sewing machines
Bicycles, plus accessories like locks and pumps
Seeds that you take in the spring and replenish in the fall
Musical instruments
Kitchen appliances
Basic household tools
Board games and lawn games
Absolutely incredible. And it can all be yours if you just go to the damn library!
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Hey yall, is there a market for mlp (or toys in general) replacement parts / accessories?
I’ve got my 3d printer back up and running, and with my new computer, I can do some 3d modeling work. I could print replacement parts and accessories for people who want to have 100% complete sets. Or do people only want the original 80’s pieces?
For example, I’ve heard that dance n’ prance ponies used to come with earrings, I could look them up and model a reproduction so people could have replacements (or custom!) parts for their collections? What do you guys think?
I might even be able to make replacements for missing parts on precious pocket ponies! Maybe… I would have to hand model the charms so they wouldn’t be exact to their originals. But is anti interested in that?
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laylaylamode · 26 days
🧶🌊🌈💖🗡️🐉💙🍪⚡️ for Noize
🧶 - Do they do any arts, crafts, or creative hobbies?
Restoring old radios, classic cars, or any other older technology. He's really good at it to the point that sometimes his mom will call him to her job to help him repair something that her team isn't able to (since they work with newer tech instead of old). His current project is illegally reviving an old theme park that's been out of service for over three decades.
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
Noize hates his first name. Really hates it. Nostradamus was a philosopher (and secretly a wizard in his universe) who was the most powerful seer and predicted multiple catastrophes and major events. Noize already feels like he has extremely high expectations to meet so his name doesn't help his insecurity. That, and the name is just a mouthful.
🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them?
Yes! CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and key/black) based on the colors used for printers. They're also what his hair streaks are inspired by.
💝 - How much effort do they put into appearances? Do they have a favorite article of clothing?
He acts like he doesn't put much thought into his clothing...but he does lol. Not into fancy stuff but likes the cyberpunk aesthetic and goes for that in the best way he can afford it. His favorite item is his USB port earring.
🗡️ - Does this oc have a signature object, accessory, or weapon?
Never goes without his spell book. Not only does he have tons of information in it but it also carries pre-made spells in case he's unable to cast properly for whatever reason.
🐉 - Very serious question… are they more like a dragon, or a unicorn?
Unicorn, because he isn't supposed to exist. In his universe wizards don't reproduce and there are only a handful of them left. His parents are nearly a thousand years old, so when he was born everyone was extremely confused. They assumed that maybe he was meant to fulfil something they didn't know about, hence his unique name.
💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat?
Neat and tidy because his mother will kill him otherwise. Lots of books and his desk is filled with papers and ink, but clean for the most part. It tends to get hot because he has a lot of computers and TVs running in there so he keeps lots of fans on. The whole room is usually lit up by all the colorful flashing screens, making it look like a rave is going on from outside his window.
🍪 - What are their favorite scents?
Fresh biscuits, the air before and after it rains, Rain (he thinks she smells like candy hearts), old book pages, and peppermint.
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
That he's not going to amount to anything. Every wizard in his world has their eyes on him and are expecting him to do something great, and the pressure is so much that he's terrified of not living up to their desires and failing.
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medfetabdl · 4 months
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I bought a companion for my Intellivue MP5
This is an Intellivue MP2, this is just the pic from the eBay listing. It’s in pretty rough cosmetic shape but apparently works just fine.
What’s the difference between this and the MP5? Honestly not much, it uses an external power supply, the battery is much smaller, it doesn’t have the built in printer, and it can’t display as many waves, but that’s about it for differences. The thing that sets the Philips monitors apart from all other brands and makes them so desirable for hospitals is the same reason people buy the expensive Apple products: The ecosystem. The Philips monitors are the only monitors on the market that are based off of monitors made over 40 years ago and everything on those monitors from 40 years ago exists on these along with a bunch of other stuff that’s been added. The other thing is their network capabilities. They are the only system on the market where when paired with the proper servers you can upload vitals data to a server and save it for later, you can transfer a patient from one unit to another just a with a few button pushes and then their information moves to the monitor in the unit they are being transferred to without having to bring the monitor from one unit to another. They continue to receive software updates no matter how old they are (provided the hospital has Philips certified IT personnel) they can communicate with tons of accessories. They can track over 200 different vital signs (this does require special equipment) they can communicate with ventilators and infusion pumps. And there’s tons of other things they can do.
I do want to say that I bought these with some extra money I made during the holidays putting up and taking down Christmas lights. I don’t just have money for these things lying around.
I’d like to give anyone who wants to buy one of these monitors some buying advice
1. Stay away from the MP2 and X2 their external power supplies almost never come with them for a good price, if you want one with the battery and power supply it will cost $500 at the minimum
2. To save some money on cables it’s good to know that HP and Agilent Viridia line of patient monitors use the same pulse oximeter and ECG cables which can save you some significant money on cablee
3. Unfortunately they are significantly harder to get your hands on outside the US. Most of the EBay listing for them are in the US and the sellers will only sell to people within the US. That’s not their fault the US government prohibits the export of a lot of technology. High end medical equipment, high end computer components, IR (thermal) cameras that shoot at over 5 FPS, and lots of other things are all extremely locked down in terms of exporting outside the US because they don’t want it to fall into the hands of China. In fact the FDA supposedly controls the sale of medical equipment in the US but I don’t really think they care about used medical equipment because I have absolutely no medical connections. I do live in the technology capital of the world so that might have something to do with it. On a side note when I say Silicon Valley is the technology capital of the world I’m not joking. Google, Apple, Facebook, Nvidia, Intel, Tesla, Ebay, Zoom, Hewlett-Packard, and many more of the world’s largest tech companies are headquartered here. It does make it a bit easier for me to get my hands on bleeding edge tech or tech that’s harder for most people to get. I have friends who work for Tesla who’ve met Elon, I’ve seen Steve Wozniak in a restaurant, and I know tons of engineers who’ve worked for these companies.
Another thing worthy of note on who I am: At 19 I’m an extremely bright engineer and have an extremely vast amount of knowledge in tons of areas of technology and study. But I’m also mentally unstable I have autism, ADHD, severe anxiety, and Bipolar disorder. I get sprits of depression and can’t seem to stick with anything. I went to university for a year for electrical engineering and dropped out. I dropped out for 2 reasons. I hated all the extra classes that I have no interest in. And I noticed I was a freshman yet I had similar knowledge to that of seniors graduating that year.
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agp · 7 months
hey if youre on turtle island or still tuesday and feel like trying a quick silly browser game you should check out tradle. (i think it updates at midnight based on time zones?) todays is real fun i prommy.
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you get five guesses to figure out a country from its export data, and after each guess they tell you how far away you are and what direction the county youre looking for is. i know it sounds like a ridiculous challenge but this one has a bunch of easy hints and giveaways that are accessible to your average westerner
if its wednesday by now or you want to see the data presented differently check out this silly economy under the cut (bolded 'spoilers' ig)
total export value: 371b (usd)
gold: 86.7b (23%}
packaged meds: 48.5b (13%)
vaccines, blood, cultures, etc: 40.3b (11%)
base metal watches: 15.2b (4%)
nitrogen heterocyclic compounds: 14.2b (4%)
jewlery: 9.35b (2.5%)
precious metal watches: 8.97b (2.5%)
orthopedic appliances: 7.02b (2%)
hormones: 3.38b
coffee: 3.36b
electricity: 3.19b
medical instruments: 3.09b
machinery w indv functions: 3.04b
platinum: 2.54b
chemical analysis instruments: 2.27b
nucleic acids: 2.17b
valves: 2.17b
silver: 2.01b
electric motors: 1.78b
scented mixtures: 1.72b
sulfonamides: 1.71b
diamonds: 1.64b
planes, helicopters, and spacecraft: 1.63b
beauty products: 1.58b
other heating machinery: 1.43b
flavored water: 1.43b
gas turbines: 1.38b
low voltage protection eq: 1.34b
gas and liquid flow measuring inst: 1.3b
carboxyamide compounds: 1.26b
other measuring instruments: 1.24b
air pumps: 1.16b
motor vehicles, parts, and acc: 1.14b
petroleum gas: 1.12b
electrical transformers: 1.11b
aluminum plating: 1.07b
other plastic products: 1.01b
metal working machine parts: 988m
vitamins: 965m
polyamides: 963m
washing and bottling machines: 925m
chocolate: 887m
oxygen amino compounds: 885m
integrated circuits: 884m
iron fasteners: 881m
paintings: 873m
transmissions: 855m
special pharmaceuticals: 837m
insulated wire: 828m
electrical power accessories: 826m
plastic lids: 818m
cheese: 800m
antibiotics: 797m
liquid pumps: 797m
cars: 789m
ink: 752m
non mechanical removal machinery: 737m
trunks and cases: 734m
centrifuges: 730m
interchangeable tool parts: 728m
high voltage protection eq: 705m
hand saws: 693m
other edible preparations: 680m
electric heaters: 679m
electrical control boards: 672m
polyacetals: 664m
plastic pipes: 636m
electric soldering equipment: 616m
precious metal compounds: 608m
industrial fatty acids, oils, and alcohols: 608m
hot rolled iron bars: 590m
self propelled rail transport: 582m
refined petroleum: 577m
hydrazine or hydroxylamine derivatives: 565m
precious stones: 563m
rubber working machinery: 561m
unpackaged meds: 557m
other iron products: 553m
precious metal scraps 550m
computers: 545m
surveying equipment: 523m
other plastic sheetings: 519m
metal finishing machines: 516m
scrap copper: 514m
semiconductor devices: 511m
raw plastic sheeting: 494m
documents or title and stamps: 490m
rolled tobacco: 487m
malt extract: 469m
other electrical machinery: 467m
other paper machinery: 450m
oxygen heterocyclic compounds: 441m
non knit mens suits: 441m
synthetic coloring matter: 436m
locomotive parts: 432m
non knit womens suits: 428m
iron structures: 424m
leather footwear: 421m
industrial printers: 415m
lifting machinery: 415m
scrap iron: 412m
therapeutic appliances: 410m
office machine parts: 410m
other clocks and watches: 405m
metal molds: 403m
other furniture: 403m
glaziers putty: 377m
liquid dispersing machines: 376m
knitting machine accessories: 370m
other small iron pipes: 369m
broadcasting equipment: 367m
aircraft parts: 363m
industrial food prep machinery: 362m
glues: 357m
pesticides: 349m
oscilloscopes: 344m
raw aluminum: 344m
knit sweaters: 339m
optical fibers and bundles: 334m
excavation machinery: 332m
non iron/steel slag ash and residue: 319m
carboxylic acids: 315m
xray equipment: 315m
electric motor parts: 315m
watch straps: 313m
tanks and armoured vehicles: 310m
forging machines: 309m
cleaning products: 306m
metalworking transfer machines: 298m
animal food: 294m
combustion engines: 282m
engine parts: 271m
electric generating sets: 254m
scrap aluminum: 249m
laboratory reagents: 249m
perfumes: 244m
other rubber products: 241m
photo lab equipment: 240m
wheat: 236m
lubricating products: 234m
printed circuit boards: 233m
aluminum bars: 230m
explosive ammunition: 230m
brooms: 224m
lcds: 223m
refrigerators: 223m
motorcycles and cycles: 221m
large construction vehicles: 221m
coal briquettes: 221m
corn: 220m
aluminum cans: 219m
textile footwear: 217m
thermostats: 207m
coffee and tea extracts: 206m
other aluminum products: 204m
ball bearings: 203m
knives: 199m
machines for additive mnf: 195m
raw iron bars: 187m
delivery trucks: 185m
milling stones: 176m
aluminum foil: 170m
collectors items: 169m
soybean oil: 169m
wood fiberboard: 166m
other stainless steel bars: 164m
sculptures: 160m
cutting blades: 159m
baked goods: 150m
navigation equipment: 146m
hydrometers: 137m
watch cases and parts: 134m
laboratory ceramic wear: 134m
wood carpentry: 124m
mirrors and lenses: 117m
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merrybrides · 1 year
Wedding DIY vs. Buy: When to Do It Yourself vs. What to Spend Your Money On
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When it comes to planning your wedding, there’s no greater reality check than comparing your dreams for your big day to the reality of your budget. The good news is, DIYing some of your wedding tasks can save you a ton of money without leaving you feeling let down on your big day.
And, if they’re done right, it will give your entire event a more personal and memorable touch. But, don’t go too far or you’ll wind up putting unnecessary stress on yourself… and you might be disappointed in the outcome. Some things are just not worth the risk.
Here’s a look at the wedding details you can do yourself, versus what should be left up to the pros.
Wedding DIYS: Details You Can Do Yourself
Tasks you can handle well in advance of your wedding day are perfect for DIYers. If you can sit at your dining room table and complete a task well in advance of your wedding day, go for it! Here are some ideas to help you get started.
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Your Veil
Bridal veils can put a huge dent in your budget. If you would rather put that money towards your dress, why not make your own veil? Pull up some inspiration on YouTube and Pinterest to help you get started and go with a simple design. Stay away from expensive and complicated embellishments like beading or lace to keep costs low.
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Bridal Party Accessories
If you’ve got some sewing and crafting skills, you could make accessories like bow ties, belts, drawstring handbags, jewelry, or hair accessories for your wedding party. If you make things they can wear again, they’ll double as a gift, saving you from having to buy those separately. You could make some of your own accessories, too… and don’t rule out borrowing a gorgeous necklace or some earrings from one of the women in your family.
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Flower Girl Details
Your flower girl doesn’t have to carry a pricey pomander bouquet or posy. Decorate a little basket with some pretty ribbons, fill it with flower petals, and have her scatter them as she walks down the aisle.
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Pew Decorations
You can save yourself a lot of money by making your own decorations for guest seating at the ceremony. Keep things simple with large ribbon bows and long ribbons with some little silk flowers tucked in. If your venue is already ornate, feel free to skip them altogether.
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Entryway Décor
There’s no need to blow your budget on elaborate entryway décor. Simply hang two pomanders or wreaths on the door handles at your ceremony venue. Then, put someone in charge of moving them to the reception venue to decorate the doors there. Table signage and other reception focal points are also great DIY projects, as long as you do them well in advance and don’t wait until the last minute.
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Wedding Favors
Don’t buy expensive favors for your guests when you can easily DIY them! Edible wedding favors are a great choice because no one wants a monogrammed shot glass or tchotchke. Make individual goodie bags with candy in your wedding colors and put them on the tables or by the door. Or, make a donation to your favorite charity on behalf of your guests instead and have your master of ceremonies announce it during the reception.
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If you’ve got access to a computer and a printer, wedding invitations can easily be done on a budget. You don’t even have to be particularly crafty to pull off this DIY wedding project. Check out Etsy for customizable printable invitations and look on Pinterest for endless inspiration. Use beautiful scrapbook paper to cut your own envelope liners or make a rubber stamp of your menu and apply it to paper doilies. The ideas are virtually endless, and you can even do fancy calligraphy with your computer at a fraction of the cost of hiring a pro.
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Your Makeup
Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t have to look like a totally different person for your walk down the aisle. There’s no reason you can’t do your makeup yourself, especially if you’ve got a knack for it and know what you like. Watch some YouTube videos for tips and ideas. Be sure to practice your look ahead of time so it’s easy to replicate on your big day. As added insurance, make sure you like the way your makeup looks in photos. Your engagement photos or bridal portrait session would make for a great test-run!
Wedding Buys: What to Leave to the Pros
Some things are best left up to the pros, especially things that have to be done at the last minute or during the celebration. If you’re struggling to decide what to DIY vs buy for your wedding, here’s what’s best to spend your money on:
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You will have so much on your plate during the last days leading up to your big wedding. Don’t add to your stress by trying to make all the food for your reception. Catering is one area that is best left to the pros if you want to feel relaxed on your big day. I
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Of course, you wouldn’t be doing your own wedding photography, but you might be tempted to have a friend take the photos to save a few bucks. Unless your friend is a professional wedding photographer, just don’t do it! You will be looking back on your wedding photos for years to come, and there’s nothing worse than being disappointed in how they came out. Hiring a professional is definitely the way to go when it comes to your wedding photography.
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Fresh Flowers
If fresh flowers are an absolute must for you, don’t try to do the arranging yourself. Even if you’re a talented floral arranger, fresh flowers will need to be arranged at the very last minute. That’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself, even the week leading up to your wedding. If all you have to do is snip the flowers and put them into vases, it could still be a big job on the morning of your wedding. Wouldn’t you rather be relaxed and pampering yourself while getting ready for your big walk down the aisle?
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A professional wedding DJ can make all the difference in how memorable your reception is. A good one will have lots of tricks up his sleeve for getting guests out on the dance floor. Choose a DJ who knows how to double as a master of ceremonies to keep things moving. Music coming from an MP3 player just won’t have the same effect.
How to Decide what to DIY vs Buy for Your Wedding
One common money-saving tactic for weddings is to do it yourself when possible, but what aspects of your big day should you leave to the pros?
Wondering how to decide when the DIY route is worth it vs buying or hiring someone to help for your wedding? We’ve got some advice for making that choice. Consider your skill level, time availability, the funds you have at your disposal, as well as the potential stress on the big day. Use this Venn diagram below to help you decide what to DIY vs buy for your wedding day.
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At the end of the day, only you know what is best for you when it comes to your wedding decisions. Go with the route that feels best and least stressful so you can be present and enjoy every minute!
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bowmanstudios · 10 months
Sure sm57
Sure sm58
Audix i5
Sure Beta 52
Blue Snowball
Behringer C-2 (pair)
Samson C01
Rode NT1A
Scarlett 18i0 audio interface
Mackie 1402-VLZ PRO 14 channel mic/line analog mixer
Guitar amps and pedals:
Ibanez Turbo Tube screamer
Fender GC140SCE Concert Acoustic-Electric
Yamaha FX335C Dreadnought Acoustic-Electric
Ovation 1311 Natural Acoustic
Fender Nashville Telecaster
Fender Squire Bullet Telecaster
Fender Squire Jazz Bass
Mitchell MU40 Soprano Natural Ukulele
Yamaha CGS 102A Classical Guitar
Nektar Impact LX61+
Roland U-20
Drums and percussion:
1 big tambourine
1 small tambourine
LP Medium twist shakers
Simmons Titan 50 electronic drum set
Sound Monitoring:
JBL Professional Linear Spatial Reference 3 Series powered studio monitors (pair)
Sony Professional MDR-7506 studio headphones
Sennheiser HD 201 studio headphones
KRK Classic 5 studio monitors (pair)
Computers and visuals:
Apple MacBook Pro 13 inch
Dell flat panel monitor
Logic Pro X
Pro Tools 12
Avid/Apple/Native Instruments/SoundToys/FabFilter/Waves plugins
Helix HX Edit
Digital EQ’s:
Waves V-EQ4
Fabfilter Pro-Q
Digital Reverbs:
Waves Abbey Road Chambers
Waves H-Reverb Hybrid Verb
Waves Renaissance Reverb
Waves Manny Marroquin Reverb
Relab Development LX480 Reverb
Digital Compressors:
Waves Renaissance Compressor
Waves CLA-3A Compressor/Limiter
Waves Smack Attack
Waves DeEsser
Waves SSL G-Channel
Waves Nx Ocean Way Nashville
Waves Z-Noise
Waves WLM Plus Loudness Meter
Waves Tune Real-Time
Waves Vocal Bender
Waves Torque
Waves CLA Bass
Waves Abbey Road J37 Tape
SoundToys Echoboy
Spectronics Keyscapes
Native Instruments Battery
Toontrack EZdrummer 3
Native Instruments Kontakt Electric Guitar
Accessories/miscellaneous/other studio features:
4 XLR cables
4 1/4 inch jack cables
Power supply cables
USB outlet strip
High speed internet and free WIFI
Pencils, pens and paper
Wireless printer available
5 mic stands
Shock mount, pop filter, and 3 windscreens
HEAROS Ultimate Softness earplugs
Mini Samsung T.V. with Roku entertainment
RIF6 electric record player with built-in speakers
Dean Markley Pro Mag humbucker pickup
Culilux 1/4” audio splitter
Rioddas external ODD&HDD disc drive
Pack of CDs for burning
Guitar pick maker with appropriate paper
3 microphone clips
Alesis sustain pedal
Radial PRO-DI passive direct box
DeltaLab digital metronome
AKAI MPD218 beat pad
GiveBest electric heater
Behringer ULTRAACOUSTIC AT109 15-WATT acoustic guitar amplifier
OWC thunderbolt USB-C dock
APC surge protector
MOONGEL damper pads
Pick holder filled with guitar picks (floppy and hard) and a set of thumb picks
2 capos and clip on tuner
KORG TM-50 combo tuner and metronome
Mackie 1402-VLZ PRO 14 channel mic/line analog mixer
NEXIGO web cam
Big Knob passive monitor controller
The Bowman Studios, Dallas, Texas
Producers: Mason Bowman
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mmcomputers · 1 year
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