#probably coz no eat and is 9pm and last i ate was last night
ajax-mew · 4 months
i dizzy
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chobit92 · 5 years
Small World: Joseph/OC Part 30
Joseph finally finds Jacob. John continues to struggle with drink and drugs and Lillith finally has enough...
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Sex, Drugs, PTSD
 (Joseph is about to leave the New Dawn homeless shelter and clinic when an old man walks over to him. The man is filthy and reeks of body odour and urine. His hair is scraggy and his face sunken.). Man: I hear you’re looking for your brother? Joseph: Yes. Man: Jacob. Joseph: Yes. Man: There was a guy called Jacob here. About 3 months ago. He was in bad shape. Joseph: How bad? Man: Spent most of his time lying in bed. Didn’t want to talk to anyone or eat or anything. Gave up on life he did. Joseph: He did? Man: Yeah. Probably dead now I reckon. He got kicked out of here. Got into a fight with another guy, Gus. Ah I can’t blame Jacob really. Gus was a real dickhead. He was always annoying Jacob. Guess Jacob had enough and he thumped him. Actually he put him in intensive care. He was booted out of here. Last I heard the police were looking for him for the assault. Joseph: Did you ever hear his last name? Man: Yeah. He had it written on the beat up old army jacket he always wore. Seed. (Joseph sighs.). Man: You okay? Joseph: Y-Yes. Fine. Thank you. Man: He’s your brother isn’t he? Joseph: Yes. I have been searching for him for years. Man: Hm. You Joseph or John? Joseph: Joseph. He spoke about us? Man: Nah. He didn’t talk to no one. Only time I heard him say a word was when he was asleep. He got nightmares real bad. Ah yeah. (The man takes a swig out of a hip flask.). Man: He always called out your name in his sleep. Always calling out for Joseph and John. (Tears sting Joseph’s eyes. He reaches into his pocket and hands the man a few bills.). Joseph: Thank you. Man: Much obliged. (Joseph heads for the door.). Man: You know you might want to check St Augustine’s. Joseph: St Augustine’s? Man: Yeah. Lots of homeless war vets end up there. The broad that runs the place tries to help ‘em best she can. Erika. Bless her. Her father was a war vet. Why she started the shelter in the first place. It’s three blocks away over on main. You can’t miss it. Joseph: Thank you. (Joseph leaves the shelter heading off up the road.). * (Joseph walks into John’s apartment. It’s just gone 9pm. He had no luck at St Augustine’s. Jacob wasn’t there. But he is getting closer to finding him he is sure of it. He can’t have gone far. He sees two wine glasses on the coffee table along with an almost empty bottle. He then hears Lillith giggling down the hall. They must be in bed. He then hears soft thumping and Lillith moaning loudly. It would seem that she has forgiven him again. Joseph goes to the kitchen and makes himself a cup of herbal tea. He sits on the sofa thinking about where to look next for Jacob. He takes his list out of his pocket and crosses off the places he visited today. He then stares at the floor awkwardly as John and Lillith become even more vocal. The walls must be made of cardboard. Joseph turns the TV on and turns the volume up. He decides to put the news on. He has never liked watching the news. It fills him with horror every time. About a minute later he hears the door open down the hall and Lillith walks through the lounge to the kitchen. She is wearing a very small silk black nightie and nothing else.) Lillith: Hey Joe! Joseph: Evening. Lillith: How did the search for Jacob go? Joseph: I am getting closer. I met a man today that knew him briefly. Lillith: Really? That’s great. Hey John! John: What?! Lillith: Get out here! Your brothers home! (Lillith gets another bottle of wine from the fridge and picks up one of the glasses from the coffee table. She pours herself another glass and takes a sip. John appears wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. His usually perfectly groomed hair is sticking up all over the place and some of it has fallen into his eyes.). John: Are you stealing all of my wine? Lillith: Not all of it. You’ve drank most of it! (He chuckles before squeezing her hips and kissing her.). Lillith: Ummm. I think I’ll get you drunk more often. John: I thought you hated my drinking. Lillith: Only when you have too much. (She kisses him and squeezes his ass making him flinch.). John: Hey! (She turns to pick up her wine and he slaps her ass making her giggle. John picks up the bottle and brings it to the lounge pouring himself another glass. Lillith sits down and sips her wine.). Lillith: Joe was just telling me that he met a man that knew Jacob today. (John stops mid sip and looks at Joseph over his glass.). John: Oh? Joseph: Yes. He told me that Jacob was at the New Dawn shelter 3 months ago but that he got kicked out for fighting. He said that... (Joseph doesn’t know whether he can bring himself to tell them the rest of it.). Lillith: Joe are you okay? (Lillith puts her glass down and moves closer to Joseph putting her arm around him.). John: What is it? He isn’t dead is he? Joseph: No. No. He misses us John. John: What? How do you know that? Lillith: Of course he misses you. He’s probably been looking for the two of you for years too. Joseph: I don’t think that he has. The man told me that Jacob is...Broken. The army has... Lillith: Oh. Joseph: He said that he had given up on life. He hardly ate and when he did sleep he would have nightmares. The man said that he always called out for us in his sleep. (There is silence. Lillith takes another sip of wine.). Joseph: I’m going back out tomorrow. I will find him. Lillith: I’m sure you will. John: Did the man say why Jacob had been fighting? Lillith: That’s your only question? John: Well I’m just curious. Joseph: He said that one of the other men was always winding him up. John: Hm. Must run in the family. Lillith: What? Everyone loses it once in a while. John: Hm. Lillith: It’s okay John. We’re gonna find him. We should all go out and look. John: I have to go to work. Lillith: Coz that’s more important than finding your brother? Joseph: It’s alright. I can look. Lillith: Well I think we should all be looking. (There is silence.). Joseph: It’s alright. I would rather find him on my own. I think it will be overwhelming enough for us to be reunited after all these years. But to meet you and...I’m not saying...Of course he will want to meet you Lillith- Lillith: It’s okay. But if you want our help looking just say so. Joseph: Thank you. I’ll be fine. Lillith: We should probably get to bed. John: It’s not even ten. Lillith: Well you’ve got to be up for work haven’t you? John: Well yes but... (He sighs.). John: I will help you look for Jacob. Is that what you wanted Lily? Lillith: Well yes...But that isn’t what I meant. I just meant that if you stay up too late you will end up sleeping in then you will grumble that you are tired and late for work. (John sighs.). John: Yes. You’re right. As always. Lillith: A woman is always right. (Joseph smiles.). Joseph: Have you set a date yet? Lillith: A date? (Lillith frowns.). Joseph: For your wedding. (Lillith swallows hard and looks down before taking a large gulp of wine.). Lillith: No. (John says nothing. Joseph looks at him and raises his eyebrows.). John: What? Joseph: You should set a date. (John finishes his glass of wine and gets up picking up the bottle and putting it back in the fridge.). John: I need a shower. (He then disappears down the hall. Lillith sighs.). Lillith: I don’t know why he doesn’t just tell me that he doesn’t want to marry me. Joseph: I’m sorry. Lillith: For what? Joseph: He shouldn’t be treating you like this. Lillith: It’s okay. I always knew we would never get married. I think he only proposed because he had seen me looking at the ring and he felt bad for cheating on me when I had done so much for him. Joseph: You deserve better than this. Lillith: Do I? Joseph: Of course you do. (She smiles.). Lillith: He ordered pizza and we drank wine. Then we made love and now we are drinking more wine. He even sang to me after dinner. We watched my favourite movie too. Now I’m gonna go and shower with him then he will probably make hot chocolate with marshmallows and snuggle with me in bed. (She looks at him and smiles again.). Lillith: It doesn’t get better than this. (She gets up and takes her wine glass to the kitchen.). Lillith: Night Joe. Joseph: Goodnight Lillith. (She smiles at him before going down the hall to John’s bedroom closing the door behind her. The bathroom door is open and she can hear the shower running. She goes into the bathroom and walks over to the shower opening the door. He turns and looks at her. She slips the nightie off letting it drop to the floor. His eyes travel downwards and he smiles. She steps into the shower with him and wraps her arms around him kissing him.). Lillith: Today has been awesome. John: It has? Lillith: Yep. I love you. John: Ummm. (He kisses her back then turns her pressing her up against the glass side of the shower. He starts kissing her neck. She sighs as his hands travel downwards. He presses himself against her and she moans, her hands sliding down the glass as he continues to kiss and nip at her neck.). Lillith: John. John: Sssh. Don’t speak. (She moans again as his fingers slide into her. He bites her shoulder.). John: You are so beautiful. Lillith: Ummm. (She cries out as he suddenly presses into her. Her breasts press up against the glass and he slides his hand in between her legs making her cry out.). * (Lillith wakes up. She is a little cold so she snuggles underneath the duvet. She feels John behind her. He moves closer to her and puts his arm over her.). Lillith: Ummm. John: Morning Lillith: Morning. What time is it? (She hears him pick up his phone and put it back down.). John: Just gone 7. Lillith: Um. It’s too early. John: Well some of us need to get up for work. Lillith: Is that you trying to hint that I should find a job? John: No. You don’t need one. You have me. Lillith: But that’s not fair. You shouldn’t have to support me. John: Well...I do. (She rolls over to face him and he kisses her.). John: Now I need to get ready for work. Otherwise I won’t be able to support anyone. (She smiles then kisses him sliding her hands through his hair. He then gets out of bed.). Lillith: Come back. John: I need to get ready. Lillith: Hm. (He goes into the bathroom and minutes later she hears the shower running. She starts to drift back off to sleep when there is a knock on the bedroom door.). Lillith: Joe? Joseph: I’m heading out to look for Jacob. I have a few more shelters to search. Lillith: Okay. Do you need help? Joseph: No. I’ll be fine. Lillith: Okay. Good luck. Joseph: Thank you. I’m not sure what time I’ll be back. Lillith: Do you have your key? Joseph: Yes. Lillith: See you later. Joseph: See you later. (Lillith closes her eyes and thinks about what to do for the day while everyone’s out. Maybe she’ll go see Franky.). * (Joseph leaves the canteen of the Samaritans homeless shelter. He walks down the hall. Nobody really wanted to speak to him and the staff were not very helpful either. He is heading for the exit when he hears something that makes him stop. He turns to see a door that has been left ajar. At first he thinks that his mind has played a trick on him. But then he hears it again. A man’s voice. A man’s voice calling for Joseph and John.). * (Lillith walks into John’s apartment and throws her keys on the kitchen counter. She spent the afternoon with Franky. She pours herself a glass of wine and sits down on the sofa switching on the TV. Her phone vibrates and she takes it out of her pocket looking at the text message. It’s from John. He’ll be home late. His usual excuse about being stuck in meetings. She wonders if it’s true or not. She never knows what to believe with John anymore. She sighs and downs the glass of wine before pouring herself another.). * (Joseph looks down at the man lying curled up on the small cot. The man calling for Joseph and John. The man that Joseph is sure is his older brother Jacob. He’s found him. He’s finally found him. But Joseph wonders if he really has found him. The man lying before him is nothing like the man in the picture John found in Jacob’s service record. This man is far from the soldier in the photo. He sits down as the man opens his eyes and blinks up at him.). Joseph: Jacob? (The man stares at him. Tears sting Joseph’s eyes as he looks at his brother. There is nothing left of him. Joseph slowly reaches out and takes Jacobs hand. Jacob flinches away from him slightly.). Joseph: It’s Joseph. I’m sorry it took me so long to find you. (Jacobs arm suddenly comes up pulling him closer and they end up in each other’s arms as Jacob starts to sob.). * (Joseph walks into John’s apartment. He sees Lillith curled up on the sofa asleep. Jacob was reluctant to come with him. He is still at the shelter. Joseph told him that he would be back tomorrow with John and that they would leave together. Jacob seemed happy that they have found each other but he also seemed reluctant. Joseph sighs. He makes himself a cup of herbal tea and goes to the lounge. Lillith stirs and sits up.). Lillith: Hey. Joseph: Evening. Lillith: Is John back yet? Joseph: He isn’t here? Lillith: Clearly not. (She sighs and looks at her phone. She has another text. He is going to be late tonight as the meeting overran and he has case notes to go through. She sighs and shakes her head.). Joseph: He’s working late? Lillith: That’s what he tells me. Though I won’t be surprised if he smells like a bar when he gets back. Joseph: Hm. You should call him. Lillith: No point. He probably won’t answer and he hates it when I call. (There is silence as Lillith gets up and opens another bottle of wine before pouring herself a glass. She sits back down again taking a sip.). Joseph: I found Jacob today. (Lillith turns to look at him in surprise.). Lillith: That’s great! How is he? Joseph: Not good. Lillith: Oh. How come he didn’t come back with you? Joseph: I’m not sure. I don’t think he’s ready yet. Lillith: Not ready? You’re his brothers. Joseph: Yes but Jacob is...Not himself. Lillith: What do you mean? Joseph: He is broken. Severe PTSD would be my guess. Lillith: Oh Joe. Joseph: I have found one brother full of rage and the other completely hollow. His eyes are what will haunt me tonight. They were...Dead. (Lillith sighs.). Lillith: Well we need to get him back here with us. Then we can take him to the doctors. I’m sure John won’t mind paying whatever price to get him some help. Joseph: I can help him. Lillith: You’re not a doctor Joe. Sounds like Jacob needs some serious therapy. Joseph: Therapy. That’s what they call it. But it isn’t. The world just hides people like that. They ask questions not because they are trying to heal but because they are trying to work out how much of a danger they are to society. Lillith: That’s a pretty negative view. Jacob just needs support and to talk about things. That’s the mistake people make. Especially men. They don’t talk to anyone. Joseph: You are an expert? Lillith: Franky had a brother. He was in the army. He had PTSD and he didn’t tell anyone. He hid it from everyone. It was the worst thing he could have done. It only got worse. Me and Franky knew something was wrong. Franky looked up PTSD and we read all about it. We tried to get him to understand that he had a problem and that he needed some help but he wouldn’t listen. He said there was nothing wrong. Joseph: What happened to him? Lillith: He killed himself. Joseph: That will not happen to Jacob. Lillith: You don’t think that it will but how do you know? He might have already thought about doing it. That man you met said he wasn’t eating and that he had given up on life didn’t he? Joseph: Not now he has us. He has something to live for. Lillith: So did Franky’s brother. He had a three year old and a wife and he still killed himself. Joseph: I have faith. Faith that everything is going to work out. Lillith: Hm. Must be nice. To be so sure of everything. (She leans back and closes her eyes. They sit in silence for a while. Then the door opens and John stumbles in. Lillith looks up and sighs.). Lillith: I fucking knew it. (John is drunk and he smells of booze. His eyes are red and bloodshot and his nose is running.). Lillith: He’s been on the drugs again too. For goodness sake. (She gets up and takes John’s hand leading him towards the hall.). Lillith: Come on. John: No! (John yanks his arm away from her.). Lillith: Come on John you need a shower then you need to go to bed. (He has a cut on his forehead and she touches it.). Lillith: Have you been fighting again? John: Hm. (She sighs and takes his hand trying to lead him to the hall again but he yanks himself away from her and hits her sending her wine glass to the floor where it smashes. Joseph surges forward.). Joseph: John! (But Lillith surprises both of them. She punches John in the face.). Joseph: Lillith! (John is staring at her. He looks a little bewildered.). Lillith: Stop fucking hitting me! Now get in there and have a shower! You pathetic useless man! (Lillith regrets the words as soon as she has said them. John is staring at her sadly. He then turns and slowly pads down the hallway and they hear the bedroom door close. Tears roll down Lillith’s cheeks as she goes to the kitchen and fetches the dustpan. She sweeps up the glass and dries the puddle of wine with some kitchen towel before getting another glass and pouring herself another.). Joseph: That isn’t going to help. Lillith: Don’t you dare judge me. Joseph: I was not. You shouldn’t have hit him. Lillith: It’s about time someone bloody did. I am not putting up with it anymore Joe. I am not being someone’s punching bag! (Joseph sighs.). Joseph: My child. You need to calm down. This will not help anyone. Lillith: What do you know? You’ve only been here five minutes. I’ve known John for years. It’s about time I hit him back. Joseph: I understand. I do. But it’s not the way. (Lillith leans against the side sipping her wine. A few minutes later John emerges from his room. He walks slowly into the kitchen. His hair is wet and he is only wearing his silk pyjama bottoms. He goes over to Lillith and wraps his arms around her.). John: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. (He starts to sob.). Lillith: No you’re not John. John: I am. I am. You can hit me again if you like. Lillith: I don’t want to hit you. But I don’t want you to hit me either. I am sick of putting up with it. John: I’m sorry. Joseph: You need to learn to control your anger John. Lillith: And you need to go to your counselling sessions. John: Okay. (John suddenly peppers Lillith with kisses.). John: Come to bed with me. Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me alone. Tell me you love me. Love me please. Just love me. Joseph: You are loved John. This is the drink and the drugs. You shouldn’t keep doing this to yourself. It only makes things worse. Lillith: I do love you John. Go to bed then. I’ll be there in a minute. John: Okay. (John turns and staggers back up the hallway. He falls into the wall twice before disappearing and they hear the bedroom door close. Lillith sighs.). Joseph: Now that I have found Jacob I can focus my energy on bringing them back to themselves. Lillith: John is himself. This is John. This is who he is. He’s never going to change Joe. Joseph: But he will. We just need to make him see. Lillith: Tried that haven’t we? He won’t go to the counselling. He won’t listen to me. You can only help someone if they want to help themselves. If they don’t...Then there’s nothing you can do. Joseph: Maybe when he sees Jacob tomorrow he will feel differently. Lillith: Do you really think it’s a good idea for him and Jacob to be under the same roof right now? Joseph: What do you mean? Lillith: Well from what you’ve told me Jacob has his own issues and- Joseph: What are you saying? (Joseph suddenly looks angry. Lillith has never seen him look angry before. It scares her slightly.). Lillith: I just meant...It’s hard enough dealing with John. Having Jacob here too...I want him here of course I do. John’s family are my family but...I’m scared Joe. Joseph: Of what? Lillith: John losing it. I fear that seeing Jacob after all this time and realising that he’s...Broken like you say might just push him over the edge. One stress too many and then he’ll be broken and I can’t- (She lets out a sob. Joseph wraps his arms around her.). Joseph: No. No. That will not happen my child. You must have faith. We are finally going to be reunited. This is a good thing and I m sure that John will be thrilled to have Jacob back. Together we can help Jacob and I can help John. I have faith. You must have faith too. Soon the world as we know it will no longer exist. Soon we will be gathering followers. Gathering those that understand what most of the world does not. Those people will be saved. We will be saved. We will march together into the new world. But you have to have faith Lillith. (Lillith stares at him. She sighs.). Lillith: Okay Joe. (She pats him on the shoulder then turns and goes down the hall. Joseph sighs. She doesn’t believe him.).
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heyligaya · 5 years
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Okay. I decided to make (write) this guide that might help someone out there planning to go to Korea. I'm going to make this guide the one I wished I read when I was fixing our itinerary so let’s go to what needs to be done after booking your ticket.
Honestly, it’s just simple guideline any traveler I think already knows but just in case.
Check the weather. I am a freak when it comes to packing. There is no such thing as PACK LIGHT. Homegurl needs options okay?? So I always check if what I'm going to bring will fit the current weather. Ask yourself, “do I need extra baggage allowance?” If personal baggage isn’t enough am I right? Haha.. hahaaa...haaa. But do consider this once you booked your flight. In my case, I added baggage allowance AFTER we booked the ticket since I figured “teka, pasalubongs will be extraaaa on this trip so better come prepared”
RESEARCH. Yeah yeah I know it can be a burden making those itineraries but honey, if you can stalk your ex-boyfriend for a week, you can search some good activities to do on your trip too! So get your stalking skills in work! In my case, my priority was PROXIMITY and BUDGET but will discuss that later. Make sure to change your peso bills to dolla dolla bills yo! It’s better to change the currency in Incheon Airport from dollar to Won than in any place outside the airport so better get those dollars before your flight.
Keep at least ₱2000 with you on your departure day. Why you ask? Two words. TRAVEL TAX. I learned this the hard way. I thought all was paid upon booking the ticket but Cebu Pac be like “Sis no! Better get that money for this countryyy” so yeah. You can actually pay Travel Tax upon booking but I didn’t know that. ₱1640  per person for travel tax. SHAKS ANG MAHAL DIBA? But it’s mandatory so...
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Bring your own light snacks. My family ain’t playin. Once the plane took off, they started grabbing their hopia, crackers, and chips and people hear them crunch through and I'm so proud! Not paying 150 for a cheese cupcake okay? No. So bring your own.
If you’re planning to go to Korea, here are a few of my recommendations to purchase:
KLOOK Nami Island + Le Petit France. = It costs (₱1689 per pax) and it’s actually quite sulit for the whole experience.
KLOOK Discovery Pass = This is probably one of the most worth it purchase we had. 35 sightseeing privileges for free for only ₱2222 per person! COME ON! I actually calculated the number of entrance fees of the places we want to go to versus the amount of DP and yup! I definitely saved A LOT from that.
KLOOK UNLIMITED WIFI = Okay! I mean there were a lot of 4G internet that you can purchase here in PH already but with my pro-research skills, I found out that you can actually rent wifi that you can redeem in Incheon Airport upon arrival.(₱575 for 5 days) I purchased the 5-day free wifi. Para connected tayo diba?
If you are going to purchase, make sure to take note what terminal in Incheon you will depart since there are several choices where you can pick them up. Also, align your time of departure. Not all kiosks are 24hrs so if you’ll arrive beyond 9pm, choose the kiosk that has 24hrs running time for you to claim your rentals and passes.
If you booked your ticket with a late arrival LIKE ME (10:25pm but settled all the claims and reloads of T-Money at around 1:00am), your only choice is the NIGHT BUS. (see pic below for the airport bus schedules)
If however, you have a normal time of booking which reaches within the time where AREX is still going then I HIGHLY recommend using the AREX for ₩9000.
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We took the N6001 bus which will drop us at Seoul Station.
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Let us start.
So my itinerary wasn’t your typical one. I had the places as my priority so when I made this one, I made sure that I can utilize the location as much as possible. I researched all the places I can visit near
Ewha Woman’s University
Okay. So It might sound boring when I only mentioned three BUT do imply that these 3 have an abundance of tourists spots where either I can just walk or a 9min subway ride.
OUR LOCATION: We rented an Airbnb in Jungnim-ro.
That is literally 7 mins away from Seoul Station subway which was HIGHLY convenient for us since we used the subway. ONLY subway (psh if I’ll rant about how many time I’ve been conned in my first time in KR, it’s gonna be to long) so I’ll attach my host’s details and if you want to rent her place WHICH IS SUPER DUPER NEAT BTW and we’re located near police station so the place is 100% safe so if you want to rent, you may do so. And one more thing, they have a youtube directional instruction on how you’ll be able to go to the main building of the house. LUV THAT! <3
PS: My Itinerary is made for my mum and aunt where they can explore but also minimize the stress of walking coz they’re old but STILL I made sure to expand the place I can explore as much as I can.
Day 1.
Namsan Tower/Myeongdong
Disclaimer: Don’t judge! I know we only went to two destinations for Day 1 but I consider the fact that I'm with my mum who’s a senior citizen and we haven’t slept yet 😳 so I decided to shorten our destinations to visit for Day 1 so she can rest in the afternoon
Discover Pass can be used as T-Money (like beep card here in PH) so I suggest to load at least ₩30,000 for subway purposes.
Subway ride costs ₩1,2000 FIXED.
Namsan Cable Car opens at 10:30. I specifically picked the daytime tour since Im with my mum and aunt and the would pretty much appreciate pictures in light BUT I highly suggest visiting Namsan Tower at night. The City lights is AMAZING.
Namsan Entrance fee is around ₩3000. You can choose if you want the one-way ride or the round trip. CAREFUL! The payment for the Cable car is different from the Namsan Tower Entrance. We have to pay for the cable car but have the Entrance fee for free in Namsan tower because of the Discover Pass (YASSSSSS)
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You’ll find Love Lock Lane amazing scenery! If you get hungry, you can take the roundtrip cable car and just go back to Myeongdong and explore all the food!
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PS : Okay, Korea has a few restaurants that offer “solo” on their menu. It’s always, MINIMUM of two orders. Doesn’t matter how many you guys are, the menu will always be a minimum of two. Example: Samgyupsal is around ₩23,000 so multiply by two, that’s ₩46,000 but I guarantee that it will feed 4 people. If you’re with more than four people who will accompany you, make sure to bring enough money for food. BECAUSE IT’S SOOOOOOOOO FLIPPIN’ GOOD!!
Day 2
Le Petit France + Nami Island will take your WHOLE day. We departed at around 9am at the meeting place (Myeondong Station Exit 3) which is just where we dropped off for Namsan Tower and got back at around 5pm in the afternoon.
Nami is known for their DAKGALBI which is grilled chicken or Spicy chicken. Again, a minimum of two orders. There’s this place where we ate Dakgalbi two years ago and luckily, it’s still there when we visited and decided to eat there. I don’t remember the place BUT It’s in front of the Bus Parking space. It’s the only one there so I definitely suggest that place. Try their Buckwheat cold noodles too. IT’S THE BEST!
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Dongdaemun for me was THE. BEST. ONE. YET!
So upon departure, the tour bus will give you instructions on where you can drop off. We had our meet up at Myeongdong and just our luck, the tour guide informed us that Dongdaemun station will be one of the drop off stations for those who want to explore the place WHICH WE DID. The drop off area was just at the gate of Dongdaemun so there’s not much walking needed. One thing you need to know is that it’s a very tricky place. It’s like a maze. A lot going up (not stairs) but the place was worth it. We went just before sunset but didn’t manage to experience the place at night. So I suggest you visit Dongdaemun at night too because the whole place is lit with lights and you’ll probably appreciate the structure more.
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I originally planned the Palace tour for 2 Palace visit BUT I underestimated Gyeoungbukgong palace. THAT PLACE IS TOO BIG for a day visit. I was telling myself there is NO way a Prince or Emperor could finish morning walk AROUND that palace coz it’s so big! So we only managed to visit Gyeoungbukgong Palace.
TRIVIA : It’s the biggest palace in the country AND many K-drama set place in G.Palace. An example would be Goblin.
National Folk Museum was actually INSIDE/BESIDE G.Palace and it’s free! We went there knowing they have CHAIRS coz our feet went bonkers after all that walking around the palace but we never knew how beautiful the museum was inside! All the history and ornaments and even old traditions were there.
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INSADONG was probably one of my most awaited place to visit. Two years ago, Insadong was our last destination so we kinda rushed our visit here so this year I decided to take my time and really enjoy the place (so I didn’t really have that many pictures). Insadong is just a WALK away from G.Palace so it was pretty convenient. Insadong was a place for souvenir shopping. Literally, ALL kinds of stuff and magnets are there at such cheap prices. My mum hoarded A LOT of ‘em. Also, Insadong is where some of their traditional dishes are sold. I tried a honey thread-like candy (am so sorry I can’t remember the name of the stall) which for me was the highlight of my visit there. They have a public show of how they make these candies and also they know how to speak Filipino which is super cool. So if you’re going to buy souvenirs, I recommend Insadong. There’s a subway station direct to Insadong BUT it’s Jongno Station.
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This is probably the most mainstream place for tourists but I DO LOVE ME SOME GOOD FOOD. Cheap skin care products and awesome food!
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We kinda rushed this day since our flight is scheduled that night but managed to still go ONE. MY. MOST. FAVORITE. PLACE.
I'm a sucker for good architecture and this place is mindblowing. Instagramable! Snapchat worthy! Photo walk legend!
The good thing about EHWA is they have a subway station for it. Literally EHWA University Station and just outside the station exit are stores filled with coffee shops and boutiques and my favorite, ARTBOX which is a store of tumblers and iphone cases and cute college bags and pens and notebooks and my heart JUSSSSST mmf! Paris Baguette is a very well known bakery in Korea and we just happened to pass by one at EHWA since we haven’t had any breakfast or lunch yet and let me tell you, BAKERIES IN KOREA ARE LEGIT. BEST ONES! Coffee in EHWA is different in Myeongdong. It’s like specially catered for students. It’s so goooood! Goblin also had kdrama shoots in EHWA so I was a little excited to see some of their buildings.
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PS: EHWA doesn’t have entrance fee BUT you can only take pictures at the famous stairs but you can’t go further inside unless you’re a student.
For our departure, we used the free ride of AREX that comes with Discover Pass. Price of AREX was mention earlier. It’s a 30 min. ride so you have to make sure you have enough time before your flight. ALWAYS BE IN ADVANCE.
Upload these apps! It’s definitely A MUST! This 3 apps made my life easier as a first-time subway user.
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SUBWAY app helps you with the subway stations. It look intimidating at first because of the loops and colors but I tell you, it’s really easy! Im bad with directions and I understood the subway stations so much faster because of this.
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KOREA TRANSIT GUIDE will help you with transfers and time. Your destinations may have a direct subway station but doesn’t mean you are connected to just one line. It’s like here in PH, there are instances where you need to transfer from LRT to MRT to get to your destination. It’s the same with Korea Subway BUT what’s good in Korea Subway is that transfers are all in one place. If you are going to transfer stations, there’s directions and instructional signs right when you drop off to point you to where you’re going. It’s so easy! Then you can use SUBWAY app to check the color of the subway transfer. As you can see, there are several color codes on each Subway lines. This app will also give you what BUS number you can take or if it’s possible to walk instead.
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I posted a picture where you can see color codes in subway suggestions. Seoul Station (blue) to City Hall (green) then you can check in SUBWAY app the color code if it’s correct and to familiarize you with the station names you’ll encounter.
DISCOVERY PASS app IS A MUST if you’re going to avail one. You need to register your app so you can check the remaining balance of your Discovery Pass. You can also use it as T-Money for subways. I loaded ₩30,000 and I used it fully.
Bring good walking slippers (depending on what season you’ll go). Comfortable shoes goes a looong way but it’s good to have spare walking slippers just in case
Buy 110 plugs here in PH. Sockets in Korea is different so be prepared to have at least 2 or 3 for your chargers.
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Bring clear packaging tapes. If you’re going to buy liquid skin care, make sure to put a seal because you don’t want your expensive skin care bottles to explode inside your luggage so better be ready that regret after.
Korea is filled with PUBLIC wifi. So if you’re lost and didn’t avail the pocket WIFI they have at Klook, you can just go to a near coffee shop and have their free wifi just outside.
FOOD IS A MUST. I know you have your skin care list ready but don’t be thrifty when it comes to their good food. COZ IT’S GOOD! TOO GOOD!
Bring your own towel. We are used to big towels. Towels that can cover and dry your body. However, in Korea, they prefer a smaller towel. Like…..bimpo type of towel. It takes us 5 towels just to dry us up. They do give an abundance of small towels but come on! I need to be dried up in one swoop okay? So just bring your own.
AND THAT’S THAT! Hope this LOOOONG itinerary helps people one way or another.
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