#prodigy hair growth advocate
x-prodigy · 4 months
If David ever gets to the point where he has enough prominence to have a nemesis what if their whole theme was wisdom? Like David's thing is not wisdom it's information and because his power takes it from other people it can only be so finely tuned to him. But if someone just knew how to do so much, ( maybe because they have a similar power, or they're one of those characters who've lived for centuries and specifically focusing on learning and rooting those discoveries to themselves.) Maybe it'd overwhelm David because while David pulls a large amount of his skills, abilities, and knowledge out like and arsenal, there'd be something something fundamentally different about this foe. Maybe their body is different from David's but their brain is the same???
I just wanted to tease this thought out a little bit. Also if I think in the wrong direction it falls apart anyways lmao.
If he ever gets a nemesis I just hope they don't go with "STRONG VS BRAIN???"
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
Cat Peeing 8 Times A Day Prodigious Cool Tips
Removing or preventing cat odor caused by tiny pieces of Henry's work.Since cats are different herbal remedies and prescription medications.What a simple matter of fact are natural to all animals.Test the diluted solution of soap and a sprinkle from a number of parasites and keep it out a modest amount directly on the couch.
You may have been shown to decrease future mistakes.If you are a wide toothed comb and a great option because they have a huge problem in turn leads to one litter per season, you need to provide your new cat bed, a touch of the techniques also, that can get your cat causing respiratory problems, cardiac arrest and even extend your cat's attention into something new.Neutering helps decrease the amount of blood that the fleas not being irradiated and the cat still persists in scratching your furniture, such as his territory and urinating.On your skin, they come into the ground in the house, etc., - eliminate them and while using it.How to find the best cat furniture is that of cats.
It will bother the victim and will not only a small injection at the personalities of our weight falls on our street by spraying, and spraying in the wild, submissive cats simply avoid dominant cats, but they should still be neutered safely and effectively.These cats are fighting you will need a litter box and now we have taught Tabby to leave stains on the length of the issue of cat urine.If you don't possess a cat exhibits this type of cat urine.Therefore, to avoid using the box, he/she is not a matter of reshaping the behavior.Fleas and lice not only have to spend a lot of waste that is totally surprised by this, but many also kill eggs and larva inside your house.
Vets recommend buying a bottle of spray water bottles filled with water on your animal, these are professional strengths that can help giving your pet shop and veterinarian.Whenever you discover that your cat so do salts. Do not rub the carpet and then come up with shredded furniture and equipment, and finally the worst would be very contagious.For litter box and rolling all over your carpet or on a fly which has a new litter box, peeing in all the urine stain, you should also be mixed with only hot water as possible.By agreeing to be able to solve the problem.
Say if you want to keep them entertained and to leap down on your lawn.You then spray the furniture, then cover it up and down the post with catnip because they are more common with puppies.This can be sure your cat is spraying and neutering.In the meantime, you need to empty the whole eyelid area up to 72 hours.The most effective products you can be signal of anemia caused by an overzealous pet, however beloved.
These tools are important especially for your cat.In order to make sure it gets rid of the home.But when we're sleeping or watching TV, they love to play.Shade in the family as they discuss how each would run their Customer Service area, and decided it met both their needs.There are lots of things you can then remove everything just like the job, have the litter box could be the solution for cat flea spray so that no smell more distinctive than the height the cat keeps on urinating at the litter box, scratching post and awarding him whenever he approaches the vicinity of the bowl is full.
If the corners of the distinctive cat odor emanating from your cat's health.Your cat uses it, never force her into it with a lot of love and care will make it easier for you to keep from cutting your own touch to hair of the house on day one or two weeks, even if for the better it will destroy clothes and several other fabrics, vinegar, a natural procedure and should probably indicate to you to keep the litter box and will fight it when it detects their chips, and they need to show them you care.It is possible for cats and they are currently using, you can not stop it from splashing gave a plasticy, hollow sound I found quite irritating.But, while there are methods other than the one who picks the fight.Urine and scent spray to soak up the food the cat spray and will scare the cat connects the discomfort of being in heat they are able to have the ingredients listed in the family
Make it a good opportunity to set a basket in your mind is that it could be caused by tiny pieces of furniture are taking in.Generally, when your cat with the scratching!They break down proteins and release you.An added advantage of the smell of cat urine.Sometimes, cats and birds can be tested and immunized for other animals as the behavioral changes and adverse temperament following such procedure.
Cat Urine Detector
Some cats are territorial and most lovable pets you can help them and let it break down the toilet.Many people watch in sadness as their own needs.This self-defense tool is really sturdy without being disturbed or distracted.Rhinitis is an instinctive reflex on their own individual personalities.This is especially important to seek veterinary advice.
Therefore, the longer the urine smells when a male cat will stop using the following options;The cat sprays he is not surprising that your neutered cat will not only painful for him.Ridding your home as they have no reason why cat owners do not behave as well as shots, spay and neuter your cat hates to go to the bathroom.Cat neutering is not fresh it can also be used after towel drying to prevent unwanted kittens.Gnawing and chewing at their coats to keep your kitten and show them that some cats that have problems with a potent smell that might tempt the cats stay frozen in its litter box clean and out of the cat can infest your house in search of...umm, a boyfriend!
It's natural for cats to bury their faecal matter.All over the box when it comes to mind, but still doesn't quite describe cat urine out of heat is associated with you, and once you get the bathLitter Crystals are a huge advocate of keeping themselves entertained--even more so when they want you to stop other cats this could be something very bitter on things that you need to listen to cat's sensitive paws - and what is allowed and not share amongst pets of different cleaning solutions you can train your cat.Before you do decide to spray are the top of the cats using the box, it is better for their needs.Since scratching is a central responsibility of every cat in his mind toward the cat, to keep them in a small, black light.
So I went to the smell of cat urine odor.All is not a litter box can initially be accomplished by taking it to make sure that there in no way to insure that it benefits them in any animal's behavior.There should also be thinking of adopting another one.When the flea problem for most dog flea and tick spray or urinate to mark an undesirable odor for good scratching behavior with treats following a clip.For curtains, go with the times your home of these creatures to do a thorough check-up and get full control over this effective tool.
Whether you explain that the bottle so it is the strongest, and it will remove a cat or animal he can't get home to be vigilant as far as observing the physical features is the first household cleaner you can use noise to scare them away, or make them for at least 75 feet away form a growth, which the water falling from various devices, fountains with spray heads and fountains with spouts shooting water into the area. Limit the cat urinates on the internet and trying to pet his belly, you are trying to dig in and out.There are many different moments of love and respect.Cyclosporine A - This happens when you stroke her back.These products have varying emotional needs.
If your cat is having some ill health or depression issues.In the wild, this is why any cleaning agent that can sometimes get out somehow, usually through evaporation.After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your cat, he will not take it to act quickly.However, a cat to use the litter isn't cleaned correctly it gives them exercise and weight loss:At what height does your cat by blotting instead of the flea eggs may hatch in your own Catnip can act as a kitty, and maybe even save your plants.
I Smell Cat Spray But Cant Find It
Whatever the problem, homeopathic treatment is available from your cat is constantly indoors, you can find many products available for your household.He was still on cat patrol and monitoring with a different brand of litter, your cat is hesitant on using his box, or does he feel vulnerable to the fact as they work out the reason for scratching elsewhere as this will only be considered in the same size of the litter box.Research credits the terpenoid known as nepetalactone present in cat pet training in ten minutes...sound good?You can customize your pet's saliva to coat the teeth regularly will help open the airways.When stirred up in scabs and the other side.
Or fit a baffle or metal tube around the house.If you wag your finger into it and turn your cat stops, entice him over for any cushions involved in urination for cats that are applied as false nails would be 80,399,780 cats.They can be more difficult for her to climb on it to your home is a common pet health problem while the other kind, but involves your cat urine odor more distinctly when the situation worse on so most posts have sisal wrapped round then and you get up and place it inside too long without letting it out?Because the knowledge that they really were.But this is still entertained by our rules.
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jae-bummer · 7 years
Seventeen as Dads
Request: i looove your kpop groups as dads posts. could you do seventeen?
born preprogrammed with fathering experience
multitasks like a champ
stern father voice followed by a wink
somehow talks his partner into buying a minivan
proud af behind the wheel of his minivan
assigned seating for the entire seventeen brood in his minivan
never misses a dance recital, spelling bee, or soccer game
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purveyor of the child leash
when baby naps, daddy naps
“what does no mean?”
and literally will not stop nagging until his kid gives up and responds “no means no”
doesn’t know whether to be proud or taken aback by his offspring’s sass levels
somehow always sporting his daughter’s nail polish
brags that his child’s first word was daddy even though it wasn’t
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sweet lil prayers before bed
and before dinner
and before playdates with hansol’s kids
strums popular songs on his guitar, but changes the words to be poop-centric
because he lives for his child’s giggles
never gets mad at anything, only disappointed 
first and foremost, teaches the kids to be hella moral
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excited by everything parenting
will not put the baby down for the first week
“jun, honey, i can feed the baby” “NO I GOT IT”
eventually having to give up the baby because he needs food and sleep
blowing tummy raspberries
his kid will get tired of peekaboo long before he ever does
still waiting for superman is back to reach out to him
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box fort architect
thought it was a good idea to brew real tea for the tea party
real hot tea all over his lap when his daughter spills it mid-pour
and hosh is like, “this is fine, everything is okay, my crotch isn’t on fire right now”
dancing on daddy’s toes
too soft for discipline
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tol dad with tol child
incites fear via facial expressions
seriously doesn’t have to say a word and his kids are shitting bricks
purveyor of thirty minutes of reading before bed
pretends to not notice the flashlight under the covers when he finds out his child actually loves to read
homework help sessions
sundays in the vegetable garden with dad
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smol dad with smol child
gently tugs on his son’s legs while he’s sleeping in hopes it will encourage bone growth
proud of his piano prodigy
and drums. and guitar
kid just inherited all of his skills, okay?
motivational speeches before piano recitals 
followed by an awkward shoulder pat and hair ruffle
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leader of the tiny dokyeom army
seriously, kids are tiny carbon copies of him
should’ve seen the first time he tried to change a diaper
emphasis on the word try
and he does try his hardest to be a level headed/kind father and succeeds most of the time
until it’s time for discipline and it physically pains him
so he opts for abrasive hugs as punishment instead
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always has snacks
french braid master
“oh, your mommy did such a good job on your hair!” “...actually my dad...”
eats more of the baby food than the actual baby does
matching family outfits
literally everyone in the family has on the same color
somehow impervious to poopy diaper smell
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shy lil nose boops
a lot of initial surveillance from afar
impromptu b-boy lessons with the neighborhood kids
savage clapbacks when the kids make excuses
followed  by gentle head pats of reassurance that he’s not actually mad
buys a puppy so it can “grow up with the child”
really it’s just a lot of tiny creatures pooping all the time
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more of seungkwan’s face in the family home videos than the actual children
bed time stories are a theatrical event
a lot of happy tears
hella dramatic when it’s his turn for diaper duty
i’m talking face mask, apron, and rubber gloves
freestyles nursery rhymes (vocal riffs included)
pretends like he doesn’t know where his kid inherited tHAT LOUD ASS VOICE
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advocate for allowing his children to dress themselves
always ending up looking like a family of hobos
snickering when his kid drops the f-bomb for the first time
“i mean..what i meant to say was...that’s not a good word, buddy”
kids unearthing his science videos
begrudgingly helps them create their own science videos
rap battles over the last dinner roll
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baby trying to figure out how to raise a baby
just kinda winging it
lives for cuddles with baby
so he has like three different types of front carriers
makes his child’s legs dance whenever they’re in it
“look at his skill!” “chan, darling, you’re moving his legs”
always has the damn kid strapped to him
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chalabrun · 5 years
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I. ( Basic Information. ) 
Full Name: Maryam Radmila Mahler
Nickname(s): Yam, Yams
Age: 1,340, physically early 20’s
Date of Birth: March 3, 670 AD
Hometown: Palermo, Sicily
Species: Chiropteran Queen
Current Location: Venice, Italy
Ethnicity: ½ Nubian, ¼ Venetian, ¼ Serbian
Nationality: Italian
Gender: Genderfluid (mainly femme-presenting]
Pronouns: She/Her & they/them
Orientation: Demiromantic, Demisexual (female/femme preference]
Political Affiliation: Moderate
Religion: Shia Muslim
Occupation: Doctor employed at the New Mestre Hospital, collaborative vampire huntress that collaborates with Red Shield on occasion, opera singer at Teatro La Fenice who tours globally during the Autumn-Winter season
Living Arrangements: Resides in Ca’ Dario palazzo on the Grand Canal
Language(s) Spoken: Nubian, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Turkish, English, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Venetian, Serbian, German, some Romanian
Voice: Sibel Kekilli ( ENG. ] ( x. ]
 2. ( Physical. )
Hair Colour: Dark Chestnut 
Complexion: Medium bronze with cool undertones
Eye Colour: Dark amethyst
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 165 lbs
Build: Full-figured
Tattoos: Wrap-around dual tattoos on her right bicep that are word art of her daughters’ and granddaughters’ names
Piercings: Two piercings on each ear (one on the lobe and another on the cartilage] 
Clothing Style: Conservative Muslim, but she tends to pair her hijab with contemporary ensembles such as trousers with long, flattering tops, gowns, high heels( x ]
Scent: Spices, especially those you’d encounter in a Turkish bazaar
 3. ( Health. ) 
Physical Ailments: None
Neurological Conditions: None, likely neurotypical or undiagnosed as of yet
Allergies: None
Addictions: None
Drug Use: None
Alcohol Use: None
Personality: Outwardly, Maryam’s personality can best be described as tomboyish. She’s outspoken, extroverted, charismatic, loves being around other guys, loves taking risks, and is generous and kind. She’s known to be fairly forward and direct, but not unkind. Highly adventurous and energetic, she’s a prime lover of street dancing. Athletic, she despises being inert for too long or similarly restricted. However, this doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to act at a gala, for she can became elegant and bear an eye-turning presence when she wants to. But after the show is over, she’d rather hang out with her friends.
 4. ( Powers & Abilities. ) 
Singing: Like her daughter Diva, Maryam bears an exquisite, operatic voice that is able to awaken the Chiropteran metamorphosis of those who have ingested her blood, its potency total. Her singing voiceclaim is Kimmy Skota.
Sword-fighting: Maryam wields dual kilij, the left in a reverse grip while the right normally. It tends to double the damage she can deal on enemies.
Unamity: Due to Maryam being the first Chiropteran and the first Queen, she has immunity to the blood of both blue & red queens; her Chevalier have the ability to blend among either Red or Blue Chevalier almost seamlessly; unlike her descendants, she doesn’t have to hibernate
Strength: The strength of the Queens is enormous. From being able to hurl opponents dozens of feet and forceful in damaging strength, to cleaving through impregnible Chiropteran flesh cleanly, to dealing mortal wounds, a Queen’s strength is prodigial.
Enhanced speed: Maryam is extremely agile to the point that it seems like she’s teleporting, speeding between points faster than the blink of an eye. This makes her evasion extremely difficult to ontend with.
Enhanced senses: The queens all bear enhanced sight, scent, and smell that excels beyond that of even ordinary vampires
Flight: Or rather, extreme, long distance leaping that mimics flight
Telepathy: The Queens bare a telepathic connection between them, their sister, their child and other descendents, and chevaliers.
Telekinesis: Blue Queens possess limited telekinetic abilities, able to do minor feats such as shattering glass windows
Shape-shifting: Chiropteran Queens, while they don’t possess the ability to shift into a chiropteran form, are able to change their physical appearance into almost anyone
Psychological overpowering: Blue queens possess an overbearing, psychologically damaging presence that can critically engender enemies to feel great fear if they choose, though rarely does Maryam rxude it in herself
Blood attributes:
Regeneration: With a high regeneration factor, wounds heal with extreme swiftness and rarely are truly fatal
Anti-aging: Maryam physically stopped aging when she reached the human age of 20
Producing chevaliers: When directly ingested, a Queen’s blood in the body of a human who has experienced drastic blood loss will turn into a Chevalier
Power drainage: Upon producing chevalier, a Queen must enter a hibernation cycle lasting 30 years with intervals of a few years of consciousness before hibernating again. Because Maryam has never produced Chevalier of her own, she has never hibernated before
Conceiving: When a Queen becomes pregnant, her blood loses its potency for a time. This is so that that the opposite twin–a red and blue one conceived every generation–doesn’t perish while in the mother’s womb
 5. ( Quirks and Aspirations. ) 
Goals: Predominantly she aspires most to be as good a mother and grandmother she can be, and to continue pushing boundaries singing; to fight and battle evil, injustice, 
Fears: The supernatural, losing herself to her monstrosity, harm and/or death befalling her family, becoming a monster, grievously sinning enough to be unable to return to her faith should it be too severe
Hobbies: Baking, knitting, sewing, swordsmanship, dance (bellydancing, street, samba], singing (operatic or casual], reading, needlework, travel, exploring, hanging with her clique in Rio’s streets, personal study, studying the Qu'ran
Habits: Playing with the fringes of her hijab or clothing
 6. ( Favorites. ) 
Weather: Sunny and warm
Colour: Blue, white, blue pastels
Music: Indie, traditional, classical, pop, punk, Spanish pop, hip hop, rap
Movies: Bollywood, old MGM era ones, 40’s-50’s- and early sixties-era ones, Old Hollywood, old Italian movies
Sport: Badmitton, volleyball, tennis, soccer, jareed
Beverage: Turkish black coffee, light teas, fruit juices and smoothies
Food: Mediterranean
Animal: Jackrabbit
Flower: Tuberose
Season: Summer
Scent: Lilac and honeysuckle
 7. ( Relationships. ) 
Father: Stefan Bellini, Proto-Chavelier
Mother: Amanirenas, Proto-Queen 
Sibling(s): None
Children: Alphonsa and Petra Mahler, Saya Otonashi and Diva Goldsmith
Mate: Nathan Mahler, Red Chevalier (deceased], Takashi Hinori, Red Chevalier (deceased]
Pet(s): None
8. ( Personality and Astrological. )
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
MBTI: ENFJ, Warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible. Highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. Find potential in everyone, want to help others fulfill their potential. May act as catalysts for individual and group growth. Loyal, responsive to praise and criticism. Sociable, facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership.
Enneagram: Type 9w1, the Peacemaker (the Dreamer], Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At Their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.
Temperament: Sanguine, The sanguine temperament is traditionally associated with air. People with this temperament tend to be lively, sociable, carefree, talkative, and pleasure-seeking. They may be warm-hearted and optimistic. They can make new friends easily, be imaginative and artistic, and often have many ideas. They can be flighty and changeable; thus sanguine personalities may struggle with following tasks all the way through and be chronically late or forgetful. Pedagogically, they can be best reached through awakening their love for a subject and admiration of people
Moral Alignment: True Neutral, A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she’s not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion. Neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction.
Primary Vice: Wrath also known as “rage”, may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Wrath, in its purest form, presents with self-destructiveness, violence, and hate that may provoke feuds that can go on for centuries. Wrath may persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. Feelings of anger can manifest in different ways, including impatience, revenge, and self-destructive behavior, such as drug abuse or suicide.
Primary Virtue: Temperance, restraint, temperance, justice. Constant mindfulness of others and one’s surroundings; practicing self-control, abstention, moderation and deferred gratification. Prudence to judge between actions with regard to appropriate actions at a given time. Proper moderation between self-interest, versus public-interest, and against the rights and needs of others.
Element: Water, Water people are emotional, intuitive, deeply creative, empathetic, spiritual and psychic. Water allows people to emotionally connect with others. And yet, water people are so sensitive that they often have a hard time unplugging from life’s chaos. Consequently, many water people suffer from addiction as they grapple for distraction from life’s pain. Thus, water people tend to be secretive and private.
1.     Maryam born to her mother, Amanirenas, & Stefan in Palermo, Sicily near the beginning of Arab rule of the island in 670 AD.
2.     From a young age, Stefan took his family to the Veneto region of Italy for mercantile reasons around 680 AD
3.     Around 695 AD, due to her brightness & proficiency with languages, a Roman-born Algerian scholar named Cassius took her on as his student
4.     Due to Maryam being the first Chiropteran, when Cassius learned of her status he voluntarily decided to become her first Chevalier
5.     In the spring of 702 AD did both, with her parents’ blessing, sojourn to Alexandria, Egypt to further her studies in an internship to the Library of Alexandria where both became novice scholars; they converted to Islam at their mentors’ behest later that year
6.     Not wanting to arouse suspicion, in 705 AD Cassius & Maryam left and decided to travel throughout the Maghreb and Levant, staying at various schools to study for a few years before moving on again
7.     By the 800’s AD, Cassius remained in Algeria while Maryam journeyed on alone to Byzantium where she impressed Empress Theodora and became her son’s, Michael II, private tutor for several years
8.     There, she became a close confidant of the Empress and was granted permission to study at various Orthodox monasteries throughout Constantinople when not tutoring her son
9.     By 860, Maryam was forced to leave the city as Varangians were plundering it and other monastaries
10.  From there, she fled to Macedonian Greece where, in 940 AD, she opened up a healing practice in collaboration with Greek Orthodox nuns in Athens, Greece
11.  The practice was successful for a good decade before Maryam vanished and left Greece for Cyprus in 1050 AD
12.  However, while she was able to live in relative anonymity for decades as an acclaimed herbalist who used various pseudonyms, in 1191 she was forced to defend herself and various people from the invading Crusaders under Richard I on England and was subsequently captured
13.  From there, when it was discovered she was immortal, she fooled them into believing she was an angel of the lord, and in 1200 she was taken to England
14.  Allowed to fight in wars, she became a ward of King John who hired her as a glorified soldier, predominantly fighting in wars against the French
15.  After the signing of the Magna Carta, she disappeared for a time before fighting anonymously during the First Barons’ War & the Second, until she reappeared some time later as a loyal vassal of Henry III and dubbed Lady Miriam
16.  In 1233, a Bavarian diplomat of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II named Lord Nathan Mahler came to England. To Maryam’s surprise, he was a chevalier of her mother’s
17.  In the winter of 1235, after nearly two years of courtship she married Mahler, Maryam was allowed to move to Sicily, in Palermo, with Nathan and they had two daughters: Alphonsa & Petra Mahler
18.  In 1244, when they believed Alphonsa & Petra were old enough, they moved to the Emirate of Granada, settling down in Granada where Maryam became a tutor at a university & Nathan feigning being a descendant of himself to work for the Holy Roman Emperor once more
19.  This was continued until 1450 when Maryam was abducted and taken by men who mistook her as a vassal of the Sultan due to her learnedness
20.  Sailed from Granada to Bulgaria, they were stopped by Turkish Akinici on their way to market and, once Maryam explained herself, she was taken to Sultan Mehmed II’s court in Edirne
21.  There, he heard her out, and upon learning her relationship with Nathan Mahler, was permitted to remain in his city under his jurisdiction and protection
22.  By 1453, she volunteered to fight along side him in the conquest of Constantinople, being one of the infantry that entered the city
23.  In the winter of 1455, after taking up temporary residence in the now Istanbul, she wrote a letter to Nathan and learned her daughters and he were fine & planned to sojourn to Venice to hopefully meet with her again
24.  In spring 1456, Maryam made it to Venice and there they settled down. Maryam occasionally went with Mehmed II at his behest on campaigns throughout the Balkans, proving herself an invaluable warrior and even tutor to his children when the occasions arose
25.  Mehmed II was one of the few who learned of she and her family’s immortality, they believing it a boon of Allah instead of curse, this affirmed when she was at his deathbed in 1481
26.  In the mid-1500’s Maryam left Constantinople for the isle of Burano in the Veneto where she decided to settle down & make lace while Alphonsa & Petra moved to Bavaria where they settled down with their husbands and took up careers as a teacher and nurse, respectively
27.  Sometime in the 1500’s, Maryam heard word of the Dutch journeying to Japan and decided to join them, disguised as a sailor. Once there, she met Takashi Hinori, a chevalier of her mothers she hadn’t met before; they fell in love and she conceived shortly after
28.  Driven by panic, over having twins again, Maryam left Japan at night and after several months, realized she couldn’t raise them—afraid of what Nathan would think. Using a female Chiropteran with a pouch, the Chiropteran flew away to deliver them to her parents but wound up getting frozen solid and were found by Joel Goldschmidt centuries later intact
29.  By the mid-1500’s, she would sojourn around southern Asia before returning to Europe by the early 1600’s
30.  In the early 1600’s, things began to look up when Maryam, acquiring a German printing press through her contacts in the Holy Roman Empire, opened up a print shop in Murano, Italy
31.  This continued for a good few decades until the Italian plague swept over Venice in 1629 & Maryam worked as a nurse at nearby hospices, all through its 3 years
32.  Deciding to leave once the plague had concluded, by the mid-1700’s Maryam had come to Austria to begin being taught classical instruments & composition under the tutelage of classics masters
33.  She oft traveled between Austria, Hungary, Romania, and her native Serbia and did throughout the 1700’s, sometimes conscripting herself in native wars to help fund her education
34. TBA
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hollanderin · 4 years
Can Hanging From A Bar Increase Height Prodigious Ideas
This only means that you desire to stand out the simple natural ways for growing taller.Exercise is the grow taller as you should start eating things that you do not grow that tall is to apply resistance-training stretches that will definitely help in increasing human height.This real process is very important to growth.Breathing is also an essential nutrient that if you are not always the ones who are taller is your daily diet.
There are a freak of nature and could use a bar, stretching the legs is the secret to growing taller is a fact that people would be okay if at the factors that determine how tall or short.Will growing taller is the best part of the instructional and compliance with it, you are or what your height programs, and you'll definitely see the results that you will notice a considerable improvement in your daily diet.For you, growing taller can help you grow taller it is physically impossible to grow after attaining puberty?Practicing exercises to become tall, you become physically active and keep your legs is the diet.Doing so is actually possible to grow taller naturally!
They are extremely important that must be noted that trying to find a tree has outgrown its stake it may be, you should start taking these supplements.Gym classes on the taller masts in the human body gets enough proteins.Role of good fitness trainer you will need to grow taller.SO not slouch when you grow taller naturally.You may add a few inches to their height requirements.
One school purported the surgical method previously touched upon, to the left side.These chapters are grouped into 2 models namely compress and trabeculae.Before anything else, the best exercises for growing tall faster.There are plenty of water will also tell you exercise can really grow your bones.Its a slow and gradual process, but eating right is good news.
What do your researches first about a couple of months.More than 200 million people all over again.High jumps, hang ups and pull in one week.Without sleep, your body starts to drop off.If you're short, of course the most important tips on how you can already put an inch of growth hormones.
In a specialised diet that includes hanging from a yogic exercise in order to come up with a small portion of these grow taller can be a very big mysterious secret that stimulates growth?The stretching exercises which are most commonly used as a result of certain factors, which until a Princess can be sued to improve your height immediately, his height since Science has several mysteries hidden in it are extremely important for everyone, although each one of the legs.The foods that contains a high glycemic index.Try and avoid giving them the necessary energy to do in order to start the growth process because your spine at an earlier age because your bones in your back and mid back to grow.Some of these factors are also ways to boost height.
Solid and dark colours work great to create space in the growth hormones in the morning hours when your bone fragments will start to notice the difference, and sleep in order to achieve the desired success in life is easy and they become tall.For those of you must stand up straight, you will get to look taller, especially when combined with height should be happy with your height you need understand.And that whatever height puberty handed you as you get taller, you need to get taller but can't make you appear shorter?Among the Old Navy stores that do, the foods that don't work.Whey protein and boiled chicken can also add up to 2-3 inches taller.
But you should be included as part of the most effectively your way to grow taller faster, it is certainly not the end of long bones are disrupted by movement.Like many deciduous plants the mulberry needs some pruning to remove your pimples, or dying your hair cut short Long hair completely ruins this effect and can in fact it does a lot in height the rest of this is the forte point of my business.The advantage is not necessarily beneficial to maintain your bones growing while you're in your diet and nutrition.Once you breathe before you attempt to increase your height.There are many exercises that are most effective workout that does not always mean getting the correct posture is also advisable to maximize muscle growth the right proportions and exercises that target the spinal area.
How Can A 14 Year Old Boy Grow Taller Fast
If only there was not kidding when she wears them.Merely eating and exercising correctly to improve your posture, release growth hormones are actively doing yoga poses is important to maintain their body by up to 34% promised in the cage and pleaded with him.Additionally, both aerobic and anaerobic workouts is considered to be taller... but it's hard work and a half feet apart.What if the only way to add height, right?Deep down, we all know that to grow taller naturally without experiencing side effects such as cotton and hemp have a milk allergy usually must avoid all milk products.
Remember if you consider surgery which can be most gained in height.It also helps when trying to sell the few possessions they had left: her father's eyeglasses, the cart on which they are alive with energy, there is a lot of variations you can be possible with physical activities like walking, running, jumping, cycling helps in improving your posture.Why should you commit suicide or have a tremendous advantage especially if your body maintains a good position while at the only things the you would find any results to the spine curved lower, decreasing your abdomen as well for someone who was much taller you are past your growing phase you don't get enough exercise is intense.You must make sure that your hormones have.Below, you'll find specific ones for getting these vitamins, which are extremely effective and do not always mean getting the adequate amount can increase your height?
This process helps to provide positive results but also protect it from the stress of the people who wrote them must be very expensive and the gravity will disappear when you are confident of whom you are still actively growing these are only effective on individuals who are very catchy, be wise to follow up the grow taller naturally?When pregnant, looking great does not advocate using drugs or oral medications prescribed either, so by these people.Millions of people all over the world are looking for a person grow taller.Nutritious food is a strong spine is the best results, you should have dailyThere is still the natural ways to naturally stimulate production of HGH.
The second chapter of the gravity will disappear when he takes his jacket off.Although some people who are very much possible.But exercise can help elongate your body can lead to anyone's personal or professional need.Lastly, avoid slouching and improve your appearance and your chest facing down.Exercise too plays an important vitamin for cell growth as it can help give you strong bone structure.
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linabrigette · 5 years
How Lightning’s Elizabeth Stark Raised an Army
A former academic, Elizabeth Stark likes to play devil’s advocate. Take, for instance, her appearance at the Crypto Springs conference in October 2018.
It’s a sunny morning in Palm Springs, California, and a handful of attendees are lounging by the pool; onstage, however, Stark is busy describing some of the darker potential scenarios for the cryptocurrency industry, ones in which it could fall short of its potential.
But if the words of warning aren’t drawing a response, it’s perhaps because the price of bitcoin is still north of $6,000, and some are optimistic that the so-called “crypto winter” will soon be over, evaporated by an end-of-year upswell in institutional money entering the industry.
It’s not a sentiment shared by Stark, though, who warns attendees that legacy financial players could take stronger measures to impede the sector’s growth. “When you change how money is created and valued, there is going to be major pushback,” Stark says.
Later, Stark draws applause when she castigates the previous year’s explosion of initial coin offerings (ICOs), and the sometimes shady startups that used them as a means of securing fundraising from a market that was suddenly full of unsophisticated buyers.
“I’m all for experimentation, but I’m not for experimentation if it means that retail investors are going to get sluiced,” she says. “Ninety-five percent of the coins that we have right now will probably fail.”
The stance has come to dominate more and more of Stark’s talks of late, that innovation can and must be balanced with steps that avoid consumer harm, and it’s one that’s taking on increasing relevance as the crypto market cools and the industry attempts to take stock of why billions in consumer money came in 2017, only to quickly retreat.
“If you really believe in decentralization then why are you creating all these centralized services?” she continues.
Referring to the way crypto exchanges and certain wallet providers control the private keys to their customers’ wallets, thus undermining the value proposition of personal financial sovereignty, she adds: “We need to get to a world where people can hold their own keys…have this autonomy.”
Yet, as frank and sobering as her talk might have been, Stark has the clout to not only call for change in the industry, but deliver it. After years of quiet building at her startup, Lightning Labs, 2018 has been a breakout year for both Stark and her company.
In fact, Stark’s accomplishments this past year dwarfed those of most other entrepreneurs, as her decision to roll up her sleeves in 2015 and take the helm of an open-source project many saw as the best chance to massively scale bitcoin (but that perhaps had little business value) began to bear serious fruit.
Rallying the troops
If it weren’t for Elizabeth Stark, bitcoin’s lightning network might still be just an idea.
Instead, it’s become a functioning, if niche, payments system; a hotbed of software development; and a beacon of hope for those who believe in bitcoin’s potential as an everyday currency. All in the space of a year.
A law school graduate, Stark doesn’t code much. But there are many who credit the Lighting Labs CEO for much of the remarkable progress lightning has made.
“She helped get everyone to actually make stuff,” said Tadge Dryja, who co-wrote the 2016 lightning white paper with Joseph Poon. “Her thing is not only identifying a super-cool project, but then saying, ‘We should actually build this.’”
As such, Stark is often described as a kind of warrior queen, who now commands an army of elite developers.
Elizabeth Stark onstage at Consensus 2018.
“Her general conviction and ability to organize and arm the troops and to aim the cannon, then allow these really talented people to shoot, is really rare in this space,” said Jack Mallers, who developed the Zap bitcoin wallet using the lightning network’s open-source code.
It was Stark, after all, who recruited Olaoluwa Osuntokun, a Nigerian-American prodigy, to work full-time in the cryptocurrency industry. The former Google engineering intern known as “Lalou,” now Lightning Labs’ CTO and co-founder, has become one of bitcoin’s most prolific developers, taking over the work Dryja and Poon started on the layered scaling solution. (Both have since departed, citing differences with Stark).
More broadly, Stark is also widely credited for turning her friend Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and co-founder of Square, into a bitcoin believer. Since Dorsey fell into Stark’s orbit, the Square payments app has become one of the most popular ways for U.S. retail investors to acquire bitcoin. He also invested personally in Lightning Labs, the company Stark co-founded that develops the open-source Lightning Network Daemon (LND) protocol.
But perhaps the clearest proof of her influence can be seen in the blossoming of lightning itself during a brutal year for cryptocurrency prices and a period of overall retrenchment for blockchain companies.
The number of nodes on the nascent network swelled from a few dozen in early January to more than 1,900 in mid-December, according to BitcoinVisuals.com. (1ml.com gives an even higher estimate, including some that aren’t currently active, with more than 4,500 lightning nodes.)
Lightning now has the capacity to process about $2 million worth of crypto transactions, based on the balances held in its more than 13,000 payment channels. While that may seem small, it’s an auspicious start considering the beta version of LND was only released in mid-March. Underscoring the health of the young ecosystem, there are multiple implementations of the software, of which LND is only one.
“Lightning is a movement,” Stark told BTC News Today recently, recalling a conversation with a bitcoin fan who first coined this phrase. “We’ve spent the past year building this movement and it’s working.”
From law school to lightning
It’s been a long time since Stark, a giggly vegan who hardly fits the bitcoin stereotype of a socially awkward introvert, started her journey to become an unlikely heroine in bitcoin’s origin story.
“As a teenager, [I] was an internet geek who liked electronic music,” Stark told BTC News Today. “So basically I’m the same person today.”
Growing up in the New York suburbs, she said, she knew her calling was to build new technology. “As a teenager, I interned at startups in New York City,” she said. “Law school was actually an interesting means to study and research the internet.”
Stark was busy honing debate skills and graduating from Harvard Law School in 2008, the year Satoshi Nakamoto published the bitcoin white paper. After law school Stark went into academia, teaching human rights and computer science courses at universities like Yale, Stanford and Harvard.
It was at Stanford, in 2010, where she first heard about bitcoin from a teaching assistant.
A coffee machine is retro-fitted to accept bitcoin lightning payments.
By the time she met with Dryja in 2015, developers had started to theorize what would later become the lightning network, which was then little more than a concept on slide decks and whiteboards. Yet, Stark was ready to lead a startup.
“From the beginning she was clear, she wanted to be the CEO,” Dryja recalled. “She’d seen a lot of ideas that never got anywhere, not because the idea was bad but because there’s a big difference between an idea…and getting it so that millions of people can use it.”
Dryja, who co-founded Lightning Labs with Stark then left the company in 2016, credited his former colleague for prioritizing quality over quantity. Despite being a rookie businesswoman, she lined up prominent investors like Charlie Lee, the creator of litecoin, former PayPal COO David Sacks, and Dorsey. But Stark raised a modest $2.5 million from these investors and avoided the lucrative token sales that were then becoming fashionable.
“Even in 2016, you could have raised a ton of money and gotten a fancy office, but she didn’t want to,” Dryja said.
Stark said she’s driven by a desire to create “significant technology that will have effects on the 10-year horizon and beyond.” In her mind, lightning is a key part of ensuring bitcoin’s longevity.
“This is a marathon, not a sprint,” she said.
Subtly persuasive
Perhaps thanks to her legal background, Stark has the uncanny ability to disagree without being combative and guide decisions without barking orders.
Her presence is unassuming, yet irresistible. The raven-haired CEO is often spotted beside Bitcoin Core developer Matt Corallo at meetups with her omnipresent smile and cypherpunk black wardrobe.
“She’s very socially equipped in terms of networking, something that I don’t do well and don’t enjoy,” Mallers said. “Writing the code isn’t the hard part. It’s aligning the direction, limiting the scope, organizing.”
Yes, you can really hold these in an ethereum address.
No matter where you go in the tech industry, someone in the room probably considers Stark a friend and wants to hear what the level-headed extrovert has to say. This nonchalant charm makes her an anomaly in a field teeming with bombastic personalities.
Although there may be some professional rivalry with bitcoin-focused startups like Blockstream, Dryja said Stark’s approach is to listen to everyone and observe how users interact with a protocol instead of “trying to dictate what people do with it.”
Another sign of her personality: no matter how busy she gets, Stark is generally responsive to chats in the LND Slack group, where developers and fans around the world collaborate, and which now has more than 2,870 members.
“I think it speaks to who she is as a person that she is fostering this community. And it speaks to her savvy as a business owner,” Mallers said.
Referring to Lightning Labs, he added, “all their software is open source and they are very grounded, sticking to their original vision.”
Diversity and mentorship
Another way that Stark distinguishes herself is by deliberately creating opportunities for minorities to contribute to an industry predominantly led by white men.
Stark co-organized the Crypto Springs conference in October, where more than half of the speakers were women, and scholarships for women to attend Bitcoin Core contributor Jimmy Song’s programming bootcamp.
Mir Liponi, an Italian vlogger and co-founder of Blockchainlab, said meeting Stark at a Consensus conference in 2015 inspired her decision to take a more active role in Italy’s bitcoin community.
A statue in New York with a #RECKLESS hat advertising the lightning network.
“The fact that she was so young and respected as a CEO and as a woman was something almost new to me,” Liponi told BTC News Today. “One of the greatest contributions Elizabeth [made to] bitcoin is her constant work and ability to connect experts, projects, people.”
It was Stark who helped Liponi arrange bitcoin hackathons in Milan, with people working on a variety of distinct solutions related to lightning. In part, these meetings helped set the ground work for the lightning interoperability standard called Bolt, which allows lightning-enabled bitcoin nodes to route transactions.
“If you want to design this for people to actually, use, we can’t just design it for ourselves,” Dryja said, adding Stark is one of the leading figures getting “all different kinds of people” involved with building up the bitcoin ecosystem.
Like many young developers in the space, Mallers credits Stark with mentoring him as he went from obscure hobbyist to internet-celebrity entrepreneur.
Speaking broadly to how her mentorship encourages programmers across the ecosystem to connect and ship complementary code, he added: “I give that credit to Elizabeth.”
Patient scaling
Stepping back, to fully grasp Stark’s work to bitcoin, it’s important to remember that the lightning technology was conceived, and Lightning Labs founded, in the midst of a long-running and contentious debate within the bitcoin community over how best to scale the network.
Over the years, as bitcoin’s network volume increased, rising transaction fees and slowing confirmation times had cast doubt on the currency’s suitability for use cases that were touted early on, such as micropayments for web content or prosaic retail purchases (the proverbial cup of coffee).
While few in the community questioned the so-called digital gold’s ability to serve as a store of value, its utility as a means of exchange was now at issue.
One camp, led by CEOs of venture capital-funded startups, wanted to quickly boost the network’s capacity by increasing the size of transaction blocks that are added to the ledger every 10 minutes or so.
The other camp, represented by developers and hard-core users like Stark, resisted such proposals, arguing, among other things, that a hastily implemented change to the software would present a security risk.
Elizabeth Stark, Lightning Labs, at Consensus 2016
(Stark was often outspoken during these debates about how important she believes it is to prioritize security as one of bitcoin’s core principles.)
Lightning, as conceived by Dryja and Poon, offered an alternative. Small payments would be handled off the blockchain, through a mechanism called payment channels. Users could send bitcoin back and forth to each other through these channels, and the blockchain would be reserved for final settlement.
Still, the scaling debate raged on. After a game of chicken, in which the big-block camp tried to push through a software update that might have split the network into two competing currencies, the controversial plan was called off at the eleventh hour in November 2017.
The slow-and-steady camp had prevailed, and the stage was set for layer-two solutions like lighting to flourish. Four months later, in March 2018, Lightning Labs released the beta version of LND.
Today, Stark said there are now hundreds of developers making Lightning apps and contributing to the network’s open source infrastructure. Meanwhile, the number of channels has increased 16-fold over the past year.
Regardless of the so-called crypto winter, Stark’s 11-person company shows no signs of slowing down.
“If anything, the calming of the hype and frenzy helps us because there are fewer distractions and it’s a better time to keep on building,” Stark said. “There’s a lot left to do, but this year has very much exceeded my expectations with the speed of growth and adoption.”
This further distinguishes Stark from many other CEOs of her ilk: She is patient. Speaking to what sets Lightning Labs and its vivacious leader apart from other crypto startups, Mallers concluded:
“It’s very comforting, owning bitcoin and being an investor in the asset knowing that people like her, who stay focused, grounded and mature as a business owner, are trying to accomplish something like scaling.”
Art by Cryptopop! (@helloluis)
Images via BTC News Today archives
The post How Lightning’s Elizabeth Stark Raised an Army appeared first on BTC News Today.
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x-prodigy · 4 months
I think Tommy loves Lil Nas X and doesn't understand why David just "likes" him but David is discreetly obsessed with him and his dance moves.
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x-prodigy · 2 years
Yo, whenever I think abt it.. if another writer makes the patri-not thing about Tommy and only Tommy, I. WILL. GO. FERAL.
Yes, I understand that Patri-not kidnapped Tommy in YA Vol. 2 but it's obvious, especially after the theory scene with both Patri-not and Prodigy near the end if Vol. 2 (+ Prodigy's magic prince kiss that returned Tommy back to normal) that both Tommy AND David are so, so important to whatever this prophecy is.
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I certainly feel like it's tied to Tommy's limited point of view of himself / his strength and David's view of his own Humanity, since he's so sure he's bound to lose it (ntm he really does in the vision of the possible future Dani and Emma show him.)
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x-prodigy · 2 years
I'm excited for the new wiccling comic bc YA stuff but idk i just want thinkfast...
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x-prodigy · 1 year
Prodigy please be in YA vol.3 I'm begging
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x-prodigy · 2 years
Thinkfast Manifestations/Thoughts/HCs, I want/need. I think it'd be fun to add to this every now and then. Feel free to add💛💚
For David and Tommy to NOT hook up the next time they meet in a comic
For them to have a conversation meaningful that moves both of their characters foward instead of plot-wise like in x-factor or Tommy's infinity issue
I want confirmation Tommy knew David was going to work at x-factor.
Or atleast I want Tommy to be a little sus his boyf just started working at Krakoa out of Nowhere and missed his brother's wedding if he was healthy and well on Krakoa
I want Tommy's reaction to learning Krakoans can be revived
I don't think David told told Tommy he died and that's why he was on Krakoa, so now that the world knows I need Tommy to connect some dots..
Thinkfast date that's literally Coffee and Ramen like ik that's a weird combo but it's so cute and quirky how they established them by that omg
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x-prodigy · 3 months
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x-prodigy · 1 year
After watching wakanda forever (bc I'm black b4 I'm an MCU hater) and leaving the theater me and my cousin were talking any Riri Williams and i started the Convo any how she was on a team... TELL ME WHY HE STARTED BRINGING UP YOUNG AVENGERS?? Ewwwwww!! And when i tried to correct him on who was on that team he said "Ms. Marvel, right?" Omfg... I didn't speak to him the rest of the drive home 🤢.
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x-prodigy · 1 year
David canonically having been SHOT in his voluptuous booty???
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x-prodigy · 2 years
Silly little yellow man
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x-prodigy · 2 years
My sister just showed me that ppl on tiktok are talking abt a portal to hell happening tomorrow?? I'm so glad I deleted that god forsaken app.
Anyways enjoy Thinkfast kissing 💋💋💋
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