#proffered calmitous
jnstudios2 · 4 months
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Nicktoons Unite The Animated Series episode two
The syndicate lair
Deep below the surface was a lab full of gadgets and sparks flaring everywhere. Professor calamitous was repairing his bots grumbling about the nicktoons unite. “ blasted nicktoons unite,
Destroying my toys and making me a mockery!” He grumbled while fixing them. “ these nicktoons unite are getting stronger with everything we throw at them to slow them down “ plankton said folding his robotic arms with a hmph. “ yes it seems so “ calamitous said then smiled bringing out a microchip “ but not anymore “ he chuckled putting it in a syndicate bot. The bot started up and adapted itself to create new weaponry to destroy the dummies into pieces.” Ooooh” the two said when calamitous turned it off. “ yes quite impressive, but I’m out of supplies here to develop more” calamitous said when the two pondered what to do with this supply problem. “ I have a supply port in California for me to resupply, but I need you two to distract the nicktoons unite while I gather the supplies to create an army of powerful syndicate bots for us to rule the universe hahaha!” Calamitous laughed as did plankton and Crocker getting ready to create their powerful robot army.
Cue theme song and title card
At the headquarters
The crew was playing cards at the game room, a place where glowing games were, a giant tv, a table, and a couch. Timmy was secretly wishing for full houses in their games of go fish. Jimmy noticed it “ Timmy you’re cheating!” Jimmy said “ no I’m not!” Timmy said then continued to secretly wish for more full houses. “ I can literally hear you wishing you right now “ Danny said annoyed.” Cheaters never prosper” SpongeBob said “ oh please if you had faires you would do the same!” Timmy argued. “ I would use them to help solve problems like pollution and other issues going on right now” Jimmy said making Timmy looked at him “ those are some lame wishes!” Timmy said “ no you’re not!” Jimmy said as they faced each other and growled. “ hey stop that! “ Danny said separating them both “ and try to enjoy our time off from protecting the universe “ Danny said as SpongeBob agreed with him. “ yeah fighting never solves anything, except if you get bullied “ SpongeBob said. “ whatever” Timmy said rolling his eyes and leaning in his seat. An alarm went off “ Crocker has been causing trouble in fairy world, stealing..wish muffins?” Ella said looking at her tablet confused. “ well it’s the syndicate up to no good again, I need you guys to help out fairy world “ Ella said when the four looked annoyed “ were on it” Danny said acknowledging her and heading out with the three into fairy world. The three mischievous ghost vultures grinned watching them invisible “ ooh I think the boss is going to enjoy hearing about this” the leader vulture said. “ yeah but what about our job to spy on that fool?” The second vulture said. “ you moron!, we already spied on him and got what we needed” the leader vulture said hitting him in the head. “ ow! Sorry I forgot ok” the second one said “ we should be going back to the boss, he’s expecting us” the third vulture said as the other agreed flying away into the sky.
Vlad’s castle
Throne room
The throne room was like the video game was, the only difference was that the ghost portal wasn’t in there. That was in his laboratory full of technology and where experimenting happened. Vlad was in his fancy throne chair that was gold and purple waiting for something to arrive. He tapped his finger on his throne waiting and waiting until three green ghost vultures with red hats with a skull on it appeared in the throne room. “ ah there you are my feathered friends” plasmius said when the leader vulture landed on his right shoulder “ have you got any news for me?” He asked the leader vulture. “ jack is still in the lab working away on new inventions and didn’t even notice us in there just like you predicted boss” the leader vulture told him making him grin wickedly. “ of course, jack is very predictable even after all these years, getting my sweet revenge on him would be satisfying to enjoy” plasmius smiled when his black gloved hand glowing pink. “ of course boss, you’ll have it soon” the leader vulture said nodding his head. a single on his watch device told him that calmitous was calling “ oh great, calamitous is calling ..ugh this better be good” he said teleporting to his lair turning on his screen while sitting in his chair. “ what is it this time calamitous?, another robot?” He said a bit annoyed. “ I have developed a microchip to be put inside our bots, we are going back to the roots of what made the syndicate..the syndicate “ he told him. “ Finally a good idea instead of throwing bots at them and being turned into metal cubes” he said. “ i need some of your technology to help us get started though, can you send it to my secret dock in California?” He asked as plasmius nodded. “ consider it done, I’ll bring it to your location, and don’t mess this up calamitous or I’ll be very upset “ he said pointing to the screen. “ you won’t like it when I get mad, I can’t be giving my technology and gadgets all of the time” he said as calamitous understood. “ thank you plasmius, you won’t regret it “ calamitous said as he hung up. “ better not, does he know how valuable my technology is? If he messes up another piece of my technology..I’m going to be very upset with him” he growled getting up and gathering his technology after he sent him the secret location on his syndicate watch. “ guard the castle you three, I want nothing happening while I’m gone or there will be consequences ,got it?” He said as his hand glowed pink scaring the three vultures. “.. you got it boss, you can count on us” the leader told him “ good” he said creating a portal to California and activating the security in his castle before he left and disappeared into the portal and went to see calamitous.
Fairy world
The nicktoons unite arrived to see everything a mess, fairies fleeing, destroyed homes, and blasts hitting anything in it’s way. “ look out!” Timmy said when the team dodged the blast coming towards them“ hahahaha well look who came to witness my glory” a familiar voice said when the team looked up to see Crocker in his armor and his staff giving them a wicked smile. “ Crocker!” Timmy growled “ where’s the wish muffins you stole?!” Wanda said when Crocker chuckled. “ I ate them of course quite delicious and stolen all the FAIRIES POWERS!” He laughed like a hyena scaring the team. “ you’re going to return what you stolen Crocker!” Jimmy said pointing at him “ or what brainiac? I have so much power to defeat you all so easily!” Crocker laughed uncontrollably. “ oh yeah!” Danny said blasting his ghost rays at him. But Crocker created a shield blocking his attacks “ yeah” Crocker said creating a giant boxing glove to hit Danny when he was flying towards him as he crashed in the bakery. “ charge!” Timmy said as the rest charged towards him but he grinned aiming his staff and trapping them in a bubble then throwing them into the bakery making a loud crash. The team got up “ we can’t even get close to him!” Timmy said as Danny was dusting himself off “ he wasn’t kidding about his power “ he said. “ but brains always beat brawn, I got a plan “ jimmy said when the team gathered. “ I need you three to distract him while I free the fairies and Jorgon, then we’ll let him have it!” jimmy said hitting his fist in his hand. “ sounds risky but it’s worth a shot” Danny said as the two agreed with him “ we’ll show him who we are!” Timmy said “ you said it sport! Wanda said. “ oh where did you go nicktoons unite? I’m not finished playing with you four yet and Timmy’s FAIRIES will be mine!” He laughed uncontrollably. “ now!” Jimmy said as the three got out of the bakery and attacking him. Crocker looked stunned then growled when the three grabbed him and his staff “ get off you miserable heros!” Crocker said trying to shake the three off of him and his staff distracting him when they were punching and kicking him or blasting him with their powers. SpongeBob blew bubbles right in his eyes as he howled “ ow ow ow! I got bubbles in my eyes!” Crocker howled trying to get it off of his eyes. Danny punched him into a wall while he was blinded and reckless shooting his staff everywhere trying to hit them. Jimmy found the dungeon Jorgon was trapped in and freed him by using his robotic arm to pick the lock. “ I thank you little one but that maniac hidden my big wand” Jorgon said “ well we have to find it cause my friends can’t hold him much longer!” Jimmy said. Timmy smacked him with his hammer that cosmo turned into while Wanda turned into a dragon blowing fire at him. “ OW HOT!” Crocker said finally getting the bubbles out of his eyes. He smacked Danny with his staff like a baseball bat and crashed into Timmy. SpongeBob used his karate gear to smack Crocker while he was blocking Wanda’s claw swipes angry that he hurt Timmy. “ ENOUGH!!!” He said creating a force field to smack everyone away from him. Everyone groaned when he shadowed over him “ time to say good bye to your FAIRIES Timmy and your friends!” He laughed aiming his staff and trying to trap Timmy’s fairies inside of it.” HEY JERK!” Jimmy shouted as Crocker turned to see him “ how dare you mock your ruler!” Crocker said pointing his staff at him. “ ruler? Oh please, he’s the ruler!” Jimmy grinned “ who’s he?” Crocker asked confused. “ ME YOU FREAK!” Jorgon said cracking his fists. Crocker turned to see him and looked scared aiming his staff at him “ stand back, I have all the FAIRIES powers !” Crocker said until Danny phased through him grabbing his staff “ not anymore “ Danny said smiling. Crocker looked shocked seeing the power fading away. “uh..oh” he said realizing what was about to happen next. Jorgon smiled when his big wand appeared again then blasted Crocker “ ALLLIIIEEE!” He screamed when the team just watched then he was beaten up and sliding to their feet all busted up
“ curse.. you” he said pushing a button on his armor disappearing out of fairy world. Danny smashed the staff to free all of the magic he stole and restored them back to the faires “ that was easy” Timmy said “ usually it would take longer to fight him” Wanda said a bit suspicious. “ at least fairy world is safe from him for now” jimmy said “ but something is up, why did crocker give up so easily?” Jimmy added. “ nicktoons unite! Plankton is attempting to steal the secret formula! I need you to head over to bikini bottom stat!” Ella said on their calling devices. “ that’s why! He was distracting us from plankton!” Danny growled. “ but we should help clean up fairy world first” SpongeBob said. “ nonsense, I’ll take care of this” Jorgon said when his big wand glowed. “ let’s go guys ! Time to stop plankton!” Timmy said as jimmy created a portal to bikini bottom.
They arrived at bikini bottom quickly
“ the blasted plankton , he’s going to pay for making us look like idiots!” Timmy growled grasping his green hammer that cosmo formed into. “ at least we got to beat up Crocker” Danny said looking at his hand and rubbing it “ that’s true “ Timmy said. “ guys we got to find plankton and stop him before he succeeds!” Wanda said when everyone agreed “ he wants the secret formula right? He must be heading to the Krusty Krab” jimmy said. “ not anymore! “ plankton said when a giant bubble trapped the team shocked. “ ohhahaha! I got you all good didn’t I?, should have seen the looks on your faces!” Plankton laughed in his giant robot. “ don’t bother breaking out , we created this bubble to keep you trapped inside even if you use your powers hahahaha!” He laughed. “ now if you’ll excuse me, I got a special guest in my home to have fun with , rubbing it In that I have the secret formula hahaha!” Plankton said flying away leaving the team in their giant bubble trap.
At the port
Calamitous smiled seeing the team trapped “ excellent work and with them trapped, I’ll have some time to start developing my microchips into our army haha! “ calamitous laughed as did Crocker. “ yeah the fools have no idea that we’re just putting them on a wild goose chase to work on our real plan “ Crocker laughed “ yes, and now it’s time to finish the job, you still have some fairy magic right?” Calamitous asked him “ umm only this vile that I kept with me” he said showing him the vile in his pocket. “ good, that should be enough to power them up to adapt, put the magic in the container so we can begin “ calamitous said pointing to the warehouse. Crocker nodded, heading to the warehouse to get more supplies for their army. Plasmius arrived “ alright here it is, now what exactly are we doing here?” He asked him “ simple, we are giving our bot minions from the video games a major upgrade, the microchip will give them the ability to adapt from attacks and create new weaponry to take care of the nicktoons unite “ he explained as plasmius was interested in his idea “ ooh sounds interesting calamitous “ he told him. “ but how do we know this won’t back fire on us..like last time?” He glared at him “ it won’t explode this time, you have my word” he told him as plasmius was doubtful about that.“ now let’s not waste any time and start creating our army to rule the universe “ calamitous smiled as the two did as well. plasmius grinned stretching his fingers “ let’s have some fun shall we?” He smiled as did the others.
Back in bikini bottom
The team was still fighting trying to burst the bubble “ we tried everything on this thing!” Danny said still blasting it. “ the syndicate sure did their homework this time” Jimmy said blasting his tornado blaster or his robotic arms to attack it. But the bubble took everything and didn’t even burst at all. “ great we’re stuck in here! Plankton is probably taking over bikini bottom as we speak!” Timmy said. “ don’t give up sport “ Wanda said then gave jimmy an idea. “ Timmy your fairies can get us out!” Jimmy said. “ oh right, cosmo,Wanda, I wish for us to be free from this bubble!” Timmy wished when his fairies proofed the bubble out of existence. “ what in Texas, the nicktoons unite? What are you doing here?” Sandy appearing out of nowhere scaring the team. “ sandy it’s plankton , he’s got the secret formula and possibly mr krabs!” SpongeBob explained shocking her. “ that’s horrible news SpongeBob, but I’ll help you guys out with any combat “ sandy smiled. “ would appreciate that, but we have to be careful with him, he’s part of the syndicate and has some gadgets to play with “ Danny warned her. “ oh don’t worry, I’ll be ready” sandy said. “ hellllooo plankton is probably causing more trouble!” Timmy said “ right, let’s go team..to the chum bucket!
At the chum bucket
Plankton had captured mr Krabs and had devious plans for to rub it in his face. He entered the room where he was tied and chuckled “ well krabs, I finally win with the secret formula in my grasp, I’ll rule bikini bottom hahaha!” He laughed shadowing over him. “ with the nicktoons unite out of the way, we will rule the universe as well, but for now it’s time to have some fun with you krabs” plankton said clinching his robotic clawed fists. “ umm we got a problem” Karen said showing the nicktoons unite heading towards them “ what?! How did they escape our bubble trap?! Oh well “ he said pushing a button. “ now you’ll watch krabs as I destroy your precious business and the nicktoons unite! Hahaha!” He said when the chum bucket turned into a giant robot armed to the teeth with weaponry going towards the krusty krab ready to stomp it into pieces. “Nooooooo! Not me business and money!” Krabs as plankton laughed until Danny punched his robot making him catch himself. “ it’s over plankton!” Timmy said when Wanda turned into a jetpack and cosmo into a giant hammer smacking him in the robotic eye blinding it. “ ahhh my robotic eye! Do you know how long it took to build that?!” He growled firing at Danny flying around him “ sorry plankton but it seems your tiny little brain isn’t smart enough to take us down” jimmy said using his robotic arms to get inside the robot when Danny did the same phasing inside. SpongeBob, sandy, and timmy was distracting him from noticing the two inside the robot. “ you free mr krabs, I’ll hack into the system” jimmy using his robotic arms to begin hacking into plankton’s system. “ on it” Danny said turning invisible and searched for mr krabs to free him from plankton.
Meanwhile at the port
Calamitous was busy at work “ my plan for our conquest has finally arrived after such a long time of waiting” he smiled. “ yeah and those fools are so busy fighting us to realize that we sent them on a wild goose chase! Hahaha!” Crocker laughed uncontrollably making calamitous eyes twitch “ silence you fool! You’re wasting time to build for our conquest, and your laughing is starting to give me a headache “ plasmius growled at him. “ oh..sorry” he smiled nervously as he went back to work as some bots gathered supplies for calamitous . “ what if they find out tho? They will be definitely come here to try to stop us” Crocker asked him. Calamitous grinned “ contact plankton “ calamitous told a syndicate bot. They saluted “yes lord calamitous “ the bot said contacting plankton for him.
Back at bikini bottom
Danny found where mr Krabs was tied up in and freed him “ I found him” Danny said on his earpiece “ great work,I’m almost done with the hack, that little insect won’t have his toy to play with soon” jimmy grinned. “ aw man but I’m enjoying destroying his toys!” Timmy said destroying a laser cannon “ my cannons, Oh now my back account is so dead!” Plankton said swiping at SpongeBob who was using his karate gear to smack his attacks. “ 3…2..1” jimmy said when the hack went into motion. “ huh? Why are you not destroying them? What is happening?!” Plankton said pushing buttons. “ play time is over plankton!“ Danny said freezing him with his ice powers“ I’ll be taking that “ mr krabs said taking away the secret formula in his safe “ nooooooo! Curse you all! I had bikini bottom in my grasp!” Plankton said. “ but you will soon once again” a voice said as plankton was teleported out of the ice and disappeared. “ that voice, calamitous!” Jimmy said as calamitous appeared on the screen “ what’s up morons!” Crocker said until he was pushed away. “ quiet you!” Calamitous said “ I’m afraid you are too late to stop us, our robotic army is almost complete! I had Crocker and plankton distract you fools while I worked on our real plan hahaha!” Calamitous laughed. “ we’ll stop you and your tin cans!” Danny said pointing at him. “ oh really? We have upgraded our bots to the max!, but here’s a little gift for you all falling for our trick” calamitous said pushing a button. “ self destruct in one minute “ a robotic voice said “ goodbye..nicktoons unite hahahaha!” Calamitous said as the screen turned off. Danny grabbed mr krabs and jimmy and phased throughout the robot before it exploded into bubbles. “ what the?” Danny said “ got you hahaha! But try to stop us if you can” calamitous said trolling them. “ ooh he’s getting on my nerves!” Wanda said. “ seriously he’s just playing with us!” Timmy said. “ he is and he did trick us good with the other members, but he was a bit clumsy “ jimmy said grabbing a metal sheet with the syndicate logo on it. “ I’ll just scan this and tada! He’s at a port in California” jimmy said “ I’ll call Ella to send some backup in case they activate their army” jimmy said typing on his wrist. Ella got the message “ Jenny, zim,and mighty b you’re needed in California “ Ella said contacting the three. “ heading there now “ Jenny said flying away “ zim will conjure all!” Zim said flying in his ship. “ mighty b to the rescue!” Might b said saluting. “ l like waffles!” Gir said calling back. “ I’m sure you do gir” Ella said hanging up and calling jimmy to tell him backup is on their way. Jimmy grinned creating a portal to California and used the data to arrive to the port.
The nicktoons unite arrived at the port after searching for it for a while
“ backup is arriving..now” Ella said when they heard a rocket to see Jenny land in front of them “ hey guys” Jenny said waving. Zim laughed coming out of his ship “ zim has arrived to conquer the universe! Hahaha!” He laughed as they looked at him. “ make way for the mighty b” mighty b said jumping from some crates. “ you guys must be the backup” jimmy said as the three nodded “ you betcha!, we heard something wicked is happening at this port” mighty b said. “ it’s calamitous, he put us on a wild goose chase with Crocker and plankton “ jimmy said. “ that inferior punk!” Zim said clinching his fists in anger “ that no good trickster, but he sure tricked you guys good” Jenny said. “ yeah he sure did” Danny said. “ but not anymore, we’re here to stop their plans once for all!” Timmy said. “ let’s get them!” Mighty b said bringing out an arrow as Jenny punched her hand with her fist and zim smiled wickedly cracking his fists.
Calamitous spotted them “ impossible! How did they find me?!” He growled. “ oh way to go cookieduster! Some genius who leaves technology laying around for boy genius to find your secret dock..way to go champ“ plasmius looking at him .” nevermind, I’ll just send them a distraction while We get away with my supplies and continue to build our ultimate army!” He laughed pushing a button when the ground began to shake transforming his workshop into a ship making their escape. “ this will keep them busy haha!” He laughed pushing a button on a remote when flying in their sights
“ there getting away!” Jimmy said pointing to the ship. “ uhhh guys” SpongeBob said. “ what is it?” Danny asked him “ we got company” he said pointing to some syndicate bots beginning to surround them. “ oh yeah I’m been waiting for this!” Timmy said when cosmo turned into a big green hammer and Wanda into a wish ray blasting at two then charging at them. Zim laughed pinching some then becoming a deadly tornado to slice through some “ gir attack!” He ordered when gir laughed throwing some waffles at two when the butter made them spark then collapsed onto the floor. “ I didn’t me- oh forget it” zim said heading towards one. Danny flew towards three freezing them using his ice powers then ghost powers to blast them into pieces. SpongeBob blew bubbles trapped some in bubbles as jimmy uses his robotic arms with ray guns to fire at the trapped bots destroying them in the process. Jenny and mighty b finished the last of them when mighty b jabbed her arrow into one turning it off as Jenny created a buzz saw to slice the last one who was blasting at her. The team saw the parts scattered all around the ground but they didn’t celebrate they just looked at the sky seeing that they escaped.”They got away” jimmy said clinching his fist glaring at the sky as did the others. They got away, which meant the syndicate was about to begin their plans to take over the universe.
The team headed back to the headquarters to tell Ella that the syndicate escaped. “ that no good cookieduster! He tricked us!” she growled when of her robotic clawed hand punched a metal wall showing her anger. She calmed down. “ but not to worry, we’ll be ready for them when they strike” she told the team. “ you bet we will, they are not going to trick us again” jenny said as they all agreed. “ now who wants waffles?!” Gir said as everyone looked shocked when gir laughed uncontrollably and zim smacking his face.
Meanwhile at the syndicate lair
Calamitous was hard at work creating his army as did plasmius using his genius and powers to create some when the microchip was placed into them. He tricked the nicktoons unite to gather his supplies, and now he was beginning to put his plans into motion. What evil awaited the team? what plans were the syndicate about to use? Who knew what the syndicate was planning to do next? One thing to say is that the syndicate has truly returned and was starting their conquest on the combined universe…soon. “ ah yes, I think this will definitely bring us back to our flare we had before for sure, not just with an army but we are finally making great plans instead of childish ones haha! “ plasmius said pushing a button to activate the factory machine to create more microchips for their army. “ oh and calamitous, while we wait on our army, why don’t we have some fun in the meantime” Plasmius grinned wickedly as did calamitous “ yes, we should indeed have some fun” he smiled as everyone’s laughter echoed throughout the lair.
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