#professor milbourne
themilbourneproject · 2 years
About the Project
Professor Milbourne (1843-1910) was an Ohioan veteran who gained notoriety by wearing feminine clothing in public at their hometown of Washington Court House, Ohio, which was reported on by newspapers across the USA and England. Milbourne’s self described gender was “neither a man nor a woman” or “a woman in spirit.” In modern terms, Milbourne could be called transfeminine.
This project documents my (a trans anthropology student) ongoing research on Milbourne, as well as other studies of gender non conforming and trans topics.
I generally use they/them and sometimes she/her for Milbourne. Most records use he/him and the occasional she/her, which does not necessarily seem to match Milbourne’s self description. Milbourne went by both Professor Randolph F Milbourne and Miss Maude Milbourne, which was their preferred name when wearing feminine clothing. I typically use either Professor Milbourne, R F Milbourne, or Miss Maude.
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neopronounhaven · 2 years
Happy 179th birthday to Miss Maude Milbourne, aka Professor R. F. Milbourne, born 15 Aug 1843, who in 1905 told the local newspaper: “While physically I am a man, yet spiritually and intellectually I am neither a man nor a woman, while I feel that in form and spirit I incline more to effeminacy and am gradually taking on more of the nature of womanhood.”
Another time, the newspaper reported, “They do not know whether they are a man, woman, or a spirit, and nobody else knows what they are either.” [edited to use neutral pronouns]
Based on my research, in modern terms I think Milbourne would fit well into the definitions of transfeminine and nonbinary.
Below I’ll share some of the coolest newspaper clippings I’ve found for Prof. Milbourne.
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Image description: A cropped newspaper clipping from page 4 of The Cyclone and Fayette Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, May 22nd, 1902. It’s titled “Prof. R. F. Milbourne, the Female Impersonator, as Miss Maud Milbourne.” Below that is a grainy black and white photo of Milbourne, standing and wearing feminine clothing, including a long dress. The newspaper says:
We present herewith a good picture of Prof. Randolph Milbourne in female attire, the picture having been taken a few days ago. Prof. Milbourne has decided to give entertainments throughout the county. His first public entertainment was given a few nights ago for the local Elk's Lodge, and the report is that it made a big hit. The Professor has had a number of photographs taken representing himself in female attire, as well as in male attire in various Delsarte poses. One would not imagine in looking at the above picture that the original was a veteran of the civil war and was one of “the boys.” He has drawn a pension from the government for many years.
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 8 of The Cyclone and Fayette Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, December 25th, 1902. It says: “Miss Maude Milbourne, formerly Prof Randolph Milbourne, gave a rehearsal at the opera house on last Friday afternoon in the presence of the Al G Field Minstrel aggregation. He gave a number of female impersonations and ended with an A B C sermon, impersonating an old man preaching a sermon. The Professor says that one of the men belonging to the company runs a roof garden in New York City in the summer time, and that he offered him $100 a night to give his impersonations, and he prefers this offer to the Fields offer of $300 a week.”
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 5 of The Cyclone And Fayette Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, April 30th, 1903. It is titled, “Maude Milbourne Gives an Entertainment at Dayton,” and says:
The Dayton, Ohio, Journal, of April 27, says:
The members and friends of Diester Post No. 446 and Women’s Belief Corps were entertained on Saturday evening with a musical and elocutionary program given by Mr. R. F. Milbourne, assisted by home talent.
Considerable fun was occasioned by the printing of the programs to read, “Miss Maude Milbourne,” and showing a cut of a handsome young woman whom those not in the secret supposed was the reader of the evening when in truth it was Mr. Milbourne in stage dress.
The program consisted of numerous fine musical selections, after which Mr. Milbourne gave a demonstration of delsarte including posing and sword manipulations. Then changing his costume and appearing in what was supposed to be “male characters,” the earstwhile young lady appeared in the rule of an Irishman lately arrived in this country, and also as a burlesque college professor. During the intermissions Mr. Donald McDonald entertained the audience with playing old war tunes upon the Jews harp, accompanied on the piano by Mr. Huber.
“The committee of ladies from the Relief Corps and the comrades of Diester Post received many compliments upon the entertainment provided.”
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from the Democratic Standard of Coshocton, Ohio, published 21 April 1905. The article is titled, “Man Prefers to Dress Himself in Female Garb,” and says:
Washington, C. H., Ohio, April 17. Randolph Milbourne, of this city, has ust written to Attorney General Ellis for an opinion on a very peculiar question. A few days ago Milbourne was arrested and reprimanded by the Mayor for appearing on the streets in female attire. He claimed that he had as good a right to wear the dress of a woman as Dr. Mary Walker has to wear the garb of a man, and he wants to know from the Attorney General if his position is not well taken for the Attorney General to work, and his answer is awaited with interest. Mr. Milbourne says that if the Attorney General gives it as his opinion that he can go upon the streets dressed as a woman he proposes to do so, as he wears female attire because he thinks it becomes him much better than men’s clothing, and he feels more comfortable in skirts.
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Image description: A cropped newspaper article from The Spokane Press published May 15, 1905, titled “Ohio Man Wears Woman’s Garb in Spite of Courts.”
Washington Courthouse, O., May 13—Randolph Milbourne, who was arrested here a few days ago for appearing on the streets dressed in female attire, has not received an answer to the letter he wrote Attorney General Wade Ellis asking his opinion as to whether he can not continue to wear women’s clothes on the streets without violating the law.
Milbourne asserts that the law does not touch his case, as he desires to wear female attire because it better suits his form, and he feels more comfortable when thus dressed than when he Is dressed as a man. He says he never did like to wear men’s clothing, and for years he has been wearing the garb of a woman about his hobe, where he lived alone.
Mr. Milbourne says: “It has been my intention for a long time to discard men’s clothing and dress only in female garb. For years I have worn ladles’ garments about my home and I feel much better than when dressed as a man. While physically I am a man, yet spiritually and intellectually I am neither a man nor a woman, while I feel that in form and spirit I incline more to effeminacy and am gradually taking on more of the nature of womanhood.
“There is today too much attention paid to the kind of clothing a person wears. In New Testament times men and women dressed alike, in long, flowing robes, and now I am arrested for wearing garments in vogue in those days. Why should I be arrested for wearing clothing of my choice when I am doing it because I think it is my duty to do so?
“Dr. Mary Walker, a woman of Washington, D. C. chose to wear men’s clothing because she thought them better suited to her profession, holding that in the sickroom men’s clothing does not stir up the dust of the floors as women’s skirts do, and hence should be worn by her. Dr. Mary Walker was arrested for wearing men’s clothing. She pleaded her own case and won ln the courts.
“If Dr. Walker can lawfully wear men’s clothing upon the streets of American cities, why should not I be allowed to wear women’s garments if I prefer to do so? Another thing, my form is better gutted for female dress than for male attire, and I never feel comfortable in men’s clothing, while I am at perfect ease when dressed as a woman. For 10 years I have worn a woman’s corset, and could scarcely live without It.
“If the authorities insist upon preventing me from wearing the attire of a woman it is my intention to petition the legislature at its forthcoming session for the special privilege to wear female attire.
“I am 61 years old, and for three years fought for the Union, serving the last year as drum major ln the Veteran Reserve corps at Detroit barracks, having been transferred from the Eighty-first Ohio, and no one will go further than I will to stand by the law of the land.”
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 1 of The Cyclone-Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, May 11th, 1905. It says:
A most remarkable feature of the Beal local option contested election case last Friday was the testimony of Prof. Randolph Milbourne, the female impersonator, who was arrested not long ago for appearing on the streets dressed in female attire. The drys claim that a large number of voters did not vote at the local option election, and that this fact, coupled with the fact that the returns show the largest vote ever polled in the city, indicates that there were many illegal votes cast. Prof. Milbourne did not vote, and he was called to testify this fact. He said he had been a resident of this city for many years, but at the last election he did not vote. Asked by Mr. Jones, attorney for the wets why he did not vote, he said that it was because he was not sure as to whether or not he had the legal right to vote at a general election as he was in doubt as to whether he was a man or a woman.
Milbourne's testimony created considerable interest in the court room, and after he had testified he was seen by the writer, and asked farther regarding his unusual position. He said that he did not know whether he would try to vote again or not, as he had been told that his vote will be challenged if he attempts it, but that he might try to vote again just to test the case. He says that he does not know whether he is a man, woman, or a spirit, and nobody else knows which he is.
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 8 of The Cyclone-Republican, published in Washington, Ohio on Thursday, June 1st, 1905. It’s titled, “Prof. Milbourne Recieves a Letter from a Follower in Iowa,” and says:
Prof. Randolph Milbourne the female impersonator recently recieved the following letter from a follower in Iowa. We quote the letter as it was written:
Keokuk Iowa May 22 05.
Mr Randolph Milbourne
Sir havi seen an acount in a Paper that you are adictet to Female atier and as I am One Ove your Folowers as I to have ben Wering Female atier and will ware it as Long as I Live But I have Only Ware it at home I have ben Wering it Far the Last ten years and I Find it Ever so mutch mare Comfertabe then male garmeuts I hope you Will Be succesfull and Be Premited to Ware Female atier as I am Very mutch interested in you and would like to farespond With you.
Yours truly
A J Reimer
1125 main St, Keokuk Iowa
Interpreted Transcript of Letter:
Sir, having seen an account in a paper that you are addicted to female atire and as I am one of your followers as I, too, have been wearing female atire and will wear it as long as I live, but I have only wore it at home. I have been wearing it for the last ten years and I find it ever so much more comfortable than male garments I hope you will be successful and be permitted to wear female attire as I am very much interested in you and would like to [farespond?] with you.
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Image description: A newspaper clipping from page 1 of The Ohio State Register, published in Washington Court House, Ohio on Friday, December 14th, 1906. It says:
“Dress Reform Convention” to be Held in This City.
For some weeks past mention has been made by the press of the unusual convention that it claims will be held in this city, ere the winter is over.
It seems that the idea originated with Major Randolph Milbourne, of this city, who has distinguished himself from the rest of the masculine persuasion by appearing on the street, dressed in female attire.
The convention will be held in the interest of “dress reform”, and Dr. Mary Walker, of New York, Mr. Marks, of Washington state, and dress reformers' from Kentucky, Indiana, Pennsylvania and many other states are to be honored with invitations to meet here.
There has been no little talk about this convention, and already a number of spectators have signified their desire of seeing the men and women who are dissatisfied with the present way in which they are compelled to dress.
Should this convention prove to be a reality, the exhibition of duds suitable to the tastes of martyrs of this class, will doubtless be worth going miles to see.
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A Continuing Journey In The Magic History Of Singapore
This article is to introduce magicians and magic fanatics to the rich records of magic in Singapore. It honours the exquisite achievements, prominence and significance of nearby magicians from the beyond and gift.
The starting of Modern Magic in Singapore
It is the general consensus that contemporary magic in Singapore (post World War 2) started out with the overdue-Ng Bo
Oen AKA The Great Wong. Information on nearby magic pre-battle is very scarce. The handiest facts found has been on The Great Wong performing at the New World Amusement Park (then positioned at Kitchener Road) inside the Thirties.
The Great Wong changed into born in 1908 in Shanton, a town of the Guangdong Province, China and immigrated to Singapore in 1933. He was the only professional magician of his time in Singapore and performed throughout South East Asia. He became known for his sharp stage magic, Linking Rings routine and Sword Basket phantasm. He become also an professional craftsman who built all of his props via hand. He had the present of identifying the mechanics and method of magic props and fabricating them from scratch.
In 1962, The Great Wong made a huge contribution to the global magic network through publishing his famous linking earrings recurring with English script written by Tudor Brock. Davenports Magic in London distributes his manuscript to date. In 1982, he became invited by way of the Federation Internationale des Societes Magiques (FISM) to carry out at the fifteenth World Congree of Magic in Lausanne, Switzerland.
(For extra information on The Great Wong; talk to 'The Great Wong Story' in The International Brotherhood of Magicians Singapore Ring 115 The Quantum Ring Golden Jubilee Issue)
Another local magician who become instrumental in developing cutting-edge magic in Singapore all through the beginning became the past due-Tan Hock Chuan. He changed into a instructor via profession however executed for annual unique occasions, charity indicates and personal events. He was (and nonetheless is) across the world acknowledged for his magical innovations. His outcomes and ideas are nonetheless marketed provider gadgets today and have been published in endless publications (of that point) consisting of Gen, Spinx, Pentagram, New Pentagram, Swami Mantra, Abracadabra and even Tarbell's Course in Magic. He is the first Asian magician to receive the Spinx Award (1936-37)
Both The Great Wong and Tan Hock Chuan have been critical impacts to most of the first era of Singapore present day-magicians who have paved the manner for future generations.
It became simplest after the warfare and at some stage in the British Military Administration that magic in Singapore started its upward thrust to where it is today. 1950 become the yr that the Singapore Magician's Club changed into formed by using a collection of novice magicians, comprising of English-educated specialists.
In 1951 the Singapore Magician's Club obtained their charter from The International Brotherhood of Magicians HQ in America and become from then on changed into formally known as The International Brotherhood of Magicians Singapore Ring one hundred fifteen. Founding individuals of the membership at that point covered Tan Ewe Chee (President), Yeo Soon Kian, Lim Kim Tian, Lim Hap Hin, J.H Stafford, L.A Joseph, J.W Jackson (Vice-President) and Tan Hock Chuan (Secretary).
The 50's gave birth to Singapore's first generation of cutting-edge magicians. Besides the founding members of the IBM Ring and The Great Wong (who joined the Ring in 1952 through invitation), a few prominent first technology magicians blanketed Lim Hap Hin, Tan Choon Tee, Tan Bah Chee, Yeo Soon Kian and his student Michael Lim.
The Great Wong operated the first magic shop from his domestic cum showroom/ workshop in Singapore at 255-A Jalan Besar where he sold his very own hand made props in addition to imported provider gadgets from Japan. (This home/ keep changed into destroyed in a fireplace in Dec 1988 inflicting him to lose maximum of his books and props)
During this era, magicians like The Great Wong, Tan Bah Chee, Lim Hap Hin and Tan Choon Tee carried out magic guides on the National Theatre Club and the YMCA. They have been responsible for producing active magicians along with Charles Choo, Wong Fok Choy, Chia Hearn Jiang, Gwee Thiam Hock and the overdue-Vijeyacone.
The early 60s also saw the 'Golden Age' of magic with magicians performing at different venues across the country. Besides local magicians appearing in night time golf equipment, foreign magicians consisting of Socar accomplished a grand illusion display to a full house at the Capitol Theatre (along Stamford Road) and The Great Nicholas at the Sky Theater in The Great World Amusement Park at Kim Seng Road (Now, Great World City).
In the late 60s, Wee Peng Guan (Uncle of Charles Choo), opened the second magic keep in Singapore at a store residence alongside Robinson Road. Around that point, famous entertainer Victor Khoo's father Khoo Teng Heng who become a magician, a ventriloquist and hypnotist opened his magic store at Bras Basah. (in which Carlton Hotel stands presently).
During this decade, Tan Choon Tee was creating a name for himself inside the worldwide magic community inside the field of Mentalism. He won numerous worldwide Linking Ring Awards for his One-Man Parades and has  books posted by way of Micky Hades. He changed into also a normal contributor to numerous international magic magazines such as Gen, New Pentagram, Magicgram, Magicana and The Linking Ring.
Overseas magicians whom exceeded via Singapore protected Milo & Roger, Milbourne Christopher and Maurice Fogel.
The 1970s saw the start of the second one era of Singapore magicians. Some well-known magicians who got started out during this time covered; The Great Wong's son Ng Kee Chee, John Teo, Tang Sai Thong, Ng Seow Kiat, Tang Yeng Fun, Bob Chua, Eric Leong, Tan Teck Seng, Lawrence Tham, Tan Tuan Seng, Lawrence Khong and Andrew Kong.
The Singapore Association of Magicians became founded on 10 March 1973 in pleasant 'contention' to the IBM Ring. The membership was led via Tan Bah Chee with prominent founding members consisting of Lim Hap Hin, Tan Hock Chuan and Charles Choo.
Magic stores in Singapore started to spring up at some stage in the overdue seventies. Ng Kee Chee installation a magic stall at Yaohan in Plaza Singapura and Wang Leng opened his shop in Peninsula Plaza. Charles Choo opened his shop in August 1978 on the sixth ground of Far East Shopping Centre. (It could move numerous instances to numerous department stores however finally lower back back to Far East). His shop would soon grow to be an group in which magicians could buy diverse magic products as well as join up and study from each different.
It became a variety hang-out for lots magicians in the years yet to come till the shop closed inside the new millennium.
During this era, The Tropicana Night Club, which become situated at Pacific Plaza, was a venue that had normal magic performances. Several famous magicians also visited Singapore within the 70s. In 1970, John Calvert executed on the National Theatre. In 1972, Albert Goshman visited Ring 115 to give a lecture. In that identical 12 months, "The Professor" Dai Vernon also visited Singapore, lectured and interacted with nearby magicians. Other touring magicians protected Andre Kole, Billy McComb, and Ali Bongo.
Nineteen Eighties
By the Nineteen Eighties, the nearby magic scene was flourishing with healthful memberships for the two main magic clubs in addition to a surge within the quantity of appearing magicians. Many of state-of-the-art veterans made their name in the 80s. Familiar names like Richard Ang, Patrick Wan, Patrick Ng Wang Lin, Tan Hai Yan AKA Gician, Paul Koh, AB Francis and Gordon Koh had been acting often at public and personal shows throughout this decade. Popular local venues for public magic indicates by magic clubs held on a everyday basis at that point blanketed the Drama Centre and the National Museum Theatrette.
The popularity of magic shops also grew and in 1982, Chew Kin Song opened a Magic & Novelty Corner on the Chinese Book Section of Popular Book Co Pte Ltd on the 4th Floor of Bras Basah Complex. Gician Tan additionally unfolded his first magic store at Parkway Parade which subsequently moved to Marina Square and was managed by Richard Ang. Besides this fundamental store, he dispensed magic items and sets through branch stores
in Singapore and South East Asia.The Singapore target market become additionally uncovered to world-class magic via several magic tv shows and collection that have been aired on nearby TV such as the David Copperfield specials, Magic Magic and The Best of Magic.
Foreign magicians who visited Singapore throughout this time included David Copperfield, Mark Wilson, Ben Harris, Paul Daniels and Gene Anderson.
Nineteen Nineties
The beginning of this decade saw the creation of the u . S .'s third generation magicians into the local magic scene. Prominent budding magicians covered Enrico Varella, Sherman Tjiong, J C Sum, Joe Yu (Chan Ee Kang), Nique Tan Li Keong, Prakash Puru, Kiki Tay, Alex Tan and Jeremy Pei.
The neighborhood chapter of International Magicians Society changed into fashioned, based by means of its President, Tan Bah Chee; although the club's presence in Singapore became brief-lived.
The past due-Nineteen Nineties noticed a large surge in magic international recognition due to David Blaine's street magic specials. Many human beings started out to 'get into' magic and had new mediums to examine the craft which include the introduction of DVDs and the Internet.
A new magic keep, Magic Castle & Promotions, spread out through Vijay Kumar at Shaw Towers soon became 'the area to be' wherein new magicians would dangle out and meet.
During this decade, Wang Leng's keep in Peninsula Plaza turned into bought to Patrick Wan. The save was in the end offered to Richard Ang and is now properly known as Ang House of Magic. Patrick Wan opened his new save, Magic Wand, which has spawned into several stores in numerous elements of Singapore. Steven Sim also opened Magic Supreme at Coronation Plaza which has subsequently moved to Park Mall.
The 90s turned into an exciting decade with many visits and performances with the aid of well-known magicians. Apart from lectures by Michael & Hannah Ammar, Mark Leveridge and Wolfgang & Sonja Riebe there had been also public theatre performances by way of the Pendragons, Princess Tenko, Andre Kole, Franz Harary, David Copperfield, Rudy Coby and Robert Gallop. Other journeying magicians included Larry Becker, Tim Ellis, Terry Seabrooke, Phil Cass and Albert Tham.
2000 - Present
Magic has endured to flourish at the neighborhood degree on this decade. New opportunities and capabilities have emerged to raise the artwork in Singapore. In May 2000, J C Sum staged the primary ever nearby full-night theatre display 'Magic at the Theatre' at Victoria Theatre. Just a month later, greater than a dozen magicians from the US and Canada got here all the way down to Singapore as a part of the Magic Festival prepared by way of the Malls of Centrepoint. Magicians such as Robert Baxt, Rocco and Peter Gossamer completed multiple shows at numerous Centrepoint Malls for over a week.
In 2004, the Singapore Magic Circle (SMC) was created via Aloysius Yeo and with its online forum drew a brand new pool of magic fans together. SMC has because grown to over 1000 members and regularly organize gatherings, occasions in addition to the recent Concept:Magic Micro MAGIC Convention in January 2007.
Through a huge-scale theatre magic musical 'Magic of Love', Lawrence Khong, a pastor with Faith Community Baptist Church and his daughter Pricilla, unfold the gospel message.
The multi-million dollar manufacturing has been staged usually over the years internationally to spread the word of Christ. Subsequently, the identical crew prepared  International Festival of Magic conventions in 2003 & 2005. The first of its kind massive magic occasions included competitions, lectures, a sellers' room and performances. International performers such as Jeff McBride, Max Maven, Johnny Thomspon, The Pendragons, Lee Eun Gyeol and Tommy Wonder were booked to carry out on the gala suggests and lectures.
In current years, J C Sum has end up arguably the maximum outstanding Singapore magician of this era. His magic has been seen by way of millions via his live performances throughout Asia in addition to his landmark mass media initiatives on MediaCorp Studio's Ch eight as well as next 'Street Illusions' compilation DVD/ VCD.
His 24-episode 'Magic in Motion' series can currently be visible each day on Singapore Press Holdings MediaBoxOffice via 2007. In the international magic community, J C has additionally hooked up himself as an elite phantasm designer from Asia with the e-book of his three seriously acclaimed illusion books that have been sold in extra than 30 international locations so far.
Another talented award-triumphing magician, Jeremy Pei, is elevating the profile of Singapore magic in the regional magic community along with his theatre suggests, prepared lectures, workshops and energetic participation in magic conventions & competitions in Japan, Korea, China, Thailand and Australia. His special North-Asian affect fashion of magic performance has garnered him a following with new budding magicians whom he teaches and courses. He has additionally released multiple unique magic merchandise that are available to magicians global.
In every other first, award-triumphing junior magician, Kyle Ravin secured a thirteen-episode weekly Street Magic series, "Maya" on MediaCorp Studios' Vasantham Central. This 30min series noticed him carry out magic for the Indian community and celebrities across the united states of america.
This decade has visible the advent of even more magic shops and dealers run by young magicians to satisfy the demand of magic fanatics and magicians. These include new 'brick & mortar' magic stores such as Street Magic by Tan Wei Ping, Tricky Business by means of Jimmy Wong, The Magic Hall by way of Kenneth Peh as well as on-line stores like The Little Magic Shop by way of Ning.
Visiting magicians to this point for the brand new millennium have covered Joshua Jay, Shoot Ogawa, Charles Gucci, Nicholas Einhorn.
And the Magic History of Singapore continues to be written...
See more- https://www.australiaeta.com.sg/
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miriadonline · 7 years
CONF: Circulating Crafts (Paris/Los Angeles, 24 Jan & 21 Feb 18)
Paris and Los Angeles, January 24 – February 21, 2018
Circulating Crafts: Art, Agency, and the Making of Identities (1600-2000)
January 24th 2018: Workshop at La Colonie, Paris February 21st 2018 : CAA 2-parts Session in Los Angeles
Organized by Yaëlle Biro, Metropolitan Museum of Art; and Noémie Étienne, Bern Universität (Visiting Professor at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
PART 1 Workshop “Circulating Crafts” January 24th 2018, La Colonie, 178 boulevard Lafayette, 75010 Paris
9.00: Welcome and Introduction, Yaëlle Biro and Noémie Étienne
9.15: Ariane Fennetaux, Université Paris Diderot From Coromandel with Love: The Glocalisation of Indian Cottons in the 17th and 18th Centuries
9.55: Chonja Lee, Universität Bern Made in Switzerland: How Swiss Indiennes became Autochtone and Dressed the World at the same Time
10.35: Aziza Gril-Mariotte, Université de Haute-Alsace Modèles, emprunts et circulation des formes occidentales dans les toiles peintes au XVIIIe siècle
11.30: James Green, University of East Anglia Appropriating Kongo Colors: Red, White and Black in 19th Century English Trade Cloth
12.10: Manuel Charpy, CNRS, Lille Changing Sides? Consumption and Political Uses of Western Clothing in Congo (1830-1960)
Moderation: Noémie Étienne, Universität Bern /Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
13.00-14.00: LUNCH BREAK
14.00: Thomas Grillot, CNRS, Paris Marketing Family Heirlooms: Three Generations of American Indian Artists in the Northern Plains
14.40: Rémi Labrusse, Université Paris-Nanterre Hybridité et identité en Algérie à la veille de l’invasion française : Le cas du palais du Bey de Constantine
15.35: Julien Volper, Tervuren Museum Du Bénin à l’Inde en passant par le Congo. Origines, influences et voyages d’objets africains du XIXème et du XXème siècles
16.15: Jonathan Fine, Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin Crafting Culture: The Co-Production of “Bamum” Art in the 1920s
16.55: Gaëlle Beaujean, Musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac Sirène, vierge, charmeuse de serpent et Atlantique
17.35-18.00: DISSCUSSION
Moderation: Yaëlle Biro, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Participation to the workshop is free, open to all, without registration.
PART 2. Conference Panels “Art, Agency, and the Making of Identities (1600-2000)” February 21st 2018, CAA, College Art Association Convention Center, 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Panel I, 2:00-3:30pm, Room 405
Helen Glaister, SOAS, University of London/Victoria and Albert Museum, London The Picturesque in Peking – European Decoration at the Qing Court
Dorothy Armstrong, Royal College of Art/Victoria and Albert Museum, London A Transnational Loop: Pakistan’s Repossession of the Oriental Carpet Imaginary and its Production
Tingting Xu, University of Chicago The Rivers Folded: Souvenir Accordion Panoramas in the Late Nineteenth-century Global Tourism
Karen E. Milbourne, Smithsonian National Museum of African Art Lozi Style: King Lewanika and the Marketing of Barotseland
Panel II, 4:00-5:30pm, Room 409A
Ashley V. Miller, UC Berkeley ‘What is Colonial Art, and Can it be Modern?’: Moroccan Modernisms at the Art Deco Exposition in Paris, 1925
Victoria L. Rovine, University of North Carolina A Wider Loom: Textiles and Colonial Politics of Authenticity in the Soudan Français
Gail Levin, The City University of New York Frida Kahlo’s Invention of Jewish Identity
Niko Vicario, Amherst College From Duco to Comex: The Politics of Synthetic Paint in the Americas
Circulation and imitation of cultural products are key factors in shaping the material world – as well as identities. Many objects or techniques that came to be seen as local, authentic, and typical are in fact entangled in complex transnational narratives tied to a history of imperialism, and the commercial phenomenon of supply and demand. In the 17th and 18th centuries, artists and craftspeople in Europe appropriated foreign techniques such as porcelain, textiles, or lacquers that eventually shaped local European identities. During the 19th century, Western consumers looked for genuine goods produced outside of industry, and the demand of Bourgeois tourism created a new market of authentic souvenirs and forgeries alike. Furthermore, the 20th century saw the (re)-emergence of local “Schools” of art and crafts as responses to political changes, anthropological research, and/or tourist demand. This multi-parts conference will explore how technical knowledge, immaterial desires, and political agendas impacted the production and consumption of visual and material culture in different times and places. A new scrutiny of this back and forth between demanders and suppliers will allow us to map anew a multidirectional market for cultural goods in which the source countries could be positioned at the center.
This conference is made possible by Tribal Art Magazine and the Swiss National Science Foundation. More on: http://www.theexotic.ch
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
32 Percent Project. Photo by Steven Gagliano
On Friday, three journalism professors from the University of Oregon traveled to Oxford to host a session for their project titled the “32% Project”. According to one of the organizers, Todd Milbourn, the 32 percent refers to the percent of the population that trusts the news media. The trio created the project with hopes of finding out what the media can do to win back public trust.
“We are trying to understand what people trust, and distrust and why,” Milbourn explained. “We think that with a better understanding from the public of what builds trust, we can help journalists began to rebuild that trust.”
The three professors have been through several stops for their project including a small town in Illinois, Boston, and now Oxford. They have noticed several themes that have emerged in each destination.
“One theme that has emerged is that a lot of people feel that they don’t have a voice. They feel that the media comes to their town and extract stories as opposed the spending time, building relationships, getting to know the communities and understanding its history,” Milbourn said. “While different areas may not use the same language, we’ve heard a lot of similar stories everywhere we’ve been. We want to explore how to do journalism that’s not just about getting a quote, a story and a click, but journalism that is about relationships.”
The open forum was attended by several members of the Oxford community and members of local media. The hosts posed questions asking attendees about what type of organizations they trust both in and outside of news. Answers varied to include family, friends, churches, doctors, and even pizza delivery services.
The discussions about news revealed that people are worried about potential bias in the news along with personal opinions making their way into the news.
At the end, attendees were asked to describe what they would do to make a news organization trustworthy if they were at the helm and money was no object. 
The 32 Percent Project’s findings will be shared at the Online News Association’s meeting in Washington D.C. in October. 
Steven Gagliano is the managing editor of HottyToddy.com. He can be reached at [email protected]
The post “32 Percent Project” Comes To Oxford To Discuss Public Perception Of Media appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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brothermarc7theatre · 7 years
"The Wizard of Oz" show #652
A charming production of L. Frank Baum’s enchanted story, The Wizard of Oz, has opened up at Tri-Valley Repertory. Under the crafty direction of Brian Olkowski and with jazzy choreography by Marissa Joy Ganz, this staging of …Oz has the right amount of nostalgia combined with legitimately talented musical theatre performers. Never a small order to fill, this tale of Dorothy and friends meets the expectations set forth from the award-winning film, which boasted many heavy-hitting actors of the time. This cast is more than up to the challenge of providing the multi-generational audience a tribute to the past but still with a fresh take in making it their own.
(Ally Murphy (Dorothy); Photo credit: Josh Milbourne)
In search of a way back to Kansas is gifted actress Ally Murphy, whose rendition of “Over the Rainbow” has all the vocal splendor, vibrato, and understanding of the lyrics needed for this standard. Miss Murphy’s young, naïve, motivated delivery of Dorothy’s dialogue is a consistent strength throughout the production. As the Wizard of Oz, Bruce Kaplan urges one to not pay attention to the man behind the curtain; however, Mr. Kaplan is no actor to ignore during his wonderful turns as Professor Marvel/The Wizard. Mr. Kaplan has the twinkle, gift of comedic delivery, and enough warmth among his co-actors to propel him as the worthy Wizard in this production.
(L to R: Rune Lauridsen (Scarecrow), Max DeSantis (Tin Man), Ally Muprhy (Dorothy); Photo credit: Josh Milbourne)
The friends Dorothy encounters are a trio of entertaining gentlemen. Rune Lauridsen is our first friend, the Scarecrow, and through his charisma, excellent baritone voice, and physical abilities that rival any Scarecrow I have seen prior (this is my fifth time seeing The Wizard of Oz), Mr. Lauridsen showcases not just why he is the Scarecrow, but why any triple-threat role in his future is well-deserved. “If I Only Had a Brain” isn’t just a one-man marathon though; Miss Joy Ganz’s slick choreography of the three crows, who are anything but scared of the Scarecrow, is the right dose of visual comedy to enhance Mr. Lauridsen’s physical/vocal performance. Matt Busbee, Leo Diaz, and Jim Rupp execute Miss Joy Ganz’s backup choreography with flash and pizazz, while eloquently delivering some beautiful harmonies. Second up to bat (or chop, for that matter) is Max DeSantis in a scene-stealing turn as the Tin Man. From the moment Mr. DeSantis is loosened up by the oil can, his dancing, acting, and singing are all welcomed additions to Miss Murphy and Mr. Lauridsen’s duo. “If I Only Had a Heart” certainly doesn’t lack heart, as Mr. DeSantis leads the ensemble of trees in a lovely soft-shoe dance and a swell jig. Rounding out Dorothy’s trio of friends is a magnificent Robert Sholty, whose turn as Lion stops the show in Act Two with a fantastic performance of “If I Were King of the Forest.” Complete with booming vibrato and truly a lion’s-size enthusiasm for the role, Mr. Sholty doesn’t need courage to make his turn as the Lion a standout performance.
(Sheila Viramontes (Wicked With of the West); Photo credit: Josh Milbourne)
Sheila Viramontes dons the green face and black hat of the Wicked Witch of the West, doing justice to the role in all her evil glares and shrill laughs. Her brooding chemistry opposite Sarah Sloan’s lovely, warm Glinda provides all sorts of juicy rivalry moments, giving both witches time to shine. Miss Sloan adds a dose of sass when taking on Miss Viramontes’ Witch, giving her Glinda more than just a twinkle and a giggle, but a backbone and empowering presence as the good witch. Mr. Olkowski and Miss Joy Ganz’s use of the versatile ensemble is excellent, balancing splendidly between using everyone just enough to fill out Munchkinland, the Emerald City, and the excitingly-jazzy “Jitterbug” dance number.
(L to R: Robert Sholty (Lion), Max DeSantis (Tin Man), Ally Murphy (Dorothy), Rune Lauridsen (Scarecrow); Photo credit: Josh Milbourne)
Larry Knigge and Vance Entertainment’s scenery fill the large Bankhead Theater well, effectively encompassing the dance numbers, house(s), and intimate moments. Providing a nice wash of brights and specials is Paul Vega’s most-beautiful lighting design. One of the difficulties The Wizard of Oz presents is its need for a certain amount of “movie magic” in order to transition between locations, and Mr. Vega’s lighting certainly accomplishes this with fluidity and a nod to the film’s style. An all-around great evening at the theater, Tri-Valley Repertory’s The Wizard of Oz is a surefire entertaining night out, whether you’ve seen the film more times than you care to admit, or if you’re introducing a young one to the story for the very first time. The Wizard of Oz will continue playing through July 30th, so don’t delay catching Dorothy find her way back to Kansas.
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rgsibg · 8 years
RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2018
The Society is delighted to announce that the 2018 Annual International Conference will be held at Cardiff University.
A key event in the Society’s calendar, the Annual International Conference is the largest annual academic geography conference in Europe, with over 1,800 delegates from 60 countries taking part in close to 400 academic sessions.
Every third year the conference takes place at a venue outside of London. In recent years the conference has visited the University of Exeter (2015), the University of Edinburgh (2012), and the University of Manchester (2009). In 2018 the conference will take place at Cardiff University from Tuesday 28 to Friday 31 August.
Professor Hywel Thomas, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at Cardiff University, said: “I am delighted that the international conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) will be held in Cardiff in 2018. With our emphasis on internationalisation, Cardiff University is proud to be hosting a conference that will bring so many geographers from around the world to Cardiff to discuss their research.”
Professor Paul Milbourne, Head of School, School of Geography and Planning, said: “This is a wonderful opportunity for the School to welcome geographers from around the world as well as to showcase some of the distinctive aspects of geographical research in Cardiff and Wales as a whole. I look forward to working with RGS-IBG during the next few months to develop a conference that provides academic, social and cultural value.”
For the latest updates about the annual conference, follow us on Twitter @RGS_IBGhe
Find out more
Annual International Conference 2018
Annual International Conference 2017
Past conferences
About the conference
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neopronounhaven · 2 years
I’m researching someone from the early 1900s who would now very likely be called transfeminine and they came to the local newspaper with this grand new invention, and. guess what it was. guess what a likely trans person with little to no access to gender affirming surgery came up with.
it’s a sex transformation device. They made up an instant sex change machine…it seems our ideas for dealing with gender dysphoria have not changed much in the past century.
Tumblr media
page 6 of The Cyclone and Fayette Republican, published in Washington Court House, Ohio on Thursday, April 7th, 1904.
Image description: A cropped scan of the above newspaper article which says, “A Wonderful Piece of Mechanism. Any young lady or gentleman dissatisfied with their personality or sex can experience an immediate transformation by a small remuneration. This machine, by a reserve at—” the text cuts off. End ID.
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