a1reglazesblog · 1 year
The Reglazing Process: How Long Does It Take?
Let’s break down the reglazing process step by step!
Step 1: Surface Preparation
First things first, the surface needs to be squeaky clean before reglazing can begin. This means removing any dirt, grime, or soap scum that might be hanging around.
Step 2: Masking
This step is all about protecting the areas that won't be reglazed. The professional will cover all the fixtures, hardware, or surrounding tile that you don't want to get glaze on.
Step 3: Application
The process over here involves applying a layer of primer to the surface that will help the glaze stick. Then several thin layers of glaze are added.
Step 4: Drying
After the final layer of glaze goes on, the surface needs to dry completely. It can take up to 24 hours before you start using your surface.
Factors That Affect the Reglazing Process
Not all reglazed surfaces take the same time to cure. Some surfaces may take a longer time that others based on a number of factors. For instance, the type of material that's being reglazed can make a big difference in how long the process takes. If the surface is made of porcelain or fiberglass, it might need extra preparation before reglazing it.
The size of the area also matters. If you're just reglazing a small sink or bathtub, it might only take a couple of hours. But if you're tackling a larger area like a shower stall or countertop, it could take several hours to complete.
Advantages of Reglazing
Reglazing can be a fantastic solution for restoring your bathroom and kitchen fixtures.  One of the biggest perks of reglazing is that it can be much more affordable than replacing your fixtures entirely. With reglazing, you can give a sink, bathtub, or tile surface, a fresh new look without breaking the bank.
Reglazing is also a much quicker option than replacing your fixtures. And let’s not forget the environmental aspect of reglazing. When you replace a sink, tub, or tile surface, the old materials often end up in a landfill. Reglazing on the other hand is all about extending the life of those materials and reducing waste.
Bottom line
Reglazing can be a great way to update your home's surfaces. To ensure quality work, it is always best to work with professionals in the industry. DIY reglazing kits may seem like a cost-effective solution, but they often don't produce the same quality finish as a professional service.
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seoboosterr · 2 years
Top 6 Reasons to Use Investigation Management Software
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A standard Google search of the term ‘Investigation Case Management Software’ would possibly define it as a high-end software technology that collects all relevant information linked to a particular case and all the analytical tools a person would require. In other words, investigation management is required to gather proof to reach a conclusion based on multiple analytical devices. This objective-driven work requires careful consideration regarding the detail provided by the humongous information gathered. Be it the case of fraud, employee background checks, underwriting, or claims management, investigation management software can collect, compare, analyze data and provide conclusions based on such data so as to facilitate proper planning and decision making. Here is some information about the role of this modern technology in today’s world, focusing not only on its main features but the manner in which it facilitates working.
A Helper To The Investigator
Investigation Case Management Software effectively works at multi-layers of any organization. The Software helps and assists the Investigator’s work. It provides a repository for the whole of the gathered data. This includes formal channels such as information stored in the centralized database and quasi-formal media such as email conversations, videos, scanned documents, and audio. Case management software extracts audits and analysis data. It helps investigators to work efficiently and effectively draw observations and find connections or patterns between different pieces of proof. This can be a new method of case management for police or investigators.
Data Consolidation
Data is the fundamental unit that includes the outcome provided by case investigation software. The data needed by the software spread over a variety of fields. Therefore, problems arise when the data required is stored in different information databases. The case tracking system fulfills this task by automatically identifying such sources, requesting information, and consolidating them based on a given criterion. 
Simplify The Process
Not only does consolidation help to simplify the whole process of case investigation. Case management software gets precisely what the investigator demands; it synchronizes the gathered data based on the preferred bases from sources such as the internal audit, clients, and even the organizational employees. Once the documents are organized, the software would again come into action and prioritize and assign the case investigation.
Prioritizing Confidentiality
Gathering information from different sources creates an obligation upon the recipient to keep the information away from undesired hands. The criminal intelligence software keeps the collected data safe by encrypting it. Furthermore, it also checks the number of individuals who access information based on the permission you might set. This would help you to keep a check on not only the people who access the information but exactly what information they access.
Investigation management software is sufficiently equipped to help the investigators to collaborate information with all or specific departments and encourage them to analyze data to conclude. In other words, if the investigator needs the assistance of a specialized department in the investigation process, he/she may do so by collaborating material. This helps the Investigator investigate in detail and to reach the most appropriate conclusion.
Saving Time And Money
The whole process is automatic. Investigation case management software simply works on the pre-inserted commands about the sources of information collection, the basis of investigation, and the persons to whom the report is to be sent. Once the command is set, the whole procedure, from source identification to the production of conclusion, occurs speedily without any human brains involved, thereby reducing the possibility of bias. Once this is done, no more effort, time, and money investment is required. 
The software has helped us leap through the age-old processes involving a huge workforce and piles of documents for investigation and shifted to an automated tech that cuts downtime and money investment.
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zedecksiew · 2 years
Stalagmite-folk + Process Notes: Overloading the Random Table
Some orientation:
Stalagmite-folk are living, ambulatory speleothems. (They don’t have legs, but glide over mineral surfaces like ice on a floor.) They are organised into families: sibling sets, issue of a local stone-spirit father and the divine Mother Water.
Blind Elephant is a stone father whose marriage has come to a Bad End. So his children, the Blind Elephant family, are exiles.
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Maybe they’ve met flesh-people before. Or heard stories about daylanders. The novelty that you are distracts them from their troubles.
They know you to be:
Sightless, underground. They keep trying to sneak up and startle you.
Wild and murderous. He treats you like he would a dangerous animal.
Exotic specimens. “Your hair is so pretty! Can I touch it? Wow, stringy!”
Fascinatingly disgusting. “So you cry from your crotch? Can we see?”
Inferior in every way. She will speak over you, and never let you finish.
Poor, malnourished. They keep trying to feed you stalagmite-folk foods.
They have:
A peridot afro so big it messes with their balance. They indulge in too much olivine candy.
Shoulders sprouting jagged carbuncle spikes. The new pyrope supplements are working.
Corrosive breath. They have lava-folk friends, and love the taste of their acid-rich cuisine.
Painful joints. Every move, they grind like a rusty hinge. They drink too many bug slurries.
Rusty skin, streaks at a touch. They bulked up on iron ore, but have stopped working out.
A glowing body, searing hot. Torch resin is a narcotic to stalagmite-folk. They’re an addict.
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They travelled with few belongings. Including:
A pet – a rock-porcupine. Will sniff out and try to steal metal objects, to chew on as snacks.
A club of ensorcelled citrine. Any spot it impacts transforms and shatters into yellow jewels.
A set of vials, filled with condiment powders. Any would lacerate your lungs, if breathed in.
A set of finely carved wooden serving platters. Easily scratched. Utterly impervious to heat.
A sword of witch salt. The first flesh creature it touches immediately mummifies. It shatters.
An unfinished younger sister they’d been sculpting. Without parents she will never be born.
Back in their own halls they made their living:
At a crystal farm. They can show you a clear path through the fields. Their family is known for fist-sized amethyst grapes and extra-sharp salt lilies.
As a glassmith. Their workshops were hells of fire and unbreathable fume. They made toy figurines so fine these come alive at their command.
Angling moonfish. The best fishing spots are always in the loneliest caverns; they could lead you down shortcuts or detours known to nobody else.
Practising the gut art. Using their stomachs as chemistry labs, they’d guzzle ingredients, and regurgitate potions. They kept stores of rare materials.
In a crude-oil mine. A nasty business. That liquid demon-stuff harbours all manner of perilous horrors. They are scarred, and trained in fighting arts.
At the creche. Not everybody in a family is interested in caring for younger siblings. Their creche-hall is full of nooks, to play hide-and-seek in.
Few will admit to you the terror they are all feeling. They blindly followed their stone father in his retreat. Without a home, with a wrecked family – who are they, really?
+++ +++ +++
As we crawl to a complete draft for REACH OF THE ROACH GOD, the problem I’ve had to solve for most often is space.
Word count => Ballooning page count ==> Added dimensions and weight ===> Shipping costs we may not be able to afford.
I blew much of my word budget on ROTRG first three sections. Not a bad thing, considering these are the full adventure modules. But it does mean things are getting tight, space-wise.
The random NPC generator up-post appears in our stalagmite-folk gazetteer. It is the only set of random tables that chapter gets. It has to:
Generate individual NPCs (who are these stalagmite-folk refugees?)
Detail a specific community (what is the Blind Elephant family like?)
Model non-specific communities and culture (what are stalagmite-folk like, in general?)
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World-building via random table, I guessss?
A powerful RPG design technology. Brian Yaksha discusses it a lot; his Rakehell is an object lesson for how the principle works.
Swathes of Luka Rejec’s Ultraviolet Grasslands are conveyed via random table. Emmy Allen’s toolbox setting books, Gardens Of Ynn and Stygian Library. The most robust RPG settings tend to do this? It simply makes the most sense.
My favourite recent example is Scrap Princess’s inspired-by-Shadowrun-and-2020s-Muskian-disaster-capitalism NooFutra:
A book of tables and tables and tables of bonkers ideas that mutate play and its world in wonderful ways. (Is it NooFutra or NooFutura? Anyway: it really is wonderful.)
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One thing that I like to do with the random generators in A Thousand Thousand Islands, because it fits the setting’s themes of porousness, anti-taxonomy, “one thing is always in relation to another thing”-ness –
Which I am now forced to do with ROTRG, out of necessity, simply because
I Just Don’t Have SPACE A R G H !
Is this: all the random generators in the book are consciously written as multiple tables, spliced together. Tables that, in a different, better-delineated RPG work, would exist as separate things / lists / rolls – designed for separate purposes and to output separate results.
Presented here are the rough thoughts I had in mind, as I was making these d6 tables:
1: Sightless, underground. They keep trying to sneak up and startle you. 2: Wild and murderous. He treats you like he would a dangerous animal. 3: Exotic specimens. “Your hair is so pretty! Can I touch it? Wow, stringy!” 4: Fascinatingly disgusting. “So you cry from your crotch? Can we see?” 5: Inferior in every way. She will speak over you, and never let you finish. 6: Poor, malnourished. They keep trying to feed you stalagmite-folk foods.
This a reaction table + personality generator. (But then it’s a poor reaction table that isn’t also a personality generator.)
Also it’s a micro-aggressions table, meant to communicate how the stalagmite-folk are inclined to treat flesh-based persons. They aren’t Racists. They simply belong to a Superior Civilisation, you know? In a way it is their Burden.
1: A peridot afro so big it messes with their balance. They indulge in too much olivine candy. 2: Shoulders sprouting jagged carbuncle spikes. The new pyrope supplements are working. 3: Corrosive breath. They have lava-folk friends, and love the taste of their acid-rich cuisine. 4: Painful joints. Every move, they grind like a rusty hinge. They drink too many bug slurries. 5: Rusty skin, streaks at a touch. They bulked up on iron ore, but have stopped working out. 6: A glowing body, searing hot. Torch resin is a narcotic to stalagmite-folk. They’re an addict.
Physical attributes generator. (Meeting a minimum standard of gameability, because those are the “cosmetic” details players remember. So not “big afro guy”, but “guy with afro so big it makes him a liability while we’re spelunking”. Stuff like that.)
Plus a list of foodstuffs – detailing the stalagmite-folk’s general relationship to food, and alluding to their relationship with other groups (torch resin would be supplied by the pale-folk).
This here’s an example of word-count constraints determining creature design. The stalagmite-folk have this “you are what you eat” thing going on, mainly because I realised I could merge two random tables together if they did.
1: A pet – a rock-porcupine. Will sniff out and try to steal metal objects, to chew on as snacks. 2: A club of ensorcelled citrine. Any spot it impacts transforms and shatters into yellow jewels. 3: A set of vials, filled with condiment powders. Any would lacerate your lungs, if breathed in. 4: A set of finely carved wooden serving platters. Easily scratched. Utterly impervious to heat. 5: A sword of witch salt. The first flesh creature it touches immediately mummifies. It shatters. 6: An unfinished younger sister they’d been sculpting. Without parents she will never be born.
Simple treasure / magic items table.
But treasure tables aren’t simple anywhere, are they? Info on what the NPC has; what they can do, in play; material culture; what’s valuable versus what’s not in this culture; all that good shit.
1: At a crystal farm. They can show you a clear path through the fields. Their family is known for fist-sized amethyst grapes and extra-sharp salt lilies. 2: As a glassmith. Their workshops were hells of fire and unbreathable fume. They made toy figurines so fine these come alive at their command. 3: Angling moonfish. The best fishing spots are always in the loneliest caverns; they could lead you down shortcuts or detours known to nobody else. 4: Practising the gut art. Using their stomachs as chemistry labs, they’d guzzle ingredients, and regurgitate potions. They kept stores of rare materials. 5: In a crude-oil mine. A nasty business. That liquid demon-stuff harbours all manner of perilous horrors. They are scarred, and trained in fighting arts. 6: At the creche. Not everybody in a family is interested in caring for younger siblings. Their creche-hall is full of nooks, to play hide-and-seek in.
Professions table. Generates an NPC’s skill set.
It also tells you what their work-space was like. Considering that our stalagmite-folk gazetteer strongly suggests a “go explore the Blind Elephant’s home caves and figure out what’s going on” adventure – this tells where a particular NPC could be useful, should they tag along.
And those spatial descriptions also mean that this conveniently serves as a generator for Blind Elephant geography. You could roll on the table a coupla times, look at the spread of your results, and determine whether the Blind Elephant are a family of fisherpersons or miners or artisans.
Also meaning that, possibly, maybe, in theory, you could roll up any stalagmite-folk settlement, since the professions list is meant to communicate typical economic activities that the culture engages in.
In my mind I see this stuff as an extension of Brendan / Necropraxis’s overloaded encounter die. That’s a keystone bit of design, in service of RPG procedure and its streamlining.
Could you do the same with RPG setting / adventure design?
What if your weather table was your location generator? What would that look like?
You’d lose granularity. (You’re removing a roll; setting certain weather-to-place relationships in stone). But what would you gain in terms of building the character of the world? (Hail always falls around the region’s stone megaliths, wonder why?)
Does any of this work? Is any of this useful for anybody but myself? Don’t know.
Definitely these splicings push towards more specificity – so designers who are trying to make more toolbox-y things would find this dumb / counterproductive.
Is it useful to me?
I know I’m susceptible to overburdening a text. Not information-dense, just dense? Prose that does too much implying, and has left too much unsaid. Descriptions with too few explicit guardrails for players’ / GMs’ imaginations, they just never bother getting onboard.
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It has been useful, so far. I’m reasonably happy with our draft of the stalagmite-folk gazetteer. I think I experienced something not entirely unlike fun, while writing said draft. (Writing sucks ass; I never have fun writing.)
And I didn’t bust my word-count limit, this time. So there’s that.
(Art by Mun Kao. The stalagmite-folk are part of REACH OF THE ROACH GOD, our first book; preorders are open.)
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ecopoeticsuchicago · 8 years
Week 5 Process Notes
Ben Shafer
For this week’s assignment, I opted to read “Disquiet” after beginning the exercise. Although it probably could have been insightful to have the guidance of Aditi Machado’s essay, I felt inclined to limit all outside influence on my process. The focus of the exercise is meaning and meaninglessness, through rigorous definition and incoherence. I wanted the meaninglessness to be free from any direct personal comprehension; similarly, I wanted my definitions to emerge through unguided contemplation and consideration—through the lens of my preconceptions and mood—of the word I selected. I sought to find an internal purity when I subjected a concept to identity (through definition), or to a lack of identity (through desultory translation).
For collecting the field samples, I planned to inhabit a well-defined space with a prepared mindset of creativity. I was in the city on a trip with my house, and I thought I would conduct the exercise by myself afterwards. But during a brief respite in our plans, at a point when I found myself relatively alone, I decided to just take notes there and then—not somewhere iconic or truly bustling, but a part of city and noise nonetheless. I think this may have proved more successful than if I had traveled to somewhere specific and preconceived: the task was to focus on meaninglessness, and conducting it spontaneously coincided with that theme.
In order to choose a word to define, I began going through the terms and describing each one briefly, the definitions flowing into my writing as impressions surfaced in my mind. However, when I got to “bread,” I simply found a connection: before I knew it, I had several completely disparate meanings, each of which to me seemed related to the idea of bread. I was surprised at how readily these diverse “definitions” surfaced.
I translated the meaningless noise in a similarly holistic manner. Going off vague notions or views that sprang to my mind with each piece of noise, I used random internet sources and nonsensical typing to translate my notes into essential nonsense. I do enjoy the variety of detritus I gathered from this process; the juxtaposition of meaning with the vivid byproducts of non-meaning felt strangely satisfying.
For the final composition, I decided to use collage to bring out the resurfacing impression I had of the word “bread:” the idea of substance, of basic materiality, of familiarity. I tried to integrate the definitions into and around themselves as well as the noise. However, I’m not sure I truly enjoy the end result; although its pieces feel significant to me, as a whole I worry it may simply be what it appears: a muddled mélange of inconsistency.
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shesharma · 2 years
Ultimate Guide to Implement Procure-to-pay Services in Your Procurement Services
An efficient and smooth procure-to-pay (P2P) process is key to the growth of your business. Different sectors require different goods and services on a daily basis. Additionally, there are hundreds of vendors and product variants. Simultaneously, speed is important but without bargaining with accuracy or quality. 
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Key Steps in the Procure-to-Pay Process
Not all firms use purchase orders for their purchases. The lack of purchase orders can lead to substantial losses when dispersed over an entire firm. The following seven steps make up the fundamental steps in the P2P process.
Purchase request: Once a requirement for a particular service or product is recognized and authorized by management, that request goes to the procurement division.
Purchase order: Procurement will see the list of authorized vendors and based on the request data, choose the best vendor for the purpose. The procurement division then generates a purchase order (PO) that is routed for authorization and transferred to the vendor.
Delivery of goods/services: Once the cargo is received, procurement will submit delivery information into the system.
E-invoicing: The accounts payable division comes into the picture during e-invoicing. Invoices are shared by the vendor either online through the vendor portal or via mail or fax. If not submitted online, invoices go through a process of double-blind keying technology or scanning where applicable data is obtained, regulated, and converted to e-invoices.
Invoice matching: The e-invoice is subsequently matched against the purchase order and delivery of goods. As long as all items match within agreed-upon limits, the invoice is advanced for authorization.
Approval workflow – With automated P2P, invoices that pass the 2-way or 3-way match are put straight through to the firm’s ERP for payment. Those invoices will go into the ERP for payment.
Payment – Payment methods vary, firm to firm. Despite cost-effective options like electronic payments, many firms still depend on cash and paper checks. A procure-to-pay solution offers an e-payables functionality.
Key Benefits of Procure to Pay
Automating procure-to-pay processes offers several benefits for procurement. Given below are a few samples of the enhancements your firm will realize: 
Reorganize procurement processes: Procurement software offers connectivity throughout the firm so requisitions are invited and approved rapidly, suitable suppliers are chosen based on data, and POs are generated and sent to suppliers online and can be tracked easily.
Lower invoice processing expenses: Going paperless lowers costs and time and allows firms to use people for strategic projects instead of repetitive tasks better achieved through automation.
Achieve better exception management: With most invoices being processed straight through, exceptions can be resolved faster.
Enhance supplier relations: By using the supplier portal, vendors can know when they will get payment, thereby giving them the information needed for superior decision-making. Quicker resolution on invoice exceptions and differences also prompts goodwill. 
Capture data for better decision-making: Strong P2P solutions offer robust on-demand reporting abilities. By using real-time and historical data supplied, firms can gain more control over working capital and cash flow.
From blocking manual data entry to enhancing spend visibility, automated procurement software tackles all process gaps.
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ecopoeticsuchicago · 8 years
Week 3 Process Notes and Research Notes
Ben Shafer
I chose Bridgeport as the location of my walk for several reasons: it’s not too far from campus, and accessible by the L and several buses; it seemed rather uniformly (sub)urban, judging from Google Maps satellite imagery; it’s one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Chicago, per Wikipedia; and it has a couple parks.
I planned my trip for morning, to give myself ample daylight time. It was a cold morning, so I was bundled up well (could have done with warmer gloves, though). It felt good to walk freely, lucid and perceptive of my surroundings. Independence in the city felt like a world away from the rest of myself. I think I really opened up to the city around me—I feel like it guided my emotions, and so in turn my choices and my writing.
Before going on my walk, I had come up with an idea for what type of piece to write: I wanted to start off on the large scale—vastly delineating histories and paradigms of knowledge that go into a geometric tape figure—and then to go down into the figure, going deeper and deeper, describing in detail each paradigm within each layer of the Earth, presenting issues along the way, and then going back up through again and tying it all together in the ocean. My final product more or less took the bases of this idea and essentially split them apart, although loosely. “Into” basically focuses on each piece that went into the rectangle and the Parish. “Down Through” goes through the Earth.
My form(s) for “Into” materialized as I wrote each section. I really enjoy how it turned out in this respect; I was inspired by writing with several different forms, tones, subjects, and angles. This format also really reflects the spirit of the location and the assignment. I feel perhaps “Down Through” did not accomplish as much as I hoped, or at least not as much as “Into.” I was glad to have come up with an interesting and meaningful format, but the content is perhaps less diverse and intriguing.
Site #1 – A lane by the parking lot of the St. Mary of Perpetual Help Parish
·       Bolt: “307A E TRN USA” 307A indicates that the bolt conforms to the ASTM A307 Grade A Standard for Carbon Steel Bolts. Distributed by Trinity Highway Products, LLC, 425 E O'Connor Ave, Lima, OH 45801. Also identifies as the 3360G bolt.
·       Railing: W-Beam rail, manufactured by Trinity Industries. Fitted with hard-mount Steel Yielding Terminal Posts.
·       Google Street View shows there used to be a wooden fence directly behind the guardrail.
·       License plate: “Illinois, P14 0653, Land of Lincoln.” I found this somewhere in Bridgeport. In some states, such as Michigan, inmates manufacture license plates in prisons; other states hire private contractors. I can’t find information on the production of Illinois’s plates. A sketchy website told me this plate belonged to an old Ford Explorer.
·       Asphalt pieces: I learned that asphalt is often made of a mix of sand, rock dust, and a couple different sizes of small rocks. The Thornton Quarry in Thornton, IL is a large rock quarry operated by the Gallagher Asphalt Corporation. The Quarry is within the Michigan Basin, the geologic structure comprising the lower peninsula of Michigan and much of the surrounding Midwest. More specifically, the quarry is within rock from reefs in the Silurian period, between 444 and 416 million years ago.
·       Concrete: the alley is paved with exposed aggregate concrete, while the base of the guardrail post is founded in plain concrete. Concrete is made from a mixture of sand, cement, glass, rocks, and other materials. I found a concrete manufacturer near the Parish called Prairie Material, which is part of a larger group that also includes a cement manufacturer called St. Mary’s Cement.
·       Leaves and berries: these came from a tall tree nearby. I searched for the tree using primarily the leaf, fruit, and bark characteristics. I eventually determined that it is a Calley Pear, scientific name Pyrus calleryana. This is an ornamental species, but it is actually invasive in the United States, often growing in prairie and vacant land.
·       Screw: a rusty wood screw, about 2 cm in length.
·       Dog poo: unascertainable. Several minutes earlier, I saw a man walking two small dogs; one was yellowish and white, with a willowy tail and fur.
Site #2 – On the pond by the walking platform in Palmisano Park
·       Flowers: some type of chrysanthemum.
·       Tennis ball: frozen in the transparent layer of ice; I believe it said “King,” which, to the best I can find, is a vintage brand.
·       Maple seed, with the propeller shape.
·       Piece of sticky note, frozen in ice.
·       Unidentifiable leaves
·       Dirt, air bubbles, ice, water
·       History of the Park
o   Silurian Period: coral reefs
o   Dolomite limestone, fossils now
o   1830’s: purchased by Illinois Stone and Lime Company
o   A partner, Marcus Cicero Stearns, took over and renamed the quarry
o   Reached 380 ft below street level by 1970.
o   Used as a construction landfill for some decades.
o   Converted to Palmisano Park
·       Fish in the pond
o   Goldfish
o   Bluegill
o   Large mouth bass
o   Green sunfish
·       Deepest part of detention pond: 14 ft.
·       Above Silurian dolomite: glacial outwash sand, gravel, and silty till containing bedrock clasts; “the Chicago Hardpan”
·       Coordinates of antipode: -41.843779, 92.349722      Depth: -3209.5 m
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jdketchwrites · 7 years
Process note 7/25/17
So recently, I decided to try writing while listening to music again. I used to do everything while listening to music, as I used to be a musician, however as I got older, and stopped self-medicating certain mental issues with nicotine, and stopped being a musician, I've learned that my attention span and ability to filter things has precluded me from the distraction. Although recently I've experimented with listening to only instrumental music. Mood music to get into the mood of the story if you will. Today, I decided to edit a portion of my book while listening to a random playlist put together for me by Spotify. It was a risk as it was all contemporary music with lyrics. What I found interesting was that the lyrics didn't so much as distract my writing but the theme's of the songs influenced some of my character decisions. As I was in the process of introducing a rather significant female character a Dresden Dolls song came on, and I found myself writing the character even more confrontational as usual. Even as I write this, currently I'm listening to a hard rock song and I'm more open and less reserved. Definitely an interesting process note. Something to hold on to. 
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novsights-blog · 7 years
OSRAM new LED headlamp process
OSRAM new LED headlamp processNot long ago, the worldwide automotive lighting leading manufacturer OSRAM unveiled its new LED headlamps - OSRAM LED headlamps method (OSRAM LEDriving? Bi-PXZ), it really is mentioned which the science and technologies and style are epoch-making importance,First of all, we must concentrate on the OSRAM LED headlamps system to understand the black technological know-how, but in addition this new LED headlamps a single in the greatest advertising points.1, Osram slender usage of modern hyperboloid lens structure, this layout can make the sunlight within the gentle on the implementation in the ultra-clear low-light and safe high-light features. OSRAM LED headlamps technique Xiao Xiao shade temperature of 6000K, trendy and delightful chilly white gentle the two eye recognition and easy to cause eye exhaustion.
In the vicinity of light apparent cut-off line, the center of complete brightness, the distance through the entrance to improve the brightness, is rather ideal for use in city streets, to be sure that a lot more significant locations ahead of the car was lined by lights, properly avoid the vehicle prior to the blind accident. As an example: Assuming there exists a fork in the highway seventy five meters, and in the vicinity of pedestrians or motorized vehicles, and so on., OSRAM LED headlamps procedure at 75m as opposed to halogen lamp can clearly begin to see the entrance from the pedestrian and motor vehicles; If an auto is touring at a velocity of 60 to 80 km / h, a 75-meter distance is only 3 seconds, and when it may not obviously see the pedestrian and car at seventy five meters, it will not be capable to brake in time The danger of the accident will increase. OSRAM LED headlamps are significantly a lot more distant, might help drivers crystal clear identification of long-distance symptoms to the night time expressway visitors to supply more secure defense, and when the particular calculation from the width on the road, Osram The width in the street surface area is far bigger than the 4-lane expressway array.
2nd, the OSRAM LED headlamps procedure used by the person without a baffle style, driving in the way having a swift action, secure and a lot more safe. The old drivers are knowledgeable with the xenon headlamps within the start to gentle as many as whole really need to buffer some time, just start off cannot supply a crystal clear obvious field of view quickly; Moreover, the xenon headlamps inside the swap if the distance light, since the baffle regulate lights Swap, baffle you can find equally the risk of failure, but in addition the delay inside the change, actually, this delay while in the day by day traffic or there exists a major hidden risk. As an example, from the scenario of day by day site visitors, if your pace in the road to 70 km / h, 3 seconds automobile pretty much fifty to 60 meters away in the distance, specifically from the night time of vision is just not excellent, in the event the car or truck The lamp isn't to drive, it really is really probable on this brief two to 3 seconds to skip a turning intersection, may well also look in time with all the car prior to and following the car rear-end scenario, and missed life. When compared while using the regular xenon headlamps, OSRAM LED headlamps technique without having a baffle structure, you could realize instantaneous headlamps, instantly deliver great vision, 0 seconds to modify the distance gentle, in particular for that city in the evening advanced street disorders use.
On top of that, the OSRAM LED headlamps technique also works by using integrated generate management, built-in intelligent electronic control module, driving more secure and reputable.It really is famous that OSRAM is really a German brand name, plus the German phrase while in the automotive business, is usually referred to as a logo of quality, BBA (Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi) 3 significant German vehicle manufacturers are also popularity. To be a German century organization, OSRAM LED headlamps process used by the high-quality LED composite chip, relying completely on OSRAM impartial research and development generation, this chip has also been internationally absolutely sure, won in 2015 with the US trade journal car information (The Pace Award: Premier Automotive Suppliers' Contribution to Excellence Award).On top of that, on top of that into the international third-party certification with the German merchandise screening laboratories, on the subject of car screening expectations immediately after a high temperature, seismic in addition to a wide range of street simulation and other tests. Furthermore to lessening the electricity use, but also decrease the car frequency load, is conducive for the protection from the complete vehicle electrical process, during the present-day craze of recent strength autos in the ecosystem, far more in line with the electrical power needs of electric cars. OSRAM LED light-weight supply has also been a number of well-known automobile selling prices absolutely as well as original in many different popular styles, this kind of since the Ford F150 equipped having a comprehensive set of OSRAM LED lights process, but additionally really attain the car or truck mild source method LED Mang champion Porsche 919 is also equipped with OSRAM LED and laser technologies.
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