swreactions · 6 months
Welcome to the Star Wars Reactions!
This week, hosts Aaron Harris and David Modders welcome back to the show author, world traveler and long time friend of the show Adam Bray as they sit down and share their reactions to the tenth and eleventh episodes of the third and final season of The Bad Batch!
Join them as they breakdown “Identity Crisis” and “Point of No Return”, from the character growth of Emerie Karr to  the return of Cad Bane and Grand Moff Tarkin to the Imperial invasion of Pabu. They also discuss Omega’s plan and the future of Star Wars animation.
Plus, David discusses an all new Psychology Factoid while Aaron shares an all new Star Wars Dad Joke of the Week from the upcoming book “Star Wars: Dad Jokes”, written by Kelly Knox, illustrated by Johnny Sampson and published by Chronicle Books. Available now wherever you buy books or click the link below to get yours!
Talking Points:
Show Opening
Episodes Intro
Initial Reactions
Set blasters to stun
Emerie Karr, Head Scientist
Tarkin and Cad Bane, oh my!
Imperial Invasion of Pabu
Omega’s Plan
What’s next for Star Wars animation?
Psychology Factoid
Star Wars Dad Joke of the Week
Star Wars Reactions: Elegant discussions for a more civilized age! “Star Wars: Dad Jokes, The Best, Worst Dad Jokes from a Galaxy Far, Far Way” written by Kelly Knox, illustrated by Johnny Sampson, published by Chronicle Books, available now!! Look for it wherever you get books or click here to order your copy!
Check out Adam Bray
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rosheendubh · 1 year
Thrawn and Project (air-quotes) “Necromancer”…
…eh, not gonna lie, the S3 Mandalorian has been abysmal. So much so, that I can’t believe paper was wasted on that script. I want The Expanse, I want the best of StarTrek, and BattleStarGalactica, and ‘Love, Death, and Robots’, and…Firefly/Serenity. Dune? How about Dune?
Clearly, MouseEars is capable of allowing people who have some kind of talent to write a series. Bc we do have Rogue/Andor—-which are truly up there with the Expanse and Firefly in terms of tight narrative, tense drama, adult storylines, and cohesive characterization driving the plot (and not committing the sin of plot driving story). I mean, I love all the tropes of SpaceOpera, which frankly, is like the epic historical drama equivalent of sci-fi. When it’s done well, it’s legend. When done terribly—a cult campy classic. When done meh—which is pretty much Mandalorian S3, BoBF, and (cringe me) ObiWan, wtf is this corporation doing to the tune of millions of dollars. Thank heavens there are better stories in fanfiction land…
anyway, rant done, I’m not very excited for LiveAction Thrawn. Those frontals—he looks like Blue Data. I mean, no one else sees Blue Data there?? On the other hand, while the buzz-phrases like ProjectNecromancer really do make me wince a little—I kinda rock some of the wilder speculations of Zombie (BlackWing Virus) DeathTroopers, and Thrawn as the leader of an Undead bunch of SpaceTroopers. This parallels my own completely tropey (symbolism) take on Thrawn as something an Erl-King, and the woman who mounts an opposition to him becomes the Queen of Elfhaeme…
i really want Zombie StormTroopers, and Thrawn leading them—that’s the only thing that would justify Ashoka’s prophecy of ‘something wicked this way walks’…
A side double-thumbs to teeth to F/F—pretty sure they’re ready-writing the trilogy in the way KK wants—Ezra is basically Luke/Sabine-Mara/Hera or Ahsoka/Leia…if it was done well, or even gloried in its campiness, I’d love it. But, much like the younger generation, it’s way too self-conscious and very much lacks a sense of irony and self-directed humor…
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