Tired dad!Lucifer AU - Part 1
(This was written before the Gamigin event, so there are OOC elements. Not proof read, fuck it we ball)
Lucifer never saw children before, so he just assumed that the small devils where just... like that. One of them was sleeping and the others were running away from the one with blonde hair and dark skin who was holding a massive centipede in his hands. Lucifer turned to his assistent/most trusted general while never taking his eyes away from the rascals.
Lucifer: Morax... what are these?
Morax: I'm not sure, your majesty... they look cute, though. Can we keep them?
Lucifer: I don't think we have much of a choice.
One of the children bumps into Lucifer and looks up at him with his blood red eyes.
Asmodeus: Daddy?
Lucifer looks with disgust at the almost naked child, blessing the loin cloth for preventing him from seing what he didn't want to see
Morax: Aww, he thinks you're his dad. No, little falla, his majesty Lucifer isn't your daddy. You're daddy is up in the sky and He's constantly watching everyone. But He's currently busy with the angel revolution, so He has no time to look after you.
Leviathan: Does he care about the angels more than us?
Morax: Not neccessarly, but they're very loud, so He has no choice but to listen.
Instinctively, Lucifer kicked Satan in the stomach. Instead of groaning in pain, Satan came up to Lucifer again and started jumping.
Satan: Again! Kick me again!
Lucifer: What even are these creatures? Are you demons?
All the devils in unison: Yes!
Leviathan: You're angels, aren't you? Filthy angels...
Morax: Actually we're demons now as well.
Lucifer: You know Morax, sometimes I wish that it was your mouth and not your eye that was missing...
Morax: I apologise, your majesty.
Lucifer: If you ment it, you would have shut up a while ago. Anyway. Devils, I am Lucifer Morningstar and it is my God given duty to look after you. My job is to make sure that hell becomes as prosperus, if not more so, than Heaven itself. I have heroicly endured great tragedy to reach you and I- what are you doing, how did you climb on me. Take that repulsive organism away from my visage, do you have any idea how unsanitary it is to have a Biota Eukaryota Animalia Eumetazoa Protostomia Arthropoda Mandibulata near your mouth!
Beelzebub: I like your funny words, magic man.
Asmodeus: Shove it in his eye! That'd be hot!
Morax tryes to gently remove Beelzebub, who had climed on top of Lucifer trying to force the bug in one of his holes. The other children were laughing, even Leviathan slightly smirked at seing the former angel's struggle.
Lucifer: You, are the worst batch of brats I've ever seen. I am calling God and demanding to be taken back to Heaven! You filthy little idiots.
Morax: Ok, kids, today we learned an important lesson. Don't try to force centipedes in Lucifer's eyes or he'll be very sad. You don't want to make people sad. No no no. Sad is bad.
Lucifer was impatiantly calling God who wasn't answering. Unbeknownst to him, Gabriel changed God's sim card. Morax on the other hand was very condecending to the young devils, but it wasn't out of disrespect, that's just how he usually talks.
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sashthesloth · 1 year
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Last batch of this year’s artfights (I did 26!)
1. Marcus Prosperus ( @randompartygenerator); Cricket ( @fwipination)
2. Alo’vellan Amascient ( @/ultra-violet) & Fyormin (@/haruartwork); Ruin & Sapphire ( @/drowsy_insomniac)
3. Bella Noche & Lizzie ( @neatoburrito12threeto)
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moshangevents · 2 years
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HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!!! Moshang Event's team wishes you a prosperus and fertile year of new opportunities and blessings <3 <3
<3 Art by@erzthewitchblackwood
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the-last-f2p · 2 years
Yandere Albedo x reader
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TW:Swearing, kidnapping, ooc
Currently listening to:
Albedo was the Cheif Alchemist of the Knights of Favonious that title isn't easy to earn as most people know. Albedo was probably one of the smartest dudes in Mondstat, and you cursed him for that everyday.
Maybe if he wasn't such a smartass you wouldn't of ended up in Dragonspine in what seemed to be some sort of dungeon the only person in sight being Albedo. Even adventurers didn't dare come over where you are and you knew this wasn't pure luck he planned this and when you ask the standard question 'why are you doing this to me' he has the guts to say because I love Y/N. You weren't dumb though you knew this wasn't love at all. And you would do whatever it took to get out of this place.
You had spent about a week in this place and you had figured out only one exit and it was quite risky. The same way he came in you would come out and run off somewhere maybe Liyue its quite near Dragonspine and apperently the most prosperus nation in Teyvat. But you had no time to think about where you would go as long as its far far away from him!
So you started making your way to the door until you were up in front of it you reached out for the handle and …. Nothing what did you expect though? So you started banging on it elbow first trying to break down the door.
You were about to attempt to break down the door for the fifth time but the door was opened by none other then Albedo the person who you least wanted to see right now.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Albedo asked you he sounded quite angry but you didn’t say anything he knows he’s messing with you.
“It’s a simple question answer it.”
“Silent I see that’s fine we’ll see how long you can last without me remember if you give up just say my name.” He then closed the door behind him leaving you in complete silence .
That was a couple of days ago and your last interaction with Albedo you’re debating whether you should just say his name or not. Well actually at this point it would be better if you just died of thirst .
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autisticadvocacy · 1 year
We’re proud to sign this letter along with 87 other #ProsperUS members calling for Congress to invest appropriately in critical national priorities. Read the full letter to Congressional leadership here.
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silvestromedia · 3 months
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St. Eurosia, A Roman Catholic French martyr, a victim of the Muslim invasion of Spain. She was born in Bayonne, France, and was slain at Jaca in the Pyrenees of Aragon, Spain, when she refused to marry a Muslim. Feastday June 25
ST.WILLIAM, ABBOT, FOUNDER OF THE CONGREGATION OF MONTEVERGINE, JUNE 25- Sometimes, even a young child is able to make a decision that will change his life forever. This was the case with St William, who at the age of fourteen decided to go on pilgrimage – first to Santiago de Compostela, and then to the Holy Land. Like St Francis a century later, William gave up all he had in order to embrace a religious life. He freed himself from attachments to his family, gave up his noble title, put on a tattered habit, and left his home in Vercelli (Italy) barefoot.
St. Adalbert, 740 A.D. A missionary in Ireland whose tomb became a center for pilgrims. Adalbert was born in Northumbria, England, and was educated at Rathmelgisi Monastery. Accompanying St. Willibrord and others to Friesland, he gained many converts in an area called Egmont. Adalbert was also a companion of St. Egbert to Ireland. It is believed that he became St. Willibrord's successor as the abbot of Epternach. Adalbert's shrine was noted for miracles after his death.
St. Selyf, 6th century. Hermit in Cornwall. He is perhaps to be identified with St. Solomon, who has the same feast day.
St. Moloc, 572 A.D. Scottish bishop and missionary, sometimes called Lugaidh, Molvanus, Molluog, or Murlach. The son of a Scottish noble, he was educated in Ireland under St. Brendan the Elder and evangelized the Hebrides region of Scotland. He died at Rossmarkie, Scotland. His shrine was at Martlach, and he is venerated in Argyll.
St. Molonachus, 7th century. Bishop of Lismore, in Argyl, Scotland. He was a disciple of St. Brendan.
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homehacksideas · 9 months
#Prosperus #Gold #Finish #Traditional #curated #LTK
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gazeta24br · 1 year
A cearense Prosperus Investimentos vai representar no Ceará os negócios da maior administradora de recursos do País, a Reag Investimentos, que acabou de inaugurar escritório em Pernambuco para implementar suas ações no Nordeste. Atualmente, a companhia tem sob sua gestão mais de R$ 180 bilhões em ativos e possui ampla atuação em São Paulo. No Ceará, a Prosperus estará subordinada ao escritório regional de Pernambuco. "Representar a maior administradora de recursos do país no Ceará é algo que muito nos honra. Seguiremos fazendo o nosso trabalho de promover consultoria e os melhores produtos e serviços financeiros aos clientes", disse o CEO da Prosperus Investimentos, Marcelo Marinho, que participou da inauguração da nova estrutura no estado vizinho e esteve acompanhado do anfitrião e diretor executivo da Reag Investimentos, o executivo Samuel Gueiros, além de outros executivos financeiros. Sobre a ReagA Reag Investimentos é um grupo financeiro independente focado no desenvolvimento de soluções de investimento e crédito. O grupo oferece amplo portfólio de produtos e de serviços integrados para atender às singularidades de cada cliente, considerando suas demandas específicas e os diferentes perfis de suitability. Além disso, a consultoria atua na área de assessoria financeira, serviços fiducuários, gestão, crédito, entre outros. No total, possui 288 fundos ativos, movimentando mais de R$ 168 bilhões. São 384 fundos administrados.
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universepaths · 1 year
Ελίζαντεθ: Μια ρομαντική ιστορία τρόμου, Μάριος Μ. Πλουσίου
Ελίζαντεθ: Μια ρομαντική ιστορία τρόμου, Μάριος Μ. Πλουσίου
Σελίδες: 122 Διαστάσεις: 21x14 Δέσιμο: μαλακό εξώφυλλο Λιανική Τιμή: 11  ευρώ Κατηγορία:  Τρόμου, μαύρη κωμωδία  ISBN: 978-960-607-334-2 Ελίζαντεθ και Ντάνιελ, τι να σου πω ρε παιδί μου, μεγάλος έρωτας! Κεραυνοβόλος, μα πέρα για πέρα αληθινός. Πως μπορούν όμως να ξεπεράσουν όλα αυτά τα εμπόδια που μπήκαν στο δρόμο της ευτυχίας τους, και αυτή την καταραμένη προφητεία, που θέλει την Ελίζαντεθ να φέρνει το τέλος του κόσμου; Θα νικήσουν τελικά οι φωνές στο κεφάλι της Ελίζαντεθ ή θα βρουν στο τέλος  το πολυπόθητο «και ‘μεις καλύτερα;» Τα πάντα έχει αυτό το βιβλίο, ρομάντσο, φασώματα, φιλιά στη βροχή, ερωτοχτυπημένα παλικάρια και μυστήριες φεμ-φατάλ… Έχει όμως και φονικά, φαντάσματα, αγγέλους, δαίμονες, ζόμπι, ανθρωποθυσίες, αίματα (πολλά αίματα) γριες-νίντζα, τρελούς παπάδες… Τι  κάθομαι και σας τα λέω… μια δοκιμή θα σας πείσει!
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Ο Μάριος Μιλτιάδης Πλουσίου  γεννήθηκε στις 6 Ιουνίου 1οι 1983, στη πολιτεία Virginia  των Η.Π.Α. Ωσάν γνήσιο Αμερικανάκι, λατρεύει την ποπ-κουλτούρα των δεκαετιών του ‘80-‘90, της οποίας το πνεύμα μεταφέρει και στα γραπτά του. Το 2020 κυκλοφορεί το πρώτο του βιβλίο, «Η Ζώη εν Τάφω», και το 2021 ακολουθούν τα βιβλία «Εξ Αίματος» και «Άνθρωποι της Στάχτης». Πρόσφατα κυκλοφόρησε και το βιβλίο «Δαιμόνια στο σκοτάδι», και αμέσως μετά, το «Ελίζαντεθ: Μια Ρομαντική Ιστορία Τρόμου». Παράλληλα με τα προσωπικά του βιβλία, συμμετέχει και σε διάφορες ανθολογίες φαντασίας αλλά και ποίησης. Στον ελεύθερο του χρόνο, όταν δεν γράφει παίζει ηλεκτρονικά παιχνίδια και ονειροπολεί. Είναι περήφανος «Geek» και φανατικός πουρόφιλος. Επίσημη ιστοσελίδα: mplousiou.wixsite.com/books Σημεία πώλησης των εκδόσεων Συμπαντικές Διαδρομές σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο Τα βιβλία μας και το περιοδικό μας κυκλοφορούν σε όλα τα ενημερωμένα βιβλιοπωλεία στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο. Σε περίπτωση που δεν υπάρχουν στο τοπικό σας βιβλιοπωλείο μπορείτε να τα παραγγείλετε στο βιβλιοπωλείο να τα φέρουν, όπως μπορείτε να τα παραγγείλετε από οποιοδήποτε βιβλιοπωλείο, και θα τα παραλάβετε άμεσα. Κεντρική διάθεση για τα βιβλία των εκδόσεων Συμπαντικές Διαδρομές: Εκδόσεις ΣΥΜΠΑΝΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΔΡΟΜΕΣ Καραγάτση 27, 41221, Λάρισα 2410-236110 [email protected] Xονδρέμπορας για τα βιβλία των εκδόσεων Συμπαντικές Διαδρομές. Αθήνα: Βιβλιοπωλείο ΠΑΡ ΗΜΙΝ Τρικούπη Χαριλάου 11Α, Αθήνα, 10679, ΑΤΤΙΚΗ Τηλέφωνο: 2103802542 Φαξ:2103813619 Προτεινόμενο ηλεκτρονικό βιβλιοπωλείο: Ηλεκτρονικό βιβλιοπωλείο Συμπαντικές Διαδρομές Μπορείτε να αγοράσετε άμεσα όλα τα βιβλία και τα περιοδικά των Εκδόσεων Συμπαντικές Διαδρομές από το ηλεκτρονικό μας βιβλιοπωλείο! https://www.universepaths.com/bivliopoleio Κεντρικά σημεία διανομής των βιβλίων των εκδόσεων Συμπαντικές Διαδρομές. 1. Ηλεκτρονικό βιβλιοπωλείο Συμπαντικές Διαδρομές https://www.universepaths.com/bivliopoleio 2. Αθήνα: Βιβλιοπωλείο ΠΑΡ ΗΜΙΝ Τρικούπη Χαριλάου 11Α, Αθήνα, 10679, ΑΤΤΙΚΗ Τηλέφωνο: 2103802542 Φαξ:2103813619 3. Λευκωσία (Κύπρος): Parga, Λεωφ,Τσερίου 94 Στρόβολος, τηλ. 22327740 Προτεινόμενα σημεία πώλησης [Κάποια από τα παρακάτω βιβλιοπωλεία δεν έχουν όλα τα βιβλία μας ετοιμοπαράδοτα αλλά μπορούν να φέρουν όποιο τίτλο ζητήσετε, αφού τον παραγγείλετε.] Αθήνα: 1. Παρ ημίν - Χαρ. Τρικούπη 11 2. Ιανός - Σταδίου 24 3. Πρωτοπορία - Γραβιάς 3-5 Λάρισα: 1. Άνεμος -Κύπρου 47 2. Prosperus-Αθ. Διάκου  Θεσσαλονίκη: 1. Ιανός - Αριστοτέλους 7 2. Πρωτοπορία - Λ. Νίκης 3 Πάτρα: 1. Πρωτοπορία - Γεροκωστοπούλου 31-33 Λευκωσία: 1. Βιβλιοπωλείο Ελλάς - Ζήνας Κάνθερ 16 22451, 00357 22 679058 2. Parga, Λεωφ,Τσερίου 94 Στρόβολος, τηλ. 22327740 3. Parga, Λεωφ.Λάρνακος 56 Αγλαντζιά, τηλ. 22336011 4. Parga, Αρχ.Μακαρίου Γ' Λατσιά, τηλ. 22485914 5. Parga, Πανεπιστημιούπολη, τηλ. 22022876 Λάρνακα: 1. Parga, Στρατηγού Τιμάγια 9, τηλ. 24668090 Πάφος: 1. Parga, Αθηνών 8, τηλ. 26811130 2. New edition 1ης Απριλίου 8, 8011 Λεμεσός: 1. Βιβλιοεπιλογές Στέλιου Κυριακίδη 49 Επίσης τα βιβλία μπορείτε να τα παραγγείλετε από οποιοδήποτε βιβλιοπωλείο στην Κύπρο, ακόμα και αν δεν είναι σε αυτή τη λίστα και θα φροντίσουμε να αποσταλούν άμεσα.  Online καταστήματα 1. Skroutz https://www.skroutz.gr Ενημερώστε τα βιβλιοπωλεία ότι μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν μαζί μας στο τηλέφωνο 2410-236110 και θα αποστείλουμε άμεσα τα βιβλία και το περιοδικό. Μην διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας για οποιαδήποτε απορία! Όλα τα βιβλία μας που βρίσκονται στον τρέχοντα κατάλογο μας και όλα τα τεύχη του περιοδικού μας κυκλοφορούν κανονικά. Αν δεν μπορείτε να τα βρείτε επικοινωνήστε με τις εκδόσεις μας. 2410-236110 ή στο email [email protected] Αν κάποιο βιβλιοπωλείο, ειδικότερα σε μεγάλα εμπορικά κέντρα, σας πει ότι τα βιβλία μας δεν είναι διαθέσιμα ή είναι εξαντλημένα αναζητήστε τα σε άλλο βιβλιοπωλείο και επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας ή τηλεφωνικά στο 2410-236110 ή με email στο [email protected] για να μας αναφέρετε το γεγονός. Τα βιβλία μας κυκλοφορούν όλα κανονικά και είναι διαθέσιμα σε όλη την Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο. Εκδόσεις Συμπαντικές Διαδρομές Αναγεννήσαμε τη λογοτεχνία του φανταστικού στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο! Στηρίζουμε τους συγγραφείς με πράξεις και έργα Ελάτε και εσείς στη μεγάλη οικογένεια του εκδοτικού μας! ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΣΥΜΠΑΝΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΔΡΟΜΕΣ Καραγάτση 27, 41221, Λάρισα, 2410-236110, http://www.universepaths.com/ universe-pathways.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/Universe.Pathways.Editions/ [email protected] 
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jackmainkrakow · 2 years
prosperity (n.)
"flourishing or thriving condition, good fortune, wealth, success in anything good or desirable," c. 1200, prosperite, from Old French prosprete (12c., Modern French prospérité) and directly from Latin prosperitatem (nominative prosperitas) "good fortune," from prosperus (see prosper).
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 years
EG! Henry:of course all them,now your dear soldiers will have a happy and prosperus life unde MNC! Henry and Ellie, right?
MNC!Henry:of course, don't worry,me and my wife shall take good care of them
MNC!Ellie: But there are a few ones that you'll never see again in your whole life, and when I say, WHOLE life... I meant... NEVER!
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sistersonaroll · 2 years
Register Free for tix. Come Support Small Business.
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nationaldvam · 3 years
Do you work on housing policy that supports survivors? We know housing is a human right and we should act like it. Investing in public housing, building the supply of affordable housing, & providing people with access to housing are powerful economic tools to prevent & respond to domestic violence. 🏠 Looking for tools? Check out the Safe Housing Partnerships website.
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prosperusasia · 3 years
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hbratman · 4 years
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*** History Monday *** Before January 1, 1863 New Year's day was known as one of the most dreadful days to African Americans widely known as "Hiring Day" or "Heartbreak Day" because the enslaved people spent New Year’s Eve waiting and wondering if their owners were going to rent them out to someone else breaking up the family which was a common thing to do. Enslaved Africans already recognized the abundance the black-eyed peas well before the civil war considering they were brought over during the transatlantic slave trade and are still eaten today in Ghana (red red dish), Senegal, Liberia, and more. In hoodoo, (we will discuss Hoodoo another day) most grains and beans are a symbol of wealth because they grow abundantly. There are other rituals we do with grains such as with rice and grains of paradise too. The black-eyed peas (coins) are paired with greens (money) in the southern hoodoo. Black eyes peas were plentiful and considered the pennies from heaven. They could feed a crowd hence why there are stories about Hoppin' John an enslaved child hopping around in joy and excitement for his bowl of black-eyed peas. Some say Hoppin' John was an old man who hopped around and sold grains and beans. Either way, the peas will forever be a symbol of wealth and gratitude in the culture. Also, "Southern tradition states that black-eyed peas are a symbol of emancipation for previously enslaved African-Americans, who were officially freed on New Year's Day after the Civil War." This is because the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on January 1, 1863 this day was called Freedom Day. In addition to, all greens are a symbol of wealth in Hoodoo. Collars, mustards, cabbage, and even the leaf of the sweet potato is used in tricks and fixings because the potato is something else that grows plentiful. Although some greens originated in the Mediterranean they existed in Africa long before the Transatlantic slave trade and were brought over with the enslaved African people. With that being said, greens and blacked eyed peas was not a stranger to the Ancestors and are a very historical-cultural dish kept alive to date. #history #appreciation #prosperus #happynewyear https://www.instagram.com/p/CJYmNctjkg6/?igshid=1t3lkq3vnu0mt
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silvestromedia · 1 year
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St. Eurosia, A Roman Catholic French martyr, a victim of the Muslim invasion of Spain. She was born in Bayonne, France, and was slain at Jaca in the Pyrenees of Aragon, Spain, when she refused to marry a Muslim. Feastday June 25
ST.WILLIAM, ABBOT, FOUNDER OF THE CONGREGATION OF MONTEVERGINE, JUNE 25- Sometimes, even a young child is able to make a decision that will change his life forever. This was the case with St William, who at the age of fourteen decided to go on pilgrimage – first to Santiago de Compostela, and then to the Holy Land. Like St Francis a century later, William gave up all he had in order to embrace a religious life. He freed himself from attachments to his family, gave up his noble title, put on a tattered habit, and left his home in Vercelli (Italy) barefoot.
St. Adalbert, 740 A.D. A missionary in Ireland whose tomb became a center for pilgrims. Adalbert was born in Northumbria, England, and was educated at Rathmelgisi Monastery. Accompanying St. Willibrord and others to Friesland, he gained many converts in an area called Egmont. Adalbert was also a companion of St. Egbert to Ireland. It is believed that he became St. Willibrord's successor as the abbot of Epternach. Adalbert's shrine was noted for miracles after his death.
St. Selyf, 6th century. Hermit in Cornwall. He is perhaps to be identified with St. Solomon, who has the same feast day.
St. Moloc, 572 A.D. Scottish bishop and missionary, sometimes called Lugaidh, Molvanus, Molluog, or Murlach. The son of a Scottish noble, he was educated in Ireland under St. Brendan the Elder and evangelized the Hebrides region of Scotland. He died at Rossmarkie, Scotland. His shrine was at Martlach, and he is venerated in Argyll.
St. Molonachus, 7th century. Bishop of Lismore, in Argyl, Scotland. He was a disciple of St. Brendan.
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