#prompto rp
writtenxbeginnings · 7 months
Like this if you are a FFXV Blog/have FFXV Muses
Let's start a line of blogs/muses that are based on/from FFXV for a follow train! If you want, also put in the comments who your character is so people can quickly find that muse and follow if interested!
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insomnianprincess · 1 year
So how active is the Rp scene on Tumblr now? Gladio and I are debating coming back but we’re not really sure. So I’m trying to touch base! And maybe not just on FFXV, but the rp scene over all - any really active rp communities? 
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sharp-shot · 2 months
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          can’t quit, lost cause, non-stop, anywhere but here …
                       ( ind. & semi-sel. prompto argentum // final fantasy xv )                                  crossover friendly || multi-ship&versed || mun is 18 +
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reconnect-re-union · 8 months
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See here for our server summary!
See here for our current taken and available muses!
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 7 months
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a super smol promo of multimuse blogs that features GLADIOLUS AMICITIA and PROMPTO ARGENTUM as a muses.
loved by katie & ann
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leorugiet · 1 year
@stonecoldmeme liked for a starter
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He rolls out the thick mat upon the top of the roof of the building they are at. It is deep in the middle of the city, and Cor drags a large black case over to himself, sitting it on top of the mat. He clicks open several locks on the case, and cracks it open.
There is a thin, sleek looking rifle inside, as long as Prompto almost.
"Sit down." Cor gestures to the mat. "This is part of your training."
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ardynzunia · 1 year
@stonecoldmeme  from here 
"Mm."  It was a careful sound of acknowledgement, understanding as much as he could but knowing he probably only had so much information really.  "Yeah, I get that.  Kinda rough sometimes, huh?"
Well, okay, that wasn't very comforting.  "I just mean, uh.  Well, yeah.  I mean, unless you mean, like.  Not here home, where you just get to play games and not have to pretend to be perfect or whatever.  Like, 'home' means different things, and.  Um."  Prompto finally gave up with a little laugh.
"I am super bad at advice, sorry."  He finally admitted with a laugh.  "Might be super good at sneaking away for a little while, at least.  If you're up for it."
Ardyn sighed. He wasn’t mad at Prompto of course, though he was a little confused at what the guy was trying to say. He was just homesick.
“I meant Altissia,” He said finally. “the smells, and the people, and the language? I feel bad cause I love Noct and dad but. . . Lucis isn’t home.”
He flops back and glances over at Prompto.
“Parties like this,” He waves at the people. “It just reminds me I’m a foreigner. That my voice and looks are all wrong. You know? There are some Altissian Glaives that make it better but like, I still miss home.”
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madeimpact · 11 months
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I'm still probably too new to this community to have super strong opinions on ships. Similarly to the Destiny Trio, my opinion on shipping the chocobros is "they could smooch. they could be poly. or they could just be a nice little found family, I vibe with any of the options."
My only real hard no is shipping Ardyn with any of the party. Especially Noct. See, "Lucis Caelum" name.
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themoodmaker · 1 year
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        ╔════════⋯⇋ 📸 ⇌⋯════════╗           INDIE PROMPTO ARGENTUM RP BLOG        LITERATE | 18+ | SEMI-SELECTIVE | SEMI-ACTIVE          OC FRIENDLY | CROSSOVER FRIENDLY         ╚═════════⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯════════╝
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reddorp · 2 years
RolePlaying Partner Wanted
Hello There! I’m searching for a Roleplay Partner! 
Under some Infos!
My Infos:
26 yo || She/Her || Central Europe GMT+2 || Highly Active || Prefered Platform :  Discord
Ground Rules:
Submit only if you are over 18
Please understand that, since I’m 26, roleplaying with minors (Especially difficult topics or NSFW) is highly problematic for me.
Be Consistent
I understand life goes on even out of the internet, but I would highly appreciate not being ghosted for days, just warn me you’ll not be available for a period of time [I’m highly anxious, so this would help me grately]
Be Safe
Be sure to be okay with difficult topics [Fluff/smut, gore, angst etc...] I’ll be open to discussion and always ask become dropping something in a roleplay
Roleplay Styles:
A paragraph or less of text, no single phrase [My favourite]
A: It finally stopped raining *Close umbrella*
B: Oh you are right!*take off hoodie*]
OC friendly but…
Oc friendly if paired with other OCs, I’ll be more than happy to create OC to pair up! I love those
Original stories Friendly
I’m a big creative and I myself create a lot of original stories and universes, so don’t be shy to share yours, because if we get into confidence, I'll be annoying the living shit out of you with them
Fandoms, Character and Pairings:
Here you’ll find all the fandoms, characters and pairings I'm or was into, marked accordingly:
♥ Current Favourite [my current obsession]
❀ Absolute Favourite [the character I’ll always pretend to play, sorry-]
Here is the list:
♥League of Legends
Sett x Aphelios
Rakan x Xayah
Rakan x Sett
♥Star Guadian
Rakan x Xayah
My Hero Academia
❀Hizashi Yamada
Shouta Aizawa
Toshinori Yagi
Shirakumo Oboro
all the combinations of the character indicated before
♥Final Fantasy XV
all the combinations of the character indicated before
Old Fandoms: [I’m willing to go back to them, but I need some time to refresh some memory]
Fullmetal Alchemist
D-Grey man
Final Notes:
-Please be mindful that I'm not a native English speaker and I have dyslexia so sometime I can’t see errors, it would be greatly appreciated not to make fun of them, just point them out and I'll fix them.
-Fell free to tell me if an idea is not up to your liking, communication is a must in this
-Out of roleplay chitchatting is not a must-have, but I would love to make friends…
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writtenxbeginnings · 6 months
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Seeing all the new blogs for FFXV warms this Prom's heart. I may be multi-muse, but Prompto will always be one of my main boys. All XV blogs please feel free to hit me up, I am down for N-E-THING!
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vidjausers-fable · 2 years
Prompto Argentum Dakimakura TEASER
I love how I drew the clothes on Prompto in the front side, even if you can't see it, ahaha.
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Hey there, I wanted to make a post to link everyone to my commission information and prices for SFW commissions. If you are interested in commissioning me, check out the link. <3  
SFW: https://vidsfwcommissions.carrd.co/
Slot 1: Slot 2: Slot 3: Slot 4: Slot 5:
Will do: Simple furry artwork
Nsfw (Please ask and I will send link)
Will not do: Certain fetishes (Please ask)
Complex furry characters (Please ask)
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sakuranightmarez · 3 days
Started a few new cross-canon RP threads and 2 different characters have compared Prompto with a golden retriever and a long haired chihuahua.
I am rather proud.
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sharp-shot · 2 years
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"I didn't know that sexy chocobo was a costume that they made," Prompto sighs, pushing his bangs away from his face. However, the costume is already on, and it's yellow and tight and strange. "But it's too late to order something now. So we're just gonna make the best of it, yeah?"
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thedome-rp · 14 days
we're so happy to have you here! ... enjoy your stay.
What about you? Are you going to join them in The Dome too?
How about taking a trip to the VISITOR CENTER today and check out our HISTORY and LAWS. Maybe we can entice you to join our RESIDENTS too...
We'll see you in THE DOME...
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rotstuff · 1 year
i get all my musings from my personal blog. that’s pure projection baby
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