danchxku · 9 years
Protector | Bōsōzoku!AU
                  Being part of a gang wasn’t necessarily a bad thing; sure, people would look differently at you, you’re sort of the bane of society, but that didn’t faze Danchiku in the slightest. If anything, he liked the atmosphere around the other guys -- a lot more cosy and familial than being around his own family. That was his main reason to join them -- along with unlimited freedom and the feeling to belong.
            However, Cobra Fangs weren’t all too popular unlike Lone Wolves, you could say they were the indie-gang among gangs. But that didn’t bother him: no reputation was better than a bad one that caused you to be pulled over by any cop within seconds. At least he had his peace and quiet most of the times.
      Strolling down the night streets with his hands stuffed to the pockets of his jacket, he observed anything happening around him: mostly because he was out to pickpocket things here and there, just casually stealing because he didn’t feel like doing anything too stressful today.
            However, he took note of someone across the streets -- he wasn’t even sure if that was a young boy or girl, but he saw that they were being followed by some kind of creep and how they were absolutely uncomfortable about it. Seems like that person wasn’t awfully good at hiding emotions too well. The other striking thing the noticed were the flashy, orange hair of that person -- which being the first thing he had seen before even adding up to the situation at hand.
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                  Without much of any hesitation, Ryuuhou crossed the street and moved behind the redhead, bumping his chest against the stranger’s before picking out his knife from the pocket and holding it against his throat. “You got any money on yourself? Gimme your money or I’ll report you to the police for harassing little girls, you pedophile.”
            Unaware of neither age nor gender of that person he just tried to save from that disgusting person, he just hoped for not hecking up, though the stranger obliged within seconds, dropping money with shaky hands onto the ground before running off into the night, panicky.
      Danchiku just knelt down and picked up the money, guessing that the other person might’ve run away as well, not expecting anyone to stick around -- not when someone got involved with knives and robbery.
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rodenstalks-blog · 10 years
we're a new skeleton roleplay and we'd love an opinion from you. thanks so much and have a nice day!
Of course loves! Aw thank you, I hope you do as well! Your url is very intriguing, so nice job there! And your icon is cool. Like I don't know, I just like it. Wow, that's a lot of purple. It's not bad though. I think after a while, the color scheme is a bit much, but it's also pretty. Your sidebar is lovely, I think that's cher lloyd from her Sirens music video, but I'm not exactly sure aha. I just wish maybe you'd thrown in a gif or two. The navigation is a cool theme, but it's a bit off center on my screen. Which isn't a huge deal, but I'm not sure i it looks that way to you either. if it does, I'd try to change the margins so it's more centered. I don't like the hover plot, I do wish you had a plot page. The plot had a few grammatical things, but I think it's slightly original so kudos to you. Again, the hover guidelines is not something I'm a fan of, but your rules are fine! I like your FCs and labels. Justin as the golden boy is a good one! For a semi-appless, this is pretty good! I'd check this out if you want to try something a little different! 
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