#priority one is a new mattress n box springs
Dude why’d I pay $40 for a insulated water bottle tf is wrong w me
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lost-inthedream · 3 years
Tea and warm compress
Pairing: Husband!Youngbin x female reader
Genre: Fluff, Suggestive
Warnings: mentions of sex
Words count: 1.4k
Summary: Moving to a new apartment can be quite exhaustive. There are still so many belongings to be organized... But they definitely can wait! The reader gives Youngbin some extra care because he has a backache.
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes that you might find.
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It was starting to get late, more two cups and you would be emptied that cardboard box also. The new apartment had a bunch of cupboards fixed on its walls, which allowed you to organize your kitchen tools pretty well. Youngbin sorted the dishes on the shelf right over the cups. You were both close enough to touch one another while picking items out of the boxes and putting them in their new places.
"Don't you think that's enough for today, Binnie?" you asked as you noticed him placing the last dish on the top of a small pile.
"I dunno, love. We still have a few boxes to clear out" he answered with a subtle grimace and combing his bangs back, only to have them covering his forehead again once he lowers his hand.
You glanced at the intact cardboard boxes on the corner, but by the look on your face, he knew that they didn't bother you at all.
"We have time to work on them tomorrow." You lifted one eyebrow as if it were the smarter declaration ever. "I'm sure they won't escape this apartment if we don't grab them right now."
You closed the cupboard door in front of your husband to seal your decision, drawing some words from him.
"Oh! That's my girl" he freed a weary giggle and quickly pulled you to him so he could peck anywhere on your face. A playful smooch clicked on your forehead and then he let his hand go of your back.
You stepped just a millimeter backward without breaking eye contact with him and positioned your hands on your own waist and tilting your head. Youngbin contemplated your cocky loose smile. But you somehow killed the mood when a tired sigh came out of your lips.
Moving has really drained your energy. The process of packing everything you had took so much time in the previous days, then the two of you helped at placing everything inside a truck and finally at carrying all the stuff to the apartment where you would live from now on.
He suddenly noticed the favorite mugs of yours laying on the sink countertop. The items were decorated with matching motifs that suited both of you, quite cheesy.
"What about those mugs?" he pointed with his chin.
"Ah! We're gonna use them right now. I've already found the tea." You winked.
"I couldn't wait to sit like this on our couch." Youngbin sighed allowing his face to express exhaustion for the first time.
He leaned backward, his head rested on the couch cushion, which was out of place just a couple of hours before. He still held the mug between his hands, laid on his lap. In any case, having his eyes closed for a while seemed to be a priority.
"Why haven't you said that you were this tired?"
"I guess I have barely noticed it" he replied in a low tone and you could say that he had just figured it out.
His body had been already screaming it to him a bit earlier but he was so absorbed in other tasks that he couldn't hear anything. It was not his fault though, he was excited. The idea of transforming the new place into your actual home was his only thought and so was yours. Even now there was a soft smile making his lips prettier than they already were.
You moved carefully towards your husband, motioning him to accept your body on his lap without pouring the hot liquid on yourselves. That was as if you did some sort of acrobatics, but you succeed together without spilling a drop and now you were close and cozy.
He took a sip and tried to shift his position a bit but the movement made him whimper in pain.
"What's this?" you immediately asked.
"It's just my back" he tried to dismiss your worry but there was an alert signal already resonating inside of you.
Youngbin took the cup to his mouth again, the warmth fulfilling his insides. The gesture was repeated a few times as you observed him closely also drinking from your own mug.
"You're gonna pierce me with your pretty eyes or what?" he joked after a few sips in silence.
You grabbed the empty mug from his hand and equilibrated it on the arm of the couch beside him, along with yours. The patterns on them facing each other, exactly the way you and your loved one did now. You leaned to touch the tip of his nose with your lips causing a snap sound. His chin raised so he could make your mouths meet. It felt sweet and wholesome, the flavor of the two herbs you mixed together slow danced with Youngbin's natural taste. You separated your lips before you were not able to do it anymore.
"It's time to take care of your back, baby". You attempted to stand up.
"I'm alright, y/n. Don't worry, just stay here with me"
He was so exhausted that his arms wrapped loosely around your frame, though it was enough to stop you from letting go of him. He was pouty, a clear sign that he needed to be taken care of. It was true that you were also worn out, but still in better conditions than Youngbin.
"I'm so sorry to have to do more than just staying here but you need a relaxing shower. I'm gonna make you a warm compress as well."
He gave you his familiar side smile as feedback.
You had to look for your heat pack in the boxes you had not opened yet. Fortunately, you found it quite easily, which made you sigh in relief.
Youngbin took a long shower and you managed to have the compress ready by the time he left the bathroom. He walked into your shared room barefoot. The floor still fairly cold in the spring "I have no idea of where my slippers are" he complained.
"Same, but you know what? I don't care!"
He hummed in a good mood and carefully put his lazy body on the bed, lying on his stomach and turning his face to the right side, so his cheek got squished against the mattress. You comforted him with a delicate caress on the shoulder that got his eyes to close, like those smart flowers that shut for the nighttime.
"It hurts on your low back, right?"
He grunted positively, eyelids fluttering.
The compress was too hot to touch his skin directly so you used the soft cotton of his t-shirt as a barrier. Since it was now settled down on his back, his movements were restricted and you both did not have much to do other than talk. You did not do more than staying comfortably sitting at his right.
"Aren't you hurting too, love?" he asked reopening his eyes. His sleepy yet charming gaze inviting you to trace his facial features.
"Just from seeing you in pain," you replied seductively. "I didn't carry any heavy box because you're such a gentleman."
He did not know how to respond so he sweetly voiced an "I love you" while your warm hand caressed him on the face.
You shifted to lean down and whisper the same close to his ear, then you could not resist the urge to sniff on his neck. The fresh scent of his soap enchanted you, making you down your eyelids to the friction your nose made on him.
"You shouldn't provoke a man in my condition"
"Is this a complaint or a warning?" you asked playfully letting your lips brush on his earlobe on purpose.
"This is only a complaint tonight. I'm good at waiting."
You dragged one finger down his spine. A sloppy invisible line, coming to an end when it reached the compress.
"I can't wait" you signed.
"Can you move it a bit, baby?. It's like burning my skin" he politely asked interrupting the way your talk was growing steamy.
You took the pack from his low back and placed your hand flat instead, stroking the area tenderly for a few seconds.
"I'm probably waking up better tomorrow and I'm treating you right then. Like the queen you are."
"Don't worry, my king" you said low feeling funny with those words. you calmly unfolded a towel that laid next to you in order to make a new layer between Youngbin's skin and the hot pack. "We have a lot of time to make love in our new apartment. Or should I call it a kingdom?"
He giggled.
"Just home is fine" you decided.
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hearteyesbowen · 4 years
boy next door ☆ joshua bassett
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y/n meets the boy next door, who has a different way of welcoming you to the town
warnings: fluff, steamy writing
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Your phone barely clutched to your shoulder, gradually slipping from the pressure of your right cheek. Your hands would have been a nice thing to have at the moment, if it weren’t already carrying two heavy cardboard boxes that barely let you see the door to your new apartment.
It was your parents who helped you find your own place to live. You stayed with them for a year after high school as you suffered to balance a part-time job and studying miles away from your parents’ house. Fortunately, a large apartment that didn’t have unreasonable rent and stationed fairly close to your school would be discovered by your father.
The apartment was beautiful. Dark brick exterior with about 15 stories, each lined with balconies extended past large windows from each room. Bushes fenced the perimeter of the building, some sprouting bright flowers from the spring. Inside was simple, clean, sleek. Rows of mailboxes greeted the entrance, and a marble desk sat in the center with lovely woman greeting every trip from your car to your room.
Moving out on your own was never easy. You weren’t worried about being alone all the time and have to worry about intruders breaking into your home, at least not all the time. Having to make new friends, that was the issue. Sure, you could invite your friends who lived at least an hour drive away from you, but you would eventually have to be an adult and introduce yourself to other people.
“Yeah, Mom, I know. Yeah- I know. Yes, yes, ok Mom. Got it, I will. Yea- love you too. Ok, bye now.”
You heaved, both from the amount of work it took to finish talking to your mother and the mountains of steep, tile staircases you hide to endure. You had also forgotten until your last journey from the car that there was an elevator parallel to the staircase you have been marching up the past 10 minutes. Luckily, you lived on the fifth floor, so not much harm done.
Your phone had been on its last grasp, struggling to keep its hold on the burning skin from your cheeks and the smooth fabric of your shirt. The tension in your neck continued to grow the more you held the uncomfortable position, almost as if it were about to snap.
“Need help, ma’am?”
The sudden male voice grazed over the gentle skin on the back of your neck, startling you and jolting your body. You managed to maintain your clutch on the boxes, but your phone had slipped off of your shoulder.
You squeezed your eyes shut, anticipating a crash and hundreds of new cracks on its screen. After about ten seconds, the halls remained silent. Confusion took over, so you pryed your eyes open to wonder where your phone had gone.
“Here, let me help you.”
From the corner of your eyes, a figure walked from behind you to your front, grabbing one of the heavy boxes and setting it down on the floor beside him. You sighed in relief, the feeling of exhaustion replaced by alleviation. You placed the package you still had down on the tile, stretching your arms from the soreness building up.
“Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that helped me.” You smiled.
Your smile turned into awe once you fully took in the boy in front of you. He had fair skin, hints of pink blossoming from his cheeks to his nose and parts of his chin. His eyes were dark brown, like a cup of coffee you endulge in as much as you could. Loose brown curls framed his head, you didn’t have to feel it to know it was soft. It was as if you found the definition of the perfect man.
“No problem. I caught your phone, by the way.”
He held out his hand that gripped your phone. You gave him a smile, hoping you didn’t show too much of your flustered appearance. You reached for your phone, barely touching the tips of his fingers. That little interaction sent a wave of shivers through your skin.
“Thank you, you’ve been so helpful today.”
“Well, I’ve been hearing a pretty voice walk back and forth through these halls so I figured I would help. Nice to know the lady with the pretty voice and the equally as pretty face lives across from me.” He complimented. “Sorry for not getting you a welcoming present.”
Your head felt like it was burning. He managed to sweep you off your feet and you didn’t even know his name.
“I’m so rude. I never got your name.” You took the phone from his hand and shoved it in your back pocket.
“I’m Joshua, but you can call me Josh.” He offered his hand once more for you to shake.
You gratefully held his hand, instantly noticing how soft and warm it was in yours. His eyes shifted from you to your hands, and his grip tightened by the slightest. You didn’t mind, you could have stayed like that forever.
“I like that.” He mumbled.
This boy was so hypnotizing. Everything about the way he looked at you to the small grin on his face and the way he stood taller than you captured you. He’s made you forget all your priorities, like how you just moved.
You shook your head, realizing you would only waste more time to completely unpack your apartment by staying with Josh. You let go of his hand, internally kicking yourself for wanting to do anything but stare at this boy.
“I should really unpack, I wouldn’t want to sleep on the floor tonight. Thank you, for helping me.”
You began to pick up the forgotten box. You felt him watch the way you kneeled down to get a stronger grasp on the cardboard.
“I could help you, if you want.”
You turned around to look at up him once more. He reached for your hands, gently placing his on top of yours to get a hold of the box.
“I have nothing to do today, anyways.”
You laughed, shaking your head at his nervous smile. Yanking the box and your hands out of his, you turned around opened the door to your apartment you left unlocked.
“Come on, pretty boy. There’s a box on the floor.”
➢➣ ➢➣
You two managed to finish unpacking the rest of the boxes from your car. Yesterday, your dad had helped bring in the mattress of your bed, the couch, and some of the tables and desks you had. Today was just to furnish the rest of the house with smaller appliances and other decorations.
In the three hours you spent with each other, you and Josh had become friends. While arranging your clothes in your closet, he would play around with the teddy bear from your mother or ask you questions about each photo you hung on your wall.
“So what do you do for a living?” Josh wondered.
You sat on top of the glass counter in your kitchen, your back pressed against the dark oak cabinets. Josh stood across from you, leaning against the surface. He looked at you with focus, wanting to know more about yourself.
“I work part-time at a cafe, but I’m also studying at college.”
“Looks like I’ll be stopping by the cafe more often.”
You giggled, hiding your blushing face with your hair. “What about you?”
“I’m an actor.”
You squinted your eyes. His smile grew wider at your reaction. Your head clicked, just as you remembered the memories of your friends screaming over a boy on a new tv show. You never gave interest, you didn’t watch tv as much. The name they screamed stuck with you, however. You didn’t get to see what he looked like, just that he was young, attractive, and has “the voice of a god.”
“Joshua Bassett?”
He laughed, pushing himself off the counter to slowly step up to you. “Yeah?”
“Like the guy from that one Disney show?”
“As in, the guy my friends won’t shut up about?”
“I suppose.”
You let your head roll back, hitting the cabinets as you closed your eyes. Embarrassment overcame you. How could you have gone this long without know who he really was?
“I’m an idiot.”
“Nah, you’re just cute.” He complimented.
He was now only a few feet away from you. His eyes wandered around your body, making you feel a sudden feeling of confidence. Maybe your feelings weren’t one-sided.
“Does being an actor change how you feel about me?”
You slid off the counter, jumping onto the wooden floor beneath you. Your hands found there way inside the back pockets of your jeans. By now, his chest gently grazed yours as he stood directly in front of you.
“I don’t know, maybe I should ask for your autograph and get a picture with you. It would make my friends really jealous.”
You watched him let out a small laugh. His hands gripped the counter on either side of you, trapping you between him. Your faces were close, yet not enough to feel any excitement.
“Would you want that?” He asked lowly.
“Consider it a welcome present.”
“I have a better idea.”
His lips found yours for a soft, slow kiss. You quickly cupped his face, loving the way your lips molded together so perfectly. You didn’t realize how much you have wanted this until now. The feeling of his hands at your hips, holding you in a safe and comforting way felt so right. You pulled away, slowly opening your eyes to see his wide open as you continued to hold his head in your hands.
You smashed your lips back onto his, moving your hands to his hair and gripping it tightly between your fingers. He moved his hands to your butt, lifting you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss as he cautiously found his way to the couch not too far away from your kitchen.
Gently, he set you down so your back would softly rest on the cushions and your head would lay on the small pillows. His body was in between your legs that were still wrapped around him. His lips traveled down, leaving warm kisses from your cheek to your collarbone. You hummed in response, pleasure fogging up your head. There was a fire in his touch, one that you had never felt with any of your past partners. He made you feel special, like you were his. You didn’t mind, being held by him, feeling his lips capture every part of your neck was something you could get used to. He began to suck in a gentle spot under your ear, earning a quiet moan escape your lips automatically. You grabbed his chin and brought his face back up, continuing your make out session. His hands traveled to the waistband of your jeans, beginning to untuck your shirt.
You pulled away softly, earning a worried reaction from him. You had just reaIized what you had been doing, how quickly a nice conversation turned into a hookup. It didn’t bother you so much, but you wanted to know what he felt.
“Sorry, I’m moving a little too fast.” He whispered, regret laced in his words.
You pecked his lips reassuringly, making him eagerly pull you back into another kiss. You gave him a gentle smile, making him feel better.
“I like you, Josh. You’re sweet.”
“Can I take you out then?”
“You could take me to my room.”
His smile intensified, kissing you once more. Lifting you up, you laughed at how excited the boy next door was to be with you. He looked up at you, bringing another kiss to your lips.
A/N - ive been lacking lately y’all im so sorry ): also if u requested something im doing my absolute best to get it written , ive just had to deal with a stupid amount of school work ugh . hope u like this story ive had in my drafts for a long time , another post coming saturday !! love y’all xx
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mackdaddynate · 6 years
fall in deep part 2- nathan mackinnon
A/N: this is pure fluff again, soft nate is all that matters to me ok
WC: 1.5K
You paced around your apartment, trying to figure out what the hell to make for dinner that wasn’t boxed mac and cheese for the third day in a row. You sighed and flopped down on the couch, deciding whether you wanted to order food or just save the cash right as your phone buzzed.
Nate: Wanna get food or something?
Y/N: idk, kinda already have a date with my couch... or something
You sat there grinning, thinking about how great it was that Nate actually liked you. You had always loved teasing him, but now you got to make out with him too, so you pretty much had the perfect setup.
Nate: cmon, we haven’t even been on a real date yet, your hungover ass spending the entire day in my bed doesn’t count :///
Y/N: Fineee, come pick me up in like 15?
And now you were blushing like it was middle school or something, immediately texting Layna about your date.
Layna: omg Y/N, grumpy Nate has such a soft spot for you. Wrap it before you tap it ;)
Y/N: hahah you’re the worst, ok I gotta go get ready!!
After a few minutes of trying to make yourself look a little less tired, there was a knock at your door.
“Hey, you,” Nate flashed you a smile as you leaned in to give him a hug.
“Not to be dramatic, but I kinda missed you.”
“Pshh, you’re always dramatic, but I kinda missed you too,” he said, laughing. “Tacos?”
“You read my mind, MacK.” You were so drawn to him it wasn’t even funny, and you were debating reaching for his hand before he set it on your waist and guided you out of the building.
“Oh, so you do this when I’m not blackout drunk too?” you looked up at him, feeling giggly and warm against the cool spring air.
Nate shrugged, “It’s hard to keep my hands off of you.”
“Then don’t,” you smirked. “Just keep it family-friendly when we’re in public, Nathan.” That earned you an eye-roll, and then you both cracked up.
Dinner was gone as soon as it started. Nate was scarfing down tacos while you told him about the research you’d been helping with and and all of the stupid things you and Layna had done in the past week; you were scarfing down tacos while Nate was being way too humble about the ridiculous season he’d been having.
“I’ll go cheer you on sometime, make you a sign or something. I’m literally going to be such a nervous wreck every time you get hit though.”
“You can wear my jersey, how cute would that be? God damn Y/N, you’re gonna be the best hockey girlfri-” he paused. “Are we doing the girlfriend thing? Like, can I call you that? I know it’s only been one date but...” he trailed off.
“Why not? You’re the only person I can see myself with right now anyways,” you replied.
“Me too.”
Your legs were tangled together with Nate’s under the table because in reality, you couldn’t keep yourself away from him either. You both blushed when your waitress pointed out how you two were just so adorable, but you figured she was kind of right.
Nate picked up the check, even though you protested, telling you that the least he could do for not asking you out sooner was buy you some tacos.
Neither you or Nate were particularly extroverted, but conversation was so easy with him. It felt so much more comfortable than with other guys you’d dated. And you hated that you already felt so clingy towards Nate, but he was acting the same way. Maybe this was what you both got for those three years of suppressed feelings.
“Ugh, so you’re really going to be gone for the entire weekend for hockey? How am I supposed to keep myself entertained?”
He laughed at that, “You’ll probably just drunk snapchat me the whole time. But if you’re up for it tonight, you should come over for a bit. You know, to make up for this weekend.”
“Ok I might end up falling asleep on you, but I can’t turn that offer down.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he countered.
The two of you decided to put on a movie. You intentionally sat down just close enough to Nate to be touching. You were barely through the opening scene when you felt his hand sliding up your thigh.
“Couldn’t even make it five minutes in huh?” you said, while looking up at him.
“Well,” he bit his lip, “maybe if you weren’t sitting there teasing me.”
“Me? Teasing?” you feigned offense.
“Sitting this close to me and trying way too hard to focus on the movie? While looking that good? Definitely teasing, Y/N.”
You raised your eyebrows at him. “Fine,” you said, closing what little gap there was between you and practically sitting in his lap as you leaned in for a kiss. You started the kiss slowly, wrapping your hands around his neck. Nate followed suit, one hand running through your hair and the other squeezing on your upper thigh.
He deepened the kiss, speeding up a bit. You’d kissed Nate before, but that was in the morning when your head was pounding from the mistakes of the night before. But this time felt different, fiery and a bit hungry. And honestly? You’d be perfectly content to just sit there and make out with him for like, hours, which was weird. Your roommate had told you that one of her hookups had “the lips of an angel,” which was hilarious, but now you were beginning to understand it.
Nate squeezed harder on your thigh, causing you to whimper. You looked him up and down, swollen lips and his dark eyes locked on you. He pulled you back in quickly, moving his hands under your sweatshirt and settling at the clasp of your bra. And as you were thinking about how ridiculously turned on you were, Nate pulled away, leaving you looking at him with puppy dog eyes.
“Uh, sorry, I think we should probably go to my room so Tyson doesn’t walk in on us like this.”
Right. Roommates.
You laughed, following him back to his room, “Bold of you to assume that I’m the type to fuck on the first date. I will gladly crash here though, you’ve got a pretty good mattress.”
Nate gave you a look, but couldn’t keep himself from grinning, “God, you’re such a tool.”
“Yeah, but I’m your tool,” you said, grinning back as Nate laid down, gesturing for you to come join him.
You did just that, rolling over to be closer to him as the two of you alternated between making out and talking about life until your eyes started to feel heavy.
You woke up to laughter from the kitchen. Those boys. You sighed, rolling over and wishing for 10 more minutes of sleep. If it wasn’t for recent events with Nate, you’d probably believe it if he told you that he was dating Tyson. They acted like an old married couple, even more so than you and Layna.
You slipped out of Nate’s big t-shirt you’d worn as pajamas, and back into your leggings and one of his hoodies. The hockey team gave him so many, the least you could do was take a few of them off his hands. At least, that’s the excuse you gave Nate.
“Morning babe,” Nate said as you walked into the kitchen. You gave him a half awake smile and a kiss on the cheek.
“Okay, so you guys are disgusting. Y/N, or should I say new roommate, are you going to start paying me for rent or...” said Tyson, in a way that only he could. Nate was making himself coffee as you sat down on the stool next to Tyson.
“At least let me have some food or something before you start attacking me.”
“Nate makes a mean omelette, but the rule is that I get omelette priority over girls.”
“Nate can cook?” you asked, genuinely surprised since your expectations for college boys were quite low.
“Not at all, he’s only figured out omelettes so far,” Tyson said as the two of you shared a laugh.
“I’m so glad the two of you can bond at my expense,” Nate scowled, coming up behind you to rub your back anyways. You looked up at him and had to use all of the willpower you had not to kiss him.
“You guys are like a fucking Hallmark movie,” Tyson huffed.
“Don’t you have to like, pack or something?” Nate chirped back, going over to tend to his coffee.
“Don’t you?”
You broke into a fit of giggles, Tyson and Nate doing the same. And as you were trying to compose yourself, you noticed Nate, focused on you and softly smiling. The sun had just started to peek through the window, making his eyes sparkle a little bit, and you couldn’t help but smile right back at him.
You could definitely get used to this.
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selenelavellan · 7 years
No Place I’d Rather Be
Concert AU
Deceit, Fear and Dirthamen belong to @feynites
Selene agrees to the move, in the end.
Due in no small part to Des's insistence that he will be moving in with their lovers regardless, and the prospect of finding another roommate sounds like a sort of hell she just doesn't want to deal with.
Getting him away from the apparent lyrium dealers in their building is a good thing, anyways.
The new house is nice. Sturdy, with good bones and much more comfortable after Fears renovations start to take place.
Deceit looks at her funny when she moves in, though.
“Where's your stuff?” He asks.
She blinks, glances to make sure her bag is still on her back and not left on the bus. It is, and she's got her box of books securely in her arms, before slowly answering “This is my stuff.”
“All of it?”
She shuffles awkwardly on her feet. Buying things has been...low, on her list of priorities. Most of the things she had actually purchased for herself were left behind when she and Des hopped onto the boat to avoid the Carta. Without a steady income since then (too overqualified for most entry level jobs, they tell her, and being publicly labeled an 'unhinged dalish mage' accused of arson and attempted murder in carta controlled media means most universities and research foundations consider her too 'high risk') she's been focused on stretching her funds as far as she can manage.
She's got her casual boots, and some heels Des has bought for her, and a small collection of frequently washed clothing. A box of books she uses for her studies, often traded back into the local used book store for credit towards more recently updated collections. She and Des had decided to donate their kitchen items, since Fear's apprehension to the black spots in their old home meant they likely wouldn't have survived 'disinfection inspection' anyways. Des is taking their shared mattress, since he used it more and Selene wasn't particularly attached to it. They'd also decided he should keep the dresser, since he had enough clothing to actually need it.
Selene was taking their fold out couch, to use as a bed for the foreseeable future.
“Des and I are bringing the furniture after he gets off work,” she ultimately shrugs before heading into the room they had selected for her. She closes the door before Deceit can follow her inside with any follow up questions and lets out a breath.
The window is nice. She ended up with one of the second floor rooms, with a larger window to look out over some of the trees in the yard. She yanks open the blinds to let the light in, in an attempt to clear out any lingering dust mites, and contemplates the merits of stacking her books in the corner versus just leaving them in the box for storage.
Des might complain that she's not actually 'unpacked' if he sees them.
Still. She can probably wait until the couch-bed is in here to make any final 'design' ideas.
Selene unpacks her bag though, placing her folded up clothes in the shelf of her closet, since she doesn't actually have any hangers yet. She might see if she can snag a few from Des, when he's done settling in himself. Plugs her laptop and into one of the outlets on the wall to charge, and lays down on the floor, soaking in the warmth from the sunbeam streaming through her window.
The neighborhood is quiet. No loud neighbors on the other side of her wall, no curtain for a semblance of privacy while someone hisses in pain on the other side. Just her breath, and her thoughts, and the wind brushing the tree branches outside. 
It's nice, she thinks.
She falls asleep in the warmth of the sunlight, and wakes up embarrassed when her phone vibrates loudly against the hard floor.
Where r u??? from Des.
On my way. Got busy at the new place. Sorry. She shoots back.
One of Des's coworkers was nice enough to let them use her pickup truck to get their furniture out, but there's a very small window of time she's willing to help them for. Mentally berating herself for running late, and already feeling bad, she begs a ride off Deceit who agrees without complaint.
By the time they arrive, the dresser is already loaded into the truck, and Des and his coworker are at the bottom of the staircase with the mattress in hand.
“You two stop for a quickie?” Des teases. Selene just rolls her eyes and apologizes for being late to his coworker. She steps into her apartment (for the last time, she realizes) and carefully lifts one side of the sofa.
Deceit is close behind, and helps her with the other end as they make their way carefully back out the door.
“Gonna miss it?” They ask.
Selenes gaze drifts to the kitchen tile, the green patterning on the edges, and feels her stomach get tight.
“Probably not.” she admits.
Once the couch is loaded into the back of the truck, Deceit moves to go back up the stairs before Selene gently grabs his elbow. “Where are you going?”
“To...get the rest of it?”
“This is everything.”
Deceit frowns. “Seriously?”
“We're minimalists.” she lies.
“Sure, Des definitely gives off that minimalist vibe.” Deceit jokes back.
Selene sighs “Just...this is really everything. Can we head back now?”
Deceit hesitates, but finally nods. The ride back is awkward, and it doesn't really ease up when Deceit speaks again.
“Just the one bed?”
“Nah, the couch folds out.” she corrects.
“That doesn't count.”
“It's comfy.”
“I doubt that.”
Selene just shrugs “Fine, not like I'm begging you to sleep in my bed anyways.”
“Why isn't Des taking the couch bed? He's less likely to stay in his room.”
“We decided he should have the mattress. Suits him better.”
Deceit shakes his head, but doesn't push the matter as he pulls into the driveway.
Des thanks the woman for letting them use her truck once he's gotten everything out of the bed and into the driveway. She tells him no problem, and goes on her way before Des and Selene start carrying everything inside, carefully maneuvering up the stairs and into Des's room.
“We need a bed frame,” he laments, staring at the twin mattress looking suddenly much smaller and just a bit pathetic on the floor of the expansive room. His own boxes of clothes and trinkets are all piled high in the corner.
“You'll need a box spring too.” she points out.
Des grumbles, but agrees as he tosses a few of his pillows on top of it. They descend back down, carrying up the dresser and finally the couch.
He glances around her room, judging not so silently. “You need stuff.”
Selene just rolls her eyes and ushers him out of her room with a soft “Go unpack.”
She turns around, readjusting the couch until it's centered on the wall opposite the window, making it easy to look out of.
It occurs to her, then, that Des has all of the sheets and blankets.
Some quick mental calculations, and she thinks she might be able to swing a set for herself since her bills will be less this month, with her new rent.
She doesn't want to bother Deceit again, so she opts to just walk to the nearest bus stop instead of asking for a ride. Debates whether she should probably take someone with her in a new neighborhood, but a quick look through the house reveals Des already enjoying one of the new showers, and Dirthamen and Fear both still out.
She shrugs, silently stepping out of the house and looking up the closest bus stop on her phone. It's only a fifteen minute wait, the sun just starting to set as she boards and waits for the bus to stop closer to a general store. She steps off twenty minutes later, snagging a shopping basket inside the superstore, and heads off to home furnishings.
The route takes her past sporting goods, and she stops for a second to admire a sea-green bicycle with wide enough handlebars to comfortably support a large basket.
The house does have a garage, she thinks. So she'd actually have somewhere to keep it, if she can manage to budget for it.
Although she's pretty sure she overheard the others talking about converting the garage into a practice space for the band, so maybe not. Could the basement work? Carrying the bike up and down the stairs might be a pain, and she'll have to wash off the wheels before she brings it into the house, but it could probably be done. For that matter, she might be able to just keep it in her room and out of everyones way.
She does some mental calculations and frowns.
She's not actually sure how much the utilities are going to be now. It's split amongst more people, but surely a house is going to cost more in power and water. Plus band rehearsals. Amps and guitars and Fears electric drum set probably need to be factored in.
She should have asked these questions before she moved in.
Stupid. Moved too fast.
Too late to go back now. She'll have to wait a few months to see what her average bills will look like now, and then readjust her budget.  A few months, and there'll probably be new bikes anyways.
She spares one last look at the sea-foam green bicycle before refocusing on what she actually came for.
She finds a nice jersey sheet set in lavender to fit the pull out, and balks at the ridiculous price of most of the comforters, opting instead for a large white afghan that she can just roll up in when she needs to. She runs hot enough, she probably doesn't need a heavy blanket anyways.
She tucks both the sheets and the afghan into her basket and heads towards the front of the store to pay. Going over a mental list of things to get done. She'll need to wash the sheets and blanket, if not tonight then at least soon. Do they have a washer and dryer? Will she need to pitch in for them, or is there a laundromat nearby maybe? She supposes with three bathrooms though, she could probably wash her things in a tub and run a line between the trees to dry them on without too much trouble. Maybe she should pick up a washboard and some baking soda while she's he-
Selene freezes in her tracks as her eyes register a familiar face on one of the magazines in the checkout line.
Carina's smiling face is on the cover of a magazine. The cashier asks Selene if she needs anything else, and before she can think twice, she has them ring up the magazine, and walks out with three items instead of two, hustling to get back onto the bus. She shifts nervously on the crowded bus, holding tight to her plastic bag as it rattles and shakes back up the road  and she reaches the stop nearest to the house.
What is Carina doing on a magazine cover?
She's beautiful enough to be, of course. Selenes never doubted that, but it's certainly not how she expected to see her again.
Not that she ever expected to see her again.
She could, though. She threw the phone into the sea so they couldn't be tracked with the GPS, but she knows Carina's number, assuming she hasn't changed it in these last couple of years. It's not like she hadn't considered calling before. Catching up, apologizing for the way things ended, seeing how Carina is doing.
She supposes Carina is probably doing very well though, if she's on a magazine cover.
Half wondering if she's making something out of nothing, Selene decides to glance at the cover again, just to make sure it is Carina and not just her mind playing tricks on her. It definitely is, and Selene is stuffing it back into the bag when she accidentally knocks into Dirthamen in the driveway.
“Sorry,” she apologizes, taking a step back, arms hiding behind her in-what, guilt? (Why should I feel guilty, it's just a magazine, she berates herself) “I wasn't looking where I was going.”
“It is alright,” Dirthamen assures her “It is very dark here in the night. Perhaps a few solar lights for the walkway would not be out of place.”
Selene nods, and gestures for him to head in ahead of her. Dirthamen still holds the door open for her to enter first, however and she shuffles into the house as quietly as she can manage, but a shirtless Des loudly announces “There you are!” and blows any hope she had of getting her purchases into her room without being seen away.
“Hello,” she says, attempting to seem calm and definitely not in possession of a magazine with her ex-girlfriends face on the cover. “I just-I had to get some things. I didn't mean to disappear.”
Des grins, and moves to take the bag from her “Ooooh, you got 'things'?” he asks enthusiastically as Fear, Deceit and Dirthamen greet each other over towards the kitchen. “What sort of-”
Selene violently snatches the bag back when he tries to look inside, clutching it tightly to her chest “Blankets,” she blurts “It's just-just blankets. I'm gonna-I'm just going to go set these up and I'll be right back,” she stammers, making her way backwards up the stairs and away from the group “Just-right back.” she finally says with an uneasy grin before disappearing into her room.
All four of them glance curiously up at the closed door.
“That was weird, right?” Deceit finally says.
“She's probably just stressed from the move,” Des covers. “She'll be fine in a day or two.”
Fear gives a skeptical 'hm' before they go back into the kitchen to finish preparing dinner.
Selene, to her credit, doesn't look at the magazine until much later. She eats with the others, works (or tries to find work) during the day for about a week or so and tries not to think about the magazine she hastily stuffed into the back corner of her closet.
It goes well, mostly. She never actually gets the fold out set up either, though. Instead she sleeps on it as a couch, feet and legs dangling off of one side, or in one of the others beds after evenings spent together.
Curiosity about the magazine eats away at her, just a bit, until she finally can't take it anymore.
She snags the booklet out of her closet, and climbs out her window and onto the roof for a bit more privacy than usual (Des has yet to realize that even on Selenes door, he needs to knock before going in). It's chillier than she expected though, and she eyes one of the closer trees, scooting down over the roof and testing the sturdiness of the branches with one leg carefully. Once she's confident it can support her weight, she climbs into it, settling comfortably against the trunk. Summoning a small wisp of light, she begins to finally look through the publication.
Apparently Carinas personal project finally bore fruit, and she's being internationally recognized for her work. Her RNA mapping led into a gene that's commonly found in both dwarves and materials found within the recesses of the Deep Roads, giving scientific credence to the notion of dwarves coming from The Stone. There's mention of the Assembly bestowing her as a Paragon, if her finding can be conclusively recreated. A large deal for any dwarf, and even more so for one from the surface.
Selene smiles, happy that things have been going Carinas way, and that she seems to be doing very well for herself. She deserves it, really.
“You can take the elf out of the Dales....” someone drawls, startling Selene into almost losing her balance as she clutches the magazine tight to her chest again.
She frowns, looking down to find Des on the ground, both hands on his hips expectantly.
“I made an oath not to climb anymore trees, so you'll have to come down.” he teases.
“It's a nice view,” she jokes back “Plenty of stars.”
“Sure, if you ignore all the leaves and the bugs and the cold.”
Selene just shrugs.
Des groans, and climbs the tree anyways, muttering under his breath before settling on a nearby branch. “Any particular reason you're up here, alone, instead of inside with the rest of us?”
“Just getting some fresh air,” she lies.
Des gives a soft 'uh-huh' before snatching the magazine out of her grip. Selene tries to grab it back, but has to stop before she falls out of the tree. And by then, it's too late anyways.
“Is this Carina?”
Selene is silent, shuffling awkwardly in the tree.
“Selene,” Des groans. “What's going on with you?”
“Nothing. I-...I really did just go out to get sheets when we moved in. Then I saw this, and...”
“And you grabbed it, because of course you did,” he sighs. “Probably not a great sign you're trying to keep it hidden, huh?”
“I'm not hiding it...”
“You are. Like porn. Kinky fetish porn.” Des points out.
“That's not true.”
“Have you even told the others about her?”
Selene frowns, and looks away.
Des sighs “Maybe tell the people we're sleeping and living with that you were in a serious relationship before we met them?”
“And when they inevitably ask why it ended?” Selene argues.
“Tell them the truth,” Des shrugs. “Would you feel better if I told them?”
Selene hesitates. 
“You're not serious.” she says.
“Sure I am. They should know, in case I relapse. Fear'd probably be great for keeping me straight.” he grins and adds in a teasing tone “Well, not straight, but off of lyrium at least.”
Selene snorts.
“They're going to find out eventually,” Des points out. “Fear probably knows about the charges against you already, and they haven't kicked you out for being an arsonist and attempted murderer.”
“I'm not an arsonist, or an attempted murderer-” Selene groans.
“Exactly. So stop stressing about it.”
She frowns, leans back into the trunk and lets her legs dangle off of either side of the branch. “So you think I should...what, say 'hey here's my ex-girlfriend who's up for Paragon-hood but its cool because I haven't even spoken to her in two years because I ran away with no warning to get away from the carta, by the way who wants ice cream'?”
“I would maybe bring out the ice cream before the abandonment thing.” Des quips. “But yeah. I think you should tell them everything honestly, but the whole...clan and evil ex thing is another thing for another day, probably. I don't think I'm ready to talk about my parents yet either. Pretty sure we could handle the lyrium thing though. I think we're stable enough for that, now.”
Selene glances over to Des, skeptical.
He just shrugs “I really love them, Selene. And you. I tease a lot but this is probably the first time I've felt like I belonged somewhere. And I think our chances of not screwing this up are better if we tell them ourselves, instead of dodging around certain topics and hoping we never see certain people for the rest of our lives.”
Selene sighs, scraping off a small layer off moss from the trunk with her boot absently “When did you become the voice of reason between us?”
“I dunno, but it's throwing off our whole dynamic. Do me a favor and go back to being the smart one, ok?”
“You've always been smart, Des.”
“Nah, I'm just clever.”
Selene snorts. “You wish.” She eyes the roof behind her, deciding that it's probably too far to climb back safely (and if she tries and fails she will never hear the end of it from Fear) and instead opts to climb back down into the yard. She helps Des with his own descent, and he rolls up the magazine and hands it back to her.
“Ready?” he smiles, linking his arm through hers.
Selene carefully tucks the magazine into her back pocket, and squeezes his arm carefully with her own.
“As I'll ever be.”
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(How to Change a Fuqboi- between the lines)
Word Count: 2.1k
Request: @baekinacupoftae​
Ok so I’ve read the fboi series… THEY WERE LIT despite being frustrating bc why the cliffhangers? u make me wanna cri. Nah, jk. But if you do have time, a sequel/closure would be nice. Only if you want to :) *whispers (especially Taehyung’s)
A/N: So! I have officially made a fan theory for my own story! Does that make me conceited? 🤔 or just a proud author? 😂 Haha~ This story comes from an “all one main character” timeline/theory for the Fuqboi series. I also included Jackson cuz why not? 😉 enjoy and as always, make sure to pay attention to details 💖
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The light sprinkle of spring rain had ceased a few hours ago, but the damp smell still floats into your olfactory system with a vengeance, especially as you walk out of the department store for the last time, clutching your coat tighter around your frame. Thankfully, Namjoon hadn’t been scheduled to work today, so you were able to clean out your locker in peace.
Submitting your two weeks notice had been easier than you thought, especially with the excuse of “I’ve decided to focus on school” sitting on the tip of your tongue. It wasn’t a lie. You’ll be transferring to a different university this fall, but now you’re completely free.
Free to do what? Besides spend more time on campus, you aren’t exactly sure. Forget Namjoon? Yes. And his petty, disgusting denial of his true, selfish identity. Forget Yoongi? Yes. He was only a one time mistake you made because you were so desperate to get away from…
The name sends a wave of nausea through you, forcing your body to double over as you reach your car. You swallow hard around the urge to dry heave, refusing to cry. Still, the memory strikes you hard like a punch.
You tapped your pencil against the surface of your desk, trying to concentrate.
Annotating poems was one of your least favorite things, but your literature class demanded it, so annotate you would. Maybe.
The loud buzz of the dryer gave you just the excuse you needed to abandon the task momentarily. With too much enthusiasm, you emptied it of its contents, suddenly deciding that pristinely folded clothes were a top priority.
This load of laundry had been a mix of yours and Tae’s. The two of you shared a hamper, after all, and the duty to empty it out often fell on you- not that you minded. Living at his parents’ house rent free was compensation enough.
As you made your way through the pleasantly warm pile, something unexpected made you stop.
A pair of lacy red panties.
They definitely weren’t yours, and this observation began the chronic downward spiral. Where did they come from? Taehyung? He couldn’t have…? Not again. Could he? Even after MONTHS of being faithful? Usually you tried to classify these thoughts as benign, unjustified unease. But this time, THIS TIME, you had something solid, tangible evidence to ignite your anxiety.
You hadn’t caught Taehyung cheating for months. You barely even saw him LOOK at other girls since the compromise. But this? The underwear of another girl?
Anger flared in your system just in time for the front door to open. You could hear it along with his deep voice, which called out, seeking you, “Baby, I’m home. How’s the homework? Will you be done soon or do you want to…?”
His question trailed off as he found you in the living room, pinching the article of clothing in question like it was a creature about to bite, yet also an object so fragile that it would shatter with the slightest movement.
Taehyung’s boxy smile immediately dropped when he saw the expression on your face.
“Baby, that’s not…” he started, but you raised your hand to cut him off.
“Please don’t speak to me right now.”
“But I didn’t-”
You placed the underwear down on top of his pile of clothes, shaking your head, “I gave it everything I had, Tae.”
“I don’t know-”
He seemed genuinely perplexed, but something inside of you had already broken.
“I just… need to leave,” your voice sounded hollow even to your ears.
“I don’t know where those came from,” he blurted, raking his fingers through his hair as the severity of what you said dawned on him. “Really, honest to god. Are you sure they aren’t yours?”
You didn’t even take the time to respond, picking up your pile of clothes to go to your room. Following, but giving you a few steps of space as if he wouldn’t dare CHANCE touching you, Taehyung started rambling.
“They could be my mom’s,” he offered desperately, voice cracking as you began sifting through your closet and drawers, starting a small pile on the bed. “I- I haven’t done anything. I promise- I SWEAR.”
You wanted to listen to him, to hope, to forgive, but you COULDN’T. Whether or not any of what he said was true, whether or not he HAD actually cheated again… you were done. You had given him everything. Your time, your heart, and later with the compromise, your virginity. Yet none of that could heal the wound of mistrust he’d inflicted. He’d made you feel cheap, like a slut, an enabler who knew her boyfriend had a history of sleeping around but STAYED ANYWAY.
So you had to do it. You HAD to leave. The waiting, the wondering, it was all too much. You couldn’t trust him, no matter how much you thought he loved you. Or worse, no matter how much you thought you loved him.
That had been half a year ago.
You take a few deep breaths, steadying yourself before climbing into the driver’s seat. Your fingers find your phone and dial the first recently called number.
Jackson picks up on the second ring, “Dude, I’m a little busy?”
“Sorry,” you sigh, resting your head against the steering wheel. “I just wanted to make sure you left the door unlocked.”
“Oh,” he clears his throat, “I MIGHT have forgotten… But I’ll be home in like twenty minutes, okay?”
Seven months and he still hasn’t found the spare key.
Living with Jackson had been third on your list of preferences, but it beat other options like staying at home or at Taehyung’s. Jisoo, your first choice, already has five people living in an apartment clearly meant to comfortably fit one. And Chaeyoung’s parents hate you for reasons you suspected have everything to do with her constant complaining to them about your “toxic” relationships.
So here you are, crashing in a two bedroom condo with your “third” best friend.
Needless to say, you don’t really get out much.
You pull up to the curb, lucky to find a parking spot in this mess of a complex, and with heavy limbs, practically drag yourself to the correct door just as Jackson’s shiny black truck haphazardly screeches to a halt. He tumbles out of it to sprint toward you, key raised like an Olympic torch.
Judging by the redness of his eyes, he’s either high or drunk, but this isn’t anything new.
“I got it! I got it,” he stumbles up the few steps before shoving the key into your palm. You can suddenly smell the alcohol on his breath. “There. No harm no foul.”
“Thanks, Jackson,” you sigh, giving him an awkward pat on his ridiculously muscly shoulder. “I’m glad you got someone to drive you here too.”
“Oh right,” he spins on his heel, abruptly yelling at the driver, “Just park it anywhere.”
You watch the truck lurch forward and roll down the street at an unsteady pace. Unsure what to make of it, you shrug and unlock the door, letting Jackson stumble in first, massive smile spreading across his lips.
“So, Namjoon or no?”
The name sends a prickle of irritation through you, “No.”
“Dude, I’m telling you. You should’ve just asked him to fuck.”
An angry blush colors your cheeks, “I didn’t WANT to fuck him.”
“Right, you had Yoongi for that.”
And this is why you don’t want to live with Jackson.
Despite the comfortably warm temperature, you suppress a shiver, namely because you know he’s right. Yoongi was just the consolation prize for the gap that Taehyung had left in your heart and Namjoon was the desperate attempt to fix your self image. Even so, you’d prefer not to think about it.
“Will you STOP?” you huff, throwing the keys onto the small table near the door.
“Sorry,” he cackles, giving your arm a humorous punch that (probably unintentionally) HURTS. “Okay, okay. I’ll leave you to your stupid books.”
Sometimes you swear that if you hadn’t been friends with him since before he turned into a grossly typical “bad boy” in high school, you would’ve never spoken to him in the first place.
Still, at least he wasn’t a fuckboy.
“Wait, want a cig?” Jackson offers as he pulls the pack from his shirt pocket, flannel buttons off by one near the middle.
“No thanks, I don’t smoke.”
“Eh, someday you’ll try it.”
You trek down the hallway to your room- well, less “your room” than Jackson’s storage closet that happens to have a bed in it. Walking around stacks of papers, boxes, and other random CRAP, you throw yourself down on the mattress, letting your book bag drop to the floor.
What you wouldn’t give for one of Taehyung’s thermoses full of homemade noodles.
Your heart aches.
Flipping open one of your textbooks to distract yourself, you stare blankly at the words, eyes skimming across them but brain absorbing none. You decide to give up as soon as you hear the front door open and an unfamiliar voice saying, “I left the truck in the parking lot down the street near the liquor store. There weren’t any spots open.”
“Did you hit anything?” Jackson asks in his easily identifiable slightly raspy voice.
“I may or may not have backed into a shopping cart…”
It isn’t unusual for one of you to have friends over. What IS strange is the fact that you have no idea who is speaking. Your friend circle is very small, consisting of Jackson, Jisoo, and Chaeyoung. Your housemate has a few regulars that frequently stop by too, Mark, Jaebum, and some guy they call Bambam- who you’ve always suspected is their weed dealer.
This voice is too soft to be Jaebum, he’s too talkative to be Mark, and Bambam never stops by unless all three are in the house. This leaves mystery guy peaking your interest.
You abandon your textbook, slipping off of the bed.
“Dude really? You backed Marci into a SHOPPING CART?”
“My baby, my ride, MY BEAUTIFUL TRUCK.”
“Jackson, chill.”
Classic Jackson, screaming, but not actually upset.
“Why did I let someone drive who doesn’t have a license?”
You stop in the hallway, leaning against one of the walls, content with observing. The boy with Jackson is beautiful to say the least. Smooth features, hair pulled up in a snapback, kissable lips, dark eyes, killer smirk-
That’s when you realize you’ve been staring… and he’s been staring RIGHT BACK.
A blush floods your cheeks, but you decide that because you’ve already been caught in the act, there’s no point in trying to hide yourself.
“You MADE me drive because I wouldn’t let you leave intoxicated,” the boy says, amused, but not breaking eye contact with you. Oh no. He’s hot and he KNOWS it.
“Ah, that’s right,” Jackson nods, tapping his finger to his forehead, big grin plastered all over his flushed face. “I’m so smart and responsible.”
You decide to not remind your friend that the reason he’d had to leave the party was because he failed to unlock the door.
“Definitely…” mystery guy trails off before clearing his throat. “You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.”
“That’s cuz I don’t,” Jackson laughs, glancing over his shoulder to follow the boy’s gaze. “She’s just a good friend who needed a place to live.”
Sometimes, you loved Jackson’s obliviousness. Other times, it bothered you immensely. Why wouldn’t he introduce you formally?
Mystery guy’s kissable lips form into a small “o,” and he cocks his head slightly, finally letting his gaze wander away from your eyes- only to explore the REST of your body. Heat shoots straight down to the pit of your stomach, making your legs weak.
Jackson seems to get momentarily confused, then scoffs, “When you’re done eye-fucking her, let me know and we can go get food.”
Unabashed, the boy nods, “Sure thing.”
Your friend wanders past you toward his room, letting the door close behind him and leaving you alone with mystery guy. Something pinches your throat, slowing time to a hazy halt, each breath teetering on the edge of possibility. The tension in the air is palpable and with each step he takes toward you, a pleasantly uncomfortable knot in your stomach tightens.
For a moment, you forget Namjoon, Yoongi, and…Taehyung.
He stops only two steps away, catching your hand in his to bring it up to his lips with another terribly beautiful smirk.
He kisses the knuckle of your middle finger gently, voice dropping to a whisper, “Well hello there, love. I’m Jimin. Who might you be?”
EOPQ 12: So in what order (chronologically) do the Volumes occur? Think you can piece it together? 😉
Send me your thoughts/answers here. Or just come say hi ;) Please include the End of Post Question number upon submission, thank you!
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Much love ~🐰 xx
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memoryfoamdoctor · 6 years
Helix versus Tuft & Needle
If you’re tired of trying to fall asleep on a lumpy mattress and fed up with being roused each time you turn over by the sound of creaky bed-springs, you know its time to invest in a new bed. And just like most people on a budget, you’ve probably begun your search for this pricey purchase by checking out all those end-of-stock or mix-and-match mattress sales advertised by your local retailers. But before you jump in and make what could be a 10-year commitment to this new mattress, consider this; memory foam is not only a superior sleep surface because it offers curve-hugging comfort and alleviates joint and muscle pain, but many brands now deliver all of this at an affordable price and with a substantial money-back trial period.
Now if you haven’t even checked out the benefits of memory foam because you’ve always assumed it was beyond your budget, think again. For around the same price as a top-quality box-spring and mattress, you can instead be sleeping soundly in the cozy, supportive comfort that only memory foam can deliver. And because we know there are literally dozens of brands all fighting for your hard-earned dollar, Memory Foam Doctor has reviewed many of the top manufacturers and sorted their products by sleep style, price points and special features to produce a comprehensive, consumer-friendly comparison that can help with your purchasing decision.
For those on a tight budget, you’re looking for superior quality at a decent price and when it comes to value for price paid, both Helix and Tuft & Needle memory foam mattresses deliver big-time. Better still, because both offer 100-night trial periods, you get the chance to test out your new mattress with the option to return or exchange without added cost to you – so you can’t go wrong. Ready to shop? Let’s get started!
Helix is a relatively new name when it comes to on-line shopping however the brand has actually been around upwards of 30 years. In fact, this progressive manufacturer was the first to develop and work with new technology that uses 3-D modelling to replicate the human body so their design team can actually see how various body types and sleep styles use the mattress. Their mattresses are hand-assembled in the United States and use only the highest quality materials including Helix Dynamic Foam, poly foam, latex and pocketed micro coils for a hybrid mattress that gives you the comfort of memory foam with the bounce of coil spring construction.
Why is Helix a Great Brand for Those on a Budget?
Helix offers exceptional value for price paid by allowing clients the opportunity to truly customize their mattress. Once you’ve placed your order, you complete a questionnaire that provides them with the information they need to begin crafting your ideal sleep surface. Do you require a little extra support at the hips and shoulders for tired joints? What about some added cushioning around the tummy or improved ergonomics for that bad back. Helix’s commitment to you is that they will build you a bed that delivers a deeper, more restful sleep. So, you can enjoy a truly bespoke mattress that won’t break the bank.
The Helix mattress cover is made from 100% polyester with a softer, brushed top and sturdy side panels for a custom fit and sleeker look. Because of its super lightweight construction, this cover delivers enhanced air flow for a cooler, more comfortable sleep.
Top Layer
Your new Helix mattress has been custom-designed to meet your individual sleep needs which means the layering of each mattress will differ slightly from one another based on what you identified as being a priority for you. But with each mattress, the top layer will always include 2-inches of high-grade Dunlop latex for a super soft sleep surface that uses millions of tiny channels to deliver continuous air movement for a cooler sleep.
Second Layer
A hybrid mattress uses both memory foam and micro coils in its construction to deliver a sleep surface that provides not only superior support but continual spinal alignment and a little more bounce than standard memory foam mattresses. With Helix, the second layer features 5-inches of individually pocketed spring coils that can move independent of one another for greater support and minimal motion transfer.
Third Layer
The third layer of the Helix mattress features a 2-inch layer of unique Helix Dynamic foam that provides uniform buffering between the solid foam base and the top comfort layers of memory foam and micro coils. This essential transitional layer continues to deliver the superior level of breathability found in the upper layers for an always comfortable sleep experience.
Fourth Layer
The base layer includes 4-inches of high density poly foam for superior support of the upper comfort layers and consistently ideal body alignment. This base also ensures a more durable, longer-wearing mattress for minimal investment.
Additional Benefits
Minimal Off-Gassing
Off-gassing is a common complaint with consumers however because Helix uses high-grade foams that are certified by CertiPUR – US and made without the use of harmful chemicals, there is virtually no off-gassing which makes this mattress ideal for allergy sufferers.
Helix has designed their customer questionnaire around 4 pillars: Elasticity (mattress responsiveness), Support (based on height, weight and typical sleep position), Feel (softer or firmer) and Temperature Regulation (do you prefer a cooler or a cozier sleep) to craft a custom mattress to meet your sleep needs
Trial Period / Warranty
Helix offers a 100-night trial period and the 10-year warranty (with 100% money back guarantee if you are not happy with your purchase within the prescribed timeline).
Tuft & Needle
Tuft & Needle first began their bed-in-a-box business back in 2012 and unlike many of those in their competitive set, they were not the off-shoot of a long-established mattress manufacturer (though they are now owned by Simmons). Tuft & Needle was actually the brain-child of two software engineers out of Silicon Valley in California who felt that “… premium products don’t need to cost you an arm and a leg. Especially not mattresses.” And that philosophy has remained, with their simple yet top quality two-layer mattresses that are designed and manufactured in the United States, using only American made products and marketed at an affordable price.
Why is Tuft & Needle a Great Brand for Those on a Budget?
It’s all about value and with Tuft & Needle you get a plush 10-inch thick mattress that uses just two layers to deliver the comfort you expect. With only one level of firmness (medium-firm) versus the multiple levels offered by other brands (who also use up to six layers of foam in their construction) how do they do it?  Tuft & Needle uses only high-quality materials including a thick, 3-inch comfort layer of poly foam and a sturdy 7-inch layer of high-density support foam for a consistent support across the entire sleep surface.
Tuft & Needle’s pristine white, plush mattress cover is super lightweight and ultra-breathable for continual air movement and a cooler sleep surface.
Top Layer
The upper, comfort layer of your new Tuft & Needle mattress features a thick, 3-inch layer of their proprietary T&N Adaptive foam for an ideal level of support and pressure relief that doesn’t sacrifice the all-important curve-hugging comfort you want from a memory foam mattress. This layer also delivers the cooling benefits you would find with a latex foam, for an always comfortable sleep surface.
Base Layer
The critical bottom or base layer is designed to deliver consistent support to the upper comfort levels to not only ensure a more comfortable mattress, but one that will stand the tests of time.  With the Tuft & Needle, this base layer is constructed from 7 inches of 1.8 PCF T&N Adaptive foam that delivers superior support to the upper layers for optimal spinal alignment.
Additional Benefits
Cooler Sleep Surface
Working in concert with one another, the top layer of your Tuft & Needle memory foam mattress draws heat away from your body while the lightweight, breathable cover allows warmer air to continually escape for an always cooler, more comfortable sleep.
Super Adaptable
No need to purchase a brand-new bed frame for the Tuft & Needle memory foam mattress. It slips easily onto your existing box-spring, slatted frame or even adjustable bed frame for a quick and cost-effective solution to those sleepless nights.
Trial Period / Warranty
Just like Helix, Tuft & Needle offers a 100-night trial period and the 10-year warranty (with free shipping and 100% money back guarantee if you are not happy with your purchase within the prescribed timeline).
The post Helix versus Tuft & Needle appeared first on Memory Foam Doctor.
Source: https://www.memoryfoamdoctor.com/helix-versus-tuft-needle/
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