#progression en ski
deepdreamnights · 7 months
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The Most Haunted Houses in the Universe
False color images depicting the ectonic emissions spectrum at a variety of locations throughout the United States and Canada. As can clearly be seen, it is rare that just the home structure is energized, rather, the effects of ectonic progression can be seen through the entire surrounding area.
The image(s) above in this post were made using an autogenerated prompt and/or have not been modified/iterated extensively. As such, they do not meet the minimum expression threshold, and are in the public domain. Prompt under the fold.
Prompt: the most hounted place in the universe, in the style of go nagai, cartoon mis-en-scene, ps1 graphics, uhd image, bold colors, strong lines, raphael :: a painting of a house at night with stars, in the style of demonic photograph, colorful woodcarvings, perspective rendering, realistic blue skies, gothic horror, backlight, american impressionism :: colorful paint splash from the mixing of colors, in the style of mike campau, graphic fluidity, black paintings, victor moscoso, photorealistic pastiche, paul barson, richly colored
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sylvia-forest · 8 months
[CN] Shaw's 6th Anniversary event - Day 2
⚡ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an Event which hasn't been released in EN yet!⚡
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[Day 2]
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MC: What exactly is it? Can you give me some hints? MC: Why are you always so mysterious! Shaw: Don't bother trying to test me; I won't tell you. Shaw: Just carry your curiosity to the next stop, and you might find some clues.
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MC: Even though driving these past few days has almost driven me crazy QAQ... MC: But seeing the heavy snow here makes everything worthwhile. MC: Now I'm going to build a super giant snowman! The colossal kind! Shaw: I know you're eager, but don't be in a hurry. Shaw: Haven't you noticed that your hands and feet are freezing now? Shaw: Come on, let me take you for a hot pot to warm up. MC: Food is still more tempting for me. Let's go quickly before we have to wait in line.
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Shaw: You have two choices now: one, challenge the snowy mountain, two, go to the skiing town for some "retirement."
In front of the registration desk of a snow club, Shaw presented me with a multiple-choice question.
MC: ...
I looked at the two brochures in my hand. One displayed the magnificent sea of clouds, while the other depicted cozy wooden cabins in the small town.
Although both were attractive, the snowy mountain was a local feature. When planning the route, I frequently encountered related travel videos—
The panoramic view of the world from the mountaintop was irreplaceable in the skiing town.
MC: Hmm, the scenery on the snowy mountain seems more unique...
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Shaw: Okay, let's go with that. MC: Wait, wait a minute!
I quickly grabbed his arm and pointed to the brochure's description.
MC: The entry-level altitude of this snowy mountain is 5000 meters... Considering my sedentary office lifestyle, I should...
Sensing the hesitation and melancholy in my tone, Shaw turned back.
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Shaw: How would you know if you don't try? MC: But still…. Shaw: Have some confidence in yourself. You've been doing sports for a while, you should be in better shape than a few months ago, right? MC: Well, that's true. I do feel that my fitness has improved a bit.
Encouraged by his rare words of motivation, I rallied some determination and headed to the front desk.
MC: Hello, we'd like to sign up for the snowy mountain trek.
The staff member handed out the materials, and one of them was a liability waiver that made me hesitate for a moment.
MC: Do we need to sign a liability waiver? Staff member: Yes, but the guides are very professional. As long as you follow their instructions, there won't be any risks.
Seeing Shaw's expression of "Are you scared?" I decisively wrote down my name.
MC: Oh, by the way.
Thinking of not wanting to miss out on anything, I put down the pen and looked at Shaw.
MC: Don't forget to arrange for the skiing town; I want to go there too. MC: Only boring people make choices, so I want both.
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Guide: Everyone, we will first hike 11 kilometers to reach the base camp at 4000 meters and camp overnight. We'll start the ascent to the summit early in the morning.
After changing into the professional mountaineering equipment provided by the club, the guide led us along the horse trail on foot.
The mountain tops around us were already covered in white snow, and I envisioned myself standing at the summit, becoming more excited as we progressed.
But everything changed after a "watershed" appeared in the trek, about four kilometers into the hike.
The mountain road became even more rugged, and despite resting many times, each step felt as heavy as if my feet were filled with lead.
MC [panting]: So tired... How much longer?
Gasping for breath, I checked the step count on my watch—it was still a long way to the base camp.
This time, Shaw laughed and covered my eyes.
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Shaw: Don't look, the more you look, the more desperate you'll feel. Besides, regrets won't help now. You've already boarded the "thief's ship," and you can only grit your teeth and keep going. MC: Aren't you tired? Still have the energy to tease me... Shaw: It's okay, at least better than those who sit in the office all day.
While saying this, Shaw intentionally slows down his pace, gently pulling me to a relatively flat mountain path.
Shaw: So don't think about how long it will take to reach the destination. Just look ahead. The process is always more interesting than the destination.
For the rest of the journey, Shaw didn't rush me. However, from time to time, he used some provocative methods to make me take a few more steps with determination.
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When we finally reached the base camp, after dinner, we were instructed to go inside and sleep.
MC: Shaw, do you know what time it is now? It's only 6:30! How can I sleep at 6:30!
I tossed and turned in my sleeping bag, and finally rolled over to Shaw's side.
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Shaw: If you can't sleep, then don't. Shaw: But let me remind you, it's still several hours away from the mountaintop now, and it's only going to get steeper at night. MC: But I really can't sleep!
Before I could finish speaking, he pressed me into his arms, and the warm breath on top of my head felt especially comforting in the night.
Shaw[sighs deeply]: Close your eyes and shut up. No talking from now on. Whoever breaks the rule will get their head bumped. MC: Huh? Shaw: Once.
He tapped my forehead and closed his eyes, not giving me a chance to retaliate.
Feeling a bit helpless, I raised my fist toward the empty space, but he skillfully caught it and placed it in front of himself.
Shaw: Try any tricks again, even if it's just twice for you. MC: I...
As he slightly opened his mouth, I quickly pulled back my neck and closed my eyes.
—[Flashback starts]
But soon, the continuous mountain ranges in the daytime and the bright and lively Shaw under the sunlight began to appear in my mind.
Traveling together is said to be the best test of a couple's compatibility. Although we argued along the way, everything we did was remarkably harmonious.
[Flashback ends]—
Thinking of this, I secretly opened my eyes, only to meet his gaze directly.
Neither of us spoke, the dim light flickering, allowing the tranquility of this moment to linger gently.
Finally, I spoke softly.
MC: Didn't we agree not to open our eyes? Why are you looking at me?
Before I finished speaking, he lightly tapped my forehead.
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Shaw: Eyes open, time for a penalty. MC: You clearly opened your eyes too, don't try to escape! Shaw: Why should I be penalized? If you don't open your eyes, you won't know that I did. MC: Shaw!!
I was about to give him a playful response, but he once again held my hand in check.
Shaw: Seems like you're not tired enough during the day. Let's just forget about sleeping. I'll keep you company until you're exhausted.
When I woke up again, it was already 2 a.m. We quickly packed up and followed the guide to continue our journey.
The high mountains that were bright in the daytime now appeared as dark shadows, overlooking numerous climbers facing the challenge.
The latter part of the journey was indeed steeper than during the day. I stumbled over rocks, feeling my energy rapidly depleting.
Not only me, but some fellow travelers even gave up on reaching the summit, brushing past us and heading back.
MC [panting heavily]: Huff …..
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Shaw: I know you can still persist, but rushing won't help. Stick to the pace we had during the day.
He slowed down our pace, and gradually, we became the last ones in the group.
The wind and snow continued to blow, stealing the already thin oxygen. I could only breathe heavily, gripping the climbing rope and moving upward.
Until a faint light illuminated the foothills, I belatedly looked up, realizing the snowy summit was still far away.
I instinctively took large strides forward, but my knees went soft, and I was supported by Shaw.
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Shaw [sounding concerned]: Hey, holding up okay? MC: I-I can still go on.
As I stood panting, Shaw walked in front of me and crouched down, patting his own shoulder.
Shaw: This snow mountain is a bit more challenging than I imagined. Come on, I won't count it as slacking off.
Feeling a warm surge in my heart, I made an effort to catch my breath and smiled at him.
MC: Some people always say you should experience things for yourself, so I want to climb up step by step on my own.
Shaw smiled and turned to brush off the snow on my knees.
Shaw: Quite determined. I'll follow your lead this time.
I nodded and then held his hand.
MC: But you still need to hold my hand, just like you always do.
Shaw tightened his grip on my hand and took on most of my weight as we ascended together.
Silently, the sun had poured all its light onto the vast white mountains, creating a dazzling golden glow.
Even though we hadn't reached the summit yet, I no longer felt in a hurry. Instead, I held the hand of the person beside me tightly, savoring every step of the journey.
Until I saw the monument marking 5025 meters close at hand, excitement surged within me.
MC: Shaw... I did it! We reached the summit!
All the determination finally relaxed at this moment. I rested on my knees, looking down at the sea of clouds bathed in golden light.
But in the next moment, my vision flickered, and Shaw lifted me high.
Strong arms securely held me, widening my perspective at this moment.
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Shaw [in a cheerful voice]: The scenery is undoubtedly better the higher you go. How about it, can you see clearly now? MC: Mm!
The smiling voice reached my ears through the wind and snow. I took a deep breath, looking around the endless snow-covered expanse.
The entire world seemed to be covered in a pure white blanket, with the lazy sun lying on top, casting extremely dazzling light.
In the face of nature, humans are so tiny, yet I was fortunate to stand at the top of the world under its gaze.
MC: Experiencing things for yourself is indeed essential. The scenery in videos is not even one-thousandth as beautiful as what I'm seeing with my own eyes! Shaw [softly]: That's why, if there's a next time, don't dismiss yourself beforehand. Otherwise, you won't know how much you've missed.
After Shaw put me down, I naturally hooked my arms around his neck.
MC: Then I'll continue to engage in sports, because I want to see many more beautiful sceneries with you.
I paused, smiling at him.
MC: Consider it my way of adding a little extra beauty to the future~
He smiled and looked around the mountains before shifting his gaze back to me.
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Shaw [chuckles]: Next time, when I ask you to go skateboarding, you better not chicken out, or I'll have to tie you down and take you there.
🚐 Day 3
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a-beneficial-union · 8 months
So the union should probably have a flag, right?
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While I doubt that it would be necessarily standardized, the BU would represent themselves as a green branch with nine smaller branches pointing to a detached, red branch and with two small items on either side against the blue backdrop.
This flag would be more specific to the Blight network, as they're who I've been toying with of late. As such, the two items on either side are leafs (those of an evergreen oak and of a great sequoia) as they're specific to the path participating members take during a monthly event (which I am tentatively calling “the Dance of the Dew Drops”). The items vary across networks but do share the meaning of the two forms any certified dimension hopper must have on their hard drive’s roster; an equate and designer.
The branch is green for two reasons: it's Ben’s favourite colour (thus I made it all of the -ens' favourite), and it's to represent that the union is teaming with life. The nine branches represent the nine different dimensional clusters— if canon Ben (Ben Prime) is from dimension 1.0, then he's the Prime of his branch. He is the summation of his cluster's whole. My fanwork tends to focus in the decibels between the Primes, meaning that they would think of interdimensional travel as going from the first branch's .4 area to the seventh's .6, rather than going from dimensions 1.4 to 7.6.
I separated the branches from evens to odds, save for the third branch which is an outlier. The main separation is Ben's family of origin, given that I decided to take canon's idea of him and Gwen having the same birthday and took it to its logical conclusion; Ben is adopted. Odd branches (on the left) have Ben being raised by Carl and Sandra (as in canon); even branches (on the right) have Ben being raised by Frank ams Natalie alongside his biological siblings. The outlier, the third branch, has him be adopted by Sandra's sister.
(I should probably make a post detailing key characteristics of each branch sometime, huh?)
The red branch symbolizes how the union was separated from the rest of the multiverse by the end of the Reckoning, and all that was lost in the progress. The blue background varies in meaning across networks but generally is to refer to either bodies of water (which is involved in most of their older portals and which houses the offshore ports) or the skies (freedom of movement, safety in the flock, etcetera).
That's all for now, I wish to draw a thingie.
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lesgenouxdanslegif · 8 months
En un mot : une machine. Sophia Laukli est née en 2000, juste après l’énorme bug avec les ordinateurs qui prennent feu et les océans qui se déchaînent. Sophia est alors arrivée sur cette terre avec une furieuse envie de s’exploser le cœur. Pour ce grand projet, elle choisit le ski de fond. Elle martyrise ses guiboles, progresse très vite et intègre l’équipe US de ski de fond. Les premières étapes de coupe du monde et cette question : « et si je faisais des courses de trail l’été ? ». Plutôt une bonne idée, Sophia.
2023 :
• Victoire au Marathon du Mont-Blanc en 4h12
• Victoire à Sierre-Zinal en 2h53
• Victoire de la montée de Pikes Peak en 2h35
Puis, Sophia a ressorti les skis. Ce dimanche, elle a juste respiré trois fois pour remporter l’étouffante montée de l’Alpe Cermis, dernière étape du Tour de Ski. 13,5% de pente moyenne en ski de fond pendant 3 bornes, ça calme. Peut-être que Sophia pourrait également exceller en VTT, en pédalo en forme de canard ou même en bâton sauteur. L’histoire nous le dira.
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Photo gauche : @the.adventure.bakery. Photo droite : @nordicfocus
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unofficial-aragon · 2 years
The 'sustainable' megaproject of Aragon: 4.3 km of cable car in a mountain valley on its way to protection
A great sustainable project for some. An environmental disaster and investment destined for failure for others. The already old desire for Aragon to have the biggest skiable domain in Spain, and one of the biggest in the world, entails the construction of a cable car of 4.3 km (2.6 miles) through a mountain valley on its way to being a protected natural space. That, alongside the non-stop warnings on the progressive reduction in the amount of snowfall, awakens many environmental doubts around the project.
The obstacles, however, don't stop the determination of the government (centre-left and right wing), who are clinging to the hope of internationalizing snow tourism in Aragon and compete with the big alpine stations. They also base this on the fact that this sector makes up 7% of Aragon's GDP and employs arounds 14000 people.
On this basis, on the 25th of January, the Aragonese Consejo de Gobierno gave the green light to the colaboration agreement ratified by the autonomic executive, the Diputación Provincial de Huesca (DPH), Aramón (group collectively owned by the Aragonese Government and Ibercaja by 50% each, and who controls most of the ski stations in the region), Formigal, and the Valle de Astún ski station. The final agreement will be signed on the 14th of February, and the DPH will be the one to develop the investment.
Podemos and Chunta Aragonesista (who form part of the 4 governing parties of Aragon, alongside PSOE and Partido Aragonés- PAR) have shown opposition to this agreement.
More than 26 million euros of the European funds to build the biggest skiable domain in Spain
The project consists of the union between the Tena and Aragón valleys, which entails, on one side, the union between the Astún and Formigal ski stations, and on the other, the union between Astún and Candanchú. In total, around 300 km of snow, the total amount of the current capacity, since in theory, they assure that no new ski stations will be built. It would become the 10th biggest skiable domain in the world and would lead the ranking in Spain
It's not a novel objective. In 2013, with PP ["Popular Party", the right-wing party] and PAR in the government coalition, the administrative process for the Declaración de Interés General [General Interest Declaration] project was started.
After years of slumber, it's now under way thanks to the concession of 33.7 millions of euros to the Aragonese government for the development of five Sustainable Touristic Plans. They are wholly financed by the Next Generation EU funds of the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience. The help requisites require that the project be finished by 2025.
From the total amount, the biggest cut will be given to this union of ski stations (26.4 million euros). And it's calculated that 8 million more will be given from the autonimical government's pockets.
The protection of Canal Roya
Certainly, the biggest controversy around the project is the 4.3 km cable car which will cross the Canal Roya valley to join Astún and Formigal. It will take 14 minutes to cross and it will transport 2400 people each hour.
The controversy arose because in 2006 (with PSOE [socialist centre-left] and PAR in the government) decreed the start of the approval procedure for a Natural Resources Order Plan in the Aragon and Tena valleys, which would entail, among others, Canal Roya.
This planning [...] textually states: "During the processing of this plan, no acts that supose an appreciable transformation of the biological and physical reality will be allowed to be carried out, that could make it impossible or significantly hinder the achievements of its objectives."
Furthermore, it adds that "until the final approval of the Natural Resources Order Plan, no authorizations, licenses or concessions will be able to be carried out, without a favorable report from the Environmental Department"
The development of the Natural Resources Order Plan requires the creation of a consultive council. And that was what happened. In that same legislature and the next (2007-2011, with PSOE and PAR once again), the project (slowly) continued, with public involvement.
Ecologist groups think that the Government will have to return the funds and will ask Brussels for help accelerating its protection.
The five national ecologist organizations (Amigos de la Tierra, Ecologistas en Acción, Greenpeace, SEO/BirdLife and WWF) have positioned themselves completely against the station union. In the coming months they will try to put pressure in Brussels so the development of the Natural Resources Order Plan is sped up, and that way avoid that the creation of this skiable domain.
They uphold that "it's disguised as sustainable tourism, but it doesn't comply with the principle of 'Do No Significant Harm'. This is a condition established by the EU for European fund allocation, that makes people justify that the financed projects won't negatively impact any of the six environmental objectives defined by the EU"
Is there anything left for the snow business?
Apart from the six already mentioned, which includes the creation of the bigger skiable domain, Aragon will manage a few other Sustainable Tourism Plans from 2021. In total, around ten touristic projects which entail over 63 million euros. Of those, 53 million (over 84%) will go to snow tourism.
A complete bet on this sector, which seems to clash with the scientific warnings of the increasing snow scarcity.
This is what ecologist organizations are clinging to. In the statement already mentioned they also state that the union of stations "should not be carried out due to its negative environmental impact. But also because it would continue an unsustainable development model. A bet that doesn't generate quality work positions and that is destined to dissapear due to meteorological conditions caused by climate change"
In this same line, Paco Iturbe, representative of the Plataforma en Defensa de las Montañas de Aragón [Platform for the Defense of the Mountains of Aragon], explains that the Pyreenean valley of Canal Roya is "a sanctuary" because of its flora and fauna: "It's onoe of the only places in the Pyrenees which is unspoiled. Destroying it is like losing one of the identity marks of Aragon. On top of that, for nothing, just for an activity which will be unsustainable in 10 or 20 years tops.
Please consider signing the petition to oppose the construction.
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photos-car · 1 year
Land Rover Defender 130 Outbound 2024 - Design extérieur distinctif
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Le Land Rover Defender 130 Outbound 2024 rejoint la gamme avec un prix de départ de 85 975 $ .
Le Land Rover Defender 130 Outbound rencontre l'impossible avec une combinaison sans précédent d'espace intérieur luxueux et de capacités tout-terrain. Offrant des places assises pour seulement cinq personnes, il offre un plus grand potentiel d'exploration terrestre et permet à ceux qui aiment un style de vie actif et aventureux d'emporter tout ce dont ils ont besoin pour sortir et explorer. Galerie - Defender 130 Outbound
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Voir la vidéo Le nouveau Land Rover Defender 130 Outbound est conçu pour les clients qui savent qu'ils ont plus à faire. Il offre la possibilité d'explorer pratiquement n'importe quel terrain avec un confort exceptionnel - et son intérieur est conçu pour accueillir tout ce qu'un aventurier peut lui lancer. L'expression ultime de l'éclat du Defender, le 130 Outbound offre exclusivement cinq sièges et jusqu'à 2 516 litres et jusqu'à 1 329 litres d'espace arrière, rendant chaque aventure possible Sans effort pour les explorateurs qui recherchent un maximum de polyvalence et praticité. Le plancher de chargement derrière la rangée 2 est presque plat et mesure 1,267 mètre de long, pouvant facilement accueillir tout, des combinaisons de plongée et des trousses à outils au matériel de camping et d'alpinisme. Plus de V-8 et de nouveaux graphismes rétro Des améliorations de conception extérieures uniques signifient que le Defender 130 Outbound se démarque partout où il va. Les inserts de pare-chocs et de calandre ont une finition mate Shadow Atlas pour un look raffiné et utile ! tandis que les ouïes latérales ont une finition anthracite. Pour compléter le design Outbound ! les roues de 20 pouces avec des pneus Advanced All-Terrain standard ont une finition Gloss Black ! et les roues de 22 pouces ont Shadow Atlas Matt. Fuji White, Santorini Black, Carpathian Grey et Eiger Grey composent la palette de couleurs ! tandis qu'un panneau de signature arrière couleur carrosserie et une garniture de montant D complètent les améliorations extérieures. Pour les clients nécessitant une résistance supérieure aux rayures, une finition satinée est disponible. Intérieur luxueux et pratique À l'intérieur, les clients peuvent choisir entre un luxueux cuir Windsor intégral ou un tissu Resist durable ! offrant un choix de matériaux tactiles qui conviennent le mieux à leur style de vie. Tous les modèles sont dotés de finitions Ebony ! notamment la garniture de pavillon Morzine Ebony ! le placage Robustec et les traverses emblématiques du Defender dans une finition en poudre noire satinée brossée. Une clé pratique sécurise l'intérieur au début et à la fin de chaque activité. Le tapis de sol en caoutchouc durable peut être replié pour protéger le pare-chocs lors du chargement d'équipements volumineux ou lourds comme des vélos ou des valises. Des zones de stockage supplémentaires cachent les petits objets hors de vue, tandis que des points d'arrimage supplémentaires et un nouveau filet de chargement sécurisent toutes sortes d'équipements de plein air, grands ou petits, pendant le trajet, prêts à l'action à l'arrivée. Capacités hors route avancées Le système éprouvé de traction intégrale intelligente du Defender et le système Terrain Response® 2 offrent une capacité 4x4 ! tandis que la suspension pneumatique électronique et la dynamique adaptative sont de série. La technologie avancée de conduite hors route permet d'assurer une progression en toute confiance sur une variété de terrains ! avec une suspension pneumatique électronique permettant jusqu'à 430 mm d'articulation et jusqu'à 900 mm de piscine à aubes. Site officiel Land Rover Le Land Rover Defender 130 Outbound peut remorquer jusqu'à 3720 kg ! ce qui signifie qu'il peut facilement remorquer tout, des jet-skis aux bateaux et remorques. La suspension pneumatique simplifie l'attelage et il y a des interrupteurs dans le hayon pour soulever et abaisser l'arrière du véhicule. Le Defender 130 Outbound est uniquement disponible avec le moteur à essence Ingenium P400. Dispose de la technologie Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle (MHEV) pour des performances maximales. Disponibilité et prix Les Defender 130 Outbound! Defender 130 V8 et Defender 110 avec le County Exterior Pack sont disponibles à la commande dès maintenant. Les prix varient en fonction du modèle spécifique et des options de moteur! avec le Defender 130 Outbound à partir de 84 500 $, plus des frais de destination et de livraison de 1 475 $. Voir tous les modèles Land Rover Read the full article
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madraleen · 2 years
Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises Archon Quest scattered thoughts, because sometimes i just got too excited and needed to communicate it. spoilers, obvi.
-I’m gonna miss seeing Tighnari, dammit. I want Tighnari :(
-This is ridiculous, every time Tighnari and Cyno appear together, I start wheezing. They are ACTUALLY close! Amazing!
-How good is Tighnari’s EN VA tho. So good.
-My experience through the quest can be summarized as: “OMG what’s happening?! Hey, you’re pretty. OMG NO! Hey, you’re pretty. OMG-”
-Everyone in Sumeru is so hard on poor Paimon.
-Paimon: Alhaitham, you betrayed us! Me: No, he didn’t, he’s playable, shush.
-Scaramouche though. He’s just. He’s well-crafted.
-Cyno’s lil eye under the fringe, I love seeing his lil eye.
-Aether SPEAKS EEEEK I’m crying.
-Playing as Nilou and Izak to progress the story, that’s awesome.
-Azar: Cyno... Have you been waiting for a chance like this? We all have, man. We all have.
-Nahida would love reality tv, just saying.
-Nahida cries and I cry with her.
-The people of Sumeru now dream. Take that, Sumeru trailer.
-Oh! WE remember! Ooohh. Paimon also forgot! Ooohhh, what are we.
-Nooo!!! The Doctor?! I thought we were safe now!
-Hmm, so Paimon and the Traveler are not gods.
-What did he say about the fake skies of Teyvat! Dammit!
-Alhaitham/Kaveh enemies-to-lovers 50k anyone?
-Looking forward to the fanart of Cyno hauling the Traveler and Paimon back to Tighnari.
-Dehya/Dunyarzad writes itself, obvi.
-It’s like Zhongli said, we’re the only witness to history (well, something along those lines).
-We ARE friends, Cyno, I’m glad to hear you say so too.
-I might be spending a little too much time with Cyno, because I, too, think that the Sages could do with a little more punishment.
-Scaramouche is in a coma? Damn, now I’m more excited for 3.3, to actually see how he becomes the Wanderer!
-Lmfao, an Archon that actually tells us something about our sibling, who would have thought.
-FOURTH Descender?!
-Oh. Oh, our TWIN sibling isn’t a Descender and is from Teyvat. That doesn’t complicate things at all.
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ausetkmt · 3 days
How to View the ‘Comet of the Century’ C/2023 A3
Jorge Garay
~3 minutes
This story originally appeared on WIRED en Español and has been translated from Spanish.
C/2023 A3, also known as Tsuchinshan–ATLAS and considered “the comet of the century,” will appear in all its splendor in our sky during September and October 2024. Due to its characteristics, astronomers believe it will be exceptionally bright, similar to Halley’s comet in 1986 or NEOWISE in 2020.
Comets like C/2023 A3 are balls of frozen gases, rocks, and dust that orbit the sun. They are often spectacular because of two physical phenomena that occur during their journey.
The first is the tail, which stretches out from the nucleus of the comet as it gets closer to the star that it’s orbiting. Solar radiation from the star—in our case the sun—vaporizes some of the comet’s frozen material, blowing gas and dust away from the nucleus that then reflects the star’s light. As a comet gets closer to its star, it’s tail grows in size because of the increase in solar radiation.
The second phenomena is the comet’s coma. This is an envelope of sublimated ice that forms a kind of atmosphere around the nucleus as it approaches its star, again because of solar radiation. This also enhances the comet’s brightness.
What Is the Best Day to See the Comet?
C/2023 A3 will shine in the northern hemisphere sky from September 27 and will remain visible until the last week of October. During this period, the comet will reach its minimum distance from the sun, before beginning its journey back out of the solar system.
According to the specialized blog Cometography, the day when C/2023 A3 will shine the brightest will be October 2. The comet’s tail will be long and spectacular at this point due to its proximity to the sun.
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Tsuchinshan–ATLAS will be positioned between the orbits of Mercury and Venus when it is most visible, but will be closer to Earth than those two planets. Cometografía
At What Time Will the Comet Be Visible?
Because of its proximity to the sun, the comet will behave similarly to Mercury and Venus: It will be seen near the horizon, in the path of the sun, and just before sunrise. An appropriate window to admire it will be between 5 am and 7 am from September 27 onwards. The timing and position will be similar across the northern hemisphere.
As October progresses, the comet will elevate its position in relation to the horizon and at the same time lose brightness. Since Tsuchinshan–ATLAS is a long-orbiting body and comes from the Oort cloud, beyond the edge of the solar system, it will not appear again in our skies for tens of thousands of years.
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rhythmicreverie · 1 month
In the shadowed halls of Castle Blackwood, A rift grew like mold 'twixt two, Cousins, bound by blood and inheritance, Their fates entwined in a dance. Sir Archibald sought to preserve tradition, While Lady Celestina, progression, She craved the world beyond the walls, Longing for adventure, to break through all. Tension grew like ivy in the night, As whispers turned to heated fight, But fate intervened with a wink, An ancient relic, their path it sink. Together they embarked on a quest, To uncover the secret, undressed, Through treacherous lands and skies dark, Their bond strengthened, hearts took ark. And so, the feud transformed to friendship, In the face of danger, their spirits' befriending, United now, they conquered strife, Adventure won, and legacy en-lifted.
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I'm enjoying Sleepless Skies - Kaleidoscope (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) on the Progressive channel https://www.di.fm/progressive
En esta aplicación encontrarás todos los tipos de música electrónica. Yo solo pido una más guapa, más buena, con más deporte, que pueda procrear mejor que las anteriores, ya saben que he hecho la selección de mujer para evitar problemas, ya sabéis de mi selección... Hacerlas reír de quien no entra en la selección jajaja
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thomasminot · 4 months
Je réponds à vos questions
via IFTTT SOMMAIRE : ►En complément vous êtes libre de recevoir gratuitement mes deux guides “8 courses pour débuter l’alpinisme” et “Débuter le ski de randonnée pas à pas” ! https://ift.tt/PRit7NI ►Pour aller plus loin : https://ift.tt/I4sgK9p Plein d’autres articles et de vidéos pour vous aider à progresser vers l’autonomie en haute montagne ! ►Suivez-moi sur les réseaux sociaux : Page Facebook…
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airambulanceindiaa · 5 months
Elevating Healthcare: The Vital Role of Air Ambulance Services in Jharsuguda
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Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Odisha, Jharsuguda stands witness to a groundbreaking transformation in its healthcare sector with the advent of air ambulance services. These airborne medical marvels have emerged as indispensable assets, revolutionizing emergency medical response and saving lives across the region. This article explores the profound impact of air ambulance services in Jharsuguda, shedding light on how they have become the beacon of hope for those in dire medical need.
A Lifeline Above: In a region marked by diverse terrains and scattered populations, accessing timely medical care was once a daunting challenge. However, with the introduction of air ambulance services, the skies above Jharsuguda have become pathways to swift medical intervention. These flying medical units, equipped with advanced life-saving equipment and staffed by skilled professionals, navigate the aerial routes to reach remote and inaccessible areas within minutes. Be it a critical accident on a rural road or a medical emergency in a distant village, air ambulances ensure that help is just a flight away.
Swift Response, Critical Care: Time is of the essence in medical emergencies, and air ambulance services in Jharsuguda understand this all too well. Beyond merely transporting patients, these aerial medical units serve as flying ICUs, providing critical care en route to the hospital. Equipped with ventilators, cardiac monitors, and emergency medications, they ensure that patients receive the highest level of care from the moment they are airlifted until they reach definitive medical facilities. This seamless continuum of care significantly improves patient outcomes and enhances the chances of survival, especially in cases of trauma and life-threatening conditions.
Overcoming Geographical Barriers: Jharsuguda's topographical diversity poses significant challenges to traditional ambulance services. Remote villages nestled amidst forests, inaccessible terrains, and challenging roadways often hinder timely medical interventions. Air ambulance services bridge this gap, soaring above geographical barriers to deliver swift and efficient medical assistance where it's needed most. By transcending distances and obstacles, these flying medical units ensure that every individual, regardless of their location, has access to timely and life-saving healthcare services.
Empowering Communities: The impact of air ambulance services in Jharsuguda extends far beyond medical interventions; they empower communities and instill a sense of security and confidence. Knowing that specialized medical help is just a call away brings reassurance to residents, especially in remote areas where healthcare infrastructure is limited. Additionally, these services foster collaboration between various stakeholders, including government bodies, healthcare providers, and philanthropic organizations, to ensure seamless operations and optimal patient outcomes.
Future Horizons: As Jharsuguda continues to embrace progress, the role of air ambulance services will only grow in significance. Continued investment in technology, infrastructure, and training will further enhance the capabilities of these airborne medical units, enabling them to meet the evolving healthcare needs of the region. Moreover, proactive community engagement and awareness initiatives will ensure widespread utilization of air ambulance services, maximizing their impact and saving more lives in the process.
Conclusion: In Jharsuguda, the skies have become a symbol of hope and healing, thanks to the relentless efforts of air ambulance services. By transcending geographical barriers and delivering timely medical care, these flying medical units have transformed the healthcare landscape of the region, saving lives and instilling confidence in communities. As they soar higher, air ambulance services in Jharsuguda serve as a testament to human ingenuity and compassion, reaffirming the belief that every life is precious and deserving of swift and efficient medical assistance.
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zehub · 9 months
Face au manque de neige, le ski de compétition en sursis
Le ski alpin est en première ligne face au réchauffement climatique. Canons à neige, glaciers saccagés... Les compétitions sont loin de s’y être adaptées. Tenir, jusqu’à quand ? Les compétitions de ski ont-elles encore un avenir ? Passionnés et athlètes de ce sport s’inquiètent, à mesure que le réchauffement climatique progresse. Et à raison : 53 % des stations européennes risquent de manquer de neige en cas de réchauffement climatique global de 2 °C, selon une étude de Nature Climate Change. « Le milieu du (...)
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evanellah · 10 months
Disfruta de Cosmic Gate - Miami Open Skies Set [2021-03-12] en YouTube Music
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photos-car · 1 year
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Selection d'Hôtels de Luxe et de Charme
Vous apprécierez notre literie douillette, l'élégance du mobilier mais également les vues somptueuses sur le parc ou sur la Seine. Ouvert en 2013, l’Intercontinental Davos est surtout connu pour son architecture futuriste. Dans un style qui se veut alpin et d’une superficie minimale de 37 mètres carrés, les chambres et suites sont de véritables havres de paix. Plusieurs d’entre elles abritent une terrasse privative, depuis laquelle les hôtes peuvent prendre de grandes bouffées d’air frais. À La Bouitte, hôtel spa de luxe solidement ancré en France, chaque objet raconte une histoire. Cet hôtel de luxe ainsi que son restaurant 3 étoiles Michelin forment un doux foyer, vivant et chaleureux, au cœur de la France.
Jusqu'à -40% sur les départs immédiats
Après avoir passé la journée à arpenter les pistes de ski, vous ne rêvez que d’une chose, vous détendre dans la piscine de l’hôtel avant de vous retrouver en famille ou entre amis autour d’un bon repas chaud. Cette formule économique vous permet de profiter pleinement de vos vacances tout en maitrisant votre budget vacances. Une fois l’hôtel réservé vous n’avez plus à mettre la main au porte-monnaie, si ce n’est pour de petits extras.
Au cœur des animations de Chamonix et ses panoramas d'exception.Piscine intérieure chauffée en libre accès et salle de fitness.Magasin Skiset® et commerces situés à proximité. Profitez de réduction sur la location de matériel grâce à notre partenaire Skiset. Ski alpin, Ski nordique, Randonnées raquettes, Luge, batailles de boules de neige ... Accédez par e-mail à des offres exclusives réservées aux membres. Si vous avez effectué une réservation sur notre site et souhaitez laisser un commentaire, veuillez d'abord vous connecter.
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Village Belle Dune
Dans un contexte où les Français seront encore plus échaudés par la crise du pouvoir d'achat. Avec la levée progressive des restrictions sanitaires dans le monde, les Français veulent concrétiser leurs envies d'ailleurs. Si l'on regarde sur la partie hôtel, c'est clairement l'étranger qui domine. On observe une forte demande sur l'Asie, et notamment la Thaïlande . Marrakech est également destination phare en ce moment», poursuit Eva Fouquet.
Amoureux des sports d’hiver, venez dévaler les 11 pistes rouges dePiau Engalyqui, à 1850 mètres d’altitude est la plus haute station de ski des Pyrénées. Recevez nos meilleures idées de séjours en avant première, ainsi que 100€ de réduction cumulable avec d'autres offres, sur votre prochain séjour d'une semaine minimum. Formule demi-pension ou pension complète avec remontées mécaniques incluses, ou formule location. Logements spacieux et communicants, piscine intérieure chauffée et espace bien-être , salle de fitness, skishop sur place. Plus de clubs enfants, plus d’activités sportives et animations, des buffets généreux et spécialités régionales.
Certaines destinations disposent d'un plus grand choix d'équipements, comme Avoriaz, qui dispose d'un grand parc aquatique couvert, ou Canillo, qui abrite l'une des plus grandes stations thermales d'Europe. Vous n'avez peut-être même pas encore pensé qu'une station de ski peut être plus adaptée pour tel ou tel niveau d'un skieur, ou plus orientée famille ou groupe d'amis. Comme il s'agit de vos premiers séjours, vous aurez besoin d'une station avec de bonnes pistes facilement accessibles. MMV vous propose toute l’année de nombreuses promotions pour répondre aux recherches de vacances au ski pas cher dans les Alpes du nord et du sud.
En outre, l’implantation des résidences Pierre et Vacances rend possible la pratique de différents sports comme le ski alpin certes, mais aussi le ski de fond ou la motoneige. Enfin, si vous êtes adeptes des départs à la dernière minute, des plans entre amis décidés sur le vif, n’hésitez pas à profiter de nosoffres promotionnelles. Consulter nos offres de voyages pour connaître les destinations à ne pas manquer durant cette période.
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Nos établissements situés dans les plus belles stations de l’hexagone vous accueille toute la saison pour de magnifiques séjour à la neige. Les informations portées sur ce formulaire vous concernant sont à l’usage de notre établissement et de nos prestataires techniques afin de traiter votre demande. Vous acceptez notre politique de confidentialité des données personnelles. Que vous souhaitiez vous reposer dans un environnement apaisant, fuir le stress du quotidien, faire peau neuve ou dénouer des tensions musculaires, vous tomberez sous le charme de notre espace bien-être.
Le Brit Hotel Auclair de Guéret possède 31 chambres climatisées avec salle de ba... Le Brit Hotel Cahors - Le France, un hôtel 3 étoiles au confort spacieux, vous p... Le Brit Hotel Mâcon Centre Gare est situé en plein centre-ville et tout près de ...
Pour toute annulation intervenant après ce délai des frais équivalant au montant de la première nuit seront facturés. Découvrez notre hôtel de 42 chambres situé dans le centre-ville de Troyes.... Venez découvrir notre hôtel neuf, il dispose de 65 https://www.energic-coop.fr chambres, un espace bien être... Pendant les vacances scolaires de noël et de février, l’hôtel affrète une navette qui vous emmène six fois par jour de l’hôtel aux pieds de piste. Un hôtel cocon en plein cœur du village, une ferme au luxe authentique, un établissement sur les versants du Mont d'Arbois... Tout schuss sur nos adresses coups de coeur à Megève, l’une des stations les plus prisées des Alpes françaises.
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