#prompt: obsessive/creepy stalker/captor
lokiitama · 2 years
Prompt Fill - Wanderers
Prompt: Obsessive/Creepy Stalker/Captor
Milo's old map breaks, and wedges tensions within the group.
Thaska and Zeph looked over the list of supplies they still needed to pack on the ship before leaving. This planet was the last stop before entering a more dangerous system, and they didn’t want to risk landing on a hostile planet if they could help it. And if they really had to, they preferred having extra bandages and maybe a battery or two for the healing pods.
They both were distracted by attempting to decipher’s Milo cryptic handwriting when they heard an alarmed, strangled sound next to them.
Turning around, they saw Milo holding onto his round map tightly. He kept pressing buttons, but it didn’t light up, and its broken holographic screen didn’t fizzle to life like it usually did.
“It finally died, huh?” Zeph asked, leaning on the bench towards his friend to look at the old thing. It was full of scratches and had functioned for way longer than it should have already. The avian patted Milo’s thigh to console him. “Well, it had a good run!”
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
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