#probably now the same people who are holding pitchforks and thinking that hatred will solve injustice
glassrunner · 11 months
#insights#we are watching the world trend into horror and western leftists are applauding#normally i love western leftists. we are so quick to stand against what we perceive to be injustice#but two days ago a close friend of mine for many years retweeted that video of the concordia student screaming ‘you fucking kike’#the next day another friend retweets a post saying that hamas should have killed more#that rape isn’t rape when it’s against colonizers#so many of my friends agreeing that it’s okay to dehumanize people you don’t like#i am no expert in what qualifies as deserving of respect but i was raised to believe that every human being deserves basic respect.#i’m not sympathetic to the israeli government at all and i hope they face repercussions for the crimes they’ve committed#but i am so so scared that so many people are watching ‘death to the jews’ trend worldwide and saying ‘they deserved it’#it went from anti-colonialism to anti-semitism and there is a REAL lack of acknowledgement of that#meanwhile palestinians still suffer and all of this global hatred and insistence on black and white isn’t helping#jewish people everywhere had a right to be paranoid because they’ve seen this before and the left just laughed it off#probably now the same people who are holding pitchforks and thinking that hatred will solve injustice#i want a free palestine and for anti-semitism to not exist because these are compatible ideas#if you see anti-semitism or anti-arab sentiments please do call it out.#i didn’t make this into a textpost because i was afraid it would get passed around in a bad way#i’m sure somebody will still read this and scream ‘ISRAEL SYMPATHIZER!’#honestly we should all criticize the israeli government (as so many israelis do)#but there are also a lot of free thinkers going ‘jews control the narrative / the world’ like that isn’t some of the pre-holocaust thinking#and they refuse to acknowledge it.#anyways i’m terrified for the world and for humanity and its strange urge to destroy itself
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silyabeeodess · 6 years
Disney Princess Appreciation Post: Part 5
Now we’ve reached the birth of the 90′s and probably my second favorite (really close call for first, but you’ll see one gal I really fight for later on) of the princesses, the fabled French beauty herself, Belle:
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(Note: Same as with Cinderella, I will not be taking the live-action version into account.  I haven’t seen it and am not really all that interested to see it.  However, I won’t really be covering the other BatB films as much as I have the other side stories for other princesses as I’ll essentially be repeating myself with their message.) 
Ok, so first let’s just get started with covering the overall theme of the main film: True beauty is found within.  Obviously, we all know where this falls with the Beast/Prince Adam due to his curse from the Enchantress where he is given a monstrous form to match what a monster he was on the inside for judging someone by their appearances and treating them horribly because of it.  He is punished where, instead of being regarded with respect simply for being a prince, anyone will first treat him with fear and hatred because they’ll see him as a beast first and foremost.  However, some of you may ask where this falls with Belle, as its clearly noted over and over again throughout the film how beautiful she is.  Where are the people searching for her inner beauty?  
Well, that’s the problem: They’re not.  The townspeople don’t care at all about who Belle is on the inside, because to them she’s just a pretty face who can have it all solely because of her looks.  They want her to live an easy life clinging as an accessory to Gaston, as a figure to only be acknowledged for her beauty and nothing else.  They don’t try to understand her.  They don’t care about what else is there besides her looks or she wants for her own life.  They talk her down as this ‘crazy, odd’ character for simply wanting more out of life.  Of course there’s Gaston’s dismissal against what Belle wants, but another look shows that pretty much everyone is against her!  The townspeople help set up the wedding for Gaston and laugh at the idea of Belle refusing him.  The townspeople know her father is harmless, but still side with Gaston to gang up on him and Belle with torches and pitchforks in order to throw him into a nuthouse or force Belle into marriage. Yes, you can argue that they didn’t know about the overall plan.  However, there are men shown listening in on Gaston when he’s plotting this and either way that still doesn’t excuse that they’re fine with tossing Maurice into an asylum.  They’re horrible people!  Even when Belle proves herself with a magic mirror, they don’t listen to a word she says.
Just a side note with this on the mob itself, so you can skip this paragraph if you just want the review/analysis: Now, there’s a point to which I don’t like mob mentality presented in some films--Moana, I’m looking at you--because they sometimes end up disintegrating background characters into mindless puppets that tend to only act for conveniences sake, like they have no real self.  I let this slide for a couple reasons with BatB though. First that there are some bg characters who do act with their own personalities that would contradict the desires of the overall group (Gaston’s fangirls and the bookshop keeper who supports Belle’s love of reading): The second that Disney has done a few things that show not everyone did rally to Gaston in the mob, particularly at one of their parks, Hollywood Studios.  Maybe I just got lucky with the showing I saw, but when they performed “The Mob Song” on stage at the park, Gaston actually shoved a few of the extras in the scene who showed reluctance about joining--using the line “If you’re not with us, you’re against us,” on them instead on Belle--and then they exited the stage.  I don’t give you props all that often anymore Disney, but you have my applause there: Nice touch!  Anyway, back to the topic!
So Belle is forced under the same judgement as the Beast, albeit to the other extreme, which really is a nice balance for both their characters and the morals the story is trying to address.  And they respond to it in different ways.  The Beast is outright hostile, only delving further into the monstrous personality that got him where he is in the first place.  Belle just kinda rolls her eyes: She hates it, but rather than act snooty or coldly about it, she continues to present herself in a modest, patient manner while staying true to her own values and desires. The only bad thing is that she ends up isolated as a result.
Before I continue with this next section, I’m going to get the Stockholme Syndrome controversy with BatB out of the way now with this analysis from Wotso videos, who I feel covers the issue well. (And so I don’t have to waste anyone’s time with an essay on this myself...) This is necessary for me mention so I can talk about Belle herself:
So yeah, bouncing from Wotso and what I said earlier, Belle’s lived as outcast from society, but she never bows down to anyone and stands by her values.  She’s an intelligent, independent, and strong spirit who doesn’t need others to establish her worth or will cower in the face of adversity. The best example of these traits is scene at the beginning of her time at the castle, when she constantly refuses the Beast and stands up for her father, herself, and what she believes in. She might be a prisoner, but she does all she can to fight back all while keeping her promise. She even breaks her promise at times!!  I’ll quote Belle’s song, “Home,” from the musical here:
“Build higher walls around me, Change every lock and key,  Nothing lasts, nothing holds all of me, My heart’s far, far away, home and free...”
For the quick talk about the side story films, not only do they cover a progression of time we don’t get from just the main film for Belle’s and the Beast’s relationship to develop in (unless you actually pay attention to the weather indicating the passing of months in the movie...), but they also reaffirm these qualities for Belle while simultaneously helping the Beast grow as a character. In the Christmas Special, the Beast refuses to let anyone celebrate the holiday due to it occurring around the time he was cursed and the bad memories associated with it. However, Belle gets the entire castle to set up a celebration behind his back because she supports all the Christmas stands for and knows it’ll be good for him. She even goes so far as to--again--break her promise to not leave the castle grounds just to get a good Christmas tree. This nearly cost her her life because she almost drowned in an iced-over pond, but the Beast found out what was happening at the last second and came to save her. This last action gets her locked up, but she still stands by what she did even if it nearly got her killed and tries to remain happy with the encouragement of the castle servants. Then, later, the Beast is the one to apologize for his actions after Belle’s story for him (she was writing him one as a gift) opened his eyes.  In “Belle’s Magical World,” she stands the Beast up by accident when she focuses her time caring for a wounded bird. This prompts the Beast to jealousy, but he ends up keeping the bird because he enjoys its singing, if in a cage. For everything the Beast does, Belle speaks out against--his outrage at her caring for it, his wanting to keep it when she thinks it should be set free.  To quote her,:
“Your orders are words and words alone: They have no meaning to the bird...or me!”
The Beast eventually learns to genuinely care for the bird, putting himself--and, moreover, Cogsworth--in harms way to help it and setting it free himself. And a lot of this relationship with the Beast and the bird reflects on his relationship with Belle herself. Moreover though, there’s a pattern to it: The Beast does like Belle from the start, but he’s too spoiled, immature, and ill-tempered. Still, in the least he’s had a dose of humility because he doesn’t really see Belle falling in love with him like Gaston does, viewing the whole situation as “hopeless.” He has to grow as a person, and Belle is the person who helps him do just that. And when he is able to grow, it’s that warm, caring side of him that develops that Belle ends up falling in love with herself. The Beast tries to show real expressions of his love for her, getting out of his comfort zone to spend time with her--like when reading and skating--and catering to her interests as he learns them. And eventually, he shows that he loves her so much that he wants her to be free, even if she doesn’t love him, won’t stay at the castle with him, or if he has to remain a monster as a result. It’s worth mentioning too that Belle never confesses her feelings until the very end, when she thinks the Beast is dying, because it shows how all of this had to happen first in order for the two to really find love together.
Got a little off topic, but so what does all of this say about Belle herself?  Again, it testifies to her strong character and the beauty within her. Belle is willing to put herself in harm’s way for what she thinks is right. She’s not afraid to speak her mind. She doesn’t let the cruelty of others turn her into an equally cruel person and is both patient and forgiving, but at the same time is no push over either and will bark back if you make her. She’s someone who looks for the inner beauty in others, because no one ever tried to look for that in her, and she can bring out the best in people. 
Belle embodies independence. She never loses sight of who she is or her own self-worth. At the same time, she’s self-sacrificing and compassionate: A hero who uses her heart and mind to solve her problems rather than someone who lashes out without considering the full of a situation. She teaches young girls to never let people tell them who they have to be, to let their inner beauty shine through, and that a good heart is more beautiful than the fading charm of a rose--one’s physical appearances--could ever be.  
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