#bc the one on my bed is hard as a rock and the pad I put on top
Dude why’d I pay $40 for a insulated water bottle tf is wrong w me
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 20 days
love love love the rafe cameron x weirdgirl!reader au!! imagine reader at the country club overhearing some mean boys making fun of her and how rafe is crazy to date someone like her :(( she stays in her room after hearing this and rafe catches her biting herself and crying (she normally bites him but after hearing this she feels like she can’t) oh my heart-
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No bc this is like sooo perfect. This is literally so her. I’ve been having a lot of fun coming up with lore for her so I’m so glad you’re liking her so far!! Warnings: (I’d like to note that weird girl is autistic coded bc I am autistic), Reader gets her feelings hurt, protective Rafe, biting 18+MNDI!! Part of this AU
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“Yeah dude, she’s like so hot until she opens her mouth.” Your footsteps come to a sudden halt, your shiny black Mary Jane’s squeaking against the polished wooden floors of the country club. There’s a group of guys about your age standing around the corner in a circle all snickering to each other.
“No, yeah, like she says the fucking weirdest shit in that creepy little monotone voice. I have no idea how Rafe puts up with it.”
“The pussy must be out of this world or some shit because I would never be able to handle that. I saw her last week on the beach collecting animal bones or some shit bro. Bet she went back to check on her kill.” The entire group starts busting up laughing just as you feel hot tears start to stream down your cheeks. You just want to leave but they are blocking the only path to the door so you suck it up and high tail it as fast as you past them.
You were waiting for Rafe to be done with his game of golf but after that? You really didn’t want to bother him with wanting to leave early so you decided to just walk the mile and a half home. If you were lucky maybe you’d run into the neighborhood cat you befriended and he would walk part of the way with you.
When you get home you rush up the stairs and into your room, slamming the door behind you. Your head is swimming with negative thoughts. You were always scared you were too weird for Rafe, too much, too different from him. So when you hear guys he hangs around saying things like that about you? It’s hard to not let it get to your head.
You kick off your shoes and practically tear off the cute outfit you spent over an hour putting together. You grab your pink fuzzy robe, and walk over to your bunny’s cage, smiling down at her with watery eyes.
“I think you’re the only one that really understands me, Lydia.” Your bottom lip wobbles as you pick her up and walk over to your bed. You rock back and forth slightly as you caress her fur, trying to self soothe. You’re realizing in this moment that maybe you really are too much for Rafe because you hardly remember how to calm yourself down without him.
You wish so badly that he was here. You know he would hold you tight and let you sink your teeth into him until your tears stopped flowing. It seems to be one of the only things that truly calms you down so you decide to bring your own hand up to your mouth and bite down on it. It soothes you a little, but it isn’t Rafe. He’s called you a few times but you just let it ring, he’s probably worried, but you’re too embarrassed to pick up.
“Baby? Are you here?” The minute you hear Rafe’s voice you want to run to him, but the words of the boys at the country club playing in your head on repeat in your head cements you in place. “Bats?”
When he opens your bedroom door and takes in the sight of you his heart sinks.
“Baby girl, what’s going on? What happened? Where did you go? You scared the shit outta me.” He rushes over to you, coming to sit next to you on your bed. He rests his large hands on your calves and rubs soothing circles on your skin with the pads of his thumbs. You whimper and shake your head, your mouth still latched onto your hand. “Batty, you’ve gotta talk to me, okay? Tell me what’s going on.”
“I was…” You pull your hand away from your face, resting it on Lydia’s back as you pet her softly, the feeling of her fur grounding you. “I was coming back from the bathroom and I heard Jake and those guys… talking about me.”
“What about you?” Rafe’s voice takes on a protective tone, especially when another fit of sobs erupts through you. He hooks his arms under you so he can pull you and your bunny softly into his lap. “Princess. Tell me what they said.”
“They said - they said that they don’t know how you put up with me because I’m so weird and that you’re probably only with me because the pussy is good.” You sniffle as your tears continue to fall and if Rafe didn’t know you needed him right now he would be on his way back to the club to beat all of their asses until they couldn’t walk.
“Hey, hey, nah, none of that.” He cups your face in his hand, wiping away your tears. “You know I love you, all your weird shit and all. I’m not ‘putting up’ with you, I fuckin’ love your weird little ass.”
“They also… they also said that - that I probably kill animals…” You start sobbing again and Rafe’s entire body tenses. He knows how much you love animals, how important they are to you. He wants to fucking rip their throats out.
“Princess… I’m so sorry they said that. They just don’t know you, aight? You’d never harm a fly. Don’t let that shit get to you. I know it’s hard, but fuck em, they don’t know fuckin’ shit about my baby.” He gives you a reassuring smile as he wipes away some of your remaining tears. His hand swipes past your lips and you turn your head slightly to sink your teeth into it. He chuckles, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “There’s my weird girl.”
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elexaria · 5 months
religious!johnny mactavish x afab! reader smut bc i said so
ONE LAST POST I SWEAR and then i will sleep except not rlly bc its 8am and i have to get ready for a virtual meeting RRR
cw — afab! reader, nothing too spicy, foreplay, pnv, religious corruption ig?? idk, johnny is just too damn horny for his own good and hes a good christian boy n all but…. pussy go brr
johnny had always been devoted to his faith, going to church with his wee grandma ever since he could walk n talk. swears to himself and the big man in the sky when he came of age that he’d wait for the one, he’d save himself for marriage as god intended him to do.
you were agnostic at best, but that was fine to him. you respected his faith, you even attended church with him when he occasionally goes! a loving, supportive partner — that’s all he could ever ask for.
well, not really.
see, you’re so damn pretty. such a pretty thing, all snuggled up in the crook of his arm as you two lay in bed, watching a movie before you’ll eventually go to sleep. he told you from day one that he wants to wait until marriage, it’s important to him. and you respect that! you do occasionally find yourself pouting whenever your friends gloat about their sex lives, and you just kinda have to go “ahahaha yep, still haven’t gotten fucked by johnny yet. still ain’t married—“ awkwardly, and they playfully tease you about it but they don’t care. you’re in the most healthiest relationship you’d ever been in, they love him!
but i digress. his fingers gently stroke along the length of your arm, as they always do. he’s a bit of a fidgety fella, it’s the ol’ adhd, he tells you. so his fingers dance around the fabric of your tshirt, the texture is satisfying to the pads of his fingertips. the movie continues on, and you giggle at a snarky quip someone makes. it makes his lips twitch up into a small grin, the sound of your giggle. his fingers are still absentmindedly touching around, and that’s when he accidentally grazes your boob.
and oh my god.
wait, what? it’s nothing like he’d ever felt before— he slyly looks down at you, to see if you’ve caught on. and with another sneaky swipe, that confirms it. his blood is running hot, and my god he can no longer concentrate. two fingers run across the swell of your breast from underneath your tshirt, you shiver as you look up at him. and god, you had never seen him look like that before. flared nostrils as his breathing grows heavy, his jaw clenched. “johnny—“ you mutter as he now begins to slowly paw at your soft breast, and it makes you whine at how good it feels to be touched like this.
"it's no like we're daein' anything serious here, aye? just some light pettin'." johnny justifies to himself as he mumbles into the crook of your neck as his hand darts under your shirt, groaning at the soft mounds of fat that jiggle with each grope. how much you whine and gasp as he pinches a peaked bud between his fingers. his cock is rock hard, screaming for attention. but he stops, borderline panting as he looks down at you. he looks guilty, but he has to restrain himself. he’s saving himself for marriage, remember?
you shyly scuttle off to the bathroom to finish yourself off, the tap running to hide the obscene squeals you make as you sit on the bathroom floor, one hand pressed over your mouth while the other rubs intricately tight circles around your throbbing clit. meanwhile, johnny’s stroking his cock just from the thought of what had just happened, groaning as he spills himself into a tissue.
he swore he would keep his virginity in tact for when you two finally got married.
"i'm savin' masel' for marriage, ye ken." he mutters as his fingers stroke the glistening folds of your puffy cunt, sucking the air through his teeth as his fingers coax every last tantalising moan from you as he fingers you, your hands wrapped around his cock as you mutually pleasure one another.
“it’s no sex,” he justifies to himself as you suck his cock, eyes half-lidded as one hand cups the base of his shaft, the other cupping his swollen, full balls with a wanton gaze in your eyes. “fuck, ye have no idea whit yer daein’ tae me.” he growls, fucking into your mouth slowly as his cross pendant thumps against his hairy chest with each buck of his hips.
“it’s just the tip, yeah?” as his heart races, his swollen tip rubbing into your clit, and you swear you’re fit to burst when just the tip, like he promises, slowly sinks into your pussy. he grips onto the pillows besides your head, his eyes glossed over as he tries so hard not to cum right then and there. his breathing is rugged, his pupils narrow as he slowly sinks himself deeper inside you. you both moan together, sweat glossed foreheads pressed against one another as you two join in a debauched union.
“fuck me— ye feel fuckin’ divine.” he growls as he pulls out, slamming his hips right into you with a snarl. “gonnae cum so fuckin’ fast, baby girl. fuck, look at ye.” he says between rugged breaths, eyes bearing right down at you as you tighten and pulse around his cock, eyes fluttering as you cum right then and there. fuck, the wait— or lack there of it — was worth it. with a couple of lazy, sporadic thrusts, johnny spills himself inside you with a primal roar, his knuckles white as he grips the sheets while your velvety vice of a pussy milks him of every last drop of the thick ropes of cum churned from his now drained balls.
in the haze of it all, johnny groans as he pulls out, his eyes fixated on the sight of his cum dripping out of your puffy cunt. his fingers crook up into you, gently pumping his essence right back inside of you. “better have a wee chat with the big man upstairs about this. fuck, no that i could resist this. christ, look at the sight of ye.” he chuckles, his thumb grazing against your swollen clit with an affectionate smile.
“i mean, fuck me, am gonnae marry ye so fast if it means i get tae do this all the time.”
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calzone-d · 9 months
Kinktober Day 1- Mirror Sex (Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader)
aaaand here's day one! enjoy! also ps it's actually me in this clip talking to jason. he found me and we got married last weekend. go ahead and call me cal sudeikis.
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pairing: Jason Sudeikis x Fem!Reader
word count: 1410
warnings: unprotected sex (bc sometimes it's hard to write the condom in, guys), mirror sex obviously, fingering, bad words
a/n: pumped this out for you guys before bed. obviously it is mirror sex and obviously it is rpf so if that bothers you just scroll. if it bothers you then you may unfortunately be on the wrong blog.
find my masterlist here!
 Jason’s lips are hot and wet as they travel between your shoulder and neck. Every few kisses he nips at your skin, making your breath hitch. His hand slides over your figure clad in lingerie that you haven’t even worn for twenty minutes yet. You were admiring your figure in the mirror and Jason busted in on you before you could make your way to him. 
  You’re in between his thighs, facing the new mirror propped against the wall. Jason’s cock is as hard as a rock beneath you, and the more he teases you, the more you need it. His ankles are hooked around yours, prying your legs open.
 “Look at you, honey.. Since when did you get so desperate?”, he teased. His words were followed by the warmth of his hand grazing the inside of your thigh. The other hand was splayed across your abdomen to keep you close.
“Shut u- ohh”, you let out a squeak as the pad of his pointer finger taps against your clit over the thin fabric. The action has you bucking your hips, searching for any friction to calm your hasty mind.
“Yeah? Tell me ‘bout it, sweet girl..”, Jason’s mouth was pressed to the shell of your ear. The words he spoke were low and you could feel him smirk against you as he stroked the backs of his fingers over the fabric covering your soaked pussy.
“It’s…”, with every stroke he added a bit more pressure. “Need more, Jase..”. He’d teased you so much that your mind was focused on one thing- sitting on his thick cock. The week was busy for you both, and instead of getting right to the point Jason seemed to have a different plan. 
His left hand left its spot on your abdomen to cup the back of your head. Until now, your head had been thrown back on his shoulder, eyes closed and head spinning. He grabbed a handful of your hair and pushed your head foward. Your eyes met his in the mirror and it only fueled the fire burning inside you. Those strong arms wrapped around you, thighs flexing as he used them to hold your legs open… you were so far gone you barely registered his command. 
“Keep your eyes on the mirror.. You stop, I stop.”
At this point you would’ve sold your soul for him to fill you. Your pussy was soaked and the fabric of your lingerie had taken the brunt of it. Jason stared into your eyes, expecting an answer. 
“Oh.. okay. M’kay, just please-” you grunted and bucked your hips to chase his fingers again. 
He lovingly shook his head and slid his fingertips under the damp fabric. 
“So wet, honey.. So sticky..” you felt his cock throb against your ass as he spoke. His fingertips gathered your arousal and continued stroking over your clit. He knew this was one of the worst ways to tease you. The minimal friction was enough to turn you on, but not enough to satisfy you.
Two of his slick fingertips pressed gently into you and finally provided you with some relief. Your eyebrows were furrowed and your teeth dug into your bottom lip as he worked them into you. The pleasure was almost too much, almost enough to make you close your eyes again but you knew he would stop if you did. The fabric seemed to irritate him with how constricting it was so he was quick to pull it apart at the buttons over your crotch and expose your pussy to the cool air. Before you could react, his two fingers sunk back into you and prodded around to find the spot he knew would make you fall apart.
The tips of his long fingers rocked against the spongy spot inside you, and he knew he was there. He knew you so well by now. The way your moans raised an octave, the way your jaw dropped, the way you began to meet his thrusts.. “Oh- right there, huh? There you go, baby…” 
“Jase.. Oh..I-”
“I know, hun. You’re okay.. Feels good don’t it?” He pulled you closer into him and began kissing at your ear. The image of the two of you in the mirror only added to the pleasure you felt. You hadn’t really watched yourself have sex before, but the image of him wrapped around you with his fingers working in and out of your dripping hole was another level of intimate. Sexy, too. 
Jason’s fingers slipped out of you and he shimmied backwards so he could slip his boxers off. His cock was an angry red, dripping and begging to be inside you. 
“Wanna watch, Jase..please?”, your words brought a dirty smirk to his face. 
“That’s the plan, hun.. C’mere” he pulled you on top of his strong thighs and you barely had time to register his tip prodding your folds before he was lowering you down onto him. It felt so good to finally be full of him. His cock was so thick, so warm, and you began to pant as you situated yourself in an attempt to get all of him inside you. 
Your eyes were glued to the sight beneath you, and you hadn’t even bothered looking in the mirror yet. A quick slap to your swollen clit grabbed your attention, though.
“Look, baby..”, Jason murmured while his hips slowly worked his cock into you. “Takin’ me so good.. S’meant for you, isnt it?”
You felt like you were in a daze as you took in the sight. The way your head was nodding at his words barely even registered in your brain. His blunt nails were digging into your thighs and he didn’t let up when you began grinding and bouncing on top of him. Your wetness began to gather at the base of his cock. A few drops fell onto the bed beneath you and the sounds it made as his cock plunged into you were filthy. It felt like you were being attacked from all of the sensations. You felt his hands on you as they roamed your skin and tugged at your nipples. His grunts and murmured praise went right to your pussy and you clenched around him at every sound he made. The bedroom smelled like sex, and you felt a sense of pride knowing that the love and desire you two shared did that. 
“Fuck- that’s it, honey.. Want to watch you- hmm- cum on my cock.. I know you’re almost there, sweet girl…” and it was true. The way you breath hitched and your pussy spasmed was nothing new to him. Jason knew your body inside and out, and he knew you were about to have a fucking intense orgasm. The pads of his fingers pressed firmly against your clit and began to rub tiny circles against it. It only took you showing him how you take care of yourself one time for him to learn how you liked it- how you needed it.
Your words began to bleed into moans and grunts as you climbed the hill of pleasure. You knew it would be a fast descent. 
“Oh, Jase.. I-... It’s so… fuck!”, it was no use. He kept his rhythm as you continued to babble and you could barely make out his strangled grunts through your moans. 
Your pussy milked his cock as you tipped over the edge of your orgasm. It was intense- toes curling, eyes closing, mind numbing… all of the best things about an orgasm taken to the max. 
Jason pulled you down more forcefully as he thrusted a few more times before burying himself deep in you. The throbbing of his cock was palpable and you whimpered at the sight of his balls tensing and releasing with each spurt of cum that painted your walls. Within seconds, it had began to leak out of you. 
Jason shuddered when he pulled his spent cock out of you, and wasted no time pulling you back so that he could cradle you in his arms. One of your hands grabbed at his forearm while the other took hold of his bicep, keeping him close. Your breath came out in short pants as you came down from the high of your orgasm. Jason planted kisses all over your face and hair while his own chest heaved. 
“That was… it was fucking good, babe.” you murmured with a dopey smile.
“Was all you, hun. All you..” he breathed. 
thanks for reading!
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
I think that Eddie would eat chronically ill!reader out literally whenever bc he'd be like "no baby lay back ive got you all you gotta do is lay there and be pretty" like Does Not care if he gets off
(Not really a request lol but if you wanna expand on it 👀👀)
oh absolutely!!! orgasms are so good for mental health and thus full body health once you get that dopamine and serotonin flowing so he'd be offering to get you off whenever you're feeling down.
cw: chronically ill reader (no exact diagnosis) oral sex (f receiving), lots of praise, use of good girl, baby and princess, hand jobs, titty fucking, cum play
this is my first time writing from this pov let me know what you think
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Eddie comes to bed around midnight thinking you're already asleep but finds you reading, not feeling good, just waiting for him to be ready for bed for a cuddle or something... he climbs in beside you and rests his head on your shoulder with his arm thrown around your middle, stealing a glance at the page you were reading with a sigh. "you okay?"
you shake your head, "no... I feel really low and everything hurts."
"baby," he pouts and looks up at you with his big doe eyes, "what do you need? the heating pad? your weighted blanket?"
"I kinda want to get off..." it comes out in a small whisper, you place your book down so you can cup his cheek instead, "can we do something?"
"yeah, baby, of course... you want me to eat you out?" he doesn't even think twice, he simply puts your book on the side table and helps you out of your sleep shorts and panties. your shirt stays on most nights when he goes down on you, he'll play with the hem and grip the shirt instead of your thighs because his grip is strong and you bruise a little too easily. he slips all his rings off and puts them in the dish on his night table and peels off his own shirt. he slips between your legs and kisses the inside of your thighs, "fingers, no fingers? are you okay to stretch your legs out or-
"just don't hyperextend them again," you plead. "but yeah, go for it," you lay back against the pillows more, getting yourself into the most comfortable position.
"you know, I love doing this with you... for you?" he says while lightly rubbing his cheek against your inner thigh, he kisses the side of your knee and then all the way back to your core.
"you're so pretty and soft," he says between kisses, mumbling against your skin, "you're so cute when you're like this; when you just want me to touch you and make you feel better. I would happily spend the rest of my life making you feel better, princess, you know that right?"
you nod along, no matter how many times he does this he still makes you feel breathless with anticipation. "I know, you don't let me forget it."
"good girl," he smirks and leans in more, "ready?"
you nod while reaching forward to push his bangs back, holding them out of the way so he can keep watching you while he eats you out. both pussy lips get a kiss before he parts them with his fingers, using the middle one to ghost over your sensitive clit to tease you.
he feels your hips jolt at the sensation, making him chuckle deep and dark from within, "god, you're so fuckin' hot."
"Please," you beg, gripping his hair tighter, "need you..."
"okay, okay," he teases, his breath hot on your pussy.
he is always soft and sweet at first, with gentle kisses to your clit, he drags his tongue over your cunt and swirls around the wetness you made in anticipation of all this. he slowly but surely gets hungrier, making out with your pussy, he groans against your skin and grinds against the mattress, no doubt hard as a rock already. he kikes your leg up over his shoulder as he tongue fucks you.
"oh my god," you mumble to yourself as your back arches, pushing your core against him more and more. he lets you pull him back up to your clit by his hair, "fing-fingers, please? fuck..."
he hums against you, teasing his index and middle fingers over your hole, gathering up your nectar and pushing inside slowly, knuckle by knuckle until they bottom out. he's done this a million times so he knows what you can take, what you like and what you need. based on moans and the way your body arches and twitches, he knows what's hitting and what isn't. he plays you like an instrument, he follows the notes in order and makes you moan a beautiful song as you reach your orgasm.
and he doesn't pull away, he knows you like the slight overstimulation, you like to feel something intense after hours of feeling empty inside your mind. he sometimes even gets to give you two orgasms in a row like that, only stopping when you rip him back up by his hair.
"okay, okay, holy fuck?" you pant, clutching your chest with your free hand, floating on that fucked out feeling. "it's your turn..."
"I'm fine," he sits on his knees between yours, he pushes his boxers down and grips his cock with the hand that was just two fingers deep inside of you, using your cum to jerk himself off.
"nuh-uh," you sit up and pull your shirt off, showing off your chest, "this is my favourite part."
"you like it when I mark you?" he knows all too well that if he can't be inside you, you're still going to want his cum somehow.
"so much," you lay back down and help him straddle your hips, he doesn't sit on you, he just hovers there while jerking off. he gets to stare down at your tits, and even pushes his cock between them as you hold them tight together.
he holds onto the headboard with one hand and grips one of your tits with the other, paying with the nipple as he thrusts between them again and again. "sweet fuck, you're too good to me, princess. I'm gonna cum."
"cum for me," you whisper up at him, smiling away, loving when he gets like this.
"fuck," he shutters, his hips sputtering as he cums over your boobs and neck, not quite hitting you in the face but enough to make you flinch. he taps his cock against your tit, rubbing his cum into the nipple, "my god, I love you, so much."
you laugh as he gets off you and flops down onto the bed beside you, "I love you too."
he sighs, "give me a sec and then I'll help you to the bathroom."
"take your time," you tease, reaching over to the night table to get a tissue. you clean off your boobs and roll over to cuddle into him. "I'm good."
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itoshi-s · 1 year
no bc noya is literally the whole package like the CONFIDENCE in that man has me dizzy and opening my legs he worships you you’re his religion he’s going on his knees for you
also like the DUALITY PLSSS a total doting bf he never once stops flirting with you in ur relationship he’s so corny. suuuper attentive has extra hair ties and pads in his bag for you. always surprising you with shiny rocks (bc u shine the brightest<3) or jewelry (an - .. an anklet with a little Y charm) or random things that reminds him of you. he makes you laugh so hard you snort your drink out your nose pls also a total cuddle bug who begs you for piggy back rides :((( </333
and then he takes you to his bed and rocks your entire world:( spreads you out and laps at your sensitive nub and fluttering hole for hours until you’re a babbling mess and he comes untouched in his pants:( gives your overstimulated folds a pussyjob until he’s rock hard again from how you whine his name:( makes you ride his cock until your legs quiver and give out only to grab at your ass and slam you down on his thick girth:( to show you how strong he is, how he can handle all of you, how much you can both take from each other with pleasure:( he sucks on your pretty tits until your keening GOD and he’s so vocal too:( filthy groans and moans and unabashed confessions right onto your slick skin of how good you make him feel how tight and perfect your pussy is for him:(( sobbing crying wailing i want him in my guts rn
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the way i had to sleep w it before posting cause when i tell you i SCREAAAMEEEDDDD 😵‍💫 sooo foul for this river that is unfair !!
nishinoya, who’s such a good boyfriend that you’re astonished as to why he’s not w anyone already when u first meet. falling in love with him feels like the first warm rays of sun on a summer morning, comforting and making you shudder with excitement for what’s to come. he sweeps u off your feet with his charisma and bright smiles and passion. it’s not long at all until you go out w him and end up going official after just two dates or so. he just makes everything feel so right, like that’s how things should always have been, and you wish you’d met him sooner.
noya, who’s so attentive and thinks about you always. he showers u with lil presents daily because wherever he goes, something reminds him of u and he has to show you </3. most of his days he goes for a lil run first thing in the morning, and he always comes back w pastries from your favorite place down the street to make sure you get a nice morning too. he brings you coffee to bed but it runs lukewarm by the time he’s done kissing you awake. but you don’t mind at all, cause in the end he’s the only thing u rly need to start your day right.
NOYA……. getting u a little anklet.. with a little dainty Y charm … river you are sooooooo right for that. he def does. primarily to hear it tinkle by his ear when he has you folded over and fucks you silly </3 he’s sooooooo fun in bed and ALWAYS at your service. treats you like a queen fr he just wants to make sure you know how dear u are to him !! how glad he is to have found you !! takes sm pleasure from giving it to you, he could cum untouched just from watching you melt under his touch :( absolutely makes sure you know all abt it. you’re so good to me. lemme give you another, i wanna watch you again.
noya who doesn’t mind giving away control and gets absolutely rock hard whenever you take the lead 🫣 esp after a night out when you’re wearing your heels and you’re a bit tipsy and you straddle him and forget to take off your stilettos. he doesn’t last long but he’s got stamina and bounces right back. he has so much to give you </3 INSANE. but he knows that the way you love feeling him most is when he’s the one manhandling you with ease. he’s got absolutely no issue with it even given his shorter frame. he uses you however he pleases and you let him and it’s the single most arousing thing he does to you. he just wants to make the both of you feel good and he knows exactly how to do it, so you let him. confidence is almost substantial on him but it couldn’t be any different, not with the way you’re moaning so sweetly in his ear and give him the most fucked out look. </3
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
also puppy!seb trying really hard to hold it in but being unable to is just *chefs kiss* sooo on point!! can we please talk about seb+watersports? i dont think we have yet 🤔
(off the top of my head, i think most of the time its about trusting you to know his limits and call it in time, but also sometimes its about letting him fail even though he is trying so hard bc sometimes things happen and its an opportunity for him to fail in a safe environment and feel that it is actually alright to mess up sometimes.
also about trusting you to know which one he needs.)
p s im so glad youre feeling a bit better, hope youll get well soon!! and best of luck on your test 💜🍀
Of course we can!! We haven’t spoken about this kink in ages, which is so odd because I used to get Charles anons knocking my door down to talk about it (where are those anons? Please come back?) so yes absolutely!! I’m gonna talk about it more in puppy play and then also in general because I find both so hot.
I think the first time is a genuine accident? You’ve done watersports with Seb before by this point, so it’s not entirely new. But you hadn’t talked about incorporating it into puppyplay yet.
Poor Seb just has a complete meltdown the first time. Cause he was having so much fun? He was laying in his comfy bed at your feet, maybe sucking/chewing on something cause he loves that and then he felt a pressure in his tummy. He tried to tell you, maybe trying to whine a little louder or paw at your leg. But you think he’s just playing so you don’t pay it any mind.
Until suddenly he’s crying and there’s a wet patch on his boxers and you try to help him but he can’t make it and ends up making a huge mess in the hallway. Poor little puppy just cries and cries cause he feels so naughty?
You reassure him of course, tell him you know it was an accident and he’s not in trouble. But afterwards, once he’s back to himself, he admits that he liked it? Well obviously he didn’t like the accidentally wetting himself in the hallway, but he liked the desperation and not making it to the toilet.
So you start to play around with it more. And he loves it. He always tries to hold on, tries to be a good puppy, and sometimes he does manage to hold on long enough to crawl over to the shower and then you watch him let go. Maybe you put some puppy pads down for emergencies? And he’s always BRIGHT red when he has to use them but the moment he’s finished he’s also rock hard and crawling into your lap.
Yeah I fully agree that it’s about trust and letting go. I also think it’s about you making ALL his decisions for him?
When Seb wants to just relax for a day and have you be in charge, then he doesn’t want to make a single decision. Even choosing to get up to go to the bathroom is too much for him when he wants to just switch his mind off.
So you choose. Maybe you even say that he’s not allowed to ask?
So you can see getting desperate, starting to squirm and maybe even holding himself. But he’s not allowed to ask, because you make all the decisions and he has no say. And because he’s no allowed to ask, he has no idea if you’re going to let him go or if you’re going to make him wet himself.
Sometimes you might even order him to let go right where he is? You’ll fetch a towel, put it down on the floor then make Seb kneel and let go. He gets no warning if you choose this, one minute you’re next to him and the next you’ve put a towel down.
And of course he always get a shower afterwards AND a handjob in the shower. The handjob has to be in the shower. Those are the rules.
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silverdelirium · 3 years
draco fucks reader in a corset bc he got turned on how it pushed her boobs up?
this is mostly smut so don’t expect much of a plot. also i fucking hate this but let’s go😋
warnings: breeding kink (?), titty sucking, kinda rough sex, praise kink
“should i go as a pirate?” you questioned, tilting your head to the side slightly.
draco paused, imagining how you would look like entering the halloween party as a pretty pirate and smirked. “that’s an amazing idea baby girl” he responded, leaning forward to kiss your cheek.
“so- what do you think?” you said, giving a small twirl for your boyfriend who was sitting down on the bed in front of you, mouth slightly agape as he eyed your outfit; which consisted of a small black skirt, boots, white collared shirt that had the first few buttons undone, and a corset that accentuated your curves.
draco stood up, towering over you as he placed his hands on your waist, grey bright eyes feasting on your body.
“baby you look beautiful” he murmured, lust slowly clouding his mind as he saw you making a path to the mirror, eyeing your own attire with slight hesitation.
“you don’t think it’s too much?” you asked, hands roaming your waist unconsciously.
“i think it’s perfect.” breathed draco, positioning himself behind you and wrapping an arm around your waist, grabbing your jaw with the other and tilting it up so you were staring up at him.
“you don’t know what you do to me” he growled prior to clashing your lips together, catching you off guard at first but relaxing into the kiss after a few seconds.
the kiss quickly escalated as his tongue pressed down on yours, his hand that was on your waist sneaking up to trace your pushed-up cleavage.
you gave a small whimper in his mouth when he abruptly turned you to face him, his hands now roaming down to feel your ass.
you broke apart from the kiss, both with glossy and swollen lips. draco took a mere second to admire you before he was guiding you backwards towards the desk that stood at the corner of the room, his forehead connected with yours, sharing the same breath.
once he perched your bum on top of the desk, he reached behind your back, grabbing ahold of the corset’s strings, undoing them and tossing the material out of sight, your soft mounds that had a slight tint of red to them, due to the tightness of the corset making his mouth water.
draco gave a small hum before kissing you again, biting your bottom lip playfully as his hand made its way to your pooling heat after bunching your skirt up at the waist.
he lightly rubbed your clit over the damp lace, causing you to release a small moan on his mouth. he wasted no time and completely ripped them off, immediately sinking his finger inside you.
you gave a soft cry against his lips, disconnecting from them and staring up at him. “take off your shirt” he demanded sternly, two fingers now pumping in and out of you.
you did as asked with shaky hands, letting the material pool around your wrists as you leaned back on your hands, watching intently as your boyfriend’s fingers sank all the way inside you, the pad of his thumb flicking over your clit.
“fuck draco” you heaved, throwing your head back whilst draco leaned forward, attaching his mouth to your nipples.
the soft cushion of his lips against your sensitive skin in addition to the fast pounding of his fingers had you letting out a pornographic moan, one that had draco’s cock twitching on his trousers.
“i fucking love stretching this pussy out” he groaned against you, moving his lips to your other breast, his digits making scissoring motions inside you.
your hips involuntarily bucked up as you wailed in complete bliss, the blonde’s thumb quickening its pace on your throbbing clit, causing your thighs to shake. the delicious orgasm about to hit you- and then he pulled his fingers out.
a sadistic smirk adorned his sharp features as you whined, an angry huff thrown in his direction.
“oh don’t be such a brat, i just want to make you cum on my cock, not my fingers” he purred, shaking his head in a teasing manner, making a quick work of lowering his trousers, enough to free his pulsating cock.
you reached forward to give him a few pumps with eager movements, watching as he threw his head back. “just like that princess” he hummed.
your hand gave a few more lewd strokes against his prick before he removed your hand, brushing a strand of hair back from your face whilst he slowly plummeted himself inside you.
a moan ripped through you as he entered you, and you silently thanked for the thick walls of the castle. his eyes settled on yours while his cock was getting swallowed by the wet warmth mess on your cunt. “oh fuck- you’re so tight” he grunted, rocking his hips into yours sensually.
he waited a few moments for you to become accustomed to the stretch before settling on a fast pace, making the desk rattle underneath you.
“taking me so well, baby” he rasped out, hands on your bum as he pounded inside you, bringing himself forward until your noses were touching.
“ah! fuck draco!” you cried out, feeling the tip of his cock reach that spongy spot inside you. the filthy sounds of wet skin slapping and both of your moans resonating throughout the four walls only turned you both on further.
“who’s my best girl, huh?” taunted draco, fastening his pace while looking down at your bouncing breasts. “i am!” you squeaked, his thumb connecting to your clit once again.
“that’s right baby, this sweet pussy is gonna take all of cum, isn’t it princess?” he teased, taking advantage of your foggy mind and blabbering. things now falling from the hard wood underneath you.
“uh-huh, want you to fill me up” you agreed, the coil inside you about to snap when he quickened his pace, guttural moans escaping his own lips at your choice of words.
“yes baby, i’m gonna have this pretty cunt leaking with my cum” he said through gritted teeth, not slowing his hips once.
“oh fuck, are you gonna cum for me sweetheart?”
“yes! i’m gonna cum” you sobbed, thrusting your hips up before letting your muscles relax, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you came, draco right behind you and spraying your walls with his hot cum.
draco stilled inside you, your pussy fluttering around him, milking his cock dry.
his vision was still trained on your face, observing how you rode out of your high, falling forward into his chest. he removed his thumb from your clit, slowly pulling out and watching how your pussy spilled your arousal out onto the now squeaky desk.
you felt absolutely spent, not even catching up on the sweet praises draco murmured in your ear as he carried you to the bathroom, though you were able to catch something about corsets and how good they look on you.
🏷: @spencervera @methblinds @marrymetheonott @adrianscumslut @wh0re4blaise @turn-to-page-394-please @fredshufflepuff @malfoysbiitch @saggyb1lls @helleli @metaraxia @daddybutmakeitagirl @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dlmmdl @fleursbabe @xo-luvhrr @lolooo22 @darlingmalfoy @littlemissnoname13 @i-love-scott-mccall @underappreciated-spoon-321 @steveharringtonswhore @dracosafety @dracoscum @riddleswh0rekrux @laceycallisto @slytherinbabess @lostaurorax @alexavolturisblog @s1ater @marauderswh0re1 @starless-starkov @black-rose-29 @harrystellastyles @lxstfullxve @starstruckgranger
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wh0rephobic · 2 years
My god every single anon is so creative but I have something of my own >:3
Imagine like handcuffing Michael and teasing him oh my LAWD n he’s like begging to be touched 🥴
naahhhh 😩 bc i am a very submissive woman but when it comes to michael afton those bones just leave my body fr
like he’s cuffed to the headboard of your shared bed so that not only can he not use his hands but he also can’t escape you so he’s just there for you to use him as you please <33
he def gets turned on veerry easily too. so here you guys are, michael naked and cuffed to the bed while you’re kneeling beside him, running your hands alll over his warm skin, touching every part of him except for his cock, which is resting rock hard against his stomach, so red it’s throbbing.
you run the pad of your thumb lightly from his balls all the way to the slit on his cockhead, nicking your nail in his frenulum when you pass it. michael sobs.
“something wrong, mikey?” you tease, ticking the ridges of your fingerprint against his tip.
“mmm, i need more!” he whines.
“ah, ah!” you tut disapprovingly, pulling your hand away completely and watching michael throw his head back and groan. “good boys ask nicely.”
“ohhh! please, please touch me! please, i’ll be good, i’ll be so good for you i promise! just please i-i need to feel you on me!”
you sigh, “well, if you promise to be good…”
you still don’t give him the full satisfaction he’s looking for, only rubbing your thumb and pointer finger lightly on his shaft and tracing up and down.
as you cup your palm over his tip, his stomach begins to churn. you watch it clench and flick your eyes up to michael’s face to see his eyes closed tight.
“come on, michael, look at me! watch me make you feel good…” you lean down to lick at the bead precum.
“o-oh! ahh!” michael whimpers, eyes opening as he watches you touch him.
you remove your tongue with a giggle, watching michael’s fists ball up inside of the handcuffs, looking like he’s about to pull on them.
“uh-uh,” you shake your head, “sit still for me, michael.”
“god, baby, please,”
“sit still…” you order, dragging your hand down to massage his balls. “if you move i’m gonna stop touching you!”
“oh, god no, no please no… hnn!” you wrap your lips around the head for just a second, getting it wet for you to pop off and blow some cool air on it. “ah!!”
he pulls his arms against the cuffs, making them rattle against the headboard. you let go of him completely as he disobeys you.
“no, no, no!!” he whines, “i’m so sorry, please, i’m close, i-i won’t do it again!”
you shake your head, “nope, too late. i gave you one simple order and you couldn’t even follow it,”
“please! nngh! hmmm-god, please touch me!” he wails, cock twitching for attention against his stomach. “i’m sorry, i’ll be good!—nn-awh!”
michael cums. untouched, all over his stomach, some of it even shooting up and splashing on his cheek. oh, he came hard, like an eruption.
you laugh at him. “aww, michael!”
it keeps spilling wave after wave, and he’s left to just sit there and whimper through his ruined orgasm as you watch with amusement.
“ahh, oh fuck..” he groans as he comes down, you just crawl up to kiss him on the lips.
“alright, i’m sorry for teasing you. you were very good for me, mikey. now, let’s clean you up.”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
could you PLEASE write the fic where coops break the bed bc I would love to read how that went down
I'd love to! This is a reference to part three of this fic, and the prompt was combined with asks for another jealous Sirius and seeing Remus in his game day suit for the first time. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for smut (including blowjobs)
The lock slid home and Sirius’ knees hit the floor.
“Wh—okay,” Remus laughed as Sirius fumbled his belt open and yanked the zipper of his dress pants—fucking dress pants, is he trying to kill me?—as far as it could go without ripping straight down the middle. Slender fingers combed through his hair; some of the shock must have worn off, because he could feel a growing bulge under his cheek as he nuzzled the dip of Remus’ hipbone.
“Nobody looks at you like I do,” he said, licking a broad stripe up the front of Remus’ boxers. They were the nice kind, soft and tight—he wanted to tear them off.
Remus, for his part, looked both baffled and quite happy. “No, they do not,” he agreed, giving the back of Sirius’ hair a light tug. “And nobody looks as good as you down there.”
“You’re goddamn right they don’t.” Without further ado, Sirius pulled his dick out of his boxers and did his best to inhale it.
“Jesus fucking—” Remus’ hand slammed into the wall with a sharp gasp. His knee buckled, but Sirius gripped his thigh and pushed it against the wall. “Holy shit, baby, give me some warning.”
Sirius leaned back and let the tip slide out through his lips for just a moment, reveling in the slackjawed awe on Remus’ face. “No.”
“What did I do to deserve this?” Remus’ voice cracked as he thudded his head back against the wall and began lightly rolling his hips per Sirius’ request, huffing each time Sirius tightened his hold on his ass.
“Game suit,” Sirius managed as he slid off to bite the hollow between Remus’ hip and thigh, drawing a whimper from him. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, shouting mine, mine, mine with each pulse. “Game suit and those fucking fans.”
Remus’ chest heaved as he took him all the way to the base again, holding Sirius by the hair the way that always sent lightning down his spine. He spread his knees slightly on the floor and palmed himself through his pants without breaking pace. “Are you—ah—are you upset or happy? ‘cause this is great and I’m not complaining but—oh holy fuck.”
Warm, slightly sweaty palms shoved him away by the forehead. Sirius made a noise of protest that turned into a grumble when his mouth was finally empty, and he batted Remus’ hands away. “What?”
“Two seconds.” Remus’ pupils were dilated so far they almost hid the pretty amber that turned dark with lust. “You look so good down there, baby, but I’m gonna come and I’m really confused why.”
“I want to make you come,” Sirius explained, moving back towards him only to be guided away again. Obviously. “Remus!”
“What is the occasion?” he asked, a little desperate. “What did I do?”
Sirius sat back on his heels with an irritated exhale and held up three fingers. “You, in general. Game suit. Fans. May I please finish what I was doing.”
If possible, Remus looked even more lost. “The fans? What about the fans? Why do they entail an amazing blowjob?”
“Because.” Sirius pulled his pants down enough to suck a mark on the thickest muscle of Remus’ thigh. He was salty and sweet and perfect. “Because they were looking at you like they wanted to eat you, and that’s my job.”
“I—” Remus opened and closed his mouth twice, then leaned back against the wall with an aborted muss of his hair. “Yeah, okay. I kind of want to get you off too, though, ‘cause you look like sin on legs in that blazer and I would hate to waste it.”
Sirius Black, why did you commit yourself to someone so selfless. He took his mouth off the underside of Remus’ dick and hauled himself to his feet, wincing at the protests of his plane-tired muscles. “Then we’d better get upstairs.”
“Upstairs? But—” Remus’ eyes widened and a slow smile spread over his face and he pulled his pants back up. “Yeah, yeah, okay, yes, right now.”
“Right now,” Sirius confirmed, taking him by the wrist to hustle them both up to their bedroom. He gave Remus’ ass a solid smack before scooting around him to flop backward on the bed, tangling their legs together until he could wrap himself around Remus and kiss him like he deserved. Hard and sloppy and so dizzying Sirius had to catch his breath when they broke apart. “Now.”
“Huh?” Remus coughed, still ruffled and red-lipped.
Sirius took his face between his hands and felt Remus go weak on top of him. “Fuck me. Right now. I’m yours, and you’re mine, and you don’t do this with any of those people undressing you with their eyes today.”
I’m the one that’s going to be walking funny tomorrow, Sirius reminded himself as he expertly unbuttoned Remus’ shirt and shoved both that and the navy jacket off his golden shoulders. Not the moon-eyed women twirling their hair, not the chiseled men with their fucking smirks, not the people in the comments marveling at that pretty face. Me. Mine.
Remus made a funny sort of whimpering noise as he pushed Sirius’ shirt open and attached himself to his neck, biting and licking in equal measure as Sirius divested them both of their pants. He leaned back to catch his breath, but Sirius reeled him back in by the blue tie still around his neck and tangled his fingers in Remus’ tawny curls, crushing them together while he pushed his hips up for any friction and basked in Remus’ moans. Mine. Yours.
“Lube,” Remus said against his mouth, breathless. The temperature of the room had to be a hundred degrees, Sirius was sure of it; they were both sweating already, but he couldn’t let go of Remus for more than a second at a time. He needed the contact. Needed the feeling of drowning in his touch.
“Mine,” he said, nipping Remus’ bottom lip before letting him go enough that he could reach the nightstand.
“Yours,” Remus promised. He kept one hand splayed over the side of Sirius’ neck as they kissed; the other popped the cap off the lube and hoisted Sirius’ leg further to the side. “Ready?”
He threw his head back when two—two!—slick fingers pressed against him, opening him at the wonderful intersection between a snail’s pace and an uncomfortable sting. Remus moved his free hand down to hold Sirius’ hip; his weight pressed him into the mattress, and Sirius was sure that he would burn up at any moment.
“Yes,” he hissed through clenched teeth when Remus’ fingers found his prostate. His ears began to buzz as Remus rubbed the pads of his fingers over it in relentless circles, not pushing, just giving him enough friction to go mad with it.
Teeth skimmed his collarbone and Sirius shivered when wet lips trailed over his nipple. “Get on your stomach.”
“Wanna see you.”
“Sirius.” Remus’ hand wasn’t damp when he curled it around Sirius’ jaw and guided him to meet his eyes. “On your damn stomach.”
Sirius was not proud of the half-breath sound that escaped him, but he wasn’t ashamed either. He got on his damn stomach, and he did it with a smile. “What now?”
“Hold the headboard.”
He obliged and felt Remus run a hand down the curve of his spine before sliding two fingers back into him. Sirius arched, grinning at the waves of pleasure rolling through his stomach. “We don’t have games for two days,” he said, flipping his hair back to look at Remus over his shoulder.
Amber eyes roved up and down his body with an appreciative gleam before Remus pressed a kiss to the small of his back. “I know. Hold on, baby.”
A shiver ran through Sirius’ limbs; he flexed his fingers on the wood of the headboard and sighed when something much more blunt than a few fingers pushed inside him in a slow, continuous motion. “Tabarnak,” he muttered, mouth agape as Remus found his seat and pushed down even harder on his lower back. His spine was going to ache in the morning, and he didn’t care a bit.
“Why were you upset about the fans?” he asked with a slow roll of his hips that left Sirius shuddering. “You know I don’t pay attention to that.”
“Comment section,” he panted, gritting his teeth against a loud moan. “And I could hear them when you walked by.”
“What were they saying?”
“Everything.” Sirius’ thighs trembled on the hard thrust that followed. “Everything, everything—how good you looked. That suit, Remus, I can’t handle it.”
A beat of silence passed, save for the creaking of the bed beneath them. “Say it again.”
“You looked—”
“Not that,” Remus interrupted, sliding his hands along Sirius’ sides and back down his thighs. “You want me to be yours? Then say my name.”
“Remus,” he breathed.
“What was that?”
“Remus,” he repeated, a little louder. It came out as a whine and Remus bent down to bite the junction of his shoulder as he gripped the headboard with white knuckles.
The word was punctuated by a yank on Sirius’ hips paired with a thrust that sparked fireworks in his eyes. “Remus!” he almost shouted, half in shock.
“Atta boy.” Strong arms wound around his abdomen, pulling him impossibly closer to Remus’ front as he rocked in and out and stole Sirius’ breath from his lungs. Feather-soft lips traced from one shoulder to the middle of his back, leaving open-mouthed kisses in their wake that were cold against the flames in Sirius’ gut. His arms were already shaking.
“Remus,” he begged, though he didn’t even know what to ask for. He was so hard it almost hurt—spreading his exhausted knees to try and sink down onto the mattress did absolutely nothing to help him. “Remus.”
“No,” Remus ordered when he tried to take one hand off the headboard and stroke himself to relieve the pressure. Sirius let out something akin to a sob despite the distilled joy and pleasure running riot through him. “Headboard. Now.”
“I am.”
Remus’ breath was hot against his ear. “Don’t get bratty with me.”
Sirius had never come untouched before, but he wondered if it felt like this. Unfortunately, he was still painfully close to the edge and Remus insisted on dragging over his sweet spot every—fucking—time, so he was stuck in a horribly fantastic limbo that bent every cell to Remus’ will.
It was exactly what he had been after from the second the front door locked behind them.
“Come on, baby.” Remus made a low sound in his throat as Sirius clamped down around him at the nickname and upped his pace by a degree. “Come on, you can do it.”
“Quoi—what d’you want?” Sirius asked, dropping his chin to his chest with a moan.
Fingers wound into his hair and pulled his head up again, gentle but unyielding. There was never any pain when Remus was in charge, only the feeling of being entirely encompassed. It didn’t matter what position they were in—Sirius could be on the bottom, top, sideways, anywhere, and still feel cared for in every aspect.
“Fucking love you,” he mumbled, voice breaking as Remus’ hand slid through his hair to trail along his neck and wind around his chest.
He could feel the smile pressing into his shoulder blade as Remus left a mark there between world-shattering rolls of his hips. “Love you, too. You know you can come whenever, right?”
“Touch me.”
“Tell me three things and I will,” Remus all but purred into the arch of his neck. Sirius nodded frantically. “What color was I wearing today?”
“Blue,” he managed through clumsy lips. “Dark blue, ‘s perfect on you, oh.”
“Two: how many times have I worn that suit?”
Sirius stifled a moan in the crook of his elbow. “Once.”
“Last question.” Remus licked the salt from the crest of his shoulder and Sirius’ vision went for a moment; he gripped the headboard like it was his only anchor on earth. “Who is the only person in the world I will ever love like this?”
“Oh, fuck, me.”
A palm, broad and callused, wrapped around his shaft and gathered the precome that had been dripping onto the sheets for a glide so smooth Sirius thought he was dreaming. Then the world caught up to him at light speed and he was gone, tumbling over the edge with a shout and throwing his weight forward while Remus guided him through every ripple down his back as he reached his own peak.
Sirius yelped as his knuckles hit the wall, pulling back on instinct despite the fact that he had nowhere to go but down. Remus cursed into his shoulder and they hit the pillows in a mess of limbs and sweat; Sirius pulled his hands to his chest as the smarting pain began to fade. “Ow,” he said, bewildered and pitiful.
“Oh, oh, oh.” Remus pulled out with a slight wince and carefully took his hands, pressing kisses over the reddened skin before horror overtook his face. “Did I—was that sound your hands?”
“No,” Sirius said quickly, kissing his flushed cheek. “It wasn’t me. I think…”
Remus blinked at him. “Did we…”
“That was the headboard.” A smile tugged the edges of his mouth until Sirius gave in and began to laugh, shifting back onto his stomach for a proper look. Sure enough, the wooden board at the top of their bed was both sideways and several inches further down the wall than it had been when they started their venture.
“Oh my god,” Remus spluttered, still laughing as he tried to pull it back into the right spot. “Jesus, this thing is heavy.”
“We broke the bed,” Sirius snickered. It was so beyond unbelievable that he couldn’t help it. “After all this time, it finally gave in. Mon dieu. I can’t…I don’t even know where to start.”
“We broke the headboard,” Remus corrected with a grin. “Well, you broke it.”
“If you try to pin this all on me—”
“I had you pinned pretty well a minute—”
“Remus John Lupin—”
They dissolved into laughter, bordering on hysteria as they fell back onto the sheets. The headboard groaned at the impact, setting off a whole new round with no hope of letting them catch their breath.
“So,” Remus managed once his lungs were functioning again. He quirked an eyebrow at Sirius with a troublemaker’s smirk. “The suit?”
“The suit,” Sirius huffed, shaking his head. “I thought I was going to die.”
“Now you know how I feel all the friggin’ time.”
He sighed through his nose and stared upside-down at the cracked wood. “We’ll need to replace that.”
“Mhmm. And never tell the guys about it, ever.”
Sirius ran a hand down his face. “They’d bring it up at our funerals.”
“Is there a way to get just the headboard? Do we need to buy a whole new frame?”
His jaw crackled as he yawned, wrapping both arms around Remus to drag him over for a snuggle. “Those questions can wait until tomorrow. Or at least after a nap.”
“How about a shower and a nap?”
“Definitely a shower,” Sirius agreed, burying his face in the bend of Remus’ neck. “After a nap.”
“Come on, cuddlebug,” Remus groaned, giving him a halfhearted pull. “You hate the feeling of cum on your legs.”
“I just broke a plank of wood with my bare hands,” Sirius mumbled into his soft skin. “I can handle a few extra minutes of cuddles.”
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clareguilty · 3 years
Juniper and Pine
read it here on the AO3
A/N: Im so glad Geralt is sterile bc i hate pregnancy but love breeding kinks. I barely know anything about the witcher but I know I wanna suck this man dry like a capri sun.
Geralt of Rivia/Reader Rating: Explicit | smut, breeding, reader has a coochie and hair long enough to braid Word Count: ~2300
You found him at the inn. Shrouded in shadow, tucked away in the back just as always. Two flagons before him, one empty and the other half full. He had likely already eaten his fill.
 You sat across from him, ordering your own food and drink. Neither of you spoke.
 He watched you. Mostly hidden by your cloak, he watched your hands as you cut your meat and sipped your ale. Caught a glimpse of your eyes when you chanced to meet his gaze.
 Tension radiated from him. The set of his shoulders, the clench of his jaw. Icy rain pelted against the nearby window. The wind groaned lowly outside.
 A group of men erupted in spontaneous cheers on the other side of the inn, and he turned quickly to glare at them unnoticed before turning back to his intent study of you.
 So you studied him right back. Watching him from beneath the hood of your cloak as you ate. The meat wasn’t as warm as you would have liked but it was much appreciated after your many days of travel.
 He hadn’t shaved in a few days. And silver scruff was filling in along his jaw. His hair was pulled back away from his face, and you watched the crease in his forehead occasionally deepen as he considered you. He was unarmored, though he still had with him a sword smaller than the greatswords he usually traveled with. His arms were bare, his sleeves pushed up to the elbow, and his dark shirt was half unfastened down the front. He must have been unaffected by the cold winds and rain that had overtaken you on your journey.
 Your plate was cleared. Your cup was empty. You handed the barkeep your coins and offered your sweetest smile. Still, they scurried away when he stood, looming behind you. He had pulled his own cloak on, and you could feel the heat of him against your back.
 You walked in front, but he was leading you. As you navigated the muddy, moonlit streets, he silently directed you. A heavy wooden door, a cold dark corridor. His footsteps behind you. You stepped into the room and heard the bolt set in place.
 You unfastened your cloak, folding it neatly and laying it across the back of a chair.
 “You were supposed to arrive at sundown,” he said. You glanced to see him standing before the fire, eyes focused on the flames. They reflected the light like molten gold.
 “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. A storm slowed me down.” It wasn’t a lie. The weather had not been kind the last few days of your journey. You unfastened your belt, leaving it with your cloak, and pulled the plaits from your hair, combing your finger through the strands.
 “Did you keep to the river?” he asked.
 You hadn’t.
 You were glad you were turned away from him so he couldn’t see your face. You know he had asked you to travel along the water, keeping to the valley. He was right that it was safer, but there were reasons for you to travel through the forest. Reasons he disapproved of.
 Fingers shaking, you started on the lacing of your surcoat.
 He stepped away from the fire, moving to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You leaned back against him, relaxing as he pressed his nose to your hair. His hands took over for yours as he undid the lacing. You trailed your fingers over his arms.
 “I smell the spruce of the mountains,” he said.
 You froze.
 “Juniper.” He inhaled again, breathing in the scent of the forest that you had unwittingly woven into your hair.
 He loosened the last of your laces and placed his hands over yours, holding you by your wrists.
 “I can smell the North on you.”
 Damn witchers. Damn them and their ridiculous senses. You tried to tug away from his hold, but he held you still.
 “You disobeyed me,” he said. “And then you lied to me. Your heart hasn’t stopped racing.”
 The rapid beat of your heart was only partially because of your dishonesty. He just had that effect on you. Surely he would know that by now.
 He spun you quickly, backing you against the wall and leaning forward until his gaze was level with yours. His knuckles pressed to your throat, forcing you to lift your chin. “I told you it’s dangerous to travel the mountains alone.”
 “I had to go,” you insisted. “It didn’t take me any longer to travel, and I made it back just fine.”
 “And you thought I wouldn’t know?” His voice was low, a rumbling growl right beside your ear.
 “I thought it would be best to ask forgiveness than permission.” You raised your head, firm in your decision.
 “Of course,” Geralt scoffed. “It was foolish of me to even try and stop you.”
 “It was,” you agreed. You moved to step forward, to wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest. You had missed him, and you wanted to be close to him. He kept you pinned to the wall.
 “I believe you were supposed to be begging for my forgiveness?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
 Your eyes widened.
 “Go on then,” Geralt shoved you to your knees. “Beg.”
 Your knees would surely bruise from how hard you hit the floor. You reached forward to brace yourself on his thighs. He was watching you with smug satisfaction, already reaching to remove his belts and unfasten his trousers.
 You watched his hands, eager for what was to come. Your lips were already parted, tongue swiping over them unconsciously. Geralt chuckled and pulled his cock free.
 You stroked him gently at first, swiping your thumb over the tip and squeezing all the way down to the base. He was so thick your fingers couldn’t meet around him, but you didn’t mind. You loved the way his hips moved as you twisted your wrist. His stomach tensed and he inhaled with a hiss.
 He quickly grew bored of just your hand, though. His fingers threaded through your hair before he tugged sharply, pulling you towards his cock. You wrapped your lips around him obediently. Slowly, he pulled you farther down his length. Each movement of your tongue or lips earned you a reaction from him, and you turned your eyes up to watch his expression change.
 "You're going to take it all," he said, his voice low and rough.
 You moaned, eager to do exactly as he said. He rocked his hips forward at the same time he pulled you in by your hair, and you were silenced as he forced his cock down your throat.
 It was rough. Punishing. Exactly what you had earned by disobeying him. You weren't sure that obedience was worthwhile when this is what you got from going against his orders. You loved the scratch of his calloused fingers against your scalp and the low moans that escaped him every time you wrapped your lips around the base of his cock. He was taking his pleasure however he wanted, selfishly fucking your mouth.
 And you were dripping down your thighs with arousal. Geralt was so strong and ruthless -- but rarely with you. It was seldom you got to see him this way and you loved it. He must have missed you while you were away.
 "You’re an eager little whore aren’t you,” he growled, holding you down on his cock so he could fuck your throat. “Disobedient. Stubborn. Look at you.”
 Your eyes brimmed with tears, cheeks hot and flushed as you let him use you.
 “I’m close,” he groaned, eyes fluttering shut and head tipping back. His pace quickened, and then faltered. You held as still as you could as he finished down your throat.
 He pulled away as gently as possible, carding his fingers through your disheveled hair as you gasped and coughed. You nearly collapsed on the stone floor, but he was quick to catch you, taking you into his arms and pulling you to his chest. You let your fingers trail over the skin exposed along his collar. He pressed his lips to your hairline, carrying you to the wide, low bed that occupied the far wall. You pulled him down alongside you before he could get very far.
 “I need you,” you whispered, voice raspy. He let slip one of his rare smiles, pointed teeth gleaming in the low light, and you did your best to commit it to memory.
 “I can’t believe you took the mountain path in such a short amount of time,” he said, stretching out long on the bed and pulling you to lay against his chest.
 “I didn’t want you to know. It only takes four days to travel through the valley.”
 “Yes, and it takes six or eight to take the mountains. It’s impressive really.” His fingers absently searched out any bare skin they could reach, tracing idle shapes into your skin. “You’re nothing but trouble.”
 “I keep things exciting,” you teased. “But maybe I could put in a little more work to earn your forgiveness.” You let your hand trail over his chest, across his hard stomach and back over the fasten of his trousers.
 He raised an eyebrow. You could tell he was interested from the way his cock twitched beneath your palm. Sitting up, you removed the rest of your clothes. Geralt’s eyes never left you. It wasn’t until he caught sight of the glistening mess between your thighs that he moved.
 He was on you before you blink, looming over your back as he pressed a hand between your legs. “I could smell that you wanted me, but I didn’t know it was this bad.” He rubbed your pussy with the pads of his fingers. “You’re so needy. Like a bitch in heat.” His voice was right in your ear, warm breath fanning over your skin.
 You whined, rocking your hips against his hand. He pulled away just long enough to drag his shirt over his head and fling it away. His teeth latched onto your shoulder lightly as he pushed his trousers off as well. He pressed his cock against your ass, chuckling low as you pushed back to meet him, desperate to be filled.
 “Geralt, please,” you moaned.
 “Ah, so now you beg.” His voice was light and you wished you could see his smile. He settled his hands on your hips, lining himself up and sinking into you with a slow thrust of his hips. God, he was big. “You want me to breed you? To fill you up? Is that what you think you deserve?”
 He was enjoying himself. He wasn’t usually so talkative, and you loved the sound of his voice in your ear as he pounded into you.
 “Yes, please,” you nodded. He pressed you into the bed, pinning you beneath him and holding your hips so he could fuck you as hard as he liked. It was a blinding, delirious pleasure that you let yourself fall into, surrounded by Geralt, safe, protected.
 He pulled you from your haze by reaching to press two fingers to your clit. You came almost immediately. He didn’t let up as you shook through your orgasm, clenching around his cock and crying out in pleasure.
 “That’s it,” he said, never slowing the pace of his hips. “You’re going to come for me again.”
 It didn’t seem possible. You were already so overwhelmed. But he changed the motion of his fingers, and you felt it building again. He was getting close as well. You could tell by the way he occasionally slowed to savor the feeling of you around him, almost immediately followed by a blinding pace as he chased his own pleasure.
 His grip on your hip tightened, his teeth sinking into your shoulder once more as he rutted against you. The sharp sting of his canines made you gasp. Spurred on by his own impending orgasm, he pressed harder to your clit. Your eyes rolled back as his rough fingers, slick with your own arousal, dragged you to a second climax.
 He came as you did. His hips pressed tightly against yours as you shuddered and collapsed beneath him. You could feel his cock twitching inside you, filling you with his seed.
 A long moment of quiet, just the sound of your heaving breaths and the crackle of the fireplace. You melted onto the bed, stretching your limbs out long and sinking into a blissed out daze. Geralt wasn’t much better, laying half on top of you with his cock still buried inside. His breathing was evening out and you feared he would fall asleep.
 “Geralt,” you mumbled half-heartedly.
 “Mhm,” he responded, chest rumbling with the sound. You thought he was going to ignore you, but he moved after a second, pulling out of you with a hiss and searching for a way to clean up your mess. You rolled over, listening to your pulse gradually quiet and slow.
 It wasn’t much later that you were beneath the coverlet, once again nestled against Geralt’s side as he lay still. You weren’t sure if he was sleeping, his eyes were closed and his breaths so even and slow. You admired the softness in his features that you almost never got to see. It was only at times like this that you could catch him without a stern expression.
 “What are you looking at,” he asked, not opening his eyes.
 “You.” You splayed a palm over his chest. “I like it when you look happy.”
 “I am happy,” he said, not moving. “You make me happy.”
 You were glad he wasn’t looking so he couldn’t see the effect his words had on you. Your face grew hot, and you couldn’t hide your giddy smile. Curling tighter against him, you rested your head against his chest and let your eyes drift closed. “You make me happy, too,” you whispered.
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floorbe · 3 years
ANYWAY now that Rock Lee is my new hubby, can I get a scenario or hc’s (whichever is easier) of spending the night with rock lee for the first time 🥺 both SFW and NSFW situations if you please -⭐️ !!!
YES YEAH YES YEAH YES YEAH HOW ABOUT ,, BOTH?!?! n*sw under the cut//
-Spending the night with this man is gonna be so fun!!!
-He’s planned everything so much that he almost has a schedule. He doesn’t, really, but it’s all up there in his head. A lot of nervous and excited energy from him, he wants it to be perfect!!
-He cooks dinner for y’all!! And if you want to help him, he definitely won’t say no!!
-Take this as an opportunity to do that couple thing where you wrap your arms around his waist while he cooks, bc he will melt
-He will initiate footsie while y’all are eating. And if you play along he’ll have a hard time eating bc of how big his smile is!!
-You two put on a movie afterwards where Lee pulls you into his lap practically the second you sit down next to him 
-Tbh he’s more focused on you than the movie, and you can tell by how he keeps pressing soft kisses to your cheek, but he will throw in the occasional gasp at the movie
-He also has boardgames! Twister, LIFE (the Spongebob version only), headbandz... he’s got an entire collection 
-Play twister and watch his entire body turn red when you two inevitably end up in a suggestive position... also you get to see this man TWIST bc he is so flexible
-When you two finally settle down for bed he is... so stiff laying next to you. You can tell how badly he wants to cuddle bc he’s practically shaking with reserved excitement and he keeps looking at you, but he is nervous
-When you roll over to take him into your arms/roll into his arms, he swears he has never been happier in his life. Watch out for the death squeeze as he tries not to cry
-You’ll wake up tangled together with Lee gazing adoringly at you, a hand gently rubbing your back. Kiss him in this moment and he will cry and profess his love to you again
You’re hardly paying attention to the movie playing anymore, but you keep your eyes trained on the screen. You feel the soft touch of Lee’s lips as he kisses your cheek once more, a small sigh escaping his lips as he tightens his grip on you. You can’t help your lips quirking up into a smile as he nuzzles his nose against your neck, and you tilt your head slightly to let him. 
His slow breaths are warm against your neck, and you resist a shiver, instead swallowing thickly in an attempt to reorientate yourself from the simple feeling. He shifts slightly from underneath you, and by the way his thumbs are moving along your hips in a subconscious movement, you can tell he’s thinking. 
You let him think, curious to where his thoughts are headed, keeping your eyes on the movie in faux interest as he moves his head. You intake sharply as you suddenly feel his warm lips press against your neck almost uncertainly, and you can imagine his large eyes studying you for a reaction. 
You say nothing, and instead tilt your head further to silently encourage him. You can feel his lips form a smile, but it’s quickly forgotten as he presses another kiss to your neck, and another, and another. They’re different from the ones to your cheek; slower, more sensual, and you can feel his hands tremble as he continues the intimate gesture. 
Your heart is pounding loud in your ears, and it only urges you to get up and turn around, to return the sensual affection ten-fold, but you hold off, wanting to feel his lips on your neck for just a moment longer. You let him press another kiss to your neck, and it’s only when he parts his lips to lightly suck on the sensitive skin do you finally move to get up. He pauses for a moment, breathing slightly labored as you shift. His arms loosen around you as you raise yourself from his lap to stand, swallowing thickly. When you turn, his face is flushed right up to the tip of his nose, his expression is contorted in concern.
His mouth barely opens to, you presume, ask if he’d overstepped when you’re planting yourself in his lap again, this time facing him. You hear him intake sharply as he looks up at you, large eyes blown wider than you’d ever seen them as you drag your hand down his chest. 
“Lee,” your voice comes out as a breathy whisper, and he visibly gulps, hands hovering near your waist. You slide your arms around his neck easily, heartbeat thumping in your ears as you feel him lean into you. He’s never looked more kissable than he does now, with his lips just slightly parted and that adorable blush on his face, and you feel affection rush through your body at the sight, “Please, kiss me.” 
The words have barely left your mouth when he all but lunges towards you, a muffled grunt escaping his lips as he eagerly melds them with yours. His arms immediately coil around you, pulling you flush against him. You eagerly respond, pressing yourself closer to him and threading your fingers through his hair. His lips are soft against yours, and you can feel his fingers clench around the fabric of your shirt as he tries to pull you impossibly closer. 
You softly sink your teeth into his bottom lip, pulling back slightly to watch his expression at the action. He lets out the quietest squeak, eyes squeezed shut as, you now notice, he trembles ever so slightly. You release his lip only to slam yours back into his again, swiping your tongue against his still parted lips. 
He eagerly darts his tongue out to meet yours, swirling together as light pants escape your mouths. You can feel his fingers teasingly dip under the hem of your shirt, and you can tell Lee’s waiting for your permission to go any further. You don’t even think before you push his hands under your shirt, moaning into his mouth as they immediately start mapping your sides and lower back. 
He trails his hand up your spine, pushing you to arch into his chest as he separates from your needy kiss. “F-flower,” he gasps out, his eyes half lidded, “Is- is it okay if we...?” You nearly chuckle at the polite shyness, starkly contrasting the way his hands, though paused in their movement now, are still clinging to you and nearly pulling your shirt all the way off in his attempt to feel all of you. 
“Of course it is, Lee,” you smile adoringly at him, tracing a hand up to cup his cheek reassuringly. “Do you want to go further?” you murmur, stroking his cheek with your thumb when he leans into your palm, “We don’t have to if-”
“I-I want to!” he cuts you off, his blush darkening at the proclamation. Instead of replying you lean away from him, and his hands immediately slide down to hold your hips instead. Your shirt falls back into place, allowing you to grasp it at the hem. You watch his eyes pin onto your torso as you roll it up your form, pulling it over your head with a small grunt as he licks his lips. 
The hungry look in his eyes as they rake down the newly exposed skin sends a shiver down your spine, and you bite your lip as his gaze locks with yours once more, silently asking for your permission. You take one of his hands in yours instead of allowing him to roam your form with it just yet, running the pads of your fingers over the bandages. You can feel his hand shaking as you hook your fingers under the rough material, untucking it from it’s tight wrapping.
You slowly unravel his arm, all too aware of the way his other hand is impatiently rubbing circles along your hip. He watches you closely, biting the inside of his cheek as he struggles to stay patient throughout the process. Once you’ve reached his wrist, you take a moment to raise his arm to press a kiss to the newly exposed skin, and it seems to sedate his impatient energy slightly as he blinks in surprise. He visibly gulps as you continue to press kisses along his inner wrist, trailing up with each new bit of skin that’s revealed. 
He lets out a breathy whine as you kiss his palm, keeping your gaze locked with his. “Y-Y/N, please,” he nearly whispers, squirming underneath you. You let out a gasp as his hips inadvertently rock up into yours, and you drop his hand to grasp onto his shoulders, grinding down onto him in response. He moans loudly, his other hand (now mysteriously unwrapped, when did he do that?) tightening his grip on your waist as he bucks his hips up into yours. 
He leans forward to tuck his head into the crook of your neck as he whines at the friction, his hot breaths fanning across your neck. His hands pull you down to help grind along him, and you moan out his name as he kisses your neck. He shudders against you, mouth latching onto your neck and sucking harshly.
You throw your head back, and for a moment all you can focus on is how good he’s making you feel. But the dull ache in your sex only grows with each rut of your hips, making you huff in frustration at the dragged out pleasure, too muffled by your clothes. By the time you decide to pull back from him to finally undress further, Lee is pressing heated, open mouthed kisses to your chest as he moves his lips across the parts of your torso he can reach. 
He lets out a broken whine as you finally get the strength to raise yourself from his lap, legs weak from the rising pleasure shooting through your body. He almost pulls you back onto his lap, eyes pleading, but as soon as your thumbs hook into the waistband of your pants he’s reaching back to unzip his jumpsuit instead. You shimmy your bottoms off, underwear with them, and let them pool at your ankles.
Lee is already squirming in his seat on the couch as you step out of the clothes circling your feet, his fingers wiggling as they reach out to pull you back onto his now bare lap, jumpsuit disregarded somewhere unimportant to you. You take a moment to rake your eyes down to his already twitching cock, and you nearly whine at how inviting his lap looks.
You watch his hips twitch upwards, still eagerly waiting for you to slide onto him, and you don’t waste another second before planting your knees on either side of his thighs, hovering teasingly above his tip. His calloused hands are already running up your thighs to grasp your waist, tugging you down to sink onto him, which you gladly do. 
He lets out the loudest moan yet as he finally fills you, throwing his head back as you moan out his name. He’s panting heavily as you slowly lower yourself fully onto him, and you can tell he’s barely restraining himself from fucking up into you already as you adjust to how full you feel. You shudder at the stretch of his cock inside of you, grasping onto his shoulders once more as you feel him buck up lightly, pushing himself deeper. 
“Fuck,” you whine, rocking your hips against his before slowly raising yourself up. You watch him tremble underneath you, fingers digging into your hips as you start bouncing on his lap. Your breathing is heavy as your legs shake, struggling to keep a steady pace with how close you already are. He stays planted underneath you, moans leaving his lips as his hips just barely buck to meet yours. 
“Lee, please,” you gasp out, meeting his heated gaze as he immediately focuses on you, his breathing ragged, “move.” As soon as the plea has left your lips he’s leaning back, anchoring his feet onto the ground as he finally thrusts up into you. You toss your head back as he pounds into you, wasting no time setting a rapid pace as he groans out broken syllables of your name. 
You can barely let out whines in between your breaths, struggling to stay focused as pleasure dazes you. You vaguely recognize that he’s shifting before your eyes snap open wide, a cry leaving your lips as he suddenly drives into you at a new angle, even deeper than before. You feel his lips on your neck again, leaving sloppy, breathy, open mouthed kisses along it as his warm hands fervently run along your back. 
He presses himself as close as possible to you, chest to chest as his hands press harder along your back, as if needing to feel every part of you at once. “O-oh, Y/N,” he moans out, his hips slamming up into yours as you tighten around him, growing closer to your peak. “Y-you feel so g-good, f-flower! I l-love you,” he gasps out, tilting his head up to catch your gaze in his.
You almost cum right then and there, seeing him look up at you so adoringly, his face flushed with a dazed smile. “Love you,” you moan out, struggling to find the breath to say much as he brings you closer to the edge. “I l-love you, yo- fuck- you’re so amazing-” you babble out, leaning down to messily connect your lips to his. He eagerly responds, his tongue sliding out to swirl around yours as he whines into your mouth. 
“’m close,” you moan, feeling the familiar rise of pleasure through your lower half as you near the edge of your orgasm, “G-gonna cum, Lee-!” Your cries only encourage him to slide one of his hands down to play with the untouched area of your sex, helping to finally send you over the edge. 
You hit your peak with a gasp, arching your back into him as pleasure washes over you. You tighten around him as he slams up into you, helping you through your intense orgasm as you moan loudly. His thrusts grow sloppy as you ride out your orgasm, your head lolling forward to tuck into his shoulder as you let out breathy whines at each thrust. 
He suddenly slings his arms around your waist, pulling you further down onto him as he pushes up as deeply into you as he can. He cums with a cry of your name, his whole body shaking as he empties inside of you. You can only let out another weak whine at the feeling, shivering at the slight overstimulation of feeling him fill you even further. 
He stills inside of you, breathing heavily as you both come down from your highs. You feel him nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, pressing gentle kisses along your skin as you wrap your arms around him in a hug. “I love you,” he murmurs against your skin, and you can’t tell if his voice is breaking because he’s tearing up or because of the strain he’d put on it by moaning so loudly, “You are so youthful...” 
You resist a snort at the unexpected compliment, too used to how he’d spout about youth when pursuing ridiculous antics. He must feel how your body shakes from the restrained laughter, though, because he starts giggling against your neck and you finally let loose spurts of quiet laughs. “I love you, too,” you say through your laughter, pulling back to press a sweet kiss to his lips. From the tears shining in his eyes, you guess that his voice breaking was from crying, after all. 
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Do You Love Me? (I Loved You Part 2: young!Sirius x Reader)
ahhh im so excited to write this! @aseriousfckingmess and @iamninaanna AND @maraudersbitvh​ asked for this and i was so happy bc i had so so many ideas and even more feelings. thank you to everyone who read my last two things i’ve written, i feel so so lucky and so happy. and thank you to those who spurred my ideas for a part 2! thank you thank you thank you. 
this is the second part to I Loved You which i wrote for @vogueweasley‘s challenge. so here it goes:
warnings: swearing, fluff, some angst, walburga being a butthole
not my gif
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“Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?” With that she turned on your heel and ran out of the dorm. Sirius stood and watched as you got smaller and smaller and with step she took, his anger ebbed a little. And then she was gone, leaving behind the boy who loved her.
“Mate,” Remus’s voice was cool and collected but the undertone of fury shook Sirius out of his stupor. “What the actual fuck did you do?” Remus swore often- he was always tripping over his long limbs, mumbling curses under his breath- but this, this, was calm fury. His jaw was wound tight and his eyes bore through Sirius. 
“Moony, I- I- What?” Sirius whispered, his voice sounded like the sad ending chord of a symphony as it moved and filled and soared through the space between them. “I- I- She hates me?” The realization rocked Sirius so hard, he found his knees skidding the rough carpet of the floor, Y/N’s words filled every inch of his head, spilling out his ears, mouth, his nose. “She hates me.” The only person who had ever seen past the arrogant smirk, the only person who had ever wiped his tears, whispered his fears away. The only person who had ever loved him, was gone. Gone. 
Remus needed to sit down. His whole body was buzzing with anger at Sirius. How could he hurt her? Why would he hurt her? It didn’t matter though. All that mattered was how sad Y/N looked, how tired and then how angry she had become. That wasn’t the kind, soft, funny, Y/N he knew. This was hurt, and betrayed and broken. He went to move the lumps in Y/N’s pillow aside when his hand brushed against paper. Remus dug his hand down farther underneath the sheet and grasped the paper. It was a letter and a stack of small papers, crumpled and wet with tears. He glanced down at Sirius, in his current shocked state and began to read. 
Sirius shook the tears from his eyes and turned to find Moony reading some papers on Y/N’s bed. Y/N’s bed. The one he’d used to sleep in. The one that he used to whisper the love of his life to sleep in. His mind was filled with thoughts, memories, and ocean of words and kisses and hugs. 
“YOU ARSE!” a screech shattered the rose tinted memories, Remus was up and towering over Sirius. “YOU ABSOLUTE BASTARD! I TRUSTED YOU! I TRUSTED YOU NOT TO HURT HER! YOU PROMISED! HOW COULD YOU?! SHE WAS NOTHING BUT GOOD AND KIND AND WONDERFUL TO YOU! SHE GAVE EVERYTHING TO YOU AND YOU BROKE HER! YOU BROKE HER!” Remus’s hands were shaking in an effort not to hit Sirius, he didn’t know the boy in front of him. It was occurring to him that maybe he never did. “YOU DON’T DESERVE HER AND YOU NEVER WILL!” He tossed the letters at Sirius’s face and with a turn Remus stormed out of the room and once again Sirius was walked away from, by the people who loved him most. 
Y/N was racing around the castle, trying not to break. She just needed to find a place. She paced past the stairwell to the Gryffindor Tower and stalled. She had taken those stairs and cuddled in his bed. She had kissed him awake and kissed him goodnight there. The memories came in waves, flowing down the stairs, kisses and hugs, fights and making up, crying and laughing until their stomachs hurt. Barefoot, racing toward the common room, collapsing on the couch, reading out loud. His smile, his eyes. His laugh, his cry, his nose all the way down to his toes. She knew it all. 
“Y/N?” a soft voice inquired, large hands placed on her shoulders, the soft smell of chocolate wafted through her nose. Remus.
She slowly turned around and was met by her best friends eyes drowned in worry. She croaked, “Did you know Rem? Did you know?” Her eyes filled with tears once more and she turned away, embarrassed. 
“No.” Remus slid his fingers under her chin, tilting her face up to meet his eyes. “No, no no. I never knew. I never thought he could even...” Remus trailed off as the tears spilled down her cheeks, “Come with me, love.” He then tucked Y/N under his arm and started to walk. She dug her face into his neck and smiled softly as she felt his hand encircle her own with a soft squeeze. Right now she just needed her best friend, who had always been there no matter what. And somehow he always just knew what she needed. As they entered Remus’s dorm and he threw her some comfy clothes and a book, she thanked him internally. Thanked whatever higher being there was that she had ended up with the best friend in the entire world. Her heart felt a little bit light as she snuggled into his side and he began to read aloud as he had done so many times before. 
“Rem?” she questioned, turning her gaze to his soft green eyes. 
“Yes?” his soft smile gave her made tears fill her eyes in gratitude.
“Thank you,”
“What for, darling?” Remus let his hands card softly through her hair as she looked away.
“Everything.” That word held so much meaning for them. Everything meant all the full moons, all the hard days and the good ones. All the sad moments and all the happy ones, all the time they had just been there. The quiet moments of just reading and the loud ones filled with laughter and joy. Everything just meant Remus existing. Thank you, she said, thank you for it all. 
Sirius would watch them from afar. His heart would ache as he hid around the corners as Remus and Y/N would walk to class. He would turn in his bed to hold her only to grab at cold sheets, to tell her a joke but she wasn’t there. To ask her if she really thought he was enough even if his family didn’t. If she didn’t think he was an awful person. Before, she would have held him and with words so soft, she would’ve told him how much she loved him and that he was real, human and it was okay to feel. But now, he was an awful person. Remus wouldn’t talk to him, Y/N wouldn’t look at him, and he was tired. 
He didn’t sleep anymore. All he could do was lay awake in hope of never falling into the dreams where Y/N would yell at him. Would curse him, spit at him. It was all his fault that she was gone. His fault that she couldn’t meet his eye. His fault that she hated him. Even drowning in these thoughts, he felt a confusion. What had he done? 
Sirius was sitting by the dying embers of the fire one night when footsteps echoed from behind him. “Sirius?” James’s groggy voice called, “What’s going on?” He didn’t answer. The footsteps got closer until James was next to him, sitting down. “Pads?” his voice had softened to one of worry, “Hey, tell me what’s up?”
“I can’t sleep James,” Sirius’s voice sounded like broken glass, the echo of happiness all but lost, “I love her. And I don’t even know what I did, but she’s gone. She’s gone. She’s gone, she’s gone, she’s gone. I love her. She was the only thing that mattered. I lost it all. I lost my family, my mom, my dad, my brother. My cousins. But I had her. And you guys but, with her... it was different.” James put a hand on Sirius’s shoulder and Sirius collapsed into James’s side. “She got it. And she was all I had. All that kept me good inside. The glue that held me together. SHE’S GONE!” and it went like that, Sirius sobbing into James, repeating how he didn’t know what he did, he loved her, he did. James just held him, his broken best friend as he cried for the girl he had lost. And James cried. He cried for his best friend who had been hurt so much and lost it all. He cried for the girl he once knew. But when his tears ran out and Sirius drifted off to let sleep’s greedy claws take him, he had an epiphany. Whether or not they liked it, Sirius and Y/N would forever be each others catalysts. The only way to balance was together. Apart, they would just keep on falling. 
James found a sense of resolve as he walked over to where Remus and Y/N lay under a tree, reading. 
“James...” Remus acknowledged him with caution, but James wasn’t done. 
“Remus, can I speak to you?” he asked, motioning to a spot not far off from the tree, “It won’t be long.” Remus glanced down at Y/N who offered James a tentative smile and wave. 
“Go on, Rem.” She said, “I’ll be fine.” With one last suspicious look, Remus got up and followed James to the shaded area where James leaned against the cool stone wall.
“Jam-” Remus began, but James was faster.
“Just let me say something.” James needed to know, “I just have to know. What happened?”
“Sirius didn’t tell you?” The bite in Remus’s voice made James flinch and he saw Remus’s face soften to apology. 
“No. He hasn’t slept, he lost it last night. Just blubbering about love and how he just didn’t know what he did!” James cried, “What did he do?”
“Tonight.” Remus’s face hardened now, “Room of Requirement, and bring Sirius. We need to have a little chat.” He then whipped around and resumed his position with Y/N, placing a brotherly kiss to the top of her head. Remus gave James a look which he took as a sign to leave. Sighing, he trudged off, hoping that Sirius wasn’t going to end up in the hospital wing tonight.
Remus paced impatiently in the seventh floor corridor as he waited for is roommates to show up. Just as he was about to go drag them from wherever they had gotten themselves sidetracked, James rounded the corner, dragging Sirius behind him. James stopped in front of Remus and shoved Sirius forward. He looked up and Remus’s heart clenched. His eyes were sunken deep and his eyes held a pain so deep he had to look away. He closed his eyes and heard the familiar scratching of the wall becoming the door. Remus couldn’t stomach a glance back at his friends sad face as he pushed the door open. Inside, there were plush couches and loveseats scattered around near a small fireplace. Remus took up a position curled into a loveseat and raised an eyebrow in expectation at James and Sirius. They quickly took their spots. James sitting on the floor while Sirius sat stiff backed on the couch. The silence and tension thickened as Remus started Sirius down, his eyes burning through his long tousled locks. James finally had enough, “AHEM.” Sirius’s head shot up, “Remus, please tell us what the bloody hell is going on.” Remus sighed and pulled the stack of well work paper from his pocket. Glancing down and then at Sirius’s hurt face, he let out another tired sigh. 
“What happened is that Sirius, our dear friend,” The way he spat the word friend had Sirius flinching and James’s eyes widening. “was using Y/N. To get back at his mother. And, and I quote  ‘ It doesn’t hurt that I get sex. I mean I could have any girl but damn, she gave herself to me so fast. Even I didn’t know I was that good. ‘” He let out a hard breath as Sirius’s face still looked painted with confusion.
James had stood up and was towering over Sirius, “YOU DID WHAT?!” he screamed, “YOU TOLD ME SHE WAS DIFFERENT!” Remus was in shock, he had never seen James yell at Sirius before. And he barely ever saw James angry. 
Sirius couldn’t even register the things that James was saying. He didn’t write that. No, no he didn’t. He loved her more then anything. She was the only one who cared. She kept him human in his family of monsters. She kept his feet on the ground when his head was in the clouds. He loved her. This was supposed to be the real thing. Like forever, this was it for him. “I didn’t- I would never- Remus-” The shock that she had read those words hit him like a knife to the gut. Remus threw the paper down at him and Sirius scrambled to read them all. Note after note after note saying awful things. Each time he read something he felt the knife twist as he realized she read this. His love. Thought.... he couldn’t even bare to finish the thought. He kept going and going. He knew he didn’t write these, his handwriting was neater then that, crafted to perfection by his mother. But all the things that the notes said; worthless, mudblood, fat, ugly. His Y/N was stunning, took his breath away, blood status didn’t matter. She was worth more then anything this world could offer. She was his world. The notes just kept going, the pile seemed endless. He couldn’t tell if he wanted to puke or go find you and get drunk on your kisses. He could feel Remus and James’s stares on him as he rifled through the papers. Just as he was about to turn away from them and tell his friends that theses weren’t his, a signet caught his eye. The Noble House of Black signet. He yanked the letter out and his eyes frantically scanned the page. His mother’s tone made his stomach churn. It was no wonder she hated him now. He might not be able to get her back, this was quite unforgivable, but he could put her heart at ease. He still loved her. But did she still love him?
“Remus, James; I didn’t write these” His voice came out raspy and shaky from the tears he didn’t even realize were falling down his face, hot waterfalls cascading on the papers. He cleared his throat and continued, “It was Regulus and Walburga. I know it. I love her. I don’t care about her blood status, I never have! She was it for me.” He lowered his head, “I know that I hurt her by putting her in harms way and she might still hate me, but I can try and fix what I’ve broken. I know I don’t deserve her and I never have, but she’s all I have and I need her. I need her to know how I feel. I need her know I love her and I’m sorry.” Sirius was crying harder but his voice was firm. Remus and James exchanged looks that very clearly said He’s telling the truth. Remus sunk to his knees and took Sirius into his arms. “Do you believe me?” Sirius’s voice was cracked and tired.
Remus tugged him closer letting Sirius’s tears soak through his sweater, “Yeah, yeah I do believe you. I’m sorry that I yelled at you, I didn’t even think.... but it all makes so much sense. She told me Regulus gave her the letters, and I mean Reg is a nice enough kid on his own but something seemed off. You’re my best friend and I should have given you the benefit of the doubt. I’m sorry. But if you ever really hurt her...” Sirius made a noise somewhere between a sob and a chuckle. 
“I know, I know... you did the right thing. If I did that, I would murder me too.” The boys laughed and James joined the hug. Sirius gave his smallest but most real smile in the weeks it had been. He had his friends back, now all that was left was her.
Sirius was shaking. Like actually shaking. He stood outside your dorm door as Remus knocked softly. “Y/N?” he called, “Can I come in?” 
“Remus? Come on in!” A soft voice floated out the door and he felt his mind go blank, his only thought was to get to her. James tried to shake him but he could only think about his skin on hers. The delicate shape of her hips and the small curve of her smile. His mind spun, would she forgive him? Could she forgive him? With one last glance back, Remus pushed the door open. Sirius froze. There she was. She had never looked more stunning in shorts and a old t-shirt of... his? Yeah, that was his shirt. His heart leapt, she was wearing his shirt. 
Y/N was petrified. What was he doing here? Her heart clenched, he looked so soft, and her whole body ached with the effort to run to him. “Siri...?” her voice came out soft and wispy, high and broken. His whole face broke open at the tears in your eyes. Y/N whipped around, furiously wiping at her tears. “Leave.” she croaked, “please.” 
Remus let a hand massage her shoulder, “Love, just listen to what he has to say. I would not have brought him here to hurt you, you know that.” She gazed up at her best friend with glassy eyes and scanned his face. His face only held love for her and strangely enough, hope. 
She turned away again, letting Remus’s hand fall of her shoulder, “Fine.”
Sirius stepped forward and took a breath. This was it. There was no going back or do overs anymore. “Y/N, I love you.” he began, “And I always will. Those notes, they weren’t from me. Regulus wrote them after he told Walburga about us. He must’ve seen you sneaking in or with me in the yard. They took you away from me to hurt me. And I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. I’m sorry for making you a target. But none of that bullshit if true. I love you and you are perfect. You are my whole entire world. You are my oxygen and I’m struggling to breathe right now. I love you so much and I know I don’t deserve you or your forgiveness but I need to know. Do you love me?”
Y/N was shocked. It all made sense, the notes, Regulus. The tears pooled in her eyes slipped out and she sobbed, hands clasped over her mouth. She had missed him so much and here he was in all his glory, with his long hair and his grey eyes, asking her if she loved him. She did, there was nothing to ask. 
“Y/N?” Sirius whispered and she realized she had been silent for much to long. 
“Of course I love you, you arsehole!” That was all it took to break Sirius and he was running at her and sweeping her up into his arms. Her breath fanned over his neck and he pulled back to gaze at the face he had been missing so much. The soul that completed him. 
“Do you forgive me?” he whispered as he inched closer to her lips.
She closed the gap, pressing her lips against his and his heart had never felt lighter. She pulled away softly and Sirius panted as he laughed at the sheer happiness of it all. “There’s nothing to forgive baby.” She breathed against his lips and went back to kissing him. He kissed her neck and her cheeks muttering all the things he loved about her between kisses. James and Remus shared a disgusted but happy look as they slipped out the room.
 “I love you Sirius Black and don’t you ever forget it.”
wow sorry the ending was rushed and idk but it’s done! thank you guys so much for reading this ahhhh im so happy that you guys liked it enough for a part 2! i love you guys!
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bibliocratic · 4 years
Been thinking about Martin being sad about/hating the way he looks bc he looks like his dad, and he tries to talk to Jon abt it, but he's Too Vague so Jon thinks he's worried that Jon doesn't like that he's fat and consequently comforts him about the wrong thing
This took so long, anon, sorry!
Because of the subject matter, there are content warnings in the tags
The first time Martin sees his own face, limp-eyed, flat and drained in the feeble straining light of the bathroom, he starts shaking. A stretching in his chest, like he's swallowed a swelling balloon that is pushing all the air out of him, bunging up his lungs and throat and mouth. That's how Jon finds him, tears sprung to his eyes as he sucks in scant and skittish breathes, his fingers clenching the lip of the sink and wondering why he can't be stronger than all this.  
After that, Martin takes to avoiding mirrors while he's in the safehouse.
It's not hard. He's had lots of practise recently. The Lonely had displayed many double-edged poisons in its folds disguised as furtive blessings. His reflection had been one of them. Martin had counted it as a grateful novelty, to walk past glass shop fronts and the over-stark bathroom mirrors in the staff toilets and see the refusal of light to grant his image returned to him. Even his exile to the seafront, the rock-pools vacant of crawling life or stubborn salt-encrusted fronds of lichen, had shown him only the eddy of tide, the ripples that his steps barely disturbed in the landscape.
It had been a kindness of sorts, to take his image from him. The mirror had never shown Martin anything but things he hadn't cared to see, his own neurosis writ large and backwards.
The morning is not unusual. The birds had woken him, piping shrill even through the double glazing, and Jon, still dozy and drooling his words into his pillow, had cursed and moaned indignant at the vocal wildlife. Martin had dropped back off for another twenty or so minutes, a smirk raising the sleep-dry corners of his lips, waking up when the bed creaked and Jon had stood and stretched and made all sorts of horrendous cracking noises like some sort of human castanet.
This morning though, Jon is in the bathroom, shaving, and making a worrying racket doing so, and Martin is still in that sort of headachy realm of not quite awake yet, where he still gathering the components than make him functional as he shuffles around in his boxers and waits for the shower to be free. Martin's not sure why today, but he finds himself opening the wardrobe. Inside, on the back of the left-hand side door, there's a full length mirror, pocked a little with age and smeared with dust.
Martin's not sure why he feels strong enough today to look.
The thing he expects to see first: his hair shorn down, just shy of a buzz cut. Martin's been doing it himself for years, every month or so hunching over the sink and bathroom mirror in his old flat in Stockwell and uniformly mowing his hair down to a prickly ginger fuzz.
His mum never liked his hair when he grew it out. Snapped and sniped about how long it was getting whenever it started to bend in a curl,  encroaching over his ears, and he'd not always had the money or time to go into town and go to the barber's. When he got his first job, scrimping aside the little he'd left over at the end of the month, he'd bought clippers from the nearest Boots, attached the first guard he'd picked up and ran it over his scalp until the up-scrub was spiky and even. The first time was a bit of a hack-job, lopsided and uneven, but he's improved his technique with time. The method and cut was cheap and basic and he wasn't fond of the way it made his ears look stuck out, but it was one less thing he had to worry about, one less thing his mum could disapprove of.
His hair now hangs, uninspired, slightly greasy and knotted over his ears. Shaggy-dog over his forehead until he swipes it back, a small curl down to the nape of his neck.
He looks like his dad. Sees the man he barely knew staring back, the image lost that Elias had so viciously returned. Studies his snubnose struck centre, a wide jaw that rounds out his face, ruddy cheeks with sparse and spotting freckles. Some of the hairs of his eyebrows are starting to grey. His eyes seem suspicious, washed out, unhappy. He wonders if this is what Jon sees, a man whose closed-off expression does not appear to trust the world nor its motives.
The sort of man who might just up and leave if the going gets tough.
Jon pads into the room, though Martin doesn't turn round.  He puts all his weight on the front of his feet, always has; even in the Archives, Martin could place Jon's footsteps next to Sasha's sturdier stride, Tim's faster tread.
Jon plants his face against Martin's back, grumbles through a good morning. He's smooth jawed again, his skin baking from the shower, his hair not quite towelled off properly, still dripping.
“Lookin' handsome,” Jon mumbles, throwing out a hand to gesture at the mirror, at the twin men standing awkward and self-conscious opposite each other.
Martin observes at his own hands cast back at him through the mirror. His thick arms, the round and pasty pale of them. He has big hands, he thinks to himself. Broad, weathered palms, the skin cracking dry, short and stubby fingers. Hair starts to grow sparse on the back of his hand close to his wrist and only gets thicker and denser up his arms. Jon slumped standing immediately behind him isn't visible in the reflection; Martin's body takes up too much room, wide and solid, even when he wants to secrete himself smaller. He's tall, like Dad was, he guesses, though he stoops and hunches in his shoulders to try and negate it. Martin thinks he looks like the sort of man that plays rugby and drinks too much. When he's walking home, trudging through the residential streets between the tube station and his flat, people passing him sometimes scrunch their body in away from him, and every time that hurts. In the dark, without his stumbling words and over-eager expression and his clumsiness, something about him looks like it could turn nasty, and Martin doesn't know how to take that.
He went drinking with Tim and Sasha once in Lambeth.  They'd had four or five and Sasha had bought them obnoxiously coloured and overpriced cocktails before dragging Tim over to the pool table, Martin sitting out to the side amiably, sipping his sugar-heavy drink and tapping his feet to the music someone put on the jukebox. Two men came over ten minutes later, drunker than them, arguing that they'd been there first, and Sasha had been fired up enough to snap back. It had looked like a scrap brewing, so Martin had put his drink down and stood up, anxiously ready and willing to urge Tim and Sasha away just to keep the peace. The two had looked at him, eyes roving up before they held up their hands, backing off, saying they'd come back when they'd finish.
“No bother, ey, big lad?” they'd slurred at Martin. “Didn't mean anything by it.”
Sasha had beamed as they left, and called Martin a lucky charm. He hadn't felt very lucky. He'd felt sick at the reminder.  
The problem as he sees it, is that everything about him is big.
Inside: too big heart and too raw-open soul. A great vast reservoir where he keeps every bubbling expression of fear and grief and rage that he's never expressed with his body.
Outside: big stocky arms, an over-hanging stomach matched with a tall spine and the sort of footsteps that announce his arrival well before he enters a room.
Martin's dad never hit his mum. He assumes that's something Elias would have glibly enjoyed sharing.  But sometimes he'd stood too close when they'd been fighting, looming, deliberately crowding in her space, and she'd noticed how much taller he was, how much stronger. She'd thought she saw something mean and nasty in his eyes, the way he clenched his fists that meant he wanted to.
She'd imagined she saw that look in her son sometimes too.
Martin worries about that. Worries what other poisoned legacies his dad left him with.
“Mart'n?” Jon says. He's encircled his arms as far as he can around him, though they don't link up, scratching his nails through the hair on his chest. His hands long-boned but smaller, slighter.
Jon is not a small man nor a tall one, average in appearance in most ways if not for the scars, if not for the way the composite of his image makes Martin's heart something stronger in his chest. But Martin is bigger than him when they lie together, Jon's side of the bed made less by default, shunting him further over to the corners. Martin is stronger than him, because Martin has lifted him bodily to hear Jon's laughing protestations as Martin manhandled him onto the sofa and kissed the veins down his throat, the blush risen in his cheeks.
And Martin's angrier than he used to be. Or angrier than he used to admit to being. His mood pinballing from flat to frustrated as everything the Lonely dulled ploughs back into him, all of Martin's mechanisms, the checks-and-balances he built within himself gone ruinous. Martin can be so angry these days, and he doesn't know how to deal with it.
Martin doesn't like the way that worry fizzes under his tongue.
“My dad had big hands,” he says out of nowhere. “He wore some rings, I think, and he had to get them resized to fit his fingers.”
“You making plans to get us rings already?”
Jon's joke is shy and nudging, but Martin doesn't feel like raising the corners of his mouth in a smile.
Martin moves a hand to squeeze the flesh that bunches around his upper arms, pats his stomach.
“I've definitely got his belly,” he says. “His arms. Prob'ly end up with his hair to boot, he was receding a bit.”
Jon's hands stroke palm down over what stomach he can reach.
“I like your stomach,” he says, and it's not that Martin doesn't believe him, because he's getting better at not doubting people, at allowing himself to trust they might like something about him. It's that that wasn't the point.
“Hmm,” Martin says noncommittally, and glances at his own hands again. Square chewed nails and the small bumps of veins.
“You don't look happy,” Jon says.
“What? No, I mean, it – it's fine, it's...”
“Do you... not like looking in the mirror?”
Martin sighs.
“Not particularly.”
“Because you have a problem with how you look?”
“You don't have to spell it out like that, Jon.”
“Like what?”
“Like you're a – my therapist or something. I don't want to – to be questioned o-or psychoanalysed about it. I just, no – I don't like looking at myself. That's all.”
Jon's arms don't unhook from around him. Martin exhales and feels the frustration like sediment build up.
“I look exactly like my dad,” Martin says finally, bitterly.
“You don't,” Jon replies quietly, into the meat of Martin's shoulder.
“You can't know that,” Martin says, although the words are empty of meaning and they both know it. Jon both can and does, whether he means to or not.
Feeling his Adam's apple bob, he continues: “Elias, he showed me. When I was – er, when we needed him distracted.”
Jon's arms clench around him.
“Elias showed you what he wanted you to see,” he says after a careful moment.
Martin shakes his head, because he saw what he'd known already, what his mum had seen, the trickle of memory gushing torrential. That he has his dad's big fingers, big hands and big anger, and he is frightened of what sort of a man that makes him.
“I could....” Jon's fingers flex and skate over the skin where Martin's stretch marks root down to his hips. “I could look? If you wanted? Tell you if Elias was... if what he showed you was true.”
Martin thinks about it, but Jon feels the silence of his refusal and presses his nose against the freckled handful of skin where Martin's shoulder blades are.
“I'll tell you what I see then?”
“See see, you mean?”
“No. Normal seeing. With my own two eyeballs.”
“I am being blessed with the originals today, what a gift.”
Jon headbutts him with his forehead, and the small laugh and a 'Jon!' is pushed out of him as a scarred palm is held up near his face, an eyelid opening in the skin to leer at Martin.
“Put your bloody Pan's Labyrinth eyeball away,” Martin grouches, and he can feel Jon grinning mischievous as the disconcerting eyeball winks before being sunk closed back into the skin.
“I am never going to get used to that.”
Jon makes a noise of agreement. He unplasters himself from Martin's back, and takes a tugging hold of his wrist.
“Look at me?”
Martin lets himself be turned round. Weak-willed, soft-spined to the last wherever Jon is concerned.
Jon looking up at him now, fringed with damp locks seaweeding down his face. Martin brushes them back out of the way, and Jon captures his hand, meshes their fingers together slowly and precisely.
“Tell me?” he asks quietly. “What you've been thinking about? And I'll tell you what I see.”
“My hands,” Martin says after a moment and Jon nods and hums and holds Martin's captured palm in front of him.
“Bigger than mine,” Jon says, demonstrating, holding the two of them as imperfect reflections of each other.  “You've got short nails because you bite them. The cold's making the skin dry, but they're soft, usually. Sturdy. Even when – even when we were leaving the Lonely, I knew once you took my hand we wouldn't get separated.”
“My – er, my arms,” Martin says after a while, prodding with his free hand at the loose flesh at the undersides of his arms. “Well, my bingo wings.”
Jon frowns, reaches up to encircle his grip around them.
“You've got muscle under there,” he says. “You can lift me, no trouble. The first time you did, I, um, couldn't help but hope you'd do it again.”
Martin finds it in himself to meet Jon's gaze.
“Yeah?” he says, pleased.
Jon is starting to blotch with blush, but he carries on, fingers stroking Martin's upper arms.
“Even if you weren't strong,” he says. “You've got – your, um. Freckles. There's no pattern to them, of course, but I like seeing if I can find one anyway.”
“You're a big softie,” Martin chides roughly, dry-mouthed and watery eyed.
Jon doesn't deny it.
“What else?” he asks delicately.
“I'm – I'm heavy,” Martin says, the words shrivelling quiet on his tongue. “I-I don't mind – I'm not ashamed of being, you know, not the smallest guy, I've never had a-a problem with it, not exactly, but I-I'm bigger than you. I'm stronger than you and I take up more room and, my dad, I look so much like him s-s-so what if – ”
He trails off. Swallowing. Unable to finish.
Jon's arms embrace him and he allows himself to be bent down, the angle uncomfortable and Jon on tip-toe, his face mushed into the side of Jon's throat.
Jon rubs at the broad expanse of his back.
“You'd never hurt me,” Jon says, fiercely. “Whether you look like your father or not. You're not him, Martin. I can't, I know I can't convince you, but it doesn't matter if you've got his arms or his eyes or his hair. He's never been where you've been, or done what you've managed. I bet he doesn't – doesn't write poetry, or whistle the Archer's theme tune, or I dunno, is completely useless at catching things.” Martin gives a wet attempt at a laugh. Jon's hands move comfortingly up and down.
“You're not your dad,” Jon continues after a moment. “You aren't responsible for the man he was, or the man your mother thought she saw in you. That's not – it's not your burden to carry. Fuck whatever shadows Elias showed you. You're not him. It's – I can't make you like what you see in the mirror, but when I look at you, I don't see any of the things you're scared of.”
“You can really just, know all that, huh,” Martin says after a minute, lifting up his head, rubbing his eyes with his hand.
“I don't need to,” Jon replies.
Martin's hugs are crushing and enveloping but Jon clings back as tightly.
Martin pulls back after a minute, wiping his eyes again though he knows they've gone red and puffy, already feeling the crimping heat of self-consciousness in his chest. Jon leans back in to kiss him, first his lips, and then his cheek, quick and affirming, as he trails his fingers through his hair.
“You'll be wanting this cut soon,” Jon says, although he seems disappointed at the thought, combing his fingers through the tangle self-indulgently.
“I might try growing it out.” Martin tests the water of the idea, and Jon looks approving at this, nods and hums and runs his fingers through again.
It's been a long time since his hair was longer. Martin thinks he might suit it.
“What would you say to a beard?” Martin follows up,  just to see Jon try to valiantly quash his dissatisfaction and keep a neutral expression. He almost succeeds.
“If you... If you think it best,” Jon manages stiffly. 
Martin's laugh is a free and booming thing in his chest.
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
Dating Sero Hanta ♡
(This is a general dating headcanon for Sero! It may be a little short because I only started it yesterday to post for his birthday - it’s also a mess, my thoughts were all over the place - but Sero needs so much more love 🥺 happy birthday tape boy)
Only vaguely hints towards fem!reader when Mineta is mentioned, because well it’s Mineta, but other than that it’s gender neutral!
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He’d actually be sO SWEET LIKE
He’s kind of flirty but not like Kaminari level yk? Because he’s seen as the plain one smh he’s so much more than the plain one
And although he’s seen as very sociable in class, he’s scAred to ask you out at first.
You would have probably been friends with Mina, Kami, Kiri and Sero beforehand because you need to be a able to understand their level of dumbassery to then be able to date someone in that group.
They’d tease you both so much - the obliviousness of you two hurts them
They take matters into their own hands one day and now you’re a great couple!
Cuddling in his room would be a very cosy past time for the two of you
Like look at the gif, his room would be so relaxed and warm with him beside you
Also, hammock cuddling. Falling asleep together and he has one leg dangling off the edge to lightly push off from the floor to keep it rocking as you fall asleep in the hammock with him I-
I can imagine y’all pranking people or having your own prank war.
He would leave tape across his door or any doorway and call you in, just waiting for you to run in and right into the tape.
He’ll continue to laugh his ass off everytime you fall for it.
This has happened so many times to the point where you cautiously walk towards his dorm room if the door is ever already open.
You’ve definitely pushed Kaminari into his tape traps before
Pretend you’re mad at him and he’ll spew out stuff like “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again” and to win you over he’s just like “we can prank Kaminari?” 👀
I know everyone says it, but recreate the spider man kiss with him
It’s very sweet and it was his idea originally and it seemed romantic
but uh, he may have almost passed out due to the blood rushing to his head one time.
And we all know that one scene where they’re going through everyones dorms and Sero tapes up Mineta, yeah, Mineta isn’t allowed anywhere near you. A general conversation maybe, but if any creepy or uncomfortable remark is made he is there in an instAnt to tape that grape up again.
A power duo in training, you make your quirks compliment each other in some way from hours of extra training together out of school - he may not be that flashy but he works hard to be a hero
I think overall it would be a very relaxed, trusting and playful relationship
Lots of teasing and inside jokes
He’ll let you play with his hair and style it sometimes
One day he walks out of his dorm with like french plaits or space buns and everyone is like “what-”
He just gives them his bright smile and proceeds to grab you both a drink before heading back to his room that you were waiting in.
Oh my god Sero with a low bun or ponytail- I’m-
Just that, or Sero in a beanie, you’d get to see it all 😌
I’m exposing my love for Sero bc it’s his birthday
He’d send you memes dAily - he’ll be disappointed if you don’t send some back
“This meme reminded me of you” insert clown or simp meme
he’d send you cute heart memes as well s o m e t i m e s
It would be one of those relationships where you go from bullying each other to like kissing and cuddling in a matter of seconds and people think you’re really cute together.
(Small) birthday bonus:
Quietly opening the door to his room, you pad over to his bed, taking in the messy, dark hair that you could see displayed across his pillow. A small giggle left your lips as you saw the peaceful smile his were in. But, deciding to break his tranquil moment you ripped the sheets off of him and flopped directly on top of him.
“Happy birthday, Hanta! I hope you appreciate affection, kisses and hugs as your main present, it’s time to get up”
“I’d appreciate it all a lot more if I wasn’t woken up in such a brutal way” he mumbled as he shuffled around and rolled, pulling you both into a spooning position. He placed his head on your shoulder and kept you trapped in his arms.
“Thank you for the birthday wish and present, but could we stay here a little longer?”
“Of course! It is your brithday, the other plans can wait for a bit.” Letting yourself relax into his comforting hold was always easy anyway.
“Thank you” His words only came out as a whisper as he tried to sleep again.
No words were spoken for many minutes until something started nagging you, literally.
“Your tape dispensing elbows are digging into me.”
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happytsukki · 4 years
me, you, and us.
t. kuroo
genre: angst
wc: 1.5k
a/n: i’ve had writer’s block for a few days and i was about to just stick to reading bc i can’t write to save my life. was genuinely about to give up and just finish my smau LOL but here’s my attempt to keep going ;-; should i write a pt 2? dont know if its better left at that sooo you should tell me your thoughts!
“look, i’m happy for you, really y/n,” kuroo hesitates and inhales sharply. his fingers fidget around the mug laid in front of him, eyes avoiding the look tinged with concern painted across your face. “but what about us? you said— no we said we would do this whole adult thing together. we would build our lives in tokyo with our family and friends. you would become a lawyer, i would become a scientist. then, we could start a family, have mini me’s running around here,” he shudders, his voice growing increasingly weary with every word. his chest heaves up and down as he fights the urge to cry out in frustration.
three years. it’s been 3 long, glorious years since kuroo confessed his feelings to you back at nekoma. and what first began as something simply platonic blossomed into an enduring type of love that allowed the two of you to brush past all the obstacles. first, it was conflicting time schedules at work, then it was that overly flirty coworker that seemed to constantly cling on to him, and there was also the ex-boyfriend trying to “befriend” you again ordeal; but despite all the struggles, your love reigned supreme and nothing seemed to separate the bond you two held.
and love to kuroo meant not only reminiscing in the first’s, and reveling in the now’s, but also dreaming about the what if’s. dreams that he so badly wanted to become a reality.
“i know, tetsu, but look,” you desperately plead, a hand reaching out to capture his face, jaw tightened and brows knitted tightly. your knees brush his thighs as you lean forward but he remains rigid in his position. you’ve never seen him like this, indignation underlying his despair. “it’s a paid internship with one of the best firms in the nation! imagine how many opportunities this opens up for me, no, i mean for us in the future. besides, distance has nothing on us, right?”
no matter how hard you tried to sound confident, it sounded too much like a question rather than an affirmation. you could feel the cracks emerging in your relationship. the doubts washing away the glue that held you two together against all the past ups and downs. and despite being only a few feet apart, you felt oceans away from the man in front of you.
“no,” he says sternly, recoiling from your touch. he stands and takes steps away from you, a pained expression staring right back at you. “there’s no us in this, y/n. this is all about you. you’re the one being selfish.” he snarls, pointing a hard finger at your face.
“don’t say that tetsu, that’s not true,” you shout back, rage stirring within the depths of your stomach. you couldn’t fathom how he was blaming you right now. you were fully certain that if he came home to you one day, rejoicing in news of an opportunity for his career path, you would cry out in jubilation. so the fact that he was doing quite the opposite made your blood boil.
“i thought you would be happy for me— but you’re just being a dick about it!” you scream, loud enough for your neighbors to hear past the thinly lined walls of your apartment, but you couldn’t care less. your emotions were high and there was no off switch to stop the flood of venom slipping out your lips.
“are you kidding me? i’m the one at fault here y/n?”
at this point, both of you are shouting at full volume, anger bouncing off each other, and chipping away at your hearts. how could the one you loved the most be the one who ended up hurting you the worst? you think to yourself, breaths growing ragged from your emotions.
“but you are tetsurou! why can’t you support me?” it’s tiring, and maybe it’s your mind fighting your heart, but whatever it was made you feel completely helpless. it was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, and each choice resulted in your own misery.
“what am i supposed to do while you pick up everything and move to the other side of the japan? did you expect me to come with you, or stay here and continue long distance? admit it, you didn’t even bother thinking about me in all of this, because i was never a part of your future!”
then there’s silence.
a deafening silence that was far too long on your part. and kuroo decides right there and then.
amid your scramble to find the right thoughts, right words to convince him, no— yourself that he was always in your mind, a priority in your heart, he storms off into the bedroom you shared.
you chase after him, legs absolutely numb as you attempt to drag your heavy feet across the carpeted floor. oh how quickly your anger dissipates and transforms into a painful sorrow.
“tetsu?” you whisper from behind him. your eyes fall onto the suitcase laid out on the bed, clothes overflowing from it. he hears you, but he doesn’t pause. he continues his fit of rage, walking back and forth from the dresser to throw his belongings into the suitcase. kuroo rummages through the drawers, leaving a mess behind everything he touches, but it didn’t matter at this point.
“don’t do this tetsu. please.” you cry out, hand clutching at the tighteness in your chest that made it difficult to find a breath. you find yourself following his every step, fingers reaching out for his but he dodges your desperation every time.
“why? you were gonna leave me anyway,” he hisses stridently behind his lashes brimming with tears, zipping the last of his stuff away in that little suitcase.
before he can walk through the door of your bedroom, you stop him and place your fists against his chest.
“look at me, tetsu. i love you. please, don’t do this,” you breathe. your hands go up to cup his face, sending shivers down his spine. as the pads of your thumbs delicately wipe away the tear stains, you can almost feel him lean into your touch. and for a moment, that hardened expression softened into the one you had grown to love for years. but it’s gone within seconds and your hands turn cold, missing his warmth.
“i’m only making this easier for you. now you don’t have to go through the pain of choosing, because i think we both know how this ends.” he sighs.
your forlorn whispers grow into desperate pleas for him to stay. but his feet don’t stop until he’s facing the front door, fingers grazing the silver knob that led to an escape from this situation, an escape from what he used to consider his paradise.
“don’t please. kuroo. tetsurou. i love you. don’t leave me.”
your sobs drive you to your knees and you reach for his arm one more time. maybe he’ll stay. maybe he’ll forgive you. maybe he’d still let you be a part of his future. you silently pray over and over, hoping that maybe the heavens could hear you and convince him. and those same thoughts run through kuroo’s mind but the words he was truly seeking for was nowhere to be found.
i won’t leave you.
that’s all he wished you would say. but minutes pass and he thinks it’s hopeless.
so he walks right out your life, just like that. he manages to mutter a sad “i love you too” before shutting the door but it’s far too quiet to be heard and you’re left alone in that empty, desolate apartment.
it’s cold, lacking the warmth that kuroo radiated from his mere presence. it’s dark, deprived of the brightness kuroo cast from his silly jokes and sweet words. so you’re sitting there, back against the door while you wretchedly wrap your arms around that old picture frame. it contained your graduation picture, lips pressed against kuroo’s as the team looks on proudly.
you start to think how funny it is how these memories that once made your heart swell with bliss became the monsters breaking down your very existence.
you’ve memorized every great and minute detail about him, but now you want to lock these up and throw away the key. it’s not out of regret or contempt, but protection against the guilt writhing away at your whole being.
and while you wept relentlessly, tears drenching your cheeks and the weight on your chest expanding, kuroo was lost.
how could the entire premise of his future slip out of his fingertips so easily?
a day ago, kuroo felt like he was on top of the world, basking in the vibrancy you continued to bring into his dull life. an itching sensation blossomed in his heart as he gushed to kenma over the idea of proposing, and of course, his best friend happily encouraged him to.
but within hours, an earthquake had sent tremors through his world. you were his entire foundation, a stabilizing rock against all the raging shakes and storms. but you weren’t his anymore.
without you, he lost the feeling of feeling. black and white darkening his world into nothingness.
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