#proto woman
leolithe · 2 months
[Transcript: Oh. OH. She's wonderful. Triple-Faced Goddess! But there's a shadow on her, isn't there?]
There have been so many lines of past NPCs mentioning Lotus just to taunt the Tenno or threaten to kill her or threaten to kill her children or simply just to talk about her as one talks about their colleague so TO HAVE THIS LINE. IS INCREDIBLE. GOOD FOR SPACE MOM. GOOD FOR HER!!!!!!!
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wave-man · 9 months
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revastera · 1 year
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[Mega Man] Enjoying the summer 😎
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mekkanicalsol · 2 months
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archie live read session went crazy
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magicantare · 10 months
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peepaw wilys epic divorce war
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lunarlicorice · 1 year
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i miss her
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switchnx · 8 months
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Star (Armored), Roll (Armored), Kalinka (Armored)
Rock (Armored), Piano, Waltz
Roll (Unarmored), Star (Unarmored), Rock (Unarmored)
Kalinka (Unarmored), Proto Man (Armored), Bass
Switch (Me), Proto Man (Unarmored), Tempo (Armored)
Vesper Woman, Tempo (Unarmored), BB Hood
Kalinka Armor and Star Outfits by Me
Sprite Inspiration from Shattered Diamond, Sequel Wars, Mega Man Maker, and @thatentitygirl
Star name by @grayblacklight
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pale-opal · 2 months
Hear Me Out:
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I know that image and what I'm about to say has a chance of being incredibly niche, because I have no idea how much overlap there is between the Homestuck and Mega Man fandoms. But if there's anything I've learned from the internet, it's that no matter what fandom you're in, it's almost guaranteed that someone in said fandom has read Homestuck before. So I think someone out there will understand the rant I'm about to go on. But for everyone who hasn't read Homestuck before, here's a quick explanation: Homestuck is a webcomic that was written and published by a man named Andrew Hussie. It ran from 2009-2016. It follows the misadventures of four kids as they play a game called Sburb with the help of twelve other kids known as "trolls." Together, they go on a quest to complete the game, as the initiation of it has caused the world to end (so even if they wanted to quit, they couldn't. Whoops). It is currently available to read on mspaintadventures.com, however I do NOT recommend reading it if you are a minor, or if you have sensitivity to content that contains violence, strong language, etc. - There were also two (technically one?) epilogues produced afterward, as well as a sequel called "Homestuck^2". - The disclaimer above applies to those works as well.
Okay. Now that I've explained what Homestuck is, let's get into why I put these four Doctors in the squares that I did.
Dr. Cossack: Has read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - He just seems like the kind of man who casually knows a lot about a lot of things. - A "nerd," if you will. - I can see him reading this in college and subsequently getting totally invested. - He relates to John Egbert (one of the four kids I mentioned earlier) on a personal level. - He did not like the epilogues. - He likes Homestuck^2, though. Dr. Light: Has Read Homestuck, Doesn't Know What Homestuck Is - I imagine that Light was introduced to Homestuck through Cossack while they were in college. - Like, what if Light got sick at some point, and Cossack came over and showed him this random webcomic he found in an attempt to make him feel better, only for Light to wake up the next day, convinced the whole thing was a fever dream? - Cut to many years later, after the birth of Proto Man. - Light and Cossack are having a conversation on the phone: - Cossack: "Hey, Thomas. Do you remember Homestuck?" - Light: "...Homestuck?" - Cossack: "You know, that webcomic I showed you when you got the flu back in college?" - Light: "I'm not sure I-" - Cossack: "The one with the little gray people?" - Light: "Little gray- wait. Wait, that was real?!" - He has not read the epilogues or Homestuck^2. Dr. LaLinde: Has Not Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - I think that Dr. Cossack would go on many coffee-fueled 2 a.m. rants to her during last-minute attempts to finish projects on time when the two of them were in college. - LaLinde would always listen respectfully, and as a result knows the entire lore behind Homestuck despite never reading it. - One day, she decided to give it a go. Here's how that went: - LaLinde: "Okay, let's see here- what? Eight thousand (8000) pages? Where am I going to find the time to read all of that?" - And so, she has to this day never read the darn thing. Dr. Wily: Has Not Read Homestuck, Does Not Know What Homestuck Is - The reasoning behind this is simple: he just couldn't get into it. - Dr. Cossack tried several times while they were in college to convince him to read it, but it sounded really convoluted to him. - Dr. Light tried to get him to read it before the whole "Dr. Wily becomes evil and takes over the world" thing after he remembered what it was. - That didn't work either. - Plus, the whole thing just seemed too long. - He eventually just forgot it existed once Light stopped trying to get him to read it. But here's something else about the Doctors: they all had kids. Kids who all grew up with different levels of parental involvement. Kids who would've probably heard their parents talk about this strange little webcomic at one time or another. Which brings me to my next point:
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Blues: Has Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - I imagine that he heard the aforementioned phone call between Light and Cossack, and asked Dr. Light about what they were talking about. - Light straight up tells him that he's not allowed to read it. - Blues accepts this. - Cut to Blues' life after he runs away from home. He's at the library. - He's also in the midst of his "I hate my dad" arc, and as a result is more than willing to go and read this comic Dr. Light told him was off-limits. - He spends a whole day reading the webcomic, its epilogues, and its sequel. - He is there from the time the library opens to the time it closes. - And once everything is said and done, he is a changed man. - His favorite character is Dave Strider. - He also used to like Dirk Strider and Jane Crocker, but then he read the epilogues. Bass: Has Read Homestuck, Doesn't Know What Homestuck is - Bass was just minding his business, until he finds Proto Man broke into his house... again. - I like to think Blues breaks into Wily Fortress sometimes, just because he can. As a treat. - And to visit any Wilybots he's friends with. - He goes to confront Blues, only to find him in the midst of his third reread of Homestuck. - He asks what he's doing. - Blues tells him to pull up a chair. - He starts the reread over so that Bass can understand what's going on. - Bass, too, ends up a changed man. Even if he has no idea what he just read. - His favorite character is Karkat Vantas. - He made a trollsona (basically a troll OC), but has never told a living soul about it. - Also, he will never admit it, but "[S] Game Over" messed him up on an emotional level (if you don't know what "[S] Game Over" is, don't worry about it. Don't look it up. It's okay. Just forget I said anything). Tempo: Has Not Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - Quake Woman has not read Homestuck for the same reason her mother hasn't read it: She's simply too busy. - Blues tries to convince her to read it, though. - But here's the thing: Vesper Woman HAS read it... but she just thought it was just alright. This leads to conversation like this happening: - Vesper: "Don't listen to him, Tempo. It's okay at best." - Blues: "..." - Blues: "...would you like to elaborate on that?" - They get into arguments about different aspects of the plot a LOT. - Tempo just listens quietly while she works. - Out of curiosity, she ended up looking it up one day when she had free time, and ended up stumbling across Hiveswap instead. - Hiveswap is a spin-off game that takes place in Homestuck's universe. The first Act was released in 2017, and the second was released in 2020. - I will admit that I haven't played Hiveswap, so I'm not sure if the disclaimer I provided for Homestuck applies here. Kalinka Cossack: Has Never Read Homestuck, Does Not Know What Homestuck Is - My reasoning behind this is even more simple than Dr. Wily's: - Dr. Cossack does not let her know that Homestuck exists in an effort to keep her innocence in tact. - That's it. That's the reasoning. You can all go home n-. - ...wait. Is that ANOTHER image down there?
You see, there's one more set of characters that I want to discuss in this long, long post. Characters that wouldn't be influenced by their parents, meaning that whether or not they've read Homestuck would be more up to happenstance:
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...I can explain.
Zero: Has Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - Part of the reason I put him here is because he ended up being the opposite of what Wily wanted him to be. He wanted a ruthless killing machine, and instead he got someone who helps save the world on multiple occasions. So why not have him be the opposite of his creator in Homestuck knowledge as well? - (Although if you think about it, Zero is technically a ruthless killing machine, but that's not what we're here to talk about). - Another other part of the reasoning is that I thought it was funny. - Zero had trouble getting invested until Act 5. - After he reached that point, he was locked in. - He sees a little bit of himself in Rose Lalonde and Dirk Strider. - He has never read the epilogues, or the sequel. Once he saw the Snapchat bonus content, he thought that was it. - Zero successfully got Iris into the comic as well. - Her favorite character was also Rose. - I like to think he and Layer also became friends after realizing they were both Homestuck fans.
Axl: Has Read Homestuck, Doesn't Know What Homestuck Is - He found a dub of the series on YouTube on day while watching random videos. - He was invested almost immediately. - Axl would talk about it with the other Red Alert members a lot - especially to Red and Tornado. - But there was one problem: He didn't know the name of it. It just completely slipped his mind at one point, and he wasn't able to get it back. This led to stuff like this: - Axl: "And THEN John and his friends are losing to the Condescence, but-" - Red: "That's nice and all, but what's this webcomic you read called?" - Axl: "Uh... I dunno. I can't remember." - Red: "Are you sure you didn't just make it up?" - Axl: "Wha- Yes! Yes, I'm sure!" - Red: "...sure thing, little buddy." - After joining the Maverick Hunters, Axl casually brings up the plot of this comic he can't remember the name of. Zero soon says this: - Zero: "...are you talking about Homestuck?" - Axl: "That's what it's called?!" - He made a trollsona like Bass did, but is a lot less shy about sharing it. - His favorite character is Roxy Lalonde. - Axl got Palette into it as well. X: Has Not Read Homestuck, Knows What Homestuck Is - He heard Zero talk about it with Iris a lot, but it sounded a bit too violent for his tastes. - He did play the Pesterquest visual novel, though. - Yes, the disclaimer does apply for this visual novel. - I like to think that at some point in X7, X complains about Zero and Axl's interest in "overly violent media" and asks if Zero has started "corrupting the youth." - He is promptly told to shut up. - X is more open to the idea of reading Homestuck by the time X8 comes around though. But it isn't until Axl is recovering from the game's ending that he actually starts considering it, since he knows it'll make Axl happy. - Speaking of which: will Capcom ever give us X9? - I just want to know if Axl is really okay, or if Lumine messed him up somehow. - It's been almost 20 years since the game released. 20 years is a long time to leave part of a video game franchise on a cliffhanger (but then again, Mega Man Legends fans have been waiting for 24 years...) Sigma: Has Not Read Homestuck, Does Not Know What Homestuck Is - The reason Sigma is in this category is very easy to explain: - He deserves nothing that could give him any semblance of happiness. - Also, I hate him.
Alright, rant over.
The inspiration for this post, as well as the original template, can be found here.
...now you can all go home.
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gonerboy · 1 year
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Blues Gets a Mustache
Part 2 (End) First
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wonderful-magician · 1 year
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Scheduled tempo x protoman post
Really wish the side plot about tempo feeling love was finished... too bad Archie comics is a bunch of liars 😔
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rockmangurl · 8 months
Comic tests. Thinking I’m getting the hang of this.
2 versions to test lighting
I promise I’ll do something nice for them eventually.
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qsmash-blog · 1 year
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Dr. Light recalls upon a time when he was a fearsome fighter, but some of the details seem... off. Where'd he learn those moves anyway? Whether or not his story is accurate, those moves are the real deal.
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theletterwsartflap · 2 years
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messy sketch dumps are good for the soul actually
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arinqiart · 2 years
Archie Blues and Tempo meets Tempo's Megamix counterpart😆
P.s Megamix Quake Woman is my own design, i have the full body in my profile under "#my artwork" tag
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megamanrecut · 7 months
I have a Mega Man AU where Roll was the prototype to the robot masters instead of Blues
and I remembered there was a similar sort of swap scenario in an episode of season two of recut where Rock and Proto swapped roles temporarily
So I thought I'd ask, what do you think would be different if Proto had swapped roles with Roll instead of Rock? I, for one, imagine proto just punching the robot masters instead of having the arm gadget that roll has.
Haha, really cool concept, your AU sounds awesome!
So for Recut, like if Roll was the older sister who became Wily's second-in-command, and Rock and Proto were twins? Lots of thoughts on this (this would be really fun to draw too~ like one of those style swaps I did awhile back, with Red Bomber Roll and Jumpsuit/Utility Arm Proto or whatever)
So Roll is still Roll, but like even cooler? So more of a 'cool badass' with the effortless charisma canon!Proto has, rather than a 'hotheaded badass' that canon!Roll is, yet also with a personal beef against Dr. Light that caused the original rift for her to defect (Maybe she too got bored?)
Meanwhile the sibling rivalry would be much more intense between Rock and Proto, with Proto especially feeling like he's been passed over. Not sure if this would make Proto more tempted to join his older sister, or if like canon!Roll he just blindly hates Wily and his second-in-command too much to ever consider this lol. But I think things would be very bitter between him and Rock at times
As for Proto's weapon, idk all the Light siblings are inventors like their father to an extent; Proto definitely likes hand-to-hand combat so punching definitely makes sense, I could still see him maybe making his own blaster like Roll did too, or maybe he does his own thing where he specializes in combat vehicles (like mini fighter jets, or a skycycle equipped with laser canons!)
Since Roll is the older sister, she'd definitely try to coax her younger brothers to join Wily, but also strive to get them to get along with each other (which they'd probably hate lol, though would also grudgingly think she is pretty cool for a bad guy)
So basically the sibling drama would still mostly be between Rock and Proto hahaha
But the real question is...would Roll have the scarf, or would that still be Proto's thing? Hmmm
Thanks for the question!
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ninebaalart · 9 months
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Mega Woman 3
honestly this might be my favorite set of robot masters so far in this series
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