#obsessive/creepy stalker/captor
lokiitama · 2 years
Prompt Fill - Wanderers
Prompt: Obsessive/Creepy Stalker/Captor
Milo's old map breaks, and wedges tensions within the group.
Thaska and Zeph looked over the list of supplies they still needed to pack on the ship before leaving. This planet was the last stop before entering a more dangerous system, and they didn’t want to risk landing on a hostile planet if they could help it. And if they really had to, they preferred having extra bandages and maybe a battery or two for the healing pods.
They both were distracted by attempting to decipher’s Milo cryptic handwriting when they heard an alarmed, strangled sound next to them.
Turning around, they saw Milo holding onto his round map tightly. He kept pressing buttons, but it didn’t light up, and its broken holographic screen didn’t fizzle to life like it usually did.
“It finally died, huh?” Zeph asked, leaning on the bench towards his friend to look at the old thing. It was full of scratches and had functioned for way longer than it should have already. The avian patted Milo’s thigh to console him. “Well, it had a good run!”
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
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Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask since I'm not familiar with tumblr, but wanting to look for some Sunday fics brought me. I really like the way you portray him, even in different or unusual scenarios for him if asked so in a request.
So if I may, and if your requests are open that is, I wanted to see if you could write a Sunday x reader where he's met with Robin's new assistant, reader, that she chose herself because they're really good with organising, having everything on check and so on.
I was more so interested in seeing how Sunday would react to a reader that is similar to him, though of course not nearly as obsessed with control and order as him.
Also, if i may ask, can it not be a Yandere Sunday, please? The idea of yanderes or just creepy, dangerous stalkers in general makes me feel uneasy and I'm not really into dark romance or falling for your captor. But of course you decide as you see fit.
Thank you and I hope you have a good day.
Sunday actually lives in my head so no matter how unusual the scenario is he can just whisper into my brain how he'd act👍 DON'T WORRY POOKS yandere or not I'll write it dw!!
I feel like for Robin's past assistants Sunday would be the one to hand pick them but if she wanted to pick one for herself he wouldn't mind. And that's how you got the job as the assistant of an intergallactic star. A manager I think is what you meant. Robin picked you for how diligent you were with your job. Her schedules have never been more organized, you were also reliable when it comes to arranging collaborations and sponsors in a way that still left the singer space to breathe.
Sunday ofcourse had also done some research regarding your background and past experiences but in the end it wasn't anything too crazy. The moment he actually payed any mind to you was when Robin started writing to him about how amazing you were and how you quote: "Reminded her of him." This caught his attention and so when Robin arrived at Penacony, he decided to invite both you and her to some tea.
Since both of you had a lot in common, it didnt take long for the both of you to get along. Ever since then, you would occasionally have some private chats with him and when Robin had to leave to travel the galaxies once more, you both stayed in touch. Sunday would also make sure to get you something whenever he send Robin a gift as a token of gratitude for taking care of his sister. Overall he's glad Robin has someone as reliable as you by her side.
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ystrike1 · 11 months
Little Bit Psycho - By Jagal (8/10)
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A blind kidnapping, with no explanation or motive, is a hard concept to pull off. A deep relationship makes drama more interesting. A kidnapper in love without a motive can be extra scary, but the scariness sacrifices context. This one looks good, but it might not hold up.
Jooheon is kind of a jerk, but he's not evil or anything. He's a handsome student. He doesn't seem to like kiss-asses or absent minded people.
He's serious, but people tend to treat him like a trophy because he's mega hot.
That's all we get before he's kidnapped....by someone who sees him as a lusty object to obsess over.
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Jooheon seems like the kind of guy that wants to be alone. He's popular, but it's not his doing. Men and women want him to join mixers. He gets invited to parties and dates near constantly. It kinda sucks, because he just wants to chill between classes.
He sort of implies that being hit on all the time feels creepy. It's very human. It makes him likeable. Being a hot introvert would kinda suck...I guess.
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His trouble starts here.
A random accident.
A blond guy bumps into him.
His phone falls, and then the blond guy accidentally steps on it.
Jooheon acts refreshingly normal. The guy is flustered and trying to hail a cab. Jooheon stops him and says they have to exchange numbers, since he should pay for the cracked phone.
The scrambling man says sorry, and Jooheon goes home. He doesn't say anything awful to the guy. He just thinks some rude thoughts.
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The guy (Chani) follows Jooheon home. He pumps Jooheon full of drugs, and he shoves Jooheon into a suitcase.
Chani sings about love and eternal affection while he hauls Jooheon into a taxi cab trunk.
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Jooheon wakes up in handcuffs and a blindfold.
Chani is not a nice stalker.
He starts obsessing over Jooheon's body before he can say a word.
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Jooheon tries to resist.
Chani beats him while he's handcuffed until he shuts up.
Chani wants to hear "I love you" right away. No context. No waiting. Just say it.
Jooheon refuses.
I think you know what happens next.
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The mask comes off and Jooheon recognizes his captor.
He's...a random stranger.
The guy that "accidentally" broke his phone.
Fear takes over.
Chani has no real reason to want him, so he thinks he's in deep shit.
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Chani implies that Jooheon does know him, but he says nothing. He expects Jooheon to remember alone....in the prison he prepared.
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Jooheon is left with no choice.
He tries to attack Chani, which leads to him getting choked viciously.
He gets dragged to the bathroom.
Jooheon struggles more and Chani implies that being dirty and afraid suits him?
Chani could be looking for revenge, but it's very unclear.
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Chani reveals that he is a student. A regular one. Jooheon's prison is two tiny rooms. A bedroom and a toilet and a sink. It's not glamorous. It's scary, and Jooheon has no clues to cling to.
The summary says Stockholm Syndrome incoming.
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
Shoto Todoroki As A :
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Shoto Here is Also a Delusional Type but unlike Izuku; He is Selfish and is driven with greed. He wants to isolate you from the outside world and keep you to himself.
He's Delusional and keeps getting the wrong idea while making up False assumptions and his misinterpretation of what you do is Down right Unbelievably Ridiculous in short ; It's fucking Bullshit.
He doesn't appreciate it when you Interact with People that aren't HIM; and God have mercy on the Person who as much as Touches you because he'll either be frozen to death or roasted to ashes.
Don't be fooled by Shoto's Calm Facade because inside he's a Possessive Monster and Wants All of you, Everything you could possibly offer; Your Love, Mind, Body and Soul to belong to him and Him Alone.
If you want to keep your Friends Safe then Stay away from them because once your attention is shifted towards them then they're as good as road kill.
Shoto's Standing as A Top Pro Hero and Not to mention his Family is filthy rich is something he could easily take advantage of, Why? Because Hiding those Dead bodies is Not his Priority. YOU are His Only priorities so he has other people take care of all the dirty work for him and He offers money to those people's Family and if he's feeling generous that day then he may add in a few Give aways. Like a house and lot or an airplane or something.
But if that family refuses his Gift? Well.... The next thing you'll see in the news is that the house that family was living in was... Burned. By an Unusual Fire.
He is the Type to Kidnap you Once you've gone as much as Laugh and act Familiar with someone who isn't Him; He won't hesitate to Suddenly Sweep you off your feet and the next thing you find out is that you're trapped in an unknown Condo with a Hero trying to Force you into loving Him.
Before the Kidnapping; Shoto has already stalked you for about 3 months or so; Taking Valuables and Hair samples of You. Don't blame him, Blame yourself for being his Obsession.
Creepy Fact ; Ever wonder why you wake up all sticky with white and thick substance covering and staining your shorts? That's all shoto's doing, He jerks off infront of you while you sleep and he may have occasionally violated your Mouth and when he came he made sure to cum inside your shorts as you sleep.
Creepy Fact ; another thing you've been wondering about? Every time you woke up and brush your teeth you wonder why your toothbrush is wet? That's also cause of Shoto, He licks and covers your toothbrush with his Saliva and he placed a Little camera hidden behind your mirror so when you brush your teeth in the morning he gets aroused; seeing the toothbrush he had put inside his mouth inside yours, Willingly. He thinks it's sweet because for him it's an indirect kiss.
Shoto has a Lot of connections and he could have anyone's head flying with a snap of his fingers; Those Baristas you talked to because you ordered a drink have either gone missing or have been met by a very 'unfortunate' and 'natural' death.
Why? Because you smiled at Them while thanking them for taking your order...
He's obsessed with you and He Doesn't Know it; He thinks he's just In love and he's being sweet. He thinks he's showing his love to you by Making you His.
" She knows that her toothbrush is being used but she didn't throw it away... She knows I'm visiting her at night and she let's me... I knew it... She reciprocates my feelings... "
On your way to work you bumped into Shoto and you gave him a small apology and a smile before walking away.
what's on his mind when you did?
Oh just normal things...
Normal Batshit crazy things...
" She did it on purpose... She threw herself in my arms ... She can't wait to be Mine... Don't worry Darling... I'll come for You soon... Tonight I make it extra special for you"
That Night You suddenly woke up with a Salty Taste in your mouth, Your mouth was filled with Thick And Warm Cum . You just noticed that when you accidentally swallowed a small portion of cum and when you finally realized it You came running to the Toilet Throwing Up.
You were horrified to sleep in your OWN Bed in Your OWN Apartment after that Night. Cause it didn't Feel Safe anymore.
That's when you finally managed to pick up all the puzzle piece; You were being stalked and violated. At Night.
so in an attempt to find out who it was You stayed up the entire night the next few days and to your surprise... Your Stalker and soon to be Captor was non other than the Pro Hero you had bumped into a few days ago, Your eyes grew even wider upon seeing the painfully prominent boner in his pants . He was shocked , You were horrified.
Shoto didn't waste another second and threw himself in your bed, Pinning you down as he began to pepper you with kisses.
" You missed me didn't you? You were waiting for me to come didn't you? I knew it... I knew it... You're moving around ( Struggling and trashing around ) like this because you want me to fuck you right? You're starting to get impatient wondering when I'll finally show myself to you so you waited all night for me to come... That's so sweet baby "
He ignored the tears streaming down your cheeks and he dipped down to capture your lips in his.
But you made a Plan A and a Plan B for tonight so You weren't alone in your apartment. Your best friend was there.
Shoto was of course, Fast to move and flee but he dragged you with him as well
Bye Bye Free Life... I'll miss you
Unlike Izuku Shoto isn't completely against Punishing you for either hurting his feelings or attempting to run away. He isn't as detailed as Izuku so he doesn't have anything major to black mail you with. He doesn't like hurting you but he will punish you if needed. But just simple punishments like locking you inside a closet.
He doesn't like getting physical with you violently because His Mother experienced the same thing and the poor boi did not like to be the mini version of his father.
But if the situation truly calls for it then he will threaten to Kill you and then himself, for him those are empty threats but for you... It's a different story.
He isn't very fond of affection but once you give something small to a starving man then he'll also for more; He tried experimenting with you once and the warmth that you gave him was just.... Surreal.
It became his new addiction and without noticing he slowly became more and more obsessed until finally; He became a touch hungry whore.
He can't help but get Handsy with you, Just any form of touch from you will drive him off the roof. But he barely even shows it.
He's Clingy, So expect him to have an arm around you at all times. Just be prepared for his creepy babbles every now and then.
The shit he says gets even creepier and dirtier by every passing minute and before you knew it, He already has your legs spread and his long slender fingers drilling inside your tight cunt.
If you cherish your Family and Friends then don't leave him ; If you do manage to escape then he will hunt down your family and friends one by one until you come back on your own two feet.
Towards Him; For eternity.
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marvellouslymadmim · 5 years
How can u ship hackle after that episode?
With the lock-jaw tenacity of a bulldog, honestly.But seriously, I wrote this long ass explanation before tackling your answer so I could just refer back to it.But also, I’m trying to look at this entire arc through a production lens. I really really reeeeally want to be wrong, but as a television writer, I’m seeing the hallmarks of an actor departing the show (Raquel, obviously).When this show started, it relied heavily on its adult actors for emotional depth (think Ada’s struggles with Agatha, Gwen and Algie’s romance, the entire Hicsqueak arc). Now as the younger cast has both matured and expanded, the need for the adults has dwindled. We’ve seen less and less of them, in each episode. 
This past year has been an uber busy one for RaqCass, and it stands to reason that she’s gotten offers to do other things. If she requested to leave the show, then this entire story arc makes absolute sense.Think about it: in a TV show, having a character leave requires a shift of some sort in perspective. This is even harder in an episodic plot series, such as TWW (i.e. the main focus is an entirely new scenario every single episode, with a thinner story arc running through the entire season, versus a show like Game of Thrones where the entire show gears toward a single final outcome), because character development tends to happen in small bits on the sidelines, as the focus is on the situation, not the players.As a writer giving a character an exit, the most important question to answer is “Why now?” Why, after everything that has happened, is THIS MOMENT the one said character chooses to leave or move forward in life or whatever?
In episodic arcs, characters generally stay relatively static in their personalities and do not show large amounts of growth at one time. So there has to be a quick, easy fix that explains both why they have stayed this long and why they are suddenly leaving.If I were writing this series, and I had someone as monumental as HB leaving, this is actually pretty close to how I would stage her exit.Because there have been some MAJOR THINGS happen and none of that made her leave. Why? And why now does she want to leave?OK. Let’s make leaving something she can’t do. She stays because she’s bound by a curse, or by duty to her long lost friend (my personal headcanon). This explains why she has stayed this long. Problem one solved.OK. Now let’s remove that obstacle. Have Millie’s potion “release” Indigo from her eternal stoniness. This releases HB from her need to remain to watch over Indigo. Problem two solved.And the WHY NOW? is answered. Now, because HB is free from her greatest level of guilt and thereby free from her self-imposed confinement. Ada will let Indigo attend the school and help her control her magic and all will be well. Hecate Hardbroom can yeet off into the sunset to have all the adventures she never had before a la Genie in Disney’s Aladdin. It’s shitty, but it fucking works.This also explains the freaking glob of white-out smacked over Pippa Pentangle and the potential issues in Hecate’s relationship with Ada. Erased Pippa’s past? No worries, if she does come back, there won’t be a Hecate to interact with. Turned Ada into some weird jailor? No worries, now that the curse is lifted and Hecate is free, it’s good that she can leave because she doesn’t really care for Ada, it’s all just weird Stockholm Syndrome. Again, it’s shitty. But if RaqCass is leaving and only giving them a single season to wrap this stuff up, while still writing a show that primarily focuses on half a dozen other characters, then yeah, it’s kinda the only way they can wrap it up and keep appropriate pacing without completely devolving into The Hecate Show (which, hey, I’d watch the hell out of that).The thing is, it feels as if there was a major character assassination attempt on Pippa, Hecate, and Ada. Either the fandom interpretation of Hecate’s “confinement” is misconstrued (my belief and hope), or the confinement is real and ongoing, at which point this completely diverges from previous canon--and with new canon, Pippa is delusional for thinking she was Hecate’s best friend and basically a weird stalker chick for obsessing over her, and Ada is some creepy knit-wear version of the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, and Hecate is a very psychologically scarred prisoner who has developed a rabid devotion for her captors. And I just can’t hang with that, yo.RaqCass has given us a beautifully complex performance that allowed fans to see validation in both Hicsqueak and Hackle, and I honestly hate to see the writers rip that away and completely destroy the gift she built for us. I won’t let them turn a love letter into a ransom note.
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sugarskulled-moved · 7 years
one of the worst things about Killing Stalking is that it could have been good. not good as in "healthy gay rep" because OHH BOY that's a whole other can of worms that i won't get into at this moment. i mean it could have been a deep reflection on the cycle of abuse and the real threat that Stockholm Syndrome poses. but it's not. it's gross and made to fuel the straight fans' fetish. it's ableist as hell and homophobic as hell. yoonbum is a stalker. he's creepy and obsessed with a boy at his school. the reveal at the beginning of the story is that he has Borderline Personality Disorder. the reader is supposed to think "ohhhhh i get it that's why he's Scary and Obsessed". once again, people with mental illnesses are presented as terrifying. there are flashbacks to their abusive childhoods. both were sexually abused by older men. this is, of course, supposed to garner sympathy for both the captor and the captive. the homophobia ramps up here, presenting Every. Single. gay man as predatory. Killing Stalking is a horrifying example of the yaoi genre trying to disguise itself as something deeper and i hate it.
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