#probably tries to kris him too lmfpoakjfajsdfkjnsdfkjas
ihatebnha · 2 years
u could kris deku and todoroki and they both wouldn't understand LOL even if you explain it to them, they'll just laugh awkwardly >:(
kaljkfasdjk no because ACTUALLY.
Deku probably eventually ends up understanding, but still not like... finding it funny or anything, just being all pouty over it LOOOL. He's like "Oh, haha" as he like... checks over all his all might figures to make sure none of them are REALLY broken, or like... cuddling you to make up for it (and see that u don't LIE to him again)....
on the other hand, doesn't matter what you say... todoroki is NOT and will NEVER get it. He's calling/finding you immediately to ask about whatever you said... and when you explain to him it was just a trend/joke... he's staring at you like "huh?" and making you repeat yourself over and over. he doesn't even know who kris jenner is either, it's adjkfaksd.
literally two days could go by and he'd still be like, "so endeavor wasn't forcing us to get married?"
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