127day-dream · 2 years
bout to write a weatherman mark fic bc....
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127day-dream · 2 years
the way sticker flopped, rip 😭 thats my sign to not write vanilla anymore LOL
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127day-dream · 2 years
i saw someone in my likes read white night then immediately read heartbreaker and i wonder how much whiplash they got doing that
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127day-dream · 2 years
Sticker Draft
Final Version out now!
a/n: unfinished, unedited! finished part will be posted on @127tyong
Pairing: Taeyong X Reader
Genre: Smut, Childhood Friends AU, Reader is in her 20s, Caught Masturbating (Taeyong)
Warnings: TBA
Word Count: 1.5k
In your eyes, Taeyong was practically a baby. You grew up living in the same neighborhood as him, and would constantly go to his house after school. You always had a key to wherever he was living, even after you both entered the workforce and were adults, you would still go to his house and spend time with him, comforting each other.
You would never admit this, since Taeyong was such a nerd, but you always thought he was cute. After all, you spent your entire life with him, watching his highs and lows. Something about him made you giggle and your heart palpitate.
But today, after work, you went to his house, wanting to drink with him since you were stressed out, but he wasn’t home. Slipping off your heels, you massaged your feet through your stockings. Finally deciding to just go through his manga collection, you laid on his bed, and flipped through a random edition of  “One Piece,” of which Taeyong owned the entire collection.
After about 30 minutes, you heard the front door click open, then lock shut as Taeyong returned home. “You’re here?” Taeyong asked from the living room after he saw your shoes by the door.
“Yeah!” You called back, not wanting to move from the warmth of his bed.
“Ugh, I'm so tired…” Taeyong mumbled as he walked through the door, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. Taeyong’s eyes widened after he saw you on his bed. “What are you doing? You’re breaking the spine!” Taeyong ran to grab the book from you, but you pushed him away.
“God… you’re such a fucking nerd.” You scoffed as Taeyong practically got on his knees and whined, begging you to give him the manga back.
“Excuse me, I prefer the term “otaku”, thank you very much!” Taeyong rolled his eyes. “Now let go!” His face was resting on your stomach as he shook your arms.
You tossed the paperback book onto his bed. “Yeah, whatever.”
“Hey! That’s my precious Nami cover page!” Taeyong scurried to pick up the book and placed it back onto his bookshelf.
“You only like her because she has big boobs.” You scoffed. 
“No, it’s not like that!” He sighed, joining you under the covers of his twin sized bed, his face uncomfortably close to yours. “Besides, she’s not even my ideal type.”
“Whatever you say.” Sighing, you pat Taeyong’s head. He always did need more comforting than anyone else you had ever been friends with. The whiny, clingy, version of Taeyong remained the same even after all these years.
Taeyong rubbed his face on the collar of your button up shirt, his arms tightening around your waist. “Am I hurting you?” And kind of, he was practically resting all of his body weight on your chest. He was way too comfortable with lying on your boobs as a grown man. 
“Ugh, you should really buy a bigger bed, you have a huge bedroom just to fill it up with manga and figures. How are you planning on ever getting married?” You ran your hands through his hair, your fingernails scratching his head.
Taeyong snorted, shifting to look you in the eye. “You really think I’ll get married?” You pulled his glasses off and fluffed his hair up. “You know, you’d look really good if you actually wanted to…” Your hands slid down his cheeks, your palms cupping his jaw, feeling the sharp bone on your fingertips. Biting your lip, you really thought he looked good, even with his glasses on. He couldn't hide his pretty face behind thick glasses frames or a messy haircut, and you knew it.
Taeyong sat up, getting off you. He slid his glasses back on and brushed his hair back into place. “Do you want to drink with me?”
Taeyong swallowed another shot, the bottle practically empty. He was sitting on his living room floor, a movie playing in the background.
“Tyong, don’t you think that's enough?” Sitting on the couch behind him, you only let yourself take a few sips of your drink, not letting your eyes leave Taeyong, worried he would do something stupid the moment you did.
He was always like this… Never able to feel how drunk or high he was until he was past the point of no return. You had many memories of him in college where he poured 4 shots of vodka into his Coke, saying it wasn’t even strong, then blacking out in the living room, passing out, waking up, and finally joining you in your bed.
You grabbed the bottle from him. “Yongie, that's enough.” “You're no fun!” He whined, his head hitting your knee.
“Come on, let's go to bed.” You helped him stand up, his arm around your shoulders. 
Taeyong whined, his voice almost grating. “No…! Stay and drink with me!”
You sighed, dragging Taeyong into his bedroom. “Fuck!” You stubbed your toe against his dresser. You dropped Taeyong, instinctively grabbing your toe. “Sorry! I’m sorry!” You looked down at Taeyong, who was too drunk to realize you had even dropped him, and you tossed him onto his bed. You unbuttoned his shirt for him, trying to get him comfortable so he could sleep.
“Do my pants.” He groaned, rubbing his eyes with his arm.
“No, I don’t really want to.” You sighed. 
“Fine.” He went under his blanket and took his pants off himself.
“I’m going home.” You rolled your eyes, not wanting to deal with drunk Taeyong anymore.
“No..!” He whined, sitting up. “Come here.”
You sat on the edge of his bed, tucking him into bed. “Good night, Taeyong.” He grabbed onto your wrist before you could even stand up. “Just until I sleep?” He begged, pouting.
How could you say no to that face? “Fine. Only until you sleep.” You took your bra and stockings off, then joined him. 
His hot breath was next to your face, and it was sick how naturally his arm wrapped around your waist. It was disgusting how Taeyong made your heart flutter, but he didn’t even think twice about you. You knew he only cared about two things, himself, and his manga collection. But even still, you let yourself imagine what it would’ve been like if Taeyong liked you back, so you let yourself fall asleep in his arms.
“Shit. Fuck. What did I do?” You felt Taeyong sit up next to you, his arms ripping off your waist.
“What?” You asked groggily, rubbing your eyes to wake yourself up.
Taeyong ran out of bed, quickly grabbing some pants out of his closet. “Did we… uh…” 
“What? No. You were drunk. Besides, I don’t think you could fuck me even if you were sober.” You pulled the covers up over your chest. “Can I steal some clothes? I have work in…” You grabbed your phone off the charger. “40 minutes.”
“Yeah, I think I have some of your clothes from the last time you slept over.” Taeyong looked in his dresser, tossing you one of your old shirts and skirts. 
“Do you mind if I wear some of your boxers?” You hooked your bra back on, watching Taeyong go through his closet.
“I’m sorry?” Taeyong deeply exhaled.
“Well, it’s not like I can wear these panties for a 2nd day. Besides, you wash your underwear… right?” You buttoned your shirt up.
“Um…” Taeyong tossed a pair of black boxers at you. “I’m gonna shower… or something.” He left you in his room, waving his hand around.
You got dressed and made your way to his bathroom.
“What the fuck!” Taeyong screamed, his shower curtain blocking your view of him, but he stuck his head out.
“I just need to brush my hair and my teeth! You don’t mind if I use your toothbrush, right?” You started to comb your hair with his brush.
“I guess not? Just get out!” Taeyong retracted his head back into the shower.
You brushed your teeth. “You’re the best! I’m gonna head out after this!”
“Fuck, I forgot my phone.” You realized when you were already at work.
You decided to head back to Taeyong's house during your lunch break.
When you went inside, you tried to be as quiet as possible, so as to not scare any of his neighbors, but you assumed Taeyong was still at work.
When you went into Taeyong’s room, you were unprepared for what you saw.
“Fuck! What are you doing Taeyong?” You hissed at him.
He was laying on his bed, cock in his hand, cum dripping all over his abs and fingers. And in his other hand were your panties, pressed against his face like a pervert.
“I- I’m sorry!” Taeyong jumped up, trying to walk towards you. 
You instinctively backed up, not knowing what to say. If he was a teenage boy, you could make an excuse for him, saying he’s just a kid… But he’s nearly 30, and you know he wasn’t even a virgin, since you both lost your virginity in high school.
So, you mumbled the only thing you could really think at that point. “You’re gonna get cum on me.”
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127day-dream · 2 years
fighting the urge to write pathetic taeyong again (i am going to)
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127day-dream · 2 years
my updates might get a little slower bc im starting my spring semester again TT
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127day-dream · 2 years
ALSO ALSO (im sorry for spamming ur timeline) (this is long)
but consistency... they're track 4 + 5 on limitless... and the story (of the song) really makes sense considering the story's (of my story) themes...
can u tell i overthink a lot? hahaha
but its fun... plus, i really overthought h+bdli (i hate that abbreviation!) even tho it was a short smut fic... honestly, i might rewrite h+bdli (still dont like that) because i feel like the message was kind of... lackluster.
idk, i feel like i wrote yuta a bit too... lightly. i wanted him to be a total piece of shit but it came a bit too cute bc haha smuttt
actually, yuta and i have the same mbti personality type. and actually, i asked someone on tumblr what nct member im most like and they said yuta... isnt that funny?
can u tell im procrastinating writing? by writing here? haha
i feel so sad about h+bdli, bc the smut was really good but besides that i didn't really like the story BUT I DO BUT I DONT yk what i mean? all the characters seemed so flat... i overhyped it in my head. honestly, that's it... i think just a lot of people asked questions about the story this time and... wasn't ready haha
i like my characters to be like, actual humans making human decisions, not like just hentai "for the sex" characters (do not look at be there for you, i was in heat) and thats why i do too much...
actually, even with be there for you, jaemin had a bit of a mental breakdown when deciding if he was actually gonna have sex with the reader, which imo, makes it great lol no doctor would actually risk losing their medical license..
i think that writing more dynamic characters is more fun. hwth is my baby. it's annoying, has too many characters, is gonna kill me, and its my precious little baby because i HATE some of the characters (cough, cough, jeno) but they're like, real people making real decisions (except haechan's sex scene, that was purely for the sex lol)
anyways... i wish when i started writing nct smut i wrote oneshots, hwth is gonna kill me... I DONT WANNA WRITE IT TO BE HONEST BUT IM MAKING MYSELF WRITE BC I LIKE WRITING BUT ITS SUCH A BIG PROJECT I WISH I DID HEARTBREAKER 1ST LOL
well.................. im gonna work on hwth.
maybe................. i'll actually work on a taeyong fic i've been working on for a while..............
UGH im sorry.
highway to heaven?
hahaha.... my back hurts.
im on part 4?
my cat is sitting on my keyboard. too lazy to delete.
oh... my cursor is moving.
kitty, please leave.
i think she likes the warmth of the desk. i have a fuzzy blanket on it. she's sleeping on my mousepad... i tried getting her to sleep on a heating pad, but i think she likes the computer...
should i get her a computer? do i sound insane?
she deserves it. she deserves the world.
im not having any kids of my own, after all. she's my only family.
shes perfect. oh... i guess i really do sound like a mom....
it's okay.
actually, i never said this before, but i started writing smut to make my typing skills better... i always get made of for my typing...
isn't that funny? i could've just done a typing.com lesson...
but i like writing about sex and nct.
haha... well, for the record, it didn't work.
maybe i'll still do the typing.com lesson.
agh... my back really hurts.
i'm gonna sleep.
sorry, you'll have to wait for hwth pt... 4 or 5.
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127day-dream · 2 years
also, i REALLY wanna write darker themes but im scared that it'll be too much bc i feel like even heartbreaker/baby don't like it was slightly dark...
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127day-dream · 2 years
*sighs* fine, i'll actually write a 10k word fic, just don't be mad if it takes like... a month to come out
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127day-dream · 2 years
isn't it wild how yuta and johnny arent even my biases/bias wreckers but i have so many stories with him as the mc in the drafts?
therye just so hot haha its so easy to write for them...
taeyong's actually my ult bias but... i just end up wanting to make him submissive and desperate when i write him
same with yangyang, hes just too cute and playful
anyways, somehow, hwth is popping off rn... i should write the next part but im gonna have to do a bit of a reread LOL
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127day-dream · 2 years
the graph showing how much yall like be there for you (my sign to stop writing angst lol) (never will tho)
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127day-dream · 2 years
i need requests bc idek who to write
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127day-dream · 2 years
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my apology for the trauma baby dont like it gave everyone
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127day-dream · 2 years
if i do, yuta would probably be the mc bc i feel very guilty about how the ending to heartbreaker went LOL
i wanna write a slow burn romance haha
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127day-dream · 2 years
i wanna write a slow burn romance haha
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127day-dream · 2 years
i just realized some people probably followed me for white night and then got put through heartbreaker/baby dont like it lol
idek if i'll ever write fluff again tho tbh
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127day-dream · 2 years
hwth needs an update... maybe soon
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