#problem is that i don’t have mari’s design cooked up just yet but we’ll see the girlboss one day
vocaloightmares · 1 year
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i realized i never posted this here, but this would have applied during the time TOH’s Labyrinth Runners dropped
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americangirlstar · 3 years
World By Us Quotes
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I know when we make aesthetics/art pieces, we like to have little quotes from the books below it! Here’s some quotes for the WBU girls– if it’s not said by them specifically, I put who said it at the end in [brackets], and if it’s not from their main book, I made a note in italics at the beginning.
Makena Williams
As I sorted through the new items on the bed, I wondered what kind of statement I wanted to make. I was going to have fun figuring it out!
As I looked at the outfit now, I realized it still needed... something. I closed my eyes and focused on how I was feeling. I was nervous, but excited, too, like something I had been waiting for was finally about to begin.
I added three gold butterfly hair clips to my twists. Butterflies are a symbol of transformation, and I knew today would be full of big changes. When I tilted my head, the butterflies looked like they were taking off.
On my way to the gym, I passed the big mural again. We Walk Together. I smiled, knowing that I had just met two new friends to walk with.
I have four names: Makena means “happy one” in Swahili; Lilias was my dad’s mom, who died when he was a boy; Cook, for Mom’s family, and Williams. They all matter, and they make me who I am.
“Fashion can be a form of activism. And I wouldn’t be surprised if one day that was your purpose.” [said by her mother]
I want to live in a world where who you are inside matters more than what you look like outside.
I rolled over and pressed the pillow around my ears, but Mom’s question was like a song I couldn’t get out of my head. Couldn’t he see that they’re children? Couldn’t he see? No, Mom! I wanted to scream. That’s the problem. He couldn’t see that we’re real people, with real names and lives and feelings. All he could see was that we’re Black. I cried sad and mad tears, because none of it made any sense.
I’m so much more than what you see / Don’t guess- ASK about all the feels inside me / Get to know who I am for real / Then maybe this world can start to heal / See me, hear me, know me!
My name is Makena Williams. Something happened to me, and I am not okay.
I am a person. See me for who I am. Hear what I say. Get to know me before you make up something about me. Judge me by my words and actions, not my race. See me. Hear me. Know me.
Do you see us now? We’re girls. We’re your neighbors.
I ran my fingers across the letters. There was my idea, my first design, in real life. I was so proud.
My eyes went back to Auntie Bling’s word power. Maybe I could give other people the power to tell their own stories. What if kids could show and tell the world who they really are, how they really feel, in any style they chose?
I’m Makena. I’m proud that my family’s roots in Anacostia go back four generations. I came up with the words on my T-shirt because people weren’t seeing the real me. They were only seeing that I was Black– if they saw me at all. I love West African kente cloth because the colors and patterns tell stories. The green in this skirt signifies renewal. I like wearing butterflies because they remind me that though change can be difficult, it can lead to something beautiful. With my fashion, I am always making a statement.
When everyone had made their statements, we all gathered onstage for a bow. The audience was on its feet, clapping and cheering for us. All the other kids hopped off the stage and started mingling. I stood there, watching adults talking to kid and kids from different communities talking to each other. Seeing so many people come together was powerful.
I believe that when you take time to get to know people, you get to see who they truly are.
I was so proud of what we’d done that I couldn’t stop grinning. Just before I went to join my friends and family, I glimpsed my own reflection in the window. It looked as if the river was flowing right through me. Maybe it does, I thought, along with the strength of my ancestors, and the bravery of Black people before and the bravery of everyone in this room who works for change.
Evette Peeters
When we made the sign last year, I painted a monarch butterfly above the words. Monarchs fly thousands of miles. Their strength and endurance remind me of the people who were on the front lines during the pandemic.
The one good thing about not going anywhere was seeing the gardens change. I never knew it could be fun to watch plants grow, but it actually was.
The bridge was coming up. Pretty soon, we’d be crossing the Anacostia. I’d been crossing that river all my life on the way to Gran E’s house. Every time I saw it, the river looked different. Sometimes the waves were rough, but today they were calm. The sunlight made the pale green water sparkle.
Why did people think skin color defines who we are? It seemed so simple: humans come in different colors, just like flowers.
I put them on and hung my heart necklace on my jewelry tree. Next to it was a locket that had an umoja symbol on it. Umoja means “unity” in the Swahili language. Gran E had given me the locket for Kwanzaa last year, along with a card that said, “Promise always to see umoja: unity in the family, community, nation and race.”
Still, I couldn’t help wondering, Is this how a rift gets started? Something goes wrong between people, and before you know it, there’s a rift between them. Was that how it happened with my grandmothers? And the most important question of all: Could a rift between people be repaired?
The grass was trampled, but seeing the riverbank free of litter lifted my heart.
With a day of hard work, we had healed part of the river. If only it could be this easy for my grandmothers to heal the rift between them.
“A world– by us,” I announced, writing it on a piece of poster board. I looked up at my friends. Somehow when I was with them, anything seemed possible. “That’s what we’ll call it– and that’s what we’ll make it.”
What I’m trying to tell you is not to judge a whole person for one thing they said or did. People can change and learn from their mistakes.
Well, we are one family. So we should all act like it, right?
I know the world has many problems, just as there are many kinds of pollution in the river. But with the sunshine and the music and good friends beside me, I felt a wave of hope rise in my chest. As long as we can imagine a better world, we can make it happen. When people come together, we can do remarkable things. The river taught me that.
Maritza Ochoa
from Makena’s Story: Well, we don’t need to wait until we grow up to make a difference. We can start now, making the kind of world we want to live in. 
At school, the girls always play with the boys. The girls are tougher than you think.
Before she passed away, I received a beautiful journal from her in the mail. Inside, she had written inspirational quotes from famous women athletes and leaders. On a note enclosed with the journal, she had written that I should add more inspirational quotes to the journal, because keeping a positive attitude was important when life becomes hard. I had to admit, it was hard to be positive during that time.
I stared down at the salteñas, thinking of what my abuelo said. Prayers weren’t enough, but sometimes prayers are all you have. Was there something more I could do?
The title of the piece was Tu lucha es mi lucha, which means “your fight is my fight.”
Remember, we’re young. Nobody expects us to be leaders, so we must expect it from ourselves.
There was incredible history here, and yet... so much more history to be made.
“She needs me to be her friend,” I replied. And as soon as I said those words, I felt them in my heart.
In soccer, if we see something wrong, we call it out so it can be fixed. I see something wrong, and I want to help.
Tu luca es mi lucha. I will lead with my heart and find a way to help your family.
We don’t just want to talk about injustice. We want to do something about it.
It was as if Tia Mari knew that someday I’d need this quote. Maybe I’m more like her than I even imagined.
All of us are united in our love for soccer, but we are also united in another cause that we want to share with you. Soccer has taught me many things, but most important it has taught me to be a team player and to be vocal if I see something wrong. This past week, I saw something wrong and I want to bring it to everyone’s attention.
If you were here, I would tell you what an inspiration you are to me. I miss you, Tia. I know I’ll always miss you and that’s okay. It will be an extra part of me that will make me stronger and kinder.
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New Amsterdam Chapter 14
Peter stared at the lab order. Normally he got through these orders by pretending they had mundane uses. Scratch that—they did have mundane uses. Even though Oscorp primarily sold weapons, the things that Peter most frequently invented there had lifesaving applications.
Hard to see any lifesaving applications for “organic incendiary” though. Peter ran his hands through his hair. He couldn't do this. He couldn't go through the motions to create something so detrimental to—to life…
“You’re late Peter.”
Peter closed his eyes as the pale, sweat-soaked face of his best friend swam in his mind. Was—was this why Norman had pushed Harry so close to death? Was it because he knew that Peter would balk at this? Was it to give Peter a mental push, a reminder as to why he was donating time to Norman’s lab?
Maybe. Maybe Norman had planned it all out to the last, micromanaged detail. Or—maybe Norman was just a cold-blooded psychopath. There was no way to no for sure.
“You’re staring at that lab order like it’s going to bite you.” The amused voice came out of nowhere and Peter jumped before turning to face the speaker.
“Dr.—Dr. Octavius,” stammered Peter as he faced the frizzy haired woman.
She adjusted her bulky glasses and chuckled. “Please, Peter,” she said warmly. “Call me Liv.” She held out a hand. “Come on,” she said gently. “Take a break from the work. Let’s get something to eat.”
Peter didn’t really have time. He still had to get to the Bugle (which actually paid him—not much, but more than Norman did) and had to patrol. But—he also needed food.
Norman was a manipulative, sadistic bastard. Everyone could agree on that. Everyone agreed that Tony Stark, Norman’s closest competitor, was better in every way.
Except one. When Norman fed his employees (even those like Peter that didn’t get anything in the way of pay except his best friend continuing to live for another day) he did just that. He fed them. The food was paid for—by Norman. Stark Industries had cafeterias, and the employees had to buy their own food. The one thing that Peter would say that Oscorp was better than SI in was that: at Oscorp every employee—from the cleaning and maintenance crews on up—got free food. Sometimes, Norman would even feed the press.
Peter wasn’t sure why. Being so generous as to offer free food to every person who worked at Oscorp (no matter how unwillingly) seemed to go against everything that Peter knew about Norman. He would have thought that Norman would leech the money he gave his (paid) staff through exorbitantly priced food or simply have vending machines everywhere instead of cafeterias with real, live chefs. (The chefs were actually students who were getting working hours and experience with real food service—and were also allowed to eat for free.) It didn’t make sense.
“Hey Peter,” called one of the lab techs as Dr. Octavius took him down to the cafeteria.
“Hey Liv, any progress on those algorithms?”
“I thought I’d run them by our little genius,” Dr. Octavius said cheerfully.
The mood in the Oscorp labs was very different as well. The biggest difference was that no one at Oscorp ostracized Peter. The others might not know exactly what he did for the company, but they knew that Dr. Octavius approved of him, that he worked on top secret projects, and that he never tried to pull rank on anyone. After the chill of his coworkers at SI, the warm camaraderie at Oscorp was almost a balm on his soul.
He hated feeling that way about anything to do with Norman.
“Now, sit!” Dr. Octavius ordered pushing Peter into a chair. “I’ll go get us food.” She readjusted her bulky glasses before heading towards the order hatch.
Another doctor (PhD) that Peter was familiar with plopped his tray on the table next to Peter. “Coming to the Dark Side?” he asked with a deep voice and a quick smile. “We get better food,” he added tantalizingly as he wiggled his tray.
Peter almost drooled at the sight of the food. Thin strips of meat, crusted on the outside with some kind of seasoning, rested on a bed of almost completely clear noodles and drizzled with a dark brown sauce that smelled amazing. Next to it was a serving of vegetables—just cooked long enough to be both soft and seasoned—and a small bowl of a light brown soup with a single mushroom floating at the top of it.
Peter quickly swallowed before he could actually start to drool and flushed as his stomach growled. “What is that?” he asked.
Dr. Conners shrugged his one arm. “Don’t know,” he said cheerfully. “This cook only knows three English words; ‘no,’ ‘water,’ and ‘weapon’.” The doctor grabbed his fork and speared some of the meat before putting it in his mouth and moaning. “Good cook though,” he mumbled through his food.
Dr. Octavius kicked his chair as she walked by with a tray in each hand. “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” she admonished him as she set a tray each in front of Peter and herself.
Peter’s tray was the same as Dr. Conners, and Dr. Octavius’s tray looked like a vegan version. “Thank you,” Peter said politely before he took the fork and got some of the meat.
It melted on his tongue, a mix of savory, crunch and spice with just the slightest bit of heat. It was one of the best things that Peter had ever eaten. He bet if he could get Deadpool to try it, the merc would like it better than Mexican. Peter leaned over until he could see the serving hatch and the little old man standing behind it. He waved and the man nodded with a huge smile on his face as Peter settled back in his seat and went back to eating.
“Told you,” Dr. Conners said with a wink.
“Told him what?”
“That here on the dark side we have better food.”
Dr. Octavius chuckled as she took a sip of her soup. “You shouldn't call it ‘the dark side’,” she said. “Ah, this is good,” she added with a fond look at the small cup.
Peter took a sip of his own soup—and had to agree. The soup was good. The food was good. And despite being in the lair of a man he truly hated, Peter began to slowly relax. He was eating good food and talking with people who didn’t (at least at this very minute) either want to kill him, wish him dead, want money he didn’t have, or any one of a million other things that people had been doing to him, and to his alter ego lately.
“After all,” Dr. Octavius said, “Norman’s donated almost two million dollars to Runaways Unite.”
“Only because Stark donated a hundred thousand,” pointed out Dr. Conners.
Peter kept his silence. He had his own problems with Runaways Unite. On the surface it seemed like a nonprofit organization designed to help with the street children, but Spiderman had had to rescue more than one child from them as they were determined to put the children back in the very situations that they ran from—with no regard to the child’s safety. Naturally, The Daily Bugle wholeheartedly approved of the organization.
“So,” said Dr. Octavius turning her attention to Peter. “I hear that Stark offered you your own lab over there.”
Dr. Conners sighed and saluted Peter with his soup bowl. “We’ll miss you,” he said.
Peter glanced away. “I haven’t taken the offer,” he said softly.
The single word hung in the air between the three of them. Because right now Norman held Harry’s life over Peter’s head—but he couldn't do it forever. They’d find a way around Norman, a way for Harry to have a normal life. And, maybe, Peter could be at Harry’s and Mary Jan’s wedding. Or not. Perhaps the two of them would end up with other people, people who weren’t traumatized by what Norman had put them all through. But—maybe.
And there was no way that Peter was going to give support to the man who regularly threatened to kill his child just to control Peter.
“So,” said Dr. Octavius changing the subject again, “why were you glaring at the lab order?”
Should he? Would they understand? Well, probably not, but it couldn't hurt. “Norman wants me to develop an organic incendiary,” he said. “I don’t like something that could—well…” Peter trailed off, not sure what to say.
To his surprise, Dr. Octavius nodded and absently moved her trademark colorful scarf out of the way before it fell into her food. “You’ve got to look after the environment,” she said knowingly.
Or, maybe it wasn’t that surprising. Dr. Conners looked thoughtful. “What if if,” he said slowly, “instead of something that targeted all organic matter, it was something that could be used to target something specifically?”
“Ooo,” said Dr. Octavius. “Like cancer cells. If you set it fine enough, you can target a single type of cancer and knock it out!” She grinned and adjusted her glasses. “Does that help?” she asked.
Peter’s mind began to whirl. “Yes,” he said thinking about the positive ramifications (and willfully ignoring the warlike use Norman was going to put them to). “Thank you,” he said shyly before he turned his attention back to his food.
After all, he knew better than to give good food anything less than his undivided attention.
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random-blfan · 4 years
Alsar 65: I'm Holding my Stomach
"Then, is this design okay?" (It’s a bit more like “Can you do this design?” )
"Oh, leave it to me! I'd like to change some things, so please drop by sometime."
The carpenter who was introduced by Ally-san seems to be a designer too, and when he told us what he wanted, he took notes and asked questions such as "What do you want to do here?" And "How many children's rooms do you want?" In regard to the arrangement of the rooms.
Thanks to that, I had lunch on the way, but today the rough floor plan was decided and we were also able to finish the draft up to the last detail.
"Then please!"
"Thank you"
"We’ll be back in a couple of days." 
The carpenter sent us off and we left the store.
Now Fer-san is holding my left hand and Chris-san and Sig-san walk behind us while talking.
I’ve been thinking, when did it become a rule to always hold hands with at least one person?
They normally hold my hand and I don’t say anything and there’s no opportunity to refuse, well it's not like I hate it so it’s fine but…
"I didn't expect that it would take this long. It's already evening, so let's go home,okay?"
"Yes, but are children’s rooms that necessary ...?"
As I walked home, I looked up and listened to Fer-san, who said with a smiling face.
Children's rooms, 5 rooms ...
Me bearing that many children! ?? Is what I thought, though I was told that wasn’t a problem.
In the first place, it feels strange to talk about children even though we really haven’t talked about it in depth...
"Well, even if you don't give birth to that many,a storeroom would be useful, right? If you give birth to five children, we’ll be able to raise them, so don't worry?"
"Hmm ... that's right ... and the servant's room ..."
I was told it would be a good idea for there to be an extra room, and it was incorporated into the floor plan.
"Ren-chan isn't going to quit being an adventurer, right? Then you have to have a room for the person who will take care of the kids while you're away? It's essential for an adventurer with all your companions, so even if it’s small it’s necessary "
"Well, I understand that but ... I didn’t grow up in that kind of environment, so it feels strange ..."
I’ve been through a lot to become an adventurer, so I want to continue after getting married, I was told that if I couldn’t look after my child then there should be a room for a babysitter. I feel torn.
When I heard that, I thought I should quit being an adventurer for a while, but as a support magician who can support three people, I should be able to reduce the risk of injury and death by doing subjugations together, so I want to continue. So I agreed to make a servant room.
Malik would think! I don't feel like saying that …( I really didn’t get this one not even when my friend explained to me, but Ren is worried about Malik’s opinion on the matter it seems)
"Oh, I will move to that house two days after tomorrow, but I have some furniture, so I wonder if I can leave it as it is? I still don't know if it will fit the new house even if I buy some."
"Ah, but why not just renew the bed in the master bedroom? I think the bed there is too small for us and Ren-kun."
"When you say that, it's certainly impossible for four people. Okay, let’s go to the furniture store tomorrow?"
"It should be as big as possible, right?"
When the three of them talk, it becomes a conversation above me and it is difficult to get into it, so I usually just listen to it.
If there is no particular problem, I won’t try to interrupt them
Besides, they talk to me properly, and even now, Fer-san's is still holding my hand, so I don't feel like I'm out of the group, and it's fun to see the three of them having fun.
"Oh, I can see Malik's house. Today I have to give Ren-kun back to Malik."
"Is Malik already at home?"
"Well ... today his shift should end by evening, so I think it's about time for him to come back."
Yeah, I’m sure.
I have a table with his shifts because the shift changes every month, but I can't confirm it because I keep it at home.
"Let's say hello. He let you stay yesterday ..."
"Really? You think it wasn’t a problem letting cute Ren stay with you?" 
"Fugu !?"
"Wow !? Malik-san!? Sig-san is falling! Please let go!"
I think it happened while Sig-san said that, pointing at the house, from behind, a hand extended to Sig-san's solid neck and wrapped around it as if squeezing.
I didn't notice him, but it seems that Malik-san is strangling Sig-san with all his might.
I ask him to let go immediately! 
"Oh, I can't help it if it’s Ren's request. Fine."
"Goho ... haha ​​... Mari ... ku-san ..."
"Sig-san, are you okay !? Doesn’t your neck hurt? If it hurts should I use 「Heal」? "
Malik-san relaxed his grip and released Sig-san with a look that as if he couldn't help it.
I hurriedly approached Sig-san who was coughing violently while kneeling in place.He shook his head so it seems there’s no pain.
"It's okay. I wouldn't be as careless as to hurt him .... Anyway, you guys come in, also there’s something I need to say to Chris, okay?" 
Malik-san, who is quietly angry and looks unpleasantly sullen, says to the three of them, but why does he want to talk to Chris-san?
But ... before that ...!
"Malik-san? Please apologize to Sig-san? It may have been bad to stay without permission, but it's terrible to go for his vulnerable neck from behind, understand?" 
It was fine because Sig-san has training, but an ordinary person would have been strangled in the blink of an eye,  why did he strangle him anyway!
When I got angry with that in mind, my pout turned into a troubled expression, and I was scratching my head. ( My friend told me that while the “scratching my head” here can literally just be that it’s also used when someone is embarrassed or suffering) 
"If you don't apologize, I won't make lunch for a while!"
"What!? ... I'm sorry."
"No…" (This no is more like “it’s fine...”) 
This is the only way I can express my anger, so when I declared that, Malik-san made a terribly surprised face and immediately apologized.  I reach my hand out to Sig-san who is crouching to help him stand up. (しゃがみ込む = to squat; to crouch down completely  generally with face looking through knees)
It seems he really said  "I look forward to Ren’s bento everyday" before.
"Hmm ... I'm home for now let’s go in ..."
Malik goes into the house while sighing so those three follow suit.
"Well, sit down"
As we enter the living room, we are asked to sit on the rug, so we do so obediently.
"Malik-san, yesterday I suddenly stayed somewhere else, I’m sorry ... were you angry because of that ...?"
"Ah ... well, Ren is an adult too? So it 's fine. The problem is Chris. If you want to contact me, please contact me directly.Because I wasn’t there at that time I was ridiculed as I had to rely on Hugo to pass the message !? " 
He isn’t angry because of the overnight stay?
Eh, Chris-san, didn’t you contact him directly! ??
Thinking so, I look at Chris-san who is sitting next to me looking at Malik-san as if nothing happened. 
"Eh ~? Malik wasn't there, but if you got home, wouldn't you be surprised if Ren wasn't there, I thought you would worry, so I asked them to pass on the message ~? Are you angry? "
It doesn't sound like Chris-san's way of speaking ...
Well, if he  wasn't there at that time, it can’t be helped but ... What does he mean by ridicule?
"... Ku. That's right. You're not in the wrong. The problem is Hugo."
"I don't care about perfection ...?  ...? He didn’t deserve to be strangled ..." 
It seems that Malik-san admitted that Chris wasn't in the wrong,  dropping his shoulders.
And poor Sig-san (愁傷様です=しゅうしょう = shuushou, my friend explained to me that this expression is used to when someone dies or the situation is just to pitiful)
"Hmm ... I can make tea. Malik-san hasn't eaten yet, right? I'll make something, so you three eat too and then please go home."
"Oh, yes"
Apparently that was all, so I decided to make dinner after brewing tea.
There should be various ingredients in the refrigerator, so I wonder if I should look inside and decide on the menu.
"Yes. Today is a simple grated pork rice bowl, miso soup, and salad."
"" "Itadakimasu" ""
Everyone seemed to like what I made and ate quickly.
The grated pork bowl is made by dropping daikon radish on top of boiled and sliced meat then adding seasonings such as soy sauce and lemon juice. It's a solid but refreshing taste, so it's perfect for hot summers. When I was in Japan, I used to make it in the summer.
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"As expected, Ren's food is delicious .... Oh, that's right. You guys, do you intend to not take quests for a while? "
"It's really delicious, isn't it? I intend to accept something once I've moved to my temporary residence ..." 
Malik-san, who was eating ravenously, says as he remembered.
The three of them said we’d look for a house and wouldn’t take quests for a week.
I wonder… if there’s something good to accept.
However, since I became B rank, it is one rank up and down.
In other words, it seems that you can only receive quests from A rank to C rank,I can't take the F rank Lulu leaf collection quest anymore. 
"That’s good then, some quests arrived that only you can take, 3 solo quests and one for a party, If you can, why don't you take them? "
"We still have a month before we go to the royal capital .... I'll decide after returning to the guild and checking the contents of the quest. Can Ren do the party quest too?" 
"Ah, yes"
Sig-san  answers, mhh but a party quest...
What is it like?
Are solo quests impossible for me
I’ll have to go to the guild and take a look tomorrow...
The three returned to the guild after getting permission to stay when Malik-san isn’t at night.
TN: Poor Sig...
Ahh It's here \( ̄▽ ̄)/ I actually finished translating  yesterday at like 5 AM (Because who needs sleep… ) but I was waiting for my friend to reply to my messages and it’s hard because of the time difference.  
The previous translator liked to put food pictures whenever Ren cooked and as a foodie and someone who loves cooking, I really liked that so I decided to do it too!
I hope you liked it, I really like translating and it is fun also I learn so many new things. 
Take care and if you see typos, grammar errors or whatever feel free to tell me, I want to do my best but English isn’t my first language and I’m still learning japanese. 
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connorspiracy · 4 years
Amulet You Finish || Connor, Ariana & Agatha
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @connorspiracy @detective-keen @letsbenditlikebennett CONTENT: Death SUMMARY: Ariana and Connor are out for a walk in the woods looking for something to film when they stumble upon a crime scene. 
Despite Connor’s affinity toward the supernatural and loving catching it on film, Ariana found she was able to just be a young adult around him. Like she didn’t have to think of the worries and planning that had been plaguing her for too long now. That would all come to an end soon enough, but for this afternoon, they were just a pair of friends enjoying walking through one of White Crest’s many trails in hopes of finding something cool for Connor to film. While it wasn’t necessarily the safest of hangouts, Ariana knew the woods well enough to be confident against anything they may come across. The path they walked today wasn’t one that could be found on the internet. She discovered it almost entirely by chance on a run one day and it had quickly become her favorite. There was a certain serenity that came with the less traveled trails. It allowed her to relax a bit more when her senses weren’t firing off at some new sound or smell quite so frequently. It was nice to be able to share it with Connor. “I’m sure there’s bound to be something out here. Since the full moon just passed, I think I can rely on brute strength alone without becoming furry if it comes to it. I’d rather not be werewolf public enemy number one on the internet and all.” 
Connor had come to White Crest just looking for content. He'd expected to find it everywhere, and he hadn't been disappointed. There was always something happening, and his main problem seemed to be that most of it was too outlandish for anyone to believe could be anything but special effects. He hadn't expected to actually find friends. At least not like this. It was kind of strange having people he liked hanging out with, filming or not, but he was even luckier they didn't have objections to his video-camera shenanigans. 
He had a chest mount with one of his lighter cameras attached so he'd be able to leave his hands free for balance, but even still, it was clear Ari was much more comfortable on the trails than he was. "You're like a proper woodsie person, right? I can tell. I suppose it comes with the wolf territory." Made sense to be familiar with the woods around here so you had a good place to transform away from everyone else. "What do you usually do on the full moon?" he asked, curious. 
To say she was a woodsy person was a bit of an understatement. In more ways than not, Ariana was a wolf and the woods were where she felt most at ease though her own home was starting to rival that feeling. She laughed a bit as she leaped off one of the steeper parts of the trail with ease. “You could say that. I actually lived in a tent for a while. Wolf things don’t hurt with that either. I spend a lot of time here whether it’s the full moon or not. It just feels right.” She shrugged a bit. She supposed it would be hard for a human to totally understand, but it seemed like Connor wanted to understand which was nice. It didn’t seem like he had a judgmental bone in his body which was always refreshing. “Oh, I usually go very deep out into the forest where there aren’t trails or anything. No chance of anyone showing up. Just me and the forest animals… which are admittedly delicious.” She laughed a bit and hoped her answer sufficed. This full moon had been different, but that was not of her own design. “I wouldn’t recommend going into any part of the woods on a full moon though. There’s not much in the way of control to be found for myself and other wolves.” She scaled another dip in the trail and kept a close ear out for their surroundings. Nothing smelled off either. “Filmed anything good recently?” 
The woods felt as if they were becoming darker, perhaps the canopy of leaves growing thicker as they made their way deeper into the forest. It was obvious just how at home Ari seemed. Sometimes it struck Connor just how different their worlds were. There were things about Ariana he'd probably never quite understand, but that just made her interesting company. "I've done plenty of filming campouts, but I can't imagine living in a tent," Connor murmured, shaking his head in disbelief with a good-natured little laugh. "The posh London boy in me is mortified at the idea." 
He nodded with interest as she spoke about her full moon habits. The camera wasn't turned on yet, so nothing was being picked up, no risk of her being outed to the world. Connor wasn't opposed to taking advantage of a situation to get the shot, but there were some things that were off-limits, even to him. He shuddered slightly and laughed at the mention of the animals. "Rabbit and venison are great, but raw? You must have a fucking strong stomach." The conversation turned back to him, and he gave a noncommittal shrug. "Rio and I did a haunted cabin. We should be editing it soon. I kinda didn't film too much during the whole Bloody Mary shit." He ducked under a branch, using the trunk of the tree as leverage to help him balance as he made his way around a particularly nasty root, knotted like ropes. "Was there something in particular you were hoping to show me out here, or are you just looking to make a wilderness boy outta me?" 
While Ariana did love the coziness of her warm bed, especially considering it had been warmer as of late, the comforts most considered necessities had never been so much so for her. She shrugged and said, “It was a bit out of necessity. We were on the run most of my life, but I never really minded. Out here feels like home in its own way.” She laughed a bit at the mention of being posh. “So you’re more of a glamping kind of guy?” If she hadn’t been leading the way and sniffing out what was ahead, she would have given him a playful nudge.
It was evident to her that Connor was curious about werewolf life. To her, it had never been that fascinating. It was just who she was. Ingrained in every cell of her body. “I wouldn’t recommend it for you. I mean, even when I look like this I cook them. When I look more like a wolf, well-- Wolves are kind of meant to hunt and eat fresh. Needless to say, all around I have a strong stomach.” She perked up at the mention of a haunted cabin. While she dreamed of a cabin, she could live without the haunted part, but she assumed it was no more. “That’s pretty dope. I can’t wait to see it. Probably a good idea though. Bloody Mary was kind of a nightmare and dangerous.” As soon as he asked the question, she raised a hand to quiet him. Something off in the distance caught her ear. While she didn’t smell anything that seemed like a beast, it sounded like there was some sort of struggle. She whispered, “I hear something. Didn’t have anything planned, but figured I’d sniff something out for you to film.” She motioned for him to stick close. “Move quietly and stay behind me.” She looped through the trees, following the sound of a fight ahead. They were still too far away to tell whether it was more of the supernatural or human variety. 
“Give me a fancy RV any day of the week mate,” Connor said, pulling his vape out of his pocket as they walked because he had a feeling Ariana wouldn’t exactly be keen on him dumping cigarette butts in the woods. “At least have it parked nearby so I can get in there if I need to take a shower or something.” Something about washing his balls in a cold creek just didn’t really appeal to him. “It’s cool that it’s like a home to you, though. It is pretty nice out here. I just like my creature comforts too much,” he snickered. Slightly lower chance of being eaten by some kind of monster back at home, too. But only slightly. 
He would have happily kept chatting away about the woods and hunting game all afternoon if not for the sudden change in Ariana’s entire body. Connor didn’t hear anything, but he practically felt the hairs on the back of her arms standing on end. He nodded, saying nothing as he made himself smaller, crouching and trying not to break an excessively loud twig under the weight of his boots as he moved through the golden and red carpet of autumn leaves on the forest floor. “What is it?” he finally whispered, quiet as he could muster. Everything seemed completely normal to him, but he supposed those were the perks of having a werewolf friend.
Ariana enjoyed the comforts her home offered her as much as the next person, but she found humans needed it far more than she did. She saw little issue with hopping into the creek the way she did the morning after the full moon to clean off. A patch of grass was just as much home as her bed was... Though maybe as of late that wasn’t entirely true. Her ideal would be a nice little secluded cabin in the woods. Those little daydreams quickly faded as she followed where her nose and ears led her. She was light on her feet and conscious of their surroundings. She paused briefly, picking the way to go and answering Connor’s question. “It sounds like there’s some sort of fight breaking out. You may want to stay a good deal back. You can still film. I’ll try not to get all ‘grr’,” she said with a little claw like hand motion. 
“This way,” Ariana directed as they made their way to a small clearing. There were two men in ski masks beating up on an elderly man. The coppery smell of blood coated the air as she got close and her eyes settled on the knife. Shit. By the smell of it, it seemed everyone was human. Not that she could really discern other non-shifting species from humans all that easily. She quietly snuck through the brush and let out a low growl to distract the men. It was purposefully intimidating and she stayed out of their line of sight. One of the men’s heads shot up and looked terrified. “What the shit was that?” The other man scanned the area and responded, “I don’t know, but we’ll leave him to whatever it is. He’s bleeding out anyway.” 
Another snarl resonated through the cleared area and the two men went running, not keen on seeing where the sound came from. Once Ariana could tell they were far enough away, she emerged from the brush, pulling her first aid kit out of her bag as she moved. “Where are you hurt? Who were those men?” She questioned the older man, who could only point to the stab wound on his torso. 
Connor’s eyes widened at the mention of a fight. Keen as he might be to get some good footage, getting in the middle of a physical altercation was rarely his idea of a good time. “Wait, okay--I’m turning the camera on.” He didn’t want her to accidentally wolf out mid-frame, but he knew how important it might be to have the incident on film if something happened. The sounds of a scuffle were growing clearer as they grew closer, and Connor called to Ari in an urgent whisper. “Shit. Maybe you shouldn’t--just be careful.” Most of Connor’s confidence and charm went right out the window as soon as a fight became part of the equation, but he edged closer to the sounds, keeping his body low to the ground. He could see a gathering of what looked to be men, surrounding someone who was clearly in pain. The words ‘bleeding out’ stuck out like a sore thumb.
He ducked behind a bush, heart beating so loudly he was sure the camera would pick it up. He was certain they were going to come find them, to kill them just like they had killed the poor man who was lying prone on the ground, apparently, bleeding out. Once they were gone, he finally breathed again, following Ari out of the bush, the camera falling on the ground as he rushed to the man’s side. “Shit, there’s blood everywhere. Bloody hell--we’ve gotta call an ambulance.” But how the hell was an ambulance supposed to find them out here? It was no use. He’d be dead by the time anyone made it through the woods. Connor was holding his phone, hands trembling as he dialled anyway, but a pair of white hands, quickly growing colder, gripped his. “Keep it safe,” the man whispered, pushing an amulet that seemed to appear from nothingness into Connor’s sweaty palm, and then his eyes fell shut. “Ari-- Ari, I think he’s dead…” Without thinking he stuffed the amulet into his pocket, calling 911. 
There was a certain panic that rose in Ariana when she saw just how bad his injuries were. Her hands gravitated toward the stab wound on his stomach and she grabbed a wad of gauze and pressed down on it to slow the bleeding. She could attempt to stitch it up here, but she had no concept of whether any of his internal organs were damaged. Would she just be doing more harm than good. There was no time for doubt, she applied pressure to the wound to help it clot, but her hands just ended up covered in more and more blood. “Focus on me,” she told the man, “We’re going to get you out of here, okay?” The more blood that soaked through the gauze as Connor spoke of calling 911, the less hope she had. This man was older and this was a lot of trauma for his body to go through. “I’m Ariana, and that’s Connor. We’re going to get you help, okay?” Her voice managed to sound much calmer than she felt and for a brief moment, she felt as if maybe she embraced some of Celeste’s essence. An alarmed look crossed her face when an amulet appeared out of seemingly nowhere and was placed in Connor’s hands. “Keep it safe? What is it?” Before she could get answers to her questions, she felt him sputter underneath her hands. “Wait, no!” She raised a hand up to quiet Connor for a moment as she tried to hear the elderly man’s heartbeat. Nothing. “He is- He’s dead. There’s no heartbeat. We need the police, not an ambulance.” At least Regan couldn’t give her shit for not reporting this one right away. 
“I know, I know--” It was tough to say what was trembling more; Connor’s hands, or his voice. He squeezed his eyes shut to stop himself from crying. Jesus, was he in shock? He didn’t know what this was supposed to feel like, but it hadn’t been what he had in mind when Ari told him they could go look for something to film in the woods. When dispatch answered, he struggled to get the words out. “H-hello? I need-- police. They stabbed him. He’s dead. I--it’s in the woods, I don’t even know where we are…” After some back and forth questions, Connor struggling to explain what trails they’d been on and Ariana needing to stop in to help him, they finally hung up and told the two of them to wait right there and not to touch anything. Connor stepped back, hands and clothes covered in blood. “What… what do we do?” 
Ariana stood there silently looking at the body with a look of horror on her face. Why had this happened and why was it that she always seemed to be too late when it came to saving others? The tremble in Connor’s voice as he spoke to law enforcement on the phone didn’t go unnoticed, so she stood a little taller and put on her brave face. She could do this though she needed to keep reminding herself of it. “We have to wait until they get here. Other things out here might smell the blood. I’ll be on lookout duty.” With the anxiety that was coursing through her, every sound picked up in a near grating way. As she remembered he handed Connor something, she turned to him and asked, “What was it that he wanted you to keep safe?”
Connor reached in his pocket, feeling for the amulet. He didn’t really want to touch it, and yet in the same vein, he never wanted to let it go. Something about it activated a sixth sense in him. It felt normal. It looked normal. But it wasn’t normal. He held it up for Ariana to see, almost reluctantly, but then his eyes caught sight of the black and silver object on the ground. “Fuck, my camera--” He tried to remember if they’d said anything incriminating, about Ari being a wolf. They hadn’t, right? They hadn’t talked about it on camera because he knew he wouldn’t be able to use any of that footage. “I don’t think I’m supposed to touch it.” He was normally all too happy to break the law, but trespassing and interfering in a murder investigation were on completely different levels. “How long do you think it’ll take them to get here?” 
Agatha, along with two police officers strode through the woods. It had been 10 minutes already since she responded to the call on her radio. With only a rough idea of where to find these people, they moved carefully. Here was their dilemma. Whoever had done this was still around, and if they were noisy, they would miss them, but if they did not hurry, they would miss them too. On top of that, they had to take into account this very simple fact: the woods were a dangerous place. Agatha, of all people knew this much, having lost her father to the woods. Looking at the two other police officers, she wondered if they felt anguish, being stuck with a Keen in the woods. The detective took a deep breath, stopping to gain her composure and calm back. She did not need those insecurities now, or ever, and yet, after all these years, all the good work she had done, she still asked herself if she was doing enough, good enough. Minutes passed, silent, lonely. No wind, no deer, nothing. “Well, I hope that kid didn’t get his trails wrong,” she checked her map and took out her compass, sighing. “What would you say? We must be around here?” She pointed to a spot on the map and scratched at her ear. “We have to split to find them,” she didn’t like that idea, but what choice did they have? They nodded in agreement, and each one went their separate way, circling around the same spot. 
Each minute felt entirely too long as the pair sat in silence waiting for the police to arrive. Ariana couldn’t stop staring at her blood covered hands that had tried so hard to stop the man’s bleeding. Just like Sammy, she couldn’t save him despite her efforts. It left her limbs feeling numb as she slumped against a tree. Moments ago, she’d wanted to be brave for Connor and the old man, but she found it was quickly fading now that there was no longer an action for her to take. There had to be something to do here, but they weren’t supposed to touch anything. Even if she started pacing, she’d risk covering the track the murderers left behind. She heard the police approaching and trying to find their spot. For a moment, she stayed quiet knowing they were too far away to hear her even if she were to call out. Once the light patter of footsteps was closer, she called out, “We’re over here.” She stood up and started to wave them over. 
It was rarely a good thing when Connor was exposed to the police. He’d been lucky most of the time, not getting in too much trouble over his trespassing and filming, his white privilege and family money certainly not hurting the situation. This was different though. He’d witnessed a fucking murder, and though they had the murder on film, no reason for either himself or Ariana to be suspected, he couldn’t help but be afraid. “Hey,” he called, joining in with Ariana. “This way! The body’s over here.” 
“The body’s over here,” Agatha muttered to herself, blinking and shaking her head in surprise. If only it were usually so easy. Approaching the voices, she kept her weapon in her hand, wondering who she might land on. The sight of those two college kids did seem to ease her tension, and she approached the pair, and the deceased man with caution. “Did you see what happened?” She squatted down. Her hand went to the man’s wrist, trying and failing to catch a pulse. By the state of the wounds, there was not much she could have done to help him anyway. Looking up at the pair, she frowned, and her expression did not soften as she caught sight of the camera, “you wouldn’t have happened to film this, would you?” If they did, then this might have been her easiest case for this whole year. 
A detective she didn’t recognize approached them, but this was a seemingly normal crime. Minus the weird amulet at least. There was nothing to hide here. By all indication, everything was incredibly human. Ariana finally took her eyes off the body and looked at the cop that was speaking to them. “There were two men in masks, I don’t know why they--” she couldn’t think of what could possibly drive this. She looked down at her own bloody hands and mumbled, “I tried to help-- I know a decent amount of first aid and how to do-- He was dead before I could do anything.” Now that she didn’t have to be the one on guard, she felt her composure slipping. She wanted to go home and pretend like none of this had ever happened. Her eyes glazed over as she found herself staring at the body, Agatha’s next question not quite registering. 
Connor tried to keep his cool, reminding himself that he hadn’t actually done anything wrong. Ari was covered in blood. So was he, but less so. His eyes fell on the camera that had caught the entire thing, pointing to it, his hand trembling ever so slightly. “We were just filming the woods, and each other, making a video for YouTube. I dropped the camera when we saw them. I don’t know how much it caught.” But given the position compared to the body, he figured it had caught a fair amount. Too much to risk lying. “He gave me this,” Connor said, holding out the amulet. “I don’t know why. I don’t think he wanted whoever killed him to take it.” 
“That’s alright, you did the best you could. You could have never saved him,” Agatha assured the young woman, wiping her hands clean. With a pen, she pushed open the dead man’s jacket, to check for a wallet, a phone, anything that might help identifying him, and reaching his relatives. “You did your best,” she repeated, her expression softer. The boy started speaking, and she gave him a look. He did not seem too comfortable, and while she couldn’t help but wonder if there was something else behind it, witnessing a murder did tend to do this to people, and she decided to drop that thought for now. “I’ll need to take your camera. We’ll give it back to you, don’t worry,” she added before he could try protesting. “He wanted you to take it, then? Did he say something?” She reached out to Connor with a plastic pouch. “Drop it in there, please,” whatever this thing was, it had to be the key. 
Ariana had heard the sentiment too many times to really let it resonate. Sure, it wasn’t her fault. She didn’t kill the man. There wasn’t much she could have done to save him either, but the fact didn’t change that she and death were becoming far too closely acquainted. She nodded her head and mumbled, “I know, I just… I don’t know.” There was a spaced out look on her face as Agatha continued to speak and ask questions. She remembered the man dropping the amulet into Connor’s hand and wanting them to keep it safe. But why? What was so important about a necklace that it needed to be kept safe. It’d be safe with the police at least. The idea of helping guard some amulet on top of everything else made her head spin. It was good the cops would have it. At least she hoped. She could ask Jane to make sure it didn’t do anything sketchy to the other cops. “He said to keep it safe, I think. Right, Connor?” She rubbed her hands on her arms to warm herself and became acutely aware of just how much blood was on her. Her hands dropped back to her side and she asked, “Do we need to come with you?” Everything in her hoped it was a no. She wanted to jump in the creek and rid herself of the old man’s blood that was now fogging up her senses. 
Connor really didn't want to hand over either his camera or the amulet, but this bloody mess (literally and figuratively) of a situation hadn't left him with much of a choice. He swallowed, nodding. "I know. Just be careful with it, yeah? It's an expensive model." He didn't want it to go missing in police custody. "He just said to keep it safe? I think whoever killed him was looking for it, but they didn't find it on him. I..." It had been hidden in some way, by supernatural means, but he couldn't exactly say that. "I don't know why he gave it to us. I suppose because we tried to help him. He trusted us." And the question he doubted the police could ever answer was what was it, and what did those people want with it? Connor reluctantly handed everything over. They headed to the station to have his clothes taken for evidence and give a statement, and on the car ride, he looked at Ariana, silently communicating. We need to get that thing back. 
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Rekindle Chapter 4: Birthday
It looks like Marinette is going to be spending another birthday alone, unless a certain feline hero intervenes.
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Adrien opened the door to his house and immediately began fumbling for the light switch. It had been another long day at work, where he had been back to modeling again. The modeling sessions were getting fewer and more spaced out, but that just seemed to mean that when his father did call on him to pose for the camera, he expected him to do the work of two or three sessions in one day. So much for slowly getting away from modeling and into the business side of things.
His eyes felt heavy, and his limbs heavier still. A few weary steps inside and he collapsed onto the couch in his living room, unable to make it to his bed. Plagg emerged from his jacket pocket, the kwami hesitating over Adrien for a few moments.
“Kid, you need to stand up for yourself.” It was all Adrien could do to avoid rolling his eyes. This was becoming an ever more common topic of conversation for them and it was starting to wear thin. "Gabe always had did run you ragged, but these last few years he has practically run you into the ground."
“I get paid for all that work, you know. Someone has to pay for your cheese habits.”
Plagg's fur bristled in irritation. “No way kid, you’re not putting this one back on me. You know as well as I do my delicious camembert is a drop in the bucket with what you make. Besides, you don’t even spend most of it since you don’t do anything. If you really wanted, you could stop working right now and be fine for what? A few months? A year? More?”
“Father pays for the house. I can’t just say no to him.” Adrien yawned and rolled away from his kwami, only for him to zoom back into his field of view.
Plagg shook his head. “Yeah, the house that you hate to be in and always try to find an excuse to get out of. You need to tell your old man-”
The ringing of Adrien’s cell phone cut Plagg off. “Oh no. I guess we’ll have to shelf this conversation. Too bad.”
Plagg glared and pointed a grubby paw at him. “This ain’t over, kid. You gotta stand up for yourself eventually.”
It was a struggle to pull out his phone, but he managed it. Nino’s face appeared on the screen.
“Sup, dude!” He took in Adrien’s appearance and cracked a smile. “You look like crap, man.”
“Thanks for sparing my feelings. I may have collapsed on the couch after getting home from the shoot. All the hard work of the makeup and hair teams - wasted!” He threw his arm over his face dramatically, earning a chuckle from Nino.
“Whatever you say, dude.” His face eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Wait. Another day of modeling? I thought you said those were a thing of the past and you were a management guy now?”
Adrien winced on the inside and shrugged. “I’m still the face of the company which means my face needs to be in some of the company’s products. For now, at least,” he rushed to add when he saw the look on Nino’s face. “Soon enough they’ll all be done and someone else can be the face of the company.”
“I dunno, bro. Your daddio’s got his claws in you and if he keeps you modeling, you’ll be too tired to do anything else. I think he’s really dragging his feet if he still hasn’t moved you to some other part of the company. Or he’s just saying he’s gonna promote you to keep you placated.” Nino shook his head. “You gotta talk to him, dude. Nothing’s going to change otherwise.”
Somewhere else in the room, Plagg cackled and Adrien shot a glare in his general direction.
Nino’s face brightened. “You got some peeps over? Good on you! Not gonna lie, I feel guilty sometimes when I realize how little we get to hang out. Especially with all the traveling Al and I do.”
“No, no one’s here.” Growling at Plagg, he added, “Just a stray cat that I’m considering shooing away.” Nino’s words caught up to him. “Wait, are you guys going to be still be gone in a couple weeks?”
“For Mari’s birthday, you mean?” Nino chuckled while Adrien felt his cheeks heat up slightly. His smile faded away as he continued. “But yeah, you’re right. We won’t be able to do anything with her this year. It’s a real bummer.”
“Yeah…” Adrien frowned. He was used to his birthdays being disappointing, but Marinette had always been surrounded by friends and family. Being alone for such an important day after being used to that… it couldn’t feel great.
“You know, this might be the perfect time to rekindle that friendship,” Nino said hopefully.
“I don’t think she’d want to spend so much time with the guy who broke her heart.”
“I’m telling you, dude, I’m sure you guys would be the best of friends. I get that you don’t see her in a romantic light, but I know she’d be happy to have a friend close by, you know?”
A friend? His heart clenched in sympathetic pain. “Yeah… okay, maybe. No promises, though, but I’ll see what I can do.”
“That’s all I can ask.” Off screen, Adrien heard Alya calling for Nino. “Sorry, dude. Gonna have to cut this call short. Best of luck with you two, okay?”
“Thanks, Nino. Stay safe and goodbye.”
“I do what I can. Bye!” The screen went dark as Nino hung up.
Adrien lowered the phone onto his chest, still staring up at the ceiling. Despite what his best friend had said, he didn’t think Marinette would be happy to see him appear out of the blue. At least, not if it were Adrien showing up. Smiling, he ran his fingers over his ring. Thankfully, he didn’t have to be Adrien all the time.
But… he shouldn’t just show up empty handed, right? This wasn’t just a normal day to hang out. This was a birthday party for two! They couldn’t leave her apartment, but he could make it feel the special day that it was. Oh, and he should get her presents too.
Adrien leapt to his feet and sat down in front of his desktop computer, searching for anything that he thought Marinette might like. Maybe he could get away with getting her two presents - one as Chat Noir and one as Adrien? That’d be a good way to ease into a normal friendship, right? And had nothing at all to do with the fact that this allowed him to justify buying her twice as much as was socially acceptable.
In a dark corner of the room, Plagg watched his chosen more around the room, more lively than he had been in months. The cat kwami couldn’t help but grin. There might just be hope for him yet.
Marinette trudged up the long staircase to her apartment, once again cursing the broken elevator and her aching legs. Which only made her even more angry with herself because she was Ladybug! Is a couple flights of stairs really going to be the thing that causes her to break down today?
Then again, she knew that if she did get reduced to tears because of this, it wasn’t simply stairs that did it. The stairs were just the latest in a long line of awful things happening today. Spilt coffee, manically working in preparation for the fall line, asshole bosses - all on top of the frustration that they aren’t letting her do much work on actual designs since she is an intern, which is apparently another word for errand girl. No, the stairs weren’t the problem. They were just the final insult on the terrible, terrible day that was supposed to be the celebration of her birth.
She fumbled for her keys, which were somewhere on her person, feeling the tension as the breaking point starting to arrive, ready to great it like an old friend. Before it did, she caught a scent in the hallway that made her pause. Something like… Italian? But very spicy. It was making her mouth water just smelling it, which made her pout. Great, she smelled something delicious and now has to go and heat up a frozen meal. A normal day then, since she rarely got the chance to cook for herself these days.
With a sigh, she unlocked the door and stepped into her apartment, only for the scent to hit her full blast. She turned to her right, towards her kitchen. Standing there was Chat Noir in a chef’s hat, wearing an apron with a cartoon cat on it saying 'Feline Up for Some Dinner' - the cartoon cat also had a chef's hat, she noted in a daze. Chat Noir was merrily humming to himself while stirring a red sauce on the stovetop, a tall pot boiling nearby. Her small kitchen table, normally overburdened with distinctly non-food items like fabrics and dishes, had been cleaned off with two plates and a vase with a pink flower adorning it. She watched the scene for a few long moments before Chat Noir turned around and noticed she was standing stock still in the doorway.
Brief surprise gave way to a broad grin. “Hey, purrincess! I wasn’t sure when you got off work today, so I kinda got here way earlier than I needed to.” He rubbed the back of his neck when she didn’t immediately respond. Instead, she walked towards him, dropping off her purse on her couch as she passed by.
“Sorry I didn’t call or anything, I wanted to surprise you since its your birthday! Oh, that reminds me,” he disappeared below the countertop between them. He emerged with a box covered in cartoon cat face wrapping paper and pushed it towards her. “Happy birthday!”
She looked down at the box, slowly unwrapping it. Inside was a handmade card saying that she was “Pawsitively the best fur-real friend a cat could ask for,” a couple quality sketchbooks, and a few dvds of her favorite movies that her collection had been sorely lacking.
“Chat… I don’t know what to say…”
The feline hero shrugged, his lips quirking up in a barely suppressed smile. “Then don’t say anything. Dinner is almost ready, so go ahead and take a seat while I finish making it.” He turned back around to attend to the red sauce and stir the pasta.
Once she sitting at the table, she took a deep breath to savor the scent of the food. “I didn’t know you could cook, chaton.”
“I can’t,” he laughed, “I know just a few dishes. It’s been a while since I made arrabbiata, but I’ve been practicing for the last two weeks to get it right.”
“Why that dish?” Not that she was complaining - it smelled delicious.
“Well, you’ve mentioned that you liked spicy food, all I can cook is Italian, and arrabbiata is the only Italian dish I know of that’s got the heat.” She had a vague memory of them discussing food choices when they were considering if they wanted to order take out a few weeks ago. Had he really held onto that little tidbit of information for that long?
Before she could ask more questions - like, for example, why he could only cook Italian - he took her plate and handed it back laden with the steaming pasta and red sauce. Despite what he seemed to think, it had ended up amazing and if he tried to talk down his cooking abilities in the future, she’d have to give him a firm smack upside the head.
Somewhere between the unexpected meal and the ensuing conversation, Marinette felt the tension that had been building up throughout the day melt away. And for the first time since she moved here, her apartment felt like a home.
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lindawood · 6 years
What We’re Looking Forward To From CES 2019
Like its host city, the CES trade show largely deals in illusion. Most of the flashy stuff being shown in Las Vegas this week is months or years away from making your life better—if it comes out at all. Here at Wirecutter, we know there’s no way we can walk off the convention-center floor ready to make a new pick (we’ve got to get stuff home to test, of course), but the things we see and learn at the show can help us make picks in the year to come.
For us, CES is a time to talk to engineers and manufacturers about the new technologies they’re excited about for 2019, and to ask them the right questions so that we can pass their expertise on to you.
We’ve always tried to take a realist’s approach to CES. Once our team is back home, we’ll fully consider everything we’ve seen, and we’ll test what we can—and hopefully we’ll have some new picks to tell you about in our guides. But for now, here are the things we’re most looking forward to.
—Michael J Kennelly, updates editor
Nostril-free video calls
Dell New XPS 13, available now, $1,190
Photo: Dell
Since June 2015, in our reviews, the Dell XPS 13 has beaten out competing Windows ultrabooks thanks to its size, battery life, and powerful performance. Its nearly four-year-old design has remained our favorite even as other ultrabooks have finally begun to catch up. At this year’s CES, Dell revealed that it has finally corrected the XPS 13’s greatest flaw: its awkwardly placed webcam, which sat on the leftmost edge of the bottom bezel and gave a great view into your nostrils. On the Dell New XPS 13, available now, Dell has shrunk the webcam and pushed it to the center of the laptop’s top bezel. (Tossing that crappy camera should spark joy, as Marie Kondo might say.)
The New XPS 13 comes with two Thunderbolt 3 ports, one USB-C 3.1 port, a microSD card reader, and a headphone jack. For the past two years, we’ve continued to prefer the XPS 13 model with legacy ports, but this looks like the year we might recommend the USB-C model to most people. The new camera does mean you’ll no longer be able to log in using just your face, but we think this new design is worth the trade-off, and you’ll still have the optional fingerprint reader for easy logins. The laptop felt comfortable to type on in our brief demo, but we’ll reserve judgment on the New XPS 13’s keyboard, trackpad, and battery life until we get it in for testing.
—Justin Krajeski, staff writer (laptops/accessories)
A kitchen-friendly smart display
KitchenAid Smart Display, spring or summer 2019, $200 to $300
Photo: Grant Clauser
The Google Home Hub is easily my favorite Google Assistant device, especially for use in the kitchen, but if you squirt it with the sink hose or spill your soup-in-progress on it, you’ll probably kill it. KitchenAid is claiming to fix that problem with its version, the KitchenAid Smart Display. The Smart Display is IPX5 rated, so you don’t need to worry about getting messy around it, which is great because smart displays are perfect cooking helpers. As with all Google Assistant displays, including the Lenovo and JBL models, you can ask this one for recipes and let its videos and instructions walk you through preparing your food—as well as play music while you’re making a mess, and control your connected smart-home devices—all with your voice, without having to wash your hands. This model adds support for Yummly, KitchenAid’s own database of recipes, but you can also select meals from other sites. The display is 10 inches, so it’s 3 inches bigger than that of the Home Hub but the same as the larger Lenovo display. It also includes a built-in camera for video calls (and a lens off-switch), which the Google version lacks. The extra size matters when you’re watching cooking videos or reading recipe ingredients. The price hasn’t been finalized, but KitchenAid told us that the Smart Display would be between $200 and $300 at release later this year.
—Grant Clauser, senior editor (smart home)
Two 2019 trends for headphones
Jabra Elite 85h, April 2019, $300 Cleer Ally Plus, June 2019, $200
Photo: Jabra
Based on the conversations I’ve had at CES this year, I’m expecting two big improvements for headphones in 2019. Active noise-cancelling headphones will get cheaper overall, and we’ll see a vast improvement in battery life. I’ve been told that new chips are able to conserve energy better, so headphones can either work longer or do more with the same-size batteries.
One example I saw already utilizing this new tech was the Jabra Elite 85h, which has active noise cancelling and claims a 32-hour battery life but also features the same “always listening” wake-word-based tech as an Amazon Echo speaker, a Google Home Hub, or an iPhone, so you don’t need to push a button to pull up your digital assistant. Instead, you can just say “Alexa” or “Assistant.” The noise cancelling was pretty impressive when I tried the pair at CES, but we’ll need to test the headphones more before making a verdict. The Jabra Elite 85h is due in April and will cost $300.
Photo: Lauren Dragan
Another company taking advantage of the chip tech was Cleer, which will have true wireless earbuds with active noise cancellation and a whopping 10-hour battery life between charges plus 20 more hours in the charge case. And no, the earbuds aren’t massive, either. (Of course, we’ll have to test those battery-life claims ourselves.) Cleer’s Ally Plus headphones will be IPX5 rated and will cost $200 when they become available in June.
Additionally, one of the chip manufacturers, Qualcomm, is supplying a chipset to headphone makers with active noise cancelling ready to go, making it easier and less expensive than ever for these companies to add ANC to their gear. This new tech will likely cause an overall drop in prices as other headphone companies try to compete. But just because the new Qualcomm chip makes ANC easy to install doesn’t mean these inexpensive ANC earbuds will be optimized or tuned. So in addition to seeing some great pairs of headphones, I fear we’re also in for a ton of crappy new stuff too. Good or bad, we’ll give them a listen, and we’ll keep you posted on what’s worth your time.
—Lauren Dragan, senior staff writer (headphones)
One gaming monitor for all
G-Sync on FreeSync monitors, January 2019
Photo: Asus
When we published our first gaming-monitor guide last spring, we chose to offer two top picks: a G-Sync monitor for those using an Nvidia graphics card and a FreeSync monitor for those using an AMD graphics card. G-Sync costs more, while FreeSync often gets tossed in as a free feature even on non-gaming monitors. For the past several years, shopping for a gaming monitor has come with the annoying choice between these two competing adaptive-sync technologies—a feature that helps make games look smoother. Because of these proprietary technologies, it’s hard to recommend spending the large amount of cash on a gaming monitor unless you know you’ll be using the same GPU for a long time.
But later this month, Nvidia will release a driver update that adds G-Sync to 12 FreeSync gaming monitors, making modern Nvidia graphics cards compatible with both technologies. Even if a monitor isn’t yet certified with G-Sync (such as our current FreeSync pick, the Asus MG279Q), you will be able to try the G-Sync support yourself on any FreeSync monitor by enabling the adaptive sync manually. Hopefully, this move on Nvidia’s part will lead to more monitors that support both sync technologies for a lower price, and will make it easier for us to name a single FreeSync monitor recommendation for most gamers.
—Thorin Klosowski, staff writer (gaming/PCs)
Mesh network gets a sequel for Wi-Fi 6
Netgear Orbi RBK 152, second half of 2019, price TBD
Photo: Netgear
We’ve been recommending a mesh Wi-Fi network for the past few years, but at CES 2019 we saw a new wrinkle in the networking fabric: Wi-Fi 6. The Netgear Orbi RBK 152 adds Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) to the company’s multi-node mesh-networking kit.
Similar to the Netgear Orbi RBK50 kit we currently recommend, the Orbi kit with a Wi-Fi 6 router and satellite has a new look: vertically oriented white oval cylinders with tuxedo-style black and blue stripes around their perimeters.
Netgear brought only inactive mockups to show at CES, but in the second half of this year the Orbi kit with Wi-Fi 6 will feature a dedicated 802.11ax backchannel between the router and any satellites, as well as full 2.4 GHz/5 GHz Wi-Fi compatibility (802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax) to clients. This compatibility is important because you’ll still need to keep your Wi-Fi water monitor online while streaming video to your 4K TV and 2019-model 802.11ax laptop. Enhancements such as 1024 QAM with a 4×4 Wi-Fi backhaul mean that you should be able to get most, if not all, the Gigabit Internet throughput you’re paying for, not just at the router.
Mesh helps with Wi-Fi problem spots such as that comfy seat in the den where you have trouble staying connected to the router installed on the other side of the house. Interfering Wi-Fi signals from your neighbors compound the problem. Replacing an existing standalone router with a mesh-networking kit makes sense for someone in this situation.
If I were planning to replace a standalone router with a mesh network, I’d seriously consider waiting for the Netgear Orbi with Wi-Fi 6—it’ll work great now, and you’ll be ready for 802.11ax laptops, phones, and other devices in the future.
—Joel Santo Domingo, senior staff writer (networking)
A beefier standalone VR headset
Oculus Quest, spring 2019, $400
Photo: Signe Brewster
Facebook has hybridized its high-end Oculus Rift headset and entry-level Go headset to create the Quest: a cordless VR headset that doesn’t require a PC or external sensors but can track you and your hands as you move around a room. We’ve been looking forward to this from DDigits WP Feed 2 https://wrctr.co/2D15hlu via IFTTT
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