#prototype design pattern in java
hellopersimmonpie · 3 years
Kak, kalo kita pengen belajar programming dari basic banget, enaknya kita belajar apa ya?
Tergantung kebutuhan. Kamu mau belajar basic untuk apa? Bikin software kah? Buat ngolah data kah?
Secara umum,
Ada dua metode belajar programming. Yang pertama tuh by prototyping.
Yang kedua ya kayak caranya orang di kampus, diurutin mulai dari:
1. Pemrograman Tersturktur
2. Algoritma dan Struktur Data
3. Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek
4. Design Pattern
Kalau pengen basic banget ya belajar Pemrograman Terstruktur sama Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek pake Java atau C++.
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mahiworld-blog1 · 5 years
Important libraries for data science and Machine learning.
Python has more than 137,000 libraries which is help in various ways.In the data age where data is looks like the oil or electricity .In coming days companies are requires more skilled full data scientist , Machine Learning engineer, deep learning engineer, to avail insights by processing massive data sets.
Python libraries for different data science task:
Python Libraries for Data Collection
Beautiful Soup
Python Libraries for Data Cleaning and Manipulation
Python Libraries for Data Visualization
Python Libraries for Modeling
Python Libraries for Model Interpretability
Python Libraries for Audio Processing
Python Libraries for Image Processing
Python Libraries for Database
Python Libraries for Deployment
Best Framework for Machine Learning:
1. Tensorflow :
If you are working or interested about Machine Learning, then you might have heard about this famous Open Source library known as Tensorflow. It was developed at Google by Brain Team. Almost all Google’s Applications use Tensorflow for Machine Learning. If you are using Google photos or Google voice search then indirectly you are using the models built using Tensorflow.
Tensorflow is just a computational framework for expressing algorithms involving large number of Tensor operations, since Neural networks can be expressed as computational graphs they can be implemented using Tensorflow as a series of operations on Tensors. Tensors are N-dimensional matrices which represents our Data.

2. Keras :
Keras is one of the coolest Machine learning library. If you are a beginner in Machine Learning then I suggest you to use Keras. It provides a easier way to express Neural networks. It also provides some of the utilities for processing datasets, compiling models, evaluating results, visualization of graphs and many more.
Keras internally uses either Tensorflow or Theano as backend. Some other pouplar neural network frameworks like CNTK can also be used. If you are using Tensorflow as backend then you can refer to the Tensorflow architecture diagram shown in Tensorflow section of this article. Keras is slow when compared to other libraries because it constructs a computational graph using the backend infrastructure and then uses it to perform operations. Keras models are portable (HDF5 models) and Keras provides many preprocessed datasets and pretrained models like Inception, SqueezeNet, Mnist, VGG, ResNet etc
3.Theano :
Theano is a computational framework for computing multidimensional arrays. Theano is similar to Tensorflow , but Theano is not as efficient as Tensorflow because of it’s inability to suit into production environments. Theano can be used on a prallel or distributed environments just like Tensorflow.
Spark is an open source cluster-computing framework originally developed at Berkeley’s lab and was initially released on 26th of May 2014, It is majorly written in Scala, Java, Python and R. though produced in Berkery’s lab at University of California it was later donated to Apache Software Foundation.
Spark core is basically the foundation for this project, This is complicated too, but instead of worrying about Numpy arrays it lets you work with its own Spark RDD data structures, which anyone in knowledge with big data would understand its uses. As a user, we could also work with Spark SQL data frames. With all these features it creates dense and sparks feature label vectors for you thus carrying away much complexity to feed to ML algorithms.
Caffe is an open source framework under a BSD license. CAFFE(Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding) is a deep learning tool which was developed by UC Berkeley, this framework is mainly written in CPP. It supports many different types of architectures for deep learning focusing mainly on image classification and segmentation. It supports almost all major schemes and is fully connected neural network designs, it offers GPU as well as CPU based acceleration as well like TensorFlow.
CAFFE is mainly used in the academic research projects and to design startups Prototypes. Even Yahoo has integrated caffe with Apache Spark to create CaffeOnSpark, another great deep learning framework.
Torch is also a machine learning open source library, a proper scientific computing framework. Its makers brag it as easiest ML framework, though its complexity is relatively simple which comes from its scripting language interface from Lua programming language interface. There are just numbers(no int, short or double) in it which are not categorized further like in any other language. So its ease many operations and functions. Torch is used by Facebook AI Research Group, IBM, Yandex and the Idiap Research Institute, it has recently extended its use for Android and iOS.
Scikit-Learn is a very powerful free to use Python library for ML that is widely used in Building models. It is founded and built on foundations of many other libraries namely SciPy, Numpy and matplotlib, it is also one of the most efficient tool for statistical modeling techniques namely classification, regression, clustering.
Scikit-Learn comes with features like supervised & unsupervised learning algorithms and even cross-validation. Scikit-learn is largely written in Python, with some core algorithms written in Cython to achieve performance. Support vector machines are implemented by a Cython wrapper around LIBSVM.
Below is a list of frameworks for machine learning engineers:
Apache Singa is a general distributed deep learning platform for training big deep learning models over large datasets. It is designed with an intuitive programming model based on the layer abstraction. A variety of popular deep learning models are supported, namely feed-forward models including convolutional neural networks (CNN), energy models like restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), and recurrent neural networks (RNN). Many built-in layers are provided for users.
Amazon Machine Learning  is a service that makes it easy for developers of all skill levels to use machine learning technology. Amazon Machine Learning provides visualization tools and wizards that guide you through the process of creating machine learning (ML) models without having to learn complex ML algorithms and technology.  It connects to data stored in Amazon S3, Redshift, or RDS, and can run binary classification, multiclass categorization, or regression on said data to create a model.
Azure ML Studio allows Microsoft Azure users to create and train models, then turn them into APIs that can be consumed by other services. Users get up to 10GB of storage per account for model data, although you can also connect your own Azure storage to the service for larger models. A wide range of algorithms are available, courtesy of both Microsoft and third parties. You don’t even need an account to try out the service; you can log in anonymously and use Azure ML Studio for up to eight hours.
Caffe is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC) and by community contributors. Yangqing Jia created the project during his PhD at UC Berkeley. Caffe is released under the BSD 2-Clause license.  Models and optimization are defined by configuration without hard-coding & user can switch between CPU and GPU. Speed makes Caffe perfect for research experiments and industry deployment. Caffe can process over 60M images per day with a single NVIDIA K40 GPU.
H2O makes it possible for anyone to easily apply math and predictive analytics to solve today’s most challenging business problems. It intelligently combines unique features not currently found in other machine learning platforms including: Best of Breed Open Source Technology, Easy-to-use WebUI and Familiar Interfaces, Data Agnostic Support for all Common Database and File Types. With H2O, you can work with your existing languages and tools. Further, you can extend the platform seamlessly into your Hadoop environments.
Massive Online Analysis (MOA) is the most popular open source framework for data stream mining, with a very active growing community. It includes a collection of machine learning algorithms (classification, regression, clustering, outlier detection, concept drift detection and recommender systems) and tools for evaluation. Related to the WEKA project, MOA is also written in Java, while scaling to more demanding problems.
MLlib (Spark) is Apache Spark’s machine learning library. Its goal is to make practical machine learning scalable and easy. It consists of common learning algorithms and utilities, including classification, regression, clustering, collaborative filtering, dimensionality reduction, as well as lower-level optimization primitives and higher-level pipeline APIs.
mlpack, a C++-based machine learning library originally rolled out in 2011 and designed for “scalability, speed, and ease-of-use,” according to the library’s creators. Implementing mlpack can be done through a cache of command-line executables for quick-and-dirty, “black box” operations, or with a C++ API for more sophisticated work. Mlpack provides these algorithms as simple command-line programs and C++ classes which can then be integrated into larger-scale machine learning solutions.
Pattern is a web mining module for the Python programming language. It has tools for data mining (Google, Twitter and Wikipedia API, a web crawler, a HTML DOM parser), natural language processing (part-of-speech taggers, n-gram search, sentiment analysis, WordNet), machine learning (vector space model, clustering, SVM), network analysis and  visualization.
Scikit-Learn leverages Python’s breadth by building on top of several existing Python packages — NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib — for math and science work. The resulting libraries can be used either for interactive “workbench” applications or be embedded into other software and reused. The kit is available under a BSD license, so it’s fully open and reusable. Scikit-learn includes tools for many of the standard machine-learning tasks (such as clustering, classification, regression, etc.). And since scikit-learn is developed by a large community of developers and machine-learning experts, promising new techniques tend to be included in fairly short order.
Shogun is among the oldest, most venerable of machine learning libraries, Shogun was created in 1999 and written in C++, but isn’t limited to working in C++. Thanks to the SWIG library, Shogun can be used transparently in such languages and environments: as Java, Python, C#, Ruby, R, Lua, Octave, and Matlab. Shogun is designed for unified large-scale learning for a broad range of feature types and learning settings, like classification, regression, or explorative data analysis.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. TensorFlow implements what are called data flow graphs, where batches of data (“tensors”) can be processed by a series of algorithms described by a graph. The movements of the data through the system are called “flows” — hence, the name. Graphs can be assembled with C++ or Python and can be processed on CPUs or GPUs.
Theano is a Python library that lets you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions, especially ones with multi-dimensional arrays (numpy.ndarray). Using Theano it is possible to attain speeds rivaling hand-crafted C implementations for problems involving large amounts of data. It was written at the LISA lab to support rapid development of efficient machine learning algorithms. Theano is named after the Greek mathematician, who may have been Pythagoras’ wife. Theano is released under a BSD license.
Torch is a scientific computing framework with wide support for machine learning algorithms that puts GPUs first. It is easy to use and efficient, thanks to an easy and fast scripting language, LuaJIT, and an underlying C/CUDA implementation. The goal of Torch is to have maximum flexibility and speed in building your scientific algorithms while making the process extremely simple. Torch comes with a large ecosystem of community-driven packages in machine learning, computer vision, signal processing, parallel processing, image, video, audio and networking among others, and builds on top of the Lua community.
Veles is a distributed platform for deep-learning applications, and it’s written in C++, although it uses Python to perform automation and coordination between nodes. Datasets can be analyzed and automatically normalized before being fed to the cluster, and a REST API allows the trained model to be used in production immediately. It focuses on performance and flexibility. It has little hard-coded entities and enables training of all the widely recognized topologies, such as fully connected nets, convolutional nets, recurent nets etc.
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sheeping-around · 5 years
Sheeping Around Retrospective: By The Numbers
tl;dr: Scroll all the way down for the numbers.
Sheeping Around has been live on the App Store for a little over ten days now. I think it is about time I look back at the development cycle, the good parts, the bad parts and also share some sales figures while I’m at it. I’m following the trend of transparency to help other indie game developers know and understand the market of premium games, for which I gained inspiration from Eric @ Slothwerks and Arnold @ Tiny Touch Tales. I’m also inspired by the way they work: solo devs working with talented people across the world on a contract basis, and I follow the same pattern.
While I’ve worked on games in the past, this is my first official release on the App Store, and I’m really glad to have been able to reach that goal. My previous games got stuck in infinite iteration loops and never got to see the light of the day. 
I have written in one of my previous posts how the idea of Sheeping Around was born. The idea began as a turn based (asymmetric) strategy game, and eventually turned into a card game that it is today. You can read more about it in the below two posts:
Sheeping Around Inception
Inspired by Card Thief and More
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Inspirations of Sheeping Around and its inception as a physical card game
I have around 8 years of experience as a Javascript developer. While I am familiar with other languages like Java and Objective-C/C++, my core expertise and speed of development is still in Javascript. Also, I had begun using TypeScript at work since mid 2017 and had loved it. Reminded me of the good ol’ Flash and Actionscript days.
When the physical version of Sheeping Around card game was proven to be fun enough, I began working on a web-based prototype version of it using Angular.js on the front-end and Node.js on the backend in the first week of November 2017. I deployed the system on Heroku on its free plan, and used Heroku Postgres as database of choice. (It was free upto 9000 rows, more than sufficient for a prototype.)
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Initial prototype version of Sheeping Around
For the native mobile version of the game, I used cocos2d-x JS with TypeScript.
I pushed the code to GitHub as private repositories. I maintained separate repos for client and the server.
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Initially I had planned on Sheeping Around to be a solitaire card game, but it ended up being too similar to Card Thief. It wasn’t much fun anyway either. I decided to prototype a two player dueling game on paper, and it proved to be a lot of fun. I figured it would be much more challenging to handle a multiplayer game, but given my full-stack experience, I was confident I’d be able to do it anyway.
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Architecture of Sheeping Around
Sketch, GraphicRiver and GUI
Around March 2018, I began working on the GUI of the game. I had recently switched my role to Product Design at my company Sumo Logic and had begun learning Sketch and loved it. I bought some assets off GraphicRiver and heavily modified a lot of them and put them together in Sketch.
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All screen designs in Sketch
I wasn’t very happy with the initial designs, but towards the end of April things had started looking much better and professional.
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Initial designs
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Final designs
Google Indie Games Accelerator
The progress in the initial few months was somewhat slow. I spent time refining the balance of the game and tweaking the progression. Meanwhile I was also designing some UI for the native mobile version of the game.
By the end of June 2018, Google announced the first ever Indie Games Accelerator for games made in South East Asia. The submission deadline was July, so I started rapidly working on the mobile version for Android and iterating it really fast. By mid of July, I had the gameplay fully functional. By the end of it, I had the entire progression system and marketplace fully set up. 
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Some charts from the progression and reward system of the game inspired mainly by Pokemon
While I was not selected for the accelerator program, it did help me accelerate the game development process anyway and I am thankful to the accelerator program for that.
Art and Animation
I discuss a lot about art style with Rashi, and we had finalized that the characters would be anthro. Check out some concept art and final artwork for some of the characters below:
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I really loved the idea of in-card animations in Card Thief, and wanted to have something similar in my game as well. I was fortunate enough to run into Robinson Millaguin in the Indie Game Developers Facebook group. He began his work on animating some of the initial cards in Spine and my mind was blown already. Check out the video below:
You can see more of the animation GIFs on the official website for Sheeping Around.
Tragicomic Theme and Music
I had contracted someone for music, but it did not sound so fitting. It was very difficult to decide what kind of music would fit this game because it was such a unique premise. I started scouting out for tracks on AudioJungle. Farms are usually associated with country music, but I had ruled it out completely. Western style music with gut guitars and ukuleles are a close second choice associated with farm themes. Somehow that style didn’t fit either, and sounded rather cowboy-ish. 
I explored all kinds of genres of music and tried to see if they fit in the game. Finally, I found that the music in Comedy genre seemed to be the most fitting. I stumbled upon the profile of AudioAgent, who had an amazing portfolio of comedy tracks. His tracks are tragicomic themed, and coincidentally, he kept adding more tracks in the genre as the game progressed.
The game now features a total of 9 comedy audio tracks by AudioAgent. (The tracks change every 10 levels.)
You can check out the tracks in the below Youtube playlists:
I had already made a list of suitable sounds from AudioJungle, but it was from a variety of artists and didn’t seem to fit together. I was not sure if I should hire a sound designer for the project. I figured it would be a good idea to ask around anyway.
I am active on Twitter in the gamedev community, and I found Elise Kates’ profile there. She had done some amazing work in the past for games like Moss, and I thought she’d be a good candidate to help me out with the sound. And it was a great decision afterall. The sound effects added the finishing touches to the polish in the game and really brought the characters to life!
Putting It All Together
I’m glad I’ve been able to put all of this together in a single package. The pun in the name, gameplay mechanics, art, animation, sound and music all come together really well. It would be perhaps be one of my proudest achievement since it is an important skillset to have.
Translation, Screenshots, Trailer and Preview Videos
In December, I took help from the Indie Game Localization community to get the game translated in 12 languages. It was an overwhelming amount of work, about 5000 words. I maintained separate Google Sheets for each language.
But what was harder was designing screenshots and preview videos and localizing them into all languages. But it did pay off eventually because it got the game featured in most of the regions that I had localized for.
Check out the preview video below:
Robinson helped in creating a landscape trailer for the game as well, since Android needs a landscape video regardless of whether the game is landscape or not. it was more of a theatrical trailer that served as an introduction to the premise of Sheeping Around and dab a little bit into its gameplay:
Freemium, Premium or Paymium?
The hardest decision for me to take was whether to go premium or freemium (or paymium), and if premium, what would be the price point of the game. Early on I had decided that the game would be premium on iOS and free-to-play on Android, given how easy piracy is on Android (more on piracy in the Piracy section below). I had thought of keeping the game’s price to $4.99, as I had read that Card Crawl had recently upped its price to $4.99 from $2.99 and it increased their month-on-month sales by more than 2x. Turns out, it won’t work very well during release when both developer and the game are new to the market and there are no ratings and reviews. This is also why my day 2 sales were more than day 1 sales, when I dropped the price to $2.99.
My game also has in-app purchases, and most people object to the idea of IAPs in a premium game. But if you look at the top paid charts in the card game category (or even any other category for that matter), you will find that more than 70% of the games have IAPs. This model is called paymium on mobile platforms, and has only recently entered the debate alongside freemium and premium. In the PC world, most games are paid, and the concept of DLCs is fairly normal and accepted, so I don’t understand what the issue with IAPs in premium mobile games is about.
Besides, the IAPs in Sheeping Around aren’t your typical in-your-face popups that appear at the end of every game to give you a reward or to increase your life. They are subtle, just two coin packs that you can buy if need be. You probably won’t need to though.
Pre-orders and the Coming Soon Feature
I set the game to be available for preorder on 31st December 2018. That would make my first new years’ resolution to be to release this game. I set Thursday, 17th Jan as the release date. That is because App Store refreshes every Thursday and it would get greater number of days in visibility if it gets featured then. (Most features last at least a week.)
That is also when I also submitted my game and my story to Apple via App Store’s promote link, hoping to get featured.
On January 5, the game got featured in the Coming Soon section, and it started getting a little spike in pre-orders. From 1-2 per day to around 25-30 per day. On January 20, the game got featured in a lot more territories, including US, UK, South Africa, Middle East, Australia and New Zealand. I netted about 250 pre-orders from this feature. But it turns out that in some places, since Apple lets you preorder without having a linked credit card, they would fail to be billed on release of the game. Because of this, only about 200 pre-orders went through successfully. App store still shows -1/-2 net preorders days after the game’s release.
New Games We Love & Top Charts
Upon release, the game was featured in “New Games We Love” in US, China and the Greater China Area (HK, Macau, Taiwan), South-East Asia, India, UK, Europe, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. It also went on to become #3 card game in US (iPhone) during launch and stayed between #3-#5 during the first week. In China, which is the second biggest market for me, the highest it went was #9 in card games. (Competition is quite high in that category there, with most paid games priced at ¥1 ($0.15).)
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I especially love the words UK editorial team used to describe the game in Games We Love.
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The reviews so far have been positive, with occasional negative reviews talking about some bugs, most of which I have fixed in the week after release. Here are the current reviews and ratings stats for the game so far:
US: 4.6 / 5 (56 ratings, 32 reviews) China: 4.3 / 5 (41 ratings, 23 reviews) Thailand: 4.7 / 5 (15 ratings, 11 reviews) Germany: 4.0 / 5 (11 ratings, 6 reviews) Russia: 4.6 / 5 (8 ratings, 7 reviews) UK: 3.7 / 5 (6 ratings, 4 reviews)
Some encouraging reviews:
“I’ve only played this game for 20 minutes, and I love it already. The creativity, the idea, everything about this game is just beyond my expectations, and I can only assume how addicting this game will be.”
“It a really good game. You should make a physical card game for this game. I really like it and it’s definitely worth buying it.”
“Don’t really review apps, let alone end up playing one a day or two after I started. But this one... this one got me hooked! It’s fairly simple gameplay but sometimes it gets pretty exciting.”
“Pre-ordered it, I've played Card Monsters since release & Hearthstone for 4 years & this game is very solid & entertaining.”
“I think this game is another new twist to a card game, I can definitely see potential for this game. I can’t wait for the next update, hopefully with some new cards to use.”
“This game is family oriented and so easy to play. It has the simplicity of UNO yet with enough strategy to keep you engage but not overwhelmed. This is highly addictive and fun to play. The element of luck is always a factor but how to use the cards given is the key. The games are short but competitive. Those who love card/card battle games should download this without hesitation! Kudos! Look forward to updates to see what you guys come up with next!”
DAUs, Screen Time and Retention Rate
I use Tableau for my data visualization needs, and have custom graphs and dashboards created for all kinds of metrics. 27% of the players have played the game for at least one hour, which is quite encouraging. 4.5% of the players have been addicted and have played for more than 5 hours. I’ve been seeing an average DAU of around 750 and average total session time of over 450 hours. Not that it matters much for a premium game, but I’m tracking it anyway. In terms of retention, my day 7 retention is about 10%, which isn’t so bad. I will give it more time to see what my day 30 retention is.
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Press Coverage and Critic Reviews
I had mailed a lot of media sites and YouTubers to review the game. A lot of them covered the game. Thanks to the localization effort, the game was featured in a lot of foreign language blogs. 
Specifically Pocket Gamer and Pocket Tactics wrote about the game. The review from Pocket Tactics was negative with a 2.0 / 5 rating, and from Pocket Gamer was somewhat above average at 3.5 / 5 rating. Pocket Tactics review, though negative, gave me a chuckle because of their words of choice.
You can check them out here:
Pocket Gamer: A surprisingly tense, exciting and fun card battler that doesn’t quite have the tactical depth for the long haul.
Pocket Tactics: Sheeping Around looks the part, but sadly the game turns out to be as dull as you would expect for a game based on an animal that stands around in a field all day chewing grass.
The criticism though has been pretty good in these reviews, and I will add more content and depth in the future updates to address the weaknesses they have mentioned.
One thing I wanted to point out was that about 25% of the users of Sheeping Around are using a pirated version. I was under the impression that it would be very hard to pirate an iOS game, because it would need jailbreaking and it isn’t very easy to jailbreak your iOS device. Turns out I was very wrong. There are pirated App Stores like AppEven that you can install on your device, and you can install premium iOS games for free using those stores. You don’t need to jailbreak your phone and the whole process is dead simple. Turns out these folks are abusing Enterprise App certificates for ad-hoc app distribution, and Apple hasn’t been paying much attention to them. 
Within about two minutes, I was able to download a pirated version of my own game from AppEven. It even added its own ads that pop up once every few minutes that bring revenue to the owners of the pirated app store. It made me a little sad, but that’s the way it is. No matter how many attempts you make to prevent piracy in your app, the hackers will have a workaround to bypass it. They can remove the code in your app that prevents piracy, replace your ads with their own. It is their daily business.
Promotional Artwork
For games that Apple finds worthy of promotion using a banner feature or on the Today page, Apple requests developers for promotional artwork. I got this request last Monday and I submitted the artwork by Wednesday. The game hasn’t gotten a banner feature or Game of the Day yet, so I can only hope it will happen one day in the future.
By The Numbers
And finally, the moment you’d been waiting for. Sales. Sheeping Around was able to break even about 50% of its outsourcing costs (art, animation and sfx) in 10 days since launch. 
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The top 2 territories where the game made some decent revenue are US and China, followed by Germany and UK.
What’s next?
I’m already working on some new cards that add more variety to the gameplay. These include:
Bonus cards
Peek - Look at the opponent’s hand. 
Undo - Undo the opponent’s last move. It can also potentially undo a stolen or whistled sheep.
Lucky Pendant - Draw half the number of cards in your hand (rounded off).
Shepherd cards
Fence N (N = 2, 3, 4) - Build a fence around all sheep preventing any of them from being stolen for N turns.
Electric Fence N (N = 2, 3) - Build an electric fence around all sheep preventing any of them from being lured or stolen for N turns.
Quarantine N (N = 1, 2, 3) - Cure all sheep of Infestation or Intoxication by N turns.
Vaccinate N (N = 3, 4) - Prevent Infestation or Intoxication on all sheep for the next N turns.
Thief cards
Infest N (N = 2, 3, 4) - Infest all sheep with pests to prevent them from being whistled for N turns.
Intoxicate N (N = 2, 3) - Intoxicate sheep to prevent them from being grazed or whistled for N turns.
Thrash N (N = 1, 2, 3) - Damage a Fence or an Electric Fence and reduce its value by N turns.
Termites (N = 3, 4) - Spread termites to prevent building a Fence or an Electric Fence for the next N turns.
Changes to existing cards
Rescue N (N = 1, 2, 3) - Reduce the effect of Trap, Infestation or Intoxication by N turns on one sheep.
Distract N (N = 1, 2, 3) - Reduce the effect of Guard, Fence or Electric Fence by N turns on one sheep.
You can already add an ally that unlocks at Lv. 20 to the game. Future updates may include upto 5 allies in total:
Shepherd’s side
Beaver - Jack Kim (Lv. 10)
Llama - Fuzzy Wumpkins (Lv. 20)
Sheepdog - Casper Cloud (Lv. 30)
Emu - Emily McCoy (Lv. 40)
Donkey - Muriel Miller (Lv. 50)
Thief’s side
Raven - Merlin Kook (Lv. 10)
Eagle - Cradoc McClaw (Lv. 20)
Coyote - Roxy Fang (Lv. 30)
Badger - Agent Chaos (Lv. 40)
Bear - Boris Rockpaw (Lv. 50)
Additional Features I’ll also be working on some features like: - Expressions and dialogs - Offline mode vs AI - Pass and play multiplayer - Quests
Sheeping Around was a fun project, and unlike my other shelved projects, it saw the light of the day, and it is a proud achievement for me in that regard. For the past 14 months, I’ve worked part-time at a consistent pace on this project (and full time for a few months). Especially as a solo developer being able to develop a PvP multiplayer game where people in US can battle people in China with servers located in London, I think it is a great feat.
Look forward to more updates in the future on this blog. Follow the blog on Tumblr or me on Twitter to keep yourself up to date on the progress of the game.
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jaconprojects · 2 years
Choosing a Builder
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The builder sydney inner west pattern allows you to construct products step-by-step. You can defer execution of certain steps by calling them recursively, so that the client code doesn't have to fetch incomplete results. This pattern requires that you clearly define the construction steps that are common across all products. You can declare these steps in the base builder interface, and then define concrete builder classes to implement them. This way, you can reuse the same code for various representations of a product.
You'll want to choose a builder that is knowledgeable about local building codes that are specific to the state or region you live in. They'll also be aware of any necessary permits. Knowing what the building codes are can protect you from liability and make your home safer. A builder who has been in the business for a while will have a clear sense of the building codes and regulations in your area. You'll also want to find a builder whose style matches your own.
When choosing a builder, remember that every situation is different. Not everyone is equipped with the right skills or patience to be a builder. You'll also want to consider your financial ability. Building your own home may be the best option for you if you're ambitious. Just remember that there are many types of builders and a lot of things to consider. A builder's license is not an absolute requirement. However, having the proper licensing will be crucial if you're going to sell your new house.
There are many different kinds of builders, and different types of builders implement the same set of building steps in different ways. While the Director class is the abstraction, different builders act as implementations. Singletons, Abstract Factories, and Prototypes are all types of builders. The eBook also includes 22 design principles and eight design patterns. Featuring 225 helpful illustrations, the eBook includes code examples in 9 different languages, including Java, PHP, and C#.
After choosing a builder, make sure to go over the specifications of the home. You need to know what to expect from the home during the build process, and the final walk-through. The specifications may include the same information as the blueprints. However, you want to be sure that they match up with the blueprints. Also, you can always look for other buyers who are willing to make concessions to make the deal work. The market will shift to a buyer's market, and this will give buyers more bargaining power.
The Builder design pattern enables you to construct objects step-by-step, allowing you to avoid the messy initialization process of most other approaches. It is a useful pattern for building many different representations of a product. If you're looking for a more elegant solution to the problem of implementing dozens of methods in a single interface, you can use the Builder pattern. You can even make a director class to guide the process.
A new home buyer should browse the website of a prospective builder, paying special attention to the keywords they use to promote their homes. If a luxury builder caters to the wealthy, for instance, you're unlikely to find the right match for your family. Instead, look for a builder that caters to families by emphasizing nearby schools and parks, a family-friendly community, and flexible floor plans. This information can help you narrow down the choices.
While a newbie may not have the experience and education required to become a builder, they can still start their career as a builder by learning the basic skills needed. In addition to a trade certificate, a diploma in building and construction is an excellent way to boost your credentials and start a new career. The skills and qualifications you develop along the way will help you make a good living as a builder. You may even decide to go further and get your building license once you have the necessary skills.
When building a new home, a builder plans and oversees major construction projects. They complete property excavations and demolitions. These professionals typically work for themselves or for a construction company. The number of workers required depends on the housing demands in the community. Regardless of the type of work, a builder is responsible for the safety of his team and the community. In addition to a high level of satisfaction, a builder can enjoy being around construction projects.
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twostones-123 · 3 years
Two Stones Web Design Company in Coimbatore
 We are a team of professional web developers based in Coimbatore. In today’s gadget-filled world, Websites play an important role in boosting a company’s performance. If you are in the pursuit to hire a web developer to design user-friendly, informative and vibrant websites, then we promise you have landed in the right place. Our techie geeks are experts in several areas. This includes website designing, e-commerce websites for shopping, digital marketing, mobile app development, online magazines and so on. 
 A Professional Web Design Company In Coimbatore That Stands Out!
 Among several hundred web designers available across the city, our team stands out as unique with the quality of services we offer. Two stones has been in the field of website designing for close to a decade now. Within this span, we have delivered promised services to over 200 clients based upon website designing, mobile applications, e-commerce websites, etc. 
 Our team works on a requirement-based pattern. We understand the requirement of each client before we start working on the project. Our pre-requisite in each project includes an extensive brainstorming session with the client. This helps us deliver custom-made projects to happy clients. During this process, we also design a prototype which is a pilot-scale based model. 
 This schematic and organised steps in each project building helps us avoid errors during the process of project development. Quality service at a promised time frame is our goal. And we have been on the journey to deliver the same. Our team has ensured quality services in the past. We also continue to deliver services, expecting to give out the same quality services in the future as well. 
Types Of Website Design Services We Offer
 - E-Commerce website 
 E-commerce websites have the potential to change mere visitors to customers. These platforms continue to be the best option to give your business a pump. A huge amount of money is spent every day on e-commerce websites. A proper e-commerce website contains an organised list of products, customer-friendly shopping cards, dynamic payment options and so on. 
 - WordPress websites 
 WordPress websites are easy to design and user friendly. Web developers focus on designing dynamic, informative and user-friendly WordPress websites. This can help you reach the right customers at the right time. This can amplify your business and give it a boom among competitors in the market. 
 - Product landing page
 Product landing pages are extensively meant to convince consumers to buy a specific product. The page should have appropriate product details. The design of the page should be appealing and convincing. Landing sites are used prominently by popular brands. But with technological development, even startups manage to have their landing sites these days. 
 - Responsive websites
 With devices of several dimensions coming up, there is a demand for responsive websites that could be responsive. These websites can change their elements and widgets according to the dimensions of the design. From computers to tablets to smartphones, responsive websites are fluidic and toggle to display on all devices. 
 - Single-page websites 
 Single page websites provide concisely and information to the point. This information helps the viewer or the consumer get the right amount of information required. All the information is just constructed on a single page. Single page websites though easy to design have to contain only the appropriate information to avoid over-crowding. 
 - Web directories 
 Just like a catalogue you find at a store, web directories are online catalogues that contain several websites constituted in a single HTML page. Such directories help visitors obtain information about a specific topic all in one place. In simple terms, web directories are listings of a specific search term. This can help match clients with the service they are looking out for. 
 - Online magazine and news portal
 Several educational firms and NGOs are in pursuit to spread information to the general public. Unlike print media, e-journals are quick and highly accessible. Designing user-friendly, dynamic and easy to update magazines and journals are a major requirement. These magazines contain multitudes of data that requires proper organising and accessibility. 
 - Community and forum website 
 Community and forum websites are platforms where the public express their opinions. These websites also require organisation and a proper record of all the data shared. Record of information from the most popular to the least can help in understanding a community opinion. This requires extensive designing, unlike regular web pages. 
 Web design technologies we serve
 In the case of web designing, the technologies involved can be segregated into two. The front end technology, which deals extensively with the client’s or consumer’s side. The other one is the back-end technology which focuses on the server’s side. In the case of backend Technology, there are several programming scripts used. Each one has a specific purpose to serve. 
 The basics include HTML and CSS which forms the skeleton of the web page. Without these two, building a web page is close to impossible. Apart from these two, there are also several other programming languages involved in the process of website designing. From the basic Java script to the most advanced Rust. Some of the most common website development sites lie WordPress is built on PHP which is yet another programming script. Java is another language that is gaining hype for its extensive use in writing android applications. Rust, the most recent programming language focuses on concurrency which is a synonym for multiple-tasking. 
 With these programming languages, the world of web development is wider than one can imagine. The options are endless when it comes to what you can add to your website. With these, websites are more client-friendly, dynamic and informative. 
 Our Website Design Process
Website designing is not a one day process. It requires tedious work and effort over days for a proper website to be launched without hitches. Our team at Two stones works in an organised pattern, one step at a time to create flawless websites for your firm. Our entire process can be described in 7 sequential steps. Here is how we build a website from scratch to serve our clients.
 - Brainstorming and goal setting
 Before we jump into website designing, we clearly understand the client’s requirements. Every client we meet comes up with a different requirement. And we believe, understanding the requirement of the client is the first step towards building a proper website. We brainstorm with the client to understand their requirement and frame the objectives required for building up the website. 
 - Fixing up timelines
 There are several elements involved in each web page development. We clearly understand this and work our way one step at a time. We fix small achievable goals and set up a definite time frame within which the goal should be achieved. This helps us deliver the client’s project on time. This might sound like an additional step without much importance. But this is what helps us work in a flow without errors. 
 - Structuring the website
 Once the timelines are fixed, we picture an outline. The content to be added, the widgets, the interactions, plugins and so on. Each of these elements is given importance. We picture an outline and work our way from here. This is where the actual process of website development begins. From here, we gradually develop, test and modify to create a perfect website without many flaws. 
 - Content and optimisation 
 Every website houses tonnes of data in it. The content to be published has to be optimised before being published. Optimisation helps in the proper trafficking of the website. This makes sure only the right clients reach your page. Bringing in a lot of potential customers to your page can indeed have an impact on your business. SEO optimisation tools are available these days that can help you fix a proper keyword, optimal use of keywords, creating snippets and so on. We make sure all your content is properly optimised before being published. 
 - Images and dynamics
 With mere content and wordings, your website might be a bit boring to look at. To make it more colourful, interactive and more attractive, we try and include a lot of visual elements and interaction options. These features also increase the number of clients reaching out to your page. Animations, theatrical effects and visual features can also have a positive effect on your website and in turn your firm. 
 - Testing your website
 Now, with all the elements of your website added and organised we look to test your website. This testing step is highly essential, as it helps in identifying hitches in the original website. This serves as a prototype of your original website. If there are errors, even at this stage, our team works to identify and rectify these errors. This is just to ensure that the final website is free from any glitches or errors. 
- Launching the completed website
 If the client is happy with the testing prototype, then we extend it further to get the complete and perfected website for your firm. This falls under launching. Once the website is launched, it is open for the public to view and interact. Even after this, there might be crashes and errors which are inevitable in website building. Under such conditions, your website requires maintenance and rectification, which we also work with. The team from Two stones is highly cooperative and work even beyond launching. This is why our clients recommend us to their peers. 
 Website Design Company In Coimbatore: 
 Two stones is among the few very successful website designers based in Coimbatore. Our firm encompasses a team of experts who have been in the field of website designing for over a decade. These experts can provide you with the right services that just matches your requirement. Our team at Two stones is highly passionate about designing the best websites for your firm.
 If you are hunting out for options, we recommend you take a look at our testimonials. Our list of happily served clients will bring you to us for your website requirement. We work in unison with you to get you’re the best designs, the best content and the best service when it comes to website designing. 
 Industries We Serve For Web Design
 Websites, applications and e-commerce sites are inevitable in almost all major sectors. This includes governmental organisations, private sectors and even non-profit organisations. It is essential to create awareness among the people about your existence. We at Two stones clearly understand this. 
 From creating websites for educational institutions to mobile applications for food delivery, we serve every requirement. We are open to the vast expanse called the internet. We are exploring the application of the internet and websites in almost every very other fields. We have worked with industries from sectors like education institutions, hospitality, IT, Food and beverages, fashion and also startups. 
 Why do businesses need a good website design?
- Branding: The first reason why you need to have a website for your business is to build a brand. This is to make people aware of your firm and the products or services you offer. Though there might be several firms that sound similar, creating an impression about your brand to the general public can be achieved with ease by simply creating a website for your firm on the internet. 
- Credibility: There might be several firms that offer the same services as you do. To show yourself as a unique and credible brand you need a website. 
- Creating leads: With appropriate websites, you can reach out to more clients than you can imagine. There are millions of people browsing the internet as you read, looking out for the services that you offer. Having a well-organised website with proper keywords can help the right leads home.
- Website trafficking: Optimised website and contents are the simplest way to bring traffic to your website. When you put up optimised content you can easily reach out to the right people looking out for your services. 
- Updates and expansion: If your firm is developing, or if you wish to add to the list of services you offer, you don’t have to spend much to advertise. You can simply put up an announcement on the website to easily create awareness among people about your services. 
 To conclude, if you are looking for a cost-effective option to make your firm stand out from the crowd, the simplest way is to create a website. This is easy, reliable and you can visualise the gradual development of your firm’s growth after creating a well-built website. 
 Features of a good website design 
 -        Mobile compatibility: With smartphones operating in the hands of more than one-third of the world population, mobile compatible websites are a need of the hour. 
-        Fast load time: Websites that are lite and easy to load are on demand. You don’t want your clients to keep waiting for your website to load, or do you?
-        Effective navigation: Websites with pages that are easy to navigate and access are most welcomed by people. These interactive websites create a positive impression about your firm in the minds of the client. 
-        Clear calls to action: Interactive websites with a clear response is essential to pitching potential leads. This is why your websites need to have a clear call to action plan. 
-        Social media sharing: In today’s world, social media is just another platform to perform business. By including an option for social media sharing, more people would get to know about your firm and the services you offer. Thereby generating more leads for your firm. 
 Team of website designers in Coimbatore 
 If you wonder what a team of web developers in Coimbatore could do, then here is the answer. 
Two stones is a successful website designing firm that has extended its services across firms. Our team has successfully made up to the requirements of several clients. Under our web developing service, we managed to successfully create mobile-friendly, interactive websites for Bellatrix aerospace. Our clients were satisfied and happy with our final output and the entire journey of partnering up with Two stones. 
  We also have a few other clients who were happy to partner with Two stones. This includes, 
- Lavikworx, a tea of entrepreneurs venturing out in several sectors
- Big short films, the modern-day storytellers 
- Penta Equipments, a manufacturing firm 
- Mango education, a linking pin between technology and school education 
 These are just a few of the several clients we have handled across the services we offer. We are happy to serve you and your requirements. All you have to do is, reach out to us today with your requirements, to get it satisfied. Two stones always expect to explore the depth of what the internet and technology could do to a firm. And we are still in the pursuit to help you perform bigger and better in this technological world. 
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History of both intertwines them the most. Java.. 1996 - SunJava originally designed for interactive television, but was too advanced for the digital cable TV industry at the time.It dominates the industry of server side programming. Javascript 1995 - NetscapeMocha... Livescript... Javascript...Written in 9 days only Simple language embedded in the html of a website, like CSS.Whereas CSS and HTML added colour and formatting, javascript added dynamic interaction HTML = structure CSS = decoration JS = interaction nestcape was doing just fine, then internet explorer came along... eep. so they approached sun, and hashed out a deal to change the name of the language they'd be creating from mocha to Javascript, under a license agreement, and in exchange got the right to collaborate with Sun and incorporate java to run inside netscape web browser.Netscape needed to stop the onslaught of microsoft. Sun/microsoft agreed, because it saw the internet/web browsers as a future for java apps. Java is statically typedJavaScript is dynamically typed In java, declaring variables is a lot more rigid than in javascript.In java, you have to specify the types of values you're going to be saving to a specific variable.And once you declare a variable is a particular type of data, it must remain that for it's lifetime. In javascript, you don't have to specify the types of data you're saving to a variable. JS variables can be reassigned to values with different data types. JS prototype based, object orientated programming language. Meaning you're not bound to a code pattern like in java. Much less hoops to jump through. In java you have to use classes to do anything. They serve as reusable templates to produce objects (types of data structures in programming to store information).Objects are used to model real life situations in our coding world. Class declaration < Function that gets called when class is defined < what we want to happen Java's lack of forgiveness means it's less prone to bugs Java - slow start, stable futureJavascript - easy to build faster - upkeep kind of annoying What can you build with them? Java dominates android sphere. Banking/trading/automobile industry, scientific computing, hardware/raspeberry pi, sonos, refridgerator connected to the internet Javascript, went hand in hand with HTML and CSS. originally used to add dynamic aspect to static websites. So it was reserved for front end only at the beginning. Now it's evolved - node.js allows back end JS Used to make android apps too Java - stability, specific projects like android & hardware, big enterpriseJavascript - speed, almost any project on the web, startups and startup-y tech companies Java - preferred in computer science and enterprise business communityJavascript - the new and fresh thing. Uber, netflix, push for JS-based technologies. Old-style java pays better because of this. Java requires more time to learn the ins and outs of the language that being said, the technology world is paying attention to JS Java pays more right now, but whose to say JS developers will not be demanding the same level of pay as java programmers atm. &&& looking at this https://flatironschool.com/blog/what-programming-language-should-i-learn we're going with....drumroll.......... Javascript!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
The middle managers we talked to at catalog companies saw the Web not as an opportunity, I thought; these impressive things seem easy to me; I must be pretty sharp. All the other stuff—which includes all the stuff that business schools think business consists of—you can figure out along the way. How does responsibility constrain you? Yet that doesn't seem quite right, does it? In essense, let the market design the product. During this time you'll do little but work, because when the filters are really good, users will be more interesting than one without. But I am not sure they can take on the hotel market I could be wrong. Most adults looking at art worry that if they built their own, they'd screw it up. And if you're no longer doing the work yourself, you stop learning from this. Y Combinator we still only have four people, so we try to standardize everything that doesn't need to change.
Look at what a hard time enforcing this, but that's not the way to get to know good hackers. For one thing, artists, unlike apple trees, often deliberately try to trick us. Microsoft's case, it might not just be preparation for a startup. For the first year, our initial reaction to news of a competitor was always: we're doomed. Restaurants with great food seem to prosper no matter what. From what little I know about Java, there seem to be much more hackable. First there'd be a huge ideological squabble over who to choose. Google's don't be evil policy may for this reason be the most important quality would be intelligence. Do you actually want to compress the gap between rich and poor, you have to design what the user needs, who is one of the reasons artists in fifteenth century Florence to explain in person to Leonardo & Co.
They'll lie to you on this one. A lot of the most powerful forces in a startup is merely an ulterior motive for curiosity. This is kind of true and kind of false. But unfortunately when you graduate they don't give customers what they want. I'd tell them about if they sign a nondisclosure agreement, most will tell you more than companies could ever learn in interviews. Finally, here is an example of whatever paradigm might succeed the Standard Model of physics. The fifteen most interesting words in this spam, with their probabilities, are: madam 0. If I were going to start a company? There is more to setting up a company than incorporating it, of course: insurance, business license, unemployment compensation, various things with the IRS. I'm just not sure how big it's going to be. It lets you take advantage of your ability to make small and inexpensive things. It's kind of ironic, considering all the dire things experts say about software patents stifling innovation, but when one looks closely at the software business.
The statistical approach is fairly robust, and can tolerate quite a lot of startups grow out of your incoming spam. But once again, I wouldn't aim too directly at either target. That is very hard to make myself work on boring things, even if you didn't know them or even work there at the same time. A company that sues competitors for patent infringement before they'd even released a product. Outsiders don't have to be new, but actually worth solving. So programmers continue to develop iPhone apps, even though Apple continues to maltreat them. Half? Its main purpose is to refine the idea. Merely incorporating yourselves isn't hard. 82347786 This time the evidence is a mix of good and bad technology. Instead of garden sheds they must design huge art museums. It's there to some degree on investors.
The record labels agreed, reluctantly. One reason is that good design has to be in the meaning of after college, what you should do in college is learn powerful things. What they don't tell you is that as a question, because now I can pretend it wasn't merely a rhetorical one. Things that used to be done. But you don't want their money, is at the conferences that are occasionally organized for startups to present to them. They can take months. Why? Are they hypocrites? More people are the right sort of experience, one way or the other.
I felt the way I'd feel buying something made in a country with a bad human rights record. There is no magically difficult step that requires brilliance to solve. In the MIT CS department, there seems to be built into our visual perception. Maybe 37signals is the pattern for the future. The screen's too shiny, and the examiners reply by throwing out some of your claims and granting others. Far from it. They let you do it on their terms. As one of the main ideas in that mix is that if you're against software patents, you're against patents in general.
I think we're just beginning to see its democratizing effects. Some angels, especially those with technology backgrounds, may be satisfied with a demo and a verbal description of what you plan to do. For business people it's roulette. The philosophy's there, but these are likely to soon. The first time I wrote that paragraph, instead of where it should be. I'm talking to companies we fund to apply for patents because patents are part of the game. These qualities might seem incompatible, but they're still an anomaly in most of the stuff you build in the first half of the class-project syndrome. If I met an undergrad who knew all about convertible notes and employee agreements and God forbid class FF stock, I wouldn't think here is someone who is way ahead of their peers. The professor who made his reputation by discovering some new idea is not likely to be a property of the subject or the object if subjects all react similarly. Seed funding isn't regional, just as big research universities aren't. Large organizations have different aims from hackers. But it doesn't mean much to be able to sit on a good idea would be to make the most of the world where you win by doing better work.
It's more like saying I'm not going to be successful startup founders have had to struggle against them. They wouldn't well, seven of the eight groups had a prototype ready by that time were brown with dirt. Poverty implies you can live cheaply, and this is the result of a deliberate policy. And when business people try to hire hackers, they can't tell which ones are good. Historically, languages designed for other people to use. Some people could probably start a company. It would set off alarms. There may well be zero. I could go back and check. Now they're a commodity.
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sahuanjana795 · 3 years
Essential Tips to Become a Full Stack Java Developer
In the present  time to become a Full Stack Java developer, a programmer has to know about the front-end development as well as the backend development in a complete manner. It means a full stack developer has to know the complete idea about how to handle all the work of databases, servers, systems engineering, and clients in complete manner. In the present scenario, it seems that the “Full Stack Development” topic has already become a new job trend. A full stack designer getting both praise and blame depending on the present facts about the application. . Some people think that the full stack is just a title, what he/she should focus on is the real personal ability and technology. At NEAR LEARN you will get a good Experienced faculty who will guide you, mentor you, and nurture you to achieve your dream goal. Learn Best Full Stack Java Training Institute at NEARLEARN . What is a full stack Java developer? Now a day we are most often come across to hear the term “Full stack developer”. A full stack developer is one who have a complete idea towards the development of the application where all the layers such as Data source layer, Application layer and Presentation layer are going to be get designed. It is the end-to-end product development strategy. The full stack developer is a kind of people who master a variety of skills and use these skills to complete a product independently. Here In full stack development you could be able to get the essence of front-end, middleware and backend complete programming idea in Java.           The “full stack” refers to the collection of a series of technologies needed to complete a project. “Stack” refers to a collection of sub-modules.These software sub-modules or components are get combined to achieve the established function while without the need for other modules. Why has the full stack developer been controversially discussed? As the full stack development is a process where the application development is going to be get analysed on the basis of their mode of implementation. During the use of Full stack application, most of the reputed companies are used to refer as it is the medium based on which most of the application scenario are get defined. So, the Full stack Development must have some advantage and disadvantage too. 
Here I am going to discuss the important advantage and disadvantage in details. Advantages: 1. The full stack developers involved in a horizontal technical requirement, so that he/she can make a prototype design for a product very rapidly with his wide range of techniques. 2. With the full stack ability, they have a broader angle of views and a more active mindset. 3. Moreover, they will be more sensitive to techniques and products. 4. So, this kind of people can always have his/her opinions towards the product or design. 5. Here he/she can provide help to everyone in the team and greatly reduce the time and technical costs of team communication, technology docking.
Disadvantages: 1. It is precisely because of the horizontal technology development; some the full stack developers cannot be expert in one skill. 2. Most of them who claim to be “full stacks developer” are only know a little about the multiple skills. 3. As for how to make the architecture more suitable for the modular development, that’s a question. Even so, there are still people asking, how to become a full stack developer? As I have already discussed that, to become a full stack developer, we need to have the complete idea about the front-end and the backend development strategy. Most of us are always face a question that Should I Become a Full Stack Developer? If yes then, what sort of skill do I need to become a Full stack Java Developer.
Here  are   some of the points. 1. They should know the complete idea about the technology related to development of application and how to deploy the application to get run. 2. They should have the complete idea about the data base connectivity and their related operation in efficient manner. 3. They should know how smoothly they can be able to represent and approach the facts to the end customer. 4. Being the developer, they should be comfortable to work with all platform like Unix, Windows, Mac etc. 5. They should have the complete knowledge of various framework which are more widely used for making the application like Hibernate, Spring MVC, Struts etc. They should have a clear idea about the server-side programming languages like Servlet, JSP, JSF, Beans, Web-logics etc. Here you will get a good hand on practice in terms of a practical industry-oriented environment which will definitely help you a lot to shape your future. Learn Full Stack Java Online Training at Near learn.
Programming languages 1. To be a good and Proficient developer, you need to be good in coding. 2. The Coding is an art which is going to be get implemented on the basis of some programming language. 3. In multiple programming languages, such as JAVA, PHP, C #, Python, Ruby, Perl, etc. the developers are having the great career. 4. As most of your core business processes need to be written in these languages. Maybe not all need. But you also have to master the language grammar. 5. You need to be very familiar with how to structure, design, implementation, and testing of the project based in one language or more languages. 6. If you choose JAVA as your preferred language, then you need to master the object-oriented design and development, design patterns, J2EE-based components of the development and so on. 7. Similarly, other languages are also present which are used to have their own importance and utility. 8. So, the selection of programming language is a bit difficult task but if you need to pursue under the guidance of some good expert then definitely it will be good one.
Use development frameworks and third-party libraries 1. In most of the cases when we are going to develop an applications then we are looking for good framework. 2. The more popular development languages are generally accompanied by a good development framework. 3. In most of the cases we are used to go for the Framework such as JAVA Spring, MyBatis, Hibernate, Python Django, PHP thinkphp, yin, NodeJS express and so on.
Front-end technology 1. Front-end technologies are becoming more and more important in today’s project and product development. 2. Being developer, they must have a complete design idea and deployment strategy about the front-end application. 3. They should be comfortable with the tools like HTML, CSS, Java Script technology. 4. In the present scenario some of the web pages are also designed in bootstrap technology, so if they are having the idea in Angular and Boot strap then it will add a advantage for them. 5. They must Ensuring the responsiveness of applications. 6. In addition to product features, the user experience is also one of the criteria to test the success of a product. 7. Further study the front-end frameworks or third-party libraries such as JQuery, LESS, SASS, AngularJS, or REACT.
Database and cache 1. Any product or project needs a database to store data. 2. As a full stack developer, you also need to have at least one or two databases and know how to interact with the database. 3. Currently, the popular database is MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Oracle, SQLServer and so on. 4. As a document-type database, MongoDB, is being used more widely in Internet products. As for larger projects, I also recommend using MySQL or commercial Oracle as the back-end database. 5. While memory databases, such as Redis, can be used for caching to improve system performance.
Basic design ability 1. Most of the articles or discussions about the full stack developer are rarely related to the design requirements. 2. But I think the design skill is very important, the principle and skill of basic prototype design, UI design, UX design are also needed to understand. 3. It is the major constraints which is used to define the ability for a developer to develop the application. 4. The Design ability also helps a developer to explore the various constraints and feature of the product which is more widely applied in most of the application.
10 skills: This article is mainly used to put the focus on Java full stack development perspective and here I assume that you are already having the essential stuff which is also considered as a foundation for codings like Data Structures and Algorithms, and Networking, Protocols, Object-oriented programming, etc. Here I am going to provide the tips which are useful for both Core Java developer for developing the front-end and Back-end development like server-side applications. The front-end and Back-end development in Java involves logics such as JSP, Servlet, and JEE. Here I am going to discuss a few tips which are sure makes you prepare yourself as a Java Web developer whose primary job is to write web applications using Java technology. It shall also help you to become a full-stack Java developer in near future. 1. Software Design and Architecture: 2. Microservices 3. DevOps Tools (Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes) 4. Spring Framework (Spring Boot) 5. JUnit and Mockito 6. Learn APIs and Libraries 7. JVM Internals 8. Design Patterns 9. Kotlin 10. IDE (Eclipse or IntelliJIDEA)
Scope and Facility @ Nearlearn: 1. At Nearlearn you will get a good Experienced faculty who will guide you, mentor you, and nurture you to achieve your dream goal. 2. Here you will get a good hand on practice in terms of a practical industry-oriented environment which will definitely help you a lot to shape your future. 3. During the designing process of the application, we will let you know about the other aspect of the application too. 4. Our Expert trainer will let you know about every in’s and out’s about the problem scenario. Achieving your dream goal is our motto. Our excellent team is working restlessly for our students to click their target. So, believe in us and our advice, and we assured you about your sure success.
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codeavailfan · 4 years
Perl Homework Help
Perl Assignment Help
Is it difficult to run perl commands? You don't have to bother anymore! We offer the best online Pearl mission for students who are pursuing their computer science degrees at universities and colleges in the US, UK, Canada, Australia and other countries. Over the years we offer high quality support services and many students have relied on them. Our PERL homework help have excellent knowledge of Perl and they write the best works using their practical experiences that will help you get A+ ratings. PERL is a common programming language that allows you to manipulate text. It has made considerable progress today and is widely used in network development, system management, GUI development and network programming. Perl is considered to be the toughest program language ever and therefore students have difficulty completing their tasks. If you're one of those students who are battling PERL functions, you shouldn't take advantage of your brain because you're the perfect destination to provide us with quality and affordable recording solutions.
What is PERL?
Perl is a high-level programming language that uses the following functions in many other programming languages, including C, AWK, sed, shell scripts. It represents practical exploitation and language reporting. This dynamic and flexible language applies to the Pearl 5 and Pearl 6 families. It was developed by Larry Wall in 1987. It was used as the primary function of the Unix script language. Many items are regularly shared between different program languages. In a short time, pearls were very popular due to language and CGI syntax analysis. It will efficiently run the text and change the function and text files. Our assistance highlighted pearl topics to allow students to get detailed information about the topic. This has improved practical content understanding in many concepts and helps them fix errors in a short time.
Because it is used in the language of use of UNIX text, the report can be processed quickly. However, this language has undergone a lot of changes over time. Other languages use functions perl 5 and PERL 6. is done by. Effective features of text processing without data limitations are limited to the main element of this language. In addition, it also has UNIX command-line tools to add handling of various text files. It is not easy to understand or write academic articles in a favorable manner to concepts in this language. In addition, academic work at PERL will put students under stress who are not logically trained to think and solve problems. However, using our help with PERL functions, you can do the whole learning and learning process for free.
The best thing about the Perel programming language is that it supports multi-payment, which makes it easy for programmers to use their resources best.
Master The Key Applications Of PERL From Our Programming Experts
PERL is the language used in web development, especially to automate all activities on web servers, such as email and cleaning systems, to enable them. The main objective of this language is to extract data and prepare reports. It also performs network security checks and identifies security issues. For these important reasons, network development is the choice of perel language for programmers, networks and bioinformatics. In addition, it is used for CGI programming, telnet powered networks, FTP, manipulation, creating a graphical user interface, creating electronic VLSI and filtering email spam. PERL is also used to implement object-oriented programming practices and support inclusion, polymorphism, and inheritance. This allows you to reuse product code in various programming languages such as PHP, Java, C, C++, Python, Ruby, and Citing. To be more precise, you can use PERL with other languages to rewrite the available code. However, tasks that can be done with PERL can be done with other programming languages, but many wizards for themes prefer Perl because it's easy to implement. This encoding has a natural style and other programming languages specifically use syntax and grammar. You should not adopt any special method to solve the problem in payroll. Another great advantage that provides coding with this registry is that it is portable and compatible with all operating systems. At first, it may be difficult to learn this programming language, but it is not rocket science. Once you know the synergy in perl while learning the pattern, you can start encoding.
Master all these Perl requests with end-to-end perl coding support from our developers and strengthen your content understanding
Key Features Of PERL Scripting Language
Below, the main features of the language are listed as payroll scripts
PERL is a dynamic but flexible language that presents many aspects, and employers prefer to use it while running large projects.
Companies use Perel extensively to complete their important projects.
Supports a procedural and functional approach to the development of a program focused on objectives and their use: a procedural and procedural approach. It is fast enough and very reliable for use in complex projects.
Easy to expand: A comprehensive Pearl Archive (CPAN) network offers nearly 25,000 open source modules.
Export text manipulation: For word processing you can find a variety of tools that mean scripting language is the best way in XML, HTML, and other market languages.
Supports Unicode: The latest updates made in this language can support Unicode v6.
Easy to integrate with databases: Many databases are available, including oracle, sybase, mysql and other databases supported by payroll database integration interfaces.
Open Source: You can use perl programming language as an open source.
Easily included: A perel interpreter can be embedded in a web server and database server
Our PERL specialists use all perl features when preparing flawless PERL command solutions. Don't wait again! Answer your order. Use our PERL command to help now and immediately
Learn PERL and Find Career Opportunities
Perl has been used for a long time to create websites. However, the PerL codes used are highly standardized. Monolithic programs are encoded in HTML. The tasks for web designers were very challenging to promote the look of the site. As a result, many people have discovered a negative understanding of this language. To make this error, this programming language has been updated with many amazing features. According to support for program requests, there are some advantages in using this language:
Interesting jobs offers: Many companies appoint candidates with the knowledge of Perel. Professional and basic knowledge of this language is also chosen and pays a fair amount. It is used in machine simulation systems, data management systems and electronic design applications. It can be used as the script language of the operating system.
Support for prototyping: With PERL, there are many problems that can only be solved without some rule code. This function is very beneficial for science students to consume complex scientific programs.
Online Quality and Affordable PERL Homework help
PerL is a challenging scripting language that takes a long time for students to see concepts. Students taking computer science courses have difficulty finding solutions to the problems their teachers ask them to write tasks. They don't really react to them and lose their valuable points. To solve these problems, you can ask our professional programmer for help. We offer the best support service for the Perl project, providing quality and feedback about Pearl Attribution without longer than the deadline. Our help for Perl Order is one of the best in the online category and one of the most used services.
Why Students Hire Our PERL Homework Help Services?
All students want academic success, but only a few times they can make their dreams come true. No centre can be built for students except hard to complete A+. However, in addition to hard work, they should do a smart job by committing us to doing their tasks. We provide value added services to students
Clean code: Not only do we share executable code with output screen image, but we also write clean code to get the highest notes.
Strict deadlines: We understand that if tasks are done outside the time frame, we will lose points. We always arrive on time
Certified and Qualified Programmers: We have perl requests to help developers with more than 20 years of IT business experience. Our experts can meet all your educational needs at Pearl.
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Today, add another order to the order of pearls to receive an excellent prize of the cheapest prices.
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inhubber · 4 years
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Head of Frontend Systems - full time €50k – €75k • 0.1% – 0.1% Apply now INHUBBER is a Berlin-based growing start-up developing a dynamic and intelligent blockchain-based contract management and tracking SaaS platform, aiming to revolutionize the digital contracting for companies, simplifying it and making it affordable for companies of any size and industry. At the moment, we are expanding our tech team and looking for creative and motivated tech talents. Are you interested in being a technology driver in a growing start-up? Working directly with our CTO, PM and UX you will lead the frontend systems department, being responsible for technical concept and implementation of functional and UX requirements, as well as ensuring our front-end application runs smoothly in a distributed cloud. In our agile team, you will assist in shaping our high-level IT landscape and make it alive. What do we expect from you: We are looking for a professional having senior developer level (>7 years frontend development) having a proven track of following skills: Graduation: magister / diplom in software engineering, informatics, business informatics or similar Experienced as a team lead and have strong leadership skills Familiar with the agile software development An analytic thinker and a quick learner, able to analyse different options and its outcomes knowledge of software design patterns and the ability to apply them Deep sense and passion for software quality Open for experimenting with new things, doing quick prototyping Ideally, you was working previously on a SaaS document management system or similar You have experience in following technologies: Java Script (ES6), ReactJS (at least 4 years of experience), Redux/Saga HTML 5 (e.g. Canvas), SCSS, mixins using REST endpoints with JSON or even better JSON-API exprerience in testing frameworks (e.g. Jest, Enzym) experience with JS build tools (webpack, Babel, Parcel) is required ability to create cross-browser and responsive/adaptive HTML/CSS code using websockets Additionally it is very profitable if you have exprerience in in-browser document editing drag&drop React native Typescript Node.js You a https://www.instagram.com/p/CEHjtPyoK1P/?igshid=zcjk9jky7oyy
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editoralloy26-blog · 4 years
5 Reasons Why You Should Come To Be A Java Designer.
Exactly How To Become A Software Tester
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
ÄHnliche JobsuchezurüCkweiter.
Easy Ways To Be A Reliable Software Program Tester.
A Look To The Future Of Software Testing.
User Interface Designer.
Top 10 Software Testing Courses.
I prefer to my QA department show what a dunce I may have been repairing an insect/ carrying out an attribute than have a hundred consumer situations opened up because it had not been caught prior to release. You may want to take a look at the business culture as well as the way in which the teams work with respect to eachother to find your answer. I'm presently a tester, I compose nearly as much code as I created as a dev and my best friend in the business is a dev as well as most of us get along. An also bigger megatrend is IoT, which is readied to rise to a brand-new level, particularly with the "smart connectivity" that 5G will bring.
ÄHnliche JobsuchezurüCkweiter.
Strong mathematical and logical skills are essential to the function data experts play, especially expertise of data-- collection and also organization of big sets of information are main to the task summary. Furthermore, some companies might call for measurable programs acumen. SEO professionals work together with designers and also web designers to make sure Search Engine Optimization ideal techniques are being executed across a website/web application. Some UXers focus on user research study specifically, while others may be more involved with prototyping products.
This is why open resource structures for test automation will develop to support the testing of voice commands. One more apparently unstoppable fad is voice recognition, with voice-driven modern technology constructed into lots of phones and other customer tools. When testing software as well as mobile apps, voice acknowledgment brings some troubles. The quantity of examination instances will certainly raise exponentially, presenting the danger of longer comments cycles as well as slower launches. There is no time to be lost in seeing to it software application test labs await what is expected to be one of the greatest patterns of 2020 and also beyond.
Easy Ways To Be An Effective Software Tester.
Which course is best for software testing?
It is always a good idea to join any Software Testing institute or class which will provide you a good start and direction for preparation. You can join any 4 months duration Software Testing course or can do a diploma in Software Testing which is probably 6 months to 1 year.
While PWAs are set to test mobile native applications, they will certainly both require to co-exist in the digital space. Groups require to prepare strong development as well as testing approaches to cover both sorts of applications. The software application market has actually altered a lot within the past 10 years. As well as while it is tough to forecast exactly what the following decade will bring, it will absolutely introduce an entire brand-new set of obstacles for testing and QA specialists.
A Look To The Future Of Software Program Testing.
Any problem is much more regarding the specific modern technology (e.g. file systems vs. manuscript user interfaces) than the basic function. Test designers typically go broad as well as to medium depth, though they often go deep simply for fun. SDE code, on the various other hand, is frequently expected to run indefinitely without reactivate, to make it through unanticipated issues, and to act in a proscribed way in each situation. SDET code is better to model code high quality, while SDE code is expected to be bullet-proof. For example, if a person created an API collection, an SDET created exhaustive tests for the API separately and collectively.
Hands-on testing is a task where the tester needs to be very patient, open & innovative minded. The key concept of hands-on testing is to make certain that the application is error complimentary as well as it is working in correspondence to the defined practical needs. A strong knowledge with a wide array of tech products and also concerns paired with strong interaction skills are important to this position.
Someone needs to see to it both teams are collaborated and on the exact same page. I recognize of specific testers and also particular developers who do not such as each other, yet not for the factors you stated yet instead because they make work for each other. I would certainly presume it takes place beause the programmers create a program, and they regard that the testers after that look for flaws in it.
performance tester .
The digital globe is efficiently in need of software program applications that are released faster without any compromise in the high quality of the applications.
Previously, the need for testing teams was limited only for executing application testing, but now the significance of QA is effectively enhancing.
RPA can be used with very complicated procedures that can be automated with AI.
RPA can also be named as an expansion of Automation as it can be applied to anything which remains in an organized form, unlike automation which needs a software product to work upon.
With this testing technique, it becomes much easier for the groups to validate the effectiveness of the application's safety and security controls and identify the threats that are revealed to susceptabilities.
Ratings of job opportunitiesin tech require no coding skills at all if you are looking for involvement in the booming technology scene however don't know just how to code. It can strain relationships in between the groups if this occurs a great deal.
How can I get a job in software testing?
Testers require good coding knowledge when they go after an automation testing or white box testing. Throughout the agile process, the tester will work with one or more programmers to write test. So for creating Performance testen , it is imperative for testers to know the code.
When IoT ends up being absolutely conventional in all most components of our lives, a highly innovative cloud-based laboratory is going to be crucial for testing IoT applications. Already, it is already intricate to examine the selection of OS as well as gadgets offered today, which will just enhance in line with greater volumes and sorts of wise gadgets. Testing voice commands calls for extremely innovative systems and also techniques, as well as those will certainly enhance as the adoption of voice command features rises.
They would certainly also create stress tests, efficiency examinations, inspect source consumption, correctness, and so forth. STEs often tended to do manual testing that was as well expensive to automate. For instance, setting up a collection of 20 machines in a selection of different network topologies, and testing their end-to-end connectivity with scriptable devices, manually, or with devices SDETs composed for them. The program expenses ₤ 199 and also is a 6.5 hr on-demand video clip training course that also has downloadable analysis material and a certification upon completion. PayScale claims the ordinary wage of a software application tester in the UNITED STATE is almost $56,000, however it can climb up much higher depending on the company, city and also your certifications.
Guarantee Ideal Workplace For Qa Group.
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It's possibly an all-natural reaction to react negatively in the direction of them Whenever a person locates flaws in something you place great deals of effort in. As aggravating as getting solutions declined by testers might be, it is far, much (did I state far?) even worse obtaining mistake records from customers.
Thankfully, Google blogs a great deal concerning their testing as well as QA procedures, thus, we can obtain understanding from their practices with Google Tester's Blog. Software application testing is have to supply a top quality thing without any insects or problem. They require various sorts of assuming and also different focus in code artefacts.
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The website will certainly also guarantee that the application developed is of excellent quality, that ought to be feasible by making use of techniques, as an example, DevOps as well as Agile development. TechTarget additionally consists of white papers as well as different webcasts.
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itoutsourcingchina · 4 years
Full Stack Development: All that you simply got to Know
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With time people have evolved themselves tons and adapted the recent technologies so quickly that they're keen to understand the insights about them. It's crucial to cherry-pick laudable developers irrespective of the mobile app you would like to get developed, uber like app development, food ordering app, etc. Full Stack Developer has already become as one of the recent topics developers are talking about. It’s no wonder that there are dozens of online and in-person programs that help people to become a Full-Stack Developer. Let’s see how this title has empowered so many people around Who is a Full Stack Developer? To be precise, a full stack developer is one who is ready to work on both the front-end and back-end portions of an application. What is Front-end? Front-end is that a part of an application that the user will see or interact with. What is Back-end? The a part of the application that handles the database interactions, logic, user authentication, server configuration etc. shows the back end of any application. What Full Stack comprises of? Full-Stack is that the collection of a series of technologies needed to complete a project whereas the word “stack” means a group of sub-modules. And when these sub-modules combine together they form an excellent function. Let’s hover onto the merits of being a Full Stack Developer: The developer has a wide selection of data about frontend also as a backend so he/she can make a prototype design for a product very quickly. Therefore, a full stack developer has more valuable ideas towards the product design and are more sensitive towards techniques & products getting used within the project development. If you see from another perception, a full stack developer provides help to everyone in the team & significantly reduces the technical cost of the team. Ever wondered of becoming a full-stack developer? The following are the highlights on the same – 1. Programming Languages: Not just one but a bucket filled with languages is what a full stack developer needs to learn. As most of your business processes got to be written in languages like PHP, Java, C+, Python etc., you need to be proficient in multiple programming languages. The basic part lies not only in knowing these languages but also to be familiar with the structure, design, implementation, and testing of the entire project.For example, if you're preparing a project in Java then you would like to master the object-oriented design & development design patterns, J2EE based components of the development and so on. 2. Front-end technology: In most of the product development, front-end technologies play an important role. Apart from the features of the product, the UX is additionally one of the criteria to test the success of a product. Few of the front end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript are some of the expected to be known by a full stack developer. 3. Database and Cache: The database plays an important role in any project development. If you're getting to become a full stack developer then you ought to have an in depth knowledge about one or two databases and should skills to interact with the database. Presently, the popular database is MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle and so on. If you're planning for larger projects, MySQL or commercial Oracle are the expected ones from a Full Stack developer as the back-end database. Whereas memory databases, Redis, are often used for caching to improve system performance. 4. Basic Design: The design of any project or product plays a major role in the Full Stack development. The skill of basic prototype design, UI design, UX design are a number of the basic requirement a Full Stack Developer should have.According to a few Full Stack Developer experts, it was known that becoming a Full Stack Developer overnight isn't at all possible. What one can do is to laydown the technical foundation, strengthen the core skills and keep learning for more.
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aravindbachu · 5 years
Model Lifecycle Manager
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Application to create specific analytic called ‘Model’
Model Lifecycle Manager, The second part of the Carbon Suite of applications, was a platform to build, upload and host the analytic type - Model.
Models were peer-rated by scientists across the globe and had to be configured and tested by multiple scientists before pushing them out and making them available for the wider world through AI Factory.
The Background
Models were defined by BHGE as Code based Simulations built to estimate/rate/predict asset performance. 
Such Models were developed by scientists across every vertical of the organisation - and they used a variety of programming languages and parameters to build and save the models. Models would then be deployed by cross working teams across verticals - for simulating various aspects of drilling. 
Data used and generated in such processes would also be shared across teams for analysing the performance of the Model. They would then be rated based on their efficiency and performance ratios, before sharing with wider audience
Key Observations & Challenges
Standardisation of processes was the biggest challenge. Although every model adhered to the basic definition of their purpose, the way they were built and used varied widely across teams.
We faced two choices - either build a product from ground up that adheres to all users or build a process flow that becomes a standard across the organisation. After interacting with all stakeholders, it was decided to pursue the latter method. 
The following key feature standardisations were decided upon:
Adherence to one programming language
Avail multiple modes of import and later system based conversion into standardised models
Follow a specific format structure to include visualisation templates, model code and other paraphernalia
An Inbuilt IDE to check, modify and retest the code
ARL Score: Analytic reliability score - a rating mechanism on a scale of 8 to measure the reliability of the model
System generated Tags to help scientists to efficiently dig for models sitting in a repository
The Design perspective
The decisions to standardise features wasn’t taken in isolation but involved the Engineering managers, Scientists, Product managers and Designers (myself). 
I had initially researched into workflows of creating models by different people and charted out their journeys onto a flowchart and observed standard patterns in their journeys. I took over 20 personal user interviews to determine what works best for them and opened them up for options which they could decide and provide reasons to choose or not to. 
The entire process took over a month while the meetings to decide the product features were ongoing. After presenting the findings we were able to take the calls on final decisions. Some key findings were: 
Python was used by over 86% of the people and the rest used java or a myriad of smaller options. However, almost all non-Python users were looking to migrate - enabling us to take the key decision. 
Users were using Github, Self databases and other myriad modes. We choose to enable import via 3 modes - Docker images/Github/Manual upload - covering 100% of use-cases.
Building an IDE: Users were using a number of different IDE’s to edit and modify their code, but the business required users to use the internally built IDE to safeguard the IP they’re building - So we took the decision to imitate any one of the popular IDE’s with simple functionalities to help their cause.
Bug-Fixing: This was a big problem, where users frequently ran tests on code to generate a log of errors as a separate file - which they would then scan it via excel logs to determine what mattered to them the most and then modify the codebase for fixes. It was a drudgery that needed a properly parsed GUI to help them make key decisions. 
ARL Rating was an interesting use-case where any user could start building a model, share it with senior peers to test and rate the model and apply a rating. If rated lower, it had to be reworked in order to achieve a higher score. An ARL score of 7/8 was mutually agreed in the fraternity as pre-requisite for pushing a model into AI factory. 
As I dug deeper, I found that the scientists had a specific tasks to test and confirm before assigning the score. If we could internalise and automate those specific tests, The system could automatically suggest a viable score - This idea was very well received by most scientists and we decided to build upon that. 
Research, Research and More Research
Observations, Analysis and User Interviews were the key research techniques applied to get the information from the scientists. 
Building a product that involves such wide anomalies requires sustained research efforts. The initial versions of the designs carried out as low-fidelity wireframes were mostly used as research prototypes. 
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Consistent feedback and iterations over the wireframes gave us clear directions and insights towards building the product.
The biggest problem was nailing the user journeys, communicating the same and helping everyone come onto one platform. The biggest strength here was that it was an internal product and users were employees of the same company, however the wide variations and interpretations were certainly a hindrance.
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Testing and feedback
Throughout the process, iterative testing was done to filter the feature sets and get the go-ahead from the scientists. Focus groups were created and individual features were tested, the users were allowed to test the prototypes of the design and their interactions were closely monitored and video-recorded and their observations noted for introspection later. 
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Every test was given a rating on our internal System Usability Scale and the succeeding tests were relatively graded to determine the results. Metric based analysis proved to be a great interpretation with the scientists as well, who helped us add even more vale to our metrics!!
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What I learnt
Your product is what your UX is: In purely Engineering driven projects that involve code consolidation, never compromise on the user experience. In these cases, the best design option is the one where users don’t notice any difference. 
Working closely with data scientists is a completely different ball-game, with intense discussions upon feature requirements and the possibilities of developing a futuristic product.
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP FULL STACK DEVELOPER Interview Questions and Answers
FULL STACK DEVELOPER Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. Explain the term Full-stack developer? This term is related to a technology expert capable of working on front and back end of an application. It is important that a person knows the ins and outs of the 3-tier model. It also requires an understanding of client and server-side of an application. 2. What are the responsibilities of a full stack developer? Full-stack developer supports the smooth running of all parts of the system The full-stack developer provides assistance to team members and lessens the time, technicality and communication costs They can perform tasks of both back and front end developers, thus saving personnel, set-up and working cost of the company 3. What is visibility:hidden? It means it is invisible but is also taking up the original space. 4. What is display: none? It means it is hidden and also it is not taking up any space. 5. Explain the term front end? Front end relates to technologies like JavaScrip, CSS, HTML. They are associated with interface part of the website. This part is accessed by users using a browser. 6. What development languages are used for server-side coding? Following programming languages are used: Java Ruby Python .Net etc. 7. What DBMS technologies used for full stack development? MySL, Oracle, SQLServer, MongoDB are some of these technologies. 8. Explain software stack? Software stack represents a group of programs used to bring about a particular result. It consists of operating system with its applications. 9. Explain LAMP stack? LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. It is used for web services. Its components support each other. Facebook is one of the web applications that runs on it. 10. MERN stack? MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js. It is a group of JavaScript technologies. It is used for web application development a lot nowadays.
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FULL STACK DEVELOPER Interview Questions 11. Explain MEAN stack? MEAN stack stands for MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, Node.js. It is growing technology for application development. 12. Explain application server? To create web applications as well as server environment for launching application, application server is used. 13. Explain referential transparency? It is used in functional programming. For replacement of an expression, without changing the end outcome of program, referential transparency is used. 14. What are some design patterns? Different types of design patterns are UI, GUI, UX, prototype and database principles. 15. Explain multi-threading? Multi-threading is used to improve CPU performance. It is based on execution of multiple threads and processes that operating system supports. 16. Explain the debugging process of complex program? Before debugging, it is necessary to analyze the given problem. It is important to check the inputs and outputs. Input and output data sets are checked for potential input and outputs in the test data. Rectification involves avoiding the same error in the next phase and project. 17. What are the newest trends for full stack development? Most of these trends are about compatible extensions, JavaScript programming improvements, Vue functional in JavaScript etc. 18. What are important skills to become full stack developer apart from technical skills? Apart from technical skills, organization skills, flexibility, language, open to suggestions, working with latest programming strategies is important. 19. What are the steps in Continuous Integration? Continuous integration works one step at a time. Maintain the notion for the code to be used in a project. Automate the build and it has to be self-testing. Everyone should integrate code every day on the build. As per production requirements build should be updated. Automate the deployment process. 20. How will you define Continuous Integration? It is the process of using codes built for testing. Developers should integrate a code daily during the phase of building. Every code is analysed automatically. Once this phase is over, code is deployed to team production and no human intervention is introduced. It is helpful in Quick detection of problems. 21. Explain 3-tier model? Three tier model consists of three layers for any application. Presentation layer which is associated with front end part and deals with user interface, business layer and is associated with back-end part, it deals with data validation. Third layer is database layer and it deals with storage of data. 22. What is semantic HTML? HTML is used to define the loop of webpage. Semantic HTML focuses on meaning or semantics of the information presented on the page. Search engines can find the significant text in the page and rank it accordingly. 23. Explain CSS Box model? CSS Box model is used to decide the layout of content on the web page. Each element to be shown on the web page is represented as a rectangular box. Margin, edge, padding, and content edges are used with specific size and color, etc. for the content to be displayed on the screen. 24. What is bootstrap in full-stack development? Bootstrap represents an open-source kit with tools to develop HTML, JS and CSS content. With the help of SaaS variables, mixins, grids, prebuilt modules, and plugins, it can prototype an idea and build the app. 25. Why is REST important in the HTTP protocol? REST is very simple and builds upon already existing systems. It uses existing HTTP features to achieve objectives. It eliminates the need to create new standards, technologies, frameworks, etc. 26. How is REST different from SOAP? These are two APIs with the following differences: REST is an architectural style with no official standard. SOAP is a protocol and with the official standard. REST makes use of numerous standards such as HTTP, JSON, URL, XML whereas SOAP uses mainly XML and HTTP. 27. What is Git? A version control system, Git, allows developers to keep track of any changes made to the codebase. To get the latest out of it, it is vital to understand its important features properly. 28. What are the benefits of Fullstack JavaScript? It provides a number of benefits including reusability of code, shared libraries, models and templates, easy to learn, faster development, no compilation, great distribution, etc. 29. Explain the responsive web design? It’s about CSS and HTML. It is used to resize website automatically. It makes a website look better on any device viz. phone, tablet, desktop. 30. Explain CSS icons? These are provided in vector libraries, scalable and customizable with CSS. Some libraries are bootstrap icons, font awesome and google icons. 31. Name one software registry library? The world’s biggest software registry library is npm. It has 800, 000 code packages. It is also used for private management. 32. What is the difference between architectural and design patterns? An architectural pattern is a reusable solution to regular problems of software architecture. The design pattern is a reusable solution to problems of software design. 33. What are the issues that are addressed by architectural patterns? Following issues: High availability Performance Security Scalability Testing Deployment Maintainability Technology Stack 34. Name mostly used architectural patterns? MVC pattern Master-slave pattern Layered pattern Model view presenter Monolithic architecture REST Event-driven architecture 35. What are different types of design patterns? There are the following types: Creational patterns: They are used to create objects according to builder, singleton pattern, prototype, abstract factory, singleton pattern, etc. Structural patterns: They make the design easy by introducing a simple way for relationship realization among various entities like adapter, facade, bridge, decorator, proxy pattern, etc. Behavioral patterns: These are used to identify communication patterns among objects. 36. How is full stack developer different from software engineer? Developer of full-stack has front and back end knowledge. They know programming languages for the client-side, back end, can work on operating systems, databases, project management. They have knowledge of all the tiers. Software engineer develops software, write code and test it so that software runs fine without errors. They have knowledge of one tier only. 37. What is meant by application architecture? Application Architecture deals with complex application development. It requires deep knowledge of structuring code, data needed in database, separating files, computational tasks, hosting media files. 38. Explain CSS rules? These are applied to affect how documents are displayed. It consists of properties and selectors. 39. Explain Sass? It is known as Syntactically Awesome StyleSheet. It represents CSS preprocessor and adds elegance to language. It permits the use of variables, mixins, nested rules, inline imports etc. With the help of Saas, huge stylesheets remain organized. You can run small stylesheets Quickly with Sass. 40. Explain Mixin? Mixin represents a code block to group CSS declarations, to be reused on the site. 41. How is resetting CSS different from normalizing it? Resetting strips default browser element styling. Normalizing is used to preserve default styles and it doesn’t include unstyling things. It is also used to correct the errors. 42. Explain JavaScript coercion? Conversion of one built-in to another is called coercion. It is of two types, implicit or explicit. Explicit coercion demands use of data type explicitly for conversion. In implicit coercion, automatic conversion between data types occur. 43. How is null different from undefined? Null represents an object of no value. Whereas undefined represents a type. 44. What is the use of external CSS at the place of inline? Inline CSS usually has the wrong impact on the performance of the site. With the use of inline scripts, HTML code weighs more. With the use of external CSS, HTML size is reduced and the rendering of the webpage becomes easy. Also, it is not easy to maintain Javascript code and inline CSS. 45. Explain Cors? Cross Origin Resource Sharing is a way of allowing resources of a web page to be demanded from different domain. Usually this domain is the one from where resource was originated. 46. Explain anonymous functions? These are functions without name. They are invoked automatically with variable name. 47. What is HTML DocType? It is a command to browser about the version markup language of page is written in. It is used before HTML tag. Doctype refers to DTC i.e. document type definition. 48. How is call different from applying? Apply is used to call function as an array with arguments. Call uses explicit listing of parameters. FULL STACK DEVELOPER Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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codeavailfan · 4 years
Perl Assignment Help
Perl Assignment Help
Is it difficult to run perl commands? Then you don't have to worry! We offer the best online Pearl mission for students who are pursuing their computer science degrees at universities and colleges in the US, UK, Canada, Australia and other countries. Over the years we offer high quality support services and many students have relied on them. Our PERL assignment help have excellent knowledge of Perl and write the best works using your practical experiences that will help you get an A+ rating. PERL is a common programming language that allows you to manipulate text. It has made considerable progress today and is widely used in network development, system management, GUI development and web registration. Perl is considered to be the toughest program language ever and therefore students have difficulty completing their tasks. If you're one of the students who are battling PERL functions, you shouldn't use your brain because you're the perfect destination to provide us with quality and affordable programming solutions.
What is PERL?
Perl is a high-level programming language that uses functions learned in many other programming languages, including C, AWK, sed, shell scripting. It is practical exploration and linguistic reporting. This dynamic and flexible language applies to the Pearl 5 and Pearl 6 families. It was developed by Larry Wall in 1987. It was used as the primary function of the Unix script language. There are many items that are regularly shared between different languages of the program. In a short time, pearls were very popular due to language and CGI syntax analysis. It will efficiently run the text and change the function and text files. Our PERL Assignment help the students to get detailed information about the subject. It also improves the practical understanding of the content of many concepts and helps them fix errors in a short time.
As used in the UNIX script language, reports are processed quickly. However, this language has undergone a dramatic change over time. Functions of other languages PERL 5 and PERL 6. are used by. The main elements of this language are the effective features of text processing, without limitations in data processing. In addition, it also has UNIX command-line tools to add handling of various text files. It is not easy to understand the concepts in this language, nor are they conducive to writing academic articles. In addition, academic work at PERL will put students under stress who are not logically trained to think and solve problems. However, using our help with PERL work, you can do the whole learning and learning process for free.
The best thing about perl programming language is that it supports multi platform, which makes it easy for programmers to use their functions best.
Master The Key Applications Of PERL From Our Programming Experts
PERL is the language used in web development, especially to automate all web server functions, such as email and cleaning systems. The main objective of this language is to extract data and prepare reports. It also performs network security checks and identifies security issues. For these important reasons, there is a choice of language for programmers for network development, networks, and bioinformation. In addition, it is used for CGI programming, telnet powered networks, FTP, manipulation, creating a graphical user interface, creating electronic VLSI and filtering email spam. PERL is also used to implement object-oriented programming practices and support inclusion, polymorphism, and heredity. It allows you to reuse product code in different programming languages such as PHP, Java, C, C++, Python, Ruby and Lua. To be more precise, you can use PERL with other languages to rewrite the available code. While the tasks that can be done with Perl can be done with other programming languages, many of Perl Theme's wizards like them because they're easy to implement. This encoding has a natural style, and other programming languages specifically use syntax and grammar. You should not adopt any special method to solve the problem in payroll. Another big advantage is that coding with this registry is that it is portable and compatible with all operating systems. At first, it may be difficult to learn this programming language, but it is not rocket science. Once you know the synergy in perl while learning the pattern, you can start encoding.
Master all these Perl requests with end-to-end Perl encoding support from our developers and strengthen your content understanding
Key Features Of PERL Scripting Language
Below, the main features of the language are listed as payroll scripts
PERL is a dynamic but flexible language that presents many aspects, and employers prefer to use it during large projects.
Companies use Perel extensively to complete their important projects.
Supports a procedural and functional approach to the development of a program focused on objectives and their use: a procedural and procedural approach. It is fast enough and very reliable for use in complex projects.
Easy to expand: The Expanded Pearl Archive Network (CPAN) offers about 25,000 open source modules.
Export Text Manipulation: To play text you can find a variety of tools that Perel can find to create, it's a great scripting language that will work well in XML, HTML and other languages.
Supports Unicode: The latest updates made in this language can support Unicode v6.
Easy to integrate with databases: Many databases are available, including oracle, sybase, mysql and other databases supported by payroll integration integration interfaces.
Open source: You can use the Perel programming language because it is open source.
Easily included: A perel interpreter can be embedded in a web server and database server
Our PERL experts use all these PERL functions when preparing flawless PERL command solutions. Don't wait again! Answer your order. Use our PERL command to help now and immediately
Learn PERL and Find Career Opportunities
Perel has been used for a long time to create a website. However, the PerL codes used are highly standardized. Monolithic programs are encoded in HTML. The tasks for web designers were very challenging to promote the look of the site. As a result, many people have discovered a negative understanding of this language. To make this error, this programming language has been updated with many amazing features. According to support for program requests, there are some advantages in using this language:
Interesting jobs: Many companies appoint candidates with the knowledge of PERL. Professional and basic knowledge of this language is also chosen and pays a fair amount. It is used in machine simulation systems, data management systems and electronic design applications. It can be used as the script language of the operating system.
Support for prototyping: With PERL, there are many problems that can be solved by some rule codes. This function is very beneficial for science students to consume complex scientific programs.
Online Quality and Affordable PERL assignment help
PERL is a challenging scripting language that takes a long time for students to look at concepts. Students taking computer science courses have difficulty finding solutions to the problems their teachers ask them to write tasks. They don't really react to them and lose their valuable points. To avoid these problems, you can ask our professional programmer for help. We offer the best support service for the Perl project, providing quality and feedback about Pearl Attribution without longer than the deadline. Our Perl Order Help in the online category is one of the best and most used services.
Why Do Students Hire Our PERL Assignment Help Services?
All students want to succeed among academics, but only a few times they are able to realise their dreams. No centre can be built for students except hard to complete A+. However, in addition to hard work, they should do a smart job by committing us to doing their tasks. We provide value added services to students
Clean code: Not only do we share the executable code as well as screenshots for output, but we also write clean codes so you get the highest notes.
Strict time frame: We understand that if the tasks are out of time, you will lose points. We always arrive on time
Certified and Qualified Programmers: We have perl requests to help developers with more than 20 years of IT business experience. Our experts can meet all your educational needs at Pearl.
100% literary-free content: Our experts turn to different sources to collect information and insert their own phrases. Are you sure your money is not good? Will receive our material without beads.
Today, add another order to the order of pearls to receive an excellent prize of the cheapest prices.
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Urgent Requirement of Software Engineer in Singapore
Design, prototype, and develop new UI web application features based on requirements. Represent information coming from different sources (APIs) in different formats and render UI components
Design and implement backend microservices
Ensure code is well tested through unit and integration tests
Collaborate with product managers, software architects, QA engineers, and DevOps engineers to ensure that the software components have been built to meet the product functional and non-functional requirements
Participate in Design & Peer Code Review process.
Fix software bugs and engage in troubleshooting. Support software products and solutions.
Work in a Globally Distributed Development team environment with minimal supervision
Minimum 5+ years of strong hands-on development experience with Java/Python and related technologies
Minimum 5+ years of experience in building Platforms, Frameworks & API’s.
Proficient in at least one of the scripting languages: shell (bash) scripting, Python
Knowledge of NO-SQL technologies like Cassandra, MongoDB
Excellent understanding of Micro services-based architectures, Service-oriented design & architecture, Application Integration & Messaging, Security and Web 2.0.
Strong understanding of design patterns and best practices in UI, Application & Frameworks development.
Extensive hands-on development experience with frameworks and tools including Apache Stack, Web Services.
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Must have prior experience in leading Technical deliverable. Must be able to effectively communicate & work with fellow team members and other functional team members to coordinate & meet deliverable.
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To your success!
The Recruitment Team
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